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Research Article

Study-type determinants and their properties

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Article: 1683131 | Received 15 Oct 2018, Accepted 11 Oct 2019, Published online: 14 Nov 2019


In this paper, we define the concept of the Study-type determinant, and we present some properties of these determinants. These properties lead to some properties of the Study determinant. The properties of the Study-type determinants are obtained using a commutative diagram. This diagram leads not only to these properties but also to an inequality for the degrees of representations and to an extension of Dedekind’s theorem.


The quaternions were discovered in 1843 by William Rowan Hamilton. Since then, quaternions have played an important role in mathematics. The Study determinant is known as one of determinants of matrices in quaternions.

In this paper, we define the concept of the Study-type determinant, and we present some properties of these determinants. These properties lead to some properties of the Study determinant.

1. Introduction

Let B be a commutative ring, let A be a ringFootnote1 that is a free right B-module of rank m, and let L be a left regular representation from M(r,A) to M(m,M(r,B)), where M(r,A) is the set of all r×r matrices with elements in A. We define the Study-type determinant SdetM(r,A)B:M(r,A)B as


where ι is the inclusion map from M(m,M(r,B)) to M(mr,B). The Study-type determinant has the following properties.

For all a,aM(r,A), the following hold:

(S1) SdetM(r,A)B(aa)=SdetM(r,A)B(a)SdetM(r,A)B(a);

(S2) a is invertible in M(r,A) if and only if SdetM(r,A)B(a) is invertible in B;

(S3) if a is obtained from a by adding a left-multiple of a row to another row or a right-multiple of a column to another column, then we have SdetM(r,A)B(a)=SdetM(r,A)B(a);

(S4) if there exists a basis (e1e2em) of A as a B-right module satisfying the following conditions:

 (i) ei is invertible in A for any ei;

 (ii) ei1BeiB holds for any ei,

then, we have SdetM(r,A)B(a)Z(A)B, where Z(A) is the center of A.

In the following, we assume that B is a free right C-module of rank n and C is a commutative ring. Then, we have the following properties.Footnote2

For all aM(r,A), the following hold:

(S5) SdetM(r,A)C=SdetM(1,B)CSdetM(r,A)B, where we regard B as M(1,B);

(S6) if there exists a basis of A as a B-right module satisfying the conditions (i) and (ii), then we have SdetM(r,A)C(a)=SdetM(r,A)B(a)n.

The Study-type determinant is a generalization of the Study determinant. The Study determinant was defined by Eduard Study (Study, Citation1920). Let H be the quaternion field. The Study determinant Sdet:M(r,H)C is defined using a transformation from ψr:M(r,H)M(2r,C). It is known that this determinant has the following propertiesFootnote3 (see, e.g., (Aslaksen, Citation1996)).

For all a,aM(r,H), the following hold:

(S1) Sdet(aa)=Sdet(a)Sdet(a);

(S2) a is invertible in M(r,H) if and only if Sdet(a)C is invertible;

(S3) if a is obtained from a by adding a left-multiple of a row to another row or a right-multiple of a column to another column, then we have SdetM(r,A)B(a)=SdetM(r,A)B(a);

(S4) Sdet(a)Z(H)=R;

(S5) DetM(4r,R)Rϕ2rψr(a)=Sdet(a)2.

The above properties can be derived from the properties of the Study-type determinants.

Let L2 and L3 be left regular representations from B to M(n,C) and from M(r,B) to M(n,M(r,C)), respectively. The following theorem plays an important role in ascertaining the properties of the Study-type determinants.

Theorem 1.1 (see Theorem 4.4 for proof). The following diagram is commutative:

Theorem 1.1 leads not only to some properties of the Study-type determinant but also to Corollary and Theorem. Let e=(e1e2em) be a basis of A as B-module, let f=(f1f2fm) be a basis of B as C-module, let ef:=eifj|i[m],j[n], let xα|αef be the set of independent commuting variables, and let Xef=X:=αefαxαA[xα] be the general element for ef, where A[xα] is the polynomial ring in xα|αef with coefficients in A. For rings R and R, we denote the set of ring homomorphisms from R to R by Hom(R,R), and we regard any ring homomorphism ρHom(R,R) as ρHom(R[xα],R[xα]) such that ρ(xα1R)=xαρ(1R) for any αef, where 1R is the unit element of R. Let ρHom(A,M(r,B)). We assume that there exists a commutative ring such that CCˉ, and L3ρ and L2 have the direct sums


where aA and bB. Then, we have the following corollary and theorem.

