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Library History

Ackrill, Ursula, ‘Some Chapters in the History of West Bridgford Library’, Post-Lib, 68 (2013), 4–7.

Aikin, Jane, ‘“A Search for Better Ways in the Future”: The Library of Congress and its Users in the Interwar Period’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 78–96.

Allan, David, ‘Politeness and the Politics of Culture: An Intellectual History of the Eighteenth-Century Subscription Library’, Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 159–69 <doi:10.1179/1758348913Z.00000000036>.

Anderson, Michael, and Brian Keith Follett, ‘Lynne Brindley and the Follett Committee and its Inheritance’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 37–44 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.7>.

Babendreier, Jürgen, ‘Sammeln und vernichten: Bibliotheksarbeit zwischen Zerstörung und Bewahrung’, Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 37 (2013), 1–26.

Barber, Giles, Printed Books and Bookbindings: The James A. De Rothschild Bequest at Waddesdon Manor, the National Trust (Aylesbury: Rothschild Foundation, 2013).

Benucci, Michele, and Susanna Sarti, ‘A Private Library in 19th Century Rome: The Sale of Giovanni Pietro Campana’s Library’, in Wiegel and Vickers (op. cit.), pp. 133–44.

Black, Alistair, ‘Buildings of Hope: The Design of Public Library Buildings in the UK in the 1960s, with a Case Study of the Scandinavian-Inspired Holborn Central Library’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 228–58.

Bowd, Rebecca, ‘“Books of Every Variety of Taste”: Politeness, Improvement and Instruction in Eighteenth-Century Libraries’, Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 157–58 <doi:10.1179/1758348913Z.00000000042>.

——, ‘Useful Knowledge or Polite Learning? A Reappraisal of Approaches to Subscription Library History’, Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 182–95 <doi:10.1179/1758348913Z.00000000038>.

Brazier, Caroline, ‘What Did the Internet Ever Do for Us? Changes in Collection Development and Management at the British Library, 2000–2012’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 95–102 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.14>.

Brokaw, Cynthia and Peter Kornicki, eds, The History of the Book in East Asia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

Byberg, Lis, ‘What Were Considered to Be Good Books in the Time of Popular Enlightenment? The View of Philanthropists Compared to the View of a Farmer’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 52–75.

Castellano Lanzara, Maria Giuseppina, Editoria, libri e biblioteche a Napoli in eta moderna, Libri e memoria (Napoli: Libreria Dante & Descartes, 2013).

Cavagna, Anna Giulia, La biblioteca di Alfonso II Del Carretto marchese di Finale: Libri tra Vienna e la Liguria nel XVI secolo (Finale Ligure: Centro Storico del Finale, 2012).

Cayley, Emma, and Susan Powell, eds, Manuscripts and Printed Books in Europe, 1350–1550: Packaging, Presentation and Consumption (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2013).

Collier, Mel, and Nigel Macartney, ‘Lynne Brindley and Library and Information Science Research’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 65–72 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.11>.

Connolly, Margaret, ‘Sixteenth-Century Readers Reading Fifteenth-Century Religious Books: The Roberts Family of Middlesex’, in Rice (op. cit.), pp. 239–62.

Cooke, Simon, ‘The Mark Hinchliffe Collection of Books by Ted Hughes’, The Private Library, 5 (2012), 163–75.

D’Addario, Christopher, ‘Echo Chambers and Paper Memorials: Mid and Late- Seventeenth-Century Book-bindings and the Practices of Early Modern Reading’, Textual Cultures: Texts, Contexts, Interpretation, 7 (2012), 73–97 <doi:10.1353/txc.2012.0034>.

Dahlkild, Nan, ‘The Spirit of Place: Landmarks of Scandinavian Library Architecture and Design’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 194–227.

Dearden, James S., The Library of John Ruskin (Oxford: Oxford Bibliographical Society, 2012).

Dressen, Angela, The Library of the Badia Fiesolana: Intellectual History and Education under the Medici (14621464), RICABIM, Repertorio Di Inventari e Cataloghi Di Biblioteche Medievali Dal Secolo VI Al 1520 = Repertory of Inventories and Catalogues of Medieval Libraries from the VIth Century to 1520. Texts and Studies, 1 (Florence: SISMEL-Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2013).

