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Research Article

Regular product vague graphs and product vague line graphs

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Article: 1213214 | Received 26 Dec 2015, Accepted 08 Jul 2016, Published online: 08 Aug 2016


Vague graph is a generalized structure of fuzzy graph which gives more precision, flexibility, and compatibility to a system when compared with systems that are designed using fuzzy graphs. In this paper, we introduced the notion of regular, totally regular product vague graphs, and product vague line graph. We proved that under some conditions regular and totally regular product vague graph becomes equivalent. Some properties of product vague line graph are investigated. We showed that a product vague graph is isomorphic to its corresponding product vague line graph under some conditions.

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Public Interest Statement

The theoretical concepts of graphs are highly utilized by computer science applications, especially in research areas of computer science such as data mining, image segmentation, clustering, image capturing, and networking. The vague graphs are more flexible and compatible than fuzzy graphs due to the fact that they have many applications in networks. In this paper, the concept of vague sets is applied to define and study many important properties of regular, totally regular product vague graphs and product vague line graphs.

1. Introduction

Now a days, most mathematical models are developed using fuzzy sets to handle various types of systems containing elements of uncertainty. In 1993, Gau and Buehrer (Citation1993), introduced the notion of vague set theory as a generalization of Zadeh fuzzy set theory (Citation1965). Vague sets are higher order fuzzy sets. Application of higher order fuzzy sets makes the solution-procedure more complex, but if the complexity on computation-time, computation-volume, or memory-space are not matters of concern, then we can achieve better results. In a fuzzy set, each element is associated with a point-value selected from the unit interval [0, 1], which is termed as the grade of membership in the set. Instead of using point-based membership as in fuzzy sets, interval-based membership is used in a vague set. The interval-based membership in vague sets is more expressive in capturing vagueness of data. There are some interesting features for handling vague data that are unique to vague sets. For example, vague sets allow for a more intuitive graphical representation of vague data, which facilitates significantly better analysis in data relationships, incompleteness, and similarity measures.

Considering the fuzzy relations between fuzzy sets, Rosenfeld (Citation1975) first introduced the concept of fuzzy graphs in 1975 and developed the structure of fuzzy graphs, obtaining analogous of several graph concepts. Ramakrishna (Citation2009) introduced the concept of vague graphs. Akram et al. studied some properties of vague graphs (Akram, Chen, & Shum, Citation2013), vague hypergraphs (Akram, Gani, & Saeid, Citation2014), regularity in vague intersection graphs (Akram, Dudek, & Yousaf, Citation2014), irregular and highly irregular vague graphs (Akram, Feng, Sarwar, & Jun, Citation2014), and vague cycles and vague trees (Akram, Feng, Sarwar, & Jun, Citation2015). Talebi, Rashmanlou, and Mehdipoor (Citation2013), Talebi, Mehdipoor, and Rashmanlou (Citation2014) studied isomorphism and operations on vague graphs. Borzooei and Rashmanlou (Citation2015a, Citationb, Citationc, Citation2016), Rashmanlou and Borzooei (Citation2015, Citation2016, Citation2015) introduced manynew concepts of vague graphs. Samanta et al. introduced fuzzy competition graphs (Samanta, Akram, & Pal, Citation2013; Samanta & Pal, Citation2015), fuzzy planar graphs (Samanta & Pal, Citation2015), bipolar fuzzy intersection graphs (Samanta & Pal, Citation2014), and strength of vague graphs (Samanta, Pal, Rashmanlou, & Borzooei, Citation2016). Later on, Ghorai and Pal studied some properties of generalized m-polar fuzzy graphs (Citation2016a), defined operations and density of m-polar fuzzy graphs (Citation2015), introduced m-polar fuzzy planar graphs (Citation2016b), and defined faces and dual of m-polar fuzzy planar graphs (Citation2016c). In this paper, the concept of regular, totally regular product vague graphs, and product vague line graphs are introduced. Necessary and sufficient condition is established under which regular and totally regular product vague graph becomes equivalent and a product vague graph is isomorphic to its corresponding product vague line graph.

2. Preliminaries

In this section, we point out some basic definitions of graphs. The readers are encouraged to see these references (Balakrishnan, Citation1997; Harary, Citation1972; Mordeson & Nair, Citation2000) for further study.

