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Pure Mathematics

Fuzzy closed ideals of bounded BE-algebras

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Article: 2220491 | Received 28 Feb 2023, Accepted 29 May 2023, Published online: 15 Jun 2023


In this paper, we introduce the concepts of fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra and prove basic properties. Using the idea of fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebras, we discuss some related properties.

1. Introduction

Kim & Kim, (Citation2006) introduced a wide class of BE-algebras. The concept of ideals of BE-algebras was introduced by Sun-shin Ahn, So and Keum-Sook and then derived various characterizations of ideals, and the notion of ideals of BE-algebras and proved several characterizations of such ideals (Sun-Shin & Keum-Sook, Citation2009). The concepts of a fuzzy set and a fuzzy relation on a set were initially defined by Zadeh, (Citation1965). Song et al., (Citation2010) discussed the fuzzy ideals in BE-algebras. The concept of closed ideals of B-algebras was introduced by Senapati et al., (Citation2011), and they discussed fuzzy closed ideals of B-algebras with interval-valued membership function (Senapati et al., Citation2011).

Walendziak, (Citation2008) was studied on commutative BE-algebras. Fuzzy completely closed ideal of a BH-algebra was discussed by Abbass & Dahham, (Citation2012).

Ciloglue & Ceven, (Citation2013) were introduced Commutative and Bounded BE-algebras.

Gerima et al., (Citation2021) initiated ideals and filters on implication algebras and Tefera & Oli, (Citation2021) introduced the idea of cartesian product with additional property of fuzzy BI-algebras, and Gerima & Mohammed, (Citation2022) discussed fuzzy closed filters with different characterizations. Abughazalah et al., (Citation2022) discuss Bipolar fuzzy closed BCI-positive implicative ideals and bipolar fuzz closed BCI-Commutative ideas of BCI-algebras, and Muhiuddin, G. Al-Kadi, O., Mahboor A. and Amani Aljohani, contribute ideas on interval valued m-polar fuzzy P-ideals, m-polar fuzzy q-ideals and m-polar fuzzy a-ideals in BCI-algebras (Muhiuddin et al., Citation2021). Abdi Oli and Gerima Tefera (Oli & Tefera, Citation2023) elaborate basic ideas of left (right) fuzzy derivations of ideals of d-algebra and different characterization of right (left) fuzzy derivation of ideals of d-algebra.

The introduction of closed ideals in B-algebra (Senapati et al., Citation2011) and bounded BE-algebra (Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013) motivates us to investigate the concepts of fuzzy closed ideals of bounded BE-algebras with some other additional properties.

2. Preliminaries

Definition 2.1.

(Kim & Kim, Citation2006) An algebra (X,,1) of type (2,0) is called a BE-algebra if it satisfies the following conditions

  1. xx=1, for all xX

  2. x1=1, for all xX

  3. 1x=x, for all xX

  4. x(yz)=y(xz), for all x,y,zX

A relation ≤ on a BE-algebra X by xy if and only if xy=1 for all x,yX.

Theorem 2.2

(Kim & Kim, Citation2006)

Let (X, , 1) be a BE-algebra. Then, we have the following:

  1. x (y x) = 1, x,yX.

  2. x ((x y) y) = 1, x,yX.

Definition 2.3.

(Walendziak, Citation2008)

A BE-algebra X is called commutative BE-algebra if (xy)y=(yx)x, for all x,yX.

Definition 2.4.

(Kim & Kim, Citation2006)

A BE- algebra (X,,1) is said to be self distributive if x(yz)=(xy)(xz), for all x,y,zX.

A BE-algebra (X,,1) is said to be a transitive BE-algebra if it satisfies the condition yz(xy)(xz) for all x,y,zX. (Sun-Shin & Keum-Sook, Citation2009)

Example 2.5.

(Kim & Kim, Citation2006)

Let X={1,a,b,c}. Define a binary operation on X as follows


Hence (X,,1) is a transitive BE-algebra.