Dyrbye, Martin, ‘Early Discussion on How to Use Film in the Service of Library Promotion and the First Danish Film of 1922’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 166–93.

Erler, Mary Carpenter, Reading and Writing during the Dissolution: Monks, Friars, and Nuns 1530–1558 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

Felsenstein, Frank, John Straw, Katharine Leigh, and James J. Connolly, ‘Reading Library Records: Constructing and Using the What Middletown Read Database’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 40–63.

Finney, Jill, ‘Dame Lynne Brindley: The British Library and the Role of Strategic Marketing and Communications, 2001–2009’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 256–67 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.13>.

Frické, Martin, ‘Reflections on Classification: Thomas Reid and Bibliographic Description’, Journal of Documentation, 69 (2013), 507–22 <doi:10.1108/JD-02-2012-0022>.

Gaffney, Loretta M., ‘“Is Your Public Library Family Friendly?”: Libraries as a Site of Conservative Activism, 1992–2002’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 185–99.

Green, Andrew, ‘Introducing Electronic Legal Deposit in the UK: A Homeric Tale’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 103–09 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.15>.

Hall, J. J., ‘An Eighteenth-Century Reader in Cambridge University Library: The Rev. William Cole’, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 14 (2011), 363–402.

Hamlett, Jane, Lesley Hoskins, and Rebecca Preston, eds, Residential Institutions in Britain, 17251970: Inmates and Environments, Perspectives in Economic and Social History, 27 (London: Pickering & Chatto, 2013).

Harvey, Ross, ‘“Story Develops Badly, Could Not Finish”: Member Book Reviews at the Boston Athenaeum in the 1920s’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 64–77.

Henle, Alea, ‘The Widow’s Mite: Hannah Mather Crocker and the Mather Libraries’, Information & Culture: A Journal of History, 48 (2013), 323–43 <doi:10.1353/lac.2013.0016>.

Husbands, Shayne, ‘The Roxburghe Club: Consumption, Obsession and the Passion for Print’, in Cayley and Powell (op. cit.), pp. 120–34.

Jenkins, Clare, ‘“The Engagement Is Announced …”: Collaborative Ventures between the British Library and the Higher Education Sector’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 31–6 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.6>.

Johansen, Michelle, ‘“The Father and Mother of the Place”: Inhabiting London’s Public Libraries, 1885–1940’, in Hamlett et al. (op. cit.), pp. 125–39.

Juliúsdóttir, Stefania, ‘Reading Societies in Iceland: Their Foundation, Role, and the Destiny of their Book Collections’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 125–65.

Keller, Michael, ‘US West Coast Perspective on Lynne Brindley’s Career’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 9–13 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.3>.

Kelly, Stephen, ‘A History of John Henry Newman’s Archival Papers’, Newman Studies Journal, 10 (2013), 68–81.

Kesson, Andy, and Emma Smith, eds, The Elizabethan Top Ten: Defining Print Popularity in Early Modern England, Material Readings in Early Modern Culture (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

Knox, Emily, ‘The Challenges of West Bend: The Library as a Community Institution’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 200–16.

Krumeich, Kirsten, ‘Fasciculus Medicine’, Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 88 (2013), 166–79.

Describes a partial copy of the Venice, 1495 edition of the Fasciculus Medicinae from the library of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

Latham, Joyce M., ‘“A Liberal and Dignified Approach”: The John Toman Branch of the Chicago Public Library and the Making of Americans, 1927–1940’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 111–28.

Lattimore, Colin R., The Bookplates of Miss C. Helard: And Other Related Matters (London: The Bookplate Society, 2012).

Law, Derek, ‘“Don’t Give Me Passion, Give Me Cataloguers”: Lynne Brindley and the Art of the Possible’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 95–102 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.2>.

Liddington, Jill, ‘Fawcett Saga: Remembering the Women’s Library across Four Decades’, History Workshop Journal, 76 (2013), 266–80.

