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Research Article

A fast iterative method for identifying the radiogenic source for the helium production-diffusion equation

Pages 521-540 | Received 29 Nov 2021, Accepted 27 Jun 2022, Published online: 08 Jul 2022


In this paper, we consider an inverse source problem for the helium production-diffusion equation. That is to determine a space-dependent source term in the helium production-diffusion equation from a noisy final data. Since the problem is ill-posed, we propose an effective iterative scheme to deal with the problem. More specifically, we use an acceleration technique to speed up a simple iterative scheme. We also give two kinds of convergence rates by using an a priori and a posteriori regularization parameter choice rule, respectively. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method.


1. Introduction

Inverse source problems play an important role in many branches of engineering applications, such as migration of groundwater, identification and control of pollution source and environmental protection. Due to its application background, in recent years, the inverse source problem has received much attention. Studies on the existence, uniqueness and stability can be found in [Citation1–3]. Numerical methods may be found in [Citation4–9] and related references therein.

In this paper, we consider an inverse radiogenic source problem for the helium production-diffusion equation (1) {u(ρ,t)t=σ(t)[2u(ρ,t)ρ2+2ρu(ρ,t)ρ]+f(ρ),0<t<T,0<ρ<R,limρ0u(ρ,t)bounded,u(R,t)=0,0<t<T,u(ρ,0)=0,0<ρ<R.(1) where 0<σσ(t)σ+(σ and σ+ are constants) is the time-dependent diffusion coefficient. f(ρ) corresponds to the spatial variable-dependent radiogenic source production. The object of this inverse radiogenic source problem is to reconstruct the source term f(ρ) by using the given data (2) u(ρ,T)=ϕ(ρ),0<ρ<R,(2) which is the final observation of the helium concentration. Since there may be some measurement errors in the data function ϕ(ρ), the source function f(ρ) has to be reconstructed from noisy data ϕδ(ρ). This model is closely connected to the (U-Th)/He isotopes dating, which is one method of low-temperature thermochronometry. For a detailed physical background, we refer to the paper[Citation10–13]. Our model concerns the local helium concentration gradients resulting from the ejection of high-energy alpha particles from grain surfaces. It is assumed that the grain is of a spherical diffusion geometry, which is consistent with laboratory measurements of helium diffusion from apatite [Citation13].

The inverse radiogenic source problem is ill-posed [Citation11]. Therefore, in order to obtain a stable solution, some proper regularization methods are necessary. In [Citation11], two regularization methods, the Tikhonov regularization and the spectral cutoff regularization are considered to obtain the regularized solution, where the regularization parameters are selected by a priori parameter choice rule. Several numerical examples show the efficiency and accuracy of the proposed methods. One criticism for the a priori parameter choice rules is that the regularization parameter depends on the priori information about the exact solution which is unavailable in practical problems, hence the parameter can not be explicitly computed. Therefore, researchers are more interested in the a posterior parameter choice rule. In [Citation14], Zhang et al. formulate the spectral cutoff regularization method with the discrepancy principle in a uniform framework and adapt to solve the inverse radiogenic source problem. We note that both the Tikhonov and spectral cutoff regularized approximation solution in [Citation11,Citation14] are deduced in terms of the eigenfunction expansion, which may be not easy to calculate accurately if the diffusion coefficient is time dependent. Hence both the methods are not suitable for dealing with the inverse source problem (Equation1) – (Equation2) with the diffusion coefficient depending on time variable.

Recently, a simple iterative scheme [Citation15] was used to solve the inverse source problem (Equation1)–(Equation2), (3) f0=0,fk+1=fkβ(Kfkϕ),k=0,1,,(3) where the operator K is defined by Kf=u(,T) according to Equation (Equation1), β is a relaxation factor satisfying 0<βK<1. This iterative process can be easily implemented, in each step, one only needs to solve a forward problem. It should be pointed out that the iterative scheme has been used to deal with sideways parabolic equation [Citation16], backward diffusion problem [Citation17] and inverse source problem [Citation18] of time-fractional diffusion equation. As reported in [Citation17,Citation18], the iterative scheme (Equation3) is a very slow method, i.e. it needs far too many iteration steps to achieve the desired accuracy. Motivated by [Citation19,Citation20], in this paper, we construct the following iterative scheme, (4) zk=fk+αk(fkfk1),fk+1=zkβ(Kzkϕ),k=0,1,(4) with two initial elements f1=f0=0. The sequence αk is chosen as (5) αk=k1k+η,η1.(5) Compared with the iterative scheme (Equation3), the iterative scheme (Equation4) does not increase computation cost in each step except for one addition, which can be seen as an accelerated version of the iterative scheme (Equation3). We will show that the iterative scheme (Equation4) is a regularization method under appropriate stopping rules. Our theoretical analysis shows that, compared with the iterative scheme (Equation3), the iterative scheme (Equation4) can achieve the same convergence rate under both the a priori and a posteriori regularization parameter choice rules provided the parameter η in (Equation5) is chosen large enough, but the number of iteration steps is much less than that of the iterative scheme (Equation3). Therefore, it is a more efficient method for solving the inverse source problem (Equation1)–(Equation2).

