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Pure Mathematics

γ-fuzzy filters and space of γ -- fuzzy filters in P-algebra

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Article: 2258591 | Received 02 Jul 2023, Accepted 08 Sep 2023, Published online: 21 Sep 2023


In this paper, we introduce the concept of γfuzzy filters in a pseudo-complemented distributive lattices. We study the special class of fuzzy filters called γfuzzy filters, which is isomorphic to the set of all fuzzy ideals of the lattice of boosters. We observe that every γfuzzy filters is the intersection of all prime γfuzzy filters containing it. We also topologize the set of all prime γfuzzy filters of a pseudo-completed distributive lattice. Properties of the space also studied. We show that there is a one to one correspondence between the class of γfuzzy filters and the lattice of all open sets in Pγ. It is proved that the space Pγ is a T0 space.


1. Introduction

Classical set theory is based on the fundamental concept of a set, in which individuals are either a member or not a member. A sharp, crisp, and unambiguous distinction exists between a member and a non-member for any well-defined set of entities in this theory, and there is a very precise and clear boundary to indicate if an entity belongs to a set or not. Thus, in classical set theory an element is not allowed to be in a set or not in a set at the same time. This means that many real-world problems cannot be handled by classical set theory. Many of the collections and categories we commonly employ, however, do not exhibit this characteristic. Instead their boundaries seem vague, and the transition from member to nonmember appears gradual rather than abrupt. Thus fuzzy set introduces vagueness by eliminating the sharp boundary dividing members of the class from nonmembers. Real situations are very often not crisp and deterministic and they can not be described precisely. Such situations in our real life which are characterized by vagueness or imprecision can not be answered just in yes or no. In 1965 (Zadeh, Citation1965) mathematically formulated the fuzzy subset concept. He defined fuzzy subset of a non-empty set as a collection of objects with grade of membership in a continuum, with each object being assigned a value between 0 and 1 by a membership function. In 1971, A. Rosenfeld used the notion of a fuzzy subset of a set to introduce the notion of a fuzzy subgroup of a group (Rosenfeld, Citation1971) and his paper inspired the development of fuzzy abstract algebra. Since then, several authors have developed interesting results on fuzzy theory; see (Abou-Zaid, Citation1993; Addis & Engidaw, Citation2020; Ajmal & Thomas, Citation1994; Alemayehu & Wondifraw, Citation2021; Asaad, Citation1991; Liu, Citation1982; Muhiuddin et al., Citation2021; Norahun & Dvorák, Citation2020; Norahun & Zeleke, Citation2021; Yuan & Wu, Citation1990).

The theory of pseudo-complementation was introduced and extensively studied in semi-lattices and particularly in distributive lattices by (Frink, Citation1962) and (Birkhoff, Citation1948). Later, pseudo-complement in Stone algebra has been studied by several authors like (Balbes & Horn, Citation1970), G. Gra¨tzer (Frink, Citation1963) etc. In (Badawy, Citation2016), A. E. Badawy studied the concept of filters of p-algebras with respect to a closure operator. Motivated by Badawy’s work, in this paper, we study the fuzzy aspect of γfuzzy filters in a p-algebra.

In this paper, we introduce the concept of γfuzzy filters in pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. Basic properties of γfuzzy filters also investigated. We observe that there is a homomorphism mapping between the class of all fuzzy filters and the class of all fuzzy ideals of the boosters. We also study the special class of fuzzy filters called γfuzzy filters. We prove that these fuzzy filters forms a complete distributive lattice and isomorphic to the set of fuzzy ideals of the lattice of boosters B(L). Furthermore, we show that there is a one to one correspondence between the class of prime γfuzzy filters of a p-algebra L and the set of all prime ideals of B(L). We observe that every γfuzzy filter is the intersection of all prime γfuzzy filters containing it. We give the definition of prime fuzzy filter using the concept of fuzzy points. Moreover, we study the space of all prime γfuzzy filters in a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. The set of prime γfuzzy filters of L is denoted by Pγ. For a γfuzzy filter ν of L, open subset of Pγ is of the form P(ν)={λPγ:νλ} and Γ(ν)={λPγ:νλ} is a closed set. We also show that the set of all open sets of the form P(aα)={λPγ:aαλ,aL,α(0,1]} forms a basis for the open sets of Pγ. Finally, we observe that there is a one to one correspondence between the class of all γfuzzy filters of L and the lattice of all open sets of prime γfuzzy filters Pγ.

