CrossRef citations to date
Subject Index

Subject Index

AAV, 44


 binding protein, 192

 polymerization, 35

active zone, 195

ADAR2, 197

adeno-associated virus (AAV), 181, 197, 198

AAC, 15

advance care planning, 19, 114

adverse clinical signs, 106

age-period-cohort, 133

aggregates, 7

aggregation, 21

aging, 175

airway clearance, 103

albumin, 34

albuterol, 102

ALS8, 36

 ALS COSMOS, 128, 129

 ALS pathogenesis, 21

 ALS registry, 130

ALSFRS-R, 42, 65, 100, 130

ALSFRSR-Lite, 122


ALSoD, 147

AMPA receptor, 197

AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), 174

androgen receptor, 180

anisotropy, 43

anthropometry, 98

antibodies, 22, 201

anticipatory equipment provision, 120

anticoagulant, 180

anti-ganglioside antibody, 59

anti-glutamate toxicity, 189

anti-neuroinflammatory, 189

anxiety, 115

apathy, 54

apoptosis, 163, 188

ARHGEF28 gene, 143

aspiration, 48, 62

assessment, 116, 126


 dying, 31

 suicide, 31


 device, 119

 products, 121

astrocyte, 178, 185, 202

ataxin 2(ATXN2), 135, 171

attentional control, 79

audit, 123

autonomy, 88

autophagy, 11, 12, 153, 156, 173

autopsy, 66

axon, 176, 192

axonal transport, 176

bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), 36, 192

basal ganglia, 70

behaviour, 54, 83, 205

behavioural, 82

 assessment, 54

 changes, 55

 impairment, 53, 86

 symptomatology, 81

benign fasciculation syndrome, 75

bereavement needs, 126

beta-adrenergic agonist, 102

bioinformatics, 28, 147

biomarkers, 1, 5, 32, 33, 41, 42, 51, 61, 63, 65, 68, 69, 75, 78, 155

biostatistics, 9

bladder, 112

blink reflex, 58

BMAA, 130, 132, 173, 179

body mass index (BMI), 48

bone turnover, 132

bowel, 112

brain tissue bank, 161

brain-computer interaction, 14

bulbar function, 107

bulbar, 98, 136

burden on family, 126

buttons, 97

C5aR1, 184

C9ORF72, 2, 3, 6, 11, 16, 17, 134, 144, 145, 150, 164, 165, 184, 193

Ca2 + regulation, 154

calcium sensitivity, 100

calcium signalling, 16, 169

Canada, 137

care network, 123, 124, 146

care planning, 117

care provision, 18

care, 124, 125


 burden, 86

 outcomes, 86

caregivers, 88, 89, 90, 105,126

case control, 139

case report, 141

cathepsin b, 174

causes of death, 66

CCL2/CCR2, 50

cell biology, 170

cell therapy, 163

cerebellum, 158

cerebrospinal fluid, 155

CHCHD10, 151

chemical chaperones, 44

chest x-ray, 99

chromatin remodeling, 167

classifier construction, 73

clinical features, 53, 140

clinical trial(s), 1, 9, 26, 107, 200, 207

cluster analysis, 134

co-culture, 176

co-design, 121

coenzyme Q10, 182

cognition, 53, 70, 83, 84

cognitive, 83, 116

 impairment, 55, 72

 profile, 81

 screening, 81

 testing, 83

collaborations, 210

comfort, 120

commissioning, 14

common ALS genes, 141

communication, 14, 110, 114, 159

co-morbidities, 139

complement system, 184

coping strategies, 87, 116

copper, 45

cortical hyperexcitability, 6

cortical thickness, 69

corticospinal motor neurons (CSMN), 50, 191, 198

cost, 128

Cough Assist, 103

cough, 62

cox proportional hazards regression analysis, 28

creatinine, 6, 34, 65

CSMN, 191

CX3CR1, 150

cyanobacteria, 130

cystatin c (CysC), 174

cysteine, 187

cytokines, 157

cytoskeleton, 193

datacite, 161

decision making, 88, 118, 122

decision-making capacity, 53

DeltaFS (FS), 65

demographics, 138

dendrites, 167

depression, 55, 86, 87, 110, 115

design, 120

diabetes mellitus, 25

diagnosis, 57

diagnostic delay, 5

diagnostic test, 33, 42

diaphragm pacing, 39, 97, 99, 107, 209

diaphragm, 100

dietary intervention, 187

dietician, 96

diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), 32, 43, 69, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79