If X is a self-distributive BE-algebra, then it is transitive, but the converse is not true (Sun-Shin & Keum-Sook, Citation2009).

Definition 2.6.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Let X be a BE-algebra. If there exists 0 satisfying 0x and 0x=1 for all xX, then the element 0 is called a unit of X.

A BE-algebra with unit is called a bounded BE-algebra.

Proposition 2.7.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Every bounded BE-algebra is a BE-algebra, but the converse may not be true.

Suppose X be a bounded BE-algebra. Then, we want to show that X is a BE-algebra.

Since X is a bounded BE-algebra implies it satisfies the following properties.

  • (BE1) xx=1, for all xX

  • (BE2) x1=1, for all xX

  • (BE3) 1x=x, for all xX

  • (BE4) x(yz)=y(xz), for all x,y,zX

Hence, X is a BE-algebra.

To show the converse, we apply the following counter example.

Let X={1,a,b,0} be a set with the following table


Then, (X,,1) is a BE-algebra, but it is not a bounded BE- algebra.

Definition 2.8.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Let X and Y be two bounded BE-algebras. A mapping f:XY is said to be a bounded homomorphism if f(0)=0 and f(xy)=f(x)f(y) for all x,yX.

If f:XY is a bounded homomorphism, then it can be easily observed that f(0)=0 if and only if f(x0)=f(x)f(0)=f(x)0 for all xX.

Definition 2.9.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Let s:Y[0,1] be a map on a bounded BE-algebra X and f:XY be a bounded homomorphism. Define a map sf(x)=(sf)(x) for all xX.

Definition 2.10.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra. A non-empty subset S of X is said to be a subalgebra of X if xyS for all x,yS.

Definition 2.11.

(Kim & Kim, Citation2006)

A non-empty subset I of a BE-algebra X is said to be an ideal of X if it satisfies:

  • (I1)xX and aI imply xaI, that means XII;

  • (I1)xX and a,bI imply (a(bx))xI.

Example 2.12.

(Sun-Shin & Keum-Sook, Citation2009)

Let X={1,a,b,c,d,e} be a set with the following table


Now, we have (X,,1) is a BE-algebra.

Let I={1,a,b} be a subset of X. Then, I is an ideal of X; but let J={1,a} is not an ideal of X, because (a(ab))b=(aa)b=1b=bJ.

Definition 2.13.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

A non-empty subset I of a bounded BE-algebra X is said to be a closed ideal of X if it satisfies:

  • (I1)xX and aI imply xaI, that means XII;

  • (I1)xX and a,bI imply (a(bx))xI.

  • (I3)0x=1,xX.

Definition 2.14.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Let η be a fuzzy subset in a bounded BE-algebra X. Then, η is called a fuzzy subalgebra of X if η(xy) min {eta(x),η(y)} for all x,yX.

Example 2.15.

(Ciloglue & Ceven, Citation2013)

Let X={1,a,b,0} be a set with the following Cayley table


Now we have X is a bounded BE-algebra.

Define a fuzzy set η:X[0,1] by η(0)=0.7,η(a)=η(b)=η(1)=m[0,0.7) Then η is a fuzzy subalgebra of X.

Lemma 2.16.

(Gerima & Mohammed, Citation2022)

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra. If η is a fuzzy subalgebra of X, then for all xX, η(1)η(x).

3. Main results

3.1. Fuzzy closed ideals of bounded BE-algebra

Definition 3.1.

(Song et al., Citation2010) A fuzzy set µ in a BE-algebra X is called a fuzzy ideal of a BE-algebra X if it satisfies

  • (FI1)x,yX,μ(xy)μ(y)

  • (FI2)x,y,zX,μ((x(yz))z) min {μ(x),μ(y)}

Definition 3.2.

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra, and let η be a fuzzy subset of a bounded BE-algebra X. Then, η is called a fuzzy closed ideal of X if the following conditions are satisfied.