Corollary 1.2 (Corollary 5.2). The following holds:


Theorem 1.3 (see Theorem 5.3 for proof). If DetM(ri,Cˉ[xα])Cˉ[xα]φ(i)(X) is an irreducible polynomial over Cˉ[xα], then we have

deg φ(i)maxdeg ψ(j)|1jt×deg ρ,

where degρ is the degree of the polynomial DetM(r,B[xα])B[xα]ρ(X).

Corollary 1.2 leads to an extension of Dedekind’s theorem, while Theorem 1.3 leads to an inequality characterizing the degrees of irreducible representations of finite groups. Let Θ(G) be the group determinant of the finite group G, let Gˆ be a complete set of inequivalent irreducible representations of G over C, let {xg|gG} be independent commuting variables, let C[xg]=Cxg;gG be the polynomial ring in xg|gG with coefficients in C, let CG be the group algebra of G over C, let C[xg]G:=C[xg]CG=gGcgg|cgC[xg], let 1G be the unit element of G, and let |G| be the order of G. We extend φGˆ to φ:C[xg]GC[xg]G satisfy φgGcgg=gGcgφ(g), where cgC[xg]. The extension of Dedekind’s theorem mentioned above is the following.

Theorem 1.4 (Extension of Dedekind’s theorem, see Theorem 10.3 for proof). Let G be a finite group and let H be an abelian subgroup of G. Then, writing SdetM(1,C[xg]G)C[xg]H(XG) as Θ(G:H), we have

Θ(G)1G=φGˆDetM(degφ,C[xg]H)C[xg]Hφ(XG)degφ         =χHˆχΘ(G:H)C[xg]G.

The group determinant Θ(G)C[xg] is the determinant of a matrix with entries in {xg| gG}. (It is known that the group determinant determines the group. For the details, see (Formanek & Sibley, Citation1991) and (Mansfield, Citation1992)). Dedekind proved the following theorem concerning the irreducible factorization of the group determinant for any finite abelian group (see, e.g., (Bartel Leendert van der Waerden, Citation1985)).

Theorem 1.5 (Dedekind’s theorem). Let G be a finite abelian group. Then, we have


Frobenius proved the following theorem concerning the irreducible factorization of the group determinant for any finite group; thus, he obtained a generalization of Dedekind’s theorem (see, e.g., (Conrad, Citation1998)).

Theorem 1.6 (Frobenius’ theorem). Let G be a finite group. Then we have the irreducible factorization


Since Dedekind’s theorem is a special case of Frobenius’ theorem, we call Frobenius’ theorem a generalization of Dedekind’s theorem. On the other hand, Theorem 1.4 gives the relation on C[xg]G, and Theorem 1.4 leads to Dedekind’s theorem. Therefore, we call Theorem an extension of Dedekind’s theorem. That is, the “extension” is used to mean “extend C[xg] to C[xg]G.”

Let H be an abelian subgroup of G and let [G:H] be the index of H in G. The following extension of Dedekind’s theorem, which is different from the theorem due to Frobenius, is given in (Yamaguchi, Citation2017).

Theorem 1.7. Let G be a finite abelian group and let H be a subgroup of G. Then, for every hH, there exists a homogeneous polynomial chC[xg] such that degah=[G:H] and


If H=G, we can take ch=xh for each hH.

Theorem 1.7 is a special case of Theorem 1.4. Theorems 1.3, 1.4 and 1.6 lead to the following corollary.

Corollary 1.8 (Corollary 10.5). Let G be a finite group and let H be an abelian subgroup of G. Then, for all φGˆ, we have

deg φ[G:H].

Note that Corollary 1.8 follows from Frobenius reciprocity, and it is known that if H is an abelian normal subgroup of G, then degφ divides [G:H] for all φGˆ (see, e.g., (Kondo, Citation2011)).

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we present an action of the symmetric group on the set of square matrices, and we introduce two formulas for determinants of commuting-block matrices. In addition, we recall the definition of the Kronecker product, and we present a permutation using the Euclidean algorithm. This permutation causes the order of the Kronecker product to be reversed. These preparations are useful for proving Theorem 1.1. In Section 3, we recall the definition of regular representations and invertibility preserving maps, and we show that regular representations are invertibility preserving maps. The regular representation is used in defining Study-type determinants. In addition, we formulate a commutative diagram of regular representations. This commutative diagram is also useful for proving Theorem 1.1. In Section 4, we prove Theorem 1.1. In Section 5, we give a corollary concerning the degrees of some representations contained in regular representations. In Section 6, we define Study-type determinants and elucidate their properties. In addition, we construct a commutative diagram for Study-type determinants. This commutative diagram leads to some properties of Study-type determinants. In Section 7, we give a Cayley-Hamilton-type theorem for the Study-type determinant under the assumption that there exists a basis of A as a B-right module satisfying the conditions (i) and (ii). This Cayley–Hamilton type theorem leads to some properties of Study-type determinants. In Section 8, we obtain two expressions for regular representations under the assumption that the basis e=(e1e2em) of A as a B-module satisfying the following conditions:

(iii) for any ei and ej, eiBejBe1B,e2B,,emB;

(iv) there exists ek such that ekB=B;

(v) for any ei, there exists ej such that eiBejB=B.

