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Research Article

A generalization of Szász-type operators which preserves constant and quadratic test functions

& | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1227023 | Received 06 Jun 2016, Accepted 17 Aug 2016, Published online: 06 Sep 2016


In the present article, we introduced a new form of Szász-type operators which preserves test functions e0 and e2(ei(t)=ti,i=0,2). By these sequence of positive linear operators, we gave rate of convergence and better error estimation by means of modulus of continuity. Moreover, we have discussed order of approximation with the help of local results. In the last, weighted Korovkin theorem is established.

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Public Interest Statement

The approximation of functions by positive linear operators plays a significant role in the areas of numerical analysis, computer-aided geometric design (CAGD), solutions of differential equations, etc. In this paper, we modified Szász type operators based on Charlier polynomials using King’s method to obtain better approximation results. Moreover, we discussed basic convergence theorem in terms of classical modulus of continuity, investigated pointwise approximation theorems and weighted approximation theorem.

1. Introduction

For fC(0,+) and x(0,+), Szász (Citation1950) defined a sequence of positive linear operators as follows(1.1) Sn(f;x)=k=0pn,k(x)fkn,(1.1)

where pn,k(x)=e-nx(nx)kk!,nN. These operators play important role in approximation theory. In this paper, Szász showed the manner in which the operators Sn(f;x) tend to f(x). Various well-known positive linear operators Ln preserve the constant as well as the linear functions i.e. Ln(e0;x)=e0(x) and Ln(e1;x)=e1(x) for the test functions ei(x)=xi(i=0,1). But, these operators do not preserve e2(x) and it is rather difficult to approach e2(x) for large value of n (see also Rao & Wafi, Citation2015; Wafi & Rao, Citation2016). In King (Citation2003) introduced a method by which every linear positive operators preserve e2(x) i.e. Ln(e2;x)=e2(x) and provided the better error estimation. Several authors used this powerful tool to different type of positive linear operators and discussed the better error estimation for instance (Ali Özarslan & Duman, Citation2009; Deo & Bhardwaj, Citation2015; Duman & Ozarslan, Citation2007). Recently, Varma and Tasdelen (Citation2012) gave a generalization of well-known Szász-Mirakjan operators using Charlier polynomials (Ismail, Citation2005) having the generating function of the form:(1.2) et1-tau=k=0Ck(a)(u)tkk!,|t|<a,(1.2)

and the explicit representationCk(a)(u)=r=0kkr(-u)r1ar,

where (α)k is the Pochhammer’s symbol given by(α)0=1,(α)k=α(α+1)(α+k-1),kN.

For a>0 and u0, Charlier polynomials are positive. Using these polynomials, they (Varma & Taşdelen, Citation2012) defined the Szász-type operators as follows:(1.3) Ln(f;x,a)=e-11-1a(a-1)nxk=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nxfkn,nN,(1.3)

where a>1 and x0. Now, we introduce a new sequence of Szász-type operators which preserves constant and quadratic test functions and provides better estimates. Let Tn,a:C[0,+)C[0,+). Then we have(1.4) Tn,a(f;rn,a(x))=e-11-1aa-1nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)(-(a-1)nrn,a(x))fkn,(1.4)

for any function fCβ[0,)={fC[0,):|f(x)|M(1+x)β for some M>0 and β>0} and(1.5) rn,a(x)=-3+1a-1+3+1a-12+4n2x2-22n,(1.5)

is a sequence of real-valued continuous functions which is defined on [0,+). We observe that rn,a(x)0 for x2n. One can notice that


if rn,a(x)x as n+, the sequence of operators defined in (1.4) reduces to operators (1.3) and


for rn,a(x)=x, a+ and x-1n in place of x, these operators tend to classical Szász operators defined by (1.1).

In this paper, we have discussed rate of convergence, local approximation results and Korovkin-type approximation theorem in polynomial weighted space and obtained better estimates for the operators (1.4).

2. Basic estimates

Lemma 2.1

For the operators Tn,a defined by (1.4), we haveTn,a(1;rn,a(x))=1,Tn,a(t;rn,a(x))=-1+1a-1+3+1a-12+4n2x2-22n,Tn,a(t2;rn,a(x))=x2,

for x2n.


Using t=1,u=-(a-1)nrn,a(x) in (1.2) and by simple differentiation, we getk=0Ck(u)-a-1nrn,a(x)k!=e1-1a-(a-1)nrn,a(x),k=0kCk(u)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!=e1-1a-(a-1)nrn,a(x)1+nrn,a(x),k=0k2Ck(u)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!=e1-1a-(a-1)nrn,a(x)2+3+1a-1nrn,a(x)+n2rn,a2(x).

