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Pure Mathematics

Classification of grouplike categories*

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Article: 2275345 | Received 29 Jun 2023, Accepted 19 Oct 2023, Published online: 20 Nov 2023


In this paper we study grouplike monoids, defined as being monoids that contain a group to which we add an ordered set of idempotents. We classify finite categories with two objects having grouplike endomorphism monoids, by presenting a construction theorem for such categories, and proving that every grouplike category comes from this construction. Studying the algebraic properties of the endomorphism monoids allows us to gather extra information on the category itself, which in particular helps the counting problem because the nature of the monoids affects greatly the structure of the category. At the end of the paper, we give a count of certain categories with grouplike monoids, concluded from the properties of grouplike monoids that are studied in the paper.

1. Introduction

Finite categories are categories with a finite set of objects and a finite set of morphisms. The main purpose of our work in general (Ghannoum, Citation2022) thesis is the classification of finite categories. One associates to a finite category a square matrix such that the entries of the matrix are the numbers of morphisms between each pair of objects.

A more informative description of a finite category is obtained using the endomorphism monoids. We classify monoids of certain orders, then look at which categories have a given set of endomorphism monoids. For example, two monoids Ci,Cj are called connected if there exists a category with two objects and non-empty morphism sets in both directions, where the monoids Ci and Cj are the endomorphism monoids of the two objects. Each object in the category is going to correspond to one of the monoids of endomorphisms that we specify. A groupoid is a category in which every morphism is invertible.

Starting from this idea, we can define matrices associated to categories in a different way. Instead of putting the number of morphisms between objects, we represent them in terms of the endomorphism monoids and bimodules of the category. For example a category C with two objects X,Y will be represented as follows:




such that A and B are monoids with a specific algebraic structure.

In this perspective the off-diagonal parts of the matrices (L and R above) are seen as bimodules over the corresponding endomorphism monoids, taking only the multiplication tables of ALB and BRA. In some cases, the number of bimodules obtained specifies in a unique way the number of categories that could be obtained by two bimodules (we give some examples in section 5).

We study in this paper a specific type of finite categories called grouplike categories. To define grouplike categories, we need to define grouplike monoids first. A grouplike monoid is a monoid of the form GI where G is a group and I={e1,,ek} such that

(Ord) (eiej=eiandejei=ei)if and only ifij.(Ord)

We denote it by Gk. A grouplike category is a category whose endomorphism monoids are grouplike.

Counting associative structures has been a problem for years. We introduce some of the previous work in this area:

In 2009, A. Distler and T. Kelsey counted the monoids of orders eight, nine and ten. They weren’t able to achieve more than that as the number of semigroups of order 10 was unknown (Distler & Kelsey, Citation2009).

In 2012, the number of semigroups of order 10 was known by A. Distler, C. Jefferson, T. Kelsey, and L. Kotthoff (Distler et al., Citation2012).

In 2014, G. Cruttwell and R. Leblanc introduced the question: How many categories are there with n morphisms? It means with a total number of morphisms distributed between objects in an arbitrary way. They compared the numbers obtained with the number of monoids of order n, which lead to almost the same numbers up to order 10.

In 2017, S. Allouch and C. Simpson counted the categories whose number of morphisms between each pair of objects is 2. They were able to get an exact count up to order 3, and bounds for a general size (Allouch & Simpson, Citation2018).

This work is inspired by our results with W. Fussner, T. Jakl and C. Simpson in (Fussner et al., Citation2020). Using the program Mace4 (McCune, Citation2003), we gave a count of the categories associated to the matrix


We classified monoids of order 3 and presented the number of categories between each pair of monoids. The data obtained from the count showed that the nature of the endomorphism monoids affects the classification in a very important way, which led us to prove some properties about certain monoids in a category, and to propose classifying finite categories in terms of their endomorphism monoids. In particular, in this paper we study groups and monoids that contain a group. The classification of such monoids gives very interesting properties inside the category and gives us lots of additional information allowing us to compute the number of categories with such monoids in some cases.

We present a construction theorem for grouplike categories, and we prove that every grouplike category comes from this construction. We prove that having grouplike monoids as endomorphism sets affects the structure of the bimodules, and in this way, the category is almost determined with a strong part of its properties being known.

The notion of grouplike monoids can be generalized in the following way: instead of adding k identities to a group G, we add k different groups consecutively, leading to what could be then called an iterative grouplike monoid. This idea of generalization was suggested by Sam van Gool during a seminar at IRIF in Paris. Although we don’t pursue that here, it will furnish the opportunity for future work in the direction of the results of the present paper.

