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Reliable iterative methods for 1D Swift–Hohenberg equation

Pages 56-66 | Received 01 Jul 2019, Accepted 29 Dec 2019, Published online: 31 Mar 2020


In this paper, the nonlinear problem of the 1 D Swift-Hohenberg equation (S-HE) has been solved by using five reliable iterative methods. The first one is the Daftardar-Jafari method namely (DJM), the second method is the Temimi-Ansari method namely (TAM), the third method is the Banach contraction method namely (BCM), the fourth method is the Adomian decomposition method namely (ADM) and finally the fifth method is the Variational iteration method (VIM) to obtain the approximate solutions. In this work, we discussed and applied these iterative methods to solve the S-HE and compared them. In addition, the fixed-point theorem was given to illustrate the convergence of the five methods. To illustrate the accuracy and efficiency of the five methods, the maximum error remainder was calculated since the exact solution is unknown. The results showed that the five iterative methods are accurate, reliable, time saver and effective. All the iterative processes in this paper implemented in MATHEMATICA®11.

1. Introduction

There are many natural phenomena in engineering and applied sciences are modeled by either linear or nonlinear ordinary\partial differential equations, hence that solution of these equations is very important. Numerous nonlinear problems that arising in various engineering applications have no exact solution or cannot be obtainable. Therefore, there is always demand to develop reliable and efficient methods to get an approximate solution of these equations (Al-Jawary, Citation2016, Citation2017; Mitlif, Citation2014; Sahib & Hasan, Citation2014; Yin, Kumar, & Kumar, Citation2015).

In 1977, the Swift and Hohenberg (Citation1977) derived a partial differential equation named as the S-HE from the thermal convection equations. The S-HE occurs fundamentally in nanocrystalline materials by describing the average density of dissociation under the formation of shear microbands (Kudryashov & Ryabov, Citation2016). It has been widely applied as a model for the study of numerous issues in pattern formation, such as the effects of noise on bifurcations, pattern selection, spatiotemporal chaos, the dynamics of defects, model patterns in Rayleigh-Bernard convection, biological materials, like neural tissues and in the study of lasers (Chossat & Faye, Citation2015; Kubstrup, Herrero, & Pérez-García, Citation1996; Peletier & Rottschäfer, Citation2004; Pérez-Moreno, Chavarría, & Chavarría, Citation2014).

Furthermore, some analytic and approximate methods have been used and implemented to solve the S-HE such as, homotopy perturbation method (HPM) (Ban & Cui, Citation2018), shooting method (Tao & Zhang, Citation2002), homotopy analysis method (HAM) (Akyildiz, Siginer, Vajravelu, & Van Gorder, Citation2010), Reproducing kernel method (Bakhtiari, Abbasbandy, & Van Gorder, Citation2018).

In 2011, Wang and Yanti introduced an efficient time-splitting Fourier spectral method to solve this equation (Wang & Yanti, Citation2011). In addition, Deng and Li used a classical Lyapunov-Schmidt method, a perturbation method and a fixed-point theorem to solve the S-HE (Deng & Li, Citation2012). He’s semi-inverse method has been used to introduce the solitary wave solution of the S-HE (Fonseca, Citation2017).

In this paper, the five semi-analytical iterative methods will be implemented to solve the S-HE to get an approximate solution. The first one is the DJM suggested by Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari in 2006 (Daftardar-Gejji & Jafari, Citation2006), the second method is the TAM introduced by Temimi and Ansari (Citation2011a, Citation2011b), the third method is the BCM presented by Daftardar-Gejji and Bhalekar in 2009 (Daftardar-Gejji & Bhalekar, Citation2009), the fourth method is the ADM, it was introduced by George Adomian in the beginning of 1980 (Adomian, Citation1994) and finally the fifth method is the VIM introduced by Ji-Huan He in 1999 (He, Citation1999).

These iterative methods have been successfully used to solve different types of non-linear ordinary and partial differential equations for more details, see (Abdul Nabi & Al-Jawary, Citation2018; Akbarzade & Langari, Citation2011; Al-Jawary, Adwan, & Radhi, Citation2020; Al-Jawary, Azeez, & Radhi, Citation2018; Al-Jawary, Radhi, & Ravnik, Citation2017, Citation2018; Al-Jawary & Raham, Citation2017; Ateeah, Citation2017; Razzaq & Yassein, Citation2017; Wazwaz, Citation2000; Zhu, Chang, & Wu, Citation2005).