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the iterative regularization method is proposed to obtain stable solution for the inverse source problem. Under a smoothness source condition on the exact source term, convergence rate estimates between the regularized solution and the exact solution are provided under both the a priori and a posteriori regularization parameter choice rules. In Section 3, three numerical examples are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed method. Section 4 ends this paper with a conclusion and final remarks.

2. The iterative method and the related convergence rates

In this section, we will analyse the iterative regularization method and derive convergence rate estimates under a priori and a posteriori parameter choice rules. Throughout this paper, we denote by L2([0,R];ρ) the Hilbert space of Lebesgue measurable function u(ρ) with weight ρ on [0,R]. Denote by ,ρ and ρ the inner product and norm on L2([0,R];ρ), respectively, given by u,vρ=0Rρu(ρ)v(ρ)dρanduρ=[0Rρ|u(ρ)|2dρ]12. In order to derive error estimates and convergence rate results for the iterative method (Equation4), we introduce a substitution u(ρ,t)=ρ12v(ρ,t), then v(ρ,t) satisfies (6) {v(ρ,t)t=σ(t)[2v(ρ,t)ρ2+1ρv(ρ,t)ρ14ρ2v(ρ,t)]+ρ12f(ρ),0<t<T,0<ρ<R,limρ0ρ12v(ρ,t)bounded,v(R,t)=0,0<t<T,v(ρ,0)=0,0<ρ<R.(6) and the final observation of the helium concentration becomes (7) v(ρ,T)=ρ12ϕ(ρ),0<ρ<R.(7) From the above discussion, we can reformulate the original inverse source problem (Equation1)-(Equation2): to reconstruct the source fρ(ρ) from the given data ϕρ(ρ), where fρ(ρ)=ρ12f(ρ),ϕρ(ρ)=ρ12ϕ(ρ). If we define an operator A:L2[0,R;ρ]L2[0,R;ρ] according to the system (Equation6), then the inverse source problem (Equation6)–(Equation7) can be formulated as the following operator equation: (8) Afρ(ρ)=ϕρ(ρ),0<ρ<R.(8) Applying the method of separation of variable for (Equation6) (see [Citation11] for details), there holds ϕρ(ρ)=n=1κnfρ(ρ),ωn(ρ)ρωn(ρ) with (9) κn=0Texp[λnτTσ(s)ds]dτ,λn=(nπR),n=1,2,,(9) and ωn(ρ)=2RJ32(nπ)J12(nπρR),n=1,2,, where J12(x)=(2πx)12sinx and J32(x)=(2πx)12(sinxxcosx) are Bessel functions of fraction orders [Citation21].

Consequently, A is a linear self-adjoint compact operator with eigenvalues κn and eigenfunctions ωn(ρ). It is easy to check that the eigenfunctions ω1(ρ),ω2(ρ),,ωn(ρ), form an orthonormal basis in L2([0,R],ρ). Due to the fact that the eigenvalues κn tends to zero, the inverse problem is ill-posed [Citation22].