Using the notation Gk for grouplike monoids defined above, we now describe in more detail the results. The first definition encapsulates the condition that will appear in Theorem 4.11.

Definition 1.1.

Let L be a (G1k1,G2k2)-bimodule. We say that L is i-unigen if


and LiG1i as a left module and LiG2i as a right module.

Remark 1.2.

The definition of Li is given in (EquationEquation L), and the definition of Gk is given in Definition 2.6 and Definition 2.7.

Lemma 1.3.

Suppose L is an i-unigen (G1k1,G2k2)-bimodule with Li as above, then there exists an isomorphism G1G2 such that Li=G1i as (G1k1,G2k2)-bimodule. If i > 0 then the isomorphism is unique. If i = 0 then the isomorphism is well defined up to inner automorphisms.

Because of this lemma we can assume that G1=G2=G. In this case we say that a (Gk1,Gk2)-bimodule L is strongly i-unigen if it is i-unigen and the isomorphism of Lemma 1.3 can be taken as the identity.

Remark 1.4.

The proof of Lemma 1.3 is on page 19.

Definition 1.5.



be the algebraic matrix (Definition 2.3) of a grouplike category C, such that I1={e1,,ek1} and I2={f1,,fk2}. We define imax(C) to be the maximum index i such that there exist x,y such that xy=ei and yx=fi.

Let C be a category with one object {α} and endomorphism set Gi. Let x,y be two elements, and using the constant function


we obtain a new category C that could be denoted C=f(C), with Ob(C)={x,y} and C(x,y)=C(f(x),f(y)).

If we apply this construction to a grouplike monoid Gi, we get a category associated to the matrix

($M^{(1)}$) (GiGiGiGi)($M^{(1)}$)

of similar copies of Gi. Such a category will be called groupoid-like.

Theorem 1.6.

Let G be a group and Gi a grouplike monoid of the form GI such that I={e1,,ei}. Let M(1) be a matrix of the form

($M^{(1)}$) (GiGiGiGi)($M^{(1)}$)

of similar copies of Gi, let C(1) be the groupoid-like category associated to this matrix. Then we can extend the endomorphism sets Gi and we obtain a category C(2) associated to the matrix

($M^{(2)}$) (Gk1GiGiGk2)($M^{(2)}$)

such that for all xGi,yGk1, we have xy=yxGi. Same for Gk2. And there exists C(2) a finite category associated to M(2).

Now let k1,k2i, suppose that we have the matrix

($M^{(3)}$) (Gk1LRGk2)($M^{(3)}$)

such that L and R are strongly i-unigen bimodules. Then


And (EquationEquation M(3)) is a matrix of a unique grouplike category, denote it by C(3), such that imax(C(3))=i. For all xL,yR, we have xy=eixyei.

We have


Theorem 1.7.

Every grouplike category comes from the construction described in Theorem 1.6.

Remark 1.8.

The proofs of Theorems 1.6 and 1.7 are on pages 19 and 20.

1.1. Organization of the paper

This paper is organized as follows:

  1. In section 2, we give the definitions of grouplike monoids, bimodules and grouplike categories.

  2. Since a grouplike monoid has two parts: a group G and a set I of idempotents, then we divide the discussion of each part into two sections:

    1. In section 3, we discuss the group part of the category and how the action of the group on the set of morphisms affects the category its structure.

    2. In section 4, we discuss the set of idempotents part which is formed of n elements, and we give the maximum element i{1,,n} such that a grouplike category can be determined. This leads to the proofs of Theorems 1.6 and 1.7.

  3. In section 5, we give some examples and we apply the results in the previous sections in order to obtain a count of the number of certain grouplike categories.

2. Preliminaries

In this section we introduce grouplike categories. These are groupoids (groups in the case of monoids) in which we add extra elements, having some specific properties, to their set of morphisms. The goal is to study the structure of these categories in order to make the classification problem easier and clearer.

Definition 2.1.

A monoid A is a set equipped with a binary operation :A×AA such that · is associative and there exists an identity element e such that for every element aA, the equations ea=a and ae=a hold.

Definition 2.2.

A bimodule is a set with actions on the left and the right of the respective monoids, such that the actions commute i.e. (gx)h=g(xh). It can be seen as a category such that one of the sets of morphisms is empty, it’s called an upper triangulated category.

Definition 2.3.

