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Stability for stochastic neutral integro-differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps

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Article: 1979733 | Received 25 Jun 2020, Accepted 05 Sep 2021, Published online: 04 Oct 2021


This paper investigates a kind of stochastic neutral integro-differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps in the concrete-fading memory-phase space Cμ. We suppose that the linear part has a resolvent operator and the nonlinear terms are globally Lipschitzian. We introduce sufficient conditions that ensure the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions by using successive approximation. Moreover, we target exponential stability, including moment exponential stability in q-th (q2) and almost surely exponential stability of solutions and their maps. An example illustrates the potential of the main result.

1. Introduction

Research on stochastic differential equations with delay has received attention over the last few decades because of their appropriateness to describe physical systems subject to delays, such as the ones found in biology, medicine, epidemiology, chemistry, physics, and economics (see Helge et al., Citation2010; Intissar., Citation2020; Kostikov & Romanenkov, Citation2020; Mao, Citation2007; Trung, Citation2020 for a brief overview). The qualitative and quantitative properties of solutions of stochastic differential equations with delay, such as the existence, uniqueness, controllability, and stability, have been considered by several authors (see Bouzahir et al., Citation2017; Dieye et al., Citation2017; Diop et al., Citation2014; Taniguchi et al., Citation2002; Zouine et al., Citation2020). One point, in particular, has received a lot of attention: the study of existence and asymptotic behavior of mild solutions of some stochastic differential equations on Hilbert spaces, such as the semigroup approach (Taniguchi et al., Citation2002), comparison theorem (Govindan, Citation2003), Razumikhin-type theorem (Kai & Yufeng, Citation2006), analytic technique (Taniguchi, Citation1998), and Banach fixed-point principle (Diop et al., Citation2014).

The literature shows many dynamical systems modeled by neutral stochastic partial differential Equationequations 2 (Chen et al., Citation2014; Cui et al., Citation2011) [Equation9]. For these equations, some contain the derivatives of delayed states, which differ from stochastic partial differential equations with delays that depend on the present and past states only (for more details on this theory and its applications, see Mao et al., Citation2017; Yue, Citation2014). Stochastic integro-differential equations have been intensively studied, with special attention paid to qualitative properties, such as stability, regularity, periodicity, control problems, and optimality conditions (see Dieye et al., Citation2019; Diop et al., Citation2014). Due to the existence of an integral term in the equations, we use here the theory of the resolvent operator instead of the strongly continuous semigroups operator (see Grimmer, Citation1982 for further details).

Yet, most of the researchers dealing with exponential stability have limited their research to finite delay (see Dieye et al., Citation2017; Diop et al., Citation2014). Regarding the infinite delay, most investigations have been done for the case of continuous dependence of solutions on the initial value, considering exponential and asymptotic estimates (see, for instance, the papers Cui & Yan, Citation2012; Mao et al., Citation2017; Ren & Xia, Citation2009; Yue, Citation2014 for an account on phase spaces). It is noteworthy that few contributions exist for characterizing the exponential stability of stochastic equations with infinite delays (see Jiang et al., Citation2016; Wu et al., Citation2017). Jiang et al. (Citation2016) showed the exponential stability for a class of second-order neutral stochastic partial differential equations with infinite delays and impulses using the integral inequality technique. Wu et al. (Citation2017) showed boundedness in the mean square and convergence for both solutions and their maps in the phase space Cμ by using the Itô formula.

Motivated by the above discussion, consider the following neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps given on the complete probability space (Ω,F,P):

(1) +g1(t,ut)dw(t)+£1(t,ut,z)N˜(dt,dz),t0.(1)

System (1) holds with u0(.)=ϕCμ, where ϕ is F0measurable, and the definition of the concrete fading memory-phase space Cμ is detailed in the next section. A:D(A)HH is a closed linear operator on a separable Hilbert space H and Υ(t) represents a closed linear operator such that Υ(t) has D(Υ(t)) as a domain, where D(A)D(Υ(t)), for all t0. γ,f1:[0,+)×CμH, g1:[0,+)×CμL20(K,H), 1:[0,+)×Cμ×£H are appropriate functions, the history ut:(,0]H,t0, such that ut(θ)=u(t+θ) belongs to the phase space Cμ. The process w(t) represents a Wiener process on a separable Hilbert space K and N˜ is a compensated Poisson random measure.

