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A Bibliography of Works by Dr Maxine K. Rochester


This bibliography of published and unpublished scholarly and industry-based outputs is a summation of the research interests and career trajectory of an Australian LIS academic influential during a time of rapidly changing needs and practice in the library and information management sector and its workforce.

Dr Maxine Rochester had a long and active career, making the transition from roles in libraries to academic positions incorporating research, teaching and advisory activities. She completed her Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Sydney, Master of Library Science at the University of Western Ontario and doctoral studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her prolific output reflects scholarly and professional interests in the areas of library history, library management and education. As Australian tertiary and vocational institutions became responsible for the professional and technical training for the library sector, her research on the rapidly changing needs of libraries, their workforce and their users informed the development of course content and materials. In addition to her academic positions, Maxine held active advisory and administrative roles in the education and training branches of the national and international professional bodies. Her substantial contributions were recognised with the awarding of the prestigious Fellowships of the Library Association of the United Kingdom (1997) and Australian Library and Information Association (1999). She was also recognised with a Commendation by the IFLA Professional Board (1995) and as Researcher of the Year for the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Charles Sturt University (1998). An extensive interview with Maxine was recorded for the National Library of Australia’s oral history collection (2016).

In addition to disseminating her own research findings through publications and conference presentations, Maxine held several influential book, series and journal editing roles. The Library Challenges Series, co-edited in 1990 with her colleague Fay Nicholson, includes Challenges in Australian library management and Best practice: Challenges in library management education which became early standard texts for tertiary Library and Information Management courses. This was followed by Education of Library and Information Professionals: An International Series with G. Gorman (1996–1999). Journals edited include Education for Library and Information Services, Australia (1994–1997) and Australian Library Review, vol. 13 (edited with K. Eustace).

This bibliography comprises published works as well as unpublished reports and papers. For all items where Maxine Rochester is the sole author, the author name has been omitted from the citation; co-authors and editing roles are specifically noted where they occur. There is some duplication of content as it was common at the time to present similar research in different venues; all references have been included for the sake of completeness.

Maxine’s assistance in the preparation of this bibliography is much appreciated.


Undergraduate Libraries and Services to Students. Library Association of Australia:

University and College Libraries seminar, Adelaide, 19–20 January 1967.


Survey of Students Completing the Diploma in Librarianship at Canberra CAE in December, 1971. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 3(2), 124–26.


Demand for and Supply of Librarians. Australian Library Journal, 21(1), 12–20.

Response to Commentary by D H Borchardt on ‘Demand and Supply of Librarians’ [Letter to the Editor]. Australian Library Journal, 21(3), 125–26.


Librarianship Students in Australia. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 4(4), 154–60.

CAE Diplomates in Librarianship, 1973: An Analysis of Professional Characteristics and Employment. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 5(3), 123–26.

Manpower Analysis. In, Outpost: Australian librarianship, '73: Library Association of Australia 17th biennial conference, Perth, August 1973. Perth: Westbooks (1974). 586–592.


Attraction and Retention of Librarians. Australian Library Journal, 23(2), 63–67.


Gawler Institute. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 6(3), 121–32.

Graduates and Diplomates Completing Undergraduate Courses in Librarianship: An Analysis of Professional Characteristics and Employment. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 6(3), 144–46.

Planning for a Proposed Library Technicians Course in Canberra. [With G. Hart]. Australian Library Journal, 24(2), 54–60.

Survey of Past Graduate Diploma in Librarianship Students, Canberra CAE 1970–1973. Australian Library Journal, 24(8), 342–48.


Book Review [International and Comparative Librarianship Group Handbook/Whateley, A]. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 4(5), 389.


Librarians as Change Agents. Library Association of Australia 20th Biennial Conference. Education for Librarianship section, Canberra, 26–30 August 1979.


Librarianship Recruits: Where Do They Go? Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 12(3), 122–24.

Social Change and Its Impact on the Individual and Therefore on Library and Information Services. Library Association of Australia Futures Committee, 1981.

The Australian and New Zealand Response to CCNY Grants for Library Development. New Zealand Libraries, 43(7), 109–13.

American Influence in New Zealand Librarianship as Facilitated by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. [Ph.D. thesis, University of Madison, Wisconsin, 1981.]


Survey of Completers of First Professional Qualifications in Librarianship at Australian Library Schools in 1981. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 13(3), 144–50.

Who Are We? Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 13(4), 249–53.

Adult Public Library Users in Australia, Social Background. Australian Library Journal, 31(3), 4–11.