(Carboni et al., Citation1987; Koslowski, Citation1997; Leinster, Citation1999a, Citation1999b, Citation2002). Let C be a finite category. Then we get a matrix where the diagonal entries are monoids and the off diagonals entries are bimodules. This matrix is called the algebraic matrix.

Definition 2.4.

A semicategory is a category without identity morphisms.

Lemma 2.5.

(Allouch & Simpson, Citation2014) Let C be a semicategory, let uC(x,y) with x,yOb(C), then we can add a morphism uʹ to C(x,y) such that uu and uʹ duplicates u for all composition operations. Then we get a new semicategory C with Ob(C)=Ob(C) and Hom(C)=Hom(C){u}.

On the other hand, we can also add the missing identities in Ob(C) to obtain a category B.

The previous lemma shows that we can add morphisms consecutively to a category and obtain a new category (provided that we add identities too). In our case, we define a category whose objects have grouplike endomorphism monoids, we only add elements consecutively to the monoids. The elements are idempotents and identities to the elements of the monoids. This means that each time we add an identity element, the previous identity is no longer an identity.

We need the notion of bimodules in order to make the classification and counting problem easier.

Definition 2.6.

Let A be a semigroup. Whether or not A has a multiplicative identity element, we let e be a fresh element and


Then A is a semigroup if the multiplication of A is extended by stipulating xe=ex=x for all xA. More generally, if A is a semigroup, we recursively define semigroups An for nN by:


If A is a group, we say that the semigroups An, nN, are grouplike.

Definition 2.7.

We say that a category is called a grouplike category with groups Gi if its endomorphism monoids are grouplike monoids of the form Giki;kiN.

Definition 2.8.

A band S is an idempotent semigroup, i.e. for all xS, x2=x.

A semilattice is a commutative band.

Remark 2.9.

The set of idempotents in a grouplike monoid along with the group identity form a semilattice.


Let I={e0,,ek} be the set of idempotents where e0 is a group identity. I is a semilattice:

  • commutative: for ij, eiej=ejei=ei.

  • idempotent: eiei=ei.

3. Group action and the orbits of the sets of morphisms

Let C be a category with n objects X1,,Xn. For each object Xi,Xj there exists a monoid Ai=C(Xi,Xi) and a monoid Aj=C(Xj,Xj) and two operations




which represent the left monoid action of Ai and the right monoid action of Aj on the set of morphisms from Xi to Xj. Note here that these are the entries of the matrix defined in Definition 2.3.

In our work here, we take monoids of the form An, specifically grouplike, which means that each monoid contains a subgroup. This subgroup does not act on the whole set of morphisms from Xi to Xj, but it acts on a subset of the previous set (it’s important to note here that when we say group action we mean that the identity condition holds). In the following, we introduce how the group action works, and what are exactly the subsets that the group acts on. We will be considering categories with two objects.

To avoid large paragraphs every time we have a grouplike category, we give a notation in which we specify its exact form and the structure of its grouplike monoids.

Notation 3.1.

We denote by M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R) the matrix


of monoids and bimodules such that G1k1=G1I1 and G2k2=G2I2, where G1 and G2 are groups and I1={e1,,ek1} and I2={f1,fk2} such that the elements of I1 and I2 satisfy (EquationEquation (Ord)). We denote by e0 and f0 the identities of the groups G1 and G2. Let Cat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) be the set of grouplike categories associated to M whose objects are are X,Y such that the monoids and the bimodules are not empty. If CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) then C(X,X)=G1k1, C(X,Y)=L, C(Y,X)=R and C(Y,Y)=G2k2.

Remark 3.2.

More precisely if M is an algebraic matrix i.e. a matrix of monoids and bimodules, then Cat(M) is the set of pairs (C,β) where C is a category and β is an isomorphism between the algebraic matrix of C and M. We usually don’t include this notation of β in our discussion.

Remark 3.3.

Denote by ni the order of the group Gi. When we write Gk1 and Gk2, this means that the groups G and Gʹ have the same order n.

Lemma 3.4.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Then:

  1. G1 acts on G1L and RG1.

  2. G2 acts on LG2 and G2R.




  • For all xL and gG1 we have e0(gx)=gx.

  • For all g1,g2,g3G1 and xL we have (g2g3)(g1x)=g2(g3g1x).

The same holds for the other sets.

Moreover, the orbit of the set G1L is itself. Indeed, the orbit of G1L is a subset G1(G1L). It remains to prove the other direction. Let gxG1L, then


Similarly to the case where we have groups as objects, we can conclude that the group action on these sets is free.

Proposition 3.5.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. The actions of the group G1 on G1L and RG1 and the group G2 on LG2 and G2R are all free.