This paper has been organized as follows: In section 2, the S-HE formulation will be presented. The basic concepts of five iterative methods will be presented and discussed in section 3. In section 4, solving S-HE using the DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM and VIM will be given. The convergence of the proposed techniques will be explained in section 5. In section 6, the numerical simulations and discussion are introduced and finally, the conclusion will be given in section 7.

2. The nonlinear S-HE

The following nonlinear partial differential equation presents the S-HE as a model for the study of pattern formation, in connection with the Rayleigh-Bernard convection (Haragus & Scheel, Citation2007; Peletier & Williams, Citation2007). (1) vt=2x2+12v+αvv3, (1) with the following boundary and initial conditions: v0,t=v1,t=0, vxx0,t=vxx1,t=0, vx,0=v0x. where vx,t  is the scalar function with two independent variables defined on the line or the plane, α is real bifurcation parameter, x[0,1], t>0  and v0x is a smooth function.

One can write the EquationEquation (1) in a more conventional form as: (2) vt=vxxxx2vxx1αvfv,for 0<x<L, t>0(2) and the initial condition: (3) v0,t=vxx0,t=0 and v x,0=AsinπxL.(3) where, fv=v3, is some smooth nonlinearity, L length of domain and A=110, as given in (Peletier & Rottschäfer, Citation2004).

3. The basic concepts of the iterative methods

In this section, the basic idea of the suggested five iterative methods: DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM and VIM will be introduced.

3.1 The basic steps of the DJM

Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari have supposed the following nonlinear functional equation (Bhalekar & Daftardar-Gejji, Citation2008; Daftardar-Gejji & Bhalekar, Citation2010; Daftardar-Gejji & Jafari, Citation2006). (4) v=f+Lv+Nv, (4) where L and N represent are linear and nonlinear operators, respectively, f is a known function and v  is an unknown function.

We are looking for a solution v of EquationEquation (4) and can be obtained by the following series: v=k=0vk

Because L is linear operator then: Lk=0vk=k=0L(vk)

Therefore, EquationEquation (4) can be written as: k=0vk=f+k=0L(vk)+Nk=0vk and the nonlinear operator N can be decomposed as bellow: Nk=0vk=Nv0+i=1Nk=0ivkNk=0i1vk

Now, let us define the relation as below: D0=Nv0, D1=Nv0+v1Nv0 D2=Nv0+v1+v2Nv0+v1 Di=Nk=0ivkNk=0i1vk, i1

From the above relation we get: Nk=0vk=D0+D1+D2++Di+

By taking the inverse operator, L1·=0t·dτ, for both sides of EquationEquation (4), and using the initial conditions, we get: k=0vk=p+L1Nk=0vk, where p represents the final formula for L1(f) with the given initial conditions.

Therefore, the components of the solution v are: (5)   v0 =pv1 =L1D0v2 =L1D1vk+1=L1Dk, k=0,1,2,(5)

As a result, the n-term approximate solution of EquationEquation (4) is given by the following form: ψn=i=0nvi

Finally, the solution v(x,t) for the nonlinear problem is given by: (6) v(x,t)=k=0vk(6)

3.2 The basic idea of the TAM

Temimi and Ansari have presented the semi-analytical an iterative method namely) TAM (for solving nonlinear differential equations (Temimi & Ansari, Citation2011a, Citation2011b, Citation2015).

To illustrate the basic ideas of the suggested method, let us consider the general form of partial differential equation: (7) Lvx,t+Nvx,t+f=0 (7) with boundary condition: Bv,vx=0, where L is a linear operator, N is a nonlinear operator, (x, t) denotes the independent variables, vx,t is an unknown function, f  is a known function and B is a boundary operator.

