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Universally polar cohomogeneity two Riemannian manifolds of constant negative curvature

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Article: 1523516 | Received 24 Jan 2018, Accepted 03 Sep 2018, Published online: 14 Nov 2018


In this paper, we suppose that M is a Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature under the action of a Lie subgroup G of Iso(M) such that the maximum of the dimension of the orbits is dim M2. Then, we study topological properties of M under some conditions.

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In differential geometry, a Riemannian manifold is said to be homogeneous if the geometric structure is similar for all points. For example, sphere is homogeneous, because there is no difference between geometric properties of the sphere in any two different points. But, ellipsoid with non-equal semi-axes is not homogeneous. In homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, a connected lie group acts transitively such that each action is isometric (preserves distance). For an example consider the group of all clockwise rotations around the origin of the sphere. A generalization of homogeneous Riemannian manifolds is cohomogeneity K Riemannian manifolds, where transitivity of the action is reduced to another weaker condition called cohomogeneity of the action. In special case, when K = 0, the manifold will be homogeneous.

The present paper is devoted to study topological properties of some cohomogeneity two Riemannian manifolds.

1. Introduction

An isometric action of a Lie group on a Riemannian manifold M is called polar if there exists a connected closed submanifold of M which intersects the orbits orthogonally and meets every orbit. Such a submanifold is called a section of the group action. In the special case where the section is flat in the induced metric, the action is called hyperpolar. The classification problem of polar actions was initiated by Dadok (Citation1985), who classified polar actions by compact Lie groups on Euclidean spaces. In Heintze, Palais, Terng, and Thorbergsson (Citation1995), the authors mentioned the interest of classifying (hyper-)polar actions on symmetric spaces of compact type. Kollross (Citation2007) classified polar actions on compact symmetric spaces with simple isometry group and rank greater than one. Berndt (Citation2011) presented a survey about polar actions on Riemannian symmetric spaces, with emphasis on the noncompact case. This classification showed that these actions are in fact all hyperpolar. J. C. Diaz-Ramos and A. Kollross obtain a classification of polar actions with a fixed point on symmetric spaces (Diaz-Ramos & Kollross, Citation2011).

Let Mn be a connected and complete Riemannian manifold of dimension n, and let G be a closed and connected subgroup of the Lie group of all isometries of M. If xM then G(x)=gx:gG is the orbit containing x. The cohomogeneity of the action of G on M is defined by Coh(G,M)=nmax{dim G(x):xM}. If Coh(G,M)=m then M is called cohomogeneity m Riemannian manifold. If Coh(G,M)=0 then M is called homogeneous Riemannian manifold. Kobayashi (Citation1962) proved that a homogeneous Riemannian manifold M of negative curvature is simply connected. Recently, Riemannian manifolds of cohomogeneity one have been studied from different points of view. Alekseevsky and Alekseevsky (Citation1993) gave a description of such manifolds in terms of Lie subgroup G. Podesta and Spiro (Citation1996) got interesting results about Riemannian manifold of negative curvature and of cohomogeneity one. Among other results, they proved that, if M, dim(M)3, is a Riemannian G-manifold of negative curvature and Coh(G,M)=1, then either M is diffeomorphic to Rk×Tr, r+k=dim(M), or π1(M)=Z and the principal orbits are covered by Sn2×R, n=dim(M).

In this paper, Mirzaie (Citation2011a) studied topological properties and G-orbits of a flat Riemannian G-manifold M of cohomogeneity two, and in Mirzaie (Citation2009) he characterized a Riemannian G-manifold of negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two from topological view point, under the condition that MGϕ.

In this paper, in combination of the concept of polarity and cohomogeneity, we study topological properties of a Riemannian G-manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two.

2. Preliminaries

In the following, we mention some facts needed for the proof of our theorems.