Let g1,g2,gG1 and xL. Suppose g1(gx)=g2(gx). If we multiply both sides by yR, we obtain:


where xy has 2 possibilities:

  1. If xy=ei where eiG1, then it’s sufficient to multiply by g−1 on both sides to prove that g1=g2.

  2. If xy=g3 where g3G1, then if we multiply by g31g1 on both sides, we get g1=g2.

Corollary 3.6.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. The cardinal of each orbit in the set of morphisms is equal to the order of the group acting.


Use Proposition 3.5.

This corollary could greatly help the enumeration problem here, because it tells us the number of possibilities in some blocks of a category, such as G1L and LG2 for example, then we can compute how many times the multiplication of morphisms appear to obtain non isomorphic copies of blocks.

Lemma 3.7.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. For all x:XY there exists at least one y:YX such that xy=idG1 and vice versa.


Let xC(X,Y) and yC(Y,X). Suppose xyidG1:

  1. If xy=gG1, then


  2. If xy is equal to an idempotent e in C(X,X) then


Now since we have two group actions on the sets of morphisms, we want to understand the relation between these actions over the morphisms sets.

Lemma 3.8.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Then




for all xC(X,Y).


Let gxhG1xG2,

gxh=gxhe2;e2=idG2=gxhyx;yC(Y,X)(Lemma \,3.7)G1x.

Same for the second inequality.

Lemma 3.9.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Let xL, the orbit of x by the action of G1 is the same orbit of x by the action of G2, i.e. G1x=xG2.


Suppose n1n2. From Lemma 3.4, there is a group action by G1 on G1L, and by Corollary 3.6


Similarly, there is a group action by G2 on G1LG2G1L, then again by Corollary 3.6 we have




Therefore, n2n1, but we have n1n2, then we obtain that n1 should be equal to n2 and G1xG2=G1x and G1xG2=xG2, hence

G1x=xG2for allxL.

Proposition 3.10.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. For all x,yL we have



Let gxG1x,


and since |G1x|=|G1y|, hence equality.

Proposition 3.11.

Let CCat(M(Gk1,Gk2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Then the multiplication of the elements in the orbit of L and the elements in the orbit of R is the group G, i.e.





  • : evident.

  • : Let gG

    g=ge0e0=gxye0(Lemma\, 3.7)

    where x:XY and y:YX.

Definition 3.12.

Let C be a category with objects {X,Y}. Suppose that gf is never equal to an identity for all f,gHom(C), then we can always reduce the category C to a new semi-category C such that Ob(C)=Ob(C) and Hom(C)=Hom(C){idC}.

Similarly, we can eliminate morphisms that are not identities and still obtain a new semi-category.

The reason we want to eliminate some morphisms is because when we take a category whose objects have grouplike endomorphism monoids, then we could restrict the category to a smaller category with only groups as objects and the orbits in the sets of morphisms. Following this technique leads to proving some matrix properties about the coefficients on the off-diagonals. It will also clarify how such categories are built.

From the above lemmas and propositions, we conclude that we can divide each set of morphisms into two sets: the orbit of the set and the other elements that are not inside the orbit.

3.1. Groupoids

Definition 3.13.

In category theory, a groupoid generalizes the notion of group in several equivalent ways. A groupoid can be seen as a:

  • group with a partial function replacing the binary operation;

  • category in which every morphism is invertible. A groupoid with only one object is a usual group.

In the previous sections, we have discussed the structure of a grouplike category with two objects. From this category, we can extract a subcategory, which is exactly a groupoid, and we prove the following:

Theorem 3.14.

In every grouplike category with two objects, there is a sub-semicategory that is a groupoid with two objects, whose groups are the groups of the grouplike monoids.


Let C be a grouplike category with objects X,Y. Let C(X,X)=Gk1,C(Y,Y)=Gk2,C(X,Y)=L and C(Y,X)=R. G the sub-semicategory of C is of the form:

  • Ob(G)={G,G}

  • Mor(G)={G,G,GL=LG,GR=RG}

  • Identities of G are 1G and 1G

  • Let x,yG, xy=xy with associative

Corollary 3.15.

Let CCat(M(Gk1,Gk2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. The category C determines an isomorphism between G and Gʹ. The isomorphism is well defined up to inner automorphisms.