Definition 2.1

   Harary (Citation1972) A graph is an ordered pair G=(V,E), where V is the set of vertices of G and E is the set of all edges of G. Two vertices x and y in an undirected graph G are said to be adjacent in G if xy is an edge of G. A simple graph is an undirected graph that has no loops and not more than one edge between any two different vertices.

A subgraph of a graph G=(V,E) is a graph H=(W,F), where WV and FE.

We write xyE to mean (x,y)E, and if e=xyE, we say x and y are adjacent. Formally, given a graph G=(V,E), two vertices x,yV are said to be neighbors or adjacent nodes, if xyE. The neighborhood of a vertex v in a graph G is the induced subgraph of G consisting of all vertices adjacent to v and all edges connecting two such vertices. The neighborhood of v is often denoted by N(v). The degree deg(v) of vertex v is the number of edges incident on v. The open neighborhood for a vertex v in a graph G consists of all vertices adjacent to v but not including v, i.e. N(v)={uV:uvE}. If v is included in N(v), then it is called closed neighborhood for v and is denoted by N[v], i.e. N[v]=N(v){v}. A regular graph is a graph where each vertex has the same open neighborhood degree. A complete graph is a simple graph in which every pair of distinct vertices has an edge.

An isomorphism ϕ of the graphs G1 and G2 is a bijection between the vertex sets of G1 and G2 such that any two vertices v1 and v2 of G1 are adjacent in G1 if and only if ϕ(v1) and ϕ(v2) are adjacent in G2. If G1 and G2 are isomorphic, then we denote it by G1G2.

The line graph L(G) of a simple graph G is a graph which represents the adjacentness between edges of G. For a graph G, its line graph L(G) is a graph such that:


Each vertex of L(G) represents an edge of G, and


Two vertices of L(G) are adjacent if and only if their corresponding edges have a common end point in G.

Let G=(V,E) be a graph where V={v1,v2,,vn}. Let Si={vi,xi1,,xiqi} where xijE and xij has vi as a vertex, j=1,2,,qi; i=1,2,,n. Let S={S1,S2,,Sn}. Let T={SiSj:Si,SjS,SiSj,ij}. Then P(S)=(S,T) is an intersection graph and P(S)=G. The line graph L(G) of G, is by definition the intersection graph P(E). That is, L(G)=(Z,W) where Z={{x}{ux,vx}:xE,ux,vxV,x=uxvx} and W={SxSy:SxSy,x,yE,xy} and Sx={x}{ux,vx}, xE.

Definition 2.2

   Gau and Buehrer (Citation1993)   A vague set on a non-empty set X is a pair (tA,fA), where tA:X[0,1], fA:X[0,1] are true and false membership functions, respectively, such that tA(x)+fA(x)1 for all xX.

In the above definition, tA(x) is considered as the lower bound for degree of membership of x in A (based on evidence for), and fA(x) is the lower bound for negation of membership of x in A (based on evidence against). Therefore, the degree of membership of x in the vague set A is characterized by the interval [tA(x),1-fA(x)]. So, a vague set is a special case of interval-valued sets studied by many mathematicians and applied in many branches of mathematics. Vague sets also have many applications. The interval [tA(x),1-fA(x)] is called the vague value of x in A and is denoted by VA(x). We denote zero vague and unit vague value by 0=[0,0] and 1=[1,1], respectively.

It is worth to mention here that interval-valued fuzzy sets are not vague sets. In interval-valued fuzzy sets, an interval-valued membership value is assigned to each element of the universe considering the “evidence for x” only, without considering “evidence against x”. In vague sets both are independently proposed by the decision-maker. This makes a major difference in the judgment about the grade of membership.

A vague relation is a further generalization of a fuzzy relation.

Definition 2.3

Ramakrishna (Citation2009)   Let X and Y be ordinary finite non-empty sets. We call a vague relation a vague subset of X×Y, that is an expression R defined by R={<(x,y),tR(x,y),fR(x,y)>:xX,yY}, where tR:X×Y[0,1] and fR:X×Y[0,1], which satisfies the condition 0tR(x,y)+fR(x,y)1, for all (x,y)X×Y.

Definition 2.4

Ramakrishna (Citation2009)    A vague relation B on a set V is a vague relation from V to V. If A is a vague set on a set V, then a vague relation B on A is a vague relation which satisfies tB(x,y)min{tA(x),tA(y)} and fB(x,y)max{tB(x),tB(y)} for all x,yV.