Book Review [The Information Professional: Survey of an Emerging Field/Debons, A et al]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 13(3), 195.


Employment of Professional and Para Professional Library Studies Graduates in Canberra. [With H. O’Brien.] In, The Library Workforce: Proceedings of a National Conference Held in Melbourne, 22–24 November 1982. Library Association of Australia, Education for Librarianship Section. Victorian Group, 1983. 10–38.

The Changing Market Place for Library and Information Service: Social Changes. LAA Futures Committee Seminar, Sydney, 5–7 August 1983.

Evaluation of the Bibliographic Information on Southeast Asia (BISA) Project at the University of Sydney. [With N. Lane.] Centre for Library and Information Studies. Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1983.

Report from IFLA 1983. EDLIB Newsletter, (7)2, 29–32.

Book Review [The Information Professional: Survey of an Emerging Field/Debons, A]. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 9(1), 42.

Book Reviews [Guide to Northern Territory Research Resources in the Northern Territory/Clinch, M; A Bibliography of the Northern Territory: Monographs Part 3. The Social Sciences (Excluding Material Relating to the Aborigines)/Mills, C]. inCite, 4(1), 10–11.


Library and Information Personnel Planning in Australia. International Library Review, 16(4), 387–91.

News from the Divisions: [ACT Branch, Library Association of Australia]. inCite, 5(7), 9.

Book Review [World Librarianship: A Comparative Study/Krzys, R and Litton, G]. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 10(5), 294.

Book Review [The Library in the Information Revolution: Proceedings of the 6th Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians, 30 May-3 June 1983, Singapore]. SEARMG Newsletter, No. 271, 35–36.


Australian Library History: Papers from the Second Forum on Australian Library History, Canberra, 19–20 July 1985. [Editor, with P. Biskup]. Canberra: Centre for Library and Information Studies, Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1985.

IFLA, Chicago, 1985. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 2(3), 170–73.

The Potential of the ABN Database Files for Collection Overlap Studies. National Library of Australia, 1985.

ABN and Research. ABN and Professional Library Education in Australia Seminar.


Foreign Students in American Library Education: Impact on Home Countries. New York: Greenwood Press, 1986.

Preparing Librarians for the 21st Century: Study Abroad. In, IFLA General Conference, 1986. Management and Technology Division. Section: Statistics. Papers. 1986.

Report on the 52nd General Conference of IFLA 25–29 August 1986 in Tokyo. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 3(3), 56–58.

Report on the 1986 Post-Conference Seminar, Education and Research in Library and Information Science in the Information Age, 1–5 September 1986, Beijing, China. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 3(3), 59–61.

Study of Collection Overlap on the NBD. ABN News, 29 Sept-Oct 1986: 5–6.


The ABN (Australian Bibliographic Network) Database: Sampling Strategies for Collection Overlap Studies. Information Technology and Libraries, 6(3), 190–96.

Information Access in Psychology. Australian Psychologist, 22(2), 245–57.

Report from Beijing. International Leads, 1(1), 4–5.

Report on Visit to People’s Republic of China 2–15 May 1987: Department of Library Science, Peking University and Library and Library School, Jiatong University. [Unpublished report.] Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1987.

Information Needs of Members of the Canberra Potters Society and Other Craftspeople of Australia. In, Lifestyles and Libraries: Proceedings of the 24th Library Association of Australia Conference, Darwin 1986. Sydney: Library Association of Australia, 1987. 279–87.

Library History Research in Australia: The State of the Art. Third Forum on Australian Library History, July 17–18, 1987, UNSW.

Australian Library History Research: Annotated Bibliography. Third Forum on Australian Library History, 17–18 July 1987.

Book Review [Education for Professional Librarians]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 18(4), 219.


Preparing Librarians for the 21st Century: Study Abroad. IFLA Journal, 14(1), 29–39.

The Library and Information Services Labour Market in Australia. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 5(2), 111–19.

Curriculum Design. In, Education and Research in Library and Information Science in the Information Age: Means of Modern Technology and Management: Proceedings of the IFLA/China Society of Library Science Seminar, Beijing, September 1–5, 1986. Munich; New York: K.G. Saur, 1988. 40–55.

Design Study Proposal for Library Training Development for Burma. [Unpublished report.] Prepared for Canberra College of Advanced Education, 1988.

Study Trip to the Federal Republic of Germany, April 1988. [Unpublished report.] Submitted to Bibliothekarische Auslandsstelle, May 1988.