4. The sets of idempotents

In this section we study the role of the idempotent elements in the monoids, the idea is to interpret their action on the sets of morphisms.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Let:




be the sets of idempotents of G1k1 and G2k2 where e0=1G1 and f0=1G2. And let:

(L) Lij:={xLeix=xandxfj=x}=eiLfj(L)


(R) Rji:={yRyei=yandfjy=y}=fjRei(R)

be the sets of morphisms that are fixed by ei and fj.

Notation 4.1.

Li:=Lii and Rj:=Rjj.

In general we have

Lemma 4.2.

Lij=eiLLfj and Rji=fjRRei.


We always have




Now let xeiLLfj then eix=x and xfj=x hence xLij.

In the following lemma, we present some properties of the multiplication of the sets of morphisms by idempotent elements.

Lemma 4.3.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category, we will denote by x,x elements of L and by y,y elements of R.

  1. eix=x and xfj=x for all eiK1, fjK2 and xL0.

  2. ej(eix)=eix and (xfi)fj=xfi for all xL and ij.

  3. xyG1 and yxG2 for all xL0 or yR0.

  4. If xyK1{e0} then yxK2{f0} and vice versa.

  5. If xy=e0 then yx=f0. (This result is also proved in Lemma 4.4).

  6. If xy=ei and yx=fj then xfj=eix and yei=fjy.

    In this case we can always assume that xfj=eix=x and yei=fjy=y (because x and y could be replaced with eix=xfj and yei=fjy respectively).


  1. Let xL0 and eiK1, we have:


    Same for xfj.

  2. eiej=ejei=ei for all ij then ej(eix)=x.

  3. Let gG1 such that gx=gx then g1gx=g1gx then gx=gx.

  4. Suppose that xy=ei then xye0=e0 then xy=e0 (because ye0=y) giving a contradiction.

  5. Let xL and yR such that xy=eiK1{e0}. Suppose that yx=gG2. Then


    but xgyG1 and eiK1{e0}, it means that eiG1, hence we get a contradiction. Therefore, yxK2{f0}.

  6. From part (4), we can see that if xyG1 then yxG2. Suppose that xy=e0 and yx=gG2. Let us prove that g=f0. We have

    yx=gxyx=xgye0=gyf0(ye0)=g(ye0)(becauseye0andgyare inG2R).

    By the free action of G2 on G2R, we obtain that g=f0.

  7. xyx=eix thus xfj=eix

    yxy=fjy thus yei=fjy.

    In addition, by part (b) (xfj)fj=xfj and ei(eix)=eix, then we can assume that xfj=eix=x.

From Lemma 4.3 (4) (5), we see that if one of the multiplications is an idempotent then the other way around should be an idempotent as well (we mean that it is not in the group part). That’s why in the following, we study the structure of the category whenever we have two elements such that their multiplications in both directions are idempotents.

Lemma 4.4.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Let i be the maximum index such that there exist xL and yR; xy=ei. And let jʹ be the maximum index such that there exist xL and yR; yx=fj. We can assume following Lemma 4.3 (6) that eix=x, yei=y, xfj=x and fjy=y.

  1. If i = 0 then j=0 and vice versa.

  2. If i,j1 then xy=ei and yx=fj. In addition, eix=xfj=x and yei=fjy=y.


For part (1), suppose i = 0, in this case by Lemma 4.3 (4) we have xy is an idempotent, and by maximality of i it has to be e0. Therefore


Therefore, j=0.

For part (2), suppose i,j1, then from Lemma 4.3 (4), suppose that yx=fj and xy=ei. From our assumption following (Lemma 4.3 (6)), we get




By maximality we have ii and jj. We have


We obtain that




Therefore xyG1 since i1, then there exists mi (by maximality of i) such that xy=em. Then ei=em(xy).

Which implies that em=emei=em2(xy)=em(xy)=ei. Hence em=ei and xy=ei.

Similarly we can prove that yx=fj and yei=y.

Corollary 4.5.

In the case of Lemma 4.4 (2), we have x=x and y=y.



Where x=eix=eieix=eieix=eix. Then x=x.

Similarly we prove that y=y.

Remark 4.6.

As a conclusion of Lemma 4.4 and Corollary 4.5, There is a maximum element i and a maximum element j such that there exist xL and yR such that xy=ei and yx=fj.

Proposition 4.7.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category. Let i and j be the maximum elements such that there exist xL and yR; xy=ei and yx=fj. Then





We want to prove that eiLfj=eiL=Lfj.

We always have that eiLfjeiL and eiLfjLfj. We prove the other direction.

Let xL

eix=eieix=ei(xy)x=eix(yx)=eixfm=eixfmLfj(fmfj=fmbecausejis the maximum)eiLfj.

