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Research Article

Some properties on degenerate Fubini polynomials

, , &
Pages 235-248 | Received 31 Jan 2022, Accepted 16 Mar 2022, Published online: 28 Mar 2022


The nth Fubini number enumerates the number of ordered partitions of a set with n elements and is the number of possible ways to write the Fubini formula for a summation of integration of order n. Further, Fubini polynomials are natural extensions of the Fubini numbers. There are many variants of Fubini numbers and polynomials. Recently, the degenerate Fubini polynomials were introduced by Kim-Kim-Jang as a degenerate version of the Fubini polynomials. The aim of this article is by using generating functions and certain differential operators to further study some identities and properties on the degenerate Fubini polynomials and the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials.


1. Introduction

Explorations for degenerate versions of some special numbers and polynomials, which were initiated by Carlitz in the pioneering work of [Citation1], have drawn the attention of many mathematicians in recent years (see [Citation2–7] and the references therein). Their interests were not only in combinatorial and arithmetical properties but also in applications to differential equations, identities of symmetry and probability theory. These degenerate versions include the degenerate Stirling numbers of the first and second kinds, degenerate Bernoulli numbers of the second kind and degenerate Bell numbers and polynomials. We remark here that the degenerate Stirling numbers of the first kind and of the second kind appear very frequently when we study degenerate versions of some special numbers and polynomials (see (Equation3), (Equation4)).

Fubini number Fn=k=0nk!S2(n,k) enumerates the ordered partitions of the set [n]={1,2,,n}. It is the number of possible ways to write the Fubini formula for a summation of integration of order n. A natural extension of Fn is the Fubini polynomial Fn(x)=k=0nk!S2(n,k)xk. There are many variants of Fubini numbers and polynomials. One of them is the degenerate Fubini polynomials which were introduced in [Citation6] as a degenerate version of the Fubini polynomials (see also [Citation7–14]). The motivation or ?>impetus for the present research is the regained recent interests in degenerate versions of some special numbers and polynomials by many mathematicians.

The aim of this article is by using generating functions and certain differential operators to further study some identities and properties on the degenerate Fubini polynomials and the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials (see (Equation12), (Equation15)). In more detail, the series k=0(k+rr)(k)n,λxk is expressed in terms of the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials and certain differential operator in connection with the generalized falling factorial. Explicit expressions and recurrence relations are derived for the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials. Obtained is the convolution expression of the degenerate Fubini polynomial and the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomial. Deduced are an identity involving the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials and an integral representation for those polynomials in terms of the degenerate Bell polynomials.

The outline of this article is as follows. In Section 1, we recall degenerate exponentials, degenerate logarithms, degenerate Stirling numbers of the first kind and degenerate Stirling numbers of the second kind which are, respectively, degenerate versions of exponentials, logarithms, Stirling numbers of the first kind and Stirling numbers of the second kind. Also, we remind the reader of degenerate Bernoulli numbers, degenerate Bell polynomials, degenerate Fubini polynomials and higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials which are, respectively, degenerate versions of Bernoulli numbers, Bell polynomials, Fubini polynomials and higher-order Fubini polynomials. In Section 2, we state our main results. In Theorem 2.1, we express the series k=0(k)n,λxk in terms of the degenerate Fubini polynomial and of some differential operator made out of the generalized falling factorial. In Theorem 2.2, the result in Theorem 2.1 is generalized to the case of the series k=0(k+rr)(k)n,λxk, which is expressed in terms of the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomial and of the same differential operator. In Corollary 2.3, explicit expressions for the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials are derived. In Theorem 2.5, the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials are represented as an integral over (0,) of suitable functions involving the degenerate Bell polynomials. In Theorem 2.6, we derive an expression for the convolution of the degenerate Fubini polynomial and the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomial. In Theorem 2.7, we get an identity involving the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials. In Theorems 2.8, 2.10 and 2.11, we obtain recurrence relations for the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials. In Theorem 2.9, we derive a recurrence relation for the degenerate Bell polynomials. In the rest of this section, we state what are needed throughout this paper.