Using these equalities and operators (1.4), we can easily prove Lemma 2.1.

Lemma 2.2

Let ψxi(t)=(t-x)i,i=0,1,2. Then, for the operators (1.4), we haveTn,a(ψx0;rn,a(x))=1,Tn,a(ψx1;rn,a(x))=-1+1a-1+3+1a-12+4n2x2-22n-x,Tn,a(ψx2;rn,a(x))=2x2+1+1a-1nx-x3+1a-12+4n2x2-2n.


Using Lemma 2.1, we can easily prove Lemma 2.2.

Lemma 2.3

For the operators Tn,alimnnTn,aψx1;rn,a(x)=-1+1a-12,limnTn,aψx2;rn,a(x)=1+1a-1x.

3. Rate of convergence

Theorem 3.1

Let fCβ[0,+) and x2n. Then for the operators Tn,a defined by (1.4), we have|Tn,a(f;rn,a(x)-f(x))|2ωf;δn,

where δn=Tn,aψx2;rn,a(x)12.


We have the differenceTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)e-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!fkn-f(x)1+1δne-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!kn-xωf;δn1+1δne-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!kn-x2ωf;δn=1+1δnTn,aψx2;xωf;δn,

which proves the Theorem 3.1.

Remark 3.2

For the Szász-type operators Ln given by (1.3), and for every fC[0,)E, we have(3.1) |Ln(f;x)-f(x))|1+x1+1a-1+2nωf;1n,(3.1)

where E={f:[0,)R,|f(x)|MeAx,AR and M(0,)} Here, we show that our operators Tn,a has the better approximation than the operators Ln.

Since 2x=4x2n2n and 3+1a-12-8>0 for all values of a>1, then 2x2<x3+1a-12+4x2n2-2n. This implies that 2x2-x3+1a-12+4x2n2-2n+1+1a-1nx<1+1a-1nx+2n2. Hence Tn,aψx2;rn,a(x)<Lnψx2;x.

4. Local approximation results

In this section, we deal order of approximation locally in CB[0,) (space of real-valued continuous and bounded functions f on [0,)) with the norm f=sup0x<|f(x)|. Then, for any fCB[0,) and δ>0, Peeter’s K-functional is defined asK2f,δ=inff-g+δg:gCB2[0,),

where CB2[0,)=gCB[0,):g,gCB[0,). By DeVore and Lorentz (Citation1993, p. 177, Theorem 2.4), there exits an absolute constant C>0 such thatK2f;δCω2f;δ,

where ω2(f;δ) is the second-order modulus of continuity is defined asω2f;δ=sup0<hδsupx[0,)f(x+2h)-2f(x+h)+f(x).

Theorem 4.1

Let fCB2[0,). Then for all x2n there exists a constant C>0 such thatTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)Cω2f;γn,a(x)+ωf;Tn,a(ψx;rn,a(x),

where γn,a(x)=Tn,aψx2;rn,a(x)+Tn,aψx;rn,a(x)2.


First, we consider the auxiliary operators as follows(4.1) T^n,af;rn,a(x)=Tn,af;rn,a(x)+f(x)-fηn,a(x),(4.1)

where ηn,a(x)=Tn,aψx;rn,a(x)+x. By the Equation (4.1), we get(4.2) T^n,a1;rn,a(x)=1,T^n,aψx(t);rn,a(x)=0,T^n,af;rn,a(x)3f.(4.2)

For any gCB2[0,) and by the Taylor’s theorem, we have(4.3) g(t)=g(x)+(t-x)g(x)+xt(t-v)g(v)dv.(4.3)

Applying auxiliary operators defined by (4.1) in Equation (4.3), we getT^n,ag;rn,a(x)-g(x)=g(x)T^n,at-x;rn,a(x)+T^n,axt(t-v)g(v)dv;rn,a(x)=T^n,axt(t-v)g(v)dv;rn,a(x)=Tn,axt(t-v)g(v)dv;rn,a(x)-xηn,a(x)ηn,a(x)-vg(v)dv.

Therefore(4.4) T^n,ag;rn,a(x)-g(x)Tn,axt(t-v)g(v)dv;rn,a(x)+xηn,a(x)ηn,a(x)-vg(v)dv.(4.4)

Since, we have(4.5) xt(t-v)g(v)dv(t-x)2g,(4.5)

this implies that(4.6) xηn,a(x)(ηn,a(x)-v)g(v)dvηn,a(x)-x2g.(4.6)

Using (4.4), (4.5) and (4.6), we have(4.7) T^n,ag;rn,a(x)-g(x)Tn,a(t-x)2;rn,a(x)+ηn,a(x)-x2g=γn,a(x)g.(4.7)

Now, we haveTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)T^n,af-g;rn,a(x)+(f-g)(x)+T^n,ag;rn,a(x)-g(x)+f(ηn,a(x))-f(x),

using (4.7), we getTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)4f-g+T^n,ag;rn,a(x)-g(x)+fηn,a(x)-f(x)4f-g+γn,a(x)g+ωf;Tn,aψx;rn,a(x).

