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Pure Mathematics

Soft homomorphisms on soft groups

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Article: 2314354 | Received 29 Dec 2023, Accepted 31 Jan 2024, Published online: 21 Feb 2024


In this paper, we study soft homomorphisms on soft groups and investigate their properties. Given a soft mapping f,A from G to Gʹ, we obtain an ordinary map f from the set SEA(G) of soft elements of G to the set SEA(G) of soft elements of Gʹ, and show that f,A is a soft homomorphism (respectively, soft isomorphism) if and only if f is an ordinary group homomorphism (respectively, isomorphism). We apply this concept to study soft isomorphism theorems on soft groups. Moreover, we study those soft automorphisms of soft groups and the particular class of soft inner automorphisms. We establish an embedding of the group of soft automorphisms of a soft group G into the group of automorphisms of SEA(G). Furthermore, it is shown that for every soft group G, the soft group of its inner automorphisms is soft isomorphic with the quotient of G by its center ZA(G).


1. Introduction

Research works in soft set theory and its application in various field have been progressing rapidly. In spite of the introduction of soft set theory in 1999 by Molodtsov, there have been a very few studies focusing on soft groups (Molodtsov, Citation1999). In 2007 Akta and Cagman initiated the study of soft groups and discussed various properties (Aktaş & Çağman, Citation2007). In 2010 Acar et. al. defined soft rings and their properties (Acar et al., Citation2010). Some years later in 2016, Ghosh et al., (Citation2017) came up with a new idea of soft groups using the concept of soft elements. As continuation of these ideas, G. Yaylalı et. al. extended this notion and define soft groups as a nonempty collection of soft elements F,A over G together with a binary operation satisfying all the defining properties of a classical group (Yaylalı et al., Citation2019).

It is evident that all the above discussed soft groups were defined based on classical binary operation which is the central unit determining all the algebraic properties of the structure. Taking this into account, we introduce the concept of soft groups based on soft binary operation in the paper (Weldetekle et al., Citation2024). In this scenario, a soft group is defined to be a triple G,,A consisting of a nonempty set G equipped with a soft binary operation ,A respecting all the group axioms in a soft setting; whereby a soft binary operation on a set G, we mean a soft mapping in the sense of (Addis et al., Citation2022) from G × G to G.

The main purpose of this paper is to study the basic notion of soft homomorphisms on soft groups based on soft binary operation. Moreover, we state and prove several soft isomorphism theorems on soft groups. We further study the soft automorphisms of soft groups and particularly those soft inner automorphisms. We establish an embedding of the group of soft automorphisms of a soft group G into the group of automorphisms of SEA(G), where SEA(G) is the collection of all soft elements of G with a set A of parameters. Finally, it is shown that for every soft group G, the soft group of its inner automorphisms is soft isomorphic with the quotient of G by its center ZA(G).

The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, a brief preliminary account of relevant definitions along with some theorems is presented. Section 3 contains a new definition of soft homomorphism which is illustrated with examples and some results. In Section 4, soft isomorphism theorems are discussed and finally in Section 5, a discussion of soft automorphisms is presented.

2. Preliminaries

In this Section, we give some basic definitions which will be used in this paper, mainly following Addis et al., (Citation2022) and Weldetekle et al., (Citation2024). Throughout this section, unless stated otherwise X is a nonempty set which is referred to as an initial universe set, A is the set of all convenient parameters for X, and G denote the soft group G,,A.

Definition 2.1.

(Molodtsov, Citation1999) A soft set over X is a pair F,A where F:AP(X) is a mapping from A into power set of X. In other words, it is a parameterized family of subsets of X.

Definition 2.2.

(Maji et al., Citation2002) A soft set F,A over G is said to be the absolute soft set over G if F(α)=G for allαA.

By a soft relation from X to Y we mean a soft set R,A over X × Y. In this case, for αA and (x,y)X×Y we write α,x,yR to mean x,yR(α) (Zhang & Yuan, Citation2014).

Definition 2.3.

(Addis et al., Citation2022) A soft mapping from X to Y is a soft relation f,A from X to Y such that:


for each αA and each xX there exists some yY such that α,x,yf;


for each αA, xX and y1,y2Y, α,x,y1f and α,x,y2f implies y1=y2.

Definition 2.4.

(Addis et al., Citation2022) A soft mapping f,A from X to Y is said to be:


injective if for each αA, x1,x2X and yY; α,x1,yf and α,x2,yf together imply x1=x2.


surjective if for each αA and each yY there exists xX such that α,x,yf.


bijective if it is both injective and surjective.

Definition 2.5.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) Let G be a nonempty set. By a soft binary operation on G we mean a soft mapping ,A from G × G to G, where A is a set of parameters.

Definition 2.6.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) A soft group is a triple G,,A where G is nonempty set and ,A is a soft binary operation on G satisfying the following conditions:


Associativity: For all αA and all a,b,c,x,y,u,vG, if α,a,b,x, α,x,c,y, α,b,c,u and α,a,u,v then y = v.


Existence of identity: For each αA there exists eαG such that α,a,eα,a and α,eα,a,a for all aG;


Existence of inverse: For each αA and all aG, there is an element of G denoted by aα such that α,a,aα,eα and α,aα,a,eα.

Definition 2.7.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) By a soft element in G we mean a soft set F,A over G such that Card (F(α))=1 for all αA. That is, F(α) is a single element set for each αA. Let us denote by SEA(G) the collection of all soft elements of G with a set of parameter A.

Definition 2.8.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) Let G,,A be a soft group. A soft set H,A over G is said to be a soft subgroup of G if for each αA, and a,b,xG:




α,a,b,xxH(α) for all a,bH(α);



Theorem 2.9.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) Let G,,A be a soft group. A soft set H,A over G is a soft subgroup of G if and only if the following two conditions hold for each αA and all a,b,xG:




if a,bH(α) and α,a,bα,x, then xH(α).