2. Preliminaries

We refer (Badawy, Citation2016; Birkhoff, Citation1948) for the elementary concepts of lattices and γ-filters of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. We also take a reference (Swamy & Raju, Citation1998; Zadeh, Citation1965), for the elementary concepts of fuzzy set theory and fuzzy ideals of a lattice.

An algebra L=(L;,,,0,1) is of type (2,2,1,0,0) is a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice , if the following conditions hold:


(L;,,0,1) is a bounded distributive lattice,


for all a,bL,ab=0ab=a.

Definition 2.1.

(Badawy, Citation2016) Let L be a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. Then for any aL, define the booster of a as follows:


Then it can be easily observed that (a)+ is a filter of L containing a.

The set of all boosters of a pseudo-complemented lattice is denoted by B(L). (Badawy, Citation2016).

Lemma 2.2.

For any x,yL, the following conditions hold.








(x)+=L if and only if x=0.

Definition 2.3.

(Swamy & Raju, Citation1998) A fuzzy subset µ of a lattice L is called a fuzzy ideal of L if, for all x,yL the following condition satisfies:







Definition 2.4.

(Swamy & Raju, Citation1998) A fuzzy subset µ of a lattice L is called a fuzzy filter of L if, for all x,yL the following condition satisfies:







The set of all fuzzy filters of L is denoted by FF(L).

Let µ be a fuzzy subset of a lattice L. The smallest fuzzy filter of L containing µ is called a fuzzy filter of L induced by µ and denoted by [μ) and


The binary operations ”+” and “·” on the set of all fuzzy subsets of a distributive lattice L as:


If µ and θ are fuzzy ideals of L, then μθ=μθ=μθ and μ+θ=μθ.

If µ and θ are fuzzy filters of L, then μ+θ=μθ and μθ=μθ

Lemma 2.5.

(Alaba & Norahun, Citation2018) For any two fuzzy subsets µ and θ of a distributive lattice L, we have


The above result works dually, that is

For any two fuzzy subsets µ and θ of a distributive lattice L, we have


3. γfuzzy filters

In this section, we introduce the concept of γfuzzy filters in a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. We study some basic properties of the class of γfuzzy filters. We prove that the class of γfuzzy filters forms a complete distributive lattice and isomorphic to the class of fuzzy filters of B(L). We also show that there is a one to one correspondence between the set of all prime γfuzzy filters of L and prime fuzzy ideals of B(L). Finally, we observe that every γfuzzy filters is the intersection of all prime γfuzzy filters containing it.

Throughout the rest of this paper L stands for a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice unless otherwise mentioned.

Theorem 3.1.

For any fuzzy filter η of L, the fuzzy subset γ(η) of B(L) defined by:


is a fuzzy ideal of B(L).


Let η be a fuzzy filter of L. Then it can be easily verified that γ(η)((1)+)=1. Now, for any (x)+,(y)+B(L),


Thus, γ(η)((x)+(y)+)γ(η)((x)+)γ(η)((y)+).

On the other hand,


This shows that γ(η)((x)+(y)+)γ(η)((x)+)γ(η)((y)+). Hence γ(θ) is a fuzzy ideal of B(L).

Lemma 3.2.

Let λ be a fuzzy ideal of B(L). Then the fuzzy subset γ(λ) of L defined as γ(λ)(a)=λ((a)+) is a fuzzy filter of L.


Since (1)+ is the smallest element of B(L), we get γ(λ)(1)=1. For any a,bL,


Thus γ(λ) is a fuzzy filter of L.

Lemma 3.3.

If λ and ν are fuzzy filters of L, then λν implies γ(λ)γ(ν).

Lemma 3.4.

If λ,ν are fuzzy ideals of B(L), then λν implies γ(λ)γ(ν).

Theorem 3.5.

The set FI(B(L)) of all fuzzy ideals of B(L) forms a complete distributive lattice, where the infimum and supremum of any family {λj:jJ} of fuzzy ideals is given by:


Theorem 3.6.

The mapping γ is a homomorphism of FF(L) into FI(B(L)).


Let λ,ν be two fuzzy filters of L. Then by Lemma 3.3, we have γ(λν)γ(λ)γ(ν) and γ(λ)γ(ν)γ(λν). For any (x)+B(L),


Thus γ(λ)γ(ν)=γ(λν).



Thus γ(λν)=γ(λ)γ(ν). So γ is a homomorphism.