By the definition of Peetre’s K-functional, we findTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)Cω2f;γn,a(x)+ωf;Tn,aψx;rn,a(x).

This proves Theorem 4.1.

Here, we introduce a local result in Lipschitz classLipM(α)=fC[0,):f(t)-f(x)Mt-xαt+xα2:x,t(0,),

where M is a constant and 0<α1.

Theorem 4.2

For x2n,+ and fLipM(α), we haveTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)MΘn,a(x)xα2,

where Θn,a(x)=Tn,a(t-x)2;rn,a(x).


Let α=1 and x(0,). Then, for fLipM(1), we haveTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)e-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!fkn-f(x)dtMe-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!kn-xkn+x.Mxe-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!kn-xMxTn,at-x;rn,a(x)MTn,a(t-x)2;rn,a(x)x=MΘn,a(x)x12.

Thus, the assertion holds for α=1. Now, we will prove for α(0,1). From the Hölder’s Inequality with p=1α and q=11-α, we haveTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)=e-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!fkn-f(x)1αα×e-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!1-αe-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!fkn-f(x)1αα.

Since fLipM(α), we obtainTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)Me-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!kn-xkn+xdtαMxα2e-11-1a(a-1)nrn,a(x)k=0Ck(a)-(a-1)nrn,a(x)k!kn-xα=Mxα2Tn,at-x;rn,a(x)αMΘn,a(x)xα2.

This completes the proof of Theorem 4.2.

5. Weighted Korovkin-type theorem

In this section, we introduce Tn,a in polynomial weighted spaces of continuous and unbounded functions defined on [0,). In Gadzhiev (Citation1976) gave the weighted Korovkin-type theorems. Here we recall some symbols and notions from Gadziev (Citation1976). Let ρ(x)=1+x2, -<x< and Bρ[0,)={f(x):|f(x)|Mfρ(x), ρ(x) is weight function, Mf is a constant depending on f and x[0,)}, Cρ[0,) is the space of continuous function in Bρ[0,) with the norm f(x)ρ=supx[0,)|f(x)|ρ(x) and Cρk={fCρ:lim|x|f(x)ρ(x)=k, where k is a constant depending on f}.

Theorem 5.1

Let Tn,a be the sequence of linear positive operators defined by (1.4). Then for fCρk,limnTn,af;rn,a(x)-f(x)ρ=0.


To prove the theorem, it is sufficient to show thatlimnTn,a(ti;x)-xiρ=0,fori=0,1,2.

It is obvious that limnTn,a(1;x)-1ρ=0 and limnTn,a(x2;x)-x2ρ=0. Now, from the Lemma 2.1, we havesupx[0,)Tn,a(t;x)-x1+x2=supx[0,)-1+1a-1+3+1a-12+4n2x2-22n-x1+x21+1a-12nsupx[0,)11+x2+supx[0,)3+1a-12+4n2x2-2-2nx2n1+x2=1+1a-12nsupx[0,)11+x2+supx[0,)1+1a-12+6a-1+n2x2-2nx2n1+x2.

Since a+b<a+b, thensupx[0,)Tn,a(t;x)-x1+x21+1a-12nsupx[0,)11+x2+supx[0,)1+1(a-1)2+6a-1+4n2x2-2nx2n1+x2=1+1a-12nsupx[0,)11+x2+supx[0,)1+1(a-1)2+6a-12n1+x2

which shows that as n, Tn,a(t;x)-xρ0.

Hence the theorem is proved.


The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to the anonymous learned referee(s) and the editor for their valuable suggestions and constructive comments which resulted in the subsequent improvement of this research article.

Additional information


The second author Nadeem Rao is thankful to University Grants Commission [grant number UGC-BSR fellowship] for providing the financial support under the UGC-BSR(Basic Scientific Research) scheme.

Notes on contributors

Abdul Wafi

Abdul Wafi received his PhD from Aligarh Muslim University. He worked as Associate Professor abroad. He is working as a full professor in the Department of Mathematics, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025. His field of research is approximation theory and operators theory. He guided many PhD students.

Nadeem Rao

Nadeem Rao received his master degree in Mathematics with Computer Science from Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi-110025. He is pursuing his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Abdul Wafi.


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