Based on the operator Equation (Equation8), we introduce the following iterative method, (10) zρk=fρk+αk(fρkfρk1),fρk+1=zρkβ(Azρkϕρ),k=0,1,(10) with initial elements fρ1=fρ0=0, where β is a relaxation factor satisfying 0<βA1. According to the iterative scheme (Equation10), we have fρk=(1+αk1)(IβA)fρk1αk1(IβA)fρk2+βϕρ, where I is the identity operator. By induction, we can conclude that fρk belongs to the Krylov subspace Kk(βA,βϕρ)=span{βϕρ,(βA)βϕρ,,(βA)k1βϕρ}. Hence for the noisy data ϕρδL2([0,R],ρ) satisfying (11) ϕρδϕρρδ,(11) by using the eigenfunction expansion, the regularized solution can be given by (12) fρk,δ=Rk(βϕρδ):=n=1βgk(βκn)ϕρδ,ωnρωn,(12) where gk is a polynomial of degree k−1. The residual satisfy (13) ϕρδAfρk=n=1(1βκngk(βκn))ϕρδ,ωnρωn.(13) If we define rk(s)=1sgk(s) with s=βκn, based on the iterative scheme (Equation10), straightforward computation shows that the residual polynomials rk(s) satisfy a three-term recurrence relation (14) rk+1(s)=(1s)(rk(s)+αk(rk(s)rk1(s))),k0,(14) with r1(s)=r0(s)=1. The expression for the residual polynomials rk(s) are proved in [Citation19].

Lemma 2.1


Let rk(s) satisfy the recurrence relation (Equation14) with αk as in (Equation5), then rk(s) has the following form (15) rk(s)=(1s)k+12Ck1(η+12)(1s)Ck1(η+12)(1),k1,(15) with the Gegenbauer polynomials Cn(η).

The following two lemmas are important for us to prove the convergence rates.

Lemma 2.2

For polynomials rk(s)=(1s)k+12Ck1(η+12)(1s)Ck1(η+12)(1) with 0<s<1, then the following estimate hold for all 0s1, |rk(s)|1andsp|rk(s)|dp{k2p,0<pη+14,k(p+η+14),η+14<p, where dp depend on p,η,β.


The proof of this lemma can be found in the proof of Theorem 4 in [Citation19].

Lemma 2.3

For polynomials gk(s) satisfying rk(s)=1sgk(s) with 0<s<1, then for all k1, |gk(s)|k2.


The proof of this lemma can be found in the proof of Proposition 1 in [Citation19].

Before deriving convergence rates under a priori and a posteriori parameter choice rules, we give the following elementary estimates for eigenvalues κn of operator A.

Lemma 2.4

For the eigenvalues defined in (Equation9), it hold c_n2κnc¯n2, where c_=[1exp(σ+(πR))2T]R2π2σ+ and c¯=R2π2σ.


Recall σ and σ+ are the lower bound and the upper bound of σ(t), simple calculation yields the conclusion.

In order to guarantee a certain convergence rate for fρk,δfρρ, the set of the exact source function of problem (Equation6) has to be restricted to certain source sets. Throughout this paper, we assume that fρ fulfils the following source condition: (16) fρρ,μ<,for μ>0,(16) where the norm is defined in terms of the eigenfunctions fρρ,μ=(n=1(1+n2)μ|fρ,ωnρ|2)12. It is easy to check that fρρ,0=fρρ.

2.1. Convergence rate under an a priori parameter choice rule

Before deriving convergence rate under an a priori parameter choice rule, we first give some lemmas about different errors.

Lemma 2.5

Let fρ be the exact source function and fulfil the source condition (Equation16), fρk is the solution of the iterative scheme (Equation10) and fρk,δ is the regularized solution given by (Equation12). Then the approximation error and the data error satisfy (17) fρkfρρ{c_μ2dμ2(βk2)μ2fρρ,μ,0<μη+12,c_μ2dμ2βη+12μ8(βk2)(μ4+η+18)fρρ,μ,μ>η+12,(17) and (18) fρk,δfρkρβk2δ.(18)


We first estimate the approximation error. It follows the eigenfunction expansion of fρk and the exact solution fρ that (19) fρkfρρ=(RkAI)fρρ=n=1rk(βκn)fρ,ωnρωnρ=n=1(1+n2)μ2rk(βκn)(1+n2)μ2fρ,ωnρωnρsupn((1+n2)μ2rk(βκn))×n=1(1+n2)μ2fρ,ωnρωnρ.(19) Applying the source condition (Equation16) and Lemma 2.4, we can obtain fρkfρρc_μ2(supnκnμ2rk(βκn))fρρ,μ=c_μ2βμ2supn((βκn)μ2rk(βκn))fρρ,μ An application of Lemma 2.2 can get the final estimate.

For the data error, according to the definition of the regularized solution (Equation12) and Lemma 2.3, we have fρk,δfρkρ=Rk(ϕρδϕρ)ρ=n=1βgk(βκn)ϕρδϕρ,ωnρωnρβδsupngk(βκn)βk2δ, which completes the proof.

