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Research Article

Hermite–Hadamard’s inequality and Cauchy-type mean operators for positive -semigroups

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Article: 1446248 | Received 15 Jan 2018, Accepted 20 Feb 2018, Published online: 15 Mar 2018


Hermite–Hadamard’s-type inequality is derived using superquadratic maps for positive operator semigroups. A methodical procedure was adopted to obtain the corresponding mean operators.

Public Interest Statement

This research is devoted to Cauchy-type mean Operators defined on superquadratic mappings and operator semigroups. Gul I Hina Aslam and Matloob Anwar have been generalizing the theory of inequalities for operator semigroups. In this paper, authors continue the study for superquadratic mappings.

1. Preambles

The idea of the main content of this note is not unusual, but is this decade’s active research area (Bakry, Citation2004; Wang, Citation2005; Wang, Citation2013). In recent years, there has been considerable interest in the generalization of functional and type-inequalities to the operator semigroups. To get a common abstract setting within which ordering among the elements can be considered, a Banach lattice was defined. So that the idea related to positivity can be generalized.

Any (real) vector space E is said to be an ordered vector space, if


fgf+hg+h for all f,g,hE,


f0αf0fE and α0,

Note that, A1, shows the translation invariance. Therefore, it indicates that the order among the elements of E is completely established by the positive part E+={fE:f0} of E. Equivalently, fg if and only if g-fE+. Moreover, A2 indicates that E+ is a convex set and a cone with vertex 0. If a “supremum” sup(f,g) and thus an “infumum” inf(f,g) for any two elements f,gE can be specified, an ordered vector space E is called a vector lattice. The compatibility axiom between norm and order is given briefly bellow:(1.1) |f||g|fg,f,gE,(1.1)

where sup(f,-f)=|f|. This particular norm is called a lattice norm. Therefore, a vector lattice (E,) establishing a lattice norm is called Banach lattice. If a Banach lattice satisfies that, f,gE+fgE+, it is said to be a Banach lattice algebra. A linear mapping L:EE is positive (L0) if L(f)E+, for all fE+. The set of all positive linear mappings forms a convex cone in the space L(E) and defines the natural ordering in it. The absolute value of L is given bellow (if exists),|L|(f)=sup{L(g):|g|f},(fE+).

Therefore, L:EE is positive iff |L(f)|L(|f|) for any fE.

Definition 1.1

A family of bounded linear operators {T(s)}s0 on a Banach space E is called a (one parameter) C0-semigroup (or strongly continuous semigroup), if it satisfies


T(s)T(t)=T(s+t) for all s,tR+.



and is strongly continuous in the sense that for every fE the orbit maps:ζf:sζf(s):=T(s)f

are continuous from R+ into E for every fE.

The (infinitesimal) generator A:ED(A)R(A)E of a strongly continuous semigroup is the densely defined closed linear operatorAf=ζ˙f(0)=limh0+1s(T(s)f-f)(fD(A))D(A)={f:lims0+1s(T(s)f-f)exists inE.}

For a positive C0-semigroup {T(s)}s0, the positivity of the operators can be equivalent to:|T(s)f|T(s)|f|,t0,fE.

More details can be found in Nagel (Citation1986).

In accordance with the customary definition of power integral means , the power means for C0-group of operators are defined.

Definition 1.2

(Aslam & Anwar, Citation2015a) Let {T(s)}sR be the C0-group of operators on a Banach space X. The power mean is given as(1.2) Mr(T,f,s)={1s0s[T(ϵ)]rfdϵ}1/r,r0exp[1s0sln[T(ϵ)]fdϵ],r=0.(1.2)

where fX and sR.

2. Main Results

In Banić and Varošanec , (Citation2008), the Hermite–Hadamard’s-type inequality for positive linear functionals is derived. Few mean-value theorems that ultimately lead to new means of Cauchy type are given in Abramovich et al. , (Citation2010).

In this note, we generalize the Hermite–Hadamard’s-type inequality for positive C0-semigroup. We also give some generalized mean value theorems and define related mean operators.

Throughout the section, E denotes the real Banach lattice algebra, until and unless stated otherwise.

Definition 2.1

(Aslam & Anwar, Citation2015b) An operator ψ:E+E is superquadratic, given that for all g10 there exists a constant vector C(g1) such that(2.1) ψ(f1)-ψ(g1)-ψ(|f1-g1|)C(g1)(f1-g1)(2.1)

for all f10.

Theorem 2.2

Let {T(s)}s0 be a positive C0-semigroup on E; then for an integrable superquadratic operator ψ:E+E, we have(2.2) ψ[1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ]+1s0sψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ|]dϵ1s0sψ[T(ϵ)]fdϵ,fE+.(2.2)


Let ψ be a superquadratic mapping, then (Equation2.1) holds for all f,gE+. Choosing f1=[T(ϵ)]f and g1=1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ in (Equation2.1) we getψ[[T(ϵ)]f]ψ[1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ]+C[1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ][[T(ϵ)]f-1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdτ]+ψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-1t0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ|]

By integrating from 0s, we obtain,0sψ[[T(ϵ)]f]dϵt.ψ[1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ]+C[1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ][0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ-t{1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ}]+0sψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ|]dϵ,


By multiplying 1 / s, we finally get the assertion (Equation2.2).