To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this paper is the first to present a study of the existence and exponential stability of neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps. The main contribution of this paper is to find conditions to ensure existence, uniqueness, exponential stability in q-th moment for q2 and almost surely exponential stability of solutions and their maps of (1). We show the result using stochastic techniques and the resolvent operator theory, as defined in Grimmer (Citation1982). It is worth mentioning that Diop et al. (Citation2014) studied the system (1) with finite delay. They focused only on the existence of mild solutions and their exponential stability in mean square (Diop et al., Citation2014). For this reason, our approach can be seen as an extension of the result of Diop et al. (Citation2014) for the infinite delay case.

The organization of this paper is as follows. Some notations and preliminary results are presented in Section 2. The existence and uniqueness of mild solutions for neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with infinite delay are shown in Section 3. Conditions assuring moment exponential stability in the q-th (q2) and almost surely exponential stability of the solution u(t), and the solution maps ut, t0 are shown in Section 4. Finally, an example that illustrates our results is presented in Section 5.

2. Notations and preliminary results

Let H and K be two real separable Hilbert spaces (c.f. Taniguchi et al., Citation2002). We let also L(K,H) be the space of bounded linear operators from K into H associated with . to represent the norm operator in H, K, and L(K,H). We assume that System (1) is equipped with a normal filtration{Ft}t0.

Denote by N, the Poisson random measure induced by the σfinite stationary Ftadapted Poisson point process p˜(.) taking values in a measurable space (£,B(£)), and define the compensated Poisson random measure N˜ as N˜(dt,dy)=N(dt,dy)π(dy)dt, where N((0,t]×Δ):=s(0,t]1Δ(p˜(s)) for Δ£ and π is the characteristic measure of N.

Let C((,0],H) represent the space of all continuous functions from (,0] into H equipped with the norm defined by ϕ∥=supθ0ϕ(θ). For a given μ>0, consider the fading memory Cμ defined as follows: Cμ:={ϕC((,0],H):limθeμθϕ(θ)existsinH} as the chosen phase space in this paper. It is a Banach space with the norm ϕμ=sup<θ0eμθϕ(θ). To know more details, see Hino et al. (Citation1991) and Appendix.

Supposed that {ω(t),t0} represents a K-valued Wiener process which is independent of the Poisson point process on the probability space (Ω,F,{Ft}t0,P) with a positive self-adjoint covariance operator Q. In addition, we suppose that there exists a complete orthonormal system ei in K, a bounded sequence of positive real numbers λi such that Qei=λiei,i=1,2,, and a sequence {βi(t)}i>1 of independent standard Brownian motions such that ω(t)=i=1+λiβi(t)ei for t0 and Ft is the σ-algebra generated by {ω(s):0st} (see (Taniguchi et al., Citation2002)). We consider the subspace K0=Q1/2K of K, it is a Hilbert space equipped with the inner product u,vK0=Q1/2u,Q1/2vK. Let L20=L2(K0,H) be the space of all Hilbert-Schmidt operators from K0 to H. L20 is a separable Hilbert space endowed with the norm vL20=tr((vQ1/2)(vQ1/2)) for any vL20.

Hereafter, A and Υ(t) are closed linear operators on a Banach space denoted by X, and Y is the Banach space D(A) endowed with the graph norm

|y|Y:=|Ay|+|y| for yY.

The notations C([0,+);Y), C1([0,+);X) and L(Y,X) represent the space of continuous functions from [0,+) into Y, the space of continuously differentiable functions from [0,+) into X and the set of bounded linear operators from Y into X, respectively.

2.1. Preliminaries on partial integro-differential equations

We now consider the problem

(2) dν(t)=Aν(t)+0tΥ(ts)ν(s)dsdt,t0,(2)

with ν(0)=ν0X.

Definition 2.1. (Grimmer, Citation1982). A bounded linear operator-valued function (t)L(X), t0 is called a resolvent operator for (2) if the next two conditions are satisfied.

