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Research Article

Coupled coincidence point results for probabilistic φ-contractions

, & | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1204069 | Received 18 Feb 2016, Accepted 29 May 2016, Published online: 14 Jul 2016


In this paper, we establish a new coupled coincidence point results in partially ordered probabilistic metric spaces by utilizing the Gauge function. We use the compatibility condition between two mappings. We use monotone and mixed monotone properties of functions with respect to the ordering. Our main result has several corollaries. The main result is supported with an example which shows that the corollaries are actually contained in our main theorem. The methodology is a combination of analytic and order theoretic approaches.

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Public Interest Statement

Probabilistic analysis is a branch of mathematics which purports to systematically deal with uncertain situations arising in science, engineering, economics, finance, and many other areas of human activities. The present article contains new results on an emerging area of research in probabilistic analysis which has developed during last five years. The work is a part of both theoretical and applied mathematics in which results are obtained by utilizing mathematical control functions. The authors feel that there are large scopes of applications of these types of results deduced here.

1. Introduction

Probabilistic fixed point theory has its origin in the work of Sehgal and Bharucha-Reid in (Citation1972) where they established a probabilistic version of the famous Banach’s contraction mapping principle. The probabilistic contraction mapping defined in the above-mentioned work was extended in many ways by the use of control functions (Choudhury & Das, Citation2009; Ćirić, Citation2010; Fang, Citation2009; Fang, Citation2015; O’Regan & Saadati, Citation2008; Xiao, Zhu, & Cao, Citation2011). Recently such an extension was done by Fang in (Citation2015) in which he introduced a probabilistic φ- contraction where φ is assumed to satisfy certain conditions making it more general than the class of Gauge functions which were used by some previous authors.

Meanwhile coupled fixed point results occupied a large place in metric fixed point theory. Although the concept of coupled fixed point was introduced by Guo & Lakshmikantham (Citation1987), coupled fixed point problems attracted large attention only after 2006 when a coupled contraction mapping theorem was proved by Bhaskar and Lakshmikantham (Citation2006). Several instances of works on this topic are in (Bhaskar & Lakshmikantham, Citation2006; Choudhury & Kundu, Citation2010; Luong & Thuan, Citation2011; Lakshmikantham & Ćirić, Citation2009; Mursaleem, Mohiuddine, & Agarwal, Citation2012; Mohiuddine & Alotaibi, Citation2012; Samet, Citation2010).

A probabilistic coupled fixed point result was first successfully introduced by Hu et al. (Citation2011). After that some works have followed in which coupled fixed and coincidence point results have been established in probabilistic metric spaces (Choudhury & Das, Citation2014; Ćirić, Agarwal, & Samet, Citation2011; Doric, Citation2013). Our endeavor here is to establish a new coupled coincidence point results in probabilistic metric spaces by utilizing the Gauge function used by Fang (Citation2015). A compatibility condition between mappings has been used. Our main result has several corollaries. The main result is supported with an example which shows that the corollaries and the works which have been extended are actually contained in our main theorem.

2. Mathematical preliminaries

In this section, we discuss certain definitions and lemmas which will be necessary for establishing the results of the next section.

Throughout this paper (X,) stands for a partially ordered set with partial order . By xy we shall mean yx and by xy we shall mean xy with xy.

Definition 2.1

(Schweizer & Sklar, Citation1983)   A mapping F:RR+  is called a distribution function if it is non-decreasing and left continuous with inftRF(t)=0  and  suptRF(t)=1, where R is the set of real numbers and  R+ denotes the set of all non-negative real numbers.

Definition 2.2

(Had z̆ić & Pap, Citation2001; Schweizer & Sklar, Citation1983)   A binary operation Δ:[0,1]2[0,1] is called a t-norm if the following properties are satisfied:


Δ is associative and commutative,


Δ(a,1)=a for all a[0,1],


Δ(a,b)Δ(c,d) whenever ac and bd, for all a,b,c,d[0,1].

Generic examples of t-norm are ΔM(a,b)=min{a,b}, ΔP(a,b)=ab etc.

Definition 2.3

(Schweizer & Sklar, Schweizer (Citation1983))   A Menger space is a triplet (X,F,Δ), where X is a non empty set, F is a function defined on X×X to the set of distribution functions and Δ is a t-norm, such that the following are satisfied:








Fx,y(u+v)Δ(Fx,z(u),Fz,y(v))for allu,v0andx,y,zX.