Definition 2.5

Ramakrishna (Citation2009)   Let G=(V,E) be a crisp graph. A pair G=(V,A,B) is called a vague graph of G, where A=(tA,fA) is a vague set on V and B=(tB,fB) is a vague set on EV×V such that tB(x,y)min{tA(x),tA(y)} and fB(x,y)max{tB(x),tB(y)} for each (x,y)E.

We call A the vague vertex set of G and B as the vague edge set of G, respectively.

A vague graph G is said to be strong if tB(u,v)=min{tA(u),tA(v)} and fB(u,v)=max{fA(u),fA(v)} for all (u,v)E.

A vague graph G is said to be complete if tB(u,v)=min{tA(u),tA(v)} and fB(u,v)=max{fA(u),fA(v)} for all u,vV.

3. Regular and totally regular product vague graphs

Throughout the paper, G represents a crisp graph and G is a product vague graph of G. Rashmanlou and Borzooei (Citation2015) defined the product vague graphs as follows.

Here after we use xyE to denote (x,y)E throughout the paper.

Definition 3.1

A product vague graph of a graph G=(V,E) is a pair G=(V,A,B) where A=(tA,fA) is an vague set in V and B=(tB,fB) is a vague set on V2 such that tB(xy)tA(x)×tA(y) and fB(xy)fA(x)×fA(y) for all x,yV.

Note that, every product vague graph is also a vague graph.

Example 3.2

Let us consider the graph G=(V,E) where V={v1,v2,v3,v4} and E={v1v4,v2v3}. A product vague graph G of G is shown in Figure .

Definition 3.3

A product vague graph G=(V,A,B) of G=(V,E) is said to be strong if tB(xy)=tA(x)×tA(y) and fB(xy)=fA(x)×fA(y) for all xyE.

The product vague graph G of Figure is not strong.

Definition 3.4

Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G=(V,E). The open neighborhood degree of a vertex v in G is defined by deg(v)=(degt(v),degf(v)), where degt(v)=uvuvEtB(uv) and degf(v)=uvuvEfB(uv). If all the vertices of G have the same open neighborhood degree (r1,r2), then G is called (r1,r2)-regular product vague graph.

Definition 3.5

Let G=(V,A,B) be a regular product vague graph of G=(V,E). The order of G is defined as O(G)=(Ot(G),Of(G)) where Ot(G)=vVtA(v) and Of(G)=vVfA(v). The size of G is defined as S(G)=(St(G),Sf(G)) where St(G)=uvEtB(uv) and Sf(G)=uvEfB(uv).

Definition 3.6

Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G=(V,E). The closed neighborhood degree of a vertex v is defined by deg[v]=(degt[v],degf[v]), where degt[v]=degt(v)+tA(v) and degf[v]=degf(v)+fA(v). If each vertex of G has the same closed neighborhood degree (g1,g2), then G is called (g1,g2)-totally regular product vague graph.

Now, we give some examples which show that product vague graphs may be both regular and totally regular, neither totally regular nor regular and totally regular but not regular. In other words, there is no relation between regular and totally regular product vague graphs.

First we give an example of a product vague graph which is both regular and totally regular (see Figure ).

Example 3.7

Let us consider the graph G=(V,E) where V={v1,v2,v3,v4} and E={v1v2,v2v4,v3v4,v1v3} and consider the product vague graph G=(V,A,B) of G (see Figure ). Here, deg(v1)=deg(v2)=deg(v3)=deg(v4)=(0.3,0.4) and deg[v1]=deg[v2]=deg[v3]=deg[v4]=(0.8,0.8). Hence, G is both (0.3,0.4)-regular and (0.8,0.8)-totally regular product vague graph.

Now, we give an example of a product vague graph which is neither regular nor totally regular (see Figure ).

Example 3.8

Let us consider a product vague graph G=(V,A,B) of G=(V,E) where V={v1,v2,v3} and E={v1v2,v1v3} (see Figure ). We have, deg(v1)=(0.4,0.45),deg(v2)=(0.2,0.2),deg(v3)=(0.2,0.25) and deg[v1]=(0.8,0.95),deg[v2]=(0.7,0.6),deg[v3]=(0.8,0.65). Hence, G is neither regular nor totally regular product vague graph.

