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Research Article

Boundedness of self-map composition operators for two types of weights on the upper half-plane

| (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1210716 | Received 12 Apr 2016, Accepted 27 Jun 2016, Published online: 22 Jul 2016


In this paper we find conditions for boundedness of self-map composition operators on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane for two kinds of weights which are of moderate growth.

Public Interest Statement

The present paper is devoted to the problem of continuity of composition operators on the weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane equipped with sup-norms. These spaces of holomorphic functions (on the unit disc) with controlled growth are natural classes studied by Shields and Williams in seventies and later by large variety of authors. Composition operators are very natural operators and their study is by now a true industry which is interesting and worth studying.

1. Introduction

Different properties of composition operators between weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc or upper half-plane have been the subject of many papers in recent decades (Ardalani, Citation2014; Ardalani & Lusky, Citation2011,Citation2012a,Citation2012b; Bonet, Citation2003; Bonet, Fritz, & Jorda, Citation2005; Bonet, Domanski, & Lindstrom, Citation1998,Citation1999; Cowen, Citation1995; Madigan, Citation1993; Shapiro, Citation1987; Zhu, Citation1990). In Theorem 2.3 of Bonet et al. (Citation1998), authors have characterized boundedness of self-map composition operators on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc in terms of associated weight which satisfies well-known growth condition that is used by Lusky (Citation1995). Indeed they have found a condition under which all self-map composition operators on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc are bounded. In this paper we intend to find conditions for boundedness of all self-map composition operators on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane for standard weights in the sense of Ardalani (Citation2014), Ardalani and Lusky (Citation2011,Citation2012a) and for a new type of weights on the upper half-plane which we call it type(II) weights. For standard weights we use the results of Ardalani and Lusky (Citation2012b) in order to prove Theorem 2.1. For weights of type(II) we make an isomorphism between weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc and weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane. Then we use this isomorphism and Theorem 2.3 of Bonet et al. (Citation1998) to obtain a sufficient condition for boundedness of self-map composition operators on weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane. This isomorphism is constructed under a certain growth condition which we call it () throughout this paper. Although, we use the concept of associated weight to prove Theorem 3.2, the associated weight does not appear in the assertion of Theorem 3.2 and that is important because it is difficult to calculate an associated weight. We continue with the preliminaries which are required in the rest of this paper.

The sets D={zC:z<1} and G={ωC:Imω>0} stand for the unit disc and upper half-plane, respectively.

Definition 1.1

A continuous function υ:G(0,) is called a standard weight if ωG,υ(ω)=υ(Imωi) (i.e υ depends only on the imaginary part), υ(is)υ(it) when 0<st, and limt0υ(it)=0.

Definition 1.2

A continuous function υ:G(0,) is called a type(II) if ωGυ(ω)=υ(Imωi), υ(Imω1i)υ(Imω2i) whenever Imω1Imω2,ω1,ω21, limt0υ(ti)=0 and there is a constant C>0 such that υ(ω)υ(-1ω)C for any ωG.

Note that Standard weights are increasing thorough the imaginary axis while type(II) weights are increasing on the imaginary axis whenever the imaginary part is in (0, 1]. Also type(II) weights has symmetric property which makes them interesting (see Remark 1.13).

Example 1.3

Define υ1(ω)=(Imωmax(ω2,1)i)β and υ2(ω)=min(Imωmax(ω2,1)i)β,1) for some β>0.υ1 and υ2 are type(II) weights. For examples of standard weights see Ardalani and Lusky (Citation2012a,Citation2012b).

Remark 1.4

Note that weights υ1 and υ2 of Example 1.3 are type(II) weights which are not standard weights.

Definition 1.5

Let υ be a standard weight on G.


υ satisfies condition () if there are constants c,β>0 such that υ(it)υ(is)c(ts)βwhenever0<st.


υ satisfies condition (**) if there are constants d,γ>0 such that d(ts)γυ(it)υ(is)whenever0<st.

For examples of weights which satisfy both () and () or satisfy () but not () (see Ardalani & Lusky, Citation2012a or Citation2012b).