Definition 2.3

Let {T(s)}s0 be a positive C0-semigroup of operators defined on E; then for an integrable operator ψ:E+E, we define another operator Λψ:E+E(2.3) Λψ:=1s0sψ[T(ϵ)]fdϵ-ψ[1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ]-1s0sψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ|]dϵ,fE+.(2.3)

If ψ is continuous superquadratic mapping, then by (Equation2.2), Λψ0.

To simplify expressions, we replace 1s0s[T(ϵ)]fdϵ by M1(s). Therefore, Λψ can be written asΛψ:=1s0sψ[T(ϵ)]fdϵ-ψ[M1(s)]-1s0sψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-M1(s)|]dτ

The operator analogue of Abramovich et al. (Citation2004, Lemma 3.1) is given in Aslam and Anwar (Citation2015b).

Lemma 2.4

Let ψ:E+E be continuously differentiable and ψ(0)0. If ψ is super-additive or fψ(g)g,gE+, is increasing, then ψ is superquadratic.

Lemma 2.5

Let ψC2[E+] and u,UE be such that(2.4) u(ψ(g)g)=fψ(g)-ψ(g)g2U,for allg>0.(2.4)

Consider the operators ψ1,ψ2:E+E defined as:ψ1(g)=Ug33-ψ(g),ψ2=ψ(g)-ug33

Then, the mappings gψ1(g)g and gψ2(g)g are increasing. If also ψi(0)=0,i=1,2, then these are superquadratic mappings.


Using (Equation2.4), it can be noted that the mappings gψ1(g)g and gψ2(g)g are increasing. Moreover, if ψi(0)=0,i=1,2, Lemma (2.4) implies these to be superquadratic.

Theorem 2.6

Let {T(s)}s0 be a positive C0-semigroup on E and ψfC1(E+) and ψ(0)=0, then the following inequality holds(2.5) Λψ=ρψ(ρ)-ψ(ρ)3ρ2{(M3(s))3-(M1(s))3-1s0s|T(ϵ)f-ms|3dϵ}(2.5)

Here, ms denotes the arithmetic mean of {T(s)}s0.


Suppose the conditions in Lemma 2.5 hold for all fE+. Using ψ1 instead of ψ in (Equation2.2), we get1s0sψ[T(ϵ)]fdϵ-ψ[M1(s)]-1s0sψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-M1(s)|]dϵU3{(M3(s))3-(M1(s))3-1s0s|T(ϵ)f-ms|3dϵ}

Similarly, using ψ2 instead of ψ in (Equation2.2), we get1s0sψ[T(ϵ)]fdϵ-ψ[M1(s)]-1s0sψ[|[T(ϵ)]f-M1(s)|]dϵu3{(M3(s))3-(M1(s))3-1s0s|T(ϵ)f-ms|3dϵ}

By combining the above two inequalities and using intermediate value theorem Ali (Citation1997), we have existence of ρE+ such that (Equation2.5) holds.

Theorem 2.7

Let {T(s)}s0 be a positive C0-semigroup on E and ψf,ϕfC1(E+) such that, ψ(0)=ϕ(0)=0, we have(2.6) ΛψΛϕ=ρψ(ρ)-ψ(ρ)ξϕ(ρ)-ρ(ρ)=F(ρ),ρE+,(2.6)

given the denominator is not zero. If F-1 exists, then(2.7) ρ=F-1(ΛψΛϕ),Λϕ0,(2.7)


Consider a function Ω=c1ψ-c2ϕ, wherec1=Λϕ,c2=Λψ.

Then, for fE+Ωf=c1ψf-c2ϕfC1(E+).

we can calculate that ΛΩ=0 and by Lemma (2.5) with ψ=Ω we have[c1(ρψ(ρ)-ψ(ρ))-c2(ρϕ(ρ)-ϕ(ρ))][(M3(t))3-(M1(t))3-1s0s|T(τ)f-mt|3dτ]=0,fE+.

Since ψ=f3 is superquadratic mapping and {T(s)}s0 is positive, we havec2c1=ρψ(ρ)-ψ(ρ)ρϕ(ρ)-ϕ(ρ)=ΛψΛϕ,ρE+,

given the denominator is not zero, proof follows.

Let G be the set of all invertible bounded linear operators H:EE. For a C0-semigroup of positive operators {T(s)}s0B(E) defined on E and HG, the quasi-arithmetic mean is given as Aslam and Anwar (Citation2015a)(2.8) MH(T,f,s)=H-1{1s0sH[T(ϵ)f]dϵ},fE+,s0.(2.8)

By Belleni-Morante and McBride (Citation1998, Lemma 1.85), B(E) is closed under composition of operators, therefore the above expressions exist and MH(T,f,s)E. To avoid complexity among the expressions, letC2G(E)={H:HG,Hexists in Gateaux sense}.

