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Research Article

On Zweier paranorm I-convergent double sequence spaces

, & | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1122257 | Received 24 Aug 2015, Accepted 31 Oct 2015, Published online: 25 Jan 2016


In this article, we introduce the Zweier Paranorm I-convergent double sequence spaces 2ZI(q),2Z0I(q) and 2ZI(q) for q=(qij), a sequence of positive real numbers. We study some algebraic and topological properties on these spaces.

Public Interest Statement

The term sequence has a great role in analysis. Sequence spaces play an important role in various fields of real analysis, complex analysis, functional analysis and Topology. They are very useful tools in demonstrating abstract concepts through constructing examples and counter examples. Convergence of sequences has always remained a subject of interest to the researchers. Later on, the idea of statistical convergence came into existence which is the generalization of usual convergence. Statistical convergence has several applications in different fields of Mathematics like Number Theory, Trigonometric Series, Summability Theory, Probability Theory, Measure Theory, Optimization and Approximation Theory. The notion of Ideal convergence (I-convergence) is a generalization of the statistical convergence and equally considered by the researchers for their research purposes since its inception.

1. Introduction

Let IN, IR and C  be the sets of all natural, real and complex numbers, respectively. We write ω={x=(xk):xkIRorC},

the space of all real or complex sequences.

Let l,c and c0 denote the Banach spaces of bounded, convergent and null sequences, respectively, normed by ||x||=supk|xk|.

The following subspaces of ω were first introduced and discussed by Maddox (Citation1969). l(p):={xω:k|xk|pk<},l(p):={xω:supk|xk|pk<},c(p):={xω:limk|xk-l|pk=0,for somelC},c0(p):={xω:limk|xk|pk=0,},

where p=(pk) is a sequence of strictly positive real numbers.

After then Lascarides (Citation1971,Citation1983) defined the following sequence spacesl{p}={xω:there existsr>0such thatsupk|xkr|pktk<},c0{p}={xω:there existsr>0such thatlimk|xkr|pktk=0,},l{p}={xω:there existsr>0such thatk=1|xkr|pktk<},

where tk=pk-1, for all kIN.

A double sequence of complex numbers is defined as a function  x:N×NC. We denote a double sequence as (xij)  where the two subscripts run through the sequence of natural numbers independent of each other. A number aC  is called a double limit of a double sequence (xij)  if for every ϵ>0 there exists some N=N(ϵ)N  such that (Khan & Sabiha, Citation2011)|xij-a|<ϵ,i,jN

Therefore we have, 2ω={x=(xij)IRorC,

the space of all real or complex double sequences.

Each linear subspace of ω, for example, λ,μω is called a sequence space.

The notion of I-convergence is a generalization of the statistical convergence. At the initial stage it was studied by Kostyrko, Šalát, and Wilczynski (Citation2000). Later on it was studied by Šalát, Tripathy, and Ziman (Citation2004), Tripathy and Hazarika (Citation2009) and Demirci (Citation2001).

2. Preliminaries and definitions

Here, we give some preliminaries about the notion of I-convergence and Zweier sequence spaces. For more details one refer to Das, Kostyrko, Malik, and Wilczyński (Citation2008), Gurdal and Ahmet (Citation2008), Khan and Khan (Citation2014a,Citation2014b), Mursaleen and Mohiuddine (Citation2010,Citation2012).

Definition 2.1

If (X,ρ) is a metric space, a set AX is said to be nowhere dense if its closure A¯ contains no sphere, or equivalently if A¯ has no interior points.

Definition 2.2

Let X be a non-empty set. Then a family of sets I2X(2X denoting the power set of X) is said to be an ideal in X if




I is finitely additive i.e. A, BI A BI.


I is hereditary i.e. A I, B ABI.

An Ideal I2X is called non-trivial if I2X. A non-trivial ideal I2X is called admissible if {{x}:xX}I.

A non-trivial ideal I is maximal if there cannot exist any non-trivial ideal JI containing I as a subset.

Definition 2.3

A double sequence (xij) is said to be


I-convergent to a number L if for every ϵ>0, {i,jN:|xij-L|ϵ}I. In this case we write I-limxij=L.


A double sequence (xij) is said to be I-null if L = 0 .In this case, we write I-limxij=0.


A double sequence (xij) is said to be I-cauchy if for every ϵ>0 there exist numbers m = m(ϵ), n= n(ϵ) such that {i,jN:|xij-xmn|ϵ}I.


A double sequence (xij) is said to be I-bounded if there exists M>0 such that {i,jN:|xij|>M}.