Definition 2.4

(Schweizer & Sklar, Citation1983)   Let (X,F,Δ) be a Menger space.


A sequence  {xn}X  is said to be converge to a point   xX  if given   ϵ>0,λ>0  we can find a positive integer  Nϵ,λ  such that for all  n>Nϵ,λFxn,x(ϵ)1-λ.


A sequence  {xn}  is said to be a Cauchy sequence in X if given ϵ>0,λ>0  there exists a positive integer   Nϵ,λ  such that Fxn,xm(ϵ)1-λfor allm,n>Nϵ,λ.


A Menger space (X,F,Δ) is said to be complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent in X.

(i) and (ii) can be equivalently written by replacing “" with “>”. More often than not, they are written in that way. We have given them in the present form for our convenience in the proof of our results.

Definition 2.5

(Had z̆ić et al., Citation2001)   A t-norm Δ be said to be a Had z̆ić type t-norm if the family {Δm}m>0 of its iterates defined for each t[0,1] by

Δ0(t)=t, Δ1(t)=Δ(t,t) and, in general, for all m>1, Δm(t)=Δ(t,Δm-1(t)) is equi-continuous at t=1, that is, given λ>0 there exists η(λ)(0,1) such that1t>η(λ)Δ(m)(t)1-λfor allm>0.

Lemma 2.6

(Chang, Cho, & Kang, Citation1994, p. 24)    Let (X,F,Δ) be a Menger space with a continuous t-norm. Then, for every t>0, xnx, yny, implylim infnFxn,yn(t)=Fx,y(t).

In the following lemma, we note a property of a continuous function.

Lemma 2.7

(Choudhury & Das, Citation2014)    If f:RnR is a continuous function and {ai,j}i=1, j=1,2,.....,n are n number of sequences such that lim infiaik=ak for all kl for some l and {aii}i=1 is bounded. Thenlim infif(ai1,ai2,......,ain)=f(a1,a2,.....lim infiail,....,an).

Let (X,) be a partially ordered set and g:XX be a mapping. The mapping g is said to be non-decreasing if, for all x1,x2X, x1x2 implies g(x1)g(x2) and non-increasing if, for all x1,x2X, x1x2 implies g(x1)g(x2) (Bhaskar & Lakshmikantham, Citation2006).

Definition 2.8

(Bhaskar & Lakshmikantham, Citation2006)    Let (X,) be a partially ordered set and G:X×XX be a mapping. The mapping G is said to have the mixed monotone property if G is non-decreasing in its first argument and is non-increasing in its second argument, that is, if, for all x1,x2X, x1x2 implies G(x1,y)G(x2,y) for fixed yX and if, for all y1,y2X, y1y2 implies G(x,y1)G(x,y2), for fixed xX.

Definition 2.9

(Lakshmikantham & Ćirić., Citation2009)   Let (X,) be a partially ordered set and G:X×XX and g:XX be two mappings. The mapping G is said to have the mixed g-monotone property if G is monotone g-non-decreasing in its first argument and is monotone g-non-increasing in its second argument, that is, if, for all x1,x2X, gx1gx2 implies G(x1,y)G(x2,y) for fixed yX and if, for all y1,y2X, gy1gy2 implies G(x,y1)G(x,y2), for fixed xX.

Definition 2.10

(Bhaskar & Lakshmikantham, Citation2006)    Let X be a nonempty set. An element (x,y)X×X is called a coupled fixed point of the mapping G:X×XX ifG(x,y)=x,G(y,x)=y.

Further Lakshmikantham and Ćirić (Citation2009) had introduced the concept of coupled coincidence point.

Definition 2.11

(Lakshmikantham & Ćirić, Citation2009)    Let X be a nonempty set. An element (x,y)X×X is called a coupled coincidence point of the mappings g:XX and G:X×XX ifG(x,y)=gx,G(y,x)=gy.

Definition 2.12

(Lakshmikantham & Ćirić, Citation2009)   Let X be a nonempty set. The mappings g:XX and G:X×XX are commuting if, for all x,yX,gG(x,y)=G(gx,gy).

A compatible pair {g,G} in a metric space (Xd), where g:XX and G:X×XX, was defined by Choudhury et al. in (Citation2010).

Definition 2.13

(Choudhury et al., Citation2010)   Let (Xd) be a metric space. The mappings g and G where g:XX and G:X×XX, are said to be compatible iflimnd(g(G(xn,yn)),G(gxn,gyn))=0


whenever {xn} and {yn} are sequences in X such that limnG(xn,yn) = limngxn=x and limnG(yn,xn) = limngyn=y.