Remark 2.1

Following Lemma 2.5, we can understand the behaviour of the iteration. While the approximation error goes to 0 as k, the data error may diverge to infinity. For a small value of k, the bound of the approximation error and the data error is of the order of δ only, whence the iteration seems to converge in the beginning, after a while the data error dominates the total error, the iteration may diverge. It is, therefore, necessary to terminate the iteration according to a stopping rule.

Theorem 2.6

Let fρ be the exact radiogenic source, fρk,δ is the regularized approximation given by (Equation12). Assume the noisy data satisfies (Equation11) and the exact solution satisfies the a priori condition (Equation16).

  1. If μη+12 and choosing k¯=1β(fρρ,μδ)12+μ, then we have a convergence rate estimate (20) fρk¯,δfρρ(C1+o(1))fρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ,for δ0.(20) with C1=1+c_μ2dμ2.

  2. If μ>η+12 and choosing k¯=1β(fρρ,μδ)42μ+η+9, then we have convergence rate estimate

(21) fρk¯,δfρρ(C2+o(1))fρρ,μ82μ+η+9δ2μ+η+12μ+η+9,for δ0.(21) with C2=1+c_μ2dμ2βη+12μ8, where γ denotes the least integer greater than or equal to γ.


(1) For μη+12, by using the triangle inequality and Lemma 2.5, we can obtain fρk¯,δfρρfρk¯,δfρk¯ρ+fρk¯fρρ.c_μ2dμ2fρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ+β(1β(fρρ,μδ)12+μ+1)2δ=c_μ2dμ2fρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ+fρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ+2βfρρ,μ12+μδ1+μ2+μ+βδ. (2) For μ>η+12, by using the triangle inequality and Lemma 2.5, we can obtain fρk¯,δfρρfρk¯,δfρk¯ρ+fρk¯fρρ.c_μ2dμ2βη+12μ8fρρ,μ82μ+η+9δ2μ+η+12μ+η+9+β(1β(fρρ,μδ)42μ+η+9+1)2δ=c_μ2dμ2βη+12μ8fρρ,μ82μ+η+9δ2μ+η+12μ+η+9+fρρ,μ82μ+η+9δ2μ+η+12μ+η+9+2βfρρ,μ42μ+η+9δ2μ+η+52μ+η+9+βδ, which completes the proof.

Remark 2.2

In [Citation15], the authors obtained a convergence rate fk,δfCδ22+μ for all μ0 with iterative scheme (Equation3), where the regularization parameter k satisfies k=O(δ22+μ). Theorem 2.6 shows that our method yields the same convergence rate provided that the parameter η is sufficiently large (η2μ1), but only needs the square root of the number of iterations for the iterative scheme (Equation3). For μ>η+12, since 42μ+η+9<22+μ, the number of iteration steps of our method is still smaller than that for the iterative scheme (Equation3).

2.2. Convergence rate under an a posteriori parameter choice rule

Since the a priori regularization parameter choice rule depends on the unavailable information about the exact source function, it can not be used in practical problems. Thus, it is of much interest to develop a posteriori parameter choice rule. In this subsection, we use the so-called discrepancy principle [Citation22] to choose the regularization parameter k, i.e. choosing k:=k(δ,ϕρδ) such that (22) Afρk,δϕρδρτδ<Afρk,δϕρδρ,0k<k,(22) for some fixed number τ>1.

The next lemma provides an upper bound for the regularization parameter k following the discrepancy principle (Equation22).

Lemma 2.7

Let fρ be the exact source. fρk and fρk,δ are the solutions of iterative scheme (Equation10) with data ϕρ and ϕρδ, respectively. Under the a priori condition (Equation16) and noise assumption (Equation11). If k is the smallest iteration number such that (Equation22) holds, then we have the following upper bound.

