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F-cone metric spaces over Fréchet algebra

, & | (Reviewing editor)
Article: 1766797 | Received 08 Dec 2019, Accepted 03 May 2020, Published online: 22 May 2020


The paper deals with the achievements of introducing the notion of F-cone metric spaces over Fréchet algebra as a generalization of F-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra, Np-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra, and Nb-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra. First, we study some of its topological properties. Next, we define a generalized Lipschitz for such spaces. Also, we investigate some fixed points for mappings satisfying such conditions in the new framework. Subsequently, as an application of our results, we provide an example. Our work generalizes some well-known results in the literature.


Metric fixed point theory is a powerful tool for solving several problems in various parts of mathematics and its applications. Recently, Fernandez et al. introduced F-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra, which generalize Np-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra and -cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra. Now, in this paper, we introduce the notion of FNp-cone metric spaces over a Frechet algebra as a generalization of F-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra, Np-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra, and Nb-cone metric space over the Banach algebra, and we study some of its topological properties. Next, we define a generalized Lipschitz for such spaces. Also, we investigate some fixed points for mappings satisfying such conditions in the new framework.

1. Introduction

Malviya and Fisher (Citation2013) introduced the concept of N-cone metric spaces, which is a new generalization of the generalized G-cone metric (Ismat et al., Citation2010) and the generalized D-metric spaces (Aage & Salunke, Citation2010). Afterwards, Malviya and Chouhan (Citation2013) defined contractive maps in N-cone metric spaces and proved various fixed point theorems for such maps.

Recently, Fernandez et al. (Citation0000) introduced the structure of Np-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra as a generalization of N-cone metric space over the Banach algebra (Fernandez et al., Citation0002) and partial metric spaces and defined Nb-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra (Fernandez et al., Citation0001) as a generalization of N-cone metric space over the Banach space (Fernandez et al., Citation0002) and b-metric space, respectively.

Following these ideas, very recently, Fernandez et al. (Citation2017) introduced F-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra, which generalize Np-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra and Nb-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra.

Now, in this paper, we introduce the notion of F-cone metric spaces over a Fréchet algebra as a generalization of F-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra, Np-cone metric spaces over the Banach algebra, and Nb-cone metric space over the Banach algebra, and we study some of its topological properties. Next, we define a generalized Lipschitz for such spaces. Also, we investigate some fixed points for mappings satisfying such conditions in the new framework. Subsequently, as an application of our results, we provide an example. Our work is a generalization of some well-known results in the literature (see Fernandez et al., Citation2017, Citation0000, Citation0001, Citation0002).

2. Preliminaries

Throughout this paper, the notations R, R+, and N denote the set of all real numbers, the set of all nonnegative real numbers, and the set of all positive integers, respectively.

Let A be a real Hausdorff topological vector space (tvs for short) with the zero vector Iˆ,. A proper nonempty and closed subset P of A is called a cone if P+PP, λPP for λ0 and P(P)=θ. We always assume that the cone P has a nonempty interior, int P such cones are called solid. Each cone P induces a partial order _ on A by x_yyxP. xy will stand for x_y and xy, while xy will stand for yxintP. The pair (A,p) is an ordered topological vector space (see Kadelburg et al., Citation2010).

An OTVS (E,τ,_) is said to be order-convex if it has a base of neighborhoods of θ consisting of order-convex subsets. In this case, the cone C is said to be normal. In the case of a normed space, this condition means that the unit ball is order-convex, which is equivalent to the condition that there is a number k such that x,yA and 0_x_y implies that x∥≤ky.

The cone C in an OTVS (E,τ) is called solid if it has a nonempty interior, intC (see Kadelburg et al., Citation2010).

Now, we first recall some notions in topological algebras.

Definition 2.1 (Azram & Asif, Citation2013) The algebra A with Hausdorff topology and continuous algebra operations is called a topological algebra. A topological algebra is called a locally convex algebra if its topology is generated by the seminorms {pα}αI such that for all αI, it follows that

(i) pα(x)0 and pα(x)=0 if x=0;

(ii) pα(x+y)pα(x)+pα(y) for all x,yA;

(iii) pα(λx)=|λ|pα(x) for allxA and λC.