In addition, we characterize the images of regular representations in the case that e satisfies the following additional condition:

(vi) for any ei and ej, eiBejB=ejBeiB.

This characterization is the following.

Theorem 1.9 (see Theorem 8.4 for proof). Let Le be the left regular representation from M(r,A) to M(m,M(r,B)) with respect to e. Then we have


In Section 9, we introduce the Study determinant and its properties, and we derive these properties from the properties of the Study-type determinant. In addition, from Theorem 1.9, we obtain the following characterizations of ϕr and ψr.

(S6) ϕr(M(r,C))={γM(2r,R)|Jrγ=γJr};

(S7) ψr(M(r,H))={βM(2r,C)|Jrβ=βJr}.

In the last section, we recall the definition of group determinants, and we give an extension of Dedekind’s theorem and derive an inequality for the degree of irreducible representations of finite groups.

2. Preparation

In this section, we present an action of the symmetric group on the set of square matrices, and we introduce two formulas for determinants of commuting-block matrices. In addition, we recall the definition of the Kronecker product, and we determine a permutation using the Euclidean algorithm. This permutation reverses the order of the Kronecker product. These preparations are useful for proving Theorem 4.4.

2.1. Invariance of determinants under an action of the symmetric group

In this subsection, we present an action of the symmetric group on the set of square matrices. This group action does not change the determinants of matrices.

Let R be a ring, which is assumed to have a multiplicative unit 1, let M(m,R) be the set of all m×m matrices with elements in R, let X=(Xij)1i,jmM(m,R), let [m]:={1,2,,m}, and let Sm be the symmetric group on [m]. We express the determinant of X from M(m,R) to R as


The group Sm acts on M(m,R) as σX:=(Xσ(i)σ(j))1i,jm, where σSm. If R is commutative, then the group action does not change the determinants of matrices in M(m,R). In fact, we have


2.2. Determinants of commuting-block matrices

In this subsection, we introduce two formulas for determinants of commuting-block matrices.

Let X=(Xij)1i,jmnM(mn,R). The mn×mn matrix X can be written as X=X(k,l)1k,ln, where X(k,l) are m×m matrices. The following is a known theorem concerning commuting-block matrices (Ingraham, Citation1937) and (Kovacs, Silver, & Williams, Citation1999).

Theorem 2.1. Let R be a commutative ring, and assume that X(k,l)M(m,R) are commutative. Then we have


Let Ik be the identity matrix of size k. We have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.2. Let R be a ring, let R be a commutative ring, let S be a subring of R, and let η be a ring homomorphism from R to M(m,R). In this case, if DetM(m,R)Rη(Xij)S for all 1i,jn, then DetM(mn,R)Rη(Xij)1i,jnS holds.

Proof. (The method used here is based on that of the proof of Theorem 2.1 in (Kovacs et al., Citation1999)). We prove this by induction on n. In the case n=1, the statement is obviously true. Then, assuming that the statement is true for n1, we prove it for n.

Let Yij=η(Xij) for all 1i,jn and let Y=(Yij)1i,jn. Then, we find that the following equation holds:


Therefore, if DetM(m,R)R(Y11) is invertible, then DetM(mn,R)RYS holds. Next, suppose that DetM(m,R)R(Y11) is non-invertible. We embed R in the polynomial ring R[x], and replace X11 by x+X11. Then, because DetM(m,R)R(η(x+X11)) is neither zero nor a zero divisor, we have DetM(mn,R)RYS[x]. Substituting x=0 yields the desired result. □

2.3. Kronecker product and a permutation obtained using the Euclidean algorithm

In this subsection, we recall the definition of the Kronecker product, and then we determine a permutation σ(m,n)Smn using the Euclidean algorithm. This permutation reverses the order of the Kronecker product.

Let X=(Xij)1im1,1jn1 be an m1×n1 matrix and let Y be an m2×n2 matrix. The Kronecker product XY is the (m1m2)×(n1n2) matrix


Next, we determine a permutation using the Euclidean algorithm. From the Euclidean algorithm, we know that σ(m,n):[mn]  m(k1)+l  n(l1)+k[mn] is a bijection map, where k[n] and l[m]. Thus, σ(m,n)Smn. We have the following lemma.