  1. If μη32, then there holds k1β(c_μ2d1+μ2τ1)12+μfρρ,μ12+μδ12+μ+1.

  2. If μ>η32, then there holds kβ2μ+42μ+η+5(c_μ2d1+μ2τ1)42μ+η+5fρρ,μ42μ+η+5δ42μ+η+5+1.


By the triangle inequality, we have (23) Afρk1,δϕρδρAfρk1,δAfρk(ϕρδϕρ)ρ+Afρk1ϕρρ.(23) For the first term of the right-hand side of (Equation23), according to the definition of the regularized solution (Equation12) and Lemma 2.2, we can obtain Afρk1,δAfρk1(ϕρδϕρ)ρ=(ARk1I)(ϕρδϕρ)ρ=n=1rk1(βκn)ϕρδϕρ,ωnρωnρδ. Now we estimate the second term of the right-hand side of (Equation23). Applying the source condition (Equation16) and Lemma 2.4, we have Afρk1ϕρρ=(ARk1I)ϕρρ=n=1κnrk1(βκn)fρ,ωnρωnρsupn((1+n2)μ2κnrk1(βκn))fρρ,μc_μ2supn(κn1+μ2rk1(βκn))fρρ,μ. Combining the above estimates, we can get Afρk1,δϕρδρδ+c_μ2supnκn1+μ2rk1(βκn)fρρ,μ. Noting that τδ<Afρk1,δϕρδρ, this yields (24) (τ1)δc_μ2supnκn1+μ2rk1(βκn)fρρ,μ.(24) Applying Lemma 2.2, we have (25) supnκn1+μ2rk1(βκn){d1+μ2(β(k1)2)(1+μ2),μη32,d1+μ2βη32μ8(β(k1)2)(μ4+η+58),μ>η32.(25) Combining (Equation24) and (Equation25), we can obtain the conclusion.

Theorem 2.8

Let fρ be the exact radiogenic source satisfying the a priori condition (Equation16) and fρk,δ be the regularized approximation given by the iterative scheme (Equation10) with noisy data ϕρδ satisfying the assumption (Equation11). If the regularization parameter k:=k(δ,ϕρδ) is chosen according to the discrepancy principle (Equation22), then we can obtain the following convergence rates:

  1. If μη32, then there holds fρk,δfρρ(C3+o(1))fρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ,for δ0, where C3=(τ+1c_)μ2+μ+(c_μ2d1+μ2τ1)μ2+μ.

  2. If μ>η32, then there holds fρk,δfρρ(C4+o(1))fρρ,μ82μ+η+5δ2μ+η32μ+η+5,for δ0, where C4=β2μη+32μ+η+5(c_μ2d1+μ2τ1)82μ+η+5.


In virtue of the triangle inequality (26) fρk,δfρρfρk,δfρkρ+fρkfρρ,(26) we are led to estimate the two terms on the right-hand side. For the second term in (Equation26), we derive from the definition of fρk, fρkfρ=Rkϕρfρ=(RkAI)fρ. Using the Ho¨lder inequality, Lemma 2.2, Lemma 2.4 and the source condition (Equation16), we can obtain (27) fρkfρρ2=n=1rk(βκn)fρ,ωnρωnρ2=n=1rk2(βκn)|fρ,ωnρ|2=n=1(1+n2)2μ2+μrk2(βκn)|fρ,ωnρ|2μ2+μ(1+n2)2μ2+μ|fρ,ωnρ|42+μ(n=11(1+n2)2rk2(1+2μ)(βκn)|fρ,ωnρ|2)μ2+μ×(n=1(1+n2)μ|fρ,ωnρ|2)22+μ(supnrk4μ(βκn))μ2+μ(n=11(1+n2)2rk2(βκn)|fρ,ωnρ|2)μ2+μfρρ,μ42+μc_2μ2+μ(n=1κn2rk2(βκn)|fρ,ωnρ|2)μ2+μfρρ,μ42+μ.(27) Since (28) Afρkϕρρ2=A(RkI)fρρ2=n=1κn2rk2(βκn)fρ,ωnρ2,(28) combining (Equation27) and (Equation28) yields fρkfρρc_μ2+μfρρ,μ22+μAfρkϕρρμ2+μ. Noting that AfρkϕρρAfρkϕρδρ+ϕρδϕρρ(τ+1)δ, we have (29) fρkfρρ(τ+1c_)μ2+μfρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ.(29) Next, we estimate the data error fρk,δfρkρ. Replacing k by k in the inequality (Equation18) and using Lemma 2.5, we have (30) fρk,δfρkρβ(k)2δ.(30) Using the upper bound for k provided in Lemma 2.7, we can get (31) β(k)2δ{((c_μ2d1+μ2τ1)μ2+μ+o(1))fρρ,μ22+μδμ2+μ,μη32,δ0,(β2μη+32μ+η+5(c_μ2d1+μ2τ1)82μ+η+5+o(1))fρρ,μ82μ+η+5δ2μ+η32μ+η+5,μ>η32,δ0.(31) By combining (Equation29), (Equation31), we can obtain the conclusion.

