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This article refers to:
Protein hunger of the feed sector: the alternatives offered by the plant world

Article title: Protein hunger of the feed sector: the alternatives offered by the plant world

Authors: Parisi G., Tulli F., Fortina R., Marino R., Bani P., Dalle Zotte A., De Angelis A., Piccolo G., Pinotti L., Schiavone A., Terova G., Prandini A., Gasco L., Roncarati A. and Danieli P.P.

Journal: Italian Journal of Animal Science

Bibliometrics: Volume 19, Number 01, pages 1204–1226

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/1828051X.2020.1827993

When the above article was published online there were some errors in the . Also, the name of the 6th and 7th authors were misspelt as Zotte A.D and De Angeli.

Table 1. Production of main pulses' seed (1000 t) and relative trends at World, European and Italian geographical level in the last decades (FAOSTAT, 2019).

The correct Table 1 is:

The correct spelling of the name of 6th and 7th authors are:

Dalle Zotte A and., De Angelis A.

These have been corrected in the article online.