The following example shows that a product vague graph may be totally regular but not regular (see Figure ).

Example 3.9

Consider the product vague graph G given in Figure . Since deg(v1)=deg(v2)=(0.27,0.08)deg(v3)=(0.24,0.08) and deg[v1]=deg[v2]=deg[v3]=(0.67,0.28), therefore G is (0.67, 0.28)-totally regular and but not regular product vague graph.

Similarly, we can give example of a product vague graph which is regular but not totally regular (see Figure ).

We now state the following propositions without proof.

Proposition 3.10

Let G=(V,A,B) be a (r1,r2)-regular product vague graph of G=(V,E). Then S(G)=n2(r1,r2) where |V|=n.

Proposition 3.11

Let G=(V,A,B) be a (g1,g2)-totally regular product vague graph of G=(V,E). Then 2S(G)+O(G)=n(g1,g2) where |V|=n.

Proposition 3.12

Let G=(V,A,B) be a (r1,r2)-regular and (g1,g2)-totally regular product vague graph of G=(V,E). Then O(G)=n(g1-r1,g2-r2) where |V|=n.

Theorem 3.13

Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G=(V,E). Then A=(tA,fA) is constant function if and only if the following are equivalent:


G is (r1,r2)-regular vague graph,


G is (g1,g2)-totally regular vague graph.


Let us assume that A=(tA,fA) is constant function. Therefore, let tA(v)=a1 and fA(v)=a2 for all vV, where a1,a2[0,1].

We will now show that the statements (i) and (ii) are equivalent.

(i)(ii): Let G be a (r1,r2)-regular product vague graph. Therefore, deg(v)=(degt(v),degf(v))=(r1,r2) for all vV.

Now, deg[v]=(degt[v],degf[v])=(degt(v)+tA(v),degf(v)+fA(v))=(r1+a1,r2+a2) for all vV. Hence, G is (r1+a1,r2+a2)-totally regular product vague graph.

(ii)(i): Let G be a (g1,g2)- totally regular product vague graph.

Then deg[v]=(degt[v],degf[v])=(g1,g2) for all vV.

That is, degt(v)+tA(v)=g1 and degf(v)+fA(v)=g2 for all vV, or degt(v)=g1-a1 and degf(v)=g2-a2 for all vV. Hence, G is (g1-a1,g2-a2)-regular product vague graph.

Conversely, let (i) and (ii) are equivalent. Suppose A is not constant function. This means there exist at least two vertices u,vV such that tA(u)tA(v) and fA(u)fA(v).

Let G be a (r1,r2)-regular product vague graph. Then, deg[u]=(degt(u)+tA(u),degf(u)+fA(u))=(r1+tA(u),r2+fA(u)) and deg[v]=(degt(v)+tA(v),degf(v)+fA(v))=(r1+tA(v),r2+fA(v)).

This shows that deg[u]deg[v] since tA(u)tA(v) and fA(u)fA(v). Hence, G is not totally regular which is a contradiction to the assumption that (i) and (ii) are equivalent. Therefore, A must be constant.

In a similar way, we can show that if A is not constant function, then G totally regular does not imply G is regular.

Proposition 3.14

Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph which is both regular and totally regular. Then A=(tA,fA) is constant.


Let G be a (r1,r2)-regular and (g1,g2)-totally regular product vague graph. Now, degt[v]=degt(v)+tA(v)=r1+tA(v)=g1 and degf[v]=degf(v)+fA(v)=r2+fA(v)=g2 for all vV. Hence, tA(v)=g1-r1 and fA(v)=g2-r2 for all vV. This shows that A(v)=(tA(v),fA(v))=(g1-r1,g2-r2) for all vV, i.e. A is constant.

Remark 3.15

The converse of the Proposition 3.14 is not true always. For example, consider the product vague graph G=(V,A,B) of G=(V,E) where V={v1,v2,v3} and E={v1v2,v2v3,v3v1} (see Figure ). Here, A(v)=(tA(v),fA(v))=(0.4,0.2) for all vV, i.e. A is constant but G is neither regular nor totally regular.

Theorem 3.16

Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G=(V,E) where G is an odd cycle. Then G is regular product vague graph of G if and only if B=(tB,fB) is constant.