Definition 1.6

Let υ be a type(II) weight on G. We say υ satisfies condition () if there are constants C,β>0 s.t υ(ω1)υ(ω2)C(Imω1Imω2)β whenever Imω2Imω1 and ω1,ω21.

Condition () is really condition () which is restricted to the intersection of the unit disc and upper half-plane. Evidently, condition () implies condition (). We have also proved condition () is equivalent to supkZυ(2k+1i)υ(2ki)< (Ardalani & Lusky, Citation2012a). Similarly, we have:

Lemma 1.7

Let υ be a continuous weight on G which depends only on the imaginary part and satisfy the following property:

υ(ω1)υ(ω2) whenever Imω1Imω21. Then υ satisfies ()supnN{0}υ(2-ni)υ(2-n-1i)<.

In particular any type(II) weight satisfies ()



: suppose nN{0}is arbitrary. Put ω1=12ni and ω2=12n+1i, Imω1Imω2. Now, since υ satisfies (), there exist C>0 and β>0 such that υ(2-ni)υ(2-n-1i)C(2-n2-n-1)βC2β. Therefore, supnN{0}υ(2-ni)υ(2-n-1i)<.

: Let ω1,ω2G with Imω1=t1Imω2=t2 and ω1,ω21 be given. We can find n and kN{0} such that 2-n-k-1<t22-n-k and 2-n-1<t12-n. Then υ(ω1)υ(ω2)=υ(t1i)υ(t2i)υ(2-ni)υ(2-n-k-1)=j=0kυ(2-n-j)υ(2-n-j-1)Ck+1 where C=supnN{0}υ(2-ni)υ(2-n-1i). Now, with β=lnCln2 we have υ(t1i)υ(t2i)Ck+1=2(k+1)β=4β(2n+k2n+1)β4β(t1t2)β. The last assertion of the theorem is clear.

Example 1.8

υ1 and υ2 of Example 1.3 are type(II) weights which satisfy condition (). Indeed, υ1 and υ2 satisfy condition ().

Definition 1.9

Let O be an open subset of C. For a function f:OC we define the weighted sup-normfυ=supzOf(z)υ(z)

and the spaceHυ(O)={f:OC:fis holomorphic,fυ<}.

Throughout this paper we deal with the cases O=D or O=G.

Remark 1.10



According to a result of Stanev (Citation1999), Hυ(G){0} if and only if there are constants a,b>0 such that υ(it)aebt,t>0. Note that if standard (type(II)) weight υ satisfies ()(()) then Hυ(G){0}.


For a weight υ defined from D into (0,), we always assume υ is radial (i.e υ(z)=υ(z) ), continuous and non-increasing weight with respect to z and limz1υ(z)=0.

Definition 1.11

Let O be an open subset of C. Also, suppose υ:O(0,+) is a weight. Corresponding to υ, the associated weight υ~ is defined as follows.υ~(z):=1sup{f(z):fHυ(O),fυ<1}zO

Remark 1.12

Define α:DC by α(z)=1+z1-zi. An easy computation shows that α(z)=-2Imzz2+1-2Rez+1-z2z2+1-2Rez. Hence, α(D)G. Put β(ω)=ω-iω+iωG. Then we have αβ=idGandβα=idD. Thus β=α-1 and α(D)=G.

Remark 1.13

Let υ be a standard weight. By definition of standard weight there exists a constant C>0 such that υ(ω)υ(-1ω)C and υ(-1ω)υ(ω)C. Thus(1.1) 1Cυ(ω)υ(-1ω)Cυ(ω)(1.1)

Obviously, α(-z)=-1α(z). Hence, inserting ω=α(z) in (1.1) we have1Cυ(α(z))υ(α(-z))Cυ(α(z))

Definition 1.14

Let φ:OO be an analytic function. Put H(O):={ff:OCis holomorphic}. For any fH(O) the composition operator Cφ:H(O)H(O) defined by Cφ(f)=fφ.

Here we recall the Theorem 2.3 of Bonet et al. (Citation1998) in the following lemma.