Corollary 3.7.

For any two fuzzy filters λ and ν of L,


Lemma 3.8.

Let λ be a fuzzy ideal of B(L). Then γγ(λ)=λ.


Since λ is a fuzzy ideal of B(L), by Lemma 3.2, γ(λ) is a fuzzy filter of L and γγ(λ) is a fuzzy ideal of B(L). Now, γγ(λ)((x)+)=Sup{γ(λ)(a):(a)+=(x)+}=Sup{λ((a)+):(a)+=(x)+}=λ((x)+). Thus γγ(λ)=λ.

Now we define γfuzzy filter.

Definition 3.9.

A fuzzy filter θ of L is called a γfuzzy filter of L if θ=γγ(θ).

Example 3.10.

Consider the p-algebra L={0,a,b,c,1} whose Hasse diagram is given below.

Define fuzzy subsets λ and ν of L as follows:

λ(c)=μ(1)=1, λ(a)=λ(b)=0.7, λ(0)=0.4andν(0)=0.3, ν(b)=0.7, ν(a)=0.8, ν(c)=0.9,andν(1)=1.

Then it can be easily verified that λ is a γfuzzy filter of L. But ν is a fuzzy filter of L but not a γfuzzy filter of L.

Theorem 3.11.

For a nonempty fuzzy subset θ of L , θ is a γfuzzy filter if and only if each level subset of θ is a γ-filter of L.


Let θ be a γfuzzy filter of L. Then θt=(γγ(θ))t. To prove each level subset of θ is a γ-filter of L, it is enough to show γγ(θt)=(γγ(θ))t for all t[0,1]. Clearly, (γγ(θ))tγγ(θt). Let xγγ(θt). Then (x)+γ(θt) and there is yθt such that (x)+=(y)+. Which implies Sup{θ(a):(a)+=(x)+}t. This shows that x(γγ(θ))t. Thus, θt=γγ(θt) and hence each level subset of θ is a γ-filter of L.

Conversely, assume that each level subset of θ is a γ-filter. Then θ is a fuzzy filter and θγγ(θ). Let t=γγ(θ)(x)=Sup{θ(y):(y)+=(x)+}. Then for each ϵ > 0, there is aL such that (a)+=(x)+ and θ(a)>tϵ.

Thus γγ(θ)θ and hence θ is a γfuzzy filter of L.

Corollary 3.12.

For a nonempty subset F of L, F is a γ-filter if and only if χF is a γfuzzy filter of L.

Theorem 3.13.

Let λ be a fuzzy filter of L. Then λ is a γfuzzy filter if and only if for each a,bL,(a)+=(b)+ imply λ(a)=λ(b).

Lemma 3.14.

Let λ be a γfuzzy filter of L. Then λ(a)=λ(a) for all aL.


Let λ be a γfuzzy filter of L. For any aL, we know that (a)+=(a)+. Thus, by Theorem 3.13, we get that λ(a)=λ(a).

Lemma 3.15.

For any fuzzy filter λ of L, the map λγγ(λ) is a closure operator on FF(L). That is.






λνγγ(λ)γγ(ν) for any two fuzzy filters λ,ν of L

γfuzzy filters are simply the closed elements of FF(L) with respect to the closure operator.

Let us denote the set of all γfuzzy filters of L by FFγ(L).

Lemma 3.16.

If λ,νFFγ(L), then the supremum of λ and ν is given by:



Clearly λν is a γfuzzy filter of L. Now we proceed to show that λν is the least upper bound of {λ,ν}. Since λ,νλνλν, λν is an upper bound of {λ,ν}. Let η be any upper bound for λ,ν in FFγ(L). Then λνη. Which implies that γγ(λν)γγ(η)=η. Therefore, γγ(λν) is the supremum of both {λ,ν} in FFγ(L).

Theorem 3.17.

The class FFγ(L) of all γ-fuzzy filters of L forms a complete distributive lattice with respect to set inclusion.


Clearly (FFγ(L),) is a partially ordered set. For λ,νFFγ(L), define


Then clearly λν,λνFFγ(L). Hence (FFγ(L),,) is a lattice.

We now prove the distributivity. Let η,ν,λFFγ(L). Then


Thus FFγ(L) is a distributive lattice. Next we prove the completeness. Since (1)+ and L are γ-filters, χ(1)+ and χL are least and greatest elements of FFγ(L) respectively. Let {νi:iI}FIγ(L). Then iIνi is a fuzzy filter of L and iIνiγγ(iIνi).