Lynch, Clifford, ‘Defining a National Library in a Digital World: Dame Lynne Brindley at the British Library’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 57–63 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.10>.

Mäkinen, Ilkka, ‘Leselust, Goût de la Lecture, Love of Reading: Patterns in the Discourse on Reading in Europe from the 17th until the 19th Century’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 261–85.

Manley, K. A., ‘Jeremy Bentham has been Banned: Contention and Censorship in Private Subscription Libraries before 1825’, Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 170–81 <doi:10.1179/1758348913Z.00000000037>.

Marcum, Deanna, ‘Supporting Legal Deposit for a National Library: Portico’s Project with the British Library. An Essay in Honour of Dame Lynne Brindley’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 111–15 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.16>.

Maslen, Jim, ‘On the Margins of Collecting: Christmas Cards and Ephemera’, The Private Library, 5 (2012), 149–61.

Moore, Patrick, ‘St George’s Chapter Library and Archives’, Bulletin of the Association of British Theological and Philosophical Libraries, 20 (2013), 23.

Morrison, Ian, ‘John Glover’s Books: An Addendum’, Script & Print, 37 (2013), 174–77.

Navickiené, Aušra, Ilkka Mäkinen, Magnus Torstensson, Martin Dyrbye, and Tiiu Reimo, eds, Good Book, Good Library, Good Reading: Studies in the History of the Book, Libraries and Reading from the Network HIBOLIRE and Its Friends (Tampere: Tampere University Press, 2013).

Németh, András, ‘A Viennese Bibliophile in the Hungarian Royal Library in 1525’, Gutenberg-Jahrbuch, 88 (2013), 149–65.

Nicholson, Scott, ‘Playing in the Past: A History of Games, Toys, and Puzzles in North American Libraries’, The Library Quarterly, 83 (2013), 341–61 <doi:10.1086/671913>.

Obermeier, Franz, ‘Jesuitische Bibliotheken und Archive im kolonialen La Plata-Raum: Fortleben, Zerstreuung und Zusammenführung’, Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte, 37, 75–90.

Orsini, Francesca, ed., The History of the Book in South Asia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

Pacevičius, Arvydas, ‘Bad Readers in a Good Library over 100 Years Ago in Vilnius: Vilnius Public Library Diary in the Context of Public Library Movement in Lithuania’, in Navickiené et al. (op. cit.), pp. 286–316.

Pawley, Christine, and Louise S. Robbins, eds, Libraries and the Reading Public in Twentieth-century America, Print Culture History in Modern America (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2013).

Petrella, Giancarlo, ‘“Continuatemi la grata vostra corrispondenza”: I remondini, Giuseppe Pinamonti e la bibliotheca di casa Thun in alcune lettere di primo ottocento’, La Bibliofilia, 115 (2013), 327–70.

Poole, William, ‘Thomas Barlow’s Books at Queen’s’, The Queen’s College Library Insight, 3 (2013), 3–7.

Pozzi, Ellen M., ‘Going to “America”: Italian Neighborhoods and the Newark Free Public Library, 1900–1020’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 97–110.

Preer, Jean, ‘Counter Culture: The World as Viewed from inside the Indianapolis Public Library, 1944–1956’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 129–50.

Purcell, Mark, David Pearson, and William Hale, Treasures from the Library of the 1st Lord Fairhaven at Anglesey Abbey (London: Scala, 2013).

Radway, Janice A., ‘From the Underground to the Stacks and Beyond: Girl Zines, Zine Librarians, and the Importance of Itineraries through Print Culture’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 237–60.

Rankin, Mark, ‘A John Day William Tyndale Presentation Copy in Queen’s College Library?’, The Queen’s College Library Insight, 3 (2013), 7–9.

Raven, James, ‘Debating Bibliomania and the Collection of Books in the Eighteenth Century’, Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 196–209 <doi:10.1179/1758348913Z.00000000039>.

Read, Malcolm, ‘The JISC’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 45–49 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.8>.