Book Review [The New Information Professionals: Proceedings of the Singapore-Malaysia Congress of Librarian and Information Scientists, Singapore, 4–6 September 1986/Thuraisingham, A (Ed)]. Australian Library Journal, 37(4), 284–85.


Education for Library and Information Studies in the Federal Republic of Germany. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 20(3), 154–64.

Libraries, Information, Economics: Report of the 55th General Conference of IFLA, Paris, 19–26 August 1989. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 6(2/3), 36–37.

Book Review [The Librarians’ Self-Starter]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 20(3), 188.

Book Review [The Academic Library Director/Euster, J]. Riverina Library Review, 6, 151

Book Review [Lines of Thought]. Riverina Library Review, 6(3), 217.

Book Review [Comparative and International Librarianship]. Riverina Library Review, 6, 232–233.


Challenges in Australian Library Management. [Ed. with Nicholson, F] Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1990.

Strategic Planning. In, Challenges in Australian Library Management. Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1990. 3–5.

Management and Technology. In, Challenges in Australian Library Management. Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1990. 139–45.

The Revolution in New Zealand Librarianship: American Influence as Facilitated by the Carnegie Corporation of New York in the 1930s. Occasional Papers Series. Dalhousie University. School of Library and Information Studies. London: Vine Press, 1990.

Bringing Rural Librarianship to Canada in the 1930s. In, 56th IFLA General Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 18–24 August 1990. Booklet 7. Stockholm: IFLA, 1990. 36–44.

Cultural Ambassadors: Australian Government Programs and Library Aid to Asia and the Pacific. In, Conference Proceedings: Papers Presented at the Australian Library and Information Association 1st Biennial Conference, Perth September 30 – October 5 1990. Vol. 1. 437–43.

Knowing the Fundamentals: The Teaching of Library and Information Services Management. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 7(2/3), 22–28.

Australian Library History Research. Libraries & Culture, 25(1), 115–129.

Information for Knowledge: Report on the 56th IFLA General Conference 18–23 August 1990, Stockholm, Sweden. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 21(4), 275–77.

Libraries – Information for Knowledge. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 7(2/3) 1990: 20–21.

International Library Meeting Report [56th IFLA Conference, Stockholm 1990]. Newslink, 8(9), 8.

Centre for Communication and Information Research. inCite, 11(7), 22.

Book Review [Effective Library and Information Centre Management/Bryson, J]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 21(4), 284–288.

Book Review [Information Resource Management: concepts, strategies, applications. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Information Resource Management, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, June 1–5 1987]]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 21(3), 206–207.

Book Review [Study Motivation, Work Orientation and ‘Personality Structure’ of Future Librarians/Bruyns, R]. Australian Library Review, 7(3), 208–209.


Emergence of the Asian Pacific Area and Its Impact on Education and Training of Librarians. 57th IFLA General Conference, 18–24 August 1991, Moscow USSR. The Hague: IFLA, 1991. 7.

The Impact of Economic and Social Trends on Education for Librarianship in the USSR. International Leads, 5(4) 1991.

The Impact of Economic and Social Trends on Education for Librarianship: Report on the 57th IFLA Conference, Moscow, 18–24 August 1991. Education for Librarianship: Australia, 8(1/3), 29–34.

Doing Better and Better with Less and Less: NSW Country Public Libraries Association Annual Conference, Cobar, 14–16 May 1991. Libraries Alone, 3(1), 33–34.

Book Review [World Guide to Library, Archive and Information Associations/Fang, J and Songe, A]. Australian Library Review, 8(1), 26.


The State of the Art: Research in Reference and Information Services. In, Priorities for the Future: Proceedings of the First National Reference and Information Service Section Conference and the University, College and Research Libraries Section Workshop on Research. Deakin ACT and Port Melbourne: Australian Library and Information Association and D. W. Thorpe, 1992. 77–85.

Emergence of the Asian Pacific Area: Implications for the Education and Training of Librarians. IFLA Journal, 18(1), 43–50.

Moscow IFLA Conference Report. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 23(1), 40–41.

Taking the Pulse of Library Education in Australia. Education for Library and Information Services: Australia, 9(3), 5–15.

Ranganathan Lives! [Report on the 58th IFLA Conference, New Delhi, India, 23–28 August 1992]. Education for Library and Information Services: Australia, 9(3), 41–43.

New Openings in the Long White Cloud. inCite, 13(2),16.

School-Based Distance Training for Teacher Librarians. inCite, 13(9), 26.

