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Religious education and moderation: A bibliometric analysis

Article: 2292885 | Received 27 Sep 2023, Accepted 05 Dec 2023, Published online: 15 Dec 2023


The urgency of religious moderation in the context of education is crucial. Education is not only about academic knowledge, but also about shaping students’ character and attitude in life. This study aims to carry out a bibliometric analysis using the Scopus database as a data source. This research traces and analyzes the number of published documents related to this topic in a certain period of time. The results of the analysis show that the study of religious moderation and education is still relatively new and has not been widely discussed in the scientific literature. However, there has been an increase in the number of related published documents in recent years. In addition, this research also identified several related topics that were still minimally discussed, such as intolerance, religious extremism, and the role of educational institutions in supporting religious moderation. This study also maps the roots of the problem of intolerance, including in aspects such as politics, economics, and society. Specifically, this is demonstrated by distrust between ethnic and religious groups, religiosity, feeling threatened by another person or group, radicalism, socioeconomic disparities, the spread of fake news, and the spread of hate speech. This situation requires a responsive religious moderation learning model in the future. These findings provide a broader view of important issues that need further attention. The contribution of this study directs further research and development of studies on inclusive and tolerant education in dealing with complex challenges in religiously diverse societies.

Public Interest Statement

Religious moderation lessons in education play a crucial role in shaping student character beyond academics. This study highlights the need for more scholarly conversation about religious moderation and education through bibliometric analysis. Although still new, the increase in related documentation shows significant momentum. These findings identify related topics, such as religious intolerance and extremism, that need more attention. This situation emphasizes the need for a responsive religious moderation learning model in the future. The contribution of this study directs the focus of research and development to support inclusive and tolerant education amidst complex challenges in religious communities.

1. Introduction

Intolerance due to religious differences in schools and education must be taken seriously (Muhaemin et al., Citation2023). Cases of intolerance often hurt students and the overall learning climate. When students experience discrimination based on religion, they can feel marginalized and have difficulty concentrating on the learning process (Hanif et al., Citation2020; Scholl, Citation2021). This harms the individual victim and hinders the formation of an inclusive and friendly learning environment for all students. In addition, cases related to discrimination and other violence based on religious differences are also commonly found in several places outside of schools (Alabdulhadi, Citation2019; Laksana & Wood, Citation2019). Thus, lessons about human rights and understanding other cultures and religions must also become integral to the education curriculum (Alabdulhadi, Citation2019; Naim et al., Citation2022).

By understanding the importance of fighting intolerance, creating an inclusive learning environment, and teaching the values of tolerance from an early age, schools and the world of education can become safe and supportive places for all students to grow and develop without fear and discrimination, especially in the current era of globalization. Globalization can have a complex impact on discrimination and acts of religious intolerance. On the one hand, globalization opens opportunities for mutual understanding and respect for the diversity of religions worldwide. People can be more open to different religious beliefs and practices through intensified interaction. However, on the other hand, globalization can also cause tensions and conflicts between religions due to increasingly explicit differences (Wessels, Citation2016; Ciftci; Ciftci et al., Citation2016; Hoon, Citation2016).

One of the relevant impacts of globalization is the emergence of radical groups that use global platforms to spread the ideology of intolerance and religious extremism. The internet and social media, an important part of globalization, allow for the rapid and widespread dissemination of radical views. This can affect people’s understanding and perception of other religions, causing distrust and conflict with certain religious groups (Ciftci et al., Citation2016; Hoon, Citation2016). To face the challenge of religious intolerance in the era of globalization, communities, and educational institutions need to promote interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and understanding of differences. Inclusive education about religion and cultural diversity can also help form broader insights and respect shared human values (Munawar et al., Citation2019; Roebben, Citation2012; Yahya & Rahmat, Citation2021).