Now, we begin by assuming that v0x,t is an initial approximation of the problem vx,t through solving the following initial equation: Lv0(x,t)+f=0 with  Bv0,v0x=0

To obtain the next iteration v1x,t to the solution vx,t, we must solve the following equation: Lv1(x,t)+f+Nv0x,t=0 with  Bv1,v1x=0,

Similarly, all iterations vn+1(x,t) can be obtained as: (8) Lvn+1(x,t)+f+Nvnx,t=0  with Bvn+1,vn+1x=0, (8)

Note that each of them vn(x,t) is a solution to EquationEquation (7). Also, by increasing the iterations, a better accuracy for the approximate solution will be obtained.

So, the solution for the EquationEquation (7) is given by: (9) vx,t=limnvnx,t (9)

3.3 The basic idea of BCM

To study the basic idea of the proposed method, we consider the general form of nonlinear functional equation (Daftardar-Gejji & Bhalekar, Citation2009): (10) v=f+Nv, (10)

Now, we will define successive approximations as follows: (11)  v0=f, v1=v0+Nv0v2=v0+Nv1vn=v0+Nvn1, n=1,2,(11)

It has been shown that the series defined by EquationEquation (11) is convergent (Daftardar-Gejji & Bhalekar, Citation2009). Thus, the solution of EquationEquation (10) is given by: v=limnvn

3.4 The basic idea of the ADM

George Adomian has presented an iterative method namely (ADM) for solving non-linear differential equations (Adomian, Citation1994, Citation2014; Adomian & Rach, Citation1993). To illustrate the basic ideas of the ADM, let us consider the general form of the partial differential equation: (12) Lv+Rv+Nv=f (12)

Where, Lv+Rv the linear terms such that L is an invertible linear operator, R is a linear differential operator with order derivative less than L, Nv is a nonlinear operator term and f  is a known function. We begin by assuming the inverse operator for L.

Hence, EquationEquation (12) can be written as: (13) v=L1fL1RvL1Nv, (13)

The solution to EquationEquation (13) is represented in the ADM as the following infinite series: (14) v= k=0vk (14)

Assume that the nonlinear operator term Nv=φv is decomposed as: (15) φv=Nv=k=0Ak (15) where Ak are Adomian’s polynomials, which are represented as in (Adomian, Citation1994, Citation2014): (16) Ak=1k!kλkFi=0kλiviλ=0, k=0, 1, 2,  (16)

Now, by substituting the EquationEquations (14) and Equation(15) in EquationEquation (13), we get the following: (17) v=k=0vk=v0L1(Rk=0vkL1k=0Ak (17)

Thus, it can be composed as: (18)  v0=θ+L1f v1=L1Rv0L1A0,v2=L1Rv1L1A1,vn=L1Rvk1L1Ak1. (18) where θ is an initial condition.

Hence, the iterations  vk  are calculated and the general solution of the EquationEquation (12) is obtained according to the ADM as follows: (19) v=k=0vk. (19)

3.5 The basic idea of VIM

Ji-Huan He in 1999 has presented the iterative method namely (VIM) for solving non-linear differential equations (He, Citation1999, Citation2007). To explain the basic ideas of the VIM, let us consider the general form of partial differential equation: (20) Lv+Nv=f, (20)

Where, L is a linear operator, N  is a nonlinear operator term and f  is an inhomogeneous term.

According to the VIM, we can construct a correction functional as the following form (21) vk+1x=vkx+0tλtL(vkt)N(vkt)ftdt, k=0,1,2, (21) where vk is considered as a restricted variation and λ is a general Lagrange multiplier that is can be identified optimally by the variational theory (He, Citation2019a, Citation2019b; He & Sun, Citation2019) and given by the following general formula when derivative appeared in the given equation (He, Citation1999): (22) λ=(1)kk1!txk1, k1. (22)

Hence, the solution of EquationEquation (20) is given by: (23) vx=limkvkx.  (23)

4. Solving the S-HE

In this section, we will implement the iterative methods DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM and VIM to solve the nonlinear S-HE to obtain the approximate solution of this equation.

4.1 Solving the S-HE by the DJM

To solve the S-HE by using the DJM, we re-write EquationEquation (1) as follows: (24) vt=vxxxx2vxx1αvv3, vx,0=110sinπxL. (24)

First of all, to apply the DJM for the S-HE, we choose the operator form of the EquationEquation (24) as follows: (25) Ltv(x,t)=Nv(x,t), (25)


Lt=t and Nv=vxxxx2vxx1αvv3, is the nonlinear operator for the S-HE.