(i) (0)=I and there exist two constants α1 and δ such that |(t)|αexp(δt) for all t0.

(ii) For each element x in X, the function t(t)x is strongly continuous for each t0 and for x in Y, (.)xC1([0,+);X)C([0,+);Y) and satisfies


Remark 1. The resolvent operator is said to be exponentially stable when Definition 2.1(i) holds with δ<0.

The following two conditions, borrowed from Grimmer (Citation1982), are sufficient to assure the existence of solutions for Equationequation (2).

(A1) The operator A is an infinitesimal generator of a C0-semigroup on X.

(A2) For all t0,Υ(t) denotes a closed, continuous linear operator from D(A) to X and Υ(t) belongs to L(Y,X). For any yY, the map tΥ(t)y is bounded, differentiable, and its derivative dΥ(t)y/dt is bounded and uniformly continuous on [0,).

Lemma 2.2. (Grimmer, Citation1982). Under Assumptions (A1) and (A2), the existence of a resolvent operator for (2) is guaranteed, and it is unique.

We now recall conditions that assure existence of solutions for the deterministic, integro-differential equation

(3) dν(t)=Aν(t)+0tΥ(ts)ν(s)ds+m(t)dt,t0,(3)

with ν(0)=ν0X and m:[0,+)X is a continuous function.

Lemma 2.3. (Grimmer, Citation1982). Suppose that Assumptions (A1) and (A2) hold, if ν is a strict solution of (3) (i.e., ν(t) satisfies (3), for t0 and it belongs to C1([0,+),X)C([0,+),X)), then

(4) ν(t)=(t)ν0+0t(ts)m(s)ds,t0,(4)

Let us give the concept of solutions for the stochastic system in the next definition.

Definition 2.4. A mild solution of (1) is an H-valued process {u(t),0tT} (with T>0) which satisfies the next two conditions.

(i) u(t) is Ft-adapted and 0Tu(t)qdt<+ almost surely.

(ii) u(t) is continuous for any t[0,T] and equals

(5) +0t(ts)g1(s,us)dw(s)+0t£(ts)1(s,us,z)N˜(ds,dz),(5)

with u0(.)=ϕCμ, where () in (5) represents the resolvent operator of (2).

To achieve our main goal, we assume the following three assumptions:

(A3) The resolvent operator () satisfying Lemma 2.3 is exponentially stable, i.e., there exist two constants λ>0 and M1 such that (t)∥≤Meλt, for all t0.

(A4) Let q2 be an integer, there exists a real number K0>0, such that


for all ξ,ηCμ, and all t0,

(A5) Let q2 be an integer, there exists a real number K1>0, such that


for all ξ,ηCμ and all t0,

In particular, there holds γ(t,0)f1(t,0)g1(t,0)1(t,0,)0.

Remark 2. We consider the assumption γ(t,0)=f1(t,0)=g1(t,0)=1(t,0,)=0 for all t0, to guarantee that there exists a zero equilibrium solution to the stochastic Equationequation (1). If this assumption does not hold, the equilibrium solution for Equationequation (1) can always be transformed into the zero equilibrium solution of another equation.

3. Existence and uniqueness

In this section, we present sufficient conditions to guarantee the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions of the equation in (1). To do so, we use the method of successive approximations and some stochastic analysis techniques. Still, we have to develop some new techniques to deal with infinite delay. Hereafter, we replace X by the Hilbert space H in (A1) and (A2). Now, we present the following main result.

Theorem 3.1. Assumed that Assumptions (A1), (A2), (A4) and (A5) hold, and K0<110q1. Then, Equationequation (1) has a unique mild solution.

Proof. The proof of this theorem uses the following sequence of successive approximations that is defined for t0 by un(t)=ϕ(t) for any nN and for 0tT by

(6) +0t(ts)g1(s,usn1)dw(s)+0t£(ts)1(s,usn1,z)N˜(ds,dz)(6)

for any n1 and u0(t)=(t)ϕ(0) when 0tT. Take MT=sup0tT(t)L(H), from the uniform boundedness MT<. The remaining arguments are divided into three main steps.