In this increasingly globalized era, the urgency of religious moderation in the educational context is crucial (Subchi et al., Citation2022). Education is not only about academic knowledge but also about shaping students’ character and attitude in life. By implementing religious moderation, schools can become a vehicle for forming generations that are more inclusive, tolerant, and understanding of diversity (Alabdulhadi, Citation2019; Saeed, Citation2007). Religious moderation is important in reducing the potential for conflict and violence arising from injustice and misunderstanding between religions (Poncini, Citation2023; Syahbudin et al., Citation2023). Schools can become bridges connecting various cultural backgrounds and beliefs by teaching tolerance, mutual respect, and interfaith cooperation.

Generations educated with religious moderation will be better able to overcome differences and find common solutions to societal problems (Arifinsyah et al., Citation2020). In addition, religious moderation also plays a role in preventing the birth of extremism and radicalism. In an educational environment that encourages openness, students are invited to think critically, understand social and historical contexts, and deal with information with objectivity. In this way, they can better judge wisely and are less easily swayed by narrow narratives that tend to incite division and hatred (Burhanuddin & Khairuddin, Citation2022; Cholil, Citation2022; Mulyana, Citation2023). More than that, they understand and respect different religions or other beliefs and adhere to their religion firmly (Munawar et al., Citation2019).

Facing the complex challenges of the times, religious moderation also acts as a bulwark that protects society from religious polarization and fanaticism. Education that promotes moderation will help destroy negative stereotypes and interreligious prejudice (Khan & Ullah Al-Azhari, Citation2019; Subchi et al., Citation2022). This will open up space for dialogue and a deeper understanding of the beliefs of others, thus strengthening social cohesion and a sense of community amidst diversity. To achieve this, education focusing on religious moderation must be supported by an inclusive curriculum and balanced teaching (Muhaemin et al., Citation2023; Munawar et al., Citation2022; Poncini, Citation2023).

So far, studies on education by linking topics related to religious moderation still need to be more minimally discussed, especially the research results that study previous studies or assess the results of available research. However, some results of previous research can still be mapped. First, religious moderation teaches tolerance and respect for differences between individuals and religious communities (Fauzan, Citation2023; Lubis et al., Citation2023). Second, religious moderation plays an important role in preventing the emergence of radical and extremist views that use religion as a tool for harmful and destructive purposes (Kustati et al., Citation2023; Zamzami et al., Citation2023). Third, the education sector can be a way to teach the values of religious moderation to create an environment that supports a deeper understanding of different religions without prioritizing extreme sentiments or fanaticism (Burhanuddin & Khairuddin, Citation2022; Muhaemin et al., Citation2023; Mulyana, Citation2023; Munawar et al., Citation2019, Citation2022; Poncini, Citation2023; Yahya & Rahmat, Citation2021).

The purpose of this research is to evaluate several research documents that are related to these two topics by maximizing bibliometric analysis. This research question is described as follows. (1) What are the trends and evolutions of existing research and publications related to education and religious moderation? (2) How can the results of this research contribute to the development of studies on education in the future? (3) What are the challenges and policy recommendations needed to accommodate this? The answers to these three questions make it possible to find trends, contributions, challenges, and policy recommendations needed to support the idea of religious moderation in the educational context.

2. Method

This study uses the Scopus database as a data source for research publication documents. Scopus was chosen because it allows researchers to monitor the development of global studies related to trends in the development of education and religious moderation literature. The search process was carried out in July 2023. No restrictions were applied regarding researchers or authors, geographic location, type of article, year of publication, or certain journals in searching and filtering published documents. Filtering is done based on keywords focusing on related literature (Education) and (Religious Moderation). The results of this search yielded a total of 62 documents relevant to the research topic.

Figure shows the data analysis process focused on using research documents registered in the Scopus database. The Scopus database was selected because of its popular and selective reputation. This database adheres to a strict policy and research document selection process by a board of independent scientists to ensure the best quality before indexing. Using Scopus as a data source, researchers can access quality research documents. After going through the filtering process, the collected data is then imported into the Vosviewer analysis tool. Vosviewer is a bibliometric analysis tool to identify published literature in the Scopus database (Ma’arif et al., Citation2023; Malik et al., Citation2023). With the help of Vosviewer, the data can be visualized and analyzed in depth to answer the research questions posed.