Rice, Nicole R., ‘Lay Spiritual Texts and Pastoral Care in Two Fifteenth-Century Priests’ Collections’, in Rice (op. cit.), pp. 149–80.

——, ed., Middle English Religious Writing in Practice: Texts, Readers, and Transformations, Late Medieval and Early Modern Studies, 21 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013).

Roper, Geoffrey, ed., The History of the Book in the Middle East (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

Sellie, Alycia, ‘Meta-Radicalism: The Alternative Press by and for Activist Librarians’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 217–36.

Skinner, Julia, ‘Censorship in the Heartland: Eastern Iowa Libraries during World War I’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 151–67.

Smith, Helen, ‘“Rare Poemes Ask Rare Friends”: Popularity and Collecting’, in Kesson and Smith (op. cit.), pp. 79–100.

Steele, Colin, ‘Scholarly Communication, 1971 to 2013: A Brindley Snapshot’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 21–9 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.5>.

Stephens, Andy, ‘Lynne Brindley and the British Library 2000–2012’, Alexandria, 23 (2012), 73–87 <doi:10.7227/ALX.23.3.12>.

Sutton, Anne F., ‘The Acquisition and Disposal of Books for Worship and Pleasure by Mercers of London in the Later Middle Ages’, in Cayley and Powell (op. cit.), pp. 95–114.

Taylor, John Bessman, ‘Locating the Library in the Nonlibrary Censorship of the 1950s: Ideological Negotiations in the Professional Record’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 168–84.

Torrens, H.S., ‘A Forgotten Provincial English Museums Initiative of the 1830s: The Midland Counties Natural History Societies, their Museums and Libraries’, in Wiegel and Vickers (op. cit.), pp. 159–82.

Towsey, Mark, ‘“I Can’t Resist Sending You the Book”: Private Libraries, Elite Women, and Shared Reading Practices in Georgian Britain’, Library & Information History, 29 (2013), 210–22 <doi:10.1179/1758348913Z.00000000040>.

Vernier, Veronika, ‘The Plaster Ceiling and its Masters at the Queen’s College Library (1692–1756)’, The Queen’s College Library Insight, 3 (2013), 9–16.

White, Eric Marshall, ‘New Provenances for Four Copies of the 36-Line Bible’, The Book Collector, 62 (2013), 403–34.

Wiegand, Wayne A., ‘Community Places and Reading Spaces: Main Street Public Library in the Rural Heartland, 1876–1956’, in Pawley and Robbins (op. cit.), pp. 23–39.

Wiegel, Hildegard, and Michael J. Vickers, eds, Excalibur: Essays on Antiquity and the History of Collecting in Honour of Arthur MacGregor, BAR International Series, 2512 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2013).

Willoughby, James, ‘The Educational Patronage of Thomas Rotherham, Archbishop of York (1423–1500): The Evidence of Incunabula Once at Jesus College, Rotherham’, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society, 14 (2011), 293–316.

2. Information History

Berghoff, Hartmut, ‘Blending Personal and Managerial Capitalism: Bertelsmann’s Rise from Medium-Sized Publisher to Global Media Corporation and Service Provider, 1950–2010’, Business History, 55 (2013), 855–74.

Bromilow, Pollie, Authority in European Book Culture 14001600 (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

Brunt, Liam, and Edmund Cannon, ‘The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth: The English Corn Returns as a Data Source in Economic History, 1770–1914’, European Review of Economic History, 17 (2013), 318–39.

Campbell, Bruce, ‘Autobiographies of Violence: The SA in its Own Words’, Central European History, 46 (2013), 217–37.

Cannon, Charmian, ‘Peg’s War: A Story Told through Letters’, Women’s History Review, 22 (2013), 591–606.

Carey, J., ‘Scientific Communication before and after Networked Science’. Information & Culture: A Journal of History, 48 (2013), 344–67.

Coronado, Raúl, A World Not to Come: A History of Latino Writing and Print Culture (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013)

De Bont, Raf, ‘“Writing in Letters of Blood”: Manners in Scientific Dispute in Nineteenth-Century Britain and the German Lands’, History of Science, 51 (2013), 309–35.

