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Existence of solutions for the infinite systems of integral equations in the space L(∂n)

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Article: 1712759 | Received 20 Aug 2019, Accepted 02 Jan 2020, Published online: 23 Jan 2020


In this paper, by applying the behavior of measure of noncompactness in L(Rn), we study the existence of solutions of an infinite system of integral equations in the space L(Rn). Finally, an example is included to show the usefulness of the outcome.


Metric fixed point theory is a powerful tool for solving many problems in various parts of mathematics. In particular, the technique of measure of noncompactness is a very useful tool for studying the existing solutions of integral equations. In this paper, we study the existence of solutions of an infinite system of integral equations in the space {L^\infty }({{\mathbb R}^n}).

1. Introduction

The concept measure of noncompactness (M.N.C) was introduced by the essential article of Kuratowski (Kuratowski, Citation1930). (Darbo, Citation1955) applied this measure to generalize both the Banach contraction principle and the Schauder fixed point theorem. Measures of noncompactness are very suitable tools which are widely applied for proving solvability of nonlinear differential and integral equations in Banach spaces (Aghajani, Allahyari, & Mursaleen, Citation2014; Aghajani & Shole Haghighi, Citation2014; Banaei & Ghaemi, Citation2017; Banaei, Ghaemi, & Saadati, Citation2017; Banás, Jleli, Mursaleen, & Samet, Citation2017; Hazarika, Srivastava, Arab, & Rabbani, Citation2018; Srivastava, Das, Hazarika, & Mohiuddine, Citation2018). Also, many authors extended Dorbo fixed point theorem and applied it to investigate the solvability of integral equations in two variables (Aghajani & Shole Haghighi, Citation2014; Arab, Allahyari, & Shole Haghighi, Citation2014; Das, Hazarika, Arab, & Mursaleen, Citation2017; Srivastava, Das, Hazarika, & Mohiuddine, Citation2019). Srivastava et al. (Srivastava et al., Citation2019) studied existence of solution for non-linear functional integral equations of two variables in Banach Algebra. Moreover, they investigated existence of solutions of infinite systems of differential equations of general order with boundary conditions in the spaces c0 and 1 via the measure of noncompactness in (Srivastava et al., Citation2018). (Das et al., Citation2017) studied solvability of infinite system of integral equations in the sequence spaces c0 and l1. (Arab et al., Citation2014) investigated the existence of solutions of infinite systems of integral equations in the Fréchet space. On the other hand Allahyari (Allahyari, Citation2017) introduced the construction of (M.N.C) in L(Rn). In this paper, by applying (M.N.C) in L(Rn) (Allahyari, Citation2017), we give a fixed point theorem and study the existence of solutions of infinite systems of nonlinear functional integral equations of Urysohn type in two variables.

(1.1) xi(t,s)=fi(t,s,x1(t,s),,xn(t,s),ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudv)(1.1)

where ΛRn, t,sR, xi(R×R) and (i ∈ N). The importance of the space L(Rn) is that the functions in this space do not need to be continuous. The structure of this paper is as follows. In Section 2, some definitions and concepts are recalled. Sections 3 is devoted to prove a fixed point theorem. In section 4, as an application for the obtained results, we present an existence theorem. Finally, in section 5 an example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our results.

2. Preliminaries

Here, we recall some facts which will be used in our main results. Throughout this article, let R, denote the set of real numbers, R+=[0,+) and put Rω countable cartesian product of R with itself. Let (E,) be a real Banach space. Moreover, B(x,r) denotes the closed ball centered at x with radius r. The symbol Br stands for the ball B(0,r). For X, a nonempty subset of E, we denote by X and ConvX the closure and the closed convex hull of X, respectively. Furthermore, let us denote by mE the family of nonempty bounded subsets of E and by {{{\frak {n}}_E} its subfamily consisting of all relatively compact subsets of E.

Definition 2.1 ((Banás & Goebel, Citation1980)). A mapping \mu :{{{\frak {m}}_E} \to {{\mathbb R}_ + } is said to be a measure of noncompactness in E if it satisfies the following conditions:

The family \ker \mu = \left\{ {X \in {{{\frak {m}}_E}:\mu (X) = 0} \right\} is nonempty and \ker \mu \subset {{{\frak {n}}_E}.




μ(λX+(1λ)Y)λμ(X)+(1λ)μ(Y), for λ[0,1].

If {Xn} is a sequence of closed sets from {{{\frak {m}}_E} such that Xn+1Xn, for n=1,2, and if limnμ(Xn)=0 then X=n=1Xn.

The following theorems are basic for our main results.