Figure 1. Data analysis process.

Figure 1. Data analysis process.

3. Results and discussion

3.1. Religious education and moderation: research and publication trends

Several factors can be considered in analyzing research trends, including the number of documents, country affiliation, and citations. These trends provide an overview of the development and influence of research in religious moderation and education. The research trends based on the number of published documents related to the two topics are as follows (Figure ):

Figure 2. Trends based on the number of research documents.

Figure 2. Trends based on the number of research documents.

An interesting trend can be seen from the data on the number of research documents from 2003 to 2023. In the early 2000s, the number of publications could have been higher after several years without indexed research documents. However, since 2010, there has been a significant increase in the number of publications reaching a peak in 2022 with 17 research documents. The increased number of published documents in recent years reflects researchers’ increasing interest and attention to the topic. The increasing number of publications shows that this research topic is also increasingly relevant and interesting to the academic community, especially in discussing religious moderation and education topics.

From this data, it is also known that the first article that began to discuss the two topics was carried out by Mehran (Citation2003), even though the two topics could have been more focused and specifically explored. However, the article has opened a new way for other authors to discuss it comprehensively. This article examines President Khatami’s leadership in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1997 and his goals to create an Islamic civil society and reform religion-based politics, law, freedom, and democracy. Khatami promotes the values of tolerance, moderation, respect for diversity, and dialogue at home and abroad (Mehran, Citation2003).

Mehran pointed out that while President Khatami is trying to present moderation and inclusive values in education, schools in Iran still do not fully reflect his reformist agenda. It sheds light on issues around education and religious moderation in Iran, where there is tension between inclusive values and a strong Islamic-Iranian identity. Efforts to create an Islamic civil society and emphasize religious moderation in education have not been fully realized in formal education practices, which still tend to be conservative and ideological (Mehran, Citation2003).

Overall, research trends based on the number of published documents are an important reflection of the academic world (Mehran, Citation2003). Data showing fluctuations in the number of published documents from year to year provides valuable insight into researchers’ interest in religious moderation and education. In addition, these findings provide insight into the extent to which the research topic is relevant and significant in the development of science. Over time, an increasing number of published documents may indicate that the topic is gaining increasing interest and becoming a major highlight within the research community (Huang et al., Citation2019; Tlili et al., Citation2022). On the other hand, declining fluctuations or years of little publication may signal a need for further exploration or potential vacant land.

In addition to the number of documents based on the year of publication, there are also several documents based on the affiliation of researchers from the author’s country. The number of documents based on country affiliation is described as follows (Figure ):

Figure 3. Trends in the number of published documents by country affiliation.

Figure 3. Trends in the number of published documents by country affiliation.

Trends in published documents based on country affiliation regarding education and moderation of religion research show that Indonesia has the highest number of publications, with 27 documents. It is followed by the United States with 14 publications, indicating that education and moderation of religion also attract interest from researchers in that country. Meanwhile, several other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Iran, Israel, Malaysia, Pakistan and Turkey, each have 2 publications, indicating that this topic is also a concern in these countries. However, the number of publications is lower than in Indonesia and the United States.

As an Islamic-majority country, Indonesia has the highest number of publications, with 27 documents. This shows significant interest from researchers in this country to understand and develop the concept of education and religious moderation in the context of the diversity of cultures and beliefs that exist in Indonesia. In addition, socio-religious issues in Indonesia also affect the number of published documents in the country. Socio-religious issues, such as inter-religious conflict, extremism and intolerance, can affect the focus and interest of researchers in researching religious moderation and inclusive education.

One of the empirical data that shows the high level of intolerance in Indonesia is seen as follows (Figure ):

Figure 4. Conditions of intolerance in Indonesia 2018.

Figure 4. Conditions of intolerance in Indonesia 2018.