Lemma 2.3. Let R be a commutative ring, let XM(m,R), and let YM(n,R). Then we have σ(m,n)(XY)=YX.

Proof. For any p,q[mn], by the Euclidean algorithm there exist unique integers k,l1 and s,t[m] such that p=m(k1)+s and q=m(l1)+t. Therefore, we have


On the other hand, we have


The property described by the above lemma is a special case of a property of the Kronecker product (see, e.g., (Henderson & Searle, Citation1981)). We do not explain this general property, because, for our purposes, it is simpler to use Lemma 2.3.

3. On the left regular representation

In this section, we recall the definition of regular representations and invertibility preserving maps, and we show that regular representations are invertibility preserving maps. A regular representation is used in defining Study-type determinants. In addition, we construct a commutative diagram of regular representations. This commutative diagram is also useful for proving Theorem 4.4.

3.1. Definition of the regular representation

In this subsection, we recall the definition of regular representations, and we give three examples.

Let A and B be rings and let Z(A) be the center of A. Assume that A is a free right B-module with an ordered basis e=(e1e2em). In other words, A=i[m]eiB, and B is a subring of A. Then, for all aA, there exists a unique (bij)1  i,j  mM(m,B) such that


Hence, we have ae=e(bij)1  i,j  m. The injective Z(A)B-algebra homomorphism Le:A  a  Le(a)=(bij)1i,jmM(m,B) is called the left regular representation from A to M(m,B) with respect to e.

Let R be the field of real numbers, let C be the field of complex numbers, and let H:={1a+ib+jc+kd|a,b,c,dR} be the quaternion field. Below, we give three examples of regular representations.

Example 3.1. Let A=M(r,C) and let B=M(r,R). Then A=BiIrB. For all b1+iIrb2(b1,b2B), we have


Example 3.2. Let A=M(r,H) and let B=M(r,C). Then A=BjIrB. For all b1+jIrb2(b1,b2B), we have


where b is the complex conjugate matrix of bB.

Example 3.3 Let G=Z/2Z=0,1 and let H=0 be the trivial group. Then, the group algebra CG is a finite dimension algebra over CH with basis 0,1. For all 0b1+1b2CG(b1,b2CH), we have


3.2. Definition of the invertibility preserving map

In this subsection, we recall the definition of invertibility preserving maps, and we show that regular representations are invertibility preserving maps. Usually, invertibility preserving maps are defined for linear maps (see, e.g., (Brešar & Peter, Citation1998)). However, we do not assume that invertibility preserving maps are linear maps as in (Yamaguchi & Yamaguchi, Citation2019).

The following is the definition of invertibility preserving maps.

Definition 3.4 (Invertibility preserving map). Let R and R be rings, and let η:RR be a map. Assume that for any αR, the following condition holds: α is invertible in R if and only if η(α) is invertible in R. Then we call η an “invertibility preserving map.”

We recall that if B is a commutative ring, then we do not need to distinguish between left and right inverses for aA. Because, Le is an injective algebra homomorphism, and if Le(a)Le(b) is the unit element, then Le(b)Le(a) is the unit element.

We denote the unit element of A as 1. In terms of the regular representation, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.5. If B is a commutative ring, then we have the following properties:

(1) the map DetM(m,B)BLe is invariant under a change of the basis e;

(2) a left regular representation is an invertibility preserving map.

Proof. First, we prove (1). Let Le be another left regular representation from A to M(m,B). Then for all aA, there exists QM(m,B) such that Le(a)=Q1Le(a)Q. Therefore, we have DetM(m,B)BLe=DetM(m,B)BLe. Next, we prove (2). If a is invertible in A, then we have Le(aa1)=Im. Note that because Le is a multiplicative map, Le(a) is invertible. Conversely, if DetM(m,B)BLe(a) is invertible, then Le(a) is invertible. Because 1A, we can choose e1=1. Then, we have aeLe(a)1=eIm. Therefore, we obtain ai[m]eiLe(a)1i1=1. Hence, a is invertible. This completes the proof.□

3.3. Commutative diagram of regular representations

In this subsection, we present a commutative diagram of regular representations.