Let us assume the inverse operator Lt1(·)=0t·dt, is exists and by take it for both sides of EquationEquation (25) leads to: Lt1Ltv(x,t)=Lt1Nv(x,t)

Also, by using the initial condition, we get: vx,tvx,0=Lt1Nv(x,t).

Then: (26) vx,t=110sinπxL+Lt1Nv(x,t). (26)

Finally, according to the DJM for EquationEquation (26) and by applying the recurrence relation, we achieve the components vnx,t as the following form:   v0x,t=110SinπxLv1x,t=Lt1(D0)=Lt1Nv0x,t=12000L4(400L2π2200π4+L4(201+200α)+L4Cos[2πxL])Sin[πxL]t+O[t]3v2x,t=Lt1(D1)=Lt1Nv0x,t+v1x,tv1x,t= 11600000L8(81609L8320000L6π2+465600L4π4320000L2π6+80000π8161600L8α+320000L6π2α160000L4π4α+80000L8α24L4(2400L2π2+8400π4+L4(403400α))Cos[2πxL]+3L8Cos[4πxL])Sin[πxL]t2+O[t]3, and by continue in this way the iteration v3  was also calculated but for the purpose of brevity is not mentioned here.

Hence, according to EquationEquation (6), we obtain the approximate solution of EquationEquation (24) in a series form by sum of the above components vi  obtained from the DJM as: vi=i=03vi=v0+v1+v2+v3

4.2 Solving the S-HE by the TAM

To implement the TAM for solving the S-HE, we re-write EquationEquation (24) in the operator form, and we have the following form: Lv=vt, Nv=vxxxx2vxx1αvv3,f=0, with initial condition: vx,0=110sinπxL.

We start by assuming that v0(x,t) is an initial approximation of the problem vx,t  through solving the following initial equation: Ltv0(x,t)=0, with v0x,0=110sinπxL,Lt=t

Then, we get: v0x,t=110sinπxL.

Also, to get the next iteration, we have to solve the following equation: Ltv1(x,t)+Nv0x,t=0, with v1x,0=110sinπxL

Then, we get: v1x,t=110SinπxL+12000L4400L2π2200π4+L4201+200α+L4Cos2πxLSinπxLt+Ot3,

In the second iteration, we have to solve the following equation: Ltv2(x,t)+Nv1x,t=0, with v2x,0=110sinπxL .

Thus, we obtain: v2x,t=110SinπxL+12000L4400L2π2200π4+L4201+200α+L4Cos2πxLSinπxLt+11600000L881609L8320000L6π2+465600L4π4320000L2π6+80000π8161600L8α+320000L6π2α160000L4π4α+80000L8α24L42400L2π2+8400π4+L4403400αCos2πxL+3L8Cos4πxLSinπxLt2+Ot3,

Therefore, the iteration v3 was calculated but for the purpose of brevity is not mentioned here.

According to EquationEquation (9) each iteration of the vi(x,t) represents an approximate solution to the EquationEquation (24).

4.3 Solving the S-HE by the BCM

To implement the BCM to solve the S-HE, let us suppose EquationEquation (24), by following the similar steps as assumed in the DJM, we obtain the EquationEquation (26).

Also, suppose: f=110sinπxL  and  Nv=Lt1Nvx,t, Where, Lt1(·)=0t(·)dt,Nvx,t=vxxxx2vxx1αvv3.

Applying the steps of the BCM, we get:  v0x,t=f=110sinπxL,v1x,t=v0+Nv0,

In general, we have, vnx,t=v0+Nvn1, nN.

Hence, v1x,t=110SinπxL+12000L4400L2π2200π4+L4201+200α+L4Cos2πxLSinπxLt+Ot3,   v2x,t=110SinπxL+12000L4400L2π2200π4+L4201+200α+ L4Cos2πxLSinπxLt+11600000L881609L8320000L6π2+465600L4π4 320000L2π6+80000π8161600L8α+320000L6π2α160000L4π4α+80000L8α24L42400L2π2+8400π4+L4403400αCos2πxL+3L8Cos4πxLSinπxLt2+Ot3,

The v3 was calculated using similar way, but for the purpose of brevity it is not mentioned here.