Thus γγ(iIνi)=iIνi. So FFγ(L),,) is a complete distributive lattice.

Theorem 3.18.

The set FFγ(L) is isomorphic to the lattice of fuzzy ideals of B(L).




Let η,νFFγ(L) and f(η)=f(ν). Then γ(η)=γ(ν). Thus γγ(η)=γγ(ν). So η=ν. Hence f is one to one.

Let λFI(B(L)). Then by Lemma 3.2, γ(λ) is a fuzzy filter of L. Now we proceed to show that γ(λ) is a γfuzzy filter of L. Let xL. Then γγ(γ(λ))(x)=γγ(λ)((x)+). Thus by Lemma 3.8, we get that γγ(λ)((x)+)=γ(η)(x). So γ(λ)=γγ(γ(λ)). Thus for each λFI(B(L)),f(γ(λ))=λ. Therefore, f is onto.

Now for any η,θFIγ(L), f(ηθ)=f(γγ(ηθ))=γ(γγ(ηθ))=γ(ηθ)=γ(η)γ(θ)=f(η)f(θ). Similarly f(ηθ)=f(η)f(θ). Therefore, f is an isomorphism of FFγ(L) onto the lattice of fuzzy filters of B(L)

Theorem 3.19.

The following are equivalent for each non-constant γfuzzy filter λ of L.


For all θ,ηFF(L),



For any fuzzy points xα and yβ of L,



For all θ,ηFIγ(L),



12: Let x,yL such that xα+yβλ. Then [xα+yβ)λ. Since L is a distributive lattice, by Lemma 3.3 of (Norahun & Zeleke, Citation2021), we have [xα)[yβ)λ. Since [xα) and [yβ) are fuzzy filters of L, by the assumption, [xα)λ or [yβ)λ. This shows that xαλ or yβλ.

23: Let θ,ηFIγ(L) such that θηλ. Now we need to show θλ or ηλ. Suppose not. Then θλ and ηλ. Which implies there exist x,yL such that θ(x)>λ(x) and η(y)>λ(y). Put θ(x)=α and η(y)=β. Then xαλ and yβλ. Since xα+yβθη, we have xα+yβλ. By the assumption, we get that xαλ or yβλ. Which is a contradiction. Thus θλ or ηλ.

31: Suppose θ,ηFF(L) such that θηλ. Then by Corollary 3.7 we have γγ(θ)γγ(η)λ. Since γγ(θ) and γγ(η) are γfuzzy filters, by the assumption, we get that γγ(θ)λ or γγ(η)λ. Which implies θλ or ηλ.

Definition 3.20.

By a prime γfuzzy filter, we mean a non-constant γfuzzy filter of L satisfying (1) and hence all of the condition of Theorem 3.19.

We have proved in Theorem 3.18 that, there is an order isomorphism between the class of γfuzzy filters and the set of fuzzy ideals of B(L). Now, we show that there is an isomorphism between the prime γfuzzy filters and the prime fuzzy ideals of the lattice of boosters of L.

Theorem 3.21.

There is an isomorphism between the prime γfuzzy filters and the prime fuzzy ideals of the lattice of booster.


By Theorem 3.18 the map f is an isomorphism from FFγ(L) into FI(B(L)). Let σ be a prime γfuzzy filter of L. Then γ(σ)FI(B(L)). Now we prove γ(σ) is a prime fuzzy ideal of FI(B(L)). Let θ,ηFI(B(L)) such that θηγ(σ). Since f is onto, there exist λ,μFFγ(L) such that f(λ)=θ and f(μ)=η. Thus γ(λμ)γ(σ). Since γ is an isotone, we have γγ(λμ)γγ(σ). Thus λμσ. Since σ is a prime fuzzy filter, either λσ or μσ. This shows that either γ(λ)γ(σ) or γ(μ)γ(σ). Thus θγ(σ) or ηγ(σ). Hence γ(σ) is a prime fuzzy ideal of B(L).

Conversely, suppose that θ is a prime fuzzy ideal in B(L). Since f is onto, there exists a γfuzzy filter σ in FFγ(L) such that θ=γ(σ). Let η,λFF(L) such that ηλσ. Since γ is an isotone, we get γ(ηλ)γ(σ)=θ. Thus γ(η)γ(λ)γ(σ). Since γ(σ) is a prime fuzzy ideal of B(L), either γ(η)γ(σ) or γ(λ)γ(σ). This implies ηγγ(σ) or λγγ(σ). Since σ is a γfuzzy filter, we get ησ or λσ. Thus σ is prime fuzzy filter in FFγ(L). So the prime γfuzzy filters corresponds to prime fuzzy ideals of B(L).