Let N:={1,2,} be the set of natural numbers, let C be a ring, and let B be a free right C-module with an ordered basis f=(f1f2fn). Then, we have the direct sum


for any rN. We write the left regular representation from B to M(n,C) with respect to f as Lf and that from M(m,B) to M(n,M(m,C)) with respect to fIm as LfIm. In terms of the regular representations, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 3.6. The following diagram is commutative:

Proof. For all aA, we have


This completes the proof.□

Let rN and let LeIr be the left regular representation from M(r,A) to M(m,M(r,B)) with respect to eIr. Then, from Lemma 3.6, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.7. The following diagram is commutative:

4. A commutative diagram on the regular representations and determinants

In this section, we prove Theorem 4.4. This theorem provides a commutative diagram on the regular representations and determinants. From this commutative diagram, we are able to determine the properties of Study-type determinants, presented in Section 6. In addition, from this commutative diagram, we are able to derive an inequality for the degrees of representations (Section 5) and an extension of Dedekind’s theorem (Section 10).

Let Eij be the r×r matrix with 1 in the (i,j) entry and 0 otherwise. First, we prove the following lemma:

Lemma 4.1. For any a=(aij)1i,jrM(r,A), we have


Proof. We express Le(aij)kl1i,jr as ae(k,l) for any a=(aij)1i,jrM(r,A). From aijel=k[m]ekLe(aij)kl, we obtain


Therefore, we have (eIr)ae(k,l)1k,lm=a(eIr). This completes the proof.□

From Lemmas 2.3 and 4.1, we obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 4.2. For any a=(aij)1i,jrM(r,A), we have


Next, from Lemmas 2.2 and 4.2, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 4.3. Let B be a commutative ring, let A be a ring that is a free right B-module, let S be a subring of B, and let L and L be left regular representations from A to M(m,B) and from M(r,A) to M(m,M(r,B)), respectively. If DetM(m,B)BL(a)S for all aA, then DetM(mr,B)BL(a)S for all aM(r,A).

In the following, we assume that B and C are commutative rings. Then, we have the following theorem.

Theorem 4.4 (Theorem 1.1). Let B and C be commutative rings, let B be a free right C-module, and let L and L be left regular representations from B to M(n,C) and from M(r,B) to M(n,M(r,C)), respectively. Then the following diagram is commutative:

Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that L=Lf and L=LfIr. Let b=(bij)1i,jrM(r,B). Then, Lf is a ring homomorphism and B is a commutative ring, from Theorem and Lemma, we have


This completes the proof.□

5. Degrees of some representations contained in regular representations

In this section, we give a corollary regarding the degrees of some representations contained in regular representations.

The following is the definition of the general element.

Definition 5.1 (General element). Let S be a finite set and let [xs]:={xs|sS} be a set of independent commuting variables. The general element for S defined as


where S[xs] is the set of polynomials [xs] over S.

Let ef:={eifj|i[m],j[n]} and let [xα]:={xα|αef} be the set of independent commuting variables, and we denote Xef(ef)[xα]A[xα] as X. For rings R and R, we denote the set of ring homomorphisms from R to R by Hom(R,R), and we regard any ring homomorphism ρHom(R,R) as ρHom(R[xα],R[xα]) such that ρ(xα1R)=xαρ(1R) for any αef, where 1R is the unit element of R.

From Theorem 4.4, for any ρHom(A,M(r,B)), we have


Let Cˉ be a commutative ring such that CCˉ. We assume that LfIrρ and Lf have the following direct sums:


where aA and bB. Then, we have the following corollary from Theorem 4.4.

Corollary 5.2 (Corollary 1.2). The following hold:


Corollary 5.2 leads to the following theorem.

Theorem 5.3 (Theorem 1.3). If DetM(ri,Cˉ[xα])Cˉ[xα]φ(i)(X) is an irreducible polynomial over Cˉ[xα], then we have


where degρ is the degree of the polynomial DetM(r,B[xα])B[xα]ρ(X).

Proof. If DetM(ri,Cˉ[xα])Cˉ[xα]φ(i)(X) is an irreducible polynomial over Cˉ[xα], then we have


This completes the proof.□

6. On the study-type determinant

In this section, we define the Study-type determinant, and we elucidate its properties. The Study-type determinant is a generalization of the Study determinant. In addition, we present a commutative diagram characterizing Study-type determinants. This commutative diagram allows us to determine some properties of the Study-type determinant.

The following is the definition of the Study-type determinant.

Definition 6.1 (Study-type determinant). Let B be a commutative ring, let A be a ring that is a free right B-module, and let L be a left regular representation from M(r,A) to M(m,M(r,B)). We define the Study-type determinant SdetM(r,A)B as


where ι is the inclusion map from M(m,M(r,B)) to M(mr,B).