4.4 Solving the S-HE by the ADM

To implement the ADM to solve the S-HE, let us apply the Lt1 for both sides of EquationEquation (24) leads to: vx,t=110sinπxL+Lt1vxxxx2vxx1αvv3,

Hence, the nonlinear operator term Nv=v3 is decomposed as: v3=k=0Ak

According to EquationEquation (17) we re-write EquationEquation (27) as: (27) k=0vkx,t=110sinπxL+Lt1(k=0(vkxxxx2vkxx1αvk))(k=0Ak),(27)

Therefore, the components of the solution v are: v0=110sinπxL

In general, we achieve the components vn+1x,t as the following form: vn+1x,t=Lt1vkxxxx2vkxx1αvkAk,k=0,2,

Also, by calculating the Adomian’s polynomials, according to EquationEquation (16), we get: v1=110SinπxL+π2SinπxL5L2π4SinπxL10L4+110αSinπxLSinπxL91000000000t+Ot3  v2=12000000000L8100000000L8SinπxL400000000L6π2SinπxL+600000000L4π4SinπxL400000000L2π6SinπxL+100000000π8SinπxL200000000L8αSinπxL+400000000L6π2αSinπxL200000000L4π4αSinπxL+100000000L8α2SinπxL+3024L4π4CosπxL4SinπxL5+144L6π2CosπxL2SinπxL73312L4π4CosπxL2SinπxL7+L8SinπxL918L6π2SinπxL9+225L4π4SinπxL9L8αSinπxL9t2+Ot3 and by continue in this way the iteration v3 was also calculated but for the purpose of brevity is not mentioned here.

Hence, according to EquationEquation (19), we obtain the approximate solution of EquationEquation (27) in a series form by sum of the above components vi  obtained from the ADM as: vi=i=03vi=v0+v1+v2 +v3

4.5 Solving the S-HE by the VIM

To implement the VIM for the S-HE, we re-write EquationEquation (24) in the operator form, so we have the following form: (28) vt+vxxxx+2vxx+1αv+v3=0, vx,0=110sinπxL. (28)

To solve the EquationEquation (28) by using VIM, let us apply a correction functional formula given in EquationEquation (21) as: (29) vk+1x,t=vkx,t+0tλtvks+vkxxxx+2vkxx+1αvk+vk3ds, (29) and using the EquationEquation (22) with k = 1, the Lagrange multiplier can be easily calculated as: λt=1,

By Substituting the value of λ(t) in the EquationEquation (29), we get the following: (30) vk+1x,t=vkx,t0tvks+vkxxxx+2vkxx+1αvk+vk3ds (30) Hence, the initial approximation is obtained: v0x,t=110sinπxL.

By using Equation (30), we obtain the following successive approximations: v1x,t=v0x,t0tv0s+v0xxxx+2v0xx+1αv0+v03ds =110Sin[πxL]+(110Sin[πxL]+π2Sin[πxL]5L2π4Sin[πxL]10L4+110αSin[πxL]Sin[πxL]31000)t+O[t]3 v2x,t=110Sin[πxL]+(400L2π2200π4+L4(201+200α)+L4Cos[2πxL])Sin[πxL]t2000L4+11600000L8(81609L8320000L6π2+465600L4π4320000L2π6+80000π8161600L8α+320000L6π2α160000L4π4α+80000L8α24L4(2400L2π2+8400π4+L4(403400α))Cos[2πxL]+3L8Cos[4πxL])Sin[πxL]t2+O[t]3 and by continue in this way the iteration v3 was also calculated but for the purpose of brevity is not mentioned here.

According to EquationEquation (23) each iteration of the vi(x,t) represents an approximate solution to the EquationEquation (28).

5. The convergence of the five techniques

To show the convergence analysis of the proposed iterative techniques, the basic concepts and the fundamental theorems will be discussed. In the DJM and ADM the convergence can be directly proved. However, in TAM, BCM and VIM, we should follow some steps as below: (31) y0=v0x,t, y1=Gy0, y2=Gy0+y1,  yn+1=Gy0+y1++yn.(31) where the operator G can be defined by the following form: (32) Gyk=Ski=0k1yi, k=1,2,3, (32) Where the term Sk is the solution appeared from the iterative methods.