Definition 2.4

A double sequence space E is said to be solid or normal if (xij) E implies (αijxij) E for all sequence of scalars (αij) with |αij|<1 for all i,j N.

Definition 2.5

Let X be a linear space. A function g:XR is called a paranorm, if for all x,y,zX,








If (λn) is a sequence of scalars with λnλ (n) and xn,aX with xna  (n) , in the sense that g(xn-a)0  (n) , in the sense that g(λnxn-λa)0  (n).

The concept of paranorm is closely related to linear metric spaces. It is a generalization of that of absolute value (see Lascarides, Citation1971; Tripathy & Hazarika, Citation2009).

A sequence space λ with linear topology is called a K-space provided each of maps piC  defined by pi(x)=xi is continuous for all iIN.

A K-space λ is called an FK-space provided λ is a complete linear metric space.

An FK-space whose topology is normable is called a BK-space.

Let λ and μ be two sequence spaces and A=(ank) is an infinite matrix of real or complex numbers ank, where n,kIN. Then we say that A defines a matrix mapping from λ to μ, and we denote it by writing A:λμ.

If for every sequence x=(xk)λ the sequence Ax={(Ax)n}, the A transform of x is in μ, where(1) (Ax)n=kankxk,(nIN)(1)

By (λ:μ), we denote the class of matrices A such that A:λμ.

Thus, A(λ:μ) if and only if series on the right side of (1) converges for each nIN and every xλ.

The approach of constructing new sequence spaces by means of the matrix domain of a particular limitation method have been recently employed by Altay, Başar, and Mursaleen (Citation2006), Başar and Altay (Citation2003), Malkowsky(Citation1997), Ng and Lee (Citation1978) and Wang (Citation1978).

Şengönül (Citation2007) defined the sequence y=(yi) which is frequently used as the Zp transform of the sequence x=(xi) i.e.yi=pxi+(1-p)xi-1

where x-1=0,1<p< and Zp denotes the matrix Zp=(zik) defined byzik={p,(i=k),1-p,(i-1=k);(i,kIN),0,otherwise.

Following Basar and Altay (Citation2003), Şengönül (Citation2007), introduced the Zweier sequence spaces Z and Z0 as followsZ={x=(xk)ω:Zpxc}Z0={x=(xk)ω:Zpxc0}

Here, we quote below some of the results due to Şengönül (Citation2007) which we will need in order to establish the results of this article.

Theorem 2.1

The sets Z and Z0 are the linear spaces with the co-ordinate wise addition and scalar multiplication which are the BK-spaces with the norm||x||Z=||x||Z0=||Zpx||c.

Theorem 2.2

The sequence spaces Z and Z0 are linearly isomorphic to the spaces c and c0, respectively, i.e. Zc and Z0c0.

Theorem 2.3

The inclusions Z0Z strictly hold for p1.

The following Lemma and the inequality has been used for establishing some results of this article.

Lemma 2.4

If I 2N and MN. If M I then MN I (Şengönül, Citation2007).

Let p=(pk) be the bounded sequence of positive reals numbers. For any complex λ, whenever H=supkpk<, we have |λ|pkmax(1,|λ|H). Also, whenever H=supkpk we have |ak+bk|pkC(|ak|pk+|bk|pk) where C=max(1;2H-1). (Maddox, Citation1969) cf. (Khan Ebadullah, Ayhan Esi, Khan, & Shafiq, Citation2013a; Khan & Khan, Citation2014b; Khan & Sabiha, Citation2011; Malkowsky, Citation1997; Ng & Lee, Citation1978).

Recently Khan Ebadullah, Ayhan Esi, Khan, and Shafiq (Citation2013a) introduced various Zweier sequence spaces the following sequence spaces.ZI={x=(xk)ω:{kIN:I-limZpx=LforsomeL}I},Z0I={x=(xk)ω:{kIN:I-limZpx=0}I},ZI={x=(xk)ω:{kIN:supk|Zpx|<}I}.

We also denote bymZI=ZIZIandmZ0I=ZIZ0I.In this article, we introduce the following sequence spaces. For any ϵ>0, we have 2ZI(q)={x=(xij)2ω:{(i,j)IN×IN:|Zpx-L|qijϵ}I,for someLC};2Z0I(q)={x=(xij)2ω:{(i,j)IN×IN:|Zpx|qijϵ}I};2Z(q)={x=(xij)2ω:supi,j|Zpx|qij<}.

We also denote by2mZI(q)=2Z(q)2ZI(q)


where q=(qij) is a double sequence of positive real numbers.

Throughout the article, for the sake of convenience now we will denote by Zpx=x for all x2ω.