digital object identifiers (DOI's), 161

digitalisation, 18

dignity therapy, 89, 90

disability, 109, 128

discrete choice experiment, 123


 model, 162

 modifier, 29

 progression, 41, 52, 61, 62, 68, 84, 210

 severity, 86

 status, 33

disease-modifying drugs, 1

double transgenic mice, 7

Drosophila, 166, 195, 196

drug design, 44

dying, 118

dysarthria, 109

dysphagia, 48, 62, 93, 97, 108

early initiation, 102

early use, 94

eating behaviours, 91

echomyography, 66

education, 124, 166

eHealth, 18

electromyogram, 76

electronic medical record, 122

electrophysiology, 75

elongator, 23

end of life care, 112

end of life, 39, 40, 114, 117, 118

ER stress, 154, 156, 174, 203

endoplasmic reticulum, 12

energy expenditure, 102

environmental risk factor, 130

environmental toxin, 173

EphA4, 149, 185

ephrin-B2, 185

epidemiology, 24, 125, 127, 129, 131, 137, 139, 142

equipment utilization, 119

ER-mitochondria associations, 203

ethics, 118

euthanasia, 31

event related potentials (ERPs), 72

excitotoxicity, 161, 177, 190, 204

exercise, 63, 100, 206

exome sequencing, 29, 146

experiences, 111, 122

expiratory muscle strength training (EMST), 100, 206

extracellular vesicles, 153

extrapyramidal, 60

familial ALS, 137, 141

fasciculation potential, 76

fasciculations, 75

fast skeletal troponin activator, 208

fatty acid metabolism, 187

ferritin, 65

fiber tracking, 72

fibrillation, 7

fibroblasts, 154

financial ability, 90

fitness theory, 132

flow cytometry, 180

fMRI, 77, 80, 85

forced vital capacity (FVC), 99, 103

Force-time curve analysis, 66


fractional anisotropy, 72

frontotemporal dementia (FTD), 3, 53, 69, 70, 78, 81, 82, 83, 91

FTD-ALS, 151


 connectivity, 71

 disability, 90

 status, 87

FUS, 166, 167, 192, 195

FUS/TLS, 23, 35

gastrostomy, 47, 108

gender, 84, 205

gene, 24, 142, 143

 carrier, 137

 expression, 3, 28

 therapy, 197, 198


 association, 28

 determinants, 146

 mutations, 170

 testing, 144

genetics, 134, 145, 146, 147, 148

genome wide association study (GWAS), 28

genomics, 29

gingerol, 203

Gle1, 148

glia, 158


 biology, 52

 cells, 208

glucose, 6

glutamate release, 177

glutamate, 8

glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity, 188

goals for care, 114

Golgi fragmentation, 186

graph analysis, 71

Group I metabotrophic glutamate receptors, 188

Guam ALS/PDC, 132

guidelines, 117

GWAS, 143, 147, 170

haploinsufficiency, 22

haplotype, 144

head injury, 25


 foods, 47

 politics, 119

 services, 123

healthcare, 122


 aids, 110

 loss, 110

heat shock protein(s), 183, 204

hematopoietic stem cell, 180

HFE H63D, 181

HFE polymorphism, 182

HIF1 alpha, 185

high-resolution ultrasound, 73

histone acetylation, 167

HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor, 182

hnRNPs, 17

homeobox genes, 150

hospital admissions, 139

H-reflex, 67

HSP110, 183

HSPB8, 172

human adipose stem cells, 188

Huntington’s disease, 5

hypoventilation, 39, 99

illness experience, 114

illness representations, 116

immune activation, 10, 157

immune system, 184

immunohistochemistry, 2, 131

impaired communication, 106

impairment, 91

imputation, 28, 147

in vitro model, 161

incentives, 210

incidence, 133, 136

indirect calorimetry, 101

induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), 162, 164, 165

inflammation, 50, 158

influencing prognostic factors, 150

information seeking, 88

infusion, 199

inhibition, 77

innate immunity, 50

in-patient mortality, 139

instability, 151

insulin dependence, 25

internal conflict, 115

internet search, 88

interneurons, 190

interviews, 89, 111


 recording, 190

 targeting, 44

intracerebroventricular, 9

intrathecal baclofen (ITB), 204

intrinsic functional connectivity, 77


 differentiation, 162

 fibrillation, 7

iron, 199

Istanbul, 149

Japan, 106

K area, 131

Kii ALS/PDC, 132

Kinect, 76

Kocaeli, 149

lactate-shuttle, 175

lead, 132

lip force, 97

lipopolysaccharide, 199

literature review, 109

LMND, 59

longitudinal analysis, 32

longitudinal, 54, 70

long-term care, 104, 126

long-term mechanical ventilation (LTMV), 160

long-term–follow-up, 204

lower extremity strength, 64

lower motor neuron disease (LMND), 58

magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 69, 70, 78

magnetoencephalography (MEG), 61