Now, for the TAM as: Lykx,t+fx,t+N i=0k1yix,t=0, k=1,2,3,

For the BCM: ykx,t=y0x,t+N i=0k1yi(x,t), k=1,2,3,

Now, applying the same conditions that used in the iterative technique, we have: vx,t=limnvnx,t=n=0yn(x,t)

Hence, by using EquationEquations (31) and Equation(32), we can get the solution by the following form: (33) vx,t=i=0yi(x,t) (33)

The following theorems show the convergence of our methods by following the techniques of the DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM and VIM. The proof and more details for the theorems can be found in (Odibat, Citation2010).

Theorem 5.1.

Let G presented in Equation (32), be an operator from a Hilbert space H to H. The series solutionvn=i=0nyi is convergent if  0<η<1 when Gy0+y1++yi+1ηGy0+y1++yi (such that yi+1ηyi) i=0, 1, 2,.

Theorem 5.1 is a special case from the Banach’s fixed point theorem which is a sufficient condition to study the convergence of the suggested iterative methods.

Theorem 5.2.

If the series solution v=i=0yi convergent, then this series will consider the exact solution of the present nonlinear problem.

Theorem 5.3.

Consider the series solution i=0yi which is presented Equation (33) is convergent to the solution v. If the truncated series i=0nyi is used as an approximation to the solution of the current problem, then the maximum errorEn can be estimated by: En11ηηn+1y0

Theorems 5.1 and 5.2 show that the achieved solution from DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM and VIM that is given in EquationEquations (5, Equation8, Equation11, Equation18) and (21), respectively, for the nonlinear equation EquationEquation (1) is convergent to the exact solution under the given condition,  0<η<1 such that yi+1ηyi)i=0,1,2, .

In other words, we will define the following parameter as: βi=yi+1yi if yi00 if yi=0

Then, the series solution i=0yi  for the nonlinear problem given in EquationEquations (2) and Equation(3), converges to the exact solution v, when0βi<1,i=0,1,2,.Moreover, the maximum truncation error can be calculated using the following form:vx,ti=0nyi11ββn+1y0, where β=max{βi,i=0,1,,n} as shown in theorem 5.3.

To prove the convergence for these iterative methods for the S-HE, we are going to pursue the following strategy:

By applying the TAM, the Sk  shows the following problem   Ltvkx,t=Ni=0k1vix,t, v0x,0=110sinπxL, k=1,2,

Moreover, when we apply BCM, the Sk  show the following problem vk=v0+Ni=0k1vi(x), k=1,2,.

Also, applying DJM, we achieve the iterations in subsection 4.1. We get an approximate solution, when we substitute the values of α = 0.3 and L = 4 in the obtained v3x,t. We evaluate the βi  to check the convergent conditions of the obtained estimated solution, then we get: β0=v1v0=0.00148196<1 β1=v2v1=0.00104418<1β2=v3v2=0.110711<1

For the five methods (DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM and VIM), the results of βi, for all i≥ 0, 0< t < 1 and 0 <X< 1, are less than one that is because the approximate solutions for the five methods are slightly the same. Therefore, according to the convergence condition, it converges.

6. The numerical simulations and discussion

Since the exact solution is unknown for EquationEquation (1), the maximal error remainder (MERn) will be calculated to check out the accuracy for the approximate solutions that we obtained by the proposed methods. We can define the error remainder function for EquationEquation (2) as follows: ERn=vt+vxxxx+2vxx+1αv+v3

Also, MERn=max0x1ERnx,t, presents the maximal error remainder.

shows the logarithmic plots for the MERn values obtained by the TAM, DJM, BCM and VIM and ADM. We can easily see that by increasing the iterations, the errors will be decreasing.

Figure 1. Logarithmic plots for the MERn values obtained by proposed methods (TAM, DJM, BCM, VIM and ADM), for the versus n from 1 to 3.

Figure 1. Logarithmic plots for the MERn values obtained by proposed methods (TAM, DJM, BCM, VIM and ADM), for the versus n from 1 to 3.

Also, shows the MERn values obtained by TAM, DJM, BCM, VIM and ADM. It can be seen the obtained results are better than ADM (less errors).

Table 1. The MERn values obtained by TAM, DJM, BCM, VIM and ADM, when α=0.3, L = 4 and t = 0.01.