Based on data from the Political Research Center, LIPI in 2018 shows a high level of intolerance in Indonesia, which can be seen from various indicators (Fatwa, Citation2018). Distrust between ethnic and religious groups reached 67.60%, indicating that the lack of trust between groups worsens social relations in this country. The same high level of religiosity of 67.60% also reflects the complexity of religious dynamics in society. The feeling of being threatened by other individuals or groups reached 71.70%, indicating the existence of insecurity and tension between members of society. Radicalism reached 84.20%, a worrying indicator, showing that extreme ideology is still quite deep in society.

Apart from that, the socioeconomic disparity of 75.20% is also a factor that can trigger social conflict. Furthermore, the spread of fake news was 92.40%, and the spread of hate speech was 90.40%, indicating that media and communication play a role in strengthening negative sentiment and conflict in society. This data illustrates the significant challenges in building Indonesia’s more tolerant and harmonious society. This data also shows why Indonesian researchers have contributed enough to research topics related to 27 published documents.

The high level of intolerance and complexity of socio-religious dynamics in Indonesia provide a significant context for researchers in discussing the topic of religious education and moderation. In particular, research in Indonesia tends to reflect the real challenges society faces in implementing the values of moderation and inclusivity in the education system. Indonesian researchers play an active role in contributing an in-depth understanding of how these challenges influence education policy, curriculum, and the implementation of moderation values in the context of diverse cultures and beliefs in Indonesia. Thus, Indonesia’s research contributions reflect academic interest and empirical relevance to this country’s complex social conditions.

Socio-religious issues can be a challenge in applying the values of moderation and inclusivity in the education system. Interreligious conflicts and social tensions can affect the school environment and hinder efforts to create a harmonious and tolerant society (Baidhawy, Citation2008; Kruja, Citation2021). In addition, socio-religious issues can also affect education policy and curriculum in Indonesia, impacting research and academic focus in education and religious moderation (Wijaya, Abdurrahman, and Nasir & Khairul Rijal, Citation2021; Wijaya et al., Citation2021). However, socio-religious issues can also be challenges that can be overcome through collaborative efforts from various parties, including the government, educational institutions, communities, and researchers.

On the other hand, non-majority Islamic countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, Israel, and others, have a lower number of publications, with 2 to 3 publications each. Although the numbers are lower, this shows that the topic of education and moderation of religion also attracts attention in these countries, even though they have a different religious background than Indonesia. This can also be a reference for related parties to understand better the important role of research in supporting the development of inclusive and tolerant education in various countries.

Apart from the number of published documents and documents based on country affiliation, another tendency is the frequent citing of related published documents. Documents that are frequently cited are described as follows (Table ):

Table 1. Frequently cited documents

From the data provided, several documents are often cited by researchers. One is the work entitled “Moderate Islam and secularist opposition in Turkey: Implications for the World, Muslims, and secular democracy” (2007) written by Somer, M., which has been cited 86 times. In addition, there is also an article entitled “Khatami, political reform, and Education in Iran” (2003) authored by Mehran, G., which has received 22 citations. Furthermore, there is a document entitled “Problems of Assessment in Religious and moral education: The Scottish Case” (2013) written by Grant, L., Matemba, Y.H., cited 10 times. Another document is “Indonesia: Shari’a politics and democratic transition” (2010) by Hefner, R.W. and “What factors account for black-white differences in anti-Muslim sentiment in the contemporary USA?” (2013) by Zainiddinov, H., both of them have also received 10 and 8 citations respectively.

The research document “Moderate Islam and secularist opposition in Turkey: Implications for the World, Muslims and secular democracy” (2007) concludes that in Turkey, there is a complex debate between moderate Islam and secular opposition (Somer, Citation2007). This finding has broad implications for the international community, the Muslim community, and secular democracy. This debate shows the complexity of presenting moderation in religious practices in a diverse and complex society.