Gracy, Karen F., ‘Moving Image Preservation Work: The Evolution and Integration of Moving Image Preservation Work into Cultural Heritage Institutions’, Information & Culture: A Journal of History, 48 (2013), 368–89.

Graham, Aaron, ‘Auditing Leviathan: Corruption and State Formation in Early Eighteenth-Century Britain’, English Historical Review, 128 (533) (2013), 806–38.

Concerns administrative structures and record keeping.

Guns, Raf, ‘Tracing the Origins of the Semantic Web’, Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64 (2013), 2173–81.

Haunton, Melinda, ‘County Committee to County Record Office? The National Register of Archives and the Growth of the County Archive Network’, Archives and Records: The Journal of the Archives and Records Association, 34 (2013), 15–26.

Hobbs, Andrew, ‘Lancashire Life Magazine, 1947–73: A Middle-Class Sense of Place’, Twentieth-Century History, 24 (2013), 398–423.

Jones, Claire L., ‘Instruments of Medical Information: The Rise of the Medical Trade Catalog in Britain, 1750–1914’, Technology and Culture, 54 (2013), 563–99.

Latané, David E., William Maginn and the British Press: A Critical Biography (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

Lin, Shing-ting, ‘“Scientific” Menstruation: The Popularisation and Commodification of Female Hygiene in Republican China, 1910s–1930s’, Gender and History, 25 (2013), 294–316.

Macarthur-Seal, Daniel-Joseph, ‘Intelligence and Lloyd George’s Secret Diplomacy in the Near East, 1920–1922’, The Historical Journal, 56 (2013), 707–28.

McCullogh, Kelly, and James Retallack, ‘Digital History Anthologies on the Web: German History in Documents and Images’, Central European History, 46 (2013), 346–61.

McQuire, Scott, ‘Photography’s Afterlife: Documentary Images and the Operational Archive’, Journal of Material Culture, 18 (2013), 223–41.

Moore, Aaron William, Writing War: Soldiers Record the Japanese Empire (Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 2013).

Nuovo, Angela, The Book Trade in the Italian Renaissance, trans. by Lydia G. Cochrane (Leiden: Brill, 2013).

O’Neill, Lindsay, ‘Dealing with Newsmongers: News, Trust, and Letters in the British World, ca. 1670–1730’, Huntington Library Quarterly, 76 (2013), 215–33.

Pollen, Annebella, ‘“Historians in Two Hundred Years’ Time Are Going to Die for That!” Historiography and Temporality in the “One Day for Life” Photography Archive’, History & Memory, 25 (2013), 66–101.

Proctor, Margaret, ‘English Local Records: Problems and Proposals, 1880–1920’, Archives and Records: The Journal of the Archives and Records Association, 34 (2013), 27–42.

Salman, Jeroen, Roeland Harms, and Joad Raymond, eds, Not Dead Things: The Dissemination of Popular Print in England and Wales, Italy, and the Low Countries, 1500–1820 (Leiden: Brill, 2013).

Schotte, Margaret, ‘Expert Records: Nautical Logbooks from Columbus to Cook’, Information & Culture: A Journal of History, 28 (2013), 281–322.

Seaton, Jean, ‘Ben Pimlott Memorial Lecture 2012: The BBC and the “Hidden Wiring” of the British Constitution: The Imposition of the Broadcasting Ban in 1988’, Twentieth-Century British History, 24 (2013), 448–71.

Seng Loh, Kah, Stephen Dobbs, and Ernest Koh, Oral History in South East Asia: Memories and Fragments (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013).

Sumner, James, Brewing: Science, Technology and Print 17001880 (London: Pickering and Chatto, 2013).

Townsend, Stephen et al., ‘Wicked Wikipedia? Communities of Practice, the Production of Knowledge and Australian Sport History’, International Journal of the History of Sport, 30 (2013), 545–59.

Wackerfuss, Andrew, ‘The Myth of the Unknown Storm Trooper: Selling SA Stories in the Third Reich’, Central European History, 46 (2013), 298–324.

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