Theorem 2.2 ((Darbo, Citation1955)). Let C be a nonempty, bounded, closed and convex subset of a Banach space E and T: C C be a continuous mapping. Assume that there exists a constant K[0,1) such that μ(TX)Kμ(X) for any nonempty subset X of C,where μ is a (M.N.C) defined in E. Then T has at least a fixed point in C.

Theorem 2.3 ((Aghajani et al., Citation2014)). Suppose μ1,μ2,,μn are measures of noncompactness in Banach spaces E1,E2,,En respectively. Moreover assume that the function F:R+nR+ is convex and F(x1,,xn)=0 if and only if xi=0 for i=1,2,,n. Then


defines a measure of noncompactness in E1×E2××En where Xi denotes the natural projection of X into Ei, for i=1,2,,n.

Theorem 2.4 (Tychonoff fixed point theorem (Banás et al., Citation2017)). Let E be a Hausdorff locally convex linear topological space, C a convex subset of E and F:CE a continuous mapping such that

with A compact. Then F has at least one fixed point.

3. Main results

In this section, we recall the definition of a measure of noncompactness in L(Rn) which has been presented in (Allahyari, Citation2017). First, we recall the compact subsets of L(Rn).

Theorem 3.1. Let B be a bounded set in L(Rn). Then B is relatively compact if the following conditions are satisfied:

(i) limh0τhffL(BˉT)=0 uniformly with respect to fB for any T > 0, where τhf(x)=f(x+h).

(ii) For ε > 0 there is some T > 0 so that for every f,gB

fgL(RnBˉT)< ε.

We recall the Euclidean norm on the space Rn to be


for x=(x1,x2,,xn). Let L(Rn) denote the space of all Lebesgue measurable functions on Rn with the standard norm

f=inf{C > 0:|f(t)|Ca.e.onRn}.

Theorem 3.2 ((Allahyari, Citation2017)). Let B be a bounded set in L(BˉT). Then B is relatively compact if and only if

(3.2) limh0τhffL(BˉT)=0(3.2)

uniformly with respect to fB,where τhf(x)=f(x+h).

Suppose X is a bounded subset of the space L(Rn). For xX and ε>0., let us denote




We know that the function ω0 is a (M.N.C) in L(Rn) (Allahyari, Citation2017).

Theorem 3.3. Let Ci (iN) be nonempty, closed and convex subsets of L(Rn), ω0i(X) an arbitrary (M.N.C) in L(Rn) and supi{ω0i(Ci)}<. Let Fi:CωC (iN) be a continuous operator such that

(3.3) ω0(Fi(X1×X2××Xn))λsupiω0i(Xi),(3.3)

where XiCi and λ[0,1). Then there exists (xk)k=1Cω

(Cω countable cartesian product of C with itself) such that

(3.4) Fi(xk)k=1=xi(3.4)

for all (iN).

Proof. Consider the operator F˜:CωCω defined by


for all (xk)k=1Cω. Also, ω0i˜(X):=supi{ω0i(Xi)} is a measure of noncompactness in the space Cω where Xi, denote the natural projections of X and iN. Now, by induction, we define a sequence Cm such that C0=Cn and Cm=Conv(F˜(Cm1)), m1. Then we have F˜C0=F˜CnCn=C0,C1= Conv(F˜C0)Cn=C0, and by continuing this process we obtain


If there exists an integer N0 such that ω0i˜(CN)=0 a.e.onRn, then CN is relatively compact and since F˜CNConv(F˜CN)=CN+1CN, therefore, Theorem 2.4 implies that F˜ has a fixed point. Thus, there exists n>0 such that ω0˜i(Cn)0 for n0. By our assumptions, we have

(3.5) ω0˜i(Cn+1))=ω0˜i(Conv(F˜Cn))=ω0˜i(F˜Cn)λω0˜i(Cn).(3.5)

Since λ[0,1), so ω0˜i(Cn) is a positive decreasing sequence of real numbers. Therefore, there is a r0 such that ω0˜i(Cn)r as n. On the other hand, from the inequality (5) we have


This shows that rλr. Consequently r=0. Hence, we derive that ω0˜i(Cn)0 as n. Since the sequence (Cn) is nested, from 6 of Definition 2.1 we infer that the set C=n=1Cn is closed and convex subset of the set Cn. Now, using Theorem 2.4 implies that F˜ has a fixed point.

4. Application

In this section, we present an existence result for the system of integral equations of Urysohn type in two variables in the spaces L(Λ), where (ΛRn).

Definition 4.1 ((Banás et al., Citation2017)). A function f:Λ×RnR is said to have the Carathéodory property if

(i) For all uRn the function xf(x,u) is measurable on Λ.

(ii) For almost all xRn the function uf(x,u) is continuous on Rn.

We will consider the Equation (1.1) under the following hypotheses:

(A1) (xj(u,v))j=1:R2R2 are measurable functions.

