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The Mañjuśrī cult in Khotan



The so-called new representation of Mañjuśrī that is found in Dunhuang and became quite popular in Wutaishan region and East Asian Buddhism includes a foreign looking person who became identified as the Khotanese king. This representation shows the close association of Khotan with Mañjuśrī and the Cult of Mañjuśrī on Wutaishan. The possible Khotanese compilation of the Buddhāvataṃsaka-sūtra, which is the main proof text for Mañjuśrī’s presence on Wutaishan and the Khotanese pilgrims to Wutaishan recorded by Dunhuang manuscripts also seem to substantiate the claim that Khotan was very important in terms of Mañjuśrī cult, and could have an important role in identifying Wutaishan as the abode of Mañjuśrī. In this article I will show these and other proofs in Khotanese literature for the importance of Mañjuśrī in Khotanese Buddhism.

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1. Nattier, “Church Language.”

2. Nattier, A Few Good Men.

3. Ning, Art, Religion, and Politics in Medieval China, 77–81.

4. Guang Qingliang zhuan 廣清涼傳, T no. 2099, 51: 2.1109 b26–c12.

6. Elikhina, “Buddhist monuments from Khotan in the collection of the Hermitage.”

8. Gaoseng Faxian zhuan 高僧法顯傳. T no. 51, 2085: 857, b20–25; Legge, Fâ-Hien, 19.

9. T no. 51, 2085: 857, b25–c2;trans. Legge, Fâ-Hien, 20.

10. Zürcher, Buddhist Conquest, 104–106.

11. Zürcher, Buddhist Conquest, 156–157.

12. Zürcher, Buddhist Conquest, 232–239.

13. Mayer, “Faxian,” 282–283.

14. For an English translation, see Emmerick, Tibetan Texts Concerning Khotan, 1–77.

15. Emmerick, Tibetan Texts Concerning Khotan, 3–13.

16. Emmerick, Tibetan Texts Concerning Khotan, 21.

17. Emmerick, Tibetan Texts Concerning Khotan, 20.

18. Walter, “Kingship and Buddhism in Central Asia,” 124.

19. Walter, “Kingship and Buddhism in Central Asia,” 125.

20. Hill, “Notes on dating of Khotanese history.”

21. Maggi, “Khotanese literature,” 357.

22. Degener, “The Four Infinitudes (apramāṇas) in Khotanese.”

23. Luk, Ordinary Enlightenment, 70–72.

24. Emmerick, “Three Monsters in Khotan,” 68.

25. Emmerick, “Three Monsters in Khotan,” 69.

26. Martini, “Mahāmaitrī in a Mahāyāna Sūtra in Khotanese,” 127.

27. Emmerick, “Three Monsters in Khotan,” 66.

28. Dhammadinnā, “‘Mahāratnakūṭa’ Scriptures in Khotan.”

29. Martini, “A Large Question in a Small Place,” 138.

30. T no. 11, 310: 344, b24–26; Chang (trans.), A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras, 170.

31. T no. 11, 310: 345, a20–23; Chang (trans.), A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras, 172.

32. T no. 11, no. 310: 348, b14–18; Chang (trans.), A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras, 182–183.

33. T no. 51, 2099: 1101, c22–26.

34. T no. 51, 2099: 1101, c10–14.

35. T no. 11, 310: 347, b27–c3; Chang (trans.), A Treasury of Mahāyāna Sūtras, 180.