Similarly we prove the others.

Theorem 4.8.

Let CCat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) (Notation 3.1) be a grouplike category.

Suppose that i and j are the maximum elements (in the sense of Lemma 4.4) such that xy=ei and yx=fj. By Lemma 4.3 (6) we can assume that


Then we can construct a sub-semicategory C of the form


where Lij=eiLfj and Rji=fjRei, such that C is the maximum sub-semicategory of this form.


  • C is a category:

  • – Objects: X and Y

  • – Morphisms: G1i,Lij,Rji and G2j

  • – Composition:

  • * Let zLij and eKi then we can write z=eiz~fj, then


  • * Let zLij and wRji then z=eiz~fj and w=fjw~ei, then


  • – Identities: ei and fj

  • C is the maximum category of this form:

    If we have two elements xʹ and yʹ outside of Lij and Rji such that xy=ei and yx=fj then by Lemma 4.4 we have xy=ei and yx=fj. This is in contradiction with the maximality of i and j. Hence C is the maximum such category.

Corollary 4.9.

The monoids G1i and G2j are isomorphic. We call C a groupoid-like category.


There exist x,y such that xy=ei and yx=fj the identities. It follows that i = j and the groups G1 and G2 are isomorphic.

Proposition 4.10.



be a matrix of a grouplike category C. By Theorem 4.8, we can construct a sub-semicategory C associated to the matrix


of monoids and bimodules. For all xL and all yR we have



Suppose that xyG1k1G1i then there exists ekG1i such that xy=ek. This is in contradiction with the maximality of i.

Conclusion: Let


be a matrix of a grouplike category C whose objects X and Y. Then

  1. G1G2.

  2. There exists imax=max(i) such that there exist x,y and eimax=xy.

    There exists jmax=max(j) such that there exist x,y and fjmax=yx.

  3. imax=jmax, and we obtain the following matrix


    of a sub-semicategory C of C whose objects X and Y are isomorphic. Thus

    G1imaxG2jmaxas monoids


    G1imaxLimaxjmaxRjmaximaxas bimodules.

  4. The bimodule L has the property


    i.e. L is i-unigen.

    and the bimodule R has the property


    i.e. R is i-unigen. Where i=imax=jmax.

  5. For all xL, eix=xfi.

  6. The isomorphisms in 4 are inverses.

  7. The multiplications of the elements of L by the elements of R are determined once we fix x and y.

Theorem 4.11.

Let G1,G2 be two groups, k1,k2, L, R be (G1k1,G2k2)-bimodules, and i; ik1, ik2 such that the following collection EquationEquation P(i) of properties holds:

(P(i)) Li=Lfi=eiLandRi=Rei=fiR(P(i))

and such that there is xiLi such that xi determines an isomorphism


and an isomorphism


Similarly for yiRi, determining an isomorphism G2iRiG1i.

The isomorphisms G1iLiG2i and G2iRiG1i are assumed to be inverses for the property EquationEquation P(i).

Then we get a category C with algebraic matrix


such that i=imax=jmax, xiyi=ei and yixi=fi (L and R are i-unigen).

For i1, then the choice of xi is unique and hence the category is unique.

For i = 0, then the choice of x0 is not unique but the category is unique once x0 and y0 are fixed.


The multiplications G1k1×LL and L×G2k2L are given by the bimodule structure of L. Similarly for R.

Let xL, yR,


Similarly for yx. We can check that the multiplication is associative.

If we fix the matrix


and we take ibiggest=max{i{P(i)} holds}, then for the cases i1


For i = 0, the choices of x0 and y0 are not unique, see Remark 4.13.

Remark 4.12.

The condition EquationEquation P(i) is what we call i-unigen in Definition 1.1 (Thanks to Carlos Simpson for suggesting the terminology i-unigen).

Remark 4.13.

When i = 0, once we fix x0, there are maybe several choices for y0 that lead to inverse isomorphisms. The set of choices of y0 is given by the center of the group. The cardinal of the set of pairs (C,β) in Cat(M(G1k1,G2k2,L,R)) with imax=0 is equal to the cardinal of the center of the group.

Proof of Lemma 1.3

Let L be an i-unigen bimodule. Let xLi such that G1ix=Li, where G1ixG1i. Then xG2i=Li:

Suppose xg=xg, gg in G2i. Then since G1ix=Li, we get yg=yg for all yLi, then g=g. Then


but they have the same cardinal, then


We define an isomorphism


as follows

If gG1i and gxLi then gx=xh; hG2i. Set




By uniqueness of h, we have ϕ(gg)=ϕ(g)ϕ(g), and Lemma 1.3 is proved.