A locally convex algebra is called locally multiplicatively convex if pα(xy)pα(x)pα(y) for all x,yA. A complete metrizable locally multiplicatively convex algebra is called a Fréchet algebra.

The topology of a Fréchet algebra A can be generated by a sequence (pn)n of separating submultiplicative seminorm, that is pn(xy)pn(x)pn(y) for all nN and every x,yA, such that pn(x)pn+1(x) for all xA and nN. If A is unital, then pn can be chosen such that pn(e)=1. The Fréchet algebra A with the above generating sequence of seminorm is denoted by (A,(pn)). Note that a sequence (xk) in the Fréchet (A,(pn)) is convergent to xA if and only if pn(xkx)0, for each nN, as k (see Ghasemi Honary, Citation2011).

Example 2.2 (Lawson & Read, Citation2008) Let sCN be the vector space of all complex sequences tending to zero faster than any polynomial, that is, s={(xk)kN:kn|xk|0ask,forallnN}. This is known as the space of rapidly decreasing sequence. From now on, (xk)kN is denoted by x. The vector space A becomes a commutative algebra when equipped with pointwise multiplication and is a Fréchet algebra with respect to the norm (pn)nN, given by


Example 2.3 (Lawson & Read, Citation2008) Let AC0(R) be the collection of continuous complex-valued functions that tend to zero faster than any polynomial, that is, A={fC(R):|x|n|f(x)|0as|x|0forallnN}. Then, with pointwise addition and multiplication, A is a Fréchet algebra with respect to norms


Example 2.4 (Lawson & Read, Citation2008) Let DC be an open unit disc, and let A=O(D) be the algebra of analytic functions f:DC. Then A is a Fréchet algebra with respect to the system of seminorms pn, given by


Example 2.5 (Goldmann, Citation1990), pp. 67–77 Let C(R) be the space of all continuous complex-valued functions. Then C(R) is a Frechet algebra with the seminorms fn=sup|t|n{|f(t)|} for n0.

3. F-cone metric spaces over Fréchet algebra

In this section, we describe the concept of F-cone metric spaces on a Fréchet algebra.

Definition 3.1 Let X be a nonempty set. Suppose that a mapping F:X3E is a function satisfying the following axioms:

(F1) θ _ F(x,x,x) _ F(x,x,y) _ F(x,y,z), for all x,y,z,X with xyz,

(F2) F(x,y,z) _ s[F(x,x,a)+F(y,y,a)+F(z,z,a)]F(a,a,a),

for all x,y,z,aX. Then the pair (X,F) is called an F-cone metric space over Fréchet algebra E. The number s1 is called the coefficient of (X,F).

Now we give some examples of F-cone metric spaces over Fréchet algebras.

Example 3.2 By using Example 2.5, A=C(R) is a Fréchet algebra with respect to the seminorm (pn)nN, given by


for n0. Also, the constant function 1 acts as an identity. Set {fA:f(t)0,tR} as a cone in A. Suppose that X=R. Define the mapping F:X3A by F(x,y,z)(t)=(|x2y2|+|y2z2|+|x2z2|)et for all x,y,zX. Thus (X,F) with s=1 is an F-cone metric space over Fréchet algebra A.

Proposition 3.3. Let (X,F) be an F-cone metric space over a Frechet algebra A. Then, for all x,y,zX, we have F(x,x,y)=F(y,y,x).

Proof. From Definition 3.1 (F2), we have F(x,x,y) _ 2sF(x,x,x)+sF(y,y,x)F(x,x,x), and similarly, we can write F(y,y,x) _ 2sF(y,y,y)+sF(x,x,y)F(y,y,y) for all s1. Therefore, we get (2see)F(x,x,x)+sF(y,y,x)F(x,x,y)=(2s1)F(x,x,x)+sF(y,y,x)F(x,x,y)P and (2see)F(y,y,y)+sF(x,x,y)F(y,y,x)=(2s1)F(y,y,y)+sF(x,x,y)F(y,y,x)P. On the other hand, from condition (F1), we have (2s1)F(x,x,x)P and (2s1)F(y,y,y)P. Thus, sF(x,x,y) _ F(y,y,x) and sF(y,y,x) _ F(x,x,y) for s1. These imply that F(x,x,y)=F(y,y,x).