Book Review [Proceedings of the 50th Anniversary Symposium of the School of Librarianship, University of Cape Town, 20–21 November 1989]. Australian Library Review, 9(2), 92.


Refocussing the Role of Libraries in Australia: Carnegie Corporation of New York Grants 1923–1961. In, Libraries and Life in a Changing World: The Metcalfe Years, 1920–1970. Sydney: The University of New South Wales, 1993. 138–55.

Use of Distance Education Strategies for Continuing Education: Progress, Issues and Challenges. [With Pearce, W.] In, Continuing Professional Education and IFLA: Past, Present and a Vision for the Future: Papers from the IFLA CPERT Second World Congress on Continuing Education for the Library and Information Service Professions, Barcelona 1993. Munich: Bowker-Saur, 1993. 63–84.

Internet: Applications, Training and Opportunities: An Academic Staff Perspective. [With Tsang, P et al.] In, Reaching out with I.T.: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education [ASCLITE], University of New England – Northern Rivers, Lismore, NSW, Australia. Lismore NSW: University of New England, Northern Rivers. Centre for Computing and Mathematics, 1993. 627–34.

The Universal Library: Report on the 59th IFLA Conference, Barcelona, 22–28 August 1993. Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 10(2/3), 50–52.

The Second World Conference on Continuing Professional Education, Barcelona, 19–21 August 1993. [with Nicholson, F] Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 10(2/3), 52–55.

IFLA at New Delhi – Ranganathan Lives! [With Shaw, M] InCite, 14(1), 7.

Politics, Lib Assocs and Education. InCite, 14(11), 11.

IFLA Conference Barcelona. [With Shaw, M] inCite, 14(11), 12–13.

‘Qualifications of Academic Staff’; ‘Performance Indicators for Faculty of Science and Agriculture’; ‘Management Experience Program for Women’; ‘Interview with Jim Pratley, Dean, Faculty of Science and Agriculture’; ‘EEO and AA within the Faculty of Science and Agriculture’. Faculty of Science and Agriculture. Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, 1993.

Book Review [Creating a Financial Plan: A How to Do It Manual for Librarians/Turock, B]. Australian Library Review, 10(2), 258.

Book Review [A Chance to Read: A History of the Institute Movement in Australia/Talbot, R]. Australian Library Review, 10(3), 357–58.


Equivalency of Qualifications in Anglo/American Countries. IFLA 60th General Conference, Havana, Cuba, 21–27 August 1994. Booklet 7: 5–8.

Report on the 60th IFLA General Conference, Havana, Cuba, 21–27 August 1994. Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 11(3), 40–41.

Library and Information Services in Australia. Mousaion, 12(1), 3–20.

Cuban Contrasts. [With Shaw, M] inCite, 15(12), 22

Australian National Library, Canberra. In, Encyclopaedia of Library History. NY: Garland, 1994. 53–54.

Book Review [Creating a Financial Plan: A How to Do It Manual for Librarians/Turock, B and Pedolsky, A]. Journal of Academic Librarianship, 19(6), 411.

Book Review [The Management of Distance Learning Systems/Rumble, G]. Australian Library Review, 11(4), 552.

Education for Library and Information Services, Australia. [Ed.] Canberra: Education for Library and Information Services Section. Australian Library and Information Association, 1994–1997.


Library and Information Science Research in Australia 1985–1994: A Content Analysis of Research Articles in the Australian Library Journal, and Australian Academic and Research Libraries. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 26(3), 163–70.

Bringing Librarianship to Rural Canada in the 1930s: Demonstrations by Carnegie Corporation of New York. Libraries & Culture, 30(4), 366–90.

Professional Communication through Journal Articles. 61st IFLA Council and General Conference, 20–26 August 1995, Istanbul, Turkey.

Libraries of the Future: Report on the 61st IFLA Council and General Conference, 20–26 August 1995, Istanbul, Turkey. Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 12(3), 59–61.


Best Practice: Challenges in Library Management Education. [Ed., with Nicholson, F] Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1996.

Introduction. In, Best Practice: Challenges in Library Management Education. Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1996. 1–4.

Preparing Library Leaders. In, Best Practice: Challenges in Library Management Education. Adelaide: Auslib Press, 1996. 39–46.

American Philanthropy Abroad: Library Program Support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York British Dominions and Colonies Fund in the 1920s and 1930s. In, Libraries and Philanthropy: Proceedings of the Library History Seminar IX, 30 March-1 April 1995, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. Austin TX: University of Texas at Austin. Graduate School of Library and Information Science, 1996. 342–63.