Step 1: First, let us show that un(t),n0 is a bounded sequence. From (6), for any t(,0], we have Eun(t)q=Eϕ(t)qEϕCμq<. For any t[0,T], we obtain that Esup0stu0(s)qMTqEϕCμq<.

If n1, consider the five terms


Considering the definition of the sequence un(t), together with the elementary inequality (i=15|ai|)q5q1i=15|ai|q, we have

(7) Esup0stun(s)q5q1(I1+I2+I3+I4+I5),(7)

From Assumption (A4), we obtain

(8) I1=Esup0st(s)[ϕ(0)+γ(0,ϕ)]q2q1MTq(1+K0)EϕCμq,(8)


(9) I2=Esup0stγ(s,usn)qK0Esup0stusn)Cμq.(9)

In addition, combining Assumption (A5) and Holder inequality yields

(10) MTqtq1K10tEsup0rsurn1Cμqds.(10)

Now, using Lemma 6.2 (see Appendix), and by a similar reasoning on I3, we show that

(11) I4cqMTqtq22K10tEsup0rsurn1Cμqds,wherecq=(q(q1)2)q2.(11)

On the other hand, combining Assumption (A5), Lemma 6.3 (see Appendix) and Holder inequality on I5, we find that

(12) DqMTqK1((tK1)q22+1)0tEsup0rsurn1Cμqds.(12)

Substituting (8)–(12) into (7), we obtain

(13) +C˜1(q,T)0tEsup0rsurn1Cμqds,(13)

where C˜1(q,T)=5q1MTqK1(tq1+cqtq22+Dq{(tK1)q22+1}). By using the definition of the norm .Cμ (see Appendix), we can write




We can write

(14) Esup0stun(s)qC˜2(q,T)+C˜1(q,T)15q1K00tEsup0rsun1(r)qds.(14)

Therefore, for any k1, one can conclude that


where C˜3(q,T)=(15q1K0)1C˜1(q,T). Besides, we have


It follows that


where C˜4(q,T)=C˜2(q,T)+C˜3(q,T)TMTqEϕCμq.The Gronwall inequality gives


Since k is arbitrary, we have


which assures that the sequence {un,nN} is bounded.

Step 2: Now we show that un,nN is a Cauchy sequence. From the construction of successive approximations, we have un(t)=un1(t) on (,0], for n1. For t[0,T], we can prove that ut0Cμq(1+MTq)ϕCμq. Therefore, observe from (6) that

(15) Eu1(t)u0(t)q5q1i=15Ii,(15)

where I1=E(t)γ(0,ϕ)q. Using (A4), we obtain

(16) I1MTqK0EϕCμq.(16)

To show the result for I2, we combine (A4) with the inequality (a+b)q2q1(aq+bq) to obtain

(17) 2q1K0Eut1ut0Cμq+2q1K0(1+MTq)EϕCμq.(17)

Regarding I3, combining (A5) and the Holder inequality produces

(18) (MTT)qK1(1+MTq)EϕCμq.(18)

Similarly to Step 1, from Lemma 6.2, we have

(19) cqMTqK1Tq2(1+MTq)EϕCμq.(19)

Finally, by employing (A5) and Lemma 6.3, we can proceed similarly to obtain

(20) DqMTqK1T(1+MTq)[(TK1)q22+1]EϕCμq.(20)

Substituting (16)–(20) into (15) results




On the other hand, note that


and recalling that 110q1K0>0, we can deduce


By similar arguments as above, we get




where C˜7(q,T):=4q1MTqK1[Tq1+cqTq22+Dq((TK1)q22+1)]14q1K0.

We can also prove that

(21) Esup0stu3(s)u2(s)q(C˜7(q,T)t)22!C˜6(q,T).(21)

Indeed, by repeating the iteration as in, for all n0, we obtain


Therefore, for any m>n0, we obtain


This argument proves that un(t),n0 is a Cauchy sequence in Lq(Ω,H).

