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Research Article

Triple sets of -summable sequences of fuzzy numbers defined by an Orlicz function

, & | (Reviewing Editor)
Article: 1265191 | Received 03 Sep 2016, Accepted 03 Nov 2016, Published online: 20 Dec 2016


In this paper we introduce the χ3 fuzzy numbers defined by an Orlicz function and study some of their properties and inclusion results.

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Public Interest Statement

In this paper, we introduced the χ3 fuzzy numbers defined by an Orlicz function and study some of their properties with inclusion results. Furthermore we provided an example of triple sequence of gai which is not symmetric, not solid, not monotone and not convergent free.

Our result unifies the results of several author’s in the case of classical Orlicz spaces. One can extend our results for more general spaces.

1. Introduction

A triple sequence (real or complex) can be defined as a function x:N×N×NRC, where N,R and C denote the set of natural numbers, real numbers and complex numbers, respectively.

Some initial work on double series is found in Apostol (Citation1978), Alzer, Karayannakis, and Srivastava (Citation2006), Bor, Srivastava, and Sulaiman (Citation2012), Choi and Srivastava (Citation1991), Liu and Srivastava (Citation2006 and double sequence spaces are found in Hardy (Citation1917), Deepmala Subramanian, and Mishra (Citationin press), Deepmala, Mishra, and Subramanian (Citation2016) and many others. Later on some initial work on triple sequence spaces is found in Sahiner, Gurdal, and Duden (Citation2007), Esi (Citation2014), Esi and Necdet Catalbas (Citation2014),Esi and Savas (Citation2015), Subramanian and Esi (Citation2015) and many others.

A sequence x=(xmnk) is said to be triple analytic if supm,n,kxmnk1m+n+k<. The vector space of all triple analytic sequences are usually denoted by Λ3.

A sequence x=(xmnk) is called triple entire sequence if xmnk1m+n+k0 as m,n,k.

A sequence x=(xmnk) is called triple chi sequence if (m+n+k)!xmnk1m+n+k0 as m,n,k. The triple gai sequences will be denoted by χ3.

This paper deals with introducing the χ3-fuzzy number defined by an Orlicz function and study some topological properties, inclusion relations and give some examples. Some interesting results may be seen in Alzer et al. (Citation2006), Bor et al. (Citation2012), Choi and Srivastava (Citation1991), Liu and Srivastava (Citation2006).

2. Definitions and preliminaries

Definition 2.1

An Orlicz function (see Kamthan & Gupta, Citation1981) is a function M:0,0, which is continuous, non-decreasing and convex with M0=0,Mx>0, for x>0 and Mx as x. If convexity of Orlicz function M is replaced by Mx+yMx+My, then this function is called modulus function. Lindenstrauss and Tzafriri (Citation1971) used the idea of Orlicz function to construct Orlicz sequence space.

Throughout a triple sequence is denoted by Xmnk, a triple infinite array of fuzzy real numbers.

Let D denote the set of all closed and bounded intervals X=a1,a2,a3 on the real line R. For X=a1,a2,a3D and Y=b1,b2,b3D, definedX,Y=maxa1-b1,a2-b2,a3-b3

It is known that D,d is a complete metric space.

A fuzzy real number X is a fuzzy set on R, that is, a mapping X:R×R×RI×I×I=0,1 associating each real number t with its grade of membership Xt.

The α-level set Xα, of the fuzzy real number X,  for 0<α1; is defined byXα=tR:Xtα.

The 0-level set is th closure of the strong 0-cut that is, cltR:Xt>0.

A fuzzy real number X is called convex if XtXsXrXv=minXs,Xr,Xv, where s<t<r<v. If there exists t0R such that Xt0=1 then, the fuzzy real number X is called normal.

A fuzzy real number X is said to be upper-semi continuous if, for each ϵ>0,X-10,a+ϵ is open in the usual topology of R for all aI.

The set of all upper-semi continuous, normal, convex fuzzy real numbers is denoted by LR.

The absolute value, X of XLR is defined byXt=maxXt,X-t,ift0;0,ift<0

Let d¯:LR×LR×LRR×R×R be defined byd¯X,Y=sup0α1dXα,Yα.

