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Research Article

Initial value problem of fractional order

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1004797 | Received 28 Jul 2014, Accepted 15 Dec 2014, Published online: 20 Jan 2015


In this work, we discuss the existence of positive solutions for a class of fractional initial value problems. For this, we rewrite the posed problem as a Volterra integral equation, then, using Guo–Krasnoselskii theorem, positivity of solutions is established under some conditions. An example is given to illustrate the obtained results.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

Under suitable conditions on the nonlinearity term, we prove the existence of positive solutions for an initial fractional value problem. The proofs are based on a fixed point theorem.

1. Introduction

This work is devoted to the study of positive solutions for the following fractional differential equation with initial conditions(P):D0+qu(t)=ft,u(t),u(t),0<t1,u0=u(0)=u0=0.

Where f:0,1×R×RR is a given function, 2<q<3, D0+q denotes the Riemann’s fractional derivative. We note that few papers dealing with fractional differential equations, considered the nonlinearity f in (P) depending on the derivative of u, due to this fact we need more assumptions on f and the problem becomes more complicated.

Fractional initial value problems have been studied recently by many authors. In the paper of Yoruk, Gnana Bhaskar, and Agarwal (Citation2013), Krasnoselskii-Krein, Nagumo’s type uniqueness result and successive approximations have been extended to differential equations of fractional order 0<q<1. Some results in literature are given for boundary value problems for ordinary differential equation, by Webb (Citation2009) and Graef, Kong, and Wang (Citation2008) in the case where the Green function associated to the posed problem is vanishing on a set of zero measure. By means of Guo–Krasnosel’skii fixed point theorem the existence of nontrivial positive solution is proved.

Existence and positivity of solutions for boundary value problems have been studied by using different methods, such as fixed point theory, topological degree methods, upper and lower solutions... (see Agarwal, O’Regan, & Stanek, Citation2010; Ahmad & Nieto, Citation2009; Cabada & Infante, Citation2013; Graef et al., Citation2008; Guezane-Lakoud & Khaldi, Citation2012a; Citation2012b; Citation2012c; Guo & Lakshmikantham, Citation1988; Henderson & Thompson, Citation2000; Infante & Webb, Citation2002; Lakshmikantham & Vatsala, Citation2008; Ntouyas, Wang, & Zhang, Citation2011; Webb, Citation2009; Citation2001; Webb & Infante, Citation2008).

In this work, we discuss the existence of positive solutions for the problem (P). To prove our results, we assume some conditions on the nonlinear term f, then we use a cone fixed point theorem due to Guo–Krasnoselskii.

2. Preliminaries

We present some definitions from fractional calculus theory which will be needed later (see Kilbas, Srivastava, & Trujillo, Citation2006; Podlubny, Citation1999).

Definition 2.1

The Riemann–Liouville fractional integral of order α>0 of a function g is defined byIa+αg(t)=1Γαatg(s)(t-s)1-αds.

Definition 2.2

The Riemann fractional derivative of order q of g is defined byDa+qg(t)=1Γn-qddtnatg(s)(t-s)q-n+1ds,

where n=[q]+1.([q] is the integer part of q).

Lemma 2.3

The homogenous fractional differential equation Da+qg(t)=0 has a solutiong(t)=c1tq-1+c2tq-2++cntq-n

where ciR, i=1,,n and n=[q]+1.

Lemma 2.4

Let p,q0, fL1[a,b]. Then I0+pI0+qf(t)=I0+p+qf(t)=I0+qI0+pf(t) (properties of semigroups) and Da+qI0+qf(t)=f(t), for all t[a,b].

We start by solving an auxiliary problem which allows us to get the expression of the solution, let us consider the following linear problem (P0):(2.1) D0+qu(t)=y(t),0<t1,u0=u(0)=u0=0.(2.1)

Lemma 2.5

Assume that yC([0,1],R), then the problem (P0) has a unique solution given by:(2.2) u(t)=1Γq0t(t-s)q-1y(s)ds.(2.2)


Using Lemmas 2.3 and 2.4, we get :(2.3) u(t)=I0+qy(t)+atq-1+btq-2+ctq-3(2.3)

The condition u0=0 implies that c=0. Differentiating both sides of (2.5) and using the initial condition u(0)=0, it yields b=0. The condition u0=0 implies a=0. Substituting a,b and c by their values in (2.5), we obtain(2.4) ut=I0+qy(t)=1Γq0t(t-s)q-1y(s)ds.(2.4)

Let E be the Banach space of all function uC1[0,1] into R with the norm u=u+u where u=maxt0,1ut. Define the operator T:EE as follows:(2.5) Tu(t)=1Γq0t(t-s)q-1fs,u(s),usds.(2.5)

Lemma 2.6

The function uE is solution of the initial value problem (P) if and only if Tu(t)=u(t), for all t0,1.

From here we see that to solve the FIVP (P) it remains to prove that the map T has a fixed point in E.

3. Main results

First, we state the assumptions that will be used to prove the existence of positive solutions:

(H1)f(t,u,v)=g(t)f1(u,v) where gL1[0,1],R+, f1CR+×R+,R+, f1(0,0)0.

(H2) There exists two positive constants g1and g2 such that 0<g1g(t)g2 for all t0,1.