Step 3: Now we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of Equationequation (1). One has that un(t)u(t) as n in Lq. The Borel–Cantelli lemma gives us un(t) uniformly converge to u(t) as n, for t(,T]. Using Assumption (A4) and (A5), for all t[0,T], we can prove the next inequality holds:


Note that


Similarly, we have




Therefore, we take the limits on both sides of (6) with respect to n to obtain


We can check the uniqueness of the solution by employing the Gronwall lemma, together with a similar argument as that used in the proof of Step 2. This argument completes the proof.

Remark 3. We point out that the local solution exists and it is unique on (,T] for each real number T>0, then, existence of the solution to Equationequation (1) is global, that is, u(t) is defined in (,+).

4. Exponential stability

Here, we use the Gronwall lemma and the properties of the concrete-phase space Cμ to obtain the exponential stability for the solutions of the stochastic Equationequation (1) and their maps. Other researchers have studied the stability as well (Dieye et al., Citation2017, Citation2019), but their results are based on the stochastic convolution, an approach completely detached from ours.

Definition 4.1. The mild solution of (1) is said to be q-th moment exponentially stable when (q2) if, for any initial value ϕCμ, F0measurable, there exist two positive real numbers α1>0 and α2>0 such that Eu(t)qα1EϕCμqexp(α2t), for all t0.

For the sake of notational simplicity, we define the function

(22) C˜8(q)=5q1MqK1λq+1+cqq22(q1)λq22+Dq(q2)K12(q1)λq22+1.(22)

Now, we can introduce the main result of this paper in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1 Suppose that (A3) and all conditions of Theorem 3.1 hold. Suppose in addition that the next two inequalities hold: qμ>λ and

(23) C˜8(q)15q1K0λ<0.(23)

Then, the mild solution u(t) and the solution maps ut to Equationequation (1) are q-th moments exponentially stable.

Proof. q-th moment exponential stability of u(t): Combining (5), (A3), (A4) and (A5), we can write

(24) +5q1E0t£(ts)1(s,us,z)N˜(ds,dz)q.(24)

Note that

(25) 2q1Mqeqλt(1+K0)EϕCμq,(25)

and that

(26) I2:=Eγ(t,ut)qK0EutCμq.(26)

By Holder inequality, it yields that


We note that 0teλ(ts)ds<λ1; therefore, the last inequality becomes

(27) I3Mq(1λ)q1K10teλ(ts)EusCμqds.(27)

Recalling Lemma 6.2 and Assumption (A3), as before, we use Holder inequality to get that

(28) I4:=E0t(ts)g1(s,us)dω(s)qcqMqK1q22(q1)λq220teλ(ts)EusCμqds.(28)

Finally, from Lemma 6.3, Assumptions (A3) and (A5) and by Holder inequality, we can write


which implies that

(29) DqMqK1(q2)K12(q1)λq22+10teλ(ts)EusCμqds.(29)

If q=2, the last two inequalities hold true with convention 00:=1. Substituting (25)–(29) into (24), we obtain

(30) +C˜8(q)eλt0teλsEusCμqds,(30)

where C˜8(q) satisfies (22). Multiplying both sides of (30) by eλt yields

(31) +C˜8(q)0teλsEusCμqds.(31)

From properties of the norm .Cμ (see Appendix), we can write for any t0


which implies that


Recall that K0<110q1 and λqμ<0, hence


where C˜9(q):=10q1Mq(1+K0)+5q1K0+C˜8(q)qμλ15q1K0EϕCμq and C˜10(q):=C˜8(q)15q1K0. Using the Gronwall lemma, we get


which implies that

(32) Eu(t)qC˜9(q)e(C˜10(q)λ)t.(32)

Therefore, from the condition in (23), the result of the q-th moment exponential stability of solution u(t) is satisfied.

q-th moment exponential stability of ut: For any t0, we have


multiplying both sides of the last inequality by eλt, we obtain


From (31), we have


Using the Gronwall lemma, we obtain


which results in

(33) EutCμq115q1K0[1+10q1Mq(1+K0)]EϕCμqe(C˜10(q)λ)t.(33)

The inequality in (33) assures the exponential stability in q-th moment of the solution maps ut.□

4.1 Almost surely exponential stability

Definition 4.2. The mild solution of (1) is said to be almost surely exponentially stable if the following inequality is guaranteed almost surely


for any F0measurable initial value ϕCμ.