Then, d¯ defines a metric on LR and it is well-known that LR,d¯ is a complete metric space.

A sequence XmnkLR is said to be null if d¯Xmnk,0¯=0.

A triple sequence Xmnk of fuzzy real numbers is said to be gai in Pringsheim’s sense to a fuzzy number 0 if limm,n,km+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k=0.

A triple sequence Xmnk is said to χ regularly if it converges in the Prinsheim’s sense and the following limts zero:limm,n,km+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k=0foreachm,n,kN.

A fuzzy real-valued double sequence space EF is said to be solid if YmnkEF whenever XmnkEF and YmnkXmnk for all m,n,kN.

Let K=mi,ni,ki:iN;m1<m2<m3andn1<n2<n3andk1<k2<k3<N×N×N and EF be a triple sequence space. A K-step space of EF is a sequence space λKE=Xminikiw3F:XmnkEF.

A canonical pre-image of a sequence XminikiEF is a sequence Ymnk defined as follows:Ymnk=Xmnk,ifm,n,kK,0¯,otherwise.

A canonical pre-image of a step space λKE is a set of canonical pre-images of all elements in λKE.

A sequence set EF is said to be monotone if EF contains the canonical pre-images of all its step spaces.

A sequence set EF is said to be symmetric if Xπm,πn,πkEF whenever XmnkEF, where π is a permutation of N×N×N.

A fuzzy real-valued sequence set EF is said to be convergent free if YmnkEF whenever XmnkEF and Xmnk=0¯ implies Ymnk=0¯.

We define the following classes of sequences:Λf3F=Xmnk:supmnkfd¯Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯<,XmnkLR.χf3F=Xmnk:limmnkfd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯=0.

Also, we define the classes of sequences χf3FR as follows :

A sequence Xmnkχf3FR if xmnkχf3F and the following limits holdlimmfd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯=0foreachmN.limnfd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯=0foreachnN.limkfd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯=0foreachkN.

3. Main results

Theorem 3.1

Let N1=minn0:supmnkn0fd¯m+n+k!Xmnk-Ymnk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk<

N2=minn0:supmnkn0Pmnk< and N=maxN1,N2,N3.


χfp3FR is not a paranormed space with (3.1) gX=limNsupmnkNfd¯m+n+k!Xmnk-Ymnk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M(3.1) if and only if μ>0, where μ=limNinfmnkNPmnk and M=max1,supmnkNPmnk


χfp3FR is complete with the paranorm (3.1).




Necessity: Let χfp3FR be a paranormed space with (3.1) and suppose that μ=0. Then α=infmnkNPmnk=0 for all NN and gλX=limNsupmnkNλPmnk/M=1 for all λ(0,1], where X=αχfp3FR whence λ0 does not imply λXθ, when X is fixed. But this contradicts to (3.1) to be a paranorm. Sufficiency: Let μ>0. It is trivial that gθ=0,g-X=gX and gX+Y+Z,0¯gX,0¯+gY,0¯+gZ,0¯. Since μ>0 there exists a positive number β such that Pmnk>β for sufficiently large positive integer mnk. Hence for any λC, we may write λPmnkmaxλM,λβ for suffciently large positive integers m,n,kN. Therefore, we obtain gλX,0¯maxλ,λβ/MgX. Using this, one can prove that λXθ, whenever X is fixed and λ0 or λ0 and Xθ, or λ is fixed and Xθ. Because a paranormed space is a vector space. χfp3FR is a set of sequences of fuzzy numbers. But the set wF=Xmnk:XmnkLR of all sequences of fuzzy numbers is not a vector space. That is why, in order to say that χfp3FR is a vector subspace (that is a sequence space) it is not sufficient to show that χfp3FR is closed under addition and scalar multiplication. Consequently since wF is not a vector space, then χfp3FR is not a vector subspace so that it is not a sequence space. Therefore it cannot be a paranormed space.




