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Eyes on the North Atlantic Cooperation Council. To What Extent was Germany Involved in the NATO Diplomacy Surrounding Finland and Sweden in the Early 1990s?

Pages 431-441 | Published online: 02 Nov 2022


After the breakup of the Eastern Bloc, NATO started transforming from a military alliance of the West to a cooperative security organisation of Europe as a whole. When strengthening liaison with the former Warsaw Pact countries, an important German–American initiative was the establishment of the North Atlantic Cooperation Council (NACC). From the perspective of Germany, the NACC widened the scope for the European security dimension, whose core element was the Western European Union (WEU). In Finland and Sweden, changes in security thinking resulted in adjustments in the policy of neutrality. The chancellor of Germany, Helmut Kohl was an active spokesperson for Finnish and Swedish memberships in the European Community (EC) and Nordic participation in the WEU, but for the first time, this article examines to what extent Germany was involved when Finland and Sweden started building their relations with the NACC.


The author acknowledges her gratitude to the Ella and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation and to the members of the BALTRANS research project for providing support for this article.


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3 An article on the German Government’s website 8.7.2022: https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-en/news/nato-expansion-2060644 (accessed 13.9.2022).

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10 Marjo Uutela, ‘Looking for Nordic Allies. The interest of the Kohl government in Enlarging the European Community to the North 1985–1992’, Scandinavian Journal of History, xlvi (2021), 696–712.

11 Hans Peter Schwarz, Helmut Kohl: Eine politische Biographie (München: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, 2012), 710–12.

12 Kristina Spohr, Post Wall, Post Square. Rebuilding the World after 1989 (London: William Collins, 2020), 257–8.

13 Sebastian Harnisch, ‘Germany and EU Foreign Policy’, in Klaus Larres, Holger Moroff and Ruth Wittlinger (eds.), Oxford Handbook of German Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), 509–29.

14 Kristina, Spohr Readman, Germany and the Baltic Problem after the Cold War. The Development of a New Ostpolitik 1989–2000 (London: Routledge, 2004), 180–4.

15 Uutela, Looking for Nordic Allies.

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17 Claudia Major and Alicia von Voss, ‘Germany: The Silent Baltic State’, in Ann-Sofie Dahl (ed.), Strategic Challenges in the Baltic Sea Region: Russia, Deterrence, and Reassurance (Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2018), 94.

18 Sebastian Harnisch and Hanns W. Maull, ‘Introduction’, in Sebastian Harnisch and Hanns W. Maull (eds.), Germany as a Civilian Power? The foreign policy of the Berlin Republic (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2001), 2–4.

19 Henning Tewes, ‘How civilian? Germany and the Eastern enlargement of NATO’, in Sebastian Harnisch and Hanns W. Maull (eds.), Germany as a Civilian Power? The foreign policy of the Berlin Republic (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2001), 11.

20 Hans Kundnani, German Power. Das Paradox der deutschen Stärke (München: C.H.Beck, 2016), 14, 153.

21 Holger Moroff, German Foreign Policy: Roots, Reasonings, and Repercussions, in Klaus Larres, Holger Moroff and Ruth Wittlinger (eds.), Oxford Handbook of German Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022), 469–91; Jamie Gaskarth and Kai Oppermann, ‘Clashing Traditions: German Foreign Policy in a New Era’, International Studies Perspectives, xxii (2021), 84–105.

22 Sebastian Harnisch and Hanns W. Maull, ‘”Learned its lesson well?”: Germany as a Civilian Power ten years after unification’, in Sebastian Harnisch and Hanns W. Maull (eds.), Germany as a Civilian Power? The foreign policy of the Berlin Republic (Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2001), 130–133.

23 M. E. Sarotte, Not One Inch. America, Russia, and the Making of Post-Cold War Stalemate (New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2021); Kristina Spohr, Post Wall, Post Square. Rebuilding the World after 1989 (London: William Collins, 2020); Kristina Spohr & Kaarel Piirimäe, ‘With or without Russia? The Boris, Bill and Helmut Bromance and the Harsh Realities of Securing Europe in the Post-Wall World, 1990–1994’, Diplomacy and Statecraft, xxxiii (2022), 158–93; Sergey Radchenko, ‘”Nothing but humiliation to Russia”. Moscow and NATO’s eastern enlargement, 1993-1995’, Journal of Strategic Studies, xliii (2020), 769–815; Joshua R. Itzkowitz Shifrinson, ‘Eastbound and down: The United States, NATO enlargement, and suppressing the Soviet and Western European alternatives, 1990–1992’, Journal of Strategic Studies, xliii (2020), 816–46.

24 Sarotte, Not One Inch, 125–6

25 Curt Gasteyger, Europa von der Spaltung zur Einigung. Darstellung und Dokumentation 1945–1997 (Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 1997), 431–4.

26 Memos 18.9.1991, 2.11.1991 and 6.11.1991, P[olitisches] A[rchiv] [des] A[uswärtigen] A[mts], Z[wischen]a[rchiv], Berlin, Bd. 158578.

27 Embassy reports from Brussels 9.12.1991, 18.12.1991 and 20.12.1991, F[innish] F[oreign] M[inistry] A[rchives), Helsinki, 14.01 NATO.

28 Embassy report from Brussels 23.12.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

29 Spohr, Post Wall, 299–302.

30 Embassy report from Brussels 20.7.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

31 Embassy reports from Brussels 20.7.1991 and 26.9.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

32 Embassy report from Brussels 26.9.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

33 Embassy report from Brussels 3.10.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

34 Embassy report from Brussels 22.11.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

35 Embassy report from Stockholm 7.10.1991, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

36 Memo 17.1.1992, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

37 Memo 6.5.1992. FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

38 Blomberg, Vakauden kaipuu, 610–12.

39 Embassy report from Brussels 5.9.1992, FFMA, 14.01 NATO.

40 Memo 2.7.1992, PA AA, Za, Bd. 178330.

41 Franco-German proposal on the common security policy (Brussels, 4 February 1991), in: https://www.cvce.eu/content/publication/2003/12/2/233447b9-dcdb-4108-8d7f-a8df6bbafade/publishable_de.pdf (accessed 21.4.2022).

42 Discussion paper 11.6.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158579.

43 Memo 10.5.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158579.

44 Memo 21.5.1991, PA AA, Za, Bb. 158579.

45 James A Baker and Hans-Dietrich Genscher, ‘US-German Views on the New European and Trans-Atlantic Architecture’ in U.S. Department of State Dispatc (Vol 2, No. 19, 13 May 1991): https://permanent.access.gpo.gov/gpo41448/dispatch/1991/html/Dispatchv2no19.html (accessed 27.4.2022).

46 Memo 28.6.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158579.

47 Hans-Dietrich Genscher, Erinnerungen (München: Der Goldmann Verlag, 1997), 978.

48 Vincent Pouliot, International Security in Practice. The Politics of NATO-Russia Diplomacy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), 164–8.

49 Helge Dauchert, ‘”Anwalt der Balten” oder Anwalt in eigener Sache? Die deutsche Baltikumpolitik 1991–2004’, (Berlin: Berliner Wissenschafts-Verlag, 2008), 181; Pouliot, International Security, 164–8.

50 Kohl’s speech 5.3.1992, PA AA, HELS, Bd. 27227.

51 Memo 9.3.1992, PA AA, Za, Bd. 173632.

52 Memo 21.5.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158579.

53 Memo 10.6.1992, PA AA, Za, Bd. 178333; Memo 3.3.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 178288; Memo 5.10