3. Main results

Theorem 3.1

The sequence spaces 2Z0I(q),2ZI(q),2ZI(q) are linear spaces.


We shall prove the result for the space 2ZI(q).

The proof for the other spaces will follow similarly.

Let (xij),(yij)2ZI(q) and let α,β be scalars. Then for a given ϵ>0. we have {(i,j)IN×IN:|xij-L1|qijϵ2M1,for someL1C}I{(i,j)IN×IN:|yij-L2|qijϵ2M2,for someL2C}I



Let A1={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij-L1|qij<ϵ2M1,for someL1C}A2={(i,j)IN×IN:|yij-L2|qij<ϵ2M2,for someL2C}

be such that A1c,A2cI. ThenA3={(i,j)IN×IN:|(αxij+βyij)-(αL1+βL2)|qij)<ϵ}{(i,j)IN×IN:|α|qij|xij-L1|qij<ϵ2M1|α|qij.D}{(i,j)IN×IN:|β|qij|yij-L2|qij<ϵ2M2|β|qij.D}

Thus A3cA1cA2cI. Hence (αxij+βyij)2ZI(q). Therefore 2ZI(q) is a linear space. Proof of 2Z0I(q) follows since it is a special case of 2ZI(q).


The sequence spaces 2mZI(q),2mZ0I(q) , are linear spaces since each is an intersection of two of the linear spaces in Theorem 3.1.

Theorem 3.2

Let (qij)2l. Then 2mZI(q) and 2mZ0I(q) are paranormed spaces, paranormed by g(x)=supi,j|xij|qijM where M=max{1,supi,jqij}.


Let x=(xij),y=(yij)2mZI(q).


Clearly, g(x)=0 if and only if x=0.


g(x)=g(-x) is obvious.


Since qijM1 and M>1, using Minkowski’s inequality, we have g(x+y)=g(xij+yij)=supijxij+yijqijMsupij(xijqijM+yijqijM)supijxijqijM+supijyijqijM=g(xij)+g(yij)=g(x)+g(y). Therefore, g(x+y)g(x)+g(y), for all x,y2mzI(q).


Let (λij) be a double sequence of scalars with (λij)λ,(i,j) and x=(xij),x0=(xi0j0)2mzI(q) with g(xij)g(x0),(i,j).

Note that g(λx)max{1,λ}g(x). Then since the inequality g(xij)g(xij-x0)+g(x0) holds by subadditivity of g, the sequence {g(xij)} is bounded. Therefore, g(λijxij)-g(λx0)=g(λijxij)-g(λxij)+g(λxij)-g(λx0)λij-λqijMg(xij)+λqijMg(xij)-g(x0)0 as (i,j). That is to say that the scalar multiplication is continuous. Hence 2mzI(q) is a paranormed space.

Theorem 3.3

2mZI(q) is a closed subspace of 2l(q).


Let (xij(mn)) be a Cauchy sequence in 2mZI(q) such that x(mn)x. We show that x2mZI(q). Since (xij(mn))2mZI(q), then there exists (amn) such that{(i,j)IN×IN:|x(mn)-amn|ϵ}I

We need to show that


(amn) converges to a.


If U={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij-a|<ϵ} then UcI.

Since (xij(mn)) is a Cauchy sequence in 2mZI(q) then for a given ϵ>0, there exists (i0,j0)IN×IN such thatsupi,j|xij(mn)-xij(pq)|<ϵ3,for all(m,n),(p,q)(i0,j0)

For a given ϵ>0, we haveBmn,pq={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(mn)-xij(pq)|<ϵ3}Bpq={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(pq)-apq|<ϵ3}Bmn={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(mn)-amn|<ϵ3}

Then Bmn,pqc,Bpqc,BmncI. Let Bc=Bmn,pqcBpqcBmnc, whereB={(i,j)IN×IN:|apq-amn|<ϵ}.

Then BcI.

We choose (i0,j0)Bc, then for each (m,n),(p,q)(i0,j0), we have{(i,j)IN×IN:|apq-amn|<ϵ}{(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(pq)-apq|<ϵ3}{(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(mn)-xij(pq)|<ϵ3}{(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(mn)-amn|<ϵ3}

Then (amn) is a Cauchy sequence of scalars in C, so there exists a scalar aC such that amna, as (m,n).

For the next part let 0<δ<1 be given. Then we show that if U={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij-a|qij<δ}, then UcI.