  1. η(0)η(x), xX.

  2. η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)}, x,yX.

  3. η(0x)η(x),xX.

Example 3.3.

Let X = {1,p,q,0} be a set with the following table


Then (X,,1) is a bounded BE-algebra and assume that I1={1,p,0} be an ideal of X.

We define a fuzzy closed ideal η:X[0,1] of X by η(0)=0.9 and η(1)=η(p)=m, where m[0,0.9).

Therefore, η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, where X is a bounded BE-algebra.

Theorem 3.4

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra. Then, every fuzzy closed ideal of X is a fuzzy subalgebra of X.


Let X be a bounded BE-algebra. Suppose that η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

We want to show that η is a subalgebra of X.

Let x,y,zX and η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X. We have η(0x)η(x) and η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)}.

Now we have η(xy) min {η((xy)(0y)),η(0y)}, by definition of fuzzy closed ideal.

Since x(yz)=y(xz) we get η(xy) min {η(0(xy)y),η(0y)}

Since X is a bounded BE-algebra, we get η(0(xy)y)=η(1)

Now we have η(xy) min {η(1),η(y)}, because η(0)η(x).

We get η(1)η(x),xX.

η(xy) min {η(x),η(y)},x,yX, this is the definition of fuzzy subalgebra.

Hence, η is a fuzzy subalgebra of X.

Therefore for any bounded BE-algebra X, every fuzzy closed ideal of X is a fuzzy subalgebra of X.

Lemma 3.5.

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra and η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X. If xy, then η(x)η(y), for all x,yX.


Let X be a bounded BE-algebra. Suppose η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X and for all x,yX,xy.

We need to show that η(x)η(y), for all x,yX.

Let x,yX and η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X. Then we have

η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)}, x,yX.

Since xyxy=1, by properties of bounded BE-algebra.

Now we get η(x) min {η(1),η(y)}. Since η(1)η(y),yX.

Hence we have η(x)η(y),x,yX.

Therefore, we have

(3.1) xyη(x)η(y),x,yX.(3.1)

Proposition 3.6.

Let η be a fuzzy subset of a bounded BE-algebra X. If η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, then η(0)η(x),for all xX,.

Lemma 3.7.

Every fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X is a fuzzy ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.


Let X be a bounded BE-algebra and suppose that η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

We need to show that η is a fuzzy ideal of X.

Since η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, then by definition 3.1 it satisfies

  1. η(0)η(x), xX.

  2. η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)}, x,yX.

From the above 1 and 2, they satisfy the definition of fuzzy ideal of X.

Hence η is a fuzzy ideal of X.

Therefore, every fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X is a fuzzy ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.

Theorem 3.8

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra and η be a fuzzy subset of X. Then, η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X if and only if η(x)=η(x)+1η(0),xX, is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.


Assume X be a bounded BE-algebra.

Suppose η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

We want to show that η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

Since η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X, now we have η(0)η(x),xX .

Now we have

η(0)=η(0)+1η(0), by the definition of η.

η(0)η(x)+1η(0),xX, since η(0)η(x).

η(0)η(x),xX, since η(x)+1η(0)=η(x),xX.

Hence we have

(3.2) η(0)η(x),xX(3.2)

Let xX and since η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, now we have

η(x) min {η(xy), η(y)},x,yX .

Now we get η(x)=η(x)+1η(0), by the definition of η.

η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)}+1η(0),x,yX.

η(x) min {η(xy)+1η(0),η(y)+1η(0)},x,yX.

η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)},x,yX, since η(xy)+1η(0)=η(xy) and η(y)+1η(0)=η(y).

Hence we have

(3.3) η(x)min{η(xy),η(y)},x,yX.(3.3)

Let 0,xX0xX.

Since η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, now, we have η(0x)η(x),xX .

