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This article refers to:
Advances in thermoelectrics

Article title: Advances in thermoelectrics

Authors: J. Mao, Z.H. Liu, J.W. Zhou, H.T. Zhu, Q. Zhang, G. Chen, and Z.F. Ren

Journal: Advances in Physics

Bibliometrics: Vol. 67, NO. 2, 69-147.

DOI: 10.1080/00018732.2018.1551715

We have been notified by the authors that Figure 2 and Equations had been incorrectly updated in the published article. Please find the correction version below:

In figure 2b, the order of the text of 1m0, 2m0, 3m0, 4m0, and 5m0 should be reversed, the updated figure 2 is shown below.

In the caption of figure 5, replace Mg2Sn1-xSix by Mg2Si1-xSnx; On page 78, replace (either r >> 1 or r >> 1) by (either r >> 1 or r << 1) ; On page 83, replace Figure 2 (b) by Figure 12 (a).

On pages 100 and 101, the correct equation number should be

(32) n=22πNv2/3mbkBTh23/2F1/2ξ(32)
(33) σCσV=nCeμCnVeμV=AF1/2ξCF1/2ξV=AF1/2ξCF1/2ξC+ξg(33)
(34) Stotal=11+F1/2ξC+ξgAF1/2ξC×kBer+5/2Fr+3/2ξCr+3/2Fr+1/2ξCξC+F1/2ξVAF1/2ξCkBer+5/2Fr+3/2ξC+ξgr+3/2Fr+1/2ξC+ξg+ξC+ξg(34)
(35) RHmax=RHAb124b(35)


(36) b=12RHmaxRHA+2RHmaxRHA1RHmaxRHA(36)

On page 106, replace pointed by pointed out. In the caption of figure 43, replace form by from. On page 124, replace excess amount of anion element by excess amount of cation element.