Definition 2.10.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) Let H,A be a soft subgroup of a soft group G,,A and aG. Define a soft set  aH,A over G by:

 aH(α)= {xG:α,a,b,x for\ some bH(α)}for\ each αA.

We call  aH,A a left soft coset of H,A corresponding to a. Right soft cosets can be defined in a dual manner.

Definition 2.11.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) A soft subgroup N,A of a soft group G,,A is called normal if  aN,A=Na,A for allaG.

Theorem 2.12.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) For a soft subgroup N,A of G, the following are equivalent:


N,A is normal;


for αA, any a,x,y G and any nN(α),α,a,n,x and α,x,aα,y together imply yN(α).

Definition 2.13.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) We say that a soft group G,,A is abelian if for each αA and any a,b,xG, α,a,b,x if and only ifα,b,a,x.

Definition 2.14.

(Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) Let G,,A be a soft group. The center of G denoted by ZA(G),A is a parameterized soft set over G defined by for each αA:

ZA(G)(α)= {aG:α,a,x,yα,x,a,yforallx,yG}

3. Soft homomorphisms

Definition 3.1.

Let G,,A and G,Δ,A be soft groups. A soft mapping f,A from G to Gʹ is called a soft homomorphism, if for each αAa,b,cG and x,y,zG, α,a,xf, α,b,yf, α,c,zf and α,a,b,c implies α,x,y,zΔ.

Example 3.2.

Let R be the set of real numbers, R+ the set of positive real numbers and N the set of natural numbers. Define soft binary operations ,N and Δ,N on R and R+ respectively as follows:

 α,a,b,cc=α+a+band α,a,b,cΔc=(α+1)αab.

R,,N and R+,Δ,N are soft groups. Moreover, define f={(α,x,y):y=(α+1)x}. Then f,N is a soft homomorphism from R to R+.

Example 3.3.

With the notation of Example 3.2, define f={(α,x,y):y=logα+1x}. Then f,N is a soft homomorphism from R+,Δ,N to R,,N.

Proposition 3.4.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G,,A to G,,A. Then


α,eα,eαf, for all αA where eα and eα are identity elements of G and Gʹ respectively;


α,a,yfα,aα,yαf, for all αA,aG and yG.



Let xG Such that α,eα,xf. Since α,x,eα,xΔ and α,x,x,xΔ, by cancellation law it holds that x=eα. Therefore α,eα,eαf.


Let αA,aG and x,yG Such that α,a,yf and α,aα,xf. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism, it follows from (1) and the condition α,a,aα,eα that α,y,x,eαΔ. Again from the fact α,y,yα,eαΔ and cancellation law we get x=yα. Therefore α,aα,yαf.

Using the idea of the composition of soft mappings given in Addis et al., (Citation2022), it is proved in the following proposition that the composition of two soft homomorphisms is a soft homomorphism.

Proposition 3.5.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G to Gʹ and g,A be a soft homomorphism from Gʹ to G′′. Then gf,A is a soft homomorphism from G to G′′.

Definition 3.6.

A soft homomorphism f,A from G to Gʹ is said to be:


a soft monomorphism if it is injective;


a soft epimorphism if it is surjective;


a soft isomorphism if it is bijective.

Note: Given soft groups G,,A and G,Δ,A. If there is a soft isomorphism from G to Gʹ, we say that G and Gʹ are soft isomorphic and write GG symbolically. Note also that forms an equivalence relation on the class of soft groups.

Recall from Weldetekle et al., (Citation2024) that, if G,,A is a soft group, then the set SEA(G) of all soft elements of G is an ordinary group together with the induced binary operation ¯, that can be used as a model to represent soft groups. With the idea of extending soft homomorphisms to classical group homomorphism, we define the following.

Definition 3.7.

Let f,A be a soft mapping from G to Gʹ. Define a mapping f:SEA(G)SEA(G) as follows: for each aSEA(G) and αA:

f(a)(α)={b}if and only if α,a(α),bf.

Theorem 3.8.

A soft mapping f,A from G to Gʹ is a soft homomorphism if and only if f is a homomorphism.


Suppose that f,A is a soft homomorphism. Let a,bSEA(G) and αA be arbitrary. Assume that f(a¯b)(α)={z}. Then, α,(a¯b)(α),zf. If (a¯b)(α)={c}, then α,a(α),b(α),c and α,c,zf. On the other hand if α,a(α),xf and α,b(α),yf, then as f,A is a soft homomorphism, we get α,x,y,zΔ and hence (f˘(a˘)Δ¯f˘(b˘))(α)={z}. Therefore, f is a group homomorphism. Conversely suppose that f is a group homomorphism. Let αA, a,b,cG and x,y,zG such that α,a,xf, α,b,yf, α,c,zf and α,a,b,c. Let uG such that α,x,y,uΔ. We claim to show that u = z. Define soft elements a,b,c in G and x,y,z in Gʹ as follows: for each λA:


Then, one can easily show that for each λA:


Since f is a homomorphism, it should be the case that f(a¯b)(λ)=(f(a)Δ¯f(b))(λ) for all λA. In particular, it works for λ=α and hence which would give z = u. Therefore, f,A is a soft homomorphism.

Theorem 3.9.

A soft homomorphism f,A from G to Gʹ is a soft isomorphism if and only if f is a group isomorphism.


Suppose that f,A is soft isomorphism. We first show that f is injective. Let a,bSEA(G) such that f(a)=f(b). Then f(a)(λ)=f(b)(λ) for all λA. That is, for each λA and any xG we have:

λ,a(λ),xfif and only if λ,b(λ),xf.

