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Research Article

Best proximity results for proximal contractions in metric spaces endowed with a graph

& | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1252455 | Received 08 Jun 2016, Accepted 13 Oct 2016, Published online: 13 Nov 2016


In this paper we define a generalized proximal G-contraction on a metric space having the additional structure of a directed graph. We obtain a best proximity point result for such contractions which is with a view to obtaining minimum distance between the domain and range sets. An example illustrating the main theorem is also discussed. The work is in the line of research on mathematical analysis as well as optimization in metric spaces with a graph.

Mathematics subject classifications:

Public Interest Statement

In this paper some results of mathematical analysis are established. It is a core area of mathematics on which stands a large part of the theoretical development of mathematics as well as many applications of mathematics. Particularly the results are in the domain of fixed point theory which is an extensive branch of mathematics having overlapping with various branches of pure and applied mathematics. The theory has also important implications in computer science. Although the present results are theoretical, there are potential applications of similar results in the literature. A noticeable aspect of the present work is the development of algorithm.

1. Introduction and mathematical preliminaries

The purpose of this paper is to establish a best proximity point theorem for generalized rational proximal contractions. It is a study on metric spaces with the additional structure of a graph on it. We begin with the following technical details which are necessary for the discussion in the paper.

Throughout the paper (X,d) denotes a metric space and A,BX. We use the following notations.d(A,B)=inf{d(a,b):aAandbB},A0={aA:d(a,b)=d(A,B)for somebB},B0={bB:d(a,b)=d(A,B)for someaA}.

It is to be noted that if (A,B) is a nonempty, weakly compact and convex pair in a Banach space X, then A0 and B0 are nonempty (Basha & Veeramani, Citation2000; Gabeleh, Citation2015).

Definition 1.1

   [P-property (Sankar Raj, Citation2011)] Let A and B be two nonempty subsets of a metric space (X,d) with A0. Then the pair (A,B) is said to have the P-property if for any x1,x2A0 and y1,y2B0,d(x1,y1)=d(A,B)d(x2,y2)=d(A,B)d(x1,x2)=d(y1,y2).

Abkar and Gabeleh (Citation2012) have shown that every nonempty, bounded, closed and convex pair of subsets of a uniformly convex Banach space has the P-property. Some nontrivial examples of nonempty pairs of subsets which satisfy the P-property are given in Abkar and Gabeleh (Citation2012).

Lemma 1.1

   (Gabeleh, Citation2013) Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty closed subsets of a complete metric space (X,d) such that A0 is nonempty and (A,B) has the P-property. Then (A0,B0) is a closed pair of subsets of X.

Definition 1.2

An element xA is said to be a best proximity point the mapping S:AB if d(x,Sx)=d(A,B).

Let Δ:={(x,x):xX}. Let G=G(V(G),E(G)) be a directed graph such that its vertex set V(G) coincides with X, that is, V(G)=X and the edge set E(G) contains all loops, that is, ΔE(G). Assume that G has no parallel edges. By G-1 we denote the conversion of a graph G, that is, the graph obtained from G by reversing the directions of the edges. Thus we haveV(G-1)=V(G)andE(G-1)={(x,y)X×X:(y,x)E(G)}.

Let G~ denote the undirected graph obtained from G by ignoring the directions of edges. Actually, it is convenient for us to treat G~ as a directed graph for which the set of its edges is symmetric. Under this convention,V(G~)=V(G)andE(G~)=E(G)E(G-1).

A graph S(V(S),E(S)) is called a subgraph of the graph G(V(G),E(G)) if V(S)V(G) and E(S)E(G). If HX, then GH(V(GH),E(GH)) denotes the subgraph of graph G, where V(GH)=H.

Definition 1.3

If x and y are vertices in a graph G, then a path in G from x to y of length m(mN) is a sequence (xi)i=0m of m+1 vertices such that x0=x,xm=y and (xi-1,xi)E(G) for i=1,...,m.

A graph G is connected if there is a path between any two vertices. G is weakly connected if G~ is connected.

Let G be such that E(G) is symmetric and x is a vertex in G, then the subgraph Gx consisting of all edges and vertices which are contained in some path beginning at x is called the component of G containing x. In this case V(Gx)=[x]G, where [x]G is the equivalence class of the relation R defined on V(G) by the rule: yRz whenever there is a path in G from y to z.

We say a metric space (X,d) is endowed with a directed graph G, if G is a directed graph such that V(G)=X and ΔE(G). We suppose that (X,d) is metric space endowed with a directed graph G.