It is well known that the degenerate exponentials are defined by (1) eλx(t)=k=0(x)k,λk!tn(see [4,14,15]),(1) where, for any λR, the generalized falling factorials are given by (2) (x)0,λ=1,(x)n,λ=x(xλ)(x(n1)λ),(n1).(2) For x = 1, we use the simpler notation eλ(t)=eλ1(t)=n=0(1)n,λn!tn(see [2,3,5,6,1013]).In [Citation4], the degenerate Stirling numbers of the first kind are defined by (3) (x)n=k=0nS1,λ(n,k)(x)k,λ,(n0),(3) where (x)0=1, (x)n=x(x1)(xn+1), (n1).

As the inversion formula of (Equation3), the degenerate Stirling numbers of the second kind are defined by (4) (x)n,λ=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)(x)k,(n0)(see [4]).(4) Let logλt be the compositional inverse of eλ(t). Then, logλ(t) is given by (5) logλ(1+t)=n=1λn1(1)n,1/λtnn!(see [4]).(5) Note that limλ0logλ(1+t)=log(1+t).

In [Citation1], Carlitz introduced the degenerate Bernoulli numbers given by (6) teλ(t)1=n=0βn,λtnn!.(6) Note that limλ0βn,λ=Bn are the ordinary Bernoulli numbers given by tet1=n=0Bntnn!(see [124]).For sC, the gamma function is defined by Γ(s)=0etts1dt,Re(s)>0(see [21,22]).Note that Γ(s+1)=sΓ(s),Γ(n+1)=n!,(nN).

Recently, the degenerate Bell polynomials (also called degenerate exponential polynomials) are defined by (7) ex(eλ(t)1)=n=0ϕn,λ(x)tnn!(see [5]).(7) Note that limλ0ϕn,λ(x)=ϕn(x),(n0), where ϕn(x) are the ordinary Bell polynomials (also called exponential polynomials) given by (8) ϕn(x)=k=0nS2(n,k)xk,(n0)(see [21]).(8) Here, S2(n,k) are the Stirling numbers of the second kind given by xn=k=0nS2(n,k)(x)k,(n0)(see [1,8,9,11,1622]).It is well known that the Fubini polynomials are defined by (9) 11y(et1)=n=0Fn(y)tnn!(see [1,6,812,1822]).(9) Thus, by (Equation9), we get (10) Fn(y)=k=0nS2(n,k)k!yk,(10) and (11) (yddy)m(11y)=k=0kmyk=11yFm(y1y)(see [8,9,11]).(11) Recently, the degenerate Fubini polynomials are defined by (12) 11y(eλ(t)1)=n=0Fn,λ(y)tnn!(see [6]).(12) Thus, we note that (13) Fn,λ(y)=k=0nykk!S2,λ(n,k),(13) and (14) Fn,λ(y)=(1)nyy+1Fn,λ(1y),(n>0)(see [6]).(14) For any rN, the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials are defined by (15) (11y(eλ(t)1))r=n=0Fn,λ(r)(y)tnn!(see [3]).(15) Thus, by (Equation15), we get (16) Fn,λ(r)(y)=k=0n(k+r1k)ykS2,λ(n,k)k!,(n0)(see [3]).(16) We recommend the reader to refer to [Citation3, Citation6, Citation10] for further details on degenerate Fubini polynomials.

2. Degenerate Fubini polynomials

In view of (Equation11), we consider (17) 11xFn,λ(x1x)=11xk=0nS2,λ(n,k)k!(x1x)k=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)k!xk(11x)k+1=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)k!xkl=0(k+ll)xl=l=0k=0nS2,λ(n,k)k!(k+lk)xk+l=l=0xlk=0nS2,λ(n,k)k!(lk)=l=0xl(l)n,λ.(17) By (Equation2), we easily get (18) (xddx)n,λ11x=l=0(xddx)n,λxl=l=0(l)n,λxl.(18) Therefore, by (Equation17) and (Equation18), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.1

For n0, we have 11xFn,λ(x1x)=(xddx)n,λ11x=k=0(k)n,λxk.

Let f(x)=k=0nakxkR[x]. Then, we have (19) (xddx)m,λf(x)=j=0mS2,λ(m,j)(xddx)jf(x)=j=0mS2,λ(m,j)xjf(j)(x),(19) where f(j)(x)=(ddx)jf(x).