(A2) fi:R×R×Ri×RR (iN) satisfies the Carathéodory conditions and

  fi(.,.,0,0,,0)L(Rn). Furthermore, there exists λ[0,1) such that

(4.6) |fi(t,s,x1,x2,,xn+1)fi(t,s,y1,y2,yn+1)|λmax1kn{|xkyk|}+|xk+1yk+1|,a.e.ont,sR(4.6)

(A3) ki:R4×RωR (iN) satisfies the Carathéodory conditions, kiLloc(R4×Rω) and there exists nondecreasing function b:R+R+ such that for all r > 0 and xjL(Λ) with xjr we have

(4.7) esssupt,sRΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudvb(r).(4.7)

Moreover, for any rR+

limTesssupt,s∥>TΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v))dudv  ki(t,s,u,v,yj(u,v))dudv|=0

uniformly with respect to (xj)j=1,(yj)j=1L(Λ) such that


(A4) The following equality holds:


(A5) The inequality


has a positive solution r0.

Theorem 4.2. Under assumptions (A1)-(A5),the Equation (1.1) has at least one solution in the space (L(Λ))ω,where ΛRn.

Proof. First we fix arbitrary iN. Define Fi:{L(Λ)}ωL(Λ) by

(4.8) Fi((xj)j=1)(t,s)=fi(t,s,x1(t,s),,xn(t,s),ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,(xj(u,v))j=1)dudv).(4.8)

In view of the Carathéodory conditions, we infer that Fi((xj)j=1) is measurable for any (xj)j=1L(Λ)ω.

Now, we show that Fi((xj)j=1)L(Λ). To this end, from conditions (A1) -(A5) we have

ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1dudv) fi(t,s,0,,0)|+|fi(t,s,0,,0)|

Therefore, we obtain

(4.9) Fi((xj)j=1)(t,s)λmax1kn{xk(t,s)}+fi(t,s,0,,0)+b(xj)(4.9)

Thus, Fi((xj)j=1)L(Λ) and Fi is well defined. From (4.9) and using (A5), we infer the function Fi maps Bˉr0 into Bˉr0.

Now we show that Fi is continuous function. Let us fix ϵ > 0 and consider (xj)j=1,(yj)j=1(L(Λ))ω such that xjyj < ϵ. Then, we have

|Fi((xj)j=1)(t,s) Fi((yj)j=1)(t,s)||fi(t,s,x1(t,s),,xn(t,s),ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudv)fi(t,s,y1(t,s),,yn(t,s),ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,yj(u,v)j=1)dudv)|  λmax1in{|xi(t,s)yi(t,s)|}  +|ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudv)  ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,yj(u,v)j=1)dudv)|.

By applying condition (A3) and (A4) we select T1>0, T2>0 such that for T=max{T1,T2} the following inequalities holds

(4.10) esssupt,s∥>T|ΛΛ[ki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)ki(t,s,u,v,yj(u,v)j=1)]dudv| < ε,(4.10)
(4.11) esssupt,sRΛBˉTΛBˉT|ki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)|dudv < ε.(4.11)

From (4.10), we have

(4.12) esssupt,s∥>T|Fi((xj)j=1)(t,s)Fi((yj)j=1)(t,s)|λ(ε)+ε.(4.12)

Now, for almost all t,sBˉTR, we have

(4.13) |Fi((xj)j=1)(t,s)Fi((yj)j=1)(t,s)|λmax1in{|xi(t,s)yi(t,s)|}(4.13)
 +|ΛBˉTΛBˉT[ki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1) ki(t,s,u,v,yj(u,v)j=1)]dudv|
+2esssupt,sBˉTRΛBˉTΛBˉT|ki(t,s,u,v,  xj(u,v)j=1)]dudv| λ(ε)+m(BˉT)2ϑ(ε)2
  +2esssupt,sBˉTRΛBˉTΛBˉT|ki(t,s,u,v, xj(u,v)j=1)]dudv|



In view of the Carathéodory conditions for ki on the compact set BˉT×BˉT×BˉT×BˉT×[r0,r0]ω, we have ϑ(ε)0 as ε0. Thus from (4.11), (4.12) and (4.13) we infer that F is a continuous function on L(Λ). In order to finish the proof, we show that F satisfies assumptions imposed in Theorem 3.3. Let xj(jN) be nonempty and bounded subset of Bˉr0. Suppose that T > 0 and ε > 0 are arbitrary constants. For almost all t1,t2,s1,s2[0,T] and t2t1  ε,s2s1 ε we have