The relevance of these findings to education and moderation of religion can be seen from various aspects. First, in education, the debate between moderate Islam and secular opposition can influence the curriculum and values taught in schools. Education in Turkey needs to reflect the diversity of beliefs and values of moderation to create an inclusive and tolerant environment. Second, the issue of religious moderation becomes relevant in efforts to create a balanced relationship between religion and the state. The discussion on moderate Islam and the secular opposition illustrates the challenges in reaching an agreement on the role of religion in politics and society, including in the context of education.

In addition, the issue of religious moderation also has an impact on efforts to create a tolerant and democratic society. The debate between moderate Islam and the secular opposition emphasizes the importance of promoting the values of tolerance, dialogue, and respect for different religions and views in society. As such, the findings of this research document have strong relevance to issues of education and moderation of religion, highlighting the importance of supporting inclusive education and values of religious moderation in a society as diverse and complex as Turkey. Efforts to create an inclusive and tolerant educational environment will positively impact reaching agreement and harmony in the relationship between religion and the state, as well as strengthening the foundations of democracy and tolerance in society.

The research document “Khatami, political reform and Education in Iran” (2003) concluded that Khatami, a political figure in Iran, had efforts to reform politics and education in his country. Through his reformist agenda, Khatami seeks to create a balanced Islamic-Iranian identity and forge more open relations with the outside world. These political and educational reform efforts significantly impacted Iranian society and the international community (Mehran, Citation2003).

The relevance of these findings to education and moderation of religion can be identified from several aspects. First, through educational reform efforts, Khatami is trying to create an education system that is more inclusive and opens up opportunities for diverse religious and cultural understandings. This reflects the importance of religious moderation in creating a tolerant educational environment that respects differences. Second, Khatami’s reformist agenda emphasizes political values that are more open and democratic. This could impact adopting a more moderate approach to religious and political relations in Iran. In this context, education is important in creating a broader understanding of religious moderation and inclusive values in the political system.

The research document “Problems of Assessment in Religious and moral education: The Scottish Case” (2013) concludes that there are several problems in the assessment of religious and moral education in Scotland. These findings highlight the challenges in developing effective evaluation methods in the context of religious education. This study reveals the problems and obstacles in measuring students’ progress and understanding of religious and moral values in the education curriculum (Grant & Matemba, Citation2013).

These findings’ relevance to education and moderation of religion can be explained from several aspects. First, in religious education, assessment issues can affect the effectiveness of learning the values of religious moderation. When the assessment method is inappropriate or does not reflect inclusive and tolerant values, this can limit students’ understanding of the diversity of religions and beliefs. Second, the assessment problem can also impact the implementation of religious moderation in the education curriculum. If assessment methods do not facilitate a deep understanding of the values of moderation, then the goal of creating an inclusive and tolerant educational environment may be hampered.

The research document “Indonesia: Shari’a politics and democratic transition” (2010) concludes that Islamic Sharia politics and democratic transitions in Indonesia are the focus of research. This finding illustrates how political issues related to the application of Islamic Sharia law affect the process of democratic transition in Indonesia (Hefner, Citation2011). The relevance of these findings to education and moderation of religion can be identified from several aspects. First, the political issue of Islamic law can affect the education curriculum in Indonesia. In this context, education must face the challenge of creating an inclusive environment, respecting differences in beliefs, and ensuring the values of religious moderation are properly introduced into the education system. Second, the politics of Islamic law can also affect the regulation of freedom of religion and pluralism in society. This relates to education because the education system must reflect the values of tolerance and inclusivity to create a harmonious and respectful society.

The research document “What factors account for black-white differences in anti-Muslim sentiment in the contemporary USA?” (2013) concluded that there are differences in anti-Muslim sentiment between black and white racial groups in the United States. This study seeks to identify what factors cause these differences in modern American society (Zainiddinov, Citation2013). The relevance of these findings to education and moderation of religion can be seen from several aspects. Education can play a role in influencing perceptions and attitudes toward religion, including anti-Muslim sentiment. A curriculum that teaches the values of tolerance, inclusivity, and respect for religious differences can help reduce anti-Muslim sentiment in society. Meanwhile, social and cultural factors can also influence anti-Muslim sentiment. Therefore, education must reflect the cultural and religious diversity in American society and provide a broader understanding of different religions, including Islam.