The following is the definition of compatible pairs in Menger spaces.

Definition 2.14

(Doric, Citation2013)   Let (X,F,Δ) be a Menger space. The mappings g and G where g:XX and G:X×XX, are said to be compatible if, for all t>0,limnFg(G(xn,yn)),G(gxn,gyn)(t)=1


whenever {xn} and {yn} are sequences in X such that limnG(xn,yn) = limngxn=x and limnG(yn,xn) = limngyn=y.

Out of several types of gauge functions utilized in extending probabilistic contraction mapping principle, we consider the following two classes.

Definition 2.15

(Jachymski, Citation2010)    Let Φ denote the class of all functions φ:R+R+ satisfying the following condition:limnφn(t)=0for allt>0.

Definition 2.16

(Fang, Citation2015)    Let Φw denote the class of all functions φ:R+R+ satisfying the following condition:

for each t>0 there exists rt such that limnφn(r)=0.

Here Φ is a proper subclass of Φw [see Fang (Citation2015)].

Lemma 2.17

(Fang, Citation2015)    Let φΦw, then for each t>0 there exists rt such that φ(r)<t.

3. Main results

Theorem 3.1

Let (X,F,Δ) be a complete Menger space where Δ is a continuous Had z̆ić type t-norm on which a partial ordering is defined. Let g:XX and G:X×XX be two mappings such that G has the mixed g-monotone property. Let there exist φΦw such that(3.1) FG(x,y),G(u,v)(φ(t))[Fgx,gu(t).Fgy,gv(t)]12,(3.1)

for all t>0,x,y,u,vX with gxgu and gygv. Let g be continuous, monotonic increasing, G(X×X)g(X) and such that {g,G} is a compatible pair. Also suppose either


G is continuous or


X has the following properties:


if a non-decreasing sequence (3.2) {xn}x,thenxnxforalln0,(3.2)


if a non-increasing sequence (3.3) {yn}y,thenynyfor alln0.(3.3)

If there exist x0,y0X such that gx0G(x0,y0) and gy0G(y0,x0), then g and G have a coupled coincidence point in X, that is, there exist x,yX such that gx=G(x,y) and gy=G(y,x).


By a condition of the theorem, there exist x0,y0X such that gx0G(x0,y0) and gy0G(y0,x0). Since G(X×X)g(X), it is possible to define the sequences {xn} and {yn} in X as follows:gx1=G(x0,y0)andgy1=G(y0,x0)gx2=G(x1,y1)andgy2=G(y1,x1)

and, in general, for all n0,(3.4) gxn+1=G(xn,yn)andgyn+1=G(yn,xn).(3.4)

Next, for all n0, we prove that(3.5) gxngxn+1(3.5)

and(3.6) gyngyn+1.(3.6)

Since gx0G(x0,y0) and gy0G(y0,x0), in view of the facts that gx1=G(x0,y0) and gy1=G(y0,x0), we have gx0gx1 and gy0gy1. Therefore, (3.5) and (3.6) hold for n=0.

Let (3.5) and (3.6) hold for some n=m, that is, gxmgxm+1 and gymgym+1. As G has the mixed g-monotone property, from (3.4), we get(3.7) gxm+1=G(xm,ym)G(xm+1,ym)andG(ym+1,xm)G(ym,xm)=gym+1.(3.7)

Also, for the same reason, we have(3.8) gxm+2=G(xm+1,ym+1)G(xm+1,ym)andG(ym+1,xm)G(ym+1,xm+1)=gym+2.(3.8)

Now, (3.7) and (3.8), implygxm+1gxm+2andgym+1gym+2.

Then, by induction, it follows that (3.5) and (3.6) hold for all n0.

Now, for all t>0, n1, we have(3.9) Fgxn,gxn+1(φ(t))=FG(xn-1,yn-1),G(xn,yn)(φ(t))(by(3.4))[Fgxn-1,gxn(t).Fgyn,gyn-1(t)]12.(by(3.1),(3.5)and(3.6))(3.9)

Similarly, we have for all t>0(3.10) Fgyn,gyn+1(φ(t))=FG(yn-1,xn-1),G(yn,xn)(φ(t))(by(3.4))[Fgyn-1,gyn(t).Fgxn,gxn-1(t)]12.[by(3.9)and(3.10)](3.10)

Let(3.11) Pn(t)=[Fgxn-1,gxn(t).Fgyn,gyn-1(t)]12.(3.11)

Then Pn(t).Pn(t)Fgxn,gxn+1(φ(t)).Fgyn,gyn+1(φ(t)),

which implies that [Pn(t)]2[Pn+1(φ(t))]2, that is, [Pn+1(φ(t))][Pn(t)].