(4.14) |Fi((xj)j=1)(t2,s2) Fi((xj)j=1)(t1,s1)||fi(t2,s2,x1(t2,s2),,xn(t2,s2),ΛΛki(t2,s2,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1))dudv)fi(t1,s1,x1(t2,s2),,xn(t2,s2),ΛΛki(t2,s2,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1dudv))|+|fi(t1,s1,x1(t2,s2),,xn(t2,s2),ΛΛki(t2,s2,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1))dudv)fi(t1,s1,x1(t1,s1),,xn(t1,s1),ΛΛki(t1,s1,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1))dudv)|ωr0T(fi,ε)+λmax1in{|xi(t2,s2)xi(t1,s1)|}+|BˉTBˉT[ki(t2,s2,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)ki(t1,s1,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudv|+|ΛBˉTΛBˉT[ki(t2,s2,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)ki(t1,s1,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudv|ωr0T(fi,ε)+λmax1in{ωT(xi,ε)}+m(BˉT)2ωr0T(ki,ε)+2esssupt,sBˉTΛBˉTΛBˉT|ki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)|dudv(4.14)



Since xi is arbitrary element of Xi,iN in (4.14), we have


In view of the Carathéodory conditions for fi and ki on the compact set BˉT×BˉT×[r0,r0]ω×[b(r0),b(r0)] and BˉT×BˉT×BˉT×BˉT×[r0,r0]ω, respectively and Corollary 3.2, we infer that ωr0T(fi,ε)0 and ωr0T(ki,ε)0 as ε0. Therefore, we have


Now taking T and by applying assumption (A4) we obtain

(4.15) ω(Fi(X1××Xi)i=1)λmax1in(ω(xi)).(4.15)

On the other hand, for all xi,yiX,(iN) and t,sR, we get


Thus, we have

(4.16) Fi(xi)i=1Fi(yi)i=1L(ΛBˉT)λ(xiyiL(ΛBˉT))+esssupt,s∥>T|ΛΛki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)ki(t,s,u,v,yj(u,v)j=1)dudv|.(4.16)

If take T in the inequality (4.16), then using (A3) we have

(4.17) d(Fi(X1××Xi)i=1)(t,s)λ(max1ind(Xi(t,s))).(4.17)

If we consider max(t,s) in the inequality (4.17), then

(4.18) limsupmax(t,s)d(Fi(X1××Xi)i=1)(t,s)λ(max1inlimsupmax(t,s)d(Xi(t,s))).(4.18)

Moreover, combining (4.15) and (4.18) imply that

(4.19) λmax1in(ω(xi)) +λ(max1inlimsup(t,s)∥→d(Xi(t,s))).(4.19)

Since λ[0,1) is a constant, (4.19) shows that

12[λmax1in(ω(Xi))+λlimsup(t,s)∥→(d(Xi))] λ(12max1inω(Xi)+12limsup(t,s)∥→d(Xi(t,s)))

and we get


Taking ω0i=12ω0, we have:


Now by applying Theorem 3.3, there exists (x1,x2,,xn) that is solution of the system of integral EquationEquation (1.1) and this completes the proof.□

Now, we study the following example to show the usefullnees of the Theorem 4.2.

Example 4.3. Consider the system of integral equations

(4.20) xi(t,s)=12ts+2n+12ni=1n(1+|xi(t,s)|) +12ecos(R2R2|cos(u3).sin(xn)|+|sin3(v).cos(i=1nxi6)|(3+cosi=12nxi)dudv),(4.20)

where the symbol X shows the integer part of X and i,nN.

EquationEquationEquation (4.20) is a special case of Equation. (1.1) with


Condition (A1) is satisfied. Suppose that t,sR and |xi||yi|. We have


The case |xi||yi| can be treated in the same way. Also, fi and ki satisfies the Carathéodory conditions and fi(.,.,0,,0)L(Rn). Thus, hypothesis (A2) holds.

esssupt,sR|12eR2R2ki(t,s,u,v,xj(u,v)j=1)dudv|   =esssupt,sR|12eR2R2|cos(u3).sin(xn)|+|sin3(v).cos(i=1nxi6)|(3+cosi=12nxi)dudv   12eln(r),

for any number r2.



uniformly with respect to xj,yjL(R2) such that x,yr. Therefore, condition (A3) is satisfied. Moreover,


which shows that condition (A4) holds.

It is easy to check that condition (A5) satisfies i.e.,


We take r0=2,which shows the inequality of condition (A5) holds. Therefore, the system of integral EquationEquationEquation (4.20) has at least one solution.

Additional information


This work was supported by the Miyaneh Branch, Islamic Azad University [1534189084].

Notes on contributors

Ayub Samadi

The research fields of authors are fixed point theory with its applications. We are assistant professor and faculty member at Islamic Azad University. The authors have studied Darbo’s fixed point theorem in Banach space. Also, we give an application of obtained results and analyze the existence of solutions integral equations by using the technique of measure of noncompactness.


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