Proposition 3.4 Let (X,F) be an F-cone metric space over Frechet algebra A. Then, for all x,y,xX, we have F(x,y,y)F(x,x,y).

Proof. By using Definition 3.1 (F2), we can write F(x,y,y)sF(x,x,x)+2sF(y,y,x). Thus, sF(x,x,x)F(x,y,y)+2sF(y,y,x)P. On the other hand, from condition (F1), we have sF(x,x,x)P. Therefore, we deduce that 2sF(y,y,x)F(x,y,y)P. Using Proposition 3.3 and using again condition (F1), we obtain sF(x,x,y)F(x,y,y)P for s1. This implies that F(x,y,y)F(x,x,y).

4. Topology on F-cone metric over Fréchet algebra

Now, we define the topology of F-cone metric spaces over a Fréchet algebra and study its topological properties.

Definition 4.1 Assume that (X,F) is an F-cone metric space over a Fréchet algebra A. Then, for xX and c, the F-ball with center x and radius c > θ are


Definition 4.2 Assume that (X,F) is an F-cone metric space over a Frechet algebra A. For each xX and θc, put BF(x,c)={yX:F(x,x,y)F(x,x,x)+c}. Then, B={BF(x,c):xX,θc} is a subbase for topology τ on X and U denotes the base generated by the subbase B.

Theorem 4.3 Let (X,F) be an F-cone metric space over a Fréchet algebra A and let P be a solid cone in A. Then (X,F) is a Hausdorff space.

Proof. Assume that x,yX with xy. Consider two cases:

Case1 θF(x,x,x): Choose F(x,x,x)=c6s and F(x,x,y)=2c. Let U=B(x,c2s) and let V=B(y,c2s), where s1. Then xB and yV. We intend to show that UV=. We assume on the contrary that there exists zUV. Then F(x,x,z)2c3s, F(y,y,z)2c3s. Therefore, we have


which means 2c2c, a contradiction. Thus, BV= and X is a Hausdorff space.

Case2 F(x,x,x)=θ: Let F(x,x,y)=c. Then, F(x,x,z)c3s and F(y,y,z)c3s. Thus, we get


which is a contradiction. Thus BV=.

Now, we define a θ-Cauchy sequence and a convergent sequence in an F-cone metric space over a Fréchet algebra A.

Definition 4.4 Let (X,F) be an F-cone metric space over a Fréchet algebra A. A sequence {xq} in (X,F) converges to a point xX whenever for every cθ there is a natural number N such that F(xq,x,x)c for all qN. We denote this by limqxq=x or xqx as q.

Definition 4.5 The sequence {xq} is a θ-Cauchy sequence in (X,F) if {F(xq,xp,xp)} is a c-sequence in A, that is, if for every cθ there exists q0N such that F(xq,xp,xp)c for all q,pq0.

Definition 4.6 The space (X,F) is θ-complete if every θ-Cauchy sequence converges to xX such that F(x,x,x)=θ.

5. Generalized Lipschitz maps

In this section, we define generalized Lipschitz maps in an F-cone metric space over a Frechet algebra with unit e.

Definition 5.1. Let (X,F) be an F-cone metric space with the coefficient s over a Frechet algebra A and let P be a cone in A. A map T:XX is said to be a generalized Lipschitz mapping if there exists a vector kP with ρ(k)<1 (the spectral radius) such that

F(Tx,Tx,Ty) _ kF(x,x,y)

for all x,yX.

Example 5.2 Let the Fréchet algebra A, the cone P, and the mapping F:X3A be the same ones as those in Example 3.2. Then (X,F) is an F-cone metric space over the Fréchet algebra A. Now, we define the mapping T:XX by T(x)=x3. We have F(Tx,Tx,Ty)=2x2y29et _ 29x2y2et=19F(x,x,y)(t) for k=19. Then T is a generalized Lipschitz map in X.