Definition 1.4

Let S:AB be a mapping. Then Prox(S) and XS(GA0) are defined as follows:Prox(S):={xA:d(x,Sx)=d(A,B)},XS(GA0):={xA0:yA0for whichd(y,Sx)=d(A,B)and(x,y)E(G)}.

Definition 1.5

A mapping S:AB is a Banach type proximal G- contraction if for all x,y,u,vA with (x,y)E(G),d(u,Sx)=d(A,B) and d(v,Sy)=d(A,B), the followings are satisfied.


(u,v)E(G) and


d(u,v)kd(x,y), where k(0,1).

Definition 1.6

A mapping S:AB is a generalized proximal G- contraction if for all x,y,u,vA with (x,y)E(G),d(u,Sx)=d(A,B) and d(v,Sy)=d(A,B) the followings are satisfied.


(u,v)E(G) and


d(u,v)kM(x,y,u,v), where k(0,1) and M(x,y,u,v)=max{d(x,y),d(y,v)[1+d(x,u)]1+d(x,y),d(y,u)[1+d(x,v)]1+d(x,y),d(x,y)[1+d(x,u)+d(y,u)]1+d(x,y)}.

Definition 1.7

A mapping S:AB is a generalized proximal G- contraction on A0 if for all x,y,u,vA0 with (x,y)E(G),d(u,Sx)=d(A,B)andd(v,Sy)=d(A,B) the followings are satisfied.


(u,v)E(G) and


d(u,v)kM(x,y,u,v), where k(0,1) and M(x,y,u,v) is as in Definition 1.6.

Definition 1.8

The triple (X,d,G) is said to be regular if


For any sequence {xn} in X with xnx and (xn,xn+1)E(G) for all nN, then (xn,x)E(G) for all nN,


For any sequence {xn} in X with xnx and (xn+1,xn)E(G) for all nN, then (x,xn)E(G) for all nN.

As stated earlier, our purpose is to establish best proximity point results. Best proximity points are associated with non-self maps defined from one subset of a metric space to another. They are studied for the purpose of obtaining minimum distance between two sets. There are two aspects of this problem. Primarily, it is a global minimization problem where the quantity d(x,Sx) is minimized over xA subject to the condition that the minimum value is d(A,B). When this global minimum is attained at a point z, then we have a best proximity point for which d(z,Sz)=d(A,B). Another aspect is that it is an extension of the idea of fixed point to which it reduces in the cases where AB is nonempty. This is illustrated through the following. Let A=(-,0] and B=[1,) be two subsets of X=R with the usual metric d(x,y)=|x-y|. Let S:AB be a mapping such that S(x)=1-x2. Then d(0,S(0))=1=d(A,B). So that 0 is a best proximity point of the mapping S. This is not a fixed point of S. In fact fixed point of the non-self map S does not exist.

On the contrary if C=[0,), then the mapping T:AC given by Tx=-x2 has a best proximity point which is also a fixed point.

In fact fixed points are best proximity points, but the converse is not true. The above is the reason for which fixed point methodologies are applicable to this category of problems. More elaborately, the problem can be treated as that of finding a global optimal approximate solution of the fixed point equation x=Sx even when the exact solution is nonexistent for AB= which is the case of interest here. We adopt the later approach in this paper.

Metric spaces with the structure of graph have been considered in recent times especially in the context of fixed point theory of contractive type mappings. The line of research was originated in the work of Jachymski (Citation2008) and was further pursued in Abbas, Nazir, Lampert, and Radenović (Citation2016), Beg, Butt, and Radojević (Citation2010), Bojor (Citation2012), Eshi, Das, and Debnath (Citation2016), Kumam, Salimi, and Vetro (Citation2014), Tiammee and Suantai (Citation2014), Shukla (Citation2014). The essential feature of these works is that the metric inequality for the purpose of ensuring the fixed point need only be satisfied on certain pairs of points which are, in this case, connected by the edges of the graph. It is a further extension of metric spaces with a partial order structure on it.

In this paper, against the above background, we establish a best proximity point theorem in a metric space having a structure of graph defined on it by using generalized proximal G-contractions. In the last section we discuss an illustrative example.

2. Main results

Theorem 2.1

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space endowed with a directed graph G. Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty and closed subsets of X such that A0 is nonempty and closed. Let S:AB be a mapping with the properties that S(A0)B0 and S is generalized proximal G- contraction on A0. Suppose that (a) S is continuous or (b) the triple (X,d,G) is regular. Then the the following statements hold:


For any xXS(GA0), S has a best proximity point in [x]GA0~.


If XS(GA0) and GA0 is weakly connected, then S has a best proximity point in A0.


If X:={[x]GA0~:xXS(GA0)}, then S has best proximity point in X.