By repeated application of the above inequality, using (3.9) and (3.10), respectively, for all t>1, n>1, we have that,Fgxn,gxn+1(φn(t))Pn(φn-1(t))..............P1(t)=[Fgx0,gx1(t).Fgy0,gy1(t)]12,andFgyn,gyn+1(φn(t))Pn(φn-1(t))..............P1(t)=[Fgx0,gx1(t).Fgy0,gy1(t)]12.

Now we prove thatlimnFgxn,gxn+1(t)=1for allt>0andlimnFgyn,gyn+1(t)=1,for allt>0.

Since Fgx0,gx1(t)1, Fgy0,gy1(t)1 as t, for any ϵ(0,1] there exists t1>0 such that Fgx0,gx1(t1)>1-ϵ and Fgy0,gy1(t1)>1-ϵ. Since φΦw, there exists t0t1 such that limnφn(t0)=1. Thus for each t>0, there exists n01 such that φn(t0)<t for all nn0. Then from the above, for all nn0,Fgxn,gxn+1(t)Fgxn,gxn+1(φn(t0)[Fgx0,gx1(t0).Fgy0,gy1(t0)]12>[(1-ϵ).(1-ϵ)]12>1-ϵ.

Hence limnFgxn,gxn+1(t)=1 for all t>0. Similarly, limnFgyn,gyn+1(t)=1, for all t>0.

Therefore from (3.11), Pn(t)1asn.

Since φΦw, by Lemma 2.17, for any t>0 there exists rt such that φ(r)<t. Let n1 be given. We next show by induction that for any k1,(3.12) Fgxn,gxn+k(t)Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r))).(3.12) (3.13) Fgyn,gyn+k(t)Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r))).(3.13)

Since Δ0(s)=s, this true for k=1. Let (3.13) and (3.14) hold for some k.Fgxn,gxn+k+1(t)=Fgxn,gxn+k+1(t-φ(r)+φ(r))Δ(Fgxn,gxn+1(t-φ(r)),Fgxn+1,gxn+k+1(φ(r)))Δ(Fgxn,gxn+1(t-φ(r)),[Fgxn,gxn+k(r).Fgyn,gyn+k(r))]12)(by(3.1),(3.5)and(3.6))Δ(Fgxn,gxn+1(t-φ(r)),[Fgxn,gxn+k(t).Fgyn,gyn+k(t))]12)(sincert)Δ(Pn(t-φ(r)),[Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r))),Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r)))]12)Δ(Pn(t-φ(r)),Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r))))Δk(Pn(t-φ(r))).

Similarly, we have Fgyn,gyn+k+1(t)Δk(Pn(t-φ(r))).

Therefore, by induction, (3.13) and (3.14) hold for all k1 and t>0.

Now, we prove {gxn} and {gyn} are Cauchy sequences. Since, the t-norm Δ is of H- type, the family of iterates {Δ(p)} is equi-continuous at the point s=1, that is, there exists δ(0,1) such that(3.14) Δ(p)(s)>1-δ,(3.14)

whenever 1s>1-ϵ and p1.

By (3.11), we have a positive integer n0 such that for all nn0(Pn(t-φ(r))>1-δ. It follows from (3.15), (3.13) and (3.14) thatFgxn,gxn+k(t)Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r)))>1-ϵfor allnn0,k1

andFgyn,gyn+k(t)Δk-1(Pn(t-φ(r)))>1-ϵfor allnn0,k1.

This shows that {gxn} and {gyn} are Cauchy sequences. Since X is complete, there exist x,yX such thatlimngxn=xandlimngyn=y,

that is,(3.15) limnG(xn,yn)=lim)ngxn+1=xandlimnG(yn,xn)=limngyn+1=y.(3.15)

Since {g,G} is a compatible pair, using continuity of g, we have(3.16) gx=limng(gxn+1)=limng(G(xn,yn))=limnG(gxn,gyn)andgy=limng(gyn+1)=limng(G(yn,xn))=limnG(gyn,gxn).(3.16)

Now, we show that gx=G(x,y) and gy=G(y,x).

First let us assume that (a) holds.

Then, by continuity of G,limnG(gxn,gyn)=G(limngxn,limngyn)=G(x,y)


Then, from (3.17) and (3.18), we conclude thatgx=G(x,y)andgy=G(y,x).