Lemma 1.15

Let υ be a radial weight on D. Then the following are equivalent:


All the operators Cφ:Hυ(D)Hυ(D) are bounded.



Remark 1.16

Following example shows that there are standard weights satisfying (), but not all composition operators are bounded. Therefore, the situation on the upper half-plane is essentially different from the unit disc.

Example 1.17

For any ω in G, define υ(ω)=Imω and h(ω)=φ(ω)=-1ω. Then we havehυ=supωG-1ωImω1


2. Boundedness of composition operators for standard weights

Although Remark 1.15 and Example 1.17 show that we cannot expect to obtain a result similar to Lemma 1.15 for standard weights but we are able to characterize all the analytic maps such that the self-map composition operators on the upper half-plane are bounded.

Theorem 2.1

Let υ be a standard weight which satisfy () and ().

Composition maps Cφ:Hυ(G)Hυ(G) are bounded if and only ifsupωGImωImφ(ω)<.


By Corollary 1.5 of Ardalani and Lusky (Citation2012b) maps Cφ are bounded if and only if(2.1) supωGυ(ω)υ(φ(ω))<.(2.1)

Since υ satisfies ()(2.2) supωGυ(ω)υ(Imφ(ω))=supωGυ(Imωi)υ(Imφ(ω)i)csupωGImωImφ(ω).(2.2)

Since υ satisfies ()(2.3) dsupωGImωImφ(ω)supωGυ(Imωi)υ(Imφ(ω)i)=supωGυ(ω)υ(φ(ω)).(2.3)

Now relations (2.1), (2.2) and (2.3) prove the theorem.

Following example shows that Theorem 2.1 is not true if υ does not satisfy condition ().

Example 2.2

Let υ be a bounded standard weight (so υ does not satisfy (), see Ardalani & Lusky, Citation2012a) and put φ(ω)=ω0 for some ω0G. Certainly Cφ is bounded but supωGImωImφ(ω)=.

3. Main results

We begin this section with Lemma 3.1 which makes an isomorphism between weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the upper half-plane (for type(II) weights) and weighted spaces of holomorphic functions on the unit disc. This isomorphism is our main tool to prove Theorem 3.2.

Lemma 3.1

Let υ be a type(II) weight on G which satisfies (). Put υ(z)=υ(α(-z))=υ(1-z1+zi) and define T:Hυ(G)Hυ(D) by (Tf)(z)=f(α(z)) for all fHυ(G) and all zD. Then υ is radial weight on D and T is an onto isomorphism.


First assertion of the lemma is obvious. By Remark 1.13 there is a constant C>0 such that(3.1) 1Cυ(α(z))υ(α(-z))Cυ(α(z))(3.1)

Consider a fixed zD. Firstly, assume Rez0. Since z-Rez, we have


Thus(3.2) υ(z)υ(α(z))(3.2)

Now, relation Im(α(z))Im(α(-z)) and the fact υ satisfies () imply that there exists a C>0 and β>0 such thatυ(α(z))υ(α(-z))C(1-z21-z21-z1+z)β.

Hence(3.3) υ(α(z))C2βυ(α(-z))=C2βυ(z)(3.3)

Now relations (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) imply that(3.4) υ(z)υ(α(z))C2βυ(z)(3.4)

whenever zD and Rez0.

If Rez>0, then Re(-z)<0. Using relations (3.1), (3.2) and (3.3) we have


Therefore(3.5) υ(z)Cυ(α(z))C2C2βυ(z)(3.5)

whenever zD and Rez>0.

Relations (3.4) and (3.5) show that weights υα and υ are equivalent on D. Hence T is well defined and gHυ(D) if and only if gα-1Hυ(G). This proves the lemma.

Now we present the following theorem:

Theorem 3.2

Let υ be a type(II) weight on G. If υ satisfies (), then all composition operators Cφ:Hυ(G)Hυ(G) are bounded operators.