For n0 and rN, by (Equation16), we get (20) (11x)r+1Fn,λ(r+1)(x1x)=(11x)r+1l=0nS2,λ(n,l)(l+rl)l!(x1x)l=k=0l=0nS2,λ(n,l)l!(l+rl)(k+l+rk)xk+l=k=ll=0nS2,λ(n,l)l!(l+rl)(k+rkl)xk=k=0l=0nS2,λ(n,l)(k)l(k+rk)xk=k=0(k)n,λ(k+rk)xk=(xddx)n,λ(11x)r+1.(20) Therefore, by (Equation20), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.2

For n,r0, we have (11x)r+1Fn,λ(r+1)(x1x)=(xddx)n,λ(11x)r+1=k=0(k+rr)(k)n,λxk.

By (Equation16), we have (21) Fn,λ(r)(x)=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)(k+r1k)k!(1)k(x)k=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)(r)k(x)k=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)(x)kj=0kS1,λ(k,j)(r)j,λ.(21) From (Equation21), we obtain the following corollary.

Corollary 2.3

For rN and n0, we have Fn,λ(r)(1)=(r)n,λ,Fn,λ(r)(x)=k=0nj=0kS2,λ(n,k)S1,λ(k,j)(x)k(r)j,λ.

By (Equation16), we get r=0Fn,λ(r)(x)yr=r=0k=0nS2,λ(n,k)xk(k+r1k)k!yr=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)xkk!r=1(k+r1k)yr=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)xkk!r=0(k+rk)yr+1=yk=0nS2,λ(n,k)xkk!(11y)k+1=y1yk=0nS2,λ(n,k)k!(x1y)k=y1yFn,λ(x1y).From (Equation7), we note that (22) 0xey(eλ(t)1)dy=1eλ(t)1(ex(eλ(t)1)1)=1tteλ(t)1(ex(eλ(t)1)1)=1tl=0βl,λtll!k=1ϕk,λ(x)tkk!=1tn=1k=1n(nk)βnk,λϕk,λ(x)tnn!=n=0(1n+1k=1n+1(n+1k)βn+1k,λϕk,λ(x))tnn!.(22) By (Equation22), we get the next lemma.

Lemma 2.4

For n0, we have 0xϕn,λ(y)dy=1n+1k=1n+1(n+1k)βn+1k,λϕk,λ(x).

From (Equation7), we see that (23) ϕn,λ(x)=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)xk,(n0).(23) By making use of (Equation16) and (Equation23), we have (24) 0yr1ϕn,λ(xy)eydy=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)xk0yr+k1eydy=k=0nS2,λ(n,k)xk(r+k1)!=Γ(r)k=0nS2,λ(n,k)(r+k1k)k!xk=Γ(r)Fn,λ(r)(x).(24)

Theorem 2.5

For n0 and r>0, we have Fn,λ(r)(x)=1Γ(r)0yr1ϕn,λ(xy)eydy.

Note that (11x(eλ(t)1))r=n=0Fn,λ(r)(x)tnn!=1Γ(r)0yr1n=0ϕn,λ(xy)tnn!eydy=1Γ(r)0yr1exy(eλ(t)1)eydy=1Γ(r)0yr1ey(xeλ(t)x1)dy.Differentiating both sides of (Equation15) with respect to t, on the one hand, we have (25) rxeλ1λ(t)(1x(eλ(t)1))r+1=n=0Fn+1,λ(r)(x)tnn!.(25) On the other hand, we also have (26) rxeλ1λ(t)(1x(eλ(t)1))r+1=r1+λt(1+x1x(eλ(t)1)1)(11x(eλ(t)1))r=r(1+x)1+λt(11x(eλ(t)1))(11x(eλ(t)1))rr1+λt(11x(eλ(t)1))r.(26) By (Equation25) and (Equation26), we get (27) r(1+x)(11x(eλ(t)1))(11x(eλ(t)1))r=n=0Fn+1,λ(r)(x)tnn!(1+λt)+r(11x(eλ(t)1))r=n=0(Fn+1,λ(r)(x)+(nλ+r)Fn,λ(r)(x))tnn!.(27) It is immediate to show that (28) (11x(eλ(t)1))(11x(eλ(t)1))r=l=0Fl,λ(x)tll!k=0Fk,λ(r)(x)tkk!=n=0(k=0n(nk)Fk,λ(r)(x)Fnk,λ(x))tnn!.(28) Therefore, by (Equation27) and (Equation28), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.6


For n0 and r>0, we have k=0n(nk)Fk,λ(r)(x)Fnk,λ(x)=1r(1+x)(Fn+1,λ(r)(x)+(nλ+r)Fn,λ(r)(x)).