A Study-type determinant is a multiplicative and invertibility preserving map, because determinants and left regular representations are multiplicative and invertibility preserving maps. Thus, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 6.2 ((S1) and (S2)). Study-type determinants possess the following properties:

(1) a Study-type determinant is a multiplicative map;

(2) a Study-type determinant is an invertibility preserving map.

In addition, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 6.3 ((S3)). If aM(r,A) is obtained from aM(r,A) by adding a left-multiple of a row to another row or a right-multiple of a column to another column, then we have SdetM(r,A)B(a)=SdetM(r,A)B(a).

Proof. The property (S1) can be restated as SdetM(r,A)B(Ir+aEij)=1, where aA. Then, from Theorem 2.1 and Lemma 4.1, we have


This completes the proof.□

For a ring R and kN, we denote M(k,R) as Mk(R). From Corollary 3.7 and Theorem 4.4, we obtain the following commutative diagram:

From this, we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 6.4 ((S5)). Let B and C be commutative rings, let A be a ring that is a free right B-module, and let B be a free right C-module. Then we have


where we regard B as M(1,B).

Lemmas 6.2 and 6.3 and Theorem 6.4 are equal to (S1), (S2), (S3), and (S5) in Section 1.

7. Characteristic polynomial and Cayley-Hamilton-type theorem for the study-type determinant

In this section, we give a Cayley-Hamilton-type theorem for the Study-type determinant under the assumption that there exists a basis of A as B-module satisfying certain conditions. This Cayley-Hamilton-type theorem leads to some properties of Study-type determinants.

Let L be a left regular representation from A to M(m,B) and let x be an independent variable. We write (DetABι)(xImL(a))B[x] as ΦL(a)(x) for all aA, i.e., we express the characteristic polynomial of L(a) as ΦL(a)(x). In this section, we assume that e has the following properties:

(i) ei is invertible in A for any ei;

(ii) ei1BeiB holds for any ei;

Then, we have the following lemma.

Lemma 7.1. We have ΦL(α)(x)(Z(A)B)[x]. In particular, SdetAB(α)Z(A)B.

Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that L=Le. We show that ei1ΦL(a)(x)ei=ΦL(a)(x) for all ei. Since ei is invertible for all ei, there exists an invertible element QiM(m,B) such that eei=eQi. Then, from ae=eeiei1L(a)eiei1, we obtain aeQi=eQiei1L(a)ei. Therefore, we have ae=eQiei1L(a)eiQi1. Also, because L is injective and ei1L(a)eiM(m,B), we have Qi1L(a)Qi=ei1L(a)ei. Therefore, we have


This completes the proof.□

The following theorem is a Cayley-Hamilton-type theorem.

Theorem 7.2 (Cayley-Hamilton-type theorem). Let ΦL(a)(x)=xm+bm1xm1++b0 be the characteristic polynomial of L(a). Then we have


Proof. Without loss of generality, we can assume that L=Le. From the Cayley-Hamilton theorem for commutative rings, we have L(a)m+bm1L(a)m1++b0Im=0. Then, because L is a Z(A)B-algebra homomorphism, from Lemma 7.1, we obtain


Finally, because L is injective, we have ΦL(a)(a)=0. This completes the proof.□

From Corollary 4.3 and Lemma 7.1, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 7.3 ((S4)). For all aM(r,A), we have SdetM(r,A)B(a)Z(A)B.

Next, from Corollaries 4.3 and 7.3, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 7.4 ((S6)). For all aM(r,A), we have SdetM(r,A)C(a)=SdetM(r,A)B(a)n.

8. Image of a regular representation when the direct sum forms a group

In this section, we obtain two expressions for regular representations and we characterize the image of a regular representation in the case that a basis of A as B-module satisfies certain conditions.

Let eB:={eiB|i[m]} and we define a product of eiB and ejB as


In this section, we assume that e satisfies the following conditions:

(iii) for any ei and ej, eiBejBeB;

(iv) there exists ek such that ekB=B as set;

(v) for any ei, there exists ej such that eiBejB=B.

It is easy to show that ei is invertible in A and (eB,) is a group. For a group G, we denote the unit element of G as 1G. We remark that even if e has the above properties, then eB and eB are not necessary group isomorphism.

Example 8.1. Let G=Z/2Z×Z/2Z and α:=1i21,0+1+i20,1CG. Then, 0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1 and 1G,α,α2,α3 are groups and basis of CG as a C-right module, respectively. However, 1G,1,0,0,1,1,1/1G,α,α2,α3 as group.