Proposition 5.3 Let A be a Fréchet algebra with a cone P and kP such that ρ(k)<1. Then (pn(k))q0 as q.

Proof. Since σ(k) is nonempty (see Goldmann, Citation1990, p. 72). Then there exists a λσ(k) such that λek is not ivertible. Also, since a Frechet algebra, which is a field, is isomorphic to C (see Goldmann, Citation1990, p. 80), then k=λe. On the other hand, pn(k)=|λ|pn(e)=|λ|<1. Hence, we get (pn(k))q0 as q.

Definition 5.4 (Simon, Citation2017) Let E be a separated seminormed space, let {.E;\^I1/2:\^I1/2NE} be its family of seminorms, and let (un)nNE. The sequence (xn)nN converges to a limit uE, which is denoted by unu as n, if, for all νNE,


when n. That is if, for all νNE and ε>0, there exists mN such that nm yields unuE;νε.

Lemma 5.5. Let A be a Fréchet algebra with a solid cone P. Suppose that {xq} is a sequence in A such that pn(xq)0 as q; then xq is a c-sequence.

Proof. By the assumption, we have pn(xq)0. Therefore from Definition 5.4, for every ε>0, there exists q0N such that pn(xq)<ε for qq0. On the other hand, for each cθ, there is δ>0 such that B(c,δ)={yA:pn(yc)<δ}P. We know that pn(xq)=pn(cxqc)<ε. Since ε is arbitrary, choose ε=δ. Then we have pn(xq)=pn(cxqc)<δ, this leads to cxqB(c,δ)P. It means cxqintP. Hence xqc.

Lemma 5.6 (Xun & Shou, Citation2014) Let E be a topological vector space with a tvs-cone p. Then the following properties hold:

(1) If aθ, then raθ for each rR+.

(2) If a1β1 and a2β2, then a1+a2β1+β2 and a2β2a2β2θa2β2p.

Lemma 5.7 (Arandelović & Kćkć, Citation2012) Let (E,P) be an ordered TVS. Then if xP and yintP, then x+yintP. Consequently, if xy and yz, then xz (xy, which we say “x is less then y”, if yxp).

6. Applications to fixed point theory

In this section, we prove fixed point theorems for generalized Lipschitz maps on an F-cone metric space over a Frechet algebra.

Theorem 6.1. Let (X,F) be a θ-complete F-cone metric space over a Fréchet algebra A and let P be a solid cone in A. Let kP be a generalized Lipschitz constant with ρ(k)<1 and let the mapping T:XX satisfy the following condition

F(Tx,Tx,Ty) _ kF(x,x,y)

for all x,yX. Moreover, (e2s2k)θ. Then, T has a unique fixed point in X. For each xX, the sequence of iterates {Tqx} converges to the fixed point.

Proof. Let x0X and let q1. Consider x1=Tx0 and xq+1=Tq+1x0. Therefore, from the assumptions of the theorem, we get


Now, we assume p>q. By Definition 3.1 (F2), and the assumptions of the theorem, we get



(e2s2k)F(xq,xq,xp) _ 4s2kqF(x0,x0,x1)+skpF(x0,x0,x1).

Similarly to the proof of Proposition 5.3, there exists a λσ(k) such that k=λe. Also, from the assumption of the theorem, we deduce that 12s2λ>0. Then, we have

(12s2λ)eF(xq,xq,xp) _ 4s2kqF(x0,x0,x1)+skpF(x0,x0,x1).