Since f is injective, it must be true that a(λ)=b(λ) for all λA. Thus, a=b and hence f is injective. Next we show that f is surjective. Let y be any soft element in Gʹ. Since f,A is soft isomorphism, for ech αA there is a unique element let say xαG such that α,xα,y(α)f for all αA. Noe define a sofet element x over G by x(α)={xα} for all αA. Then we must have f(x)=y. Thus, f is surjective and hence an isomorphism. The converse can be proved using similar procedure.

Definition 3.10.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G,,A to G,Δ,A.


If H,A is a soft subgroup of G, then the soft set f(H),A over Gʹ defined as:

f(H)(α)= {yG:α,x,yfforsomexH(α)}

is the image of H,A under f.


If H,A is a soft subgroup of Gʹ, then the soft set f1(H),A over G defined as:

f1(H)(α)= {xG:α,x,yfforsomeyH(α)}

is the inverse image of H,A under f.

Lemma 3.11.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G,,A to G,Δ,A. If H,A is a soft subgroup of G then f(H),A is a soft subgroup of G.


Let αA. Since eαH(α) and α,eα,eαf, we have eαf(H)(α).

Let x,yf(H)(α) and zG such that <α,x,yα,z>∈Δ. We need to prove that zf(H)(α). As x,yf(H)(α) there exists a,bH(α) such that α,a,xf and α,b,yf. Since α,b,yf we have α,bα,yαf. Let cG such that α,a,bα,c. Since f,A is a soft mapping there exist wG such that <α,c,w>∈f. As f,A is a soft homomorphism it follows that w = z. Since H,A is a soft subgroup of G, we have cH(α). Therefore zf(H)(α).

Lemma 3.12.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G,,A to G,Δ,A. If H,A is a soft subgroup of Gʹ then f1(H),A is a soft subgroup of G.


Let αA. Since eαH(α) and α,eα,eαf, we get eαf1(H)(α).

Let a,bf1(H)(α) and cG such that α,a,bα,c. We need to prove that cf1(H)(α). As a,bf1(H)(α) there exist x,yH(α) such that α,a,xf and α,b,yf. As α,b,yf it holds that α,bα,yαf. Let cG such that α,a,bα,c. Since f,A is a soft mapping there exist zG such that α,c,zf. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism from G to G, it holds that α,x,yα,zΔ. Since H,A is a soft subgroup of Gʹ we get zH(α). Therefore cf1(H)(α). Hence f1(H),A is a soft subgroup of G.

Theorem 3.13.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G,,A to G,Δ,A.


If f,A is surjective and N,A is a normal soft subgroup of G then f(N),A is a normal soft subgroup of G.


If N,A is a normal soft subgroup of Gʹ then f1(N),A is a normal soft subgroup of G.



By Lemma 3.11 f(N),A is a soft subgroup of G. Let af(N)(α). Then α,x,af for some xN(α). Let bG. Since f,A is surjective, there exist yG such that α,y,bf. Let zG such that α,y,x,z. There exists cG such that α,z,cf because f,A is a soft homomorphism. Moreover, α,b,a,cΔ. Again let dG such that α,z,yα,d. Since f,A is a soft mapping, there exists dG such that α,d,df. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism, α,c,bα,dΔ. As N,A is a normal soft subgroup of G, dN(α). This implies that df(N)(α). Therefore f(N),A is a normal soft subgroup of G.


By Lemma 3.12 f1(N),A is a soft subgroup of G. Let af1(N)(α). Then α,a,xf for some xN(α). Let b,cG and x1,z1G such that α,b,x1f and α,c,z1f. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism from G to Gʹ and α,b,a,c. Then we have α,x1,x,z1Δ. Let dG and z2G such that α,d,z2f. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism from G to Gʹ and α,c,bα,d,α,z1,x1α,z2Δ. It follows that df1(N)(α). Therefore f1(N),A is a normal soft subgroup of G.

Definition 3.14.

Let f,A be a soft homomorphism from G to G. The kernel of f,A is the soft set Kf,A over G defined as:

Kf(α)={xG:α,x,eαf for each αA}

where eα is an identity element of G.

Example 3.15.

Let G,,A and G,,A be soft groups.

  1. Let f,A be a soft mapping from G to Gʹ defined by:


    then f,A is a soft homomorphism and Kf,A is the absolute soft set over G.

  2. Let <f,A> be a soft mapping from G to G defined by:


    then f,A is a soft homomorphism and Kf,A is the trivial soft subgroup of G.

Lemma 3.16.

For any soft homomorphism f,A from G,,A to G,Δ,A, the kernel Kf,A is a normal soft subgroup of G.


For each αA, we have


Therefore the proof follows directly from Theorem 3.13.

Lemma 3.17.

A soft homomorphism f,A from G,,A to G,Δ,A is a soft monomorphism if and only if Kf,A is the trivial soft subgroup of G.


Suppose f,A is a soft monomorphism. We need to show that Kf(α)={eα} for all αA. Let xKf(α). This implies that α,x,eαf, for all αA. Since α,eα,eαinf, for all αA we have x=eα. Therefore Kf(α)={eα}. Conversely, suppose that α,x1,yf and α,x2,yf. Let zG such that α,x1,x2α,z. Then α,z,eαf. It follows that zKf(α). So z=eα. Therefore α,x1,x2α,eα. This implies that α,eα,x2,x1. Using the fact α,eα,x1,x1 and the cancellation law we get x1=x2.

Proposition 3.18.

Let f,A and g,A be soft homomorphisms from G,,A to G,Δ,A. Define a soft set H,A over G by:

H(α)= {aG:α,a,xfα,a,xgfor any xG}

for all αA. Then H,A is a soft subgroup of G.