Theorem 3.22.

Let θ be a γfuzzy filter of L and η be a fuzzy ideal of L such that θηα, α[0,1). Then there exists a prime γfuzzy filter λ of L such that θλ and ληα.


Put P={σFFγ(L):σηandησα}. Since θP, P is nonempty and it forms a poset together with the inclusion ordering of fuzzy sets. Let A={θi}iI be any chain in P. Then clearly iIθi is a γfuzzy filter. Since θiηα for each iI, we get that (iIθi)ηα. Thus iIθiA. By applying Zorn’s lemma we get a maximal element, let say σP; that is σ is a γfuzzy filter of L such that θσ and σηα.

Now we proceed to show σ is a prime fuzzy filter. Assume that σ is not prime fuzzy filter. Let μ1μ2θ such that μ1θ and μ2θ,μ1,μ2FF(L). If we put σ1=γγ(μ1σ) and σ2=γγ(μ2σ), then both σ1 and σ2 are γfuzzy filters of L properly containing σ. Since σ is maximal in P, we get σ1,σ2P. Thus σ1ηα and σ2ηα. This implies there exist x,yL such that (σ1η)(x)>α and (σ2η)(y)>α. Which implies ((σ1σ2)η)(xy)>α(γγ(σ(μ1μ2))(xy)η(xy)>α. This shows that (θη)(xy)>α. This is a contradiction. Thus σ is prime γfuzzy filter of L.

Corollary 3.23.

Let θ be a γfuzzy filter of L, aL and α[0,1). If θ(a)α, then there exists a prime γfuzzy filter η of L such that θη and η(a)α.


Put P={σFFγ(L):θσandσ(a)α}. Since θP, P is nonempty and it forms a poset together with the inclusion ordering of fuzzy sets. Let A={θi}iI be any chain in P. Clearly iIθi is a γfuzzy filter. Since θi(a)α for each iI, α is an upper bound of {θi(a):iI}. Thus iIθi(a)α. So iIθi is a γfuzzy filter containing θ and iIθi(a)α. Hence iIθiP. By applying Zorn’s lemma we get a maximal element, let say σP; that is σ is a γfuzzy filter of L such that θσ and σ(a)α.

Now we proceed to show σ is a prime fuzzy filter. Assume that σ is not prime fuzzy filter. Let μ1μ2σ and μ1σ and μ2σ,μ1,μ2FF(L). If we put σ1=γγ(μ1σ) and σ2=γγ(μ2σ), then both σ1 and σ2 are γfuzzy filters of L properly containing σ. Since σ is maximal in P, we get σ1,σ2P. Thus σ1(a)>α and σ2(a)>α. Now (sigma1σ2)(a)=γγ((μ1σ)(μ2σ))(a)=γγ((μ1μ2)σ))(a)=σ(a)>α. This is a contradiction. Hence σ is prime γfuzzy filter.

Corollary 3.24.

For any γfuzzy filter of L is the intersection of all prime γfuzzy filters containing it.


Let θ be a proper γfuzzy filter of L. Consider the following.

λ={η:ηis a prime γfuzzy filter andθη}.

Clearly θλ. Assume that λθ. Then there is aL such that λ(a)>θ(a). Let θ(a)=α. Consider the set


By the above corollary we can find a prime γfuzzy filter µ of L such that θμ and μ(a)α. This implies λμ. This shows that λ(a)α. Which is a contradiction. Thus λθ. So λ=θ.

4. The space of prime γ-fuzzy filters

In this section, we study the space of prime γfuzzy filters of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice and some properties of the space also studied.

Let Pγ be the set of all prime γfuzzy filters of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. Let Γ(λ)={νPγ:λν} where λ is a fuzzy subset of L and P(λ)={νPγ:λν}=PγΓ(λ). We let γ=γ1, i.e. γ={xL:γ(x)=1}.

Lemma 4.1.

Let η and ν be fuzzy filters of L. Then








1. Let ην and δP(η). Then ηδ and νδ. Thus δP(ν).

2. By (1), we have P(η)P(ν)P(ην). To show the other inclusion, let δP(ην). Then ηνδ. Thus either ηδ or νδ. So δP(η)P(ν). Hence P(ην)=P(η)P(ν).