We present the main result of this section.

Theorem 4.2. Assume that all the conditions of Theorem 4.1 hold true. Then


for any ε(0,1), which implies that u(t) and ut are almost surely exponentially stable.

Proof. Now we show (i) for all n0. It follows from Theorem 4.1 that


Let In be the interval [n,n+1], for any ε(0,1). Define


Since, from assumption, 1ε>0 and C˜10(q)λ<0, we can use the Markov inequality to write

(34) PsuptInu(t)q>e(C˜10(q)λ)nεEu(t)qe(C˜10(q)λ)nε(34)
(35) C˜9(q)eC˜10(q)λe(C˜10(q)λ)n(1ε),(35)

The rightmost term of (34) is bounded from above by n=0e(1ε)(C˜10(q)λ)n<. Therefore, the Borel-Cantelli lemma assures that there exists an integer n0 such that, for all nn0,


Thus, if tIn and nn0, we get


It follows that


which shows that (i) is satisfied. The argument to prove (ii) follows analogous reasoning. Namely, one can use the fact that the solution maps ut are q-th moment exponentially stable and can conclude the result by repeating that previous reasoning. The details are omitted.□

Remark 4. The author of (Grimmer, Citation1982) presents sufficient conditions for the exponential stability of the resolvent operator (R(t))t0. The paper (Grimmer, Citation1982) shows λ and M from the contraction of the C0-semigroup (S(t))t0 and the properties of the function b by using the infinitesimal generator of the translation semigroup.

5. Example

Set μ>0 and θC(R+,(,0]). Consider the following neutral stochastic integro-differential equation with infinite delay and Poisson jumps of the form:

(36) t[x(t,ξ)+eμθ(t)Γ(t,x(t+θ(t),ξ))]=2ξ2[x(t,ξ)+eμθ(t)Γ(t,x(t+θ(t),ξ))]dt+0tb(ts)2ξ2x(t,ξ)+eμθ(t)Γ(t,x(t+θ(t),ξ))dsdt+0e2μsf(t,s,x(t+s,ξ))dsdt+eμθ(t)g(t,x(t+θ(t),ξ))dω(t)+£eμθ(t)(t,x(t+θ(t),ξ),z)N˜(dt,dz),forallt0andξ[0,π],x(t,0)=x(t,π)=0,forallt0x(θ,ξ)=x0(θ,ξ),forallθ(,0]andallξ[0,π],(36)

Here, ω(t) denotes the standard R-valued Wiener process; Γ,g:R+×RR,f:R+×(,0]×RR and :R+×R×£R are continuous functions, bC1(R+,R) and x0Cμ.

Let H=L2(0,π) with the norm ., we define A:D(A)HH by A=2y2 with domain D(A)=H2(0,π)H01(0,π). It is well known that A is the infinitesimal generator of a strongly continuous contraction semigroup (S(t))t0 on H. Thus, (A1) holds. Let Υ:D(A)HH be the operator defined by Υ(t)(y)=b(t)Ay for t0 and yD(A). The resolvent operator (R(t))t0 decays exponentially, i.e. R(t)∥≤Meλt, see Remark for more details. We now suppose that the next three conditions are valid.

(i) For t0,s0 and z£,Γ(t,0)=f(t,s,0)=g(t,0)=(t,0,z)=0.

(ii) Let q2, there exist real numbers α0(0,110q1),α1>0 such that


for t0 and x1,x2R, where |.| denotes the norm of R.

(iii) Let q2, there exists an integrable function r:(,0][0,+) such that

|f(t,s,x1)f(t,s,x2)|qr(s)|x1x2|q for t0,s0 and x1,x2R.

In addition, we assume that q1μqq10r(s)dsα1.

For t0,ξ[0,π] and ϕ1Cμ define the operators γ,f1:R+×CμH,g1:R+×CμL20(R,H) and 1:R+×Cμ×£H as follows:


which contain a variable delay, and


contains a distributed delay. Set u(t)ξ=x(t,ξ) for all t0 and all ξ[0,π], and ϕ(θ)(ξ)=x0(θ,ξ) for all θ(,0] and all ξ[0,π]. Then, (36) takes the form of the system (1).