Theorem 2.8

Let {T(s)}s0 be a positive C0-semigroup of operators defined on E and H,F,KC2G(E). Let for fE+,HF-1(f)f,KF-1(f)fC1(E) with HF-1(0)=0=KF-1(0), then for fE+(2.9) H(MH(T,f,s))-H(MF(T,f,s))-H(MH(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))K(MH(T,f,s))-K(MF(T,f,s))-K(MK(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))=F(ξ){H(ξ)F(ξ)-H(ξ)F(ξ)-H(ξ)[F(ξ)]2}F(ξ){K(ξ)F(ξ)-K(ξ)F(ξ)-K(ξ)[F(ξ)]2},(2.9)

holds for some ξE+, provided the denominator does not vanish.


By setting the operators ψ and ϕ in Theorem 2.7, such thatψ=HF-1,ϕ=KF-1andT(ϵ)f=F[T(ϵ)f],fE+,

where H,F,KC2G(E). We find that there exists ρE+, such thatH(MH(T,f,s))-H(MF(T,f,s))-H(MH(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))K(MH(T,f,s))-K(MF(T,f,s))-K(MK(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))=ρ{H(F-1ρ)F(F-1ρ)-H(F-1ρ)F(F-1ρ)-H(F-1ρ)[F(F-1ρ)]2}ρ{K(F-1ρ)F(F-1ρ)-K(F-1ρ)F(F-1ρ)-K(F-1ρ)[F(F-1ρ)]2},

Hence, by putting F-1(ρ)=ω for some μE, the assertion (Equation2.9) follows directly.

The above theorem enables us to introduce new means. SetΓ(ω)=F(ω){H(ω)F(ω)-H(ω)F(ω)-H(ω)[F(ω)]2}F(ω){K(ω)F(ω)-K(ω)F(ω)-K(ω)[F(ω)]2},

and when FG(E)ω=Γ-1(H(MH(T,f,s))-H(MF(T,f,s))-H(MH(ψ-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))K(MH(T,f,s))-K(MF(T,f,s))-K(MK(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s)))

Remark 2.9

For a Banach lattice algebra (E,.), from Theorem 2.8 we have thatmH(MH(T,f,s))-H(MF(T,f,s))-H(MH(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))K(MH(T,f,s))-K(MF(T,f,s))-K(MK(F-1|F[T(ϵ)f]-FMF(T,f,s)|,f,s))M,

where m and M are, respectively, the minimum and maximum values ofF(ω){H(ω)F(ω)-H(ω)F(ω)-H(ω)[F(ω)]2}F(ω){K(ω)F(ω)-K(ω)F(ω)-K(ω)[F(ω)]2},ωE.

Next we give a significant result which leads us to define the Cauchy-type mean operators on C0-group of operators.

Corollary 2.10

Let all the conditions of Theorem 2.8 be satisfied. For r,n,lR+ such that rl;l2s, we have(2.10) Mrr(T,f,s)-Mnr(T,f,s)-Mrr(|[T(τ)f]n-Mnn(T,f,s)|1s,f,s)Mll(T,f,s)-Mnl(T,f,s)-Mll(|[T(ϵ)f]n-Mnn(T,f,s)|1s,f,s)=r(r-2n)l(l-2n)ωr-l(2.10)

where Mr(T,f,s) is defined by (Equation1.2). The assertion (Equation2.10) holds for some μ, provided that the denominators do not vanish.


For r,n,lR+ and fE+, if we setH(f)=fr,F(f)=fn,K(f)=fl

in Theorem (2.8), the assertion in (Equation2.10) follows directly.

Finally, we are able to define mean operators of the Cauchy type on positive C0-semigroup on Banach lattice algebra E.

Definition 2.11

Let r,n,lR+ and {T(s)}s0B(E) be a positive C0-semigroup on a Banach lattice algebra E. Then,(2.11) Mrl,n(T,f,s)=(l(l-2n)r(r-2n)Mrr(T,f,s)-Mnr(T,f,s)-Mrr(|[T(ϵ)f]n-Mnn(T,f,s)|1s,f,s)Mll(T,f,s)-Mnl(T,f,s)-Mll(|[T(ϵ)f]n-Mnn(T,f,s)|1s,f,s))1r-l.(2.11)

is a family of mean operators of the Cauchy type on C0-semigroup of positive operators. This definition is true for all rln0 and other cases can be taken as limiting cases.

3. Conclusion

In this note, a Hermite-Hadamard type inequality has been proved for a positive C0-semigroup and a superquadratic mapping defined on a Banach lattice algebra. A methodic way has been adopted to prove the corresponding mean value theorems, which enabled us to define a new set of mean operators. These mean operators are inspired from Cauchy-type mean.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Gul I. Hina Aslam

Gul I Hina Aslam is an assistant professor of Mathematics in the Department of Applied Sciences, Pakistan Navy Engineering College, National University of Sciences and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. Her area of interest is Operator semi-groups, Inequalities and Applied Analysis.

Matloob Anwar

Gul I Hina Aslam is an assistant professor of Mathematics in the Department of Applied Sciences, Pakistan Navy Engineering College, National University of Sciences and Technology, Karachi, Pakistan. Her area of interest is Operator semi-groups, Inequalities and Applied Analysis.


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