Remark 2.3

In [Citation15], the authors obtained a convergence rate fk,δfCδμ2+μ for all μ0 under the a posteriori parameter choice rule, the upper bound for the regularization parameter is O(δ22+μ). Theorem 2.8 shows that our method yields the same convergence rate provide η is chosen large enough (η2μ+3). For η<2μ+3, the convergence order is 2μ+η32μ+η+5, which is lower than that of iterative scheme (Equation3). However, in both cases, the upper bound of the regularization parameter for our method is smaller than that for the iterative scheme (Equation3), which means that, in general, our method requires fewer iteration steps.

3. Numerical results

In this section, we present some numerical simulations to illustrate the performance of the iterative method (Equation10) for the inverse radiogenic source problem. In our tests, unless otherwise specified, we shall take T = 1, R = 1, σ(t)=1+0.01et. For comparison, we also give the numerical results of the iterative scheme (Equation3). For the noisy data ϕρδ, the regularized solutions are given by the iterative schemes (32) fρ0,δ=0fρk+1,δ=fρk,δβ(Afρk,δϕρδ),k=0,1,(32) and (33) fρ1,δ=fρ0,δ=0,zρk,δ=fρk,δ+αk(fρk,δfρk1,δ),fρk+1,δ=zρk,δβ(Azρk,δϕρδ),k=0,1,(33) Since the a priori regularization parameter choice rule depends on the unknown information about the exact solution, we only give the numerical results under the a posteriori regularization parameter choice rule. According to the substitution fρ(ρ)=ρ12f(ρ), once we have fρk,δ, the regularized radiogenic source term fk,δ can be obtained by multiplying ρ12. However, due to the singularity of the function ρ12, this may cause some instability at ρ=0. Fortunately, this can be avoided in practice. Multiplying both sides of (Equation32) and (Equation33) by ρ12 in each step, we can find it is equivalent to solving (34) fk+1,δ=fk,δβ(Kfk,δϕδ),k=0,1,(34) with f0,δ=0 and (35) zk,δ=fk,δ+αk(fk,δfk1,δ),fk+1,δ=zk,δβ(Kzk,δϕδ),k=0,1,(35) with two initial guess f1,δ=f0,δ=0, where Kf(ρ)=u(ρ,T) is defined by the following system (36) {u(ρ,t)t=σ(t)[2u(ρ,t)ρ2+2ρu(ρ,t)ρ]+f(ρ),0<t<T,0<ρ<1,limρ0u(ρ,t)bounded,u(1,t)=0,0<t<T,u(ρ,0)=0,0<ρ<1.(36) In the process of implementing iterative schemes (Equation34) and (Equation35) (we call the original method and the accelerated method, respectively), we need to solve the forward problem (Equation36) repeatedly. Noticing that Equation (Equation36) is singular at the origin ρ=0, in order to overcome the singularity, we will adopt the technique of shifting half mesh away from the pole [Citation23] to discrete the Equation (Equation36). Based on this discretization on the spatial variable, Equation  (Equation36) can be solved by the method of lines [Citation24]. In order to avoid inverse crimes, the synthetic data ϕ(ρ) used in our experiments are generated on a much finer grid (N = 201) than the one used for the inversion (N = 51), where N = 51 is the total number of the spatial discrete points. The noisy data ϕδ(ρ) is generated by adding a random perturbation to the ‘exact’ data, that is ϕδ=ϕ(1+ϵrandn(size(ϕ))), where ϵ indicates the noise level of the measured data. To show the accuracy of numerical solution, we compute the relative error at the kth step given by ek=(n=1Nρ(n)(f(n)fk,δ(n))2n=1Nρ(n)(f(n))2)12, where f and fk,δ are the exact solution and the regularized approximation solution at the kth step, respectively.

In order to observe the behaviour of iterations, we also compute the residual which is defined by Ek=(n=1Nρ(n)((Kfk,δ)(n)ϕδ(n))2)12, where Kfk,δ is the final data with the source function fk,δ. All the computations are performed using MATLAB 2018a on an Intel-i5 desktop computer.

Example 3.1

We first consider the smooth source function f(ρ)=90(1ρ3) over the interval [0,1].

We first investigate the influence of the parameter η which appears in (Equation5).For fixed noise level ϵ=0.01, the relation between relative error ek and η is plotted in Figure , which indicate that, in general, the value of η should not be selected too small, this is consistent with our theoretical results. In practical application, the parameter η is always selected as small as possible. Therefore in the following numerical experiments, we always choose η=4.