Fact 2.1 (Bredon, Citation1972). If M is a complete and connected Riemannian manifold and G is a connected subgroup of Iso(M), and if M˜ is the universal Riemannian covering manifold of M with the covering map κ:M˜M, then there is a connected covering G˜ of G with the covering map π:G˜G, such that G˜ acts isometrically and effectively on M˜, dimMG=dimM˜G˜ and

(1) Each deck transformation δ of the covering κ:M˜M maps G˜-orbits on to G˜-orbits.

(2) If xM and x˜M˜ such that κ(x˜)=x then κ(G˜(x˜))=G(x).

(3) If G has a fixed point in M, then G˜=G and M˜G˜ is the full inverse image of MG (where MG=xM:G(x)=x).

Theorem 2.2 (Kobayashi, Citation1962). A homogeneous Riemannian manifold of negative curvature is simply connected.

Theorem 2.3 (Podesta & Spiro, Citation1996). If M is a complete and connected cohomogeneity one Riemannian manifold of negative curvature, then either M is simply connected or π1(M)=Zp, p1.

Theorem 2.4 (Mirzaie & Kashani, Citation2002). Let M be a flat non-simply connected cohomogeneity one Riemannian manifold under the action of Lie group GIso(M).

(a) If there is a singular orbit, then π1(M)=Zp.

(b) If there is no singular orbit and M/G=R then M is diffeomorphic to Rr×Tt for some non-negative integers r,t,r+t=dimM.

Corollary 2.5 (Diaz-Ramos & Kollross, Citation2011). If G is a closed, connected and nontrivial subgroup of the isometry group of a Riemannian manifold M of nonpositive sectional curvature, then MG is a totally geodesic submanifold of M and dim MG < Coh(G,M).

Definition 2.6. If G1,G2 Iso(M) then we say that G1 and G2 are orbit equivalent if for each xM, G1(x)=G2(x).

If M is a complete and simply connected Riemannian manifold of nonpositive curvature then the geodesics γ1 and γ2 in M are called asymptotic provided there exists a number c > 0 such that d(γ1(t),γ2(t))c for all t0. The asymptotic relation is an equivalence relation on the set of all geodesic in M, the equivalence classes are called asymptotic classes. If γ is a geodesic in M, then we denote by [γ] the asymptotic class of geodesics containing γ. The following set is by definition the infinity of M:


For any xM and [γ]M(), there exists a unique geodesic γx[γ] such that xγx and there is a unique hypersurface Sx, which contains x and is perpendicular to all elements of [γ]. The hypersurface Sx is called the horosphere determined by x and [γ].

Consider the Lorentzian space Rn,1(=Rn+1) with a non-degenerate scaler product , given by


It is well known that any simply connected Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature c<0, is isometric to the hyperbolic space of curvature c defined by


It is well known that each horosphere in Hn(c) is isometric to Rn1.

Theorem 2.7 (Di Scala & Olmos, Citation2001). Let G be a connected Lie subgroup of the isometries of hyperbolic space Hn. Then, one of the following assertions is true:

(i) G has a fixed point.

(ii) G has a unique nontrivial totally geodesic orbit.

(iii) All orbits are included in horospheres centered at the same point at infinity.

Theorem 2.8 (Diaz-Ramos & Sanchez et al., Citation2013). Let G act polarly on Hn. Then the action of G is orbit equivalent to:

(a) The action of SO(1,m)×K, where m0,...,n1, and K is a compact group acting polarly on Rnm.

(b) The action of N×K, where N is the nilpotent part of the Iwasawa decomposition of SO(1,m), m2,...,n, and K is a compact group acting polarly on Rnm.

Remark 2.9 (see (Eberlein & O’Neil, Citation1973), pp. 57, 58). Let M˜ be a complete and simply connected Riemannian manifold of strictly negative curvature, and let S be a horosphere in M˜ determined by asymptotic class of geodesics [γ]. The function f:M˜R,f(p)=limtd(p,γ(t))t, is called a Bussmann function.