managed care, 119

matrin 3, 29, 169

MCP1, 158

MCP1/CCR2, 50

measurement, 112

mechanical insufflation/exsufflation, 103

mechanically assisted coughing (MAC), 103

medical Medicare, 128

meditation, 89

MEIM, 66

mental representation, 93

mesenchymal stem cell(s) (MSC), 157, 199

mesenchymal stromal cell(s) (MSC), 163, 200

meta-analysis, 81

metabolism, 25, 91, 175, 176, 182

metabolomics, 41

metals, 139

methylation, 143, 144

MGUS, 59

MHCI, 184

microglia, 50, 155

 microRNA, 152

microsatellite expansion, 2

microtubule stability, 21

microtubules, 186

military, 24

mindfulness, 89

mirror neuron, 85

misfolded, 163, 201

mitochondria, 154, 175, 176

mitochondrial DNA instability, 151

MND-FTD continuum, 79

mobility, 64

modifier, 149

modifying gene, 150

modulation, 50

molecular chaperone, 183

molecular tests, 145

monocyte, 10

morphine usage, 112

motor neuron, 165

circuitry, 198

motor neurons, 16, 197

motorcontrol, 77

mouse model, 181

mouse, 192

mTOR, 12

multicenter, 43

multidimensional, 54


 care, 113, 127

 team, 124

multinational research, 111

multiple time point, 73

MUNIX, 42, 77

muscle, 41, 162

 atrophy, 208

 reinnervation, 37

mutation carrier, 152

mutation, 148, 165

myopathy, 136

myosin VI, 153

natural history, 140

neck collar, 120

needle EMG, 74

neural correlates, 79

neuregulin1 antagonist, 200

neurodegeneration, 169

neuroendocrine, 205

neurofilament light chain (Nfl), 32

 neurofilament(s), 33, 152

neuroinflammation, 10, 174

neurological diseases, 16

neurons, 158, 191

neuropathological findings, 159, 160

neurophysiology, 61

neuroprotection, 23, 161

neuroprotective, 189

neuropsychiatric symptoms, 90

neuropsychiatry, 134

neuropsychology, 53, 91

neurotransmission, 195

neurotrophic factor(s), 199, 208

new clinical subtype, 58

newly diagnosed, 87

next generation sequencing, 141

NIPPV, 104


NMR, 171

non-invasive ventilation (NIV), 38, 101, 102, 104

non-linear progression, 73

novel gene mutation, 146

novel mutation, 143

NRF2, 16, 202

nuclear body, 167

nucleolar stress, 17

nursing, 124

nutrition, 47, 96, 98

nutritional assessment, 98

nutritional factor, 131

observational studies, 128

oligodendrocytes, 164, 182

ONO1301, 185

optineurin (OPTN), 141, 153

optogenetics, 37

oral secretions, 38

orexin, 186

outcome measure, 76

oxidation, 187

oxidative stress, 16, 33, 47, 63, 155, 176, 181

p.A382T mutation, 142

p62 protein, 143

p62, 156

p62/SQSTM1, 11

p75NTR, 198

pain, 19, 64, 110, 111

palliative care, 39, 90, 118, 205

palmomental reflex (PMR), 75

paraneoplastic, 59

parental survival, 132

partial least squares regression, 133

pathology, 158, 190

pathophysiology, 168

patient counselling, 61

patient empowerment, 19

patient views, 209

patient-derived fibroblast lines, 163

patients stratification, 210

patients’ perspective, 114

patient-ventilator asynchrony, 104

PBL, 124

PBR28, 51

peak cough expiratory flow (PCEF), 103

percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG), 93, 94, 95, 96, 97

peripheral immune activation, 68

peripheral immune cells, 184

PET, 51

PGC-1alpha, 175

pharmacodynamics, 207

phenotype, 24, 83, 135

PHQ9, 55

phrenic, 98

physical therapy, 113

physician practice, 64

pluripotency, 16

PML, 167

population based registry, 135, 207

population-based study, 135

preclinical, 6

predict scale, 115

prediction, 41

preferences, 123

preferential vulnerability, 152

premanifest, 5

pre-symptomatic, 5, 68, 73, 137

prevalence, 136, 138

primary lateral sclerosis (PLS), 83

PRO-ACT, 133, 210

proactive care, 119

product innovation, 121

profilin, 171

profilin1, 35, 192

prognosis, 26, 34, 48, 61, 112, 210

prognostic and treatment response, 32

prognostic factors, 135

predictors, 140

progression, 26, 200

progressive muscular atrophy (PMA), 80

proliferation, 50

proteasome, 173


 aggregation, 11, 23, 155, 170

 disulphide isomerase, 156

 homeostasis, 170

 misfolding, 7, 45, 153, 173

 processing, 52

 quality control, 172

 translation, 165

proteomics, 169

protocol, 94

psychological, 205

psychosis, 79

psychotherapeutic, 205

Pur-alpha, 165, 166

Q121G, 148

QOL-DyS, 109

qualitative, 112

 study, 117

quality improvement, 122

quality of life, 19, 55, 89, 93, 108, 109, 110, 111, 116, 117, 119, 120, 125, 127

