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Taylor expansions for the generating function of Catalan-like numbers

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Article: 1200305 | Received 22 Feb 2016, Accepted 07 Jun 2016, Published online: 05 Jul 2016


In 2002, Eu, Liu and Yeh introduced new Taylor expansions of the generating function of Catalan and Motzkin numbers. And they presented that this Taylor style expansion can be applied to more generating functions satisfying some relations (Advances in Applied Mathematics, 29 (2002) 345–357). In this paper, we focus on this Taylor expansion of the generating function of Catalan-like numbers, which are common generalizations of many classic counting coefficients, such as the Catalan numbers, the Motzkin numbers and the Schröder numbers. We present the recurrence relations of the coefficients and bivariate generating functions of the remainders of the new Taylor expansion of the generating function of Catalan-like numbers.

AMS Subject Classifications:

Public Interest Statement

Eu, Liu and Yeh introduced new Taylor expansions, whose remainders involve the function itself, of the generating function of Catalan and Motzkin numbers. In this paper, we focus on this Taylor expansion of the generating function of Catalan-like numbers, which are the 0th column of special cases of Riordan arrays. Riordan arrays play an important unifying role in enumerative combinatorics. There have been quite a few papers concerned with combinatorics of Riordan arrays. Our concern is one class of special interesting Riordan arrays—the recursive matrix introduced by Aigner. The 0th column of such recursive matrix includes many classical combinatorial sequences, such as the Catalan numbers, the Motzkin numbers, the large and little Schröder numbers. We present the recurrence relations of the coefficients and bivariate generating functions of the remainders of the new Taylor expansion of the generating function of Catalan-like numbers.

1. Introduction

The Taylor expansion of a real function f(x), which is infinitely differential, at the real number 0 is(1) f(x)=i=0n-1f(i)(0)i!xi+Rn(x),(1)

where Rn(x) is the nth remainder, which is the error incurred in approximating the function f(x) by its (n-1)th Taylor polynomial i=0n-1f(i)(0)i!xi.

Traditionally, the remainders of Taylor expansions play a central role in the theory of functions, numberical approximations, asymptotic expansions, etc. They are used mainly for quantitative or numerical purposes (Eu, Liu, & Yeh, Citation2002). Unlike the usual Taylor expansions, the remainders in Taylor expansions considered in this paper involve the generating function itself. Such expansions are quite different from the usual binomial expansions or continued fraction expansions but are not exceptions for combinatorial structures. Eu et al. (Citation2002) introduced these new Taylor expansions for the Catalan numbers Ci and the Motzkin numbers Mi. They showed thatC=i0Cixi=i=0n-1Cixi+xnfn(C),


where the fn,gn and hn are recursively defined polynomials. This new Taylor expansions can be generalized to the Catalan-like numbers (Eu et al., Citation2002).

The Catalan-like numbers considered in this paper are the 0th columns of special cases of Riordan arrays. Riordan arrays play an important unifying role in enumerative combinatorics (Shapiro, Getu, Woan, & Woodson, Citation1991). A (proper) Riordan array, denoted by (g(x), f(x)), is an infinite lower triangular matrix whose generating function of the kth column is xkfk(x)g(x) for k=0,1,2,, where g(0)=1 and f(0)0. A Riordan array R=[dn,k]n,k0 can also be characterized by two sequences (an)n0 and (zn)n0 such that(2) d0,0=1,dn+1,0=j0zjdn,j,dn+1,k+1=j0ajdn,k+j(2)