Let G be a (r1,r2)-regular product vague graph. Let e1,e2,,e2n+1 be the edges of G such that ei=vi-1viE, v0,viV, i=1,2,,2n+1 and v0=v2n+1. Let tB(e1)=k1 and fB(e1)=k2 where k1,k2[0,1].

G is (r1,r2)-regular implies that degt(v1)=r1 and degf(v1)=r2.

This means, degt(v1)=tB(e1)+tB(e2)=r1 and degf(v1)=fB(e1)+fB(e2)=r2.

i.e. k1+tB(e2)=r1 and k2+fB(e2)=r2,

i.e. tB(e2)=r1-k1 and fB(e2)=r2-k2.

Again, degt(v2)=tB(e2)+tB(e3)=r1 and degf(v2)=fB(e2)+fB(e3)=r2.

This implies, tB(e3)=r1-(r1-k1)=k1 and fB(e3)=r2-(r2-k2)=k2, and so on.

Therefore, tB(ei)=k1ifiisodd(r1-k1)ifiiseven and fB(ei)=k2ifiisodd(r2-k2)ifiiseven

Therefore, tB(e1)=tB(e2n+1)=k1 and fB(e1)=fB(e2n+1)=k2.

Since e1 and e2n+1 are incident on the vertex v0, and deg(v0)=(r1,r2), we have, tB(e1)+tB(e2n+1)=r1 and fB(e1)+fB(e2n+1)=r2.

i.e. 2k1=r1 and 2k2=r2, i.e. k1=r12 and k2=r22.

Therefore, tB(ei)=r12 and fB(ei)=r22 for all i=1,2,,2n+1. Hence B is constant.

Conversely, let B be a constant function. Let B(uv)=(tB(uv),fB(uv))=(k1,k2) for all uvE, where k1,k2[0,1].

Then deg(v)=(degt(v),degf(v))=(uvuvEtB(uv),uvuvEtB(uv))=(2k1,2k2) for all vV.

Consequently, G is (2k1,2k2)-regular product vague graph.

4. Product vague line graphs

In this section, we first define a product vague intersection graph of a product vague graph. Finally we define the product vague line graphs.

Definition 4.1

Let P(S)=(S,T) be an intersection graph of a simple graph G=(V,E). Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G. We define a product vague intersection graph P(G)=(A1,B1) of P(S) as follows:


A1 and B1 are vague subsets of S and T, respectively,


tA1(Si)=tA(vi), fA1(Si)=fA(vi),


tB1(SiSj)=tB(vivj), fB1(SiSj)=fB(vivj) for all Si,SjS, SiSjT. In other words, any product vague graph of P(S) is called a product vague intersection graph.

The following proposition is immediate.

Proposition 4.2

Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G=(V,E) and P(G)=(A1,B1) be a product vague intersection graph of P(S). Then the following holds:


P(G) is a product vague graph of P(S),






Since G=(V,A,B) is a product vague graph we have by Definition 4.1, tB1(SiSj)=tB(vivj)tA(vi)×tA(vj)=tA1(Si)×tA1(Sj) and fB1(SiSj)=fB(vivj)fA(vi)×fA(vj)=fA1(Si)×fA1(Sj). Hence, P(G) is a product vague graph.


Let us define a mapping ϕ:VS by ϕ(vi)=Si fori=1,2,,n. Then clearly ϕ is one to one mapping of V onto S. Now vivjE if and only if SiSjT and T={ϕ(vi)ϕ(vj):vivjE}. Also, tA(vi)=tA1(Si)=tA1(ϕ(vi)) and fA(vi)=fA1(Si)=fA1(ϕ(vi)) for all viV, tB(vivj)=tB1(SiSj)=tB(ϕ(vi)ϕ(vj)) and fB(vivj)=fB1(SiSj)=fB(ϕ(vi)ϕ(vj)) for all vivjE. Hence, ϕ is an isomorphism of G onto P(G), i.e. GP(G).

This proposition shows that any product vague graph is isomorphic to a product vague intersection graph. The product vague line graph of a product vague graph is defined as below.

Definition 4.3

Let L(G)=(Z,W) be a line graph of a simple graph G=(V,E). Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G. Then a product vague line graph L(G)=(A1,B1) of G is defined as follows:


A1 and B1 are vague subsets of Z and W, respectively,








fB1(SxSy)=fB(x)×fB(y)=fB(uxvx)×fB(uyvy) for all Sx,SyZ and SxSyW.