Proof of Theorem 1.6

Using Theorem 4.11 we prove Theorem 1.6, as we have the same construction of a category. In Theorem 4.11 we start by choosing imax=jmax to get to the algebraic matrix (EquationEquation M(3)).

For the multiplication table of C(3), the multiplication of Gk1 on L and R is given by the bimodule structure. It remains to find the maps


Let xL and yR,


where eix and yei are in Li and Ri and these compositions are given by C(1). And as in the conclusion part (7), we get the uniqueness of the category.

Proof of Theorem 1.7

From Theorem 4.8 and Proposition 4.10 we can prove Theorem 1.7. As in Remark 4.9 we prove that i and j should be the same, then the algebraic matrix obtained is


where Li and Ri are isomorphic to Gi (conclusion part (3)). Then M is the matrix (EquationEquation M(1)).

We conclude that if we have a grouplike category then the two bimodules L and R are i-unigen and the resulting isomorphisms between these two bimodules are inverses. If we then identify the groups via these isomorphisms, we can say that L and R become strictly i-unigen. Then we get the structure described in Theorem 1.6, and Theorem 1.7 is proved.

Remark 4.14.

The condition that the isomorphisms should be inverses in Theorem 4.11 is very important to obtain the grouplike category. We give a counter example to show its importance (example 4.16), but first we define the category of a matrix that is a combination of two categories associated to matrices of bimodules.

Notation 4.15.



be a matrix of bimodule L, and let C(1) be a category associated to N(1).

Similarly let


be a matrix of bimodule R, and let C(2) be a category associated to N(2).

We denote by N=N(1)N(2) the matrix of the form


of monoids and bimodules L and R in C(1) and C(2). We denote by C a category associated to N.

Example 4.16.

Consider the matrix




such that


then N(1) is the matrix of the bimodule L. Let C(1) be a bimodule category associated to N(1) with the above table of multiplication.

Consider the matrix




such that




Similarly, N(2) is a matrix of the bimodule R. Notice that we changed the multiplication table of RZ3 by the involution of the group Z3. Let C(2) be a bimodule category associated to N(2) with the above table of multiplication.

But the matrix


with the above bimodules C(1) and C(2) doesn’t admit a grouplike category. This was shown by calculating using Mace4. It also follows from Conclusion part (6) since the isomorphisms given by L and R are not inverses.

We can conclude now the general structure of grouplike categories with only 2 objects X1,X2.


5. Applications

Remark 5.1.

The number of monoids is known until order 10 (Jipsen, CitationOEIS, peterjipsen, CitationOEIS). It is not easy to get a count of higher order using Mace4 as it is limited to very small orders. Some AI and machine learning techniques are now applied to classify some semigroups as in (Simpson, Citation2021). In our applications below, we need the list of monoids of order 3 as we are going to give a count of some categories having 3 morphisms in each morphism set.

List all the 7 monoids of size 3:

(1) compC1C2C3C4C5C6C722=122222332=323323223=322332132=3232321(1)

We combine monoids of three elements together in one category, two monoids Ci,Cj are called connected if there exists a category where the monoids Ci and Cj are the endomorphism monoids of the two objects. Viewing them as objects, each object is one of the monoids of endomorphisms listed before, and this graph of a category is associated to the matrix:


From EquationEquation Table 1, we can remark that C5 and C6 are grouplike monoids. Where C5 is of the form G1 such that G=Z2, and C6 is of the form G2 such that G={2} is the trivial group.

Example 5.2.

The number of categories between C6 and itself Let B be a category with two objects X and Y associated to the matrix


such that C(X,X)=C6, C(Y,Y)=C6, C(X,Y)=L and C(Y,X)=. Fix

(these are two distinct copies of C6).

  1. i = 0: the number of categories associated to M1 is 64 (calculated by Mace4 [14]). But Since C6 is a grouplike category containing the trivial group {2}, then the orbit of L has size 1 and it’s unique. This means that 2x is unique for all xL. Suppose it’s equal to 4. This reduces the number of possibilities to 15.

    Similarly, let D be a category with two objects X and Y associated to the matrix


    such that C(X,X)=C6, C(Y,Y)=C6, C(X,Y)= and C(Y,X)=R.

    For the same reason, the number of possible categories associated to M2 with the orbit condition is 15.