for n,k0 (see Cheon, Kim, & Shapiro, Citation2012; He & Sprugnoli, Citation2009 for instance). Call (an)n0 and (zn)n0 the A- and Z-sequences of R, respectively. The 0th column of such a Riordan array includes many classical combinatorial sequences, such as the Catalan numbers, the Motzkin numbers, the large and the little Schröder numbers. There have been quite a few papers concerned with combinatorics of Riordan arrays (see Cheon et al., Citation2012; Ehrenfeucht, Harju, ten Pas, & Rozenberg, Citation1998; He & Sprugnoli, Citation2009; Shapiro et al., Citation1991 for instance). Our concern in the present paper is one class of special interesting Riordan arrays—the recursive matrix introduced by Aigner (Citation1999,Citation2001). Let pst be three nonnegative numbers. Denote by R(p;s,t)=[dn,k]n,k0, the Riordan array with Z=(p,t,0,0,) and A=(1,s,t,0,0,). More precisely,(3) d0,0=1,d0,k=0(k>0);dn,0=pdn-1,0+tdn-1,1(n1);dn,k=dn-1,k-1+sdn-1,k+tdn-1,k+1(n,k1).(3)

Following Aigner (Citation1999,Citation2001), the matrix R(pst) is called the recursive matrix, and the numbers C(p;s,t)=dn,0 are called the Catalan-like numbers corresponding to (σ,τ), where σ=(p,s,s,),τ=(t,t,t,).

The Catalan-like numbers unify many famous counting coefficients. For example, the numbers dn,0 are


the Catalan numbers Cn=C(1;2,1) corresponding to σ=(1,2,2,),τ=(1,1,1,);


the Motzkin numbers Mn=C(1;1,1) corresponding to σ=(1,1,1,),τ=(1,1,1,);


the large Schröder numbers Rn=C(2;3,2) corresponding to σ=(2,3,3,),τ=(2,2,2,);


the little Schröder numbers sn=C(1;3,2) corresponding to σ=(1,3,3,),τ=(2,2,2,);


the restricted hexagonal numbers rn=C(3;3,1) corresponding to σ=(3,3,3,),τ=(1,1,1,).

In this paper, we discuss the remainders of new Taylor expansions for the generating function of Catalan-like numbers. More precisely, we obtain the recurrence relations of the coefficients and bivariate generating functions of the remainders.

2. The Catalan-like numbers’ Taylor expansion

Let dn,0=cn be the nth Catalan-like numbers. Denote by C(x)=n0cnxn the generating function of Catalan-like numbers. Then by the theory of Riordan array, we have(4) C(x)=21+(s-2p)x+1-2sx+(s2-4rt)x2=1+(s-2p)x-1-2sx+(s2-4rt)x22(s-p)x+2(p2-ps+rt)x2(4)

Let a=(s-p)x+(p2-ps+rt)x2,b=-1-(s-2p)x,c=1. So C(x) satisfies the following recurrence relation(s-p)x+(p2-ps+rt)x2C2(x)-1+(s-2p)xC(x)+1=0.

Also let a1=s-p,a2=p2-ps+rt,b1=-(s-2p).

Then we haveC=1+b1xC+a1x+a2x2C2=1+xb1C+a1C2+x2a2C2;C2=C+xb1C2+a1C3+x2a2C3=1+xb1C+b1C2+a1C2+a1C3+x2a2C2+a2C3;C3=C+xb1C2+b1C3+a1C3+a1C4+x2a2C3+a2C4=1+xb1C+b1C2+b1C3+a1C2+a1C3+a1C4+x2a2C2+a2C3+a2C4.

After arrangement successively, we have(5) Ck=1+xi=1kb1Ci+i=1ka1Ci+1+x2i=1ka2Ci+1=1+xi=1kb1+a1CCi+x2i=1ka2Ci+1.(5)

Then following Eu et al. (Citation2002), Taylor expansions for the generating function of Catalan-like numbers are(6) C=k=0n-1ckxk+xngn(C)+xn+1hn(C).(6)

where gn and hn are polynomials, and xngn(C)+xn+1hn(C) is the nth remainder.

So in order to get the uniqueness of gn and hn, it suffices to prove that the equation a(C)+xb(C)=0 only has the trivial solution for polynomials a(y) and b(y). Note thatC(x)=1+(s-2p)x-1-2sx+(s2-4rt)x22(s-p)x+2(p2-ps+rt)x2

is a continuous function. For any y, there exist different α,β, so that C(α)=C(β)=y. By inserting x=α,β into a(C)+xb(C)=0, we can get a(y)=b(y)=0. As to the polynomial, a and b must be the constant zero.