Next we assume that (b) holds. By (3.5), (3.6), (3.17) and (3.18), we have {gxn} is a non-decreasing sequence with gxnx and {gyn} is a non-increasing sequence with gyny as n. Then, by (3.11) and (3.12), for all n0, we have(3.17) gxnxandgyny.(3.17)

Since g is monotonic increasing, we have that(3.18) g(gxn)gxandg(gyn)gy.(3.18)

Now for all t>0 and using the lemma 2.17, we haveFgx,G(x,y)(t)Δ{Fgx,g(gx(n+1))(t-φ(r)),Fg(gx(n+1)),G(x,y)(φ(r))}.

Taking limit in the above inequality, for all t>0, we haveFgx,G(x,y)(t)lim infnΔ{Fgx,g(gx(n+1))(t-φ(r)),Fg(gx(n+1)),G(x,y)(φ(r))}=Δ{limnFgx,g(gx(n+1))(t-φ(r)),lim infnFg(gx(n+1)),G(x,y)(φ(r))}(bylemma2.7andcontinuityofΔ)=Δ{1,lim infnFG(gxn,gyn),G(x,y)(φ(r))}(bylemma2.7and(3.17))=lim infnFG(gxn,gyn),G(x,y)(φ(r)).

Now, using (3.1) and (3.20), we have(3.19) FG(gxn,gyn),G(x,y)(φ(r))}[Fg(gxn),gx(r).Fg(gyn),gy(r)]12.(3.19)

Taking liminf on both sides of the above inequality, we have(3.20) lim infnFG(gxn,gyn),G(x,y)(φ(r))}lim infn[Fg(gxn),gx(r).Fg(gyn),gy(r)]12.=limn[Fg(gxn),gx(r).Fg(gyn),gy)(r)]12=1.(by(3.17)and(3.18))(3.20)

From (3.21) and (3.22) we conclude that Fgx,G(x,y)(t)=1 for all t>0, that is, gx=G(x,y). Similarly we can prove that gy=G(y,x), that is, g and G have a coupled coincidence point in X.

Corollary 3.2

Let (X,F,Δ) be a complete Menger space where Δ is a continuous Had z̆ić type t-norm on which a partial ordering is defined. Let g:XX and G:X×XX be two mappings such that G has the mixed g-monotone property. Let there exist φΦw such thatFG(x,y),G(u,v)(φ(t))[Fgx,gu(t).Fgy,gv(t)]12,

for all t>0,x,y,u,vX with gxgu and gygv. Let g be continuous, monotonic increasing, G(X×X)g(X) and such that {g,G} is a commuting pair. Also suppose either


G is continuous or


X has the following properties:


if a non-decreasing sequence {xn}x, then xnx for all n0,


if a non-increasing sequence {yn}y, then yny for all n0.

If there are x0,y0X such that gx0G(x0,y0) and gy0G(y0,x0), then g and G have a coupled coincidence point in X, that is, there exist x,yX such that gx=G(x,y) and gy=G(y,x).


Since compatibility implies commuting condition, Theorem 3.1 contains Corollary 3.2. Later, with the help of an example we show that the above corollary is properly contained in the above Theorem 3.1.

Corollary 3.3

Let (X,F,Δ) be a complete Menger space where Δ is a continuous Had z̆ić type t-norm on which a partial ordering is defined. Let g:XX and G:X×XX be two mappings such that G has the mixed g-monotone property. Let there exist φΦ such thatFG(x,y),G(u,v)(φ(t))[Fgx,gu(t).Fgy,gv(t)]12,

for all t>0,x,y,u,vX with gxgu and gygv. Let g be continuous, monotonic increasing, G(X×X)g(X) and such that {g,G} is a compatible pair. Also suppose either


G is continuous or


X has the following properties:


if a non-decreasing sequence {xn}x, then xnx for all n0,


if a non-increasing sequence {yn}y, then yny for all n0.

If there are x0,y0X such that gx0G(x0,y0) and gy0G(y0,x0), then g and G have a coupled coincidence point in X, that is, there exist x,yX such that gx=G(x,y) and gy=G(y,x).


Since Φ is a proper subclass of Φw, Theorem 3.1 contains Corollary 3.3.

Example 3.5 discussed in the following shows that the above corollary is properly contained in Theorem 3.1. Combining the above two corollaries we have partly a result obtained in (Xiao, Zhu, & Cao, Citation2011) which we describe in the following corollary.

