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Research Article

Some combinatorial identities containing central binomial coefficients or Catalan numbers*

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Article: 2204233 | Received 25 Nov 2022, Accepted 11 Apr 2023, Published online: 30 Apr 2023


In the article, by virtue of Maclaurin's expansions of the arcsine function and its square and cubic, the authors

  1. give a short proof of a sum formula of a Maclaurin's series with coefficients containing reciprocals of the Catalan numbers;

  2. establish four sum formulas for finite sums containing the ratio or product of two central binomial coefficients or the Catalan numbers.

The instant proof simplifies discussions in the journal papers: College Math. J. 43 (2012), no. 2, 141–146; Amer. Math. Monthly 121 (2014), no. 3, 267–267; Amer. Math. Monthly 123 (2016), no. 4, 405–406; Elem. Math. 71 (2016), no. 3, 109–121; and Mathematics 5 (2017), no. 3, Article 40, 31 pages.

Mathematics Subject Classifications:

1. Maclaurin's expansions of the powers of the arcsine function

The sequence of central binomial coefficients (2) for 0 is classical, simple, and elementary. This sequence has attracted many mathematicians who have published a number of papers such as [Citation1–11].

Maclaurin's expansion of arcsinv can be written as (1) arcsinv==0122(2)v2+12+1,|v|1.(1) See [Citation12, 4.4.40] and [Citation13, p. 121, 6.41.1].

Maclaurin's expansion of (arcsinv)2 can be formulated as (2) (arcsinv)2==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2(+1)(+1)2,|v|1.(2) See [Citation13, p. 122, 6.42.1], [Citation14, pp. 262–263, Proposition 15], [Citation15, pp. 50–51 and p. 287], [Citation16, p. 384], [Citation17, Lemma 2], [Citation18, p. 308], [Citation19, pp. 88–90], [Citation20, p. 61, 1.645], [Citation21, p. 453], [Citation22, Section 6.3], [Citation23, p. 59, (2.56)], or [Citation24, p. 676, (2.2)].

Maclaurin's expansion of (arcsinv)3 can be arranged as (3) (arcsinv)3=3!=02+122+1C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+32+3,|v|1,(3) where C=1+1(2)for 0 denotes the Catalan numbers [Citation25–28]. See [Citation13, p. 122, 6.42.2], [Citation14, pp. 262–263, Proposition 15], [Citation29, p. 188, Example 1], [Citation18, p. 308], [Citation19, pp. 88–90], or [Citation20, p. 61, 1.645].

Differentiating (Equation1), (Equation2), and (Equation3) and simplifying result in (4) 11v2==0122(2)v2,(4) (5) arcsinv1v2==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2+1+1,(5) (6) (arcsinv)21v2==02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+2.(6) Maclaurin's expansion (Equation5) was also listed or recovered in [Citation13, p. 122, 6.42.5], [Citation16, p. 384], [Citation30, p. 161], [Citation21, p. 452, Theorem], and [Citation22, Section 6.3, Theorem 21, Sections 8 and 9].

Maclaurin's expansions (Equation1), (Equation2), (Equation3), (Equation4), (Equation5), and (Equation6) have been employed in [Citation17, Citation31] to establish sum formulas for finite sums containing the quantities (2mm)(2(m)m)or(2mm)(2(m+1)m+1)for m0.

In 1922, Maclaurin's expansion of 1v2arcsinv with minor errors was listed in [Citation13, p. 122, 6.42.4] and we now correct it as (7) 1v2arcsinv=v=1222[(1)!]2(21)!v2+12+1,|v|1.(7) Recently, Maclaurin's series expansions of the functions (arcsint)m,(arcsintt)m,(arcsint)m1t2 for mN have been reviewed and surveyed in [Citation32]. Hereafter, very nice Maclaurin's and Taylors's series expansions of the functions (arcsintt)α,(arcsint)α1t2,(arcsinhtt)m,[(arccosx)22(1x)]α,[(arccoshx)22(1x)]m,(2arccostπ)αwere discovered in the papers [Citation33–36], where mN and αR.

In this paper, by virtue of the above seven Maclaurin's expansions (Equation1), (Equation2), (Equation3), (Equation4), (Equation5), (Equation6), and (Equation7), we will

  1. give a short proof of a sum formula of the series =0(1)vCfor 0v4;

  2. establish four sum formulas for finite sums containing the ratio or product of two central binomial coefficients or the Catalan numbers C.

For details on our main results, please read Sections 2 and 3 below.