Now we get η(0x)=η(0x)+1η(0), by the definition of η.

η(0x)η(x)+1η(0),xX, since η(0x)η(x)


Hence, we have

(3.4) η(0x)η(x),xX.(3.4)

Therefore η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

Conversely, suppose η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

We want to show that η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

Since η(x)=η(x)+1η(0)η(x)=η(x)1+η(0),xX. Now η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, then we have

η(0)=η(0)1+η(0), by the definition of η.

η(0)η(x)1+η(0),xX, since η(0)η(x).

η(0)η(x),xX, since η(x)1+η(0)=η(x),xX.

Hence, we have

(3.5) η(0)η(x),xX.(3.5)

Let x,yX and since η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X, now we have

η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)},x,yX .

Now we get η(x)=η(x)1+η(0), by the definition of η.

η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)}1+η(0),x,yX.

η(x) min {η(xy)1+η(0),η(y)1+η(0)},x,yX.

η(x) min {η(xy),η(y)},x,yX, since η(xy)1+η(0)=η(xy) and η(y)1+η(0)=η(y).

Hence, we have

(3.6) η(x)min{η(xy),η(y)},x,yX.(3.6)

Let 0,xX0xX.

Since η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, now we have η(0x)η(x),xX .

Now we get η(0x)=η(0x)1+η(0), by the definition of η.

η(0x)η(x)1+η(0),xX, since η(0x)η(x)


Hence, we have

(3.7) η(0x)η(x),xX.(3.7)

Therefore, η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

Definition 3.9.

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra, and η be a fuzzy closed ideal of X. Then, the set ηα={xX:η(x)α}, for all α[0,1], is said to be a level set of X.

Theorem 3.10

η is a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X if and only if its non-empty level subset ηα is a closed ideal of X, for all α[0,1].

Suppose X be a bounded BE-algebra.

Assume ηα be a closed ideal of X, for each α[0,1].

We need to show that η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

Let 0ηα and xηα, for each α[0,1]. Now, η(0)α and η(x)α, α[0,1].

Since 0xη(0)η(x)α

Hence we have,

(3.8) η(0)η(x),xX(3.8)

Let xyηα1,yηα2 and xηα3 be such that η(xy)α1, η(y)α2 and η(x)α3 .

Then, consider the following cases

  1. α1α2α3

  2. α2α1α3

  3. α3α1α2

  4. α3α2α1

  5. α1α3α2

  6. α2α3α1

Now, we apply the above cases, we get the following

1. max{α1,α2}α3η(x)

max {η(xy),η(y)}η(x)

η(x) max {η(xy),η(y)}, since max {η(xy),η(y)} min {η(xy),η(y)}

Hence we have

(3.9) η(x)min{η(xy),η(y)}(3.9)

2. max{α2,α1}α3η(x)

max {η(y),η(xy)}η(x)

η(x) max {η(y),η(xy)}, since max {η(y),η(xy)} min {η(y),η(xy)}

Hence we have

(3.10) η(x)min{η(y),η(xy)}(3.10)

3. max{α3,α1}α2η(y)

max {η(x),η(xy)}η(y)

η(y) max {η(x),η(xy)}, since max {η(x),η(xy)} min {η(x),η(xy)}

Hence we have

(3.11) η(y)min{η(x),η(xy)}(3.11)

4. max{α3,α2}α1η(xy)

max {η(x),η(y)}η(xy)

η(xy)max{η(x),η(y)}, since max {η(x),η(y)} min {η(x),η(y)}

Hence we have

(3.12) η(xy)min{η(x),η(y)}(3.12)

5. max{α1,α3}α2η(y)

max {η(xy),η(x)}η(y)

η(y) max {η(xy),η(x)}, since max {η(xy),η(x)} min {η(xy),η(x)}

Hence, we have

(3.13) η(y)min{η(xy),η(x)}(3.13)

6. max{α2,α3}α1η(xy)

max {η(y),η(x)}η(xy)

η(xy)max{η(y),η(x)}, since max {η(y),η(x)} min {η(y),η(x)}

Hence, we have

(3.14) η(xy)min{η(y),η(x)}(3.14)

Therefore, we get

(3.15) η(x)min{η(xy),η(y)}.(3.15)

Let 0ηα and xηα be such that η(x)α1. Assume that α1α2. Then η(α2)η(α1). Hence 0xηα1η(0x)α1.

since ηα1 is a closed ideal, we have 0ηα1.