Figure 1. Example 1: the relative error ek versus η with noise level ϵ=0.01.

Figure 1. Example 1: the relative error ek versus η with noise level ϵ=0.01.

In Figure , we present the behaviour of residuals and relative errors with respect to the number of iteration steps using the noisy data ϕδ with noise level ϵ=0.01. We can see that the residuals corresponding to both the two methods decrease as k increase and the relative errors decrease first and then increase after several iteration steps, which indicate that choosing the appropriate number of stop iteration steps is very important for both methods. In the following, we take the regularization parameters based on (Equation22) with τ=1.1. The comparisons between the exact source function and the reconstructed solution obtained by both the original method (Equation34) and the accelerated method (Equation35) are presented in Figure . From Figure , it can be seen that, both the original method (Equation34) and the accelerated method (Equation35) can give satisfactory reconstruction results for different noise levels, but the required number of iteration steps and the computation time for the accelerated method are much less than that of the original method (see Table ).

Figure 2. Example 1: (a) the residual Ek versus k ; (b) the relative error ek versus k.

Figure 2. Example 1: (a) the residual Ek versus k ; (b) the relative error ek versus k.

Figure 3. Example 1: (a)–(c) The reconstructed source function obtained by the original method; (d)–(f) The reconstructed source function obtained by the accelerated method.

Figure 3. Example 1: (a)–(c) The reconstructed source function obtained by the original method; (d)–(f) The reconstructed source function obtained by the accelerated method.

Table 1. Numerical comparison on the original method and the accelerated method for Example 3.1.

Example 3.2

In this example, we consider the oscillating source function f(ρ)=5(1+cos(5πρ)) over the interval [0,1]. The obtained numerical results are shown in Figure  and Table . It is observed that, for this oscillating function, more iteration steps are needed to satisfy the discrepancy principle (Equation22). Table  further confirms that both the methods perform well although the number of iteration steps and computation time required by the accelerated method (Equation35) are far less than that of the original method (Equation34).

Figure 4. Example 2: (a)–(c) The reconstructed source function obtained by the original method; (d)–(f) the reconstructed source function obtained by the accelerated method.

Figure 4. Example 2: (a)–(c) The reconstructed source function obtained by the original method; (d)–(f) the reconstructed source function obtained by the accelerated method.

Table 2. Numerical comparison on the original method and the accelerated method for Example 3.2.

Example 3.3

In this example, we consider the source function f(ρ)={1,0ρ<0.5,16(1ρ)4,0.5ρ1. This is a more difficult example since the function is not smooth at the point ρ=0.5. Figure  shows the comparisons between the exact source function and the reconstructed solution obtained by both the original method (Equation34) and the accelerated method (Equation35). Further numerical results are shown in Table . These numerical results are very similar to that in the Example 3.1 and 3.2. Particularly, from Figure  and Table , we can see that even for this nonsmooth function the accelerated method (Equation35) still works well with fewer iteration steps.

Figure 5. Example 3: (a)–(c) The reconstructed source function obtained by the original method; (d)–(f) the reconstructed source function obtained by the accelerated method.

Figure 5. Example 3: (a)–(c) The reconstructed source function obtained by the original method; (d)–(f) the reconstructed source function obtained by the accelerated method.

Table 3. Numerical comparison on the original method and the accelerated method for Example 3.3.

4. Conclusion

In this work, we consider an inverse radiogenic source problem associated to the helium production-diffusion equation. A fast iterative method has been proposed to solve the inverse source problem. Both the a priori and a posteriori regularization parameter choice rules were investigated for the proposed method. Furthermore, the convergence rates were provided for the regularized solutions generated by the iterative regularization method. Numerical results indicate that the proposed method is efficient, accurate and stable to compute the approximation of the unknown radiogenic source.

We conclude the paper by some remarks. In this paper, although our theoretical analysis is based on the eigenfunction expansion, our numerical experiments do not depend on the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions at all. In each step, we only need to numerically solve a forward problem. So our method can be easily extended to the problem for general geometry, which will be considered in the future.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


The research of Z Zhang is partially supported by the NSF of China [grant number 12171215,11601207] and NSF of Gansu Province [grant number 21JR7RA475]. The research of Y Zhang is partially supported by the NSF of China [grant number 11871392] and the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [grant number lzujbky-2020-12].


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