Since pn(kqF(x0,x0,x1))pn(kq)pn(F(x0,x0,x1) and

pn(kpF(x0,x0,x1)) pn(kp)pn(F(x0,x0,x1)), and by applying Proposition 5.3, we have pn(kq)0 as q and pn(kp)0 as p. Now from Lemma 5.5, we have {kqF(x0,x0,x1)} and {kpF(x0,x0,x1)} are c-sequences. By Lemma 5.6, we deduce that {4s2(12s2λ)1kqF(x0,x0,x1)+s(12s2λ)1kpF(x0,x0,x1)} is a c-sequence. Finally, from Proposition 3.4 and Lemma 5.7, we get F(xq,xp,xp)c and {xq} is a θ-Cauchy sequence in X. Therefore, from θ-complete of X, there exists uX such that


We are going to show that u is a fixed point of T. Now, by Definition 3.1 (F2), Proposition 3.3, and the assumptions of the theorem, we have


By using a similar method to the proof of the Proposition 5.3, there exists a λσ(k) such that k=λe. Then, we have

F(xq,xq,Tu) _ 2sF(xq,xq,xq+1)+sλeF(xq,xq,u).

We know that {F(xq,xq,xq+1)} and {F(xq,xq,u)} are c-sequences. Now, from Lemma 5.6, we deduce that

{2sF(xq,xq,xq+1)+sλF(xq,xq,u)} is a c-sequence. Next, by Lemma 5.7 and Proposition 3.4, we have F(xq,Tu,Tu)c and limqxq=Tu. From Theorem 4.3, u=Tu and u is a fixed point for T. Now, we study the uniqueness of the fixed point of T. Assume that T has another fixed point v, such that vu. For this aim, we consider the following two cases:

Case1: F(xq,xq,v)F(xq,xq,u): Since F(xq,xq,u) is a c-sequence, we yield

F(xq,xq,v)F(xq,xq,u)c. Hence, from Lemma 5.7 and Proposition 3.4, we have F(xq,v,v)c, and by using Theorem 4.3, it is a contradiction. Therefore u=v.

Case2: F(xq,xq,u)F(xq,xq,v): By applying Definition 3.1 (F2), Proposition 3.3, and from the assumptions of the theorem, we get

F(xq,xq,v) _ 2sF(xq,xq,u)+sF(v,v,u)F(u,u,u)
 _ 2sF(xq,xq,u)+skF(v,v,u)
 _ 2sF(xq,xq,u)+2s2kF(v,v,xq)+s2kF(u,u,xq)
 _ 2sF(xq,xq,u)+s2kF(xq,xq,u)+2s2kF(xq,xq,v).


(e2s2k)F(xq,xq,v) _ (2se+s2k)F(xq,xq,u).

Using again the process of Proposition 5.3. Then, there exists a λσ(k) such that λe=k. From the assumption of the theorem, we observe that 12s2λ>0. Hence, we get

(12s2λ)eF(xq,xq,v) _ (2se+s2λe)F(xq,xq,u)


F(xq,xq,v) _ (2s+s2λ)(12s2λ)1F(xq,xq,u)

And since, {F(xq,xq,u)} is a c-sequence. Thus, from Lemma 5.6 (1), we deduce that {(s+2s2λ)(12s2λ)1F(xq,xq,u)} is a c-sequence. Therefore, by using Lemma 5.7 and Proposition 3.4, we obtain F(xq,v,v)c and xqv as q. Finally, by Theorem 4.3, it is a contradiction. Thus, v=u.

Corollary 6.2. Let (X,F) be an F-cone metric space over a Fréhet algebra. Assume that a mapping T:XX satisfies, for some positive integer q,

F(Tqx,Tqx,Tqy) _ kF(x,x,y)

for all x,yX, where k is a vector in P. Then T has a unique fixed point in X.

Proof. By using Theorem 6.1, Tn has a unique fixed point x. So, we have Tq(Tx)=T(Tqx)=Tx; therefore Tx=x is a fixed point of T. Also, the fixed point of T is a fixed point of Tn, thus T has a unique fixed point.

Now, we prove Chatterjee’s fixed point theorem in F-cone metric spaces over a Fréchet algebra.

Theorem 6.3 Assume that (X,F) is a θ-complete F-cone metric space over a Fréchet algebra and let P be the underlying solid cone with kP, where ρ(k)<1. Suppose the mapping T:XX satisfies the generalized Lipschitz condition:

F(Tx,Tx,Ty) _ k[F(Tx,Tx,x)+F(Ty,Ty,y)],

for all x,yX such that (e3sk)θ. Then T has a unique fixed point in X for any xX and the iterative sequence {Tqx} converges to the fixed point.