Since α,eα,eαf and α,eα,eαg, we have eαH(α). Let a,bH(α) and xG such that α,a,bα,x. Since f,A and g,A are soft mapping there exist y1,y2G such that




This implies that α,bα,y2αfα,bα,y2αg. Again f,A is a soft mapping then there exist y3G such that α,x,y3f. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism then we get that α,y1,y2α,y3Δ. Since g,A is a soft homomorphism and α,x,y3g, we have xH(α). Hence H,A is a soft subgroup of G.

Recall from (Weldetekle et al., Citation2024) that for a soft set H,A over G, we define the subset H^ of SEA(G) by:

H^={aSEA(G):a(α)H(α)for all αA}

In the following theorem, we establish a relation between the kernel of f and the soft kernel of f,A.

Theorem 3.19.

For any soft homomorphism f,A from G to Gʹ we have



We know that

Kf^={aSEA(G):a(α)Kf(α)for all αA}


ker(f)={aSEA(G):f(a)(λ)={eα}for all λA}.
Now,wehaveaker(f) f(a)(λ)={eλ} α,a(λ),eλf a(λ)Kf(λ)for all λA aKf^.

Therefore ker(f)=Kf^.

4. Soft isomorphism theorems

In this Section, we will see a method for checking whether two soft groups defined in different ways are structurally the same or not.

Theorem 4.1.

Let H,A be a normal soft subgroup of a soft group G,,A. Put

G/H={ aH:aG}

where each  aH is a left soft coset of H,A. Define a soft coset multiplication on G/H by: α, aH, bH, cHα,a,b,x for some xG with  cH= xH. Then, G/H,,A is a soft group.


First we shall prove that is well defined. Let n,m,dG and αA such that  aH= dH and  bH= nH. Suppose α, aH, bH, cH and α, dH, nH, mH. This implies that α,a,b,z1 and α,d,n,z2 for some z1,z2G with  cH= z1H and  mH= z2H. Let k1G such that α,cα,z1,k1. Since  cH= z1H, k1H(α). Let k2G such that α,mα,z2,k2. Since  mH= z2H, k2H(α). Let x1,x2G such that α,aα,d,x1 and α,bα,n,x2. It follows that x1,x2H(α). Let k3,yG such that α,nα,x1,y and α,y,n,k3. Since H,A is a normal soft subgroup of G then we have k3H(α). Let k4,k5,k6G such that α,k1,x2,k4, α,k4,k3,k5 and α,k5,k2α,k6. Since H,A is a soft subgroup of G then we get k4,k5,k6H(α). Using the associative property of ,A and α,cα,m,k6. This implies that  cH= mH. Thus is well defined. It remains to show that G/H,,A satisfies the soft group axioms which are straightforward.

Definition 4.2.

If H,A is a normal soft subgroup of G,,A, then the soft group G/H,,A defined as in Theorem 4.1 is called quotient soft group.

Definition 4.3.

We say that a normal soft subgroup N,A has the property (Q) provided that for each α,βA, aN(α) and bG;


Lemma 4.4.

Let N,A be a normal soft subgroup of G,,A and G/N,,A be the quotient soft group. Define a soft mapping f,A from G to G/N by

f={α,a, aN:αA,aG}.

Then f,A is a soft epimorphism from G to G/N such that Kf,AN,A. Moreover, the equality holds, whenever N,A has the property (Q).


Define a soft mapping f,A from G to G/N by α,a, aNf. Clearly, f,A is surjective. Since N,A is normal in G then f,A is a soft homomorphism. Now, for each αA and aG:

aKf(α)  α,a, eαNf  aN= eαN  aN(β)= eαN(β)∀βA  aN(α)= eαN(α) aN(α).

Therefore Kf,AN,A. Moreover, if N,A has the property (Q), then one can easily verify that Kf(α)=N(α) for all αA and hence the equality holds.

Note: The soft mapping defined in Lemma 4.4 is called soft canonical epimorphism.

Theorem 4.5.

(The first soft isomorphism theorem) Let G,,A and G,Δ,A be soft groups. If f,A is a soft epimorphism from G to Gʹ, then G/KfG.


Define a soft mapping g,A from G/Kf to Gʹ by α, aKf,yg if and only if α,a,yf. We first show that g,A is well defined. Let αA, and a,b,G such that  aKf= bKf. Let y1,y2G such that α, aKf,y1g and α, bKf,y2g. It follows that α,a,y1f and α,b,y2f. Since  aKf= bKf, we have  aKf(α)= bKf(α) for all αA. If α,bα,a,x1 then x1Kf(α) for all αA. This implies α,x1,eαf. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism α,y2α,y1,eαΔ. Then, we get y1=y2. Therefore g,A is well defined. Since f,A is an epimorphism for each yG there exists aG such that α,a,yf. Which implies that α, aKf,yg. Therefore g,A is surjective. It remains to show that g,A is injective. Suppose that α, aKf,yg and α, bKf,yg implies α,a,yf and α,b,yf. Let xG and zG such that α,bα,a,x and α,x,zf. Then we have α,yα,y,z. Which implies that z=eαα. That is α,x,eαfxKf(α). Since α is arbitrary we can see that α,bα,a,xxKf(α) for all αA. Thus  aKf(α)= bKf(α). Therefore g,A is injective. Hence G/KfG.

Corollary 4.6.