Let Xk be a Cauchy sequence in χfp3FR, where Xk=Xmnkkm,n,kN. Then for every ϵ>00<ϵ<1 there exists a positive integer s0 such that (3.2) gXk-Xrt=limNsupmnkNfd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnkrt1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2(3.2) for all k,,r,t>s0. By (3.2) there exists a positive integer n0 such that (3.3) supmnkNfd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnkrst1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2(3.3) for all k,,r,t>s0 and for N>n0. Hence we obtain (3.4) fd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnkrt1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2<1(3.4) so that (3.5) fd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnkrt1/m+n+k,0¯<fd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnkrt1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2(3.5) for all k,,r,t>s0. This implies that XmnkkkN is a Cauchy sequence in C for each fixed m,n,kn0. Hence the sequence XmnkkkN is convergent to Xmnk say, (3.6) limkXmnkk=Xmnkfor each fixedm,n,k>n0.(3.6) Getting Xmnk, we define X=Xmnk. From (3.2) we obtain (3.7) gXk-X=limNsupmnkNfd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2(3.7) as r,t, for all k,,r,t>s0. by (3.6). This implies that limkXk=X. Now we show that X=Xmnkχfp3FR. Since Xkχfp3FR for each k,1N×N×N for every ϵ>00<ϵ<1 there exists a positive integer n1N such that (3.8) fd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2for everym,n,k>n1.(3.8) By (3.6) and (3.7) we obtain fd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/Mfd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M+fd¯m+n+k!Xmnkk-Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯Pmnk/M<ϵ2+ϵ2=ϵfork,>maxs0,s1 and m,n,k>maxn0,n1. This implies that Xχfp3FR.

Proposition 3.2

The class of sequences Λf3F is symmetric but the classes of sequences χf3F and χf3FR are not symmetric.


Obviously the class of sequences Λf3F is symmetric. For the other classes of sequences, consider the following example


Consider the class of sequences χf3F. Let fX=X and consider the sequence Xmnk be defined byX1nkt=-t+11+n+k1+n+k!,fort=-1,t-11+n+k1+n+k!,fort=1,0,otherwise.

and for m>1,Xmnkt=t+2m+n+km+n+k!,fort=-2,-t-1m+n+km+n+k!,fort=-1,0,otherwise.

Let Ymnk be a rearrangement of Xmnk defined byYnnnt=-t+13n3n!,fort=-1,t-13n3n!,fort=1,0,otherwise.

and for mnk,Ymnkt=t+2m+n+km+n+k!,fort=-2,-t-1m+n+km+n+k!,fort=-1,0,otherwise.

Then, Xmnkχf3F but Ymnkχf3F. Hence, χp3F is not symmetric. Similarly other sequences are also not symmetric.

Proposition 3.3

The classes of sequences Λf3F,χf3F and χf3FR are solid.


Consider the class of sequences χf3F. Let Xmnk and Ymnkχf3F be such that d¯m+n+k!Ymnk1/m+n+k,0¯d¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯. As f is non-decreasing, we havelimmnkfd¯m+n+k!Ymnk1/m+n+k,0¯limmnkfd¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯

Hence, the class of sequence χf3F is solid. Simlarly it can be shown that the other classes of sequences are also solid.

Proposition 3.4

The classes of sequences χf3F and χf3FR are not monotone and hence not solid.


The result follows from the following example.


Consider the class of sequences χf3F and fX=X. Let J=m,n,k:mnkN×N×N. Let Xmnk be defined byXmnkt=t+3m+n+km+n+k!,for-3<t-2,mtm+n+k3m-1m+n+km+n+k!+3mm+n+k3m-1m+n+km+n+k!,for-2t-1+1m,0¯,otherwise.

for all m,n,kN.

Then Xmnkχf3F. Let Ymnk be the canonical pre-image of XmnkJ for the subsequence J of N×N×N. ThenYmnk=Xmnk,form,n,kJ,0¯,otherwise.

Then, Ymnkχf3F. Hence χf3F is not monotone. Similarly, it can be shown that the other classes of sequences are also not monotone. Hence, the classes of sequences χf3F and χf3FR are not solid.

Proposition 3.5

(i) χf13Fχf23Fχf33Fχf1+f2+f33F, (ii) χf13FRχf23FRχf33FRχf1+f2+f33FR


It is easy, so omitted.