Now, η(0x)=η(1)η(x)α1, since 0x=1.


(3.16) η(0x)η(x),xX.(3.16)

Therefore, η is a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.

Conversely, suppose η be a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X. We need to show that ηα is a closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.

Let xX and since η is a closed ideal of X. Hence we have η(0)η(x)


xηα and 0ηα.

Hence, we have

(3.17) 0ηα(3.17)

Let yηα1 and xyηα2.

η(y)α1 and η(xy)α2.

Assume α1α2, then we have min {η(xy),η(y)}α, where α=min{α1,α2}. η(x)α, since η be a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.


Hence, we have

(3.18) xηα(3.18)

Let 0,xηα implies that η(0)α and η(x)α. Since η is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, we have η(0x)η(x)α.



Hence, we have

(3.19) 0xηα(3.19)

Therefore, ηα is a closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.

Definition 3.11.

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra. If {ηi|iI} is a family of fuzzy subsets of X, then (iIηi)(x)=inf{ηi(x):iI},xX.

Proposition 3.12.

Let (ηi)iI be an indexed family of a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X. Then iIηi is a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.


Suppose X be a bounded BE-algebra.

Assume that (ηi)iI be an indexed family of a fuzzy closed ideal of X and let xX.

We want to show that iIηi is a fuzzy closed ideal of X.

Since ηi is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, then we have ηi(0)ηi(x), for each iI.

Now, we get (iIηi)(0)=inf{ηi(0):iI}. Since ηi(0)ηi(x), implies that inf {ηi(0)} inf {ηi(x)}:iI},xX.

(iIηi)(0) inf {ηi(x):iI},xX.

Now we have inf {ηi(x) :iI}=(iIηi)(x),xX


Hence, we have

(3.20) (iIηi)(0)(iIηi)(x),xX.(3.20)

Let x,yX, implies that xyX.

Now, we get (iIηi)(x)=inf{ηi(x):iI}.

Since ηi(x) min {ηi(xy),ηi(y)}, because ηi is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, which implies that inf {ηi(x)} inf {min {ηi(xy),ηi(y)}:iI},xX.

(iIηi)(x) inf {min {ηi(xy),ηi(y)}:iI},xX.

(iIηi)(x) min {inf {ηi(xy),ηi(y)}:iI},xX.

(iIηi)(x) min {inf {ηi(xy)},inf{ηi(y)}:iI},xX.

(iIηi)(x) min {(iIηi)(xy),(iIηi)(y):iI},x,yX.

Hence, we have

(3.21) (iIηi)(x)min{(iIηi)(xy),(iIηi)(y):iI},x,yX.(3.21)

Let 0,xX0xX, hence closurity holds. Assume that xiIηi.

Now, we have (iIηi)(0x)= inf {ηi(0x):iI},xX.  Since ηi(0x)ηi(x), because ηi is a fuzzy closed ideal of X, which implies that inf {ηi(0x)} inf {ηi(x)}:iI},xX.

Now, we get(iIηi)(0x) inf {ηi(x)}:iI},xX.


Hence, we have

(3.22) (iIηi)(0x)(iIηi)(x),xX.(3.22)

Therefore, iIηi is a fuzzy closed ideal of a bounded BE-algebra X.

3.2. Cartesian product of fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebras

Definition 3.13.