Let f,A be a soft epimorphism from G,,A to G,Δ,A and M,A be a normal soft subgroup of G. Then,



Define a soft mapping g,A from G to G/M by: α,a,xMg if and only if α,a,yf for some yG with  xM= yM. We show that g,A is a soft homomorphism. Let αA, a,b,cG and x,y,zG such that α,a,xMg, α,b,yMg, α,c,zMg and α,a,b,c. Then, there exist x,y,zG such that xM=xM, yM=yM, zM=zM and α,a,xf, α,b,yf, α,c,zf. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism and α,a,b,c. We get that α,x,y,zΔ in G. Then α,xM,yM,zMΔ¯ in G/M. Thus g,A is a soft homomorphism from G to G/M. As f,A is surjective it is straightforward that g,A is also surjective. Now for each αA consider the following:

Kg(α) = {aG:α,a,eαMg} = {aG:α,a,xfforsomexGwithxM=eαM} = {aG:α,a,xfforsomexM(α)} =f1(M)(α)

Thus Kg,A=f1(M),A. Therefore by the first soft isomorphism theorem we get that


Proposition 4.7.

Let G,,A and G,Δ,A be soft groups and ϕ,A be a soft homomorphism from G to G. Then, for any soft set F,A over G, ϕ(CF),ACϕ(F),A; where CF,A is the centralizer of F,A. Moreover, the equality holds if and only if ϕ,A is a soft isomorphism.

Theorem 4.8.

(The Third Soft isomorphism theorem) Let M,A and N,A be normal soft subgroups of G, such that M,AN,A, and <N,A> has the property (Q). Define a soft set with N/M,A over G/M by N/M(α)={ aM:aN(α)}. Then,

  1. N/M,A is a normal soft subgroup of G/M;

  2. (G/M)/(N/M)G/N.


First observe that aMN/M(α) if and only if aN(α). It is clear from the definition of N/M that aN(α) implies aMN/M(α). Let aMN/M(α). Then aM=bM for some bN(α). Which implies that for each βA, and xG, if β,bβ,a,x, then xM(β)N(β). In particular, xN(α) and since bN(α) we get that aN(α). Define a soft mapping g,A from G/M to G/N by


Then we first show that g,A is well defined. Suppose  aM= bM. This implies that  aM(α)= bM(α), for all A. Since M,A is a normal soft subgroup, if α,bα,a,x then xM(α). Since M(α)N(α) , xN(α). This implies that  aN(α)= bN(α), for all A. Therefore  aN= bN. Hence g,A is well-defined. Next we show that g,A is a soft homomorphism. Let αA, a,b,x,y,zG such that α,aM,xNg, α,bM,yNg, α,cM,zNg and α,aM,bM,cM in G/M. Then xN=aN, yN=bN and cN=zN and α,a,b,c in G. Thus α,aN,bN,cN in the quotient G/N. Hence g,A is a soft homomorphism and it is clear that g,A is a soft epimorphism. Now consider its kernel:

Kg(α) = {aMG/M:α,aM,eαNg} = {aMG/M: aN= eαN} = {aMG/M: aN(β)= eαN(β)∀βA} = {aMG/M:aN(α)} =N/M(α)

Therefore Kg,A=N/M,A. By the first soft isomorphism theorem (G/M)/(N/M)G/N.

Lemma 4.9.

Let M,A,N1,A and N2,A be soft normal subgroups of G such that M,AN1,AN2,A. Then N1/M,AN2/M,A if and only if N1,AN2,A


Suppose that N1,AN2,A. Then N1(α)N2(α) for all αA. Now for any αA, consider aMN1/M(α). This implies that aN1(α)N2(α). It follows that aMN2/M(α). Thus N1/M,AN2/M,A. Conversely, suppose that N1/M,AN2/M,A. Then N1/M(α)N2/M(α) for all αA. Now for any αA,aN1(α). It follows that aMN1/M(α). Hence aMN2/M(α). Therefore aN2(α). Thus N1(α)N2(α) and hence N1,AN2,A.

Corollary 4.10.

Under the assumption of Lemma 4.9, N1/M,A=N2/M,A if and only if N1,A=N2,A.

Lemma 4.11.

If G,,A is soft isomorphic to G,Δ,A then G is abelian if and only if Gʹ is abelian.


Let c,d,yG such that α,c,d,yΔ. Since f,A is surjective there exist a,bG such that α,a,cf and α,b,df. Let xG such that α,a,b,x. Since f,A is soft homomorphism. Now, α,c,d,yΔα,x,yf. Since G is abelian we have α,b,a,x. Again since f,A is a soft homomorphism we get α,d,c,yΔ. Therefore Gʹ is abelian. Conversely, let a,b,cG such that α,a,b,c. Since f,A is a soft mapping, we have α,a,cf and α,b,df for some c,dG. Let yG such that α,c,d,yΔ. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism then we have α,c,yfα,c,d,yΔ. Let yG such that α,d,c,y1Δ. By the assumption Gʹ is abelian we get y=y1. Let xG such that α,b,a,x. Again since f,A is a soft homomorphism we have α,d,c,yΔα,x,yf. Since f,A is injective we have c=x. Therefore G is abelian.

Theorem 4.12.

(The correspondence theorem) Let M,A be a normal soft subgroup of G. Then there is a one to one correspondence between the set of all normal soft subgroups of G containing M,A and the set of all normal soft subgroups of G/M.


Define [M,A,G] to be the set of all normal soft subgroups of G containing f,A. i.e

[M,G]A = {N,ASNA(G):M,AN,A}

and let SNA(G/M) be the set of all normal soft subgroups of G/M . Define g:[M,G]ASNA(G/M) by g(N,A)=N/M,AN,A[M,G]A Then it is clear that g is really well-defined. Moreover,it follows from Lemma 4.9 that g is one to one. It remains to show that g is on to. Let J,A be any soft normal subgroups of G/M. For each αA define N(α)={aG:aMJ(α)}. Then one can easily check that N,A is a soft normal subgroup of G containing M,A such that N/M,A=J,A. Therefore g is onto and hence it is the required one to one correspondence.