Bringing Librarianship to Rural Canada in the 1930s: Demonstrations by Carnegie Corporation of New York. In, Readings in Canadian Library History 2. Ottawa: Canadian Library Association, 1996. 241–63.

Reading the Management Future for Libraries: Implications for Library Management Education. [With Nicholson, F] In, Reading the Future, Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the Australian Library and Information Association, Melbourne 6–11 October 1996. Melbourne: ALIA, 1996. 75–83.

Australia as an Information Society: Adapting the Curriculum in Library Schools in the 1970s and Early 1980s. In, Instruction & Amusement: Papers from the Sixth Australian Library History Forum, Monash University, 1 November 1995. Melbourne: Ancora Press, 1996. 91–102.

Professional Communication through Journal Articles. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 27(3), 191–99.

The Challenge of Change: Libraries and Economic Development. Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 13(3), 49–51.

American Philanthropy Abroad: Library Program Support from the Carnegie Corporation of New York British Dominions and Colonies Fund in the 1920s and 1930s. Libraries & Culture, 31(2), 342–63.

Wagga Wagga World-Wide Web (WWWWW) Conference: Charles Sturt University, September 1995. Australian Library Review, 13(1), 2.

Professional Development in the Riverina. [With Griffiths, C] inCite, 17(11), 31.

Australian Library Review. [Ed., with Eustace K]. 1996. Vol. 13.

Education of Library and Information Professionals: An International Series. [Ed., with Gorman, G.] London; Washington, D.C.: Mansell, 1996–1999.


Education for Librarianship in Australia. London: Mansell, 1997.

A Distance Independent/Open Learning Education Model for Continuing Professional Education of Librarians. [With Eustace, K] In, Human Development: Competencies for the 21st Century: Papers from the IFLA CPERT Third International Conference on Continuing Education for the Library and Information Professions. Vol. 80/81. Munich: Saur, 1997. 1–9.

Who Are the Authors? Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 28(3), 217–28.

Performance Measures for NSW TAFE Libraries: What Can We Learn from the Literature? [With Bannister, M] Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 28(4), 281–96.

Research and Scholarship in Library and Information Studies. Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 14(1), 19–24.

Community Organisations, Information and Public Libraries. [With Willard, P.] State Library of New South Wales, 1997.

Book Review [Surveying the Library Landscape]. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 28(2), 174–75.

Book Review [Free to All: Carnegie Libraries and American Culture, 1890–1920,/Van Slyck, A]. Australian Library Journal, 46(4), 441.


International LIS Research: A Comparison of National Trends. [With Vakkari, P] IFLA Journal, 24(3), 166–75.

Community Organisations and Information: Results of a Study. [With Willard, P] Australian Library Journal, 47(3), 254–63.

Management Changes Facing Librarianship in Australia. [With Nicholson, F] Library Management, 19(5/6), 333–38.

New Ways to Serve the Rural Library User: An Australian Perspective. New Ways to Serve the Library User: A Global Perspective. American Library Association. International Relations conference and round table, Washington DC, June 1998.


Value-Adding in the Profession: Promoting Research, Education and Librarianship – a Forum. Education for Library and Information Services, Australia, 16(1), 47–49.

The Carnegie Corporation and South Africa: Non-European Library Services. Libraries & Culture, 34(1), 27–51.


Wise Philanthropy: The Carnegie Corporation and Libraries of the British Commonwealth in the 1920s and 1930s. In, Conference proceedings, 68th IFLA Council and General Conference, Glasgow, August 18–24, 2002. IFLA.


International Library and Information Science Research: a Comparison of National Trends. [With Vakkari, P] IFLA Professional Reports no. 82. The Hague: IFLA, 2004.


International Library and Information Science Research: A Comparison of National Trends. [With Vakkari, P] In, Libraries and Librarianship – an International Perspective. Maryland: Scarecrow Press, 2008. 8–24.


History of IFLA Section on Education and Training (Prepared on the Occasion of Its 40th Anniversary). IFLA, 2015.


Reflections on Library and Information Science Research in Australia 1985–1994. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 47(4), 215–19.

Library and Information Science Research in Australia 1985–1994: A Content Analysis of Research Articles in the Australian Library Journal, and Australian Academic & Research Libraries. Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 47(4), 207–14.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

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Notes on contributors

C. M. Gould

C. M. Gould is a Retired librarian, worked in several Canberra academic and special libraries.

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