Prox(S) if and only if XS(GA0).




It follows from the definition of A0 and B0 that for every xA0 there exists yB0 such that d(x,y)=d(A,B) and conversely, for every yB0 there exists xA0 such that d(x,y)=d(A,B). Since S(A0)B0, for every xA0 there exists a yA0 such that d(y,Sx)=d(A,B).

Let x0XS(GA0). By the definition of XS(GA0), there exists x1A0 such that (x0,x1)E(G) and d(x1,Sx0)=d(A,B). Now x1A0 and S(A0)B0 imply the existence of a point x2A0 such that d(x2,Sx1)=d(A,B). As S is generalized proximal G- contraction on A0, we get (x1,x2)E(G). In this way we obtain a sequence {xn} in A0 such that for all n0,(2.1) (xn,xn+1)E(G)(2.1)

and(2.2) d(xn+1,Sxn)=d(A,B).(2.2)

Now, for all n0 we have xnA0, (xn,xn+1)E(G),d(xn+1,Sxn)=d(A,B) and d(xn+2,Sxn+1)=d(A,B). Since S is generalized proximal G- contraction on A0, we have(2.3) d(xn+1,xn+2)kM(xn,xn+1,xn+1,xn+2),(2.3)


Suppose that d(xn,xn+1)<d(xn+1,xn+2), for some positive integer n. Then d(xn+1,xn+2)>0. Then it follows from (2.3) that0<d(xn+1,xn+2)<kd(xn+1,xn+2),

which is a contradiction. Therefore,(2.4) d(xn+1,xn+2)d(xn,xn+1),for alln0.(2.4)

Hence we have from (2.3) and (2.4) that(2.5) d(xn+1,xn+2)kd(xn,xn+1),for alln0.(2.5)

By repeated application of (2.5), we have(2.6) d(xn+1,xn+2)kn+1d(x0,x1).(2.6)

For arbitrary m,nN with m>n,d(xm,xn)d(xn,xn+1)+d(xn+1,xn+2)+...+d(xm-1,xm)[kn+kn+1+kn+2+...+km-1]d(x0,x1)kn1-kd(x0,x1)0asn.

Therefore, {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in A0. Since A0 is a closed subset of complete metric space (X,d), there exists zA0 such that(2.7) xnzasn.(2.7)

  • Suppose that S is continuous. Taking n in (2.2) and using the continuity of S, we have d(z,Sz)=d(A,B); that is, z is a best proximity point of S.

  • Next we suppose that the triple (X,d,G) is regular. By (2.1) and (2.7), we have (2.8) (xn,z)E(G)for alln0.(2.8) Now zA0 and S(A0)B0 imply the existence of a point pA0 for which (2.9) d(p,Sz)=d(A,B).(2.9)

By (2.2), (2.8) and (2.9), we have for all n0(xn,z)E(G),d(xn+1,Sxn)=d(A,B)andd(p,Sz)=d(A,B),wherexn,z,xn+1,pA0.

Since S is generalized proximal G- contraction on A0, we have(2.10) d(xn+1,p)kM(xn,z,xn+1,p),(2.10)


Using (2.7), we have(2.11) limnM(xn,z,xn+1,p)=d(z,p).(2.11)

Taking the limit as n in (2.10), using (2.7) and (2.11), we have d(z,p)kd(z,p), which is a contradiction unless d(z,p)=0; that is, p=z. Then by (2.9) we have that d(z,Sz)=d(A,B); that is, z is a best proximity point of S. By (2.8), it is obvious that (x0,z)E(GA0) and so z[x0]GA0~. Hence S has best proximity point in [x0]GA0~.


Let XS(GA0) and GA0 is weakly connected. Since GA0 is weakly connected, [x]GA0~=A0 for every xA0. Since XS(GA0), there exists an x0XS(GA0). Then [x0]GA0~=A0. So by (1), S has best proximity point in A0.


Let X:={[x]GA0~:xXS(GA0)}. By (1) and (2), S has a best proximity point in X.


Let Prox(S). Then there exists atleast one element xProx(S). Now xProx(S) means d(x,Sx)=d(A,B). So, xA0. Now ΔE(G) implies that (x,x)E(G). Therefore, we have xA0 such that d(x,Sx)=d(A,B) and (x,x)E(G), which implies that xXS(GA0). Hence XS(GA0). Conversely suppose that XS(GA0). Then by (1), Prox(S).

With the help of P - property we have the following theorem which is obtained by an application of Theorem 2.1.

Figure 1. (x,x)ΔxX.

Figure 1. (x,x)∈Δ∀x∈X.