For each point pM˜ there is a point ηS(p) is S, which is the unique point in S of minimal distance from p, and the following map is a homeomorphism:


Fact 2.10 (Do Carmo, Citation1992). If M is nonsimply connected Riemannian manifold of negative curvature and there is a geodesic in M˜ such that Δ(γ)=γ then Δ is isomorphic to (Z,+).

Definition 2.11. We say that a non-simply connected Riemannian G-manifold M is universally polar, when the covering group G˜ of G acts polarly on its universal Riemannian covering manifold M˜.

Theorem 2.12 (Heidari & Mirzaie, Citation2018). Let Mn, n3, be a nonsimply connected Riemannian G-manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two. Then either M is universally polar or it is diffeomorphic to S1×Rn1 or B2×Rn2 (B2 is the Moebius band).

3. Results

Fact 3.1. Let Mn be a closed, connected and nonsimply connected Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two under the action of connected Lie group GIso(M) such that M˜G˜=ϕ. Then one of the following is true:

(a) There is a positive integer number p such that π1(M)=Zp.

(b) M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M.

Proof: Since Mn is a Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature, then Hn is its universal covering manifold. We denote the covering maps by k:HnMn. Since M˜G˜=ϕ, by Theorem 2.8, one of the following is true:

(i) G˜ has a unique nontrivial totally geodesic orbit.

(ii) All G˜-orbits of Hn are included in horospheres centered at the same point at infinity.

We consider each case separately.

(i) We denote the unique totally geodesic orbit of the action of G˜ on Hn by Q. By the fact that Δ maps G˜-orbits of Hn onto G˜-orbits and since Q is the unique totally geodesic orbit, then Δ(Q)=Q. If dimQ=1, then Q is a geodesic in Hn. Thus by Fact 2.12, Δ=Z and we get part (a). If dim Q > 1, put W=k(Q). Since Q is a the unique totally geodesic G˜-orbit in Hn, then W is unique totally geodesic G-orbit in M. Thus W is homogeneous and of constant negative curvature and by Theorem 2.2, W is simply connected. Therefore, Δ is trivial and M is simply connected which is contradiction.

(ii) In this case without loss of generality, we suppose that all G˜-orbits of Hn are included in horospheres determined by an asymptotic geodesics of class [γ]. If S is a horosphere determined by [γ] then G˜(S)=S. The homeomorphism ϕ mentioned in Remark 2.11, induces a homeomorphism ϕ1:M=M˜ΔSΔ×R. It is well known that each horospere in Hn is isometric to Rn1. Thus SΔ is a flat Riemannian G-manifold of cohomogeneity one, and we get part (b).

Lemma 3.2. Let Mn be a closed, connected and non-simply connected Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two under the action of a connected Lie group GIso(M) such that G˜ is orbit equivalent to SO(1,m)×K, where KIso(Rnm) is compact and m0,...,n1. Then one of the following is true:

(a) M is homeomorphic to Rr×Tl for some non-negative integers r,t,r+t=dimM (Tl is a l-torus).

(b) There is a positive integer p such that π1(M)=Zp.

(c) M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M without singular orbit and M1G=S1.

Proof: Since SO(1,m) acts transitively on Hm, then M˜SO(1,m)×K=ϕ. Thus, by Fact 3.1, we get that π1(M)=Zp or M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M. In the second case, we can consider the following cases.

Case 1. There is a singular orbit for the G-action on M1.

Case 2. There is no singular orbit for the G-action on M1.

Case 1. In this case, by Theorem 2.4 (a), π1(M1)=Zp,p1, thus π1(M)=Zp.

Case 2. In this case, if M1G=R then by Theorem 2.4 (b), we get part (a) of the lemma, otherwise M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M without singular orbit and M1G=S1 then we get part (c) of the lemma.

Lemma 3.3. Let Mn be a complete, connected and non-simply connected Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two under the action of a connected Lie group GIso(M) such that G˜ is orbit equivalent to G1˜×G2˜, where G1˜ is a nilpotent subgroup of SO(1,m), m2,...,n, and G2˜Iso(Rnm) is compact. Then one of the following is true:

(a) M is homeomorphic to Rr×Tl for some non-negative integers r,t,r+t=dimM (Tl is a l-torus).