Example 4.4

Consider now a graph G=(V,E) where V={v1,v2,v3,v4} and E={x1=v1v2,x2=v2v3,x3=v3v4,x4=v4v1}. Let G=(V,A,B) be a product vague graph of G (see Figure ).

Now, consider a line graph L(G)=(Z,W) such that Z={Sx1,Sx2,Sx3,Sx4} and W={Sx1Sx2,Sx2Sx3,Sx3Sx4,Sx4Sx1}.

Let A1 and B1 be vague subsets of Z and W, respectively. Then we havetA1(Sx1)=tB(x1)=0.15,tA1(Sx2)=tB(x2)=0.14,tA1(Sx3)=tB(x3)=0.25,tA1(Sx4)=tB(x4)=0.25,fA1(Sx1)=fB(x1)=0.07,fA1(Sx2)=fB(x2)=0.15,fA1(Sx3)=fB(x3)=0.17,fA1(Sx4)=fB(x4)=0.09,tB1(Sx1Sx2)=tB(x1)×tB(x2)=0.15×0.14=0.021,tB1(Sx2Sx3)=tB(x2)×tB(x3)=0.14×0.25=0.035,tB1(Sx3Sx4)=tB(x3)×tB(x4)=0.25×0.25=0.0625,tB1(Sx4Sx1)=tB(x4)×tB(x1)=0.25×0.15=0.0375,fB1(Sx1Sx2)=fB(x1)×fB(x2)=0.07×0.15=0.0105,fB1(Sx2Sx3)=fB(x2)×fB(x3)=0.15×0.17=0.0255,fB1(Sx3Sx4)=fB(x3)×fB(x4)=0.17×0.09=0.0153,fB1(Sx4Sx1)=fB(x4)×fB(x1)=0.07×0.09=0.0063.

Hence, L(G)=(A1,B1) is the product vague line graph of G. We see that L(G) is neither regular nor totally regular product vague line graph.

Proposition 4.5

A product vague line graph is a strong product vague graph.


Follows from the definition of product vague line graph.

Proposition 4.6

If L(G) is a product vague line graph of the product vague graph G, then L(G) is the line graph of G.


Since G=(V,A,B) is a product vague graph and L(G)=(A1,B1) is a product vague line graph, therefore tA1(Sx)=tB(x) and fA1(Sx)=fB(x) for all xE and so SxZxE.

Also, tB1(SxSy)=tB(x)×tB(y) and fB1(SxSy)=fB(x)×fB(y) for all Sx,SyZ, and so W={SxSy:SxSy,x,yE,xy}. This completes the proof.

Proposition 4.7

L(G)=(A1,B1) is a product vague line graph of some product vague graph G=(V,A,B) if and only if tB1(SxSy)=tA1(Sx)×tA1(Sy)) and fB1(SxSy)=fA1(Sx)×fA1(Sy) for all SxSyW.


Suppose that tB1(SxSy)=tA1(Sx)×tA1(Sy) and fB1(SxSy)=fA1(Sx)×fA1(Sy) for all SxSyW. Let us now define tA(x)=tA1(Sx) and fA(x)=fA1(Sx) for all xE. Then, tB1(SxSy)=tA1(Sx)×tA1(Sy))=tA(x)×tA(y)) and fB1(SxSy)=fA1(Sx)×fA1(Sy)=fA(x)×fA(y). A vague set A=(tA,fA) that yields that the property tB(xy)tA(x)×tA(y) and fB(xy)fA(x)×fA(y) will suffice. The converse part follows from the Definition 4.3.

Proposition 4.8

L(G)=(A1,B1) is a product vague line graph of some product vague graph if and only if L(G)=(Z,W) is a line graph satisfying tB1(uv)=tA1(u)×tA1(v) and fB1(uv)=fA1(u)×fA1(v) for all uvW.


Follows from the Propositions 4.6 and 4.7.

Definition 4.9

Let G1=(V1,A1,B1) and G2=(V2,A2,B2) be two product vague graphs of the graphs G1=(V1,E1) and G2=(V2,E2), respectively. A homomorphism between G1 and G2 is a mapping ϕ:V1V2 such that


tA1(x)tA2(ϕ(x)) and fA1(x)fA2(ϕ(x)) for all xV1,


tB1(xy)tB2(ϕ(x)ϕ(y)) and fB1(xy)fB2(ϕ(x)ϕ(y)) for all xyV12.