Figure 2. (p,q)E1 where p=(x1,y1), q=(u1,v1)S1 with x1u1 and y1v1.

Figure 2. (p,q)∈E1 where p=(x1,y1), q=(u1,v1)∈S1 with x1≥u1 and y1≥v1.

Figure 3. (s,t)E2 where s=(x2,y2), t=(u2,v2)S2 with x2u2 and y2v2.

Figure 3. (s,t)∈E2 where s=(x2,y2), t=(u2,v2)∈S2 with x2≤u2 and y2≤v2.

Theorem 2.2

Let (X,d) be a complete metric space endowed with a directed graph G. Let (A,B) be a pair of nonempty and closed subsets of X such that A0 is nonempty and (A,B) satisfies the P-property. Let S:AB be a mapping with S(A0)B0. Suppose that for all x,y,u,vA0 with (x,y)E(G),d(u,Sx)=d(A,B)andd(v,Sy)=d(A,B) the followings are satisfied.


(u,v)E(G) and


d(Sx,Sy)kM(x,y,u,v), where k(0,1) and M(x,y,u,v)=max{d(x,y),d(y,v)[1+d(x,u)]1+d(x,y),d(y,u)[1+d(x,v)]1+d(x,y),d(x,y)[1+d(x,u)+d(y,u)]1+d(x,y)}.

Also, suppose that (a) S is continuous or (b) the triple (X,d,G) is regular. Then the following statements hold :

For any xXS(GA0), S has a best proximity point in [x]GA0~.


If XS(GA0) and GA0 is weakly connected, then S has a best proximity point in A0.


If X:={[x]GA0~:xXS(GA0)}, then S has best proximity point in X.


Prox(S) if and only if XS(GA0).


By Lemma 1.1, A0 is nonempty and closed. Since (A,B) satisfies P-property, d(u,Sx)=d(A,B) and d(v,Sy)=d(A,B) imply that d(u,v)=d(Sx,Sy). Then condition (ii) of the theorem reduces to the following inequality d(u,v)kM(x,y,u,v), where k(0,1) andM(x,y,u,v)=max{d(x,y),d(y,v)[1+d(x,u)]1+d(x,y),d(y,u)[1+d(x,v)]1+d(x,y),d(x,y)[1+d(x,u)+d(y,u)]1+d(x,y)}.

Hence S is generalized proximal G-contraction on A0. Therefore, we have the required proof from that of Theorem 2.1.

3. Example

Example 3.1

Let X=R2 (R denotes the set of real numbers) and d be a metric on X defined as d(x,y)=x1-x2+y1-y2,forx=(x1,y1),y=(x2,y2)X. Let A=S1S2 and B=H1H2, where S1={(x,1):0x1}{(0,y):1y2}, S2={(x,1):2xb}, H1={(x,-1):0x1}{(0,y):-2y-1} and H2={(x,-1):2xb}. Let G be a directed graph with V(G)=X and E(G)=ΔE1E2, whereΔ:={(x,x):xX},E1:={(p,q):p=(x1,y1),q=(u1,v1)S1withx1u1andy1v1}




Let S:AB be defined asS(t)=(x2,-1),ift=(x,1)where0x1,(0,-y),ift=(0,y)where1y2,(x+1x-1b,-1),ift=(x,1)where2xb.

Let k(0,1) be such that 1-1b2k<1. The function S satisfies all the postulates of Theorems 2.1. The set of best proximity points of the mapping S, that is, Prox (S) is nonempty. Here Prox(S)={(0,1),(b,1)}A0 (Figures ).

Additional information


Author Binayak S. Choudhury gratefully acknowledges the support of DST, W.B., India under Scheme Sanction No 624(Sanc.)/ST/P/S & T/Misc-5/2012.

Notes on contributors

Binayak S. Choudhury

Binayak S. Choudhury is Professor of Mathematics in IIEST, Shibpur, Howrah, 711103, West Bengal, India, since 2003. He has supervised several PhD students in different areas of pure and applied mathematics and theoretical physics and has published a good number of research articles in international journals. Particularly he has published more than 100 research articles in metric space related studies. He has served his institute in several administrative capacities.

Nikhilesh Metiya

Nikhilesh Metiya is an assistant professor in the Department of Mathematics, Sovarani Memorial College, Jagatballavpur, Howrah-711408, West Bengal, India. He got his PhD from IIEST (Formerly BESUS), Shibpur, Howrah, 711103, West Bengal, India, in 2013. He has 32 international publications in fixed point theory and allied subjects. His research interests include with mathematical analysis, nonlinear analysis and optimization.


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