Since(7) C=1+x(b1C+a1C2)+x2(a2C2),(7)

we setC=1+xg1(C)+x2h1(C)=1+xg1,1C+g1,2C2+x2h1,1C2,


Now, we replace C with 1+x(b1C+a1C2)+x2(a2C2). So we haveC=1+x(b1C+a1C2)+x2(a2C2)=1+x(b1+a1C)+x2b12C+(2b1a1+a2)C2+a12C3+x3(b1a2C2+a1a2C3)=1+b1x+a1x1+x(b1C+a1C2)+x2(a2C2)+x2b12C+(2b1a1+a2)C2+a12C3+x3(b1a2C2+a1a2C3)=1+x(a1+b1)+x2(b12+a1b1)C+(2b1a1+a2+a12)C2+a12C3+x3(b1a2+a1a2)C2+a1a2C3.

Then we set(8) C=1+c1x+x2g2(C)+x3h2(C)=1+c1x+x2(g2,1C+g2,2C2+g2,3C3)+x3(h2,1C2+h2,2C3),(8)


We replace C with 1+x(b1C+a1C2)+x2(a2C2). And we have(9) g2(C)=g2,1C+g2,2C2+g2,3C3=g2,1C+g2,2C2+g2,3C2+x(b1C3+a1C4)+x2(a2C4)=g2,1C+(g2,2+g2,3)C2+x(b1g2,3C3+a1g2,3C4)+x2(a2g2,3C4)=g2,1C+(g2,2+g2,3)C+x(b1C2+a1C3)+x2(a2C3)+x(b1g2,3C3+a1g2,3C4)+x2(a2g2,3C4)=(g2,1+g2,2+g2,3)C+xb1(g2,2+g2,3)C2+a1(g2,2+g2,3)+b1g2,3C3+a1g2,3C4+x2a2(g2,2+g2,3)C3+a2g2,3C4=(g2,1+g2,2+g2,3)1+x(b1C+a1C2)+x2(a2C2)+x2a2(g2,2+g2,3)C3+a2g2,3C4+xb1(g2,2+g2,3)C2+a1(g2,2+g2,3)+b1g2,3C3+a1g2,3C4.(9)

So inserting (Equation 9) into (Equation 8), we getC=1+c1x+x2g2(C)+x3h2(C)=1+c1x+x2(g2,1+g2,2+g2,3)+x4a2(g2,1+g2,2+g2,3)C2+a2(g2,2+g2,3)C3+a2g2,3C4+x3b1(g2,1+g2,2+g2,3)C+a1(g2,1+g2,2+g2,3)+b1(g2,2+g2,3)C2+x3a1(g2,2+g2,3)+b1g2,3C3+a1g2,3C4+x3(h2,1C2+h2,2C3).

Then we setC=1+c1x+c2x2+x3g3C+x4h3C=1+c1x+c2x2+x3g3,1C+g3,2C2+g3,3C3+g3,4C4+x4h3,1C2+h3,2C3+h3,3C4,


After arrangement successively, we can get the nth Taylor expansion for the generating function of Catalan-like numbers as follows (Eu et al., Citation2002).C=k=0n-1ckxk+xnk=1n+1gn,kCk+xn+1k=1nhn,kCk+1,


and gn,i=hn,j=0, for i>n+1 and j>n. Now we present the main result of this paper based on the method proposed by Eu et al. (Citation2002).

Theorem 1


be the nth Taylor expansion for the generating fuction of Catalan-like numbers defined by Equation (3). Then we have the following.


gn,1=b1cn-1,hn,1=a2cn-1, for n1;


gn,2=(b1+a1)cn-1-b12-a2cn-2 and hn,2=a2(cn-1-b1cn-2), for n2;


gn,k=b1a2hn,k+a1a2hn,k-1+hn-1,k-1, for n,k2, where hn-1,0=0;


gn,k and hn,k satisfy the following recurrence relations gn,k=gn,k+1+b1gn-1,k+a1gn-1,k-1+a2gn-2,k-1,forn3and3kn;hn,k=hn,k+1+b1hn-1,k+a1hn-1,k-1+a2hn-2,k-1,forn3and2kn-1; where g1,1=b1,g1,2=a1,h1,1=a2.