2. A short proof of a sum formula

The sum formulas (Equation8) and (Equation9) in Theorem 2.1 below have been proved in [Citation37–41] and [Citation22, pp. 17–28, Sections 6–9] by spending much space on complicated and technical arguments.

Theorem 2.1

[Citation37–41] and [Citation22, pp. 17–28, Sections 6–9]

For 0v4, (8) =0vC=2(8+v)(4v)2+24v(4v)5/2arcsinv2(8) and (9) =0(1)vC=2(8v)(4+v)2+24v(4+v)5/2ln4+vv2.(9)

By virtue of Maclaurin's expansion (Equation7), we now give a marvelous, short, instant, simple, and elementary proof of the sum formulas (Equation8) and (Equation9).

Proof of Theorem 2.1.

We can write Maclaurin's expansion (Equation7) as (10) 1v2arcsinv=v=122(1)(21)(2(1)1)v2+12+1,|v|1.(10) Maclaurin's expansion (Equation10) can be further rewritten in terms of the Catalan numbers C as (11) 1v2arcsinv=v=122(1)(21)C1v2+12+1,|v|1.(11) Differentiating three times on both sides of (Equation11) and simplifying yield (12) 3varcsinv(1v2)5/2+v2+2(1v2)2==022+1Cv2,|v|1.(12) Taking v2=u4 for 0u4 in (Equation12) and simplifying give the sum formula (Equation8).

Letting v2=u4 for 0u4 in (Equation12), we find (13) 3(1+u4)5/2ju2arcsinju2+2u4(1+u4)2=2=0(1)uC,(13) where j=1 is the imaginary unit in complex analysis. Making use of the logarithmic representation arcsinv=jln(1v2+iv),v21in [Citation12, p. 80, 4.4.26] and [Citation42, p. 119, 4.23.19], we obtain arcsinju2=jln[1(ju2)2+jju2]=jln4+uu2.Substituting this equality into (Equation13) and simplifying produce 3(1+u4)5/2u2ln4+uu2+2u4(1+u4)2=2=0(1)uCwhich is equivalent to 2=0(1)uC=4(8u)(4+u)2+48u(4+u)5/2ln4+uu2.The sum formula (Equation9) is proved.

Remark 2.1

The short proof of Theorem 2.1 shows that the method used for proving the sum formula (Equation9) is better than previous ones. Therefore, we will apply this method to establish several more formulas for finite sums containing the quantities (2) or C in next section.

3. Four identities containing central binomial coefficients

In this section, by virtue of Maclaurin's expansions (Equation1), (Equation2), (Equation3), (Equation4), (Equation5), (Equation6), (Equation7), we establish four sum formulas for finite sums containing the quantities (2) or C.

Theorem 3.1

For N, (14) q=0124q(2q+1)(2q+3)(2(q1)q1)(2qq)=2(2+1)(2),(14) (15) q=011(2q+1)(2q+3)(q)1(2qq)(2(q)q)=2(+1)(2+1)(2),(15) (16) q=013q+4(q+1)(q+2)(2q)!!(2q+3)!!=122+1(2(+1)+1)1(+1)2,(16) and (17) q=012q+124q[2(q)1][2(q)+1]Cq(2(q1)q1)=0q1(2+1)2=(2+1)C243(2+3)q=01(2q+1)2.(17)

Proof of Theorem 3.1.

Utilizing the Cauchy product of the product of two Maclaurin's expansions, we acquire arcsinv=11v2(1v2arcsinv)=[=0122(2)v2][v=122(1)(21)(2(1)1)v2+12+1]==0122(2)v2+1[=0122(2)v2]=022(2+1)(2)v2+32+3==0122(2)v2+1=0[q=022(2q)(2q+1)(2q+3)(2(q)q)(2qq)]v2+3==0122(2)v2+1=1[q=0122(2q+1)(2q+1)(2q+3)(2(q1)q1)(2qq)]v2+1=v+=1122[(2)q=0122(2q+1)(2q+1)(2q+3)(2(q1)q1)(2qq)]v2+1,where we used (Equation4) and (Equation10). Comparing this with (Equation1) and equating the coefficient of the term v2+1 for N lead to 122(2)12+1=122[(2)q=0122(2q+1)(2q+1)(2q+3)(2(q1)q1)(2qq)]which is equivalent to (Equation14).