The research documents presented above highlight the importance of education in creating an inclusive environment and supporting religious moderation. Education plays an important role in creating an inclusive, tolerant environment that supports religious moderation. The education curriculum needs to reflect the values of tolerance, dialogue, and respect for religious differences among students, thereby promoting a harmonious society and supporting secular democracy and creating a balanced relationship between religion and the state. In addition, a broader understanding of different religions and inclusive values must be strengthened through education to create an environment that supports religious moderation in a diverse society.

The number of citations owned by each document above shows several important points. The number of citations indicates how relevant and significant the research contributes to a particular field of knowledge. The higher the number of citations, the more researchers will use the findings or ideas from the research in their studies and research. This shows that the research has an impact and value recognized by the scientific community. In addition, the number of citations can also strengthen the researcher’s reputation as an expert in his field. The number of citations can also provide an idea of the direction of research trends in a particular field. If a study is widely cited, it indicates that the topic under study has high importance in the scientific community and is the focus of attention of other researchers.

3.2. Research trends and publications: contribution to the future development of educational studies

Research trends and publications related to religious moderation play a crucial role in the development of studies on education in the future. These studies help deepen understanding of the importance of religious moderation in creating an educational environment that is inclusive, tolerant and respects differences in beliefs. Through this research, we can identify best practices and strategies for integrating religious moderation values into the curriculum and learning process. Research trends on religious moderation also help to understand the challenges and opportunities in achieving a harmonious society where different religions and views can be accepted with mutual respect. The results of this research form the basis for designing educational programs that reinforce understanding of the values of tolerance, dialogue and respect for religious diversity.

In addition, these studies also contribute to the development of educational policies that support religious moderation. The research results can serve as guidelines in formulating educational policies and programs that reflect inclusive values and support the application of religious moderation in the educational context. Thus, research trends and publications related to religious moderation play an important role in shaping the future of education that is more inclusive, tolerant and based on the values of moderation in a religiously diverse society.

The several research trends based on the topics studied and interrelated in the documents analyzed are seen as follows (Figure ):

Figure 5. Trends based on the topics discussed in the publication document.

Figure 5. Trends based on the topics discussed in the publication document.

Several interrelated research topics include democracy, higher education, modernization, religious moderation, student intolerance, violent extremism, moderate Islam, Islamic higher education, and educational institutions. However, only a few relatively new research topics are being discussed: intolerance, violent extremism, moderate Islam, Islamic higher education, and educational institutions.

The topics of intolerance and violent extremism highlight the problems of religious radicalization and extremism, which can threaten religiously diverse societies (Batool & Ahmad Saeed, Citation2022; Wildan & Muttaqin, Citation2022). This research on intolerance and extremism is important in identifying the driving factors and finding solutions to prevent the spread of destructive ideologies. Research on moderate Islam and Islamic higher education offers insights on how moderate religious education can be the basis for producing an inclusive understanding of Islam. Higher education in Islamic institutions also plays an important role in forming young leaders who adhere to the values of moderation and understand the role of Islam in the wider society (Inayatillah & Anzaikhan, Citation2022; Purwanto et al., Citation2023).

In addition, research on educational institutions highlights the role of educational institutions in teaching the values of religious moderation. Curricula, teaching methods, and the learning environment in educational institutions can influence students’ views and attitudes towards religion and diversity (Muhaemin et al., Citation2023; Naim et al., Citation2022; Poncini, Citation2023). These new and interconnected research topics play a critical role in understanding and addressing the challenges associated with religious moderation, intolerance and extremism in education. With deeper and interdisciplinary research on these topics, a more comprehensive understanding and effective solutions will emerge to create an educational environment that is inclusive, tolerant, and supports religious moderation in a religiously diverse society.