A bijective homomorphism with the property that tA1(x)=tA2(ϕ(x)) and fA1(x)=fA2(ϕ(x)) for all xV1 is called a (weak) vertex-isomorphism.

A bijective homomorphism with the property that tB1(xy)=tB2(ϕ(x)ϕ(y)) and fB1(xy)=fB2(ϕ(x)ϕ(y)) for all xyV12, is called a (weak) line-isomorphism.

If ϕ is both (weak) vertex isomorphism and (weak) line-isomorphism, then ϕ is called a (weak) isomorphism of G1 onto G2. If G1 is isomorphic to G2, then we write G1G2.

Proposition 4.10

Let G1=(A1,B1) and G2=(A2,B2) be two product vague graphs of the graphs G1=(V1,E1) and G2=(V2,E2), respectively. If ϕ is a weak isomorphism of G1 onto G2, then ϕ is an isomorphism of G1 onto G2.



Proposition 4.11

Let L(G)=(A1,B1) be the product vague line graph corresponding to the product vague graph G=(V,A,B) of G=(V,E). Suppose that G is connected. Then the following hold:


There exists a weak isomorphism of G onto L(G) if and only if G is a cycle and for all vV, xE, tA(v)=tB(x), fA(v)=fB(x), i.e. A=(tA,fA) and B=(tB,fB) are constant functions on V and E, respectively, taking on the same value.


If ϕ is a weak isomorphism of G onto L(G), then ϕ is an isomorphism.


Suppose that ϕ is a weak isomorphism of G onto L(G). By Proposition 4.10, ϕ is an isomorphism of G onto L(G). By Proposition 4.6, G is a cycle, (by Harary, Citation1972), Theorem 8.2).

Let V={v1,v2,,vn} and E={x1=v1v2,x2=v2v3,,xn=vnv1}, where v1v2vnv1 is a cycle. Let us define the vague sets tA(vi)=si, fA(vi)=si´ and tB(vivi+1)=ti, fB(vivi+1)=ti´, i=1,2,,n, vn+1=v1, si,ti,si´,ti´[0,1].

Then for sn+1=s1, s´n+1=s1´,(1) tisi×si+1ti´si´×s´i+1,i=1,2,,n.(1)

Now, Z={Sx1,Sx2,,Sxn} and W={Sx1Sx2Sx2Sx3,,SxnSx1}.

Also for tn+1=t1 and t´n+1=t1´, tA1(Sxi)=tB(xi)=tB(vivi+1)=ti, fA1(Sxi)=fB(xi)=fB(vivi+1)=ti´ and

tB1(SxiSxi+1)=tB(xi)×tB(xi+1)=ti×ti+1, fB1(SxiSxi+1)=fB(xi)×fB(xi+1)=ti´×t´i+1, i=1,2,,n, where vn+1=v1,vn+2=v2.

Since ϕ is an isomorphism of G onto L(G), ϕ maps V one-to-one onto Z. Also ϕ preserves adjacency. Hence, ϕ induces a permutation π of {1,2,,n} such that ϕ(vi)=Sxπ(i)=Svπ(i)vπ(i+1) and xi=vivi+1ϕ(vi)ϕ(vi+1)=Svπ(i)vπ(i+1)Svπ(i+1)vπ(i+2), i=1,2,,(n-1).


for i=1,2,,n. That is, sitπ(i), si´t´π(i) and(2) titπ(i)×tπ(i+1)ti´t´π(i)×t´π(i+1),i=1,2,,n.(2)

By (2), we have titπ(i), ti´t´π(i) for i=1,2,,n and so tπ(i)tπ(π(i)), t´π(i)t´π(π(i)) for i=1,2,,n. Continuing, we havetitπ(i)tπj(i)ti,ti´t´π(i)t´πj(i)ti´

and so ti=tπ(i), ti´=t´π(i), i=1,2,,n where πj+1 is the identity map. Again by (2), we have titπ(i+1)=ti+1, ti´t´π(i+1)=t´(i+1), i=1,2,,n where tn+1=tn, t´n+1=t´n.

Hence by (1) and (2), we have t1==tn=s1=sn, t1´==tn´=s1´==sn´.

Thus we have not only proved the conclusion about A and B being constant functions, but also we have shown that (ii) holds.