Proposition 3.6

Let f,f1 and f2 be three Orlicz functions, then, (i) χf13Fχff1f23F, (ii) χf13FRχff1f23FR, (iii)Λf13FΛff1f23F


We prove the result for the case χf13Fχff1f23F, the other cases are similar. Let ϵ>0 be given. As f is continuous and non-decreasing, so there exists η>0, such that fη=ϵ. Let Xmnkχf13F. Then, there exist m0,n0,k0N, such thatf1d¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+K,0¯<η,for allmm0,nn0,kk0ff1f2d¯m+n+k!Xmnk1/m+n+k,0¯<ϵ,for allmm0,nn0,kk0.

Hence, Xmnkχff1f23F. Thus, χf13Fχff1f23F.

Proposition 3.7

(i) χf3FΛf3F, (ii) χf3FRΛf3F, the inclusions are strict.


The inclusion (i) χf3FΛf3F (ii) χf3FRΛf3F is obvious. For establishing that the inclusions are proper, consider the following example.


We prove the result for the case χf3FΛf3F, the other case similar. Let fX=X. Let the sequence Xmnk be defined by for m>n>k,Xmnkt=mt-m-1m+n+km-1-m+n+km+n+k!,for1+1mt2,3-tm+n+km+n+k!,for2<t3,0,otherwise.

and for m<n<kXmnkt=mt-1m+n+km-1-m+n+km+n+k!,for1mt1,-t+2m+n+km+n+k!,for1t2,0,otherwise.

Then, XmnkΛf3F but Xmnkχf3F.

Proposition 3.8

The classes of sequences Λf3F,χf3F and χf3FR are not convergent free.


The result follows from the following example.


Consider the classes of sequences χf3F. Let fX=X and consider the sequence Xmnk defined by 1+n+k!X1nk1/1+n+k=0¯, and for other values,Xmnkt=1m+n+km+n+k!,for0t1,-mtm+n+km+1-m+n+k+2m+1m+n+k1+m-m+n+km+n+k!,for1<t2+1m,0,otherwise.

Let the sequence Ymnk be defined by 1+n+k!Y1nk1/1+n+k=0¯, and for other values,Ymnkt=1m+n+km+n+k!,for0t1,m-tm+n+km-1-m+n+km+n+k!,for1<tm,0,otherwise.

Then, Xmnkχf3F but Ymnkχf3F. Hence, the classes of sequences χf3F are not convergent free. Similarly, the other spaces are also not convergent free.

4. Conclusion

The χ3 fuzzy numbers defined by an Orlicz function and discuss inclusion relation. Furthermore, the given example of triple sequence of gai is not symmetric, not solid, not monotone and not convergent free.


The authors are extremely grateful to the anonymous learned referee(s) for their keen reading, valuable suggestion and constructive comments for the improvement of the manuscript. The authors are thankful to the editor(s) and reviewers of Cogent Mathematics.The third author NS wish to thank the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India for the financial sanction towards this work under FIST program SR/FST/MSI-107/2015.The research of the second author Deepmala is supported by the Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB), Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India under SERB National Post-Doctoral fellowship scheme File Number: PDF/2015/000799.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors


Vandana is a research scholar at School of Studies in Mathematics, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur-492010, (C.G.) India. Her research interests are in the areas of applied mathematics including Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Inventory control, Supply Chain Management, Operation Research, etc. She is member of several scientific committees, advisory boards as well as member of editorial board of a number of scientific journals.


Deepmala is Visiting Scientist at SQC & OR Unit at Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India. Her research interests are in the areas of Optimization, Mathematical Programming, Fixed Point Theory and Applications, Operator theory, Approximation Theory etc. She is member of several scientific committees and also member of editorial board of a number of scientific journals.

N. Subramanian

N Subramanian received PhD degree in Mathematics from Alagappa University at Karaikudi,Tamil Nadu,India and also getting Doctor of Science (D.Sc) degree in Mathematics from Berhampur University, Berhampur, India. His research interests are in the areas of summability through functional analysis of applied mathematics and pure mathematics.


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