From (Equation7), we note that (29) n=0ϕn,λ(x)tnn!=exk=0xkk!eλk(t)=n=0exk=0(k)n,λk!xktnn!.(29) Comparing the coefficients on both sides of (Equation32), we have (30) ϕn,λ(x)=exk=0(k)n,λk!xk,(n0).(30) By (Equation30), we get (31) xnλ(x1λddx)nex=k=0(k)n,λk!xk=ϕn,λ(x)ex=(xddx)n,λex.(31) In view of (Equation31), we observe that (32) (xddx)n+m,λex=ϕn+m,λ(x)ex=x(n+m)λ(x1λddx)n+mex=xnλ(x1λddx)nxmλ(x1λddx)mex=xnλ(x1λddx)n(ϕm,λ(x)ex)=k=0n(nk)x(nk)λ(x1λddx)nkϕm,λ(x)xkλ(x1λddx)kex=k=0n(nk)x(nk)λ(x1λddx)nkj=0mS2,λ(m,j)xjϕk,λ(x)ex=k=0n(nk)j=0mS2,λ(m,j)(j)nk,λxjϕk,λ(x)ex.(32) From (Equation32), we can derive the following equation: (33) ϕn+m,λ(x)=k=0nj=0m(nk)S2,λ(m,j)(j)nk,λxjϕk,λ(x).(33) Thus, by (Equation33), we get (34) Fn+m,λ(r)(x)=1Γ(r)0eyϕn+m,λ(xy)yr1dy=k=0nj=0m(nk)S2,λ(m,j)(j)nk,λxj1Γ(r)0eyϕk,λ(xy)yj+r1dy=k=0nj=0m(nk)S2,λ(m,j)(j)nk,λxjΓ(j+r)Γ(r)Fk,λ(j+r)(x).(34) Therefore, by (Equation34), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.7

For n,m0, we have Fn+m,λ(r)(x)=k=0nj=0m(nk)S2,λ(m,j)(j)nk,λ(r)jxjFk,λ(r+j)(x).


From the proof in (Equation32), we note that (35) (xddx)n+m,λex=k=0n(nk)(xddx)nk,λϕm,λ(x)(xddx)k,λex.(35) By using (Equation16), we have (36) Fn,λ(r+1)(x)=k=0n(k+rk)S2,λ(n,k)k!xk=k=0n{(k+r1k1)+(k+r1k)}S2,λ(n,k)k!xk=k=0nkr(k+r1k)S2,λ(n,k)k!xk+k=0n(k+r1k)S2,λ(n,k)k!xk=xrk=0nk(k+r1k)S2,λ(n,k)k!xk1+Fn,λ(r)(x)=xrddxFn,λ(r)(x)+Fn,λ(r)(x).(36) Therefore, by (Equation36), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.8

For n1, we have Fn,λ(r+1)(x)=xrddxFn,λ(r)(x)+Fn,λ(r)(x).

From (Equation7), we note that (37) n=0ϕn,λ(x)tnn!=(eλ(t)1)ex(eλ(t)1)=n=0(k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λϕk,λ(x)ϕn,λ)(x)tnn!,(37) where ϕn,λ(x)=ddxϕn,λ(x).

Comparing the coefficients on both sides of (Equation37), we have (38) ϕn,λ(x)=k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λϕk,λ(x)ϕn,λ(x),(n0).(38) It is immediate to see that (39) n=0ϕn+1,λ(x)tnn!=ddtex(eλ(t)1)=xeλ1λ(t)ex(eλ(t)1).(39) Thus, by (Equation38) and (Equation39), we get (40) (1+λt)n=0ϕn+1,λ(x)tnn!=xn=0k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λϕk,λ(x)tnn!=xn=0(ϕn,λ(x)+ϕn,λ(x))tnn!,(40) and (41) (1+λt)n=0ϕn+1,λ(x)tnn!=n=0(ϕn+1,λ(x)+λnϕn,λ(x))tnn!.(41) Therefore, by (Equation40) and (Equation41), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.9

For n0, we have ϕn+1,λ(x)=x(ϕn,λ(x)+ϕn,λ(x))λnϕn,λ(x).