(b) There is a positive integer number p such that π1(M)=Zp.

(c) M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M without singular orbit and M1G=S1.

Proof: Since M is a Riemannian G-manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two and G˜ is orbit equivalent to G1˜×G2˜, then one of the following is true:

(i) Coh(G˜1,Hm)=0, Coh(G˜1,Hm)=2;

(ii) Coh(G˜1,Hm)=1, Coh(G˜1,Hm)=1;

(iii) Coh(G˜1,Hm)=2, Coh(G˜2,Rnm)=0.

We study (i), (ii), and (iii) separately.

(i) Since the action of G˜1 on Hm is transitive and G1˜SO(1,m), then by Lemma 3.2, we get parts (a), (b), or (c) of the lemma.

(ii) Since Coh(G2˜,Rnm)=1 then (Rnm)G2˜ has only one point that we denote it by y. For each x=(h,y)Hm×y we have G˜(x)=(G1˜×G2˜)(h,y). Then


Consider the set W=Hm×y. By (), G˜(W)=W. So W must be a Riemannian G˜-manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity one. If x=(h,a)Hm×Rnm and ay, since y is the only fixed point of the action G2˜ on Rnm, then dim G2˜(a)1 and dim G˜(x)=dim (G1˜×G2˜)(h,a)m. So, by dimensional reasons and the fact that each δΔ maps orbits to orbits, for each hHm, there is hHm such that


Thus Δ(W)=W. Now, put T=k(W), Since G˜(W)=W and Coh(G˜,W)=1, then G(T)=T and Coh(G,T)=1. Thus, T is a Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity one. So by Theorem 2.3, π1(T)=Zp, p1 and


(iii) This case cannot occur, because G2˜ has a fixed point.

The following theorem is similar to a theorem in Mirzaie (Citation2011b), but with assumption of universal polarity we get more precise conclusions about the topology of M.

Theorem 3.4. Let Mn be a complete, connected and non-simply connected Riemannian manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two, under the action of a Lie subgroup G of isometries such that it is universally polar. Then one of the following is true.

(a) M is homeomorphic to Rr×Tl for some non-negative integers r,t,r+t=dimM (Tl is a l-torus).

(b) There is a positive integer number p such that π1(M)=Zp.

(c) M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M without singular orbit and M1G=S1.

Proof: M˜=Hn is the universal Riemannian covering manifold of M. Consider G˜ as Fact 2.1, let k:HnM be the covering map and let Δ be the deck transformation group of the covering k:HnM. Since the G˜action is polar on Hn, we can consider cases (1) and (2) of Theorem 2.8 for the G˜action on Hn.

Case 1. In this case, by Lemma 3.2 we get parts (a), (b), or (c) of the lemma.

Case 2. In this case, by Lemma 3.3 we get parts (a), (b), or (c) of the lemma.

Now by Theorems 2.12 and 3.4, we get the following theorem.

Corollary 3.5. Let Mn, n3, be a nonsimply connected Riemannian G-manifold of constant negative curvature and of cohomogeneity two. Then one of the following is true.

(a) M is diffeomorphic to S1×Rn1 or B2×Rn2 (B2 is the Moebius band).

(b) M is homeomorphic to Rr×Tl for some non-negative integers r,t,r+t=dimM (Tl is a l-torus).

(c) There is a positive integer number p such that π1(M)=Zp.

(d) M is homeomorphic to M1×R, where M1 is a flat cohomogeneity one G-submanifold of M without singular orbit and M1G=S1.

Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

M. Heidari

Mojtaba Heidari is a PhD student. The present paper is a portion of his thesis under the supervision of Dr. Reza Mirzaie.

R. Mirzaie

Reza Mirzaie is professor and researcher of mathematics in Imam Khomeini international University, Qazvin, Iran. He is interested in differential geometry and its applications to physics.


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