Applying (ii) together with the definition of the norm .Cμ, we have that


and by using (iii) together with the Holder inequality, we obtain


for any t0 and ϕ1,ϕ2Cμ. It then follows that all the assumptions of Theorem 3.1 are satisfied with K0=α0 and K1=α1. As a result, (36) has a mild solution.

For the case q=2, by the convention 00=1, we have the following constants


Thus, by Theorems 4.1 and 4.2, these solutions and their maps are mean square exponentially stable and almost surely exponentially stable provided that


For a numerical illustration, take q=4 and cq=36,Dq=D4. It follows that


The mild solutions and their maps are fourth moment exponentially stable and almost surely exponentially stable provided that


6. Conclusion

In this paper, we have studied neutral stochastic integro-differential equations with infinite delay and Poisson jumps under global Lipschitz conditions. In this study, we have used successive approximations to show the existence of mild solutions. We also prove the exponential stability of solutions and their maps. It is uncertain whether our approach copes with weaker conditions, such as local Lipschitz and non-Lipschitz conditions. The results in this paper can be seen as an extension of the ones in (Diop et al., Citation2014) because we consider the infinite-delay case here; in contrast, the authors of (Diop et al., Citation2014) have considered the finite delay case.


Stochastic processes are much used to represent mathematical models for phenomena and systems that vary randomly. These phenomena and systems may include the growth of bacterial population, price changes in the stock market, extinction and persistence of diseases, movement of a gas molecule and the number of phone calls. Representing such random phenomena motivates the study of stochastic differential equations. Characterizing the stability of stochastic systems has become a central topic in systems sciences. In this paper, we focus on the stability of stochastic integro-differential equations with noise.

AppendixThe next result is immediate from the definition of the phase space Cμ; see (Hino et al., Citation1991) for more details

Proposition 6.1. The phase space Cμ satisfies the next proprieties.

(a) If u:(,T)H,T>0 is such that u0Cμ and u is continuous on [0,T), then for every t[0,T), the conditions below hold:

(i) utCμ(ii) u(t)∥≤∥utCμ,(iii) utCμeμtu0Cμ+eμtsup0steμsu(t). (b)The corresponding history tut of the function u in (a) is a Cμ-valued continuous function in [0,T). (c) The space Cμ is complete. (d) Suppose that {φn} is a Cauchy sequence in Cμ, and if {φn(θ)} converges to φ(θ) for θ on any compact subset of the interval (,0], then φCμ and φnφCμ0 as n0.

Lemma 6.2. ([20, Thm. 4.36, p. 114]). For a L20-valued predictable process ψ and for any q1, we have the following inequality


Lemma 6.3. ([18]). Let ψ:[0,)×£H and suppose that 0t£ψ(s,z)qπ(dz)ds<, for any q2. Then, there exists a positive real number Dq>0 such that


Additional information


The authors received no direct funding for this research.

Notes on contributors

Aziz Zouine

Aziz Zouine is a Ph.D. student at the Ibn Zohr University, Morocco. His main research area is stochastic (hybrid) nonlinear differential equations with delay. He holds a Master’s degree in Mathematics and Applications from the Cadi Ayyad University and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics from the Ibn Zohr University, Morocco.

Hassane Bouzahir

Dr. Hassane Bouzahir is a Full Professor of Applied Mathematics/Statistics at the National School of Applied Sciences, Ibn Zohr University in Agadir, Morocco. He is the Director of a Research Laboratory on Systems Engineering and Information Technology. His research interests include linear operators theory, functional differential equations, partial functional differential equations, stochastic systems and control, modeling, and engineering simulation.

Alessandro N. Vargas

Alessandro N. Vargas received the BS degree in computer engineering from the Universidade Federal do Esprito Santo, Vitória, in 2002, and Master and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Since 2007, he has been a Control Systems Professor with the Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Paraná, Brazil. His research interests include stochastic systems and control with applications in electronics, mechatronics, and electrical engineering.