Also, show the MERn values that we get by using different values of α, L and t.

Figure 2. The MERn values obtained by proposed methods for different values of α, when L = 4 and t = 0.01.

Figure 2. The MERn values obtained by proposed methods for different values of α, when L = 4 and t = 0.01.

Figure 3. The MERn values obtained by proposed methods for different values of L, when α=0.3  and t = 0.01.

Figure 3. The MERn values obtained by proposed methods for different values of L, when α=0.3  and t = 0.01.

Figure 4. The MERn values obtained by proposed methods for different values of t, when α=0.3 and L = 4.

Figure 4. The MERn values obtained by proposed methods for different values of t, when α=0.3 and L = 4.

In , we fixed the length (L = 4) and the time (t = 0.01) and we used different values for eigenvalue (α = 0.3, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10), depending on previous studies (Bakhtiari et al., Citation2018; Peletier & Rottschäfer, Citation2004). We found that the by increasing the value of α, the MERn errors start increasing.

In , we fixed the values eigenvalue (α = 0.3) and the time (t = 0.01) and we compared among different value of length (L = 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25), as chosen in (Bakhtiari et al., Citation2018; Peletier & Rottschäfer, Citation2004). When we increase the value of L, the accuracy increased, and we realized the accuracy almost same when L = 10, 15, 20, 25.

In , using different values of the time (t = 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001 and 0.00001), we found that the MERn decreased whenever the time decreased, and hence the accuracy increased.

The first three iterative methods DJM, TAM and BCM are distinct from other methods as they have many advantages that do not require the conditions of restriction in their implementation and do not require additional calculations for nonlinear problems such as calculating the Adomian polynomials to handle the nonlinear terms in the ADM and calculate the Lagrange multiplier as in the VIM. Moreover, comparing with numerical methods, the iterative methods there is no need to use any type of truncation errors or discretization the domain nor round-off errors.

By making the comparison between the iterative methods with each other, we found that the implementation of the BCM is easier and takes less time compared to the other iterative methods. That is because it adopts the direct technique in the solution during the calculation of the iterations of the desired problem. Also, when applied the TAM, we found in each step a new problem should be solved like a new equation with its conditions, and hence it more effective and time-consuming. On the other hand, the DJM needs more time in terms of calculating the difference for the sum of the iterations. Also, when applying the other two methods the VIM and ADM, we found they require additional calculations and time-consuming such as Adomian polynomials to handle the nonlinear terms in the ADM and calculate Lagrange multiplier as in the VIM and for solving a nonlinear case, the terms of the sequence become complex after several iterations. However, the difficulties of calculating Lagrange multiplier are simplified by using Laplace transform (Anjum & He, Citation2019) Furthermore, the solution process in three methods BCM, TAM and DJM are derivative-free which are different from VIM.

However, some disadvantages arise by implementing these proposed iterative methods to solve the S-HE. That is related to increasing or decreasing the values of the parameters upon that the problem is under consideration. It was found that this affects the convergence of the solution by using these methods. In other words, by increasing the value of α, the error increases; and hence the accuracy of the method decreases. Moreover, changing the values of the length (L) also affect by convergence; that is, by decreasing and increasing the value of L, the error and accuracy start increasing and decreasing, respectively. One more disadvantage is when the values of time (t) that used for the S-HE increase, the calculated error increases and the proposed iterative methods become less accurate, as shown in . Finally, increasing the iterations of the proposed became more time-consuming.

7. Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced and applied five iterative methods to solve the 1 D S-HE. We described five iterative methods: DJM, TAM, BCM, ADM, and VIM. The three methods DJM, TAM and BCM can be used without restriction conditions for nonlinear problems unlike VIM and ADM; where they required additional calculations such as Adomian polynomials to handle the nonlinear terms in the ADM and calculate Lagrange multiplier as in the VIM which required more time during the calculation process. It can be concluded, that the MERn starts decreasing by increasing the iterations. Furthermore, the suggested methods: DJM, TAM, BCM, and VIM converge faster, and the results are very accurate and more reliable compared with the ADM.


The author would like to thank the anonymous referees, the Managing Editor and Editor in Chief for their valuable suggestions.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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