Let X be a bounded BE-algebra, and assume that η and µ be two fuzzy subsets on X. Then, the Cartesian product of η and µ, is denoted by η×μ, and defined by (η×μ)(x,y)= min {η(x),μ(y)}, where η×μ:X×X[0,1],x,yX.

Theorem 3.14

Let η and µ be two fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra X. Then η×μ is fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra X × X.


Assume X be a bounded BE-algebra and let η and µ be two fuzzy closed ideals of X.

We want to show that η×μ is fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra X × X.

Let (0,0) and (x,y)X×X.

Then, we have

(η×μ)(0,0)=min{η(0),μ(0)}min{η(x),μ(y)}, by definition 3.3.1.

Hence, (η×μ)(0,0) min {η(x),μ(y)} , since η and µ be two fuzzy closed ideals of X.

Now, by definition 3.2. Hence, we have

(3.23) (η×μ)(0,0)(η×μ)(x,y),x,yX.(3.23)

Let (x,y),(z,w)X×X. Then (η×μ)(x,y)= min {η(x),μ(y)}, by definition 3.3.1.

Now, by definition 3.3.1 we have (η×μ)(x,y)= min {η(x),μ(y)}

(η×μ)(x,y)min{min{η(xz),η(z)}, min{μ(yw),μ(w)}},x,y,z,wX, since η and µ be two fuzzy closed ideals of X.

(η×μ)(x,y)min{min{η(xz),μ(yw)}, min{η(z),μ(w)}},x,y,z,wX, by rearrange the equation.

(η×μ)(x,y)min{(η×μ)(xz,yw),(η×μ)(z,w)},x,y,z,wX, by definition 3.2.

(η×μ)(x,y)min{(η×μ)((x,y)(z,w)),(η×μ)(z,w)},x,y,z,wX, by the property of .

Hence, we have

(3.24) (η×μ)(x,y)min{(η×μ)((x,y)(z,w)),(η×μ)(z,w)},x,y,z,wX.(3.24)

Let (x,y),(0,0)X×X. Then (0x,0y)X×X.

Now, by definition 3.3.1 we have (η×μ)((0,0)(x,y))=(η×μ)(0x,0y),x,yX.

Now, we get (η×μ)(0x,0y)=min{η(0x),μ(0y)},x,yX, by definition 3.3.1.

(η×μ)(0x,0y)min{η(x),μ(y)},x,yX, since η and µ be two fuzzy closed ideals of X.

Now, we have (η×μ)(0x,0y)(η×μ)(x,y),x,yX, by definition 3.3.1. (η×μ)((0,0)(x,y))(η×μ)(x,y),x,yX.

Hence, we have

(3.25) (η×μ)((0,0)(x,y))(η×μ)(x,y),x,yX.(3.25)

Therefore, from the above equation (3.3.1), (3.3.2) and (3.3.3), η×μ is a fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra X × X.

4. Conclusion

In this paper, we introduce the concepts of fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebras. Different characterization theorems and properties are investigated. We discuss Properties of families of fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra .

The cartesian product in fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebra is investigated with related properties. We also discuss the family of intersection of fuzzy closed ideals of a bounded BE-algebras, and basic properties of family of intersection of fuzzy closed ideals are investigated. As future work, it is possible to work on completely closed ideals of bounded BE-algebra.

Authors Contribution

All authors contributed to the study of concepts and design material preparation, data collection and analysis prepared by Gerima Tefera and Mohammed Adem.

Data statment

This manuscript is our original work, and the material that used to work this research is included by citation. Again, this manuscript does not contain human objects and no data about animal objects involved.

Financial Interest

The authors (1, and 2) have no relevant financial or non-financial interest to disclose. The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest between authors and no other person is involved in doing this research.


The authors of this paper would like to thank the referees for their valuable comments for the improvement of the manuscript.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.

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The authors do not receive fund from any organization in any form but the second author recieved Student support from Wollo University Research and community support as Msc students.


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