Since x(mn)x, then there exists (p0,q0)IN×IN such thatP={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij(p0,q0)-x|<(δ3D)M}

which implies that PcI. The number (p0,q0) can be so chosen that together with (1), we haveQ={(i,j)IN×IN:|ap0q0-a|qij<(δ3D)M}

such that QcI

Since {(i,j)IN×IN:|x(p0q0)-ap0q0|qijδ}I. Then we have a subset S of IN×IN such that ScI, whereS={(i,j)IN×IN:|x(p0q0)-ap0q0|qij<(δ3D)M}.

Let Uc=PcQcSc, where U={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij-a|qij<δ}.

Therefore for each (i,j)Uc, we have{(i,j)IN×IN:|xij-a|qij<δ}{(i,j)IN×IN:|x(p0q0)-x|qij<(δ3D)M}{(i,j)IN×IN:|x(p0q0)-ap0q0|qij<(δ3D)M}{(i,j)IN×IN:|ap0q0-a|qij<(δ3D)M}.

Then the result follows.

Theorem 3.4

The spaces 2mZI(q) and 2mZ0I(q) are nowhere dense subsets of 2l(q).


Since the inclusions 2mZI(q)2l(q) and 2mZ0I(q)2l(q) are strict so in view of Theorem 3.3 we have the following result.

Theorem 3.5

The spaces 2mZI(q) and 2mZ0I(q) are not separable.


We shall prove the result for the space 2mZI(q). The proof for the other spaces will follow similarly.

Let M be an infinite subset of IN×IN of such that MI. Letqij=1,if(i,j)M,2,otherwise.

Let P0={x=(xij):xij=0 or1, for(i,j)Mandxij=0,otherwise}.

Clearly P0 is uncountable.

Consider the class of open balls B1={B(x,12):xP0}.

Let C1 be an open cover of 2mZI(q) containing B1.

Since B1 is uncountable, so C1 cannot be reduced to a countable subcover for 2mZI(q).

Thus 2mZI(q) is not separable.

Theorem 3.6

Let h=infi,jqij and H=supi,jqij. Then the following results are equivalent.


H< and h>0.




Suppose that H< and h>0, then the inequalities min{1,sh}sqijmax{1,sH} hold for any s>0 and for all (i,j)IN×IN. Therefore, the equivalence of (a) and (b) is obvious.

Theorem 3.7

Let (qij) and (rij) be two sequences of positive real numbers. Then 2mZ0I(r)=2mZ0I(q) if and only if lim(i,j)Kinfqijrij>0, and lim(i,j)Kinfrijqij>0, where KIN×IN such that KcI.


Let lim(i,j)Kinfqijrij>0 and (xij)2mZ0I(r). Then there exists β>0 such that qij>βrij, for all sufficiently large (i,j)K. Since (xij)2mZ0I(r) for a given ϵ>0, we haveB0={(i,j)IN×IN:|xij|rijϵ}I

Let G0=KcB0. Then G0I.

Then for all sufficiently large (i,j)G0,{(i,j)IN×IN:|xij|qijϵ}{(i,j)IN×IN:|xij|βrijϵ}I.

Therefore (xij)2mZ0I(q).

The converse part of the result follows obviously.

The other inclusion follows by symmetry of the two inequalities.

4. Conclusion

The notion of Ideal convergence (I-convergence) is a generalization of the statical convergence and equally considered by the researchers for their research purposes since its inception. Along with this the very new concept of double sequences has also found its place in the field of analysis. It is also being further discovered by mathematicians all over the world. In this article, we introduce paranorm ideal convergent double sequence spaces using Zweier transform. We study some topological and algebraic properties. Further we prove some inclusion relations related to these new spaces.


The authors would like to record their gratitude to the reviewer for his careful reading and making some useful corrections which improved the presentation of the paper.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Vakeel A. Khan

Vakeel A. Khan received the MPhil and PhD degrees in Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Currently he is a senior assistant professor at Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. A vigorous researcher in the area of Sequence Spaces , he has published a number of research papers in reputed national and international journals, including Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization (Taylor’s and Francis), Information Sciences (Elsevier), Applied Mathematics Letters Applied Mathematics (Elsevier), A Journal of Chinese Universities (Springer- Verlag, China).

Nazneen Khan

Nazneen Khan received the MPhil and PhD degrees in Mathematics from Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India. Currently she is an assistant professor at Taibah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Madina. Her research interests are Functional Analysis, sequence spaces and double sequences.

Yasmeen Khan

Yasmeen Khan received MSc and MPhil from Aligarh Muslim University, and is currently a PhD scholar at Aligarh Muslim University. Her research interests are Functional Analysis, sequence spaces and double sequences.


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