Similarly, we can write (arcsinv)2=arcsinv1v2(1v2arcsinv)=[=022+1(2(+1)+1)v2+1+1][v=122(1)(21)(2(1)1)v2+12+1]==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2+2+1[=022+1(2(+1)+1)v2+1+1]=022(2+1)(2)v2+32+3==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2+2+1=0[q=022(q)+1(2(q+1)q+1)1q+122q(2q+1)(2qq)12q+3]v2+4==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2+2+1=1221[q=011(2qq)(2(q)q)1(2q+1)(2q+3)(q)]v2+2=v2+=1221[4(2(+1)+1)1+1q=011(2qq)(2(q)q)1(2q+1)(2q+3)(q)]v2+2,where we used (Equation5) and (Equation10). Comparing this with Maclaurin's expansion (Equation2) and equating result in 22+1(2(+1)+1)1(+1)2=221[4(2(+1)+1)1+1q=011(2qq)(2(q)q)1(2q+1)(2q+3)(q)],which can be rearranged as (Equation15).

Direct computation gives d(1v2arcsinv)2dv=21v2arcsinv2v(arcsinv)2=2[v=1222[(1)!]2(21)!v2+12+1]2v=022+1(2(+1)+1)v2(+1)(+1)2=2v=1221[(1)!]2(21)!v2+12+1=122(2)v2+12=2v=1221([(1)!]2(21)!12+1+2(2)12)v2+1=2v=1221[1(421)(2(1)1)+22(2)]v2+1,where Maclaurin's expansions (Equation2) and (Equation7) were employed. Accordingly, we obtain (18) (1v2arcsinv)2=v2=13+1(+1)(22)!!(2+1)!!v2+2.(18) Maclaurin's expansion (Equation18) can also be derived from (Equation7) as follows: (1v2arcsinv)2=(1v2)(arcsinv)2=(1v2)=022+1(2(+1)+1)v2(+1)(+1)2==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2(+1)(+1)2=022+1(2(+1)+1)v2(+2)(+1)2==022+1(2(+1)+1)v2(+1)(+1)2=1221(2)v2(+1)2=v2+=1[22+1(2(+1)+1)1(+1)2221(2)12]v2(+1)=v2=13+1(+1)(22)!!(2+1)!!v2+2,where we used Maclaurin's expansion (Equation2).

Employing Maclaurin's expansion (Equation18) yileds (arcsinv)2=11v2(1v2arcsinv)2=(=0v2)[v2=13+1(+1)(22)!!(2+1)!!v2+2]==0v2+2(=0v2)=13+1(+1)(22)!!(2+1)!!v2+2==0v2+2(=0v2)=03+4(+1)(+2)(2)!!(2+3)!!v2+4==0v2+2=0[q=03q+4(q+1)(q+2)(2q)!!(2q+3)!!]v2+4==0v2+2=1[q=013q+4(q+1)(q+2)(2q)!!(2q+3)!!]v2+2=v2+=1[1q=013q+4(q+1)(q+2)(2q)!!(2q+3)!!]v2+2.Comparing this with (Equation2) and equating conclude 22+1(2(+1)+1)1(+1)2=1q=013q+4(q+1)(q+2)(2q)!!(2q+3)!!.The sum formula (Equation16) is thus proved.

Finally, we write (arcsinv)3=(arcsinv)21v2(1v2arcsinv)=(=02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+2)×[v=122(1)(21)(2(1)1)v2+12+1]==02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+3(=02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+2)=022(2+1)(2)v2+32+3==02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+3=0(q=02q+122qCq[=0q1(2+1)2]×22(q)[2(q)+1](2(q)q)12(q)+3)v2+5==02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+3=022(q=02q+124q[2(q)+1][2(q)+3]×[=0q1(2+1)2]Cq(2(q)q))v2+5==02+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]v2+3=122(1)×(q=012q+124q[2(q)1][2(q)+1]×[=0q1(2+1)2]Cq(2(q1)q1))v2+3=v3+=1(2+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]22(1)×q=012q+124q[2(q)1][2(q)+1]×[=0q1(2+1)2]Cq(2(q1)q1))v2+3,where we used (Equation6) and (Equation10). Comparing this with (Equation3) and equating give 3!2+122+1C[q=01(2q+1)2]12+3=2+122C[q=01(2q+1)2]22(1)q=012q+124q[2(q)1][2(q)+1][=0q1(2+1)2]Cq(2(q1)q1)which can be rearranged as (Equation17).


The authors appreciate anonymous referees for their careful reading and valuable comments on the original version of this paper.

Availability of Data and Material

Data sharing is not applicable to this article as no new data were created or analyzed in this study.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Additional information


Dr. Dongkyu Lim, the third and corresponding author, was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea under Grant NRF-2021R1C1C1010902, Republic of Korea.


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