Consider the following diagram.Cφ:Hυ(G)Hυ(G)TTCφ1:Hυ(D)Hυ(D)

where T and υ are as in Lemma 3.1 and φ1=α-1φα. For any gHυ(D) we have(TCφT-1)(g)=(TCφ)(T-1g)=(TCφ)(gα-1)=T(gα-1φ)=gα-1φα=gφ1=Cφ1

This means our diagram is commutative. Therefore, Cφ is bounded if and only if Cφ1 is bounded. Using Lemma 1.15 Cφ1 is bounded if and only if(3.6) infnNυ~(1-2-n-1)υ~(1-2-n)>0.(3.6)

To end the proof it is enough to show that relation (3.6) holds. we have (Bonet et al., Citation1999, Lemma 5, p. 145)(3.7) υ~(z)max2,υ(0)υ(12)υ(z)(3.7)

Since υ satisfies (), υ(0)υ(12)=υ(i)υ(13i)C3β:=C1. Thus max(2,υ(0)υ(12))max(2,C1):=C2. Now by inserting this relation in relation (3.7) we have υ~(z)C2υ(z) which implies that(3.8) 1υ~(z)1C2υ(z)zD(3.8)

Also it is well known that υ~(z)υ(z) (Bonet et al., Citation1998). Therefore


Obviously, 2-n-12-2-n-12-n2-2-n1. υ satisfies () implies that there exist C>0 and β>0 such that υ(2-n-12-2-n-1i)υ(2-n2-2-ni)1C(2-2-n22-2-n)β. It is easy to see that {2-2-n22-2-n} is an increasing sequence which converges to 12. Hence, inf2-2-n22-2-n=37>0. ThereforeinfnNυ~(1-2-n-1)υ~(1-2-n)1C2C(37)β>0.

Corollary 3.3

Let υ be a standard weight on G which satisfies (), thensupnN{0}υ(2-ni)υ(2-n-1i)supnNυ(2-n2-2-ni)υ(2-n-1i)supnNυ(2-n2-2-ni)υ(2-n-12-2-n-1i)<.


()Cφ is a bounded operator Cφ1 is a bounded operator infnNυ~(1-2-n-1)υ~(1-2-n)>0 which is equivalent tosupnNυ~(1-2-n)υ~(1-2-n-1)<

As in the proof of Theorem 3.2, we have υ(1-2-n)υ~(1-2-n) and 1C2υ(1-2-n-1)1υ~(1-2-n-1) (relation (3.8). Hence, υ(1-2-n)C2υ(1-2-n-1)υ~(1-2-n)υ~(1-2-n-1).

But υ(1-2-n)C2υ(1-2-n-1)=υ(2-n2-2-ni)υ(2-n-12-2-n-1i). Since 2-n-12-2-n-12-n-11 and υ is increasing, 1υ(2-n-1i)1υ(2-n-12-2-n-1i). Thusυ(2-n2-2-ni)υ(2-n-1i)υ(2-n2-2-ni)υ(2-n-12-2-n-1i)<

Relation 2-n2-2-n2-n-11 and condition () imply that υ(2-n2-2-ni)υ(2-ni)C(12-2-n)β. But, {12-2-n} is a decreasing sequence which converges to 12. ThereforeC(12)βυ(2-ni)υ(2-n2-2-ni)

which completes the proof.

Additional information


This work was financially supported by University of Kurdistan [grant number 3732003086].

Notes on contributors

Mohammad Ali Ardalani

Mohammad Ali Ardalani is a faculty member of the Mathematics Department at the University of Kurdistan, Sanadaj, Iran. His fields of specialty include Complex Analysis and Functional Analysis. During 2007–2010, he completed his PhD in Pure Mathematics (Complex and Functional Analysis) and worked as Faculty of computer science, Electrical Engineering and Mathematics, University of Paderborn, Paderborn Germany. During 2001–2007, he worked as Faculty member of the Mathematics Department at the University of Kurdistan. During 1998–2001, he completed Msc in Pure Mathematics (Functional Analysis) in the Department of Mathematics of Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran. In 1997, he completed Bsc in Pure mathematics in the Department of Mathematics of Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran and was a member of Iranian Mathematical Society.


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