3. It can be easily verified that P(ην)P(η)P(ν). To show the other inclusion, let δP(η)P(ν). Then ηδandνδ. Since δ is a prime fuzzy filter, we have ηνδ. Thus δP(ην). So P(ην)=P(η)P(ν).

Lemma 4.2.

Let λ be a fuzzy subset of L. Then P(λ)=P([λ)).


Since λ[λ), we have P(λ)P([λ)). Let δP([λ)). Then [λ)δ. We need to show λδ. Assume that λδ. Then [λ)δ. Which is a contradiction. Thus λδ. So P(λ)=P([λ)).

Theorem 4.3.

Let a,bL and α(0,1]. Then








(1) If νP(aα)P(bα), then either aαν or bαν. Which implies either α>ν(a) or α>ν(b). This shows that α>ν(a)ν(b)=ν(xy). Thus (ab)αν. Hence νP((ab)α). To show the other inclusion, let νP(ab)α. Then α>ν(ab)=ν(a)ν(b). This implies either aαν or bαν. Thus νP(aα)P(bα).

(2) If νP(aα)P(bα), then aαν and bαν. This implies α>ν(a) and α>ν(b). This shows that a,bν. Since ν is prime fuzzy filter, card Im ν = 2 and ν is prime. Thus abν. Which implies α>ν(ab). Thus (ab)αν and hence P(aα)P(bα)P((ab)α).

Conversely, let νP((ab)α). Then (ab)αν. Which implies α>ν(ab)ν(a)ν(b). Thus α>ν(a) and α>ν(b). This shows that aαν and bαν. Thus νP(aα)P(bα). So P((ab)α)P(aα)P(bα). Therefore, P((ab)α)=P(aα)P(bα).

(3) To show PγaL,α(0,1]P(aα), let νPγ. Since ν is prime fuzzy filter, ν is two valued. Thus Imν={1,β},β[0,1). This implies that there is aL such that ν(a)=β. Let us take some α(0,1] such that α>β. Then aα(a)=α. Which implies that aα(a)>ν(a). Thus aαν and hence PγaL,α(0,1]P(aα). Therefore, Pγ=aL,α(0,1]P(aα).

Lemma 4.4.

Let α1,α1(0,1]; α=min{α1,α2} and a,bL. Then



If νP(aα1)P(bα2), then aα1ν and aα2ν. This implies that α1>ν(x) and α2>ν(y). Since ν is prime filter and a,bν, we have abν and ν(a)=ν(b)=ν(ab). This shows that α>ν(ab). Thus (ab)αν and hence νP((ab)α). To show the other inclusion, let νP((ab)α). Then α>ν(ab)ν(a)ν(b). This implies α1>ν(a) and α2>ν(b). Thus aα1ν and bα2ν. So νP(aα1)P(bα2). Hence P(aα1)P(bα2)=P((ab)α).

Lemma 4.5.

Let {λi:iI} be any family of fuzzy filters of L. Then



Since λi[iIλi) for each iI, we have Γ([iIλi))Γ(λi) for each iI. Thus Γ([iIλi))iIΓ(λi).

Conversely, let λiIΓ(λi). Then λΓ(λi) for each iI. This implies λiλ. Thus for any aL, λ(a) is an upper bound of {λi(a):iI}. This implies that Sup{λi(a):iI}λ(a). This shows that iIλiλ and [iIλi)λ. So λΓ([iIθi)). Thus iIΓ(λi)Γ((iIλi]). Hence iIV(λi)=Γ([iIλi)).

Theorem 4.6.

The collection T={P(ν):νis a fuzzyfilter of L} is a topology on Pγ.


Consider the fuzzy subsets ν1,ν2 of L defined as: ν1(a)=0 and ν2(a)=1 for all aL. Clearly [ν1) and ν2 are fuzzy filters of L. Again, [ν1)λ, for all λPγ. Then Γ([ν1))=Pγ and thus P(ν1)=ϕ. Since each λPγ is non-constant, ν2λ for all λPγ. So P(ν2)=Pγ. Hence ϕ,PγT.

Next, let P(ν1),P(ν2)T. Since ν1 and ν2 are fuzzy filters of L, then by Lemma 4.1, we get that P(ν1)P(ν2)=P(ν1ν2). Then T is closed under finite intersection.

