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How effective is the “Reasoning and Rehabilitation” programme in reducing reoffending? A meta-analysis of evaluations in four countries

Pages 3-24 | Published online: 31 Jan 2007

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Arun Sondhi, Alessandro Leidi & David Best. (2021) Estimating a treatment effect on reoffending by people in prison with an alcohol use disorder: a national matched propensity score analysis. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 60:3, pages 179-195.
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Christine Timko, AmandaM. Midboe, NatalyaC. Maisel, JanetC. Blodgett, StevenM. Asch, Joel Rosenthal & DanielM. Blonigen. (2014) Treatments for Recidivism Risk Among Justice-Involved Veterans. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 53:8, pages 620-640.
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Susan Young & Johannes Thome. (2011) ADHD and offenders. The World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 12:sup1, pages 124-128.
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WilliamR. Lindsay, Clare Hamilton, Stuart Moulton, Steve Scott, Michael Doyle & Mary McMurran. (2011) Assessment and treatment of social problem solving in offenders with intellectual disability. Psychology, Crime & Law 17:2, pages 181-197.
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AmoryY. Clarke, AlexisE. Cullen, Rebecca Walwyn & Tom Fahy. (2010) A quasi-experimental pilot study of the Reasoning and Rehabilitation programme with mentally disordered offenders. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 21:4, pages 490-500.
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Susan Young, Kay Chick & Gisli Gudjonsson. (2010) A preliminary evaluation of reasoning and rehabilitation 2 in mentally disordered offenders (R&R2M) across two secure forensic settings in the United Kingdom. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 21:3, pages 336-349.
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AnaM. Martín, Bernardo Hernández, Estefanía Hernández-Fernaud, JoséL. Arregui & JuanA. Hernández. (2010) The enhancement effect of social and employment integration on the delay of recidivism of released offenders trained with the R & R programme. Psychology, Crime & Law 16:5, pages 401-413.
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WilliamR. Lindsay. (2009) Adaptations and Developments in Treatment Programmes for Offenders with Developmental Disabilities. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 16:sup1, pages S18-S35.
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CliveR. Hollin & EmmaJ. Palmer. (2009) Cognitive skills programmes for offenders. Psychology, Crime & Law 15:2-3, pages 147-164.
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Martin Bohus, Rolf-Dieter Stieglitz, Peter Fiedler, Heide Hecht, Sabine C. Herpertz, Rüdiger Müller-Isberner & Mathias Berger. 2012. Psychische Erkrankungen. Psychische Erkrankungen 709 786 .
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