It is trivial for n=1. Let n2. Replacing each Ck in (n-1)th Taylor expansion of Equation (6) with 1+x(b1i=1kCi+a1i=1kCi+1)+x2i=1ka2Ci+1, we getC=k=0n-2ckxk+xn-1k=1ngn-1,kCk+xnk=1n-1hn-1,kCk+1=k=0n-1ckxk+xnk=1n-1hn-1,kCk+1+i=1nb1k=ingn-1,kCi+i=1na1k=ingn-1,kCi+1+xn+1i=1na2k=ingn-1,kCi+1.

Note thatC=k=0n-1ckxk+xnk=1n+1gn,kCk+xn+1k=1nhn,kCk+1.

Hence comparing coefficients of each term of the remainder on the above two equations, we can get(10) gn,1=b1k=1ngn-1,k;gn,i=b1k=ingn-1,k+a1k=i-1ngn-1,k+hn-1,i-1(i2,n2);gn,n+1=a1gn-1,n;hn,i=a2k=ingn-1,k(i1);(10)

where hn-1,0=0,hn-1,n=0,gn-1,n+1=0.


If k=1, then we have gn,1=b1k=1ngn-1,k=b1cn-1;hn,1=a2k=1ngn-1,k=a2cn-1.


If k=2, then we have gn,2=b1k=2ngn-1,k+a1k=1ngn-1,k+hn-1,1=b1(k=1ngn-1,k-gn-1,1)+a1k=1ngn-1,k+hn-1,1=(b1+a1)k=1ngn-1,k-b1gn-1,1+hn-1,1=(b1+a1)cn-1-b12cn-2+a2cn-2=(b1+a1)cn-1-b12-a2cn-2;hn,2=a2k=2ngn-1,k=a2(k=1ngn-1,k-gn-1,1)=a2(cn-1-b1cn-2).


If n,i2, then we have a2gn,i=a2(b1k=ingn-1,k+a1k=i-1ngn-1,k+hn-1,i-1)=a2b1k=in-1gn-1,k+a2a1k=i-1n-1gn-1,k+a2hn-1,i-1=b1hn,i+a1hn,i-1+a2hn-1,i-1. Hence, we can get gn,i=b1a2hn,i+a1a2hn,i-1+hn-1,i-1.


If n3,3in, then we have gn,i-gn,i+1=b1k=ingn-1,k+a1k=i-1ngn-1,k+hn-1,i-1-(b1k=i+1ngn-1,k+a1k=ingn-1,k+hn-1,i)=b1gn-1,i+a1gn-1,i-1+hn-1,i-1-hn-1,i=b1gn-1,i+a1gn-1,i-1+a2k=i-1n-1gn-2,k-a2k=in-1gn-2,k=b1gn-1,i+a1gn-1,i-1+a2gn-2,i-1. If n3,2in-1, then we have hn,i-hn,i+1=a2k=ingn-1,k-a2k=i+1ngn-1,k=a2gn-1,i=a2(b1k=in-1gn-2,k+a1k=i-1n-1gn-2,k+hn-2,i-1)=a2b1k=in-1gn-2,k+a2a1k=i-1n-1gn-2,k+a2hn-2,i-1=b1hn-1,i+a1hn-1,i-1+a2hn-2,i-1.

In the proof of Theorem (1), we can get recurrence relations (Equation 10) of gn,k and hn,k with g1,1=b1 and h1,1=a2. So we can obtain a relation between gn(C) and hn(C) according to (iii).