Finally, let {νi:iI} be any family of fuzzy filters of L. Then by Lemma 4.5 we have


Which implies iIP(νi)=P([iIνi)). Thus by Lemma 4.2, we get that


So T is closed under arbitrary union. Consequently, T is a topology on Pγ. The space (Pγ,T) will be called the space of prime γfuzzy filters in L.

In the above theorem we proved that, the family of P(λ) is a topology on Pγ. In the following result, we show that the set of all open sets of the form P(xα) is a basis for the topology on Pγ.

Theorem 4.7.

The collection B={P(aα):aL,α(0,1]} forms base for some topology Pγ.


Let P(ν) be any open set in Pγ and λP(ν). Then νλ and there is aL such that ν(a)>λ(a). Put ν(a)=α, then aαν and λP(aα). To show P(aα)P(ν), let ηP(aα). Then aαη and ν(a)>η(a). Which implies ηP(ν). Thus λP(aβ)P(ν). Hence for any open set P(ν) in Pγ we can find P(aα) in B such that P(aα)P(ν). Therefore, B is a base for T.

Theorem 4.8.

The space Pγ is a T0-space.


Let ν,λPγ such that νλ. Then either νλ or λν. Without loss of generality, we can assume that νλ. Then λP(ν) and νP(ν). Thus Pγ is a T0-space.

Theorem 4.9.

For any fuzzy filter λ of L, P(λ)=P(γγ(λ)).


For any fuzzy filter λ of L, we have λγγ(λ) and P(λ)P(γγ(λ)). Let νP(γγ(λ)). Then γγ(λ))ν. Suppose νP(λ), then λν. This implies γγ(λ)γγ(ν))=ν. Which is impossible. Thus νP(λ) and hence P(λ)=P(γγ(λ)).

In the following result, we show that there is a one to one correspondence between the class of γfuzzy filters and the lattice of all open sets in Pγ.

Theorem 4.10.

The lattice FFγ(L) is isomorphic with the lattice of all open sets in Pγ.


The lattice of all open sets in Xγ is (T,,). Define the mapping


Since P(λ)=P(γγ(λ)) and γγ(λ) is a γfuzzy filter, every open subset of Pγ is of the form P(θ) for some θFFγ(L). Hence the map is onto.

Let f(λ)=f(θ). If λθ, then there is xL such that either λ(x)<θ(x) or θ(x)<λ(x). Without loss of generality, we can assume that λ(x)<θ(x). Put λ(x)=β. Then by Corollary 3.23, we can find a prime γfuzzy filter η such that λη and η(x)β. Thus ηP(λ) and θη. So ηP(λ) and ηP(θ). This is a contradiction. Hence λ=θ.

Now we show that f is homomorphism. Let λ,θFIγ(L). Then f(λθ)=P(γγ(λθ))=P(λθ)=f(λ)f(θ). Similarly, f(λθ)=f(λ)f(θ). This shows that f is a homomorphism. Hence f is an isomorphism.

For any fuzzy subset λ of L, P(λ)={νPγ:λν} is an open set of Pγ and Γ(λ)={νPγ:λν}=PγΓ(θ) is a closed set of Pγ. In the following result we prove the closure of a fuzzy set.

Theorem 4.11.

For any family CPγ, closure of C is given by C=Γ(νCν).


We know that closure of C is the smallest closed set containing c. To prove our claim, it is enough to show that Γ(νCν) is the smallest closed set containing C. Since the set of all γfuzzy filter is a complete distributive lattice, νCν is a γfuzzy filter and Γ(νCν) is a closed set in Pγ. If δC, then νCνδ. Thus δΓ(νCν). This implies that CΓ(νCν). Let Γ(η) be any closed set in Pγ containing C. Then ην, for each νC. Thus ηνCν and Γ(νCν)Γ(η). So Γ(νCν) is the smallest closed set containing C. Hence C=Γ(νCν).

5. Conclusion

In this work, we studied the concept of γfuzzy filters of a pseudo-complemented distributive lattice. We have shown that the set of all γfuzzy filters of a distributive lattice forms a complete distributive lattice and isomorphic to the set of all fuzzy ideals of B(L). We observed that every γfuzzy filter is the intersection of all γfuzzy filters containing it. We also studied the space of all prime γfuzzy filters in a distributive lattice. Our future work will focus on σ-fuzzy ideals in a 0–1 distributive lattice.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Data availability statement

No data were used to support this study.


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