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Publisher’s Note

Publisher's Note

This article refers to:
Posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms in children after the Wenchuan earthquake
Training the next generation of psychotraumatologists: COllaborative Network for Training and EXcellence in psychoTraumatology (CONTEXT)

The following article was originally published in issue 9(1). It has now been added to issue 9(S2) (Special Issue: Children and natural disasters):

Posttraumatic stress and depressive symptoms in children after the Wenchuan earthquake

Jin Chenga,b, YiMing Lianga,b, Lin Fua,b and ZhengKui Liua

aCAS Key Laboratory of Mental Health, Institute of Psychology, Beijing, China; bDepartment of Psychology, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, ChinaDOI:10.1080/20008198.2018.1472992

Special Issue URL: https://tandfonline.com/toc/zept20/9/sup2?nav=tocList

The following article was originally published in issue 9(1). It has now been added to issue 8(S7) (Special Issue: ESTSS Highlights 2017 – Child Maltreatment Across the Lifespan):

Training the next generation of psychotraumatologists: Collaborative Network for Training and EXcellence in psychoTraumatology (CONTEXT)

Frédérique Vallièresa, Philip Hylanda,b, Jamie Murphyc, Maj Hansend, Mark Shevlinc, Ask Elklitd, Ruth Ceannta, Cherie Armourc, Nana Wiedemanne, Mette Munke, Cecilie Dinesene, Geraldine O’Haref, Twylla Cunninghamf, Ditte Askerodg, Pernille Spitzg, Noeline Blackwellh, Angela McCarthyh, Leonie O’Dowdh, Shirley Scotth, Tracey Reidi, Andreas Mokakej, Rory Halpinj, Camila Pereraa,e, Christina Gleesonc,j, Rachel Frostc,h, Natalie Flanagand,j, Kinan Aldammana,e, Trina Tamrakard,i, Maria Louison Vangc,g, Larissa Sherwooda,i, Áine Traversd,f, Ida Haahr-Pedersena,g, Catherine Walshec,h, Tracey McDonaghd,f and Rikke Holm Bramsend

aCentre for Global Health, School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland; bNational College of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland; cDepartment of Psychology, Psychology Research Institute, Ulster University, Northern Ireland; dDepartment of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark; eInternational Federation of the Red Cross Centre for Psychosocial Support hosted by Danish Red Cross, Copenhagen, Denmark; fProbation Board of Northern Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland; gDanish Children’s Centres, Odense, Denmark; hDublin Rape Crisis Centre, Dublin, Ireland; iPolice Service of Northern Ireland, Belfast, Northern Ireland; jSpirasi, Dublin, Ireland

DOI: 10.1080/20008198.2017.1421001

Special Issue URL: https://tandfonline.com/toc/zept20/8/sup7?nav=tocList