The operator T:EE becomesTu(t)=1Γq0t(t-s)q-1g(s)f1(u(s),u(s))ds.

Let us introduce the following notationsAδ=limu+vδf1u,vu+v,δ=0+or+.

Let K be the classical coneK=uE,ut0,ut0,for allt0,1.

Recall the definition of a positive solution:

Definition 3.1

A function u is called positive solution of problem (P) if u(t)0,t0,1 and it satisfies the differential equation and the initial conditions in (P).

Now, we give the main result of this paper

Theorem 3.2

Under the assumptions (H1) and (H2) and if f1 is convex and decreasing to each variables (i.e. for u fix, f1u,. is decreasing according to the second variable and for v fix the function f1.,v is decreasing according to the first variable), then the problem (P) has at least one nontrivial positive solution in the cone K, in the case A0=+ and A=0.

Recall that a function F:Δ=[a,b]×[c,d]R is convex on Δ ifFλx+(1-λ)z,λy+(1-λ)wλF(x,y)+(1-λ)F(z,w)

holds for all (x,y),(z,w)Δ and λ[0,1].

Jensen’s inequality for a convex function is given by:

Theorem 3.3

(Zabandan & Kılıçman, Citation2012) Let p be a non-negative continuous function on [a,b] such that abp(x)dx>0. If g and h are real-valued continuous functions on [a,b] and m1g(x)M1, m2h(x)M2 for all x[a,b], and F is convex on Δ=[m1,M1]×[m2,M2], thenFabg(t)p(t)dtabp(t)dt,abh(t)p(t)dtabp(t)dtabFg(t),h(t)p(t)dtabp(t)dt.

The inequalities hold in reversed order if f is concave on Δ.

For the proof of Theorem 3.2, we need the following results:

Lemma 3.4

(Wang, Citation2003)If f1 is continuous then A0=A0 and A=A, where A:R+R+, Ar=maxf1u,v,0u+vr andAδ=limrδArr,δ=0+or+.

For the proof of Theorem 3.2, we use the following version of Guo–Krasnoselskii fixed point theorem Guo and Lakshmikantham (Citation1988):

Theorem 3.5

Let E be a Banach space, and let KE be a cone. Assume Ω1 and Ω2 are open-bounded subsets of E with 0Ω1, Ω1¯Ω2 and letA:KΩ2¯\Ω1K

be a completely continuous operator such that


Auu, uKΩ1, and Auu, uKΩ2; or


Auu, uKΩ1, and Auu, uKΩ2.

Then A has a fixed point in KΩ2¯\Ω1.


of Theorem 3.2. Using Ascoli Arzela Theorem, we prove that T is a completely continuous operator. From A0=+, we deduce that for MΓq+2g1, there exists r1>0, such that if 0<u+vr1 then f1u,vMu+v. Let Ω1=uE,u<r1, we should prove the first statement of Theorem 3.5. Assume that u1KΩ1, then the mean value theorem impliesTu1Tu101Tu1(t)dt=1Γq010t(t-s)q-1dtg(s)f1(u1(s),u1(s))ds=1Γq+1011-sqg(s)f1(u1(s),u1(s))ds.

Now from the convexity of f1, then Jensen?s inequality and the assumption (H2), it yieldsTu11Γq+1011-sqg(s)f1(u1(s),u1(s))ds1Γq+1011-sqg(s)ds×f1011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)ds,011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)dsg1Γq+2f1011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)ds,011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)ds,

consequently(3.1) Tu1g1Γq+2f1011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)ds,011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)ds.(3.1)

Since 011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)dsu1, 011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)dsu1 and f1 is decreasing in each variables, then (3.1) becomesTu1g1Γq+2f1011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)ds,011-sqg(s)u1(s)ds011-sqg(s)dsg1Γq+2f1u1,u1g1Γq+2Mu1u1.

Secondly, taking into account Lemma 3.4 and the fact that A=0, it results that A=0, so for 0<εΓq+1q+1g2, there exists R>0, such that if rR then Arεr. Let r2>maxr1,R and set Ω2=uE,u<r2, it is easy to see that Ω1¯Ω2. Assume that u2KΩ2, thenTu2=1Γqmaxt0,10t(t-s)q-1+q-1(t-s)q-2g(s)f1(u2(s),u2(s))dsg2A(r2)Γqmaxt0,10tt-sq-1+q-1t-sq-2dsg2q+1εr2Γq+1u.

then from the second statement of Theorem 3.5, T has a fixed point in KΩ2¯\Ω1.

Example 3.6

Let us consider the problem (P) with q=52, f1u,v=11+u+v, f10,00, gt=1+t2, g1=1, g2=2. We check easily that A0=+ and A=0 and that the assumptions H1-H2 are satisfied. Theorem 3.2 implies that there exists at least one nontrivial positive solution in the cone K.


The author would like to thank the anonymous referee for his/her valuable remarks.

Additional information


This work is done under the research project CNEPRU Code B01120120002.

Notes on contributors

A. Guezane-Lakoud

A. Guezane-Lakoud is a professor in Mathematics at Badji Mokhtar Annaba University, Algeria. She received her PhD degree of Science in Mathematics from this University. Her research interests are on partial differential equations, ordinary and fractional differential equations and inequalities. For more information, please see http://fbedergi.sdu.edu.tr/docs/GuezaneLakoud.pdf


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