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Correction statement for ‘Investigation and Quantification of Carbon Footprint in Lagos Megacity’

This article refers to:
Investigation and Quantification of Carbon Footprint in Lagos Megacity

Article title: Investigation and Quantification of Carbon Footprint in Lagos Megacity

Authors: Fakinle, B. S., Bola-Popoola, A. G., Olayemi, A. O., Sonibare, J. A., & Odekanle, E. L

Journal: Cogent Engineering

Citation details: Volume 6, Number 01

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/23311916.2019.1703470

In agreement with the authors and Editor-in-Chief for Cogent Engineering, the Public Interest Statement for this article has been updated to the following:

This study identifies the major sources of carbon emission in Lagos, Nigeria. Considering emissions from household consumption, industry, and transport, carbon emissions are quantified in order to determine the total annual global warming potential of the city. Mitigating measures are proposed that may reduce the effect of these emissions on climate change.

The article has been re-published to include the revised Public Interest Statement.