Corollary 2

The two functions gn and hn satisfygn(C)=(b1+a1C)hn(C)a2C+hn-1(C),

for n1 with h0(C)=0.




we havegn(C)=k=1n+1gn,kCk=gn,1C+1a2k=2n+1a2gn,kCk=gn,1C+1a2k=2n+1(b1hn,k+a1hn,k-1+a2hn-1,k-1)Ck=b1cn-1C+b1a2k=2n+1hn,kCk+a1a2k=2n+1hn,k-1Ck+k=2n+1hn-1,k-1Ck=b1cn-1C+b1a2Ck=2n+1hn,kCk+1+a1a2hn(C)+k=2n+1hn-1,k-1Ck=b1cn-1C+b1a2C(k=1n+1hn,kCk+1-hn,1C2)+a1a2hn(C)+hn-1(C)=b1cn-1C+b1a2C(k=1nhn,kCk+1-hn,1C2)+a1a2hn(C)+hn-1(C)=b1cn-1C+b1a2Chn(C)-b1a2Ca2cn-1C2+a1a2hn(C)+hn-1(C)=b1a2Chn(C)+a1a2hn(C)+hn-1(C)=(b1+a1C)hn(C)a2C+hn-1(C).

Corollary 3

   The generating functionsG(x,y)=nk1gn,kxn-1yk-1+n1gn,n+1xn-1ynandH(x,y)=nk1hn,kxn-1yk-1

have closed forms:G=b1+a1ya2+xyHandH=a2C-yn=1hn,nxn-1yn-1(1-a1xy)1-y+b1xy+a1xy2+a2x2y2.




we have(11) G(x,y)=nk1gn,kxn-1yk-1+n1gn,n+1xn-1yn=n=1k=1ngn,kxn-1yk-1+n=1gn,n+1xn-1yn=n=1k=2ngn,kxn-1yk-1+n=1gn,1xn-1+n=1gn,n+1xn-1yn=1a2n=1k=2na2gn,kxn-1yk-1+n=1gn,1xn-1+n=1gn,n+1xn-1yn=1a2n=1k=2n(b1hn,k+a1hn,k-1+a2hn-1,k-1)xn-1yk-1+n=1gn,1xn-1+n=1gn,n+1xn-1yn=b1a2n=1k=2nhn,kxn-1yk-1+a1a2n=1k=2nhn,k-1xn-1yk-1+n=1b1cn-1xn-1+n=1k=2nhn-1,k-1xn-1yk-1+n=1a1gn-1,nxn-1yn,(11)

where(12) n=1k=2nhn,kxn-1yk-1=n=1k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1-n=1hn,1xn-1=H-n=1hn,1xn-1=H-n=1a2cn-1xn-1=H-a2C,n=1k=2nhn,k-1xn-1yk-1=n=1v=1n-1hn,vxn-1yv=yn=1v=1n-1hn,vxn-1yv-1=y(H-n=1hn,nxn-1yn-1)=y(H-n=1a2gn-1,nxn-1yn-1),(12)

and(13) n=1k=2nhn-1,k-1xn-1yk-1=xyn=1k=2nhn-1,k-1xn-2yk-2=xyH.(13)

Now inserting (Equation 12)–(Equation 14) into (Equation 11), we can getG(x,y)=b1a2(H-a2C)+a1a2y(H-n=1a2gn-1,nxn-1yn-1)+xyH+n=1b1cn-1xn-1+n=1a1gn-1,nxn-1yn=b1a2H-b1C+a1a2yH-n=1a1gn-1,nxn-1yn+xyH+b1C+n=1a1gn-1,nxn-1yn=(b1+a1ya2+xy)H.