Theorem 4.13.

Let N,A be a normal soft subgroup of G having the property (Q). If f,A is a soft epimorphism from G to Gʹ, with Kf,AN,A, then



Since N,A is a normal soft subgroup of G and f,A be a soft epimorphism it follows that f(N),A is a normal soft subgroup of Gʹ and hence the quotient soft group G/f(N) is defined. Now, define a soft mapping g,A from G to G/f(N) by α,a, xf(N)g where α,a,xf for all aG. Let x,y,zG and a,b,cG,αA such that α,x, af(N)g, α,y, bf(N)gα,z, cf(N)g and α,x,y,z where α,x,af, α,y,bf and α,z,cf. Since f,A be a soft homomorphism and then we get that α,a,b,cΔ in G. It follows that α, af(N), bf(N), cf(N)Δ¯ in G/f(N) and therefore g,A be a soft homomorphism. Let zG since f,A be a soft epimorphism, there exists aG such that α,a,zf and therefore α,a, zf(N)g. This implies that g,A be a soft epimorphism. Further, for any αA:

Kg(α)= {aG:α,a, eαf(N)g}= {aG: xf(N)= eαf(N)forsomexGwithα,a,xf}= {aG:xf(N)(α)forsomexGwithα,a,xf}= {aG:α,a,xfandα,b,xfforsomebN(α)}= {aG:α,c,eαfandα,bα,a,cforsomebN(α)}= {aG:cKf(α)N(α)andbN(α)}=N(α).

Therefore Kf,A=N,A. Thus by the first soft isomorphism theorem,


Theorem 4.14.

Let N,A and M,A be normal soft subgroups of G satisfying the property (Q) such that MN,A is absolute soft set over G. Then,



Define a soft mapping f,A from G to G/N×G/M by α,a,xf where x=( aN, aM) for aG. Let αA, a,b,cG and x1,x2,x3G/N×G/M such that α,a,x1f,α,b,x2f, α,c,x3f and α,a,b,c in G where x1=( aN, aM), x2=( bN, bM) and x3=( cN, cM). Since N,A and M,A are normal soft subgroups of G then we have α, aN, bN, cNΔ in G/N and α, aM, bM, cMΔ¯ in G/M. From the definition of direct product of a soft group and α,c,x3f then we have α,x1,x2,x3 in G/N×G/M and hence f,A is a soft homomorphism. Next we shall to prove that f,A is surjective. Let z=( xN, yM)G/N×G/M. where x,yG and αA. Since NM,A is an absolute soft set [NM](α)=G. So if x,y[NM](α), then α,r,s,x for some rN(α) and sM(α) with α,t,u,y for some tN(α) and uM(α). Now, let aG such that α,s,t,a. Then, α,aα,x,n for some nN(α) and hence  aN(α)= xN(α) for all xA. Also, since s,u,M(α) then we have α,aα,y,m for some mM(α) and hence  aM(α)= xM(α). Therefore α,a,xf where x=( aN, aM). This implies that α,a,zf. Thus f,A is a soft epimorphism.


Kf(α) ={aG:α,a,zfwherez=( eαN, eαM)} ={aG: aN= eαNand aM= eαM} ={aG: aN(β)= eαN(β)and aM(β)= eαM(β)∀βA} ={aG:aN(α)andaM(α)} =(MN)(α).

Thus Kf,AMN,A. Therefore, by the first soft isomorphism theorem


Corollary 4.15.

Any soft homomorphism of soft groups can be expressed as a composition of soft epimorphism and monomorphism.

Theorem 4.16.

Let G,,A, G1,,A and G2,,A be soft groups. Then GG1×G2 if and only if there are normal soft subgroups N1,A and N2,A of G such that N1N2,A is the absolute soft set over G, N1N2,A is a trivial soft subgroup of G, G1G/N1 and G2G/N2.


For αA let eα, eα and eα be identities in G, G1 and G2 respectively. Suppose that GG1×G2 and let f,A be a soft isomorphism from G to G1×G2. Put M,A=eα×1G2,A and N,A=1G1×eα,A. Then M,A and N,A are normal soft subgroups of G1×G2. Now, put N1(α)=f1(M)(α) and N2(α)=f1(N)(α). Then N1,A and N2,A are normal soft subgroups of G. For any xG, we have α,x,af where a=(a1,a2)G1×G2. Choose x1 and x2 in G such that α,x1,af and α,x2,af where a=(eα,a2), a=(a1,eα). Then, x1f1(M)(α),x2f1(N)(α) and α,x,yfα,a,a,y. Since f,A is a soft isomorphism then we have α,x1,x2,x and hence x(N1N2)(α). Therefore (N1N2)(α)=G for all αA. Thus N1N2,A is absolute soft set. Let x(N1N2)(α). This implies that xf1(M)(α),xf1(N)(α). It follows that aM(α) and aN(α). Then aM(α)N(α)=(MN)(α). Since f,A is soft homomorphism then we have a=(eα,eα) and α,eα,af. This implies that x=eα. Therefore,(N1N2)(α)={eα} for all αA. Thus N1N2,A is a trivial soft subgroup of G. Next,define a soft mapping f1,A from G to G1 and f2,A from G to G2 by α,x,a1f1 and α,x,a2f2 if α,x,af where a=(a1,a2). Then f1,A and f2,A are soft epimorphism and Kf1,A=N1,A and Kf2,A=N2,A. For




where a=(eα,a2) and a=(a,eα). Therefore, G1G/N1 and G2G/N2. Conversely, suppose that N1,A and N2,A are normal soft subgroups of G such that (N1N2)(α)=G,(N1N2)(α)={eα} for all αA, G1G/N1 and G2G/N2. Let g1,A be a soft isomorphism from G/N1 to G1 and let g2,A be a soft isomorphism from G/N2 to G2 and h1,A be a soft homomorphism from G to G/N1 and h2,A be a soft homomorphism from G to G/N2. Now define a soft mapping θ,A from G to G1×G2 as follows: for αA, aG,z1G1 and z2G2:

 α,a,z1,z2θif and only if α, aN1,z1g1and  α, aN2,z2g2

Since g1,A and g2,A are soft isomorphisms, θ,A will also be a soft epimorphism. Put eα=(eα,eα). Then for any aG, consider the following:

α,a,eαθ α, aN1,eαg1andα, aN2,eαg2 a(N1N2)(α)={eα}.