Research trends and publications related to topics such as intolerance, violent extremism, moderate Islam, Islamic higher education, and educational institutions make a very significant contribution to the development of studies on education in the future. First, research on intolerance and violent extremism helps to understand the challenges in creating a safe and inclusive educational environment. The results of this research can be the basis for designing educational programs that teach the values of tolerance, dialogue, and respect for religious differences to prevent the emergence of radical and extreme attitudes.

Second, research on moderate Islam and Islamic higher education plays a role in understanding the importance of moderate and inclusive religious education. By understanding the values of moderation in Islam, Islamic educational institutions can act as a vehicle to promote a broader understanding of religion and diversity. In addition, research on educational institutions is relevant in identifying the role of educational institutions in creating a learning environment that supports the values of religious moderation. By strengthening inclusive curricula and teaching methods, educational institutions can form a generation that respects differences and avoids intolerance.

Overall, these studies contribute to the development of the study of education in the future by providing a deeper understanding of ways to deal with challenges and opportunities in creating an educational environment that is inclusive, tolerant and based on moderation values in a religiously diverse society. With an evidence-based and interdisciplinary approach, these studies can help create a future for education that is more harmonious, respects differences, and supports religious diversity in society.

3.3. Challenges and policy recommendations needed to support religious moderation in the educational context

Intolerance in education and society generally creates serious challenges in efforts to create an inclusive environment. First, in the educational context, intolerance can manifest in the form of discrimination against students based on certain religions or ethnic groups, hindering the achievement of educational goals based on justice and equality. Outside formal education, intolerance can harm society, create inter-religious conflict, and damage social harmony.

In the context of religious tolerance or intolerance, which involves attitudes and behavior towards other religions, minority schools/sects, and different religious elements. Tolerance towards religious diversity is the key to creating a harmonious society. Intolerance towards other religions or minority groups can develop due to a lack of understanding, negative stereotypes, or even the influence of religious extremism.

Religious intolerance’s root causes can involve complex political, economic, and social factors. Sometimes, intolerance arises due to social inequality, where particular groups feel marginalized or economically unfair. Political factors can also play a role, with rhetoric or policies fueling polarization and interreligious conflict (Facal, Citation2020; Fletcher & Sergeyev, Citation2002; Triandafyllidou & Kouki, Citation2013). Apart from that, the root of the problem of intolerance can also be found in distrust between ethnic and religious groups, triggered by factors such as high levels of religiosity, feelings of threat towards other groups, radical sentiments, socioeconomic inequality, the spread of false information, and the spread of hate speech. The combination of these factors creates a social environment that is vulnerable to interreligious conflict and increases levels of intolerance in society (Fatwa, Citation2018).

The religious moderation learning model is the key to overcoming intolerance. Religious moderation is an important issue in education because of the role of education as a vehicle for forming students’ religious character and understanding. In a religiously diverse environment, education must play a crucial role in teaching the values of moderation, tolerance, and respecting differences in beliefs (Grant & Matemba, Citation2013; Ma’arif, Citation2019; Wijaya et al., Citation2021). However, there are challenges in implementing religious moderation within the education system, such as the influence of extremism, intolerance, and difficulties in integrating the values of moderation into the curriculum. Therefore, appropriate policy recommendations are needed to support inclusive and tolerant religious moderation education.

The main challenge faced in implementing religious moderation in education is the existence of extremism and intolerance. Terrorism and acts of violence committed in the name of religion can affect students’ understanding of religion and create societal polarization. In addition, intolerance and discrimination based on religion can also occur in educational settings, hindering the creation of an inclusive and safe learning environment.

To address this challenge, the first policy recommendation is to strengthen education on religious moderation in the curriculum. This involves increasing training and development for teachers and educators to deliver materials that teach tolerance and respect for religious differences and overcome negative stereotypes about certain religions. Religious moderation must be introduced early so that students can form an inclusive understanding of religion from a young age.