quantitative analysis, 76

Rab1, 12

RAN translation, 2, 22

RBM45, 16

reachable workspace, 76

recruitment, 128

rectus abdominis, 74

referral pathway, 57

referral, 57

registry, 160

regression, 133

regulatory T lymphocyte, 157

relative risk, 134

reliability, 83

repeat expansion, 164, 145

reporter line, 195

respiratory, 39, 98

 failure, 38, 99

 function test, 38, 62

 function, 10, 100

 management, 107, 206

 muscle strength test, 62

 support, 232

resting state, 77

resting-state fMRI, 71, 78

retinal degeneration, 166

retrograde transport, 173

RGNEF protein, 143

riluzole, 207, 208

risk factors, 24

RNA, 2, 3

 binding proteins, 152

 dysregulation, 168

 Foci, 2

 granules, 23, 172

 metabolism, 35, 154

 processing, 148

 sequencing, 202

 toxicity, 22

RNAi, 44

RP-PCR, 144

rs62063857, 149

safety, 94

saitohin (STH), 149

sALS, 149

SAM domain, 23

Sardinia, 142

SBMA, 180, 183

scopolamine, 108

score, 26

screening protocol, 107

screening, 48, 54, 83

sedation, 94

self-assessments, 113

self-report assessments, 107

sequencing, 147

SERCA function, 203

serum, 152

service development, 123

sialorrhoea, 108

SIRT1, 186

sit to stand (STS), 64

skeletal muscle, 183

 activation, 207

 activator, 10

 biomarkers, 154

skin, 131


 disorder, 63

 quality, 104

sleep/wake disturbance, 186

slow vital capacity, 10

SMA, 208

Smads, 41

small compounds, 45

snake eyes appearance, 58

social support, 125

social-affective, 91

socioeconomic, 129

SOD1 aggregation, 7

SOD1, 7, 11, 12, 44, 45, 139, 148, 153, 156, 162, 163, 176, 178, 187, 188, 201, 204

SOD1G85R, 183

SOD1G93A, 162, 174, 177, 179, 180, 181, 182, 187, 188

solid cancer, 59

southern blot, 145

Southwest of China, 144

spastic gait disorders, 74

spasticity, 112, 204

Spatial epidemiology, 134

specialists’ perception, 115

speech, 15


 motoneuron, 190

 muscle atrophy, 75

splicing, 3

split hand phenomenon, 77

split index, 77

SQSTM1, 143, 156

staging, 133

standards of care, 206

standards, 125

STARD criteria, 42

stem cell-derived motor neuron, 37

stem cells, 16, 200

stress granule(s), 166, 171, 172

structure, 171

support, 87

survey, 112

survival, 26, 55, 65, 66, 95, 102, 130, 132, 133, 135, 136, 207

sustained attention, 72

symptom management, 19, 64

synapse, 194

synapses, 188

synaptic proteins, 177

TARDBP, 142, 179

targeted sequencing, 146

targeted, 198

tau, 25

TDP-43, 7, 8, 21, 25, 35, 36, 149, 164, 166, 171, 172, 193, 195, 196, 203

TDP-43 mutation, 194

TDP-pathology, 60

technology, 14

TGF-b1, 178

theory of mind, 85

therapeutic target, 200

therapeutic, 202

therapy, 45, 206

totally locked-in state, 159, 160

toxicity, 193

TPPV, 126

tracheostomy invasive ventilation (TIV), 104, 105, 106

training, 117

transcranial magnetic stimulation, 6, 42, 74

transcutaneous carbon dioxide, 38

transgenic mice, 36

transgenic mouse model, 7, 35, 36, 50, 184, 192

translating mRNA molecules, 168

translation, 21, 172

transplantation, 199

treatment, 9, 19, 24, 206

trigeminal nuclei, 58

tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF- a), 131, 155

Turkey, 149

Turkish population, 139

ubiquilin 2, 181

ubiquitin, 170

UCHL1, 191

UMN-dominant, 60

United States, 138

upper airway maintenance, 38

upper motor

 neuron disorders, 74

 neuron dysfunction, 63

 neuron signs, 67

 neurons, 191

valosin-containing protein (VCP), 136

VAPB, 36

VAPB-PTPIP51 interaction, 203

varicosities, 188

vasodilation therapy, 185


ventilation withdrawal, 39, 40

ventilation, 74

verbal fluency, 80

vesicle trafficking, 186

vibration, 67

Voicebank, 15

voxel-based morphometry, 71

weight loss, 96, 97

weight, 48

wheelchairs, 120

yawn, 63

yeast, 169

YFP, 194

young carers, 125

zebrafish, 179

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