Conversely, suppose that G is a cycle and for all vV, xE, tA(v)=tB(x), fA(v)=fB(x). By Proposition 4.6, L(G) is the line graph of G. Since G is a cycle, GL(G) by (Harary (Harary (Citation1972)), Theorem 8.2). This isomorphism induces an isomorphism of G onto L(G) since tA(v)=tB(x), fA(v)=fB(x) for all vV, xE and so A=B=A1=B1 on their respective domains.

Proposition 4.12

Let G1=(V1,A1,B1) and G2=(V2,A2,B2) be two product vague graphs of the graphs G1=(V1,E1) and G2=(V2,E2), respectively, such that G1 and G2 is connected. Let L(G1)=(A3,B3) and L(G2)=(A4,B4) be the product vague line graphs corresponding to G1 and G2, respectively. Suppose that it is not the case that one of G1 and G2 is complete graph K3 and other is bipartite complete graph K1,3. If L(G1)L(G2), then G1 and G2 are line isomorphic.


Since L(G1)L(G2), therefore by Proposition 4.10, L(G1)L(G2). Since L(G1) and L(G2) are the line graphs of G1 and G2, respectively, by Proposition 4.6, we have that G1G2 by (Harary (Citation1972), Theorem 8.3).

Let ψ be the isomorphism of L(G1) onto L(G2) and ϕ be the isomorphism of G1 onto G2. Then tA3(Sx)=tA4(ψ(Sx))=tA4(Sϕ(x)), fA3(Sx)=fA4(ψ(Sx))=fA4(Sϕ(x)), where the latter equalities holds by the proof of (Harary (Citation1972), Theorem 8.3) and so tB1(x)=tB2(ϕ(x)), fB1(x)=fB2(ϕ(x)). Hence G1 and G2 are line isomorphic.

Figure 1. G is a product vague graph of G.

Figure 1. G is a product vague graph of G∗.

Figure 2. G is (0.3,0.4)-regular and (0.8,0.8)-totally regular product vague graph.

Figure 2. G is (0.3,0.4)-regular and (0.8,0.8)-totally regular product vague graph.

Figure 3. G is neither regular nor totally regular product vague graph.

Figure 3. G is neither regular nor totally regular product vague graph.

Figure 4. G is (0.67,0.28)-totally regular but not regular product vague graph.

Figure 4. G is (0.67,0.28)-totally regular but not regular product vague graph.

Figure 5. G is (0.24,0.08)-regular but not totally regular product vague graph.

Figure 5. G is (0.24,0.08)-regular but not totally regular product vague graph.

Figure 6. A is constant but G is neither regular nor totally regular.

Figure 6. A is constant but G is neither regular nor totally regular.

Figure 7. G is a product vague graph.

Figure 7. G is a product vague graph.

Figure 8. The product vague line graph L(G) of G.

Figure 8. The product vague line graph L(G) of G.

5. Conclusions

Graph theory has several interesting applications in system analysis, operations research, computer applications, and economics. Since most of the time the aspects of graph problems are uncertain, it is nice to deal with these aspects via the methods of fuzzy systems. It is known that fuzzy graph theory has numerous applications in modern sciences and technology, especially in the fields of neural networks, artificial intelligence, and decision-making. In this paper, we defined the notions of regular, totally regular product vague graphs, and product vague line graphs. We investigated some properties of them. In our future work we will focus on categorical properties on product vague graphs, edge regular, and irregular product vague graph product vague competition graph.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Ganesh Ghorai

Ganesh Ghorai is an assistant professor in the Department of Applied Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, India. His research interests include fuzzy sets, fuzzy graphs, and graph theory.

Madhumangal Pal

Madhumangal Pal is a professor of Applied Mathematics, Vidyasagar University, India. He received jointly with G. P. Bhattacherjee the “Computer Division Medal” from the Institute of Engineers (India) in 1996 for best research work. He received the Bharat Jyoti Award from International Friendship Society, New Delhi, in 2012. He has published more than 250 articles in international and national journals and 31 articles in edited books and in conference proceedings. His specializations include computational graph theory, genetic algorithms and parallel algorithms, fuzzy correlation and regression, fuzzy game theory, fuzzy matrices and fuzzy algebra. He is the editor-in-chief of Journal of Physical Sciences and Annals of Pure and Applied Mathematics, and a member of the editorial boards of several other journals.


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