Therefore Kθ(α)={eα} for all αA. Hence θ,A is a soft monomorphism and hence a soft isomorphism. Therefore, GG1×G2.

5. Soft automorphisms

This section is devoted to present some fundamental results on soft automorphisms on soft groups.

Definition 5.1.

For any soft group G,,A a bijective soft homomorphism of G onto itself is called a soft automorphism of G. We denote by SAut(G) the collection of all soft automorphisms of G.

Example 5.2.

Consider the soft groups R+,,N and <R+,Δ,N>, where R+ is the set of positive real numbers, N is the set of natural numbers and ,N and <Δ,N> are defined by: α,a,b,cc=αab and α,a,b,cΔc=abα. If we define f={(α,x,y):y=αx}, then f,N is a soft automorphism of R+.

Lemma 5.3.

Let f,A be a soft isomorphism from G,,A to G,Δ,A. Then f1,A is also a soft isomorphism from G,Δ,A to G,,A.

Lemma 5.4.

For any soft group G, SAut(G), is a group; where is the composition of soft mappings.

Theorem 5.5.

SAut(G), is isomorphic to a subgroup of Aut(SEA(G)),.


We show that the map ff is an embedding of SAut(G) into Aut(SEA(G)) where for each soft map f,A from to G to Gʹ, f is a soft mapping from SEA(G) to SEA(G) given in Definition 3.7. It is proved in Theorem 3.9 that if f,A is a soft automorphism of G, then f is an automorphism of SEA(G).

Claim 1: ff is one to one. Let f,gSAut(G) such that f=g. Then f(a)=g(a) for all aSEA(G). Then f(a)(α)=g(a)(α) for all αA. That is, for any xG it holds that α,a(α),xf if and only if α,a(α),xg. Implying that, f,A=g,A.

Claim 2: (fg)=fg

Let aSEA(G),αA and xG such that (fg)(a)(α)={x}. Then, α,a(α),xfg, and so there is some bG such that α,a(α),bg, and α,b,xf. Thus g(a)(α)={b} and f(g(a))(α)={x}. Conversely, if we are assuming that f(g(a))(α)={x}, then it can be shown that (fg)(a)(α)={x}. Thus (fg)(a)(α)=f(g(a)(α) for all αA. Therefore, fg(a)=f(g(a) for all aSEA(G). Hence fg=fg. Therefore the map ff is a monomorphism hence an embedding.

Theorem 5.6.

For any soft groups G,,A and G,Δ,A. If GG, then SAut(G)SAut(G).


Suppose GG and ϕ,A be a soft isomorphism from G to G. For any soft automorphism f,A of G, one can easily check that ϕfϕ1,A is a soft automorphism of Gʹ. Moreover, the map fϕfϕ1 is an ordinary group isomorphism of SAut(G) onto SAut(G).

Lemma 5.7.

Let G,,A be a soft group. Define a soft mapping f,A from G to G by α,a,aαf for any aG. Then f,A is a soft automorphism of G if and only if G,,A is an abelian soft group.


Suppose f,A is a soft automorphism of G. Let a,b,xG and αA such that α,a,b,x. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism of G. It follows that α,aα,bα,xα. Then we have α,b,a,x. Therefore G,,A is abelian soft group. Conversely, suppose that G,,A is abelian soft group. We first show that f,A is a soft homomorphism. Let a,b,cG and αA such that α,a,aαf,α,b,bαf,α,c,cαf and α,a,b,c. It follows that α,bα,aα,cα. Since G is abelian soft group we have α,aα,bα,cα. Therefore f,A is a soft homomorphism. Next we show that f,A is injective. Let x1,x2,yG such that α,x1,yf and α,x2,yf. This implies that y=x1α and y=x2α. It follows that x1=x2. Therefore f,A is injective. Finlay it remains to show that f,A is surjective. Let hG then g=hαG. It follows that α,g,hf. Thus f,A is surjective. Hence f,A is a soft automorphism.

Proposition 5.8.

Let f,A be a soft automorphism of G. Let H,A be a soft set over G define by


then H,A is a soft subgroup of G.


Since α,eα,eαff, we have eαH(α). Let g,hH(α) then α,g,gff and α,h,hff. Let x,zG such that α,g,h,x and α,x,zff. Since f,A is a soft automorphism then we have α,g,h,z. This implies that z=x. Therefore xH(α). Let gH(α), yG such that α,g,gff and α,gα,yff. As α,g,gff it follows that α,gα,gαff. So y=gα. Therefore gαH(α). Hence H,A is a soft subgroup of G.

Proposition 5.9.

Let G,,A be a soft group and let H,A be a soft set over G defined by


for all αA. Then H,A is a normal soft subgroup of G.