Corollary 3.4

(Xiao, Zhu, & Cao, Citation2011) Let (X,F,Δ) be a complete Menger space where Δ is a continuous Had z̆ić type t-norm on which a partial ordering is defined. Let g:XX and G:X×XX be two mappings such that G has the mixed g-monotone property. Let there exist φΦ such thatFG(x,y),G(u,v)(φ(t))[Fgx,gu(t).Fgy,gv(t)]12,

for all t>0,x,y,u,vX with gxgu and gygv. Let g be continuous, monotonic increasing, G(X×X)g(X) and such that {g,G} is a commuting pair. Also suppose either


G is continuous or


X has the following properties:


if a non-decreasing sequence {xn}x, then xnx for all n0, item[(ii)] if a non-increasing sequence {yn}y, then yny for all n0.

If there are x0,y0X such that gx0G(x0,y0) and gy0G(y0,x0), then g and G have a coupled coincidence point in X, that is, there exist x,yX such that gx=G(x,y) and gy=G(y,x).


Since compatibility implies commuting, Corollary 3.3 contains Corollary 3.4.

Example 3.5

Let X=[0,1]. Let for all t>0, x,yX,Fx,y(t)=e-|x-y|t.

Let Δ(a,b)=min{a,b} for all a,b[0,1]. Then (X,F,Δ) is a complete Menger space.

Let φ:R+R+ be defined byφ(t)=t2,ift[0,1),-t3+43,ift[1,2],t+43,otherwise.

It is obvious φΦw but φΦ. From the definition of φ, we have φ(t)t2 for all t0.

Let the mapping g:XX be defined asg(x)=56x2forallxX

and the mapping G:X×XX be defined asG(x,y)=x2-y29.

Then G(X×X)g(X) and G satisfies the mixed g-monotone property.

Let {xn} and {yn} be two sequences in X such thatlimnG(xn,yn)=a,limng(xn)=a,limnG(yn,xn)=bandlimng(yn)=b.

Now, for all n0,g(xn)=56xn2,g(yn)=56yn2,G(xn,yn)=xn2-yn24


Then necessarily a=0 and b=0.

It then follows from lemma 2.6 that, for all t>0,limnFg(G(xn,yn)),G(g(xn),g(yn)(t)=1


Therefore, the mappings G and g are compatible in X.

Now we show that the condition (3.1) holds.|G(x,y)-G(u,v)|14[|g(x)-g(u)|+|g(y)-g(v)|],xu,yv.

Therefore, |G(x,y)-G(u,v)|φ(t)14[|g(x)-g(u)|+|g(y)-g(v)|t2] (since φ(t)t2 for all t0),

that is, -|G(x,y)-G(u,v)|φ(t)-|g(x)-g(u)|+|g(y)-g(v)|2t


Hence (3.1) holds.

Thus all the conditions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied. Then, by an application of the Theorem 3.1, we conclude that g and F have a coupled coincidence point. Here, (0, 0) is a coupled coincidence point of g and F in X.

Remark 3.6



{g,G} are not commuting but compatible, so Corollary 3.2 is properly contained in Theorem 3.1.


φΦ, so the Corollary 3.4 is properly contained in Corollary 3.3.


For the reason mentioned in (ii), the Corollary 3.4 in properly contained in Theorem 3.1.

Open problems. The gauge function used in this paper is of a very general type. It appears possible to use this function to extend probabilistic contractions as in (Fang, Citation2015) and to define a new probabilistic contractions as in the present work. The study of such contractions, especially relating to the existence of their fixed point, is a class of problems which will be worthy of investigation.


The suggestions of the learned referees have been acknowledged.

Additional information


The first author gratefully acknowledges the support from DST, West Bengal, India [grant-in-Aid number 624 (sanc.)/ST/P/S]; [grant-in-Aid number T/ Misc-5/2012].

Notes on contributors

Binayak S. Choudhury

Binayak S. Choudhury is a professor of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal, India. His research interests are in areas of pure mathematics, applied mathematics, and theoretical physics in which he has published about 200 research articles. He has also acted as Principal Investigators of several projects from Government Agencies of India.

Pradyut Das

Pradyut Das is a senior research student pursuing his PhD work in the Department of Mathematics, Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal, India. He has 20 research publications to his credit.

P. Saha

P. Saha is a professor of Mathematics at Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur, West Bengal, India. Her research areas are fuzzy functional analysis and fuzzy logic.


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