Let P(e) be the diagonal matrix diag(e1,e2,,em)M(m,A). To obtain an expression for Le, we define the indicator function 1B by


We now formulate an expression for regular representations in terms of 1B

Lemma 8.2. Let a=k[m]ekbkA, where bkB. Then we have


Proof. For all a=k[m]ekbkA, we have


This completes the proof.⁏

Let LeB be the regular representation of the group eB. From


We can obtain an another expression for regular representations.

Corollary 8.3. Let a=k[m]ekbkA, where bkB. Then we have


We add the following assumption:

(vi) for any eiB and ejB, eiBejB=ejBeiB.

Let J(ek):=P(e)1LeB(ekB)P(e) for all k[m], and we write {ρ(s)|sS} as ρ(S) for any map ρ and any set S. We show that bM(m,B) is an image of Le if and only if b commutes with J(ek) for all k[m].

Theorem 8.4 (Theorem 1.9). We have


Proof. From Corollary 8.3, we have Le(A){bM(m,B)|J(ek)b=bJ(ek),k[m]}. We show that {bM(m,B)|J(ek)b=bJ(ek),k[m]}Le(A). For all bM(m,B), there exists aA and bijB such that b=Le(a)+b where b=(bij)1i,jm and bk1=0 for all k[m]. Also from Corollary 8.3, we have bJ(ek)=J(ek)b for all k[m]. Further, we know that for all j[m]{1}, there exists ek such that (J(ek))11=eje11 and (J(ek))i1=0 for all ij. Therefore, we have


This implies b=Le(a)Le(A). This completes the proof.⁏

From Lemma 4.1 and Theorem 8.4, we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 8.5. We have


9. On the relationship between the study-type and study determinants

In this section, we introduce the Study determinant and elucidate its properties. We derive these properties from the properties of the Study-type determinant.

First, we recall that any complex r×r matrix can be written uniquely as b=c1+ic2, where c1 and c2M(r,R), and any quaternionic r×r matrix can be written uniquely as a=b1+jb2, where b1 and b2M(r,C). We define ϕr:M(r,C)M(2r,R) and ψr:M(r,H)M(2r,C) by


respectively. The Study determinant Sdet is defined by


for all aM(r,H). Let


Then, the following are known (see, e.g., (Aslaksen, Citation1996)):

S0 the maps ϕr and ψr are injective algebra homomorphisms;

S1 Sdet(aa)=Sdet(a)Sdet(a);

S2 a is invertible in M(r,H) if and only if Sdet(a)C is invertible;

S3 if a is obtained from a by adding a left-multiple of a row to another row or a right-multiple of a column to another column, then we have Sdet(a’) = sdet(a);

S4 Sdet(a)Z(H)=R;

S5 DetM(4r,R)Rϕ2rψr(a)=Sdet(a)2;

S6 ϕr(M(r,C))={cM(2r,R) | Jrc=cJr};

S7 ψr(M(r,H))={bM(2r,C) | Jrb=bJr}.

These properties can be derived from results given in Sections 28. Let A=H, let B=C, let C=R, let e=(1j), and let f=(1i). Then, the basis e of A as B-module and the basis f of B as C-module satisfy the conditions (i)–(vi). From Examples 3.1 and 3.2, we have ϕr=ιLfIr and ψr=ιLeIr, where ι and ι are inclusion maps. Therefore, (S0) holds. Also, from Lemma 6.2, (S1) and (S2) hold. By Lemma 6.3, we have (S3). From Corollary 7.3, (S4) holds. By Corollary 7.4, (S5) holds. Finally, (S6) and (S7) can be derived from Corollary 8.5 and the fact that (jJr)b=b(jJr) if and only if Jrb=bJr.

10. On the relationship to the group determinant

In this section, we recall the definition of group determinants, and we give an extension of Dedekind’s theorem and derive an inequality for the degrees of irreducible representations of finite groups.

First, we recall the definition of the group determinant. Let G be a finite group, let [xg]={xg|gG} be the set of independent commuting variables, let C[xg] be the polynomial ring in the variables [xg] with coefficients in C, and let |G| be the order of G. The group determinant Θ(G) of G is given by Θ(G):=DetM(|G|,C[xg])C[xg]xgh1g,hGC[xg], where we apply a numbering to the elements of G (for details, see, e.g., (Conrad, Citation1998), (Frobenius, Citation1896a), (Frobenius, Citation1896b), (Frobenius, Citation1903), (Hawkins, Citation1971), (Johnson, Citation1991), (Bartel Leendert van der Waerden, Citation1985), and (Yamaguchi, Citation2017)). It is thus seen that the group determinant Θ(G) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree G. In general, the matrix xgh1g,hG is covariant under a change in the numbering of the elements of G. However, the group determinant, Θ(G), is invariant.