Proof. Let x0X be arbitrarily given, and set xq=Tqx, q1. Then by using the assumptions of the theorem and Proposition 3.3, we have

                   _ kF(Txq1,Txq1,xq1)+kF(Txq,Txq,xq)

Hence, (ek)F(xq,xq,xq+1) _ kF(xq1,xq1,xq). Applying a similar metod the proof of the Proposition 5.3 thus there exists a λσ(k) such that λe=k. Also, by the assumption of the theorem we get 13sλ>0. Therefore, we have F(xq,xq,xq+1) _ λ(1λ)1eF(xq1,xq1,xq). On the other hand, since λ<13s then 0<λ(1λ)1<1. Therefore ρ(k(ek)1)<1. Now, we use a procedure similar to the proof of Theorem 6.1, so {xq} is a θ-Cauchy sequence. From θ-completeness of X, there exists uX such that


Next, we intend to show that u is a fixed point of T. Employing Definition 3.1 (F2), Proposition 3.3, we obtain

F(Txq,Txq,Tu) _ kF(Txq,Txq,xq)+kF(Tu,,Tu,u)
 _ kF(Txq,Txq,xq)+kF(u,u,Tu)
 _ kF(xq+1,xq+1,xq)+2skF(u,u,xq+1)



Similar to the proof of the Proposition 5.3 there exists a λσ(k) such that λe=k also, from the assumption of the theorem we observe that 1sλ>0. Hence, we get




Since {F(xq,xq,xq+1)} and {F(xq+1,xq+1,u)} are c-sequences. Then by applying Lemma 5.6, we have {λ(1sλ)1F(xq,xq,xq+1)+2sλ(1sλ)1F(u,u,xq)} is a c-sequence. Therefore from Lemma 5.7 and Proposition 3.4, we get F(xq,Tu,Tu)c and limqxq=Tu. Finally, applying Theorem 4.3, we get u=Tu. Now, we show that T has at most one fixed point. Let u,vX be two fixed points of T such that uv. Next, we consider two following cases:

Case1 F(Txq,Txq,Tv)F(Txq,Txq,Tu): We know that F(Txq,Txq,u) is a c-sequence. Then by Lemma 5.7 and Proposition 3.4, we deduce that

F(xq+1,v,v)c. By applying Theorem 4.3, we obtain a contradiction, so v=u.

Case2 F(xq+1,xq+1,Tu)F(xq+1,xq+1,Tv): From Definition 3.1 (F2), Proposition 3.3 and the assumptions of the theorem, we deduce that




Again similarly the proof of the Proposition 5.3 there exists a λσ(k) such that λe=k. On the other hand, by using the assumption of the theorem we deduce that 13sλ>0 then, we have




Since {F(xq,xq,xq+1)} is a c-sequence. Therefore by Lemma 5.6 (1), we get {λ(13sλ)1F(xq,xq,xq+1)} is a c-sequence. From Lemma 5.7 and Proposition 3.4, we get F(xq+1,v,v)c. By using Theorem 4.3, we obtain a contradiction. Then u=v.

Example 6.4 Choose Example 5.2. Therefore, (X,F) is an F-cone metric space over the Frechet algebra A and the mapping T:XX by T(x)=x3 is a generalized Lipschitz with k=19. Also, we get k=λe=19. Therefore λ=19<18=12s2. Hence, the conditions of Theorem 6.1 hold. Thus, T has a unique fixed point 0.

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The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Reza Allahyari

The authors have introduced the notion of F-cone metric spaces over Frechet algebra as a generalization of F-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra, Np-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra, and Nb-cone metric spaces over a Banach algebra. They studied some of its topological properties. Next, they defined a generalized Lipschitz for such spaces. Also, they investigated some fixed points for mappings satisfying such conditions in the new framework. The results of their article generalized some well-known results in the literature.