The second recommendation is to encourage interreligious dialogue and cooperation between educational institutions. Collaboration between educational institutions of various religions and beliefs can help create a learning environment that respects and appreciates differences. Interreligious dialogue also opens space to overcome differences in views and promote a deeper understanding of different religions.

Another policy recommendation is to ensure that religious education teaches the values of moderation and avoids extreme or bigoted views. Integrating an understanding of religious pluralism and tolerance in the religious curriculum can form a more inclusive generation that respects the diversity of beliefs. In addition, collaboration between educational institutions, religious institutions, and moderate religious figures can strengthen understanding of religious moderation and encourage the spread of tolerance values into society more broadly.

In addition, efforts are needed to involve the community and family in religious moderation education. Education does not only take place at school but also at home and in society. The involvement of parents and the community in supporting the values of religious moderation will strengthen the impact of education inside and outside the classroom. Finally, an important policy recommendation is to build an inclusive and safe educational environment. This involves effectively preventing and handling intolerance and discrimination based on religion. Schools must be safe places for all students, without threats or fear.

Apart from that, several findings from previous research can also be considered, including encouraging the integration of the principles of religious moderation in the religious education curriculum. In addition, training teachers to implement learning methods that support religious moderation and developing curriculum guides that promote inclusivity and tolerance can also be considered. Another step is adopting dialogue-argumentative methods, which could lead to recommendations for integrating this approach into teacher training and national curriculum guidelines. Overall, policy recommendations should aim to create an educational environment that supports religious moderation and builds attitudes of tolerance among students (Mulyana, Citation2023; Munawar et al., Citation2019, Citation2022; Yahya & Rahmat, Citation2021).

Thus, education is central to supporting religious moderation in a diverse society. The challenges include intolerance, extremism and inter-religious tensions, but the right policy recommendations can address these challenges. By integrating the values of tolerance, interfaith dialogue, and respect for differences in the educational curriculum, as well as creating an inclusive learning environment that supports religious moderation, education can act as a vehicle for creating a harmonious society and respecting religious diversity.

4. Conclusion

Religious moderation in the educational context underscores the importance of promoting the values of tolerance, dialogue, and respect for religious differences in the educational environment. Religious moderation is the key to creating a society that is inclusive, harmonious and respects diversity of beliefs. Research and publications related to religious moderation make an important contribution to developing studies on education in the future. Challenges in achieving religious moderation include high levels of religious intolerance and extremism. By facing this challenge, appropriate policy recommendations become important.

Integrating the values of religious moderation in the curriculum and teaching methods is a crucial step in supporting inclusive education that respects differences in beliefs. Training educators on dealing with sensitive issues and managing interfaith conflicts is also necessary to create a harmonious learning environment. The role of educational institutions in supporting religious moderation cannot be ignored either. The importance of creating an educational environment that is inclusive and respects diversity is the focus in efforts to achieve religious moderation. Collaboration between educational institutions and religious institutions, as well as involving moderate religious figures in the educational process, can increase understanding of the values of moderation and spread them in society.

By implementing the right policy recommendations, education can act as a motor of positive change in a religiously diverse society. Strengthening education about religious moderation and values of tolerance will form a generation that respects differences and can avoid intolerance and radicalism. As a result, religiously diverse people can live together in harmony, uphold the values of moderation and value diversity of beliefs as an integral part of their identity and life.

Disclosure Statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information

Notes on contributors

Kamaruddin Hasan

Kamaruddin Hasan is a lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Makassar, Indonesia. He also teaches at several universities, including the Postgraduate Program at Alauddin State Islamic University, Makassar (UINAM), STAI Al Gazali Barru, and STAI DDI Mangkoso.

Hamdan Juhannis

Hamdan Juhannis is the Chancellor of UIN Alauddin Makassar, Indonesia. He is a Professor of Sociology at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty of UIN Alauddin Makassar. He started his career as a lecturer at the campus in 1996.


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