Let CG:=gGcgg|cgC be the group algebra of G over C, let H be an abelian subgroup of G, let [G:H] be the index of H in G, let A=C[xg]CG=gGcgg|cgC[xg], let B=C[xg]CH, and let C=C[xg]C{1G}. For a group G, we denote the regular representation of the group G as LG. We regard LG as C[xg]-algebra homomorphism from A to C. Then, from Lemma, LG is equivalent to the left regular representation from A to M(|G|,C). Therefore, the following commutative diagram holds:

It is easy to show that Θ(G)=DetM(|G|,C[xg])C[xg]gGxgLG(g) (see, e.g., (Conrad, Citation1998)). Therefore, we have

=(DetM(|H|,C)C °LH °DetM([G:H],B)B °L)([G).

We extend φGˆ to φ:C[xg]GC[xg]G satisfy φgGcgg=gGcgφ(g), where cgC[xg]. Frobenius proved the following theorem concerning the factorization of the group determinant (see, e.g., (Conrad, Citation1998)).

Theorem 10.1 (Frobenius’ theorem, Theorem 1.6). Let G be a finite group. Then we have the irreducible factorization


Let Gˆ={φ(1),φ(2),,φ(s)} be a complete set of inequivalent irreducible representations of G over C. Theorem 10.1 holds from the following theorem (which is treated in detail in (Steinberg, Citation2012)).

Theorem 10.2. Let G be a finite group, let di=degφ(i), and let LG be the left regular representation of G. Then we have


Therefore, the following theorem is deduced from Corollary 5.2.

Theorem 10.3 (Extension of Dedekinds’ theorem, Theorem 1.4). Let G be a finite group and let H be an abelian subgroup of G. Then, writing SdetM(1,A)B(X) as Θ(G:H), we have


The following is a special case of Theorem 10.3 (Yamaguchi, Citation2017).

Theorem 10.4 (Theorem 1.7). Let G be a finite abelian group and let H be a subgroup of G. Then, for every hH, there exists a homogeneous polynomial chC[xg] such that deg ch=[G:H] and


If H=G, then we can take ch=xh for each hH.

From Theorems 5.3, 10.1 and 10.3, we obtain the following corollary:

Corollary 10.5 (Corollary 1.8). Let G be a finite group and let H be an abelian subgroup of G. Then, for all φGˆ, we have

deg φ[G:H].

Note that Corollary 10.5 follows from Frobenius reciprocity, and it is known that if H is an abelian normal subgroup of G, then degφ divides [G:H] for all φGˆ (see, e.g, (Kondo, Citation2011)).

11. Future work

There are several noncommutative determinants, and some of their relationships are known. For example, the following is known (see, e.g., (Aslaksen, Citation1996), (Kyrchei, Citation2008), and (Kyrchei, Citation2012)):

For any MM(r,H), we have


where Mdet and Ddet are the determinant of the Moore (see, e.g., (Aslaksen, Citation1996), (Dyson, Citation1972), and (Kyrchei, Citation2012)) and of the Dieudonné ((Artin, Citation2016) and (Dieudonné., Citation1943)), respectively.

In the future, we study relations with other noncommutative determinants, for example, Capelli identities (see, e.g., (Capelli, Citation1890), (Itoh & Umeda, Citation2001), (Umeda, Citation2008), and (Yamaguchi, Citation2018)), the determinant of Chen (Longxuan, Citation1991), quasideterminant (Gel’fand & Retakh, Citation1991), the determinant of Kyrchei (Kyrchei, Citation2008) and (Kyrchei, Citation2012), the determinant of matrices of pseudo-differential operators (Sato & Kashiwara, Citation1975), etc.


I am deeply grateful to Professor Hiroyuki Ochiai, who provided the helpful comments and suggestions. Also, I would like to thank my colleagues in the Graduate School of Mathematics at Kyushu University, in particular Yuka Yamaguchi, for comments and suggestions. This work was supported by a grant from the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 15J06842).

Additional information


This work was supported by the the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science JSPS KAKENHI [15J06842];

Notes on contributors

Naoya Yamaguchi

Naoya Yamaguchi was born in December 13, 1988 in Miyazaki, Japan. He obtained a degree in Physics at Kagoshima University, in March 2011. After he took a Master of Science in Mathematics at Kyushu University, in March 2014. Finally he obtained a Ph.D at Kyushu University, in March 2017. His research interests lie in the area of noncommutative determinant and group theory.


1. Here rings are assumed to possess a multiplicative unit.

2. The set eiB and the product are explained in Section 7.

3. The algebra homomorphisms ϕ2r and ψr are explained in Section 9.


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