Since α,eα,eαf,eαH(α). Let a,bH(α) and xG such that α,a,bα,x. We have α,a,af and α,b,bf. Let yG such that α,x,yf. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism of G to G and α,a,bα,x, we have α,a,bα,y and so y=x. Therefore α,x,xf. Thus xH(α). Hence H,A is a soft subgroup of G. Let αA,a,x,yG and nH(α). Suppose α,a,n,x and α,x,aα,y. We shall prove that yH(α). Let y1,y2,zG such that α,a,y1f, α,y,zf and α,x,y2f. Since f,A is a soft homomorphism and α,a,y,x, it holds that α,y1,z,y2. As nH(α) it follows that α,n,nf. Again since f,A is a soft homomorphism and α,a,n,x,α,y1,n,y2, it follows from the cancellation law that z = n. As f,A is injective we get y = n. Then by transitivity we get y=z. Therefore α,y,yf. Thus yH(α). Hence H,A is a normal soft subgroup of G.

Theorem 5.10.

Let G,,A be a soft group and aG. Define a soft mapping Ta,A from G to G as follows , for each αA: α,x,zTa if and only if there is some yG such that α,a,x,y and α,y,aα,z. Then Ta,A is a soft automorphism on G.


We first show that <Ta,A> is a soft homomorphism. Let αA,x1,x2,x3,z1,z2,z3G such that α,x1,z1Ta, α,x2,z2Ta, α,x3,z3Ta and α,x1,x2,x3. Then there exists y1,y2,y3G such that α,a,x1,y1 and α,y1,aα,z1, α,a,x2,y2 and α,y2,aα,z2, α,a,x3,y3 and α,y3,aα,z3. Using the fact that α,aα,a,eα and by associative property of we get that α,z1,z2,z3. Thus Ta,A is a soft homomorphism. In addition for any αA and any zG, let x,yG such that α,aα,z,y and α,y,a,x. If uG such that α,a,x,u, then it can be verified that α,z,a,u. Which implies that α,u,aα,z. Therefore, u is an element of G such that α,a,x,u, and α,u,aα,z. Thus α,x,zTα and hence Ta,A is surjective. Finally, it remains to show that Ta,A is injective. Let αA, and x1,x2,zG such that α,x1,zTa and α,x2,zTa. Then there exist y1 and y2G such that α,a,x1,y1, α,y1,aα,z and α,y2,aα,z. Applying the cancellation law on equations α,y1,aα,z and α,y2,aα,z we have y1=y2. Again using y1=y2 and applying the cancellation law on equations α,a,x1,y1 and α,a,x2,y2 gives us x1=x2. Thus Ta,A is injective and therefore it is a soft automorphism.

Definition 5.11.

Let G,,A be a soft group and aG. The soft automorphism Ta,A of G given in the above theorem is called the inner soft automorphism of G corresponding to a. We denote by SIA(G) the set of all inner soft isomorphisms of G with the given set of parameters A.

Define a soft binary operation ,A on SIA by; for αA, a,b,cGα,Ta,Tb,Tc if and only if α,a,b,d for some dG with Tc=Td. Then we have the following theorem.

Theorem 5.12.

For any soft group G,,A,SIA(G),\break,A is a soft group.


We first show that ,A is well defined. Let a,b,c,d,e,fG such that



Then we have for any x,zG and αA,α,x,zTa if and only if α,x,zTd. Similarly α,x,zTb if and only if α,x,zTe. Again then we have α,a,b,c and α,d,e,f.

Claim: Tc,A=Tf,A.

For any αA, and x,zG. Suppose that α,x,zTc. Then there exists yG such that α,c,x,y and α,y,cα,z. Since α,a,b,c there exist u,wG such that α,b,x,u and α,u,bα,w together implying α,x,wTb=Te and there is also vG such that α,a,w,v and α,v,aα,z implying that α,w,zTa=Td. Therefore we can find u1,w1,v1G such that α,d,w1,v1,α,v1,dα,z, α,e,x,u1 and α,u1,eα,w1. Since α,d,e,f we get that for some gGα,f,x,g and α,g,fα,z and therefore α,x,zTf that is Tc(α)Tf(α). Since α is arbitrary we get Tc,ATf,A. Similarly it can be shown that Tf,ATc,A and hence the equality holds.

Therefore the soft binary operation ,A is well-defined . It remains to show that SIA(G),,A satisfies the soft group axioms which are straightforward.

Corollary 5.13.

For any abelian soft group G, an identity soft mapping is the only soft inner automorphism of G.

We conclude this paper by showing that SIA(G) is soft isomorphic with the quotient soft group G/ZA(G) in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.14.

For any soft group G,,A we have G/ZA(G)=SIA(G).


Define a soft mapping π,A from G to SIA(G) by:


Then it is clear that π,A is a soft epimorphism.

Claim: Kπ,A=ZA(G),A for any αA. Let aKπ(α). Then Ta=Teα i.e for x,yG it holds that α,x,zTa if and only if α,x,zTeα equivalently, if yG such that α,a,x,y and α,y,aα,z then z = x and α,x,a,y and hence aZA(G)(α). Since αA is arbitrary we have Kπ,AZA(G),A. Conversely, for αA, suppose that aZA(G)(α). Then for all x,yG it is the case that α,a,x,y if and only if α,x,a,y. For any xG and yG if α,a,x,y, then α,y,aα,x. Now we show that Ta=Teα for x,yG, let α,x,zTα which implies that there exist yG such that α,a,x,y, and α,y,aα,z. Then it follows that z=x, and hence α,x,xTeα i.e TaTeα. Also if α,x,zTeα we get that z = x. So that for any yG, if α,a,x,y, then α,y,aα,x. So that α,x,xTa and hence TeαTa. Therefore Ta=Teα. Thus, aKπ(α). Therefore,Kπ,A=ZA(G),A. Hence by the first soft isomorphism theorem G/ZA(G)=SIA(G).

Supplemental material

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Supplementary material

Supplemental data for this article can be accessed online at https://doi.org/10.1080/27684830.2024.2314354.


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