Invoking Theorem 2.10 and integrating by parts, we note that (42) Γ(r)Fn+1,λ(r)(x)=0eyϕn+1,λ(xy)yr1dy=x0eyϕn,λ(xy)yrdy+x0eyϕn,λ(xy)yrdyλn0eyϕn,λ(xy)yr1dy=xΓ(r+1)Fn,λ(r+1)(x)+x0eyϕn,λ(xy)yrdyλnFn,λ(r)(x)Γ(r)=xΓ(r+1)Fn,λ(r+1)(x)λnFn,λ(r)(x)Γ(r)0ϕn,λ(xy)(ryr1eyeyyr)dy=xΓ(r+1)Fn,λ(r+1)(x)λnFn,λ(r)(x)Γ(r)rΓ(r)Fn,λ(r)(x)+Γ(r+1)Fn,λ(r+1)(x)=Γ(r)(r(x+1)Fn,λ(r+1)(x)(λn+r)Fn,λ(r)(x)).(42) Therefore, by comparing the coefficients on both sides of (Equation42), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.10

For r1 and n0, we have Fn+1,λ(r)(x)=r(x+1)Fn,λ(r+1)(x)(λn+r)Fn,λ(r)(x).

By Theorems 2.9 and 2.11, we get (43) Fn+1,λ(r)(x)=r(x+1)(xrddxFn,λ(r)(x)+Fn,λ(r)(x))(λn+r)Fn,λ(r)(x)=x(x+1)ddxFn,λ(r)(x)+(rx+rλnr)Fn,λ(r)(x)=x(x+1)ddxFn,λ(r)(x)+(rxλn)Fn,λ(r)(x).(43) Comparing the coefficients on both sides of (Equation43), we have Fn+1,λ(r)(x)=x(x+1)ddxFn,λ(r)(x)+(rxλn)Fn,λ(r)(x).By exploiting (Equation38) and integrating by parts, we have (44) Γ(r)k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λFk,λ(r)(x)=k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λ0eyϕk,λ(xy)yr1dy=0ey(k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λϕk,λ(xy))yr1dy=0ey(ϕn,λ(xy)+ϕn,λ(xy))yr1dy=0eyϕn,λ(xy)yr1dy+0eyϕn,λ(xy)yr1dy=Γ(r)Fn,λ(r)(x)+0yr1ϕm,λ(xy)eydy=Γ(r)Fn,λ(r)(x)1x0ϕn,λ(x,y)((r1)yr2eyyr1ey)dy=Γ(r)Fn,λ(r)(x)1xΓ(r1)(r1)Fn,λ(r1)(x)+1xΓ(r)Fn,λ(r)(x)=Γ(r)(Fn,λ(r)(x)(1+1x)1xFn,λ(r1)(x)).(44) Comparing the coefficients on both sides of (Equation44), we obtain the following theorem.

Theorem 2.11

For n0 and r>0, we have k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λFk,λ(r)(x)=Fn,λ(r)(x)(1+1x)1xFn,λ(r1)(x).In particular, for nN and r = 1, we get k=0n(nk)(1)nk,λFk,λ(x)=Fn,λ(x)(1+1x).

3. Conclusion

Carlitz initiated an exploration of degenerate Bernoulli and Euler polynomials, which are degenerate versions of the ordinary Bernoulli and Euler polynomials. Along the same line as Carlitz's pioneering work, intensive studies have been done for degenerate versions of quite a few special polynomials and numbers. There are various ways of studying special numbers and polynomials, to mention a few, generating functions, p-adic analysis, umbral calculus, operator theory, combinatorial methods, differential equations, special functions, probability theory and analytic number theory. In this article, by using generating functions and certain differential operators, we further studied some identities and properties on the degenerate Fubini polynomials and the higher-order degenerate Fubini polynomials.

It is one of our future projects to continue to explore various degenerate versions of many special polynomials and numbers and their applications to physics, science and engineering by using aforementioned tools.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


This work was supported by the Basic Science Research Program, the National Research Foundation of Korea, (NRF-2021R1F1A1050151).


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