Also sincehn,k=hn,k+1+b1hn-1,k+a1hn-1,k-1+a2hn-2,k-1,n3and2kn-1,


we have(14) H(x,y)=nk1hn,kxn-1yk-1=n=1k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1=n=3k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1+n=12k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1=n=3k=2n-1hn,kxn-1yk-1+n=3(hn,1xn-1+hn,nxn-1yn-1)+h1,1+h2,1x+h2,2xy=n=3k=2n-1hn,kxn-1yk-1+n=1hn,1xn-1+n=2hn,nxn-1yn-1=n=3k=2n-1(hn,k+1+b1hn-1,k+a1hn-1,k-1+a2hn-2,k-1)xn-1yk-1+a2C+n=2hn,nxn-1yn-1,(14)

where(15) n=3k=2n-1hn-1,k-1xn-1yk-1=u=2v=1u-1hu,vxuyv=xyn=2k=1n-1hn,kxn-1yk-1=xyn=1k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1-n=11k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1-n=2hn,nxn-1yn-1=xy(H-n=1hn,nxn-1yn-1),(15) (16) n=3k=2n-1hn-2,k-1xn-1yk-1=x2yn=1k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1=x2yH,(16) (17) n=3k=2n-1hn,k+1xn-1yk-1=n=3u=3nhn,uxn-1yu-2=n=3k=3nhn,kxn-1yk-2=n=1k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-2-n=12k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-2-n=3k=12hn,kxn-1yk-2=1y(H-h1,1-h2,1x-h2,2xy-n=3hn,1xn-1-n=3hn,2xn-1y)=1yH-n=1hn,1xn-1-n=2hn,2xn-1y=1yH-n=1a2cn-1xn-1-n=2a2cn-1-b1cn-2xn-1y=1y(H-a2C-a2yC+a2y+a2b1xyC),(17)

and(18) n=3k=2n-1hn-1,kxn-1yk-1=u=2k=2uhu,kxuyk-1=xn=2k=2nhn,kxn-1yk-1=xn=1k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1-n=11k=1nhn,kxn-1yk-1-n=2k=11hn,kxn-1yk-1=xH-h1,1-n=2hn,1xn-1=x(H-n=1hn,1xn-1)=x(H-n=1a2cn-1xn-1)=x(H-a2C).(18)

Now inserting (Equation 16)–(Equation 19) into (Equation 15), we have(19) H(x,y)=1y(H-a2C-a2yC+a2y+a2b1xyC)+b1x(H-a2C)+a1xy(H-n=1hn,nxn-1yn-1)+a2x2yH+a2C+n=2hn,nxn-1yn-1.(19)

Multiplying by y on both sides of (Equation 20) and then after arrangement, we haveHy=H-a2C+b1xyH+a1xy2H+a2x2y2H+yn=1hn,nxn-1yn-1(1-a1xy).

So we getH=a2C-yn=1hn,nxn-1yn-1(1-a1xy)1-y+b1xy+a1xy2+a2x2y2.

3. Remarks

In the paper, we study the remainders of new Taylor expansions for the generating function of Catalan-like numbers. Since the Catalan-like numbers, such as the Motzkin numbers (Aigner, Citation1998; Donaghey & Shapiro, Citation1977; Sulanke, Citation2001), the Catalan numbers (Aigner, Citation2001; He, Citation2013; Mahmoud & Qi, Citation2016), the large and little Schröder numbers (Ehrenfeucht et al., Citation1998; Qi, Shi, & Guo, Citation2016a,Citation2016b; Stanley, Citation1997) naturally appear in the combinatorial objects, their Taylor expansions can be interpreted in distinct combinatorial ways.


The authors thank the anonymous referees for their constructive comments and helpful suggestions which have greatly improved the original manuscript.

Additional information


This work was supported in part by the Domestic Visiting Scholar Program of the Young Teacher of Shandong Province and the Program for Scientific Research Innovation Team in Applied Probability and Statistics of Qufu Normal University [grant number 0230518].

Notes on contributors

Lily Li Liu

Lily Li Liu is working as an associate professor in School of Mathematical Science at Qufu Normal University in China. She is pursuing her PhD degree in Mathematics from Dalian University of Technology in 2009. She has published several research papers in national and international journals. Her area of interest is inequalities, the unimodality property and the properties of combinatorial sequences.

Xiaoli Li

Xiaoli Li is a graduate student of the first author in School of Mathematical Science at Qufu Normal University in China. Her research interests are the properties of combinatorial sequences.


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