    Then a category C associated to the matrix


    such that C(X,X)=C6, C(Y,Y)=C6, C(X,Y)=L and C(Y,X)=R, has 15 left bimodules A1,,A15 and 15 right bimodules B1,,B15.

We have two cases:


The bimodules are the same


By Theorem 4.11, there are exactly 15 possibilities for this matrix (up to isomorphism).


The bimodules are different


such that 1i<j15.


There are 15×142=105 possibilities.

Hence for i = 0, we have 120 categories.


i = 1: there are 2 left bimodules A1,A2 and 2 right bimodules B1,B2. Then the possibilities are:


The bimodules are the same


and we have 2 categories that could be associated to this matrix.


The bimodules are different


and we have 1 category (up to isomorphism).

Hence in total there are 120+3=123 categories between C6 and itself.

Example 5.3.

The number of categories between C5 and itself

The number of categories between C5 and itself can also be found bimodules. Let B be a category with two objects X and Y associated to the matrix


such that C(X,X)=C5, C(Y,Y)=C5, C(X,Y)=L and C(Y,X)=.

And similarly let D be a category with two objects X and Y associated to the matrix


such that C(X,X)=C5, C(Y,Y)=C5, C(X,Y)= and C(Y,X)=R.

Then there exists a category C with two objects associated to the matrix


such that C(X,X)=C5, C(Y,Y)=C5, C(X,Y)=L and C(Y,X)=R. Where B is a left bimodule and D is a right bimodule.

Since there is 1 left and 1 right bimodule (also calculated by Mace4) and since imax=0, then the number of possible y0 is equal to the order of the center of the group Z2 which is 2 (Theorem 4.11 and Remark 4.13). Hence there are 2 categories between C5 and itself.

Definition 5.4.

A category C is called reduced if there do not exist two distinct isomorphic objects in C.

Lemma 5.5.

Let C be a reduced category associated to the matrix


If there exists xL and yR such that yx=1B, then |B|<|A| and B is a sub-monoid of A disjoint from {1A}.




We have


ϕ is injective, indeed, suppose that ϕ(f)=1A, then


Remark 5.6.

We note that if |A|=|B| then xy=1A and C is not reduced.

Proposition 5.7.

Let M=(3ab3) and C be a category associated to M whose objects are X and Y. Then



Suppose that C(X,X)=A,C(X,Y)=L,C(Y,X)=R and C(Y,Y)=C5=Z2{1}. Consider the algebraic matrix of C


such that |A|=3,|L|=a,|R|=b and |C5|=3.

Let C be a subcategory of C defined in the following way

  1. (Objects of C): X and Y.

  2. (Morphisms of C): A,LZ2,Z2R and Z2. (It means that we take the orbits of L and R by the action of Z2).

  3. (Composition): by Proposition 3.11 we have that the composition of orbits goes into the group Z2.

  4. (Identities): 1A and 1Z2.

We obtain that C is associated to the following algebraic matrix


Since there exist xLZ2 and yZ2R such that xy=1Z2, then from Lemma 5.5 we have that Z2 is a sub-monoid of A disjoint from {1A}. Therefore, A=Z2{1}=C5.

Theorem 5.8.

Let M=(3a12a1na213a2nan13) be a strictly positive matrix and let C be a reduced category associated to M with Ob(C)={1,,n}.

If there exists iOb(C) such that C(i,i)=C5 then C(j,j)=C5  jOb(C).


If C is a category associated to M then every regular sub-matrix of M of size 2 is associated to a full sub-category of C [2] with two objects, then we apply Proposition 5.7 to get the result.

The classification of finite categories depends mostly on the algebraic structure of the endomorphism monoids. Monoids that are groups or contain a group impose some restrictions on the cardinality of the sets of morphisms. The properties obtained by studying such monoids make the classification and the counting problem easier. Counting finite structures is not easy in general, but optimizing the number of categories that could be obtained is a good start. We are now studying other types of monoids hoping to get classification theorems similar to the ones we have seen in this paper.


I would like to thank Wesley Fussner for he is the one that suggested working on grouplike monoids and categories, and Angel Toledo for the reference to Leinster’s paper. A very big thanks to my advisor Carlos Simpson for his constant help during my thesis.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).


Supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche program 3ia Côte d’Azur ANR-19- P3IA-0002, and European Research Council Horizons 2020 grant 670624 (Mai Gehrke’s DuaLL project).

Additional information


Supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche program 3ia Côte d’Azur ANR-19- P3IA-0002, and European Research Council Horizons 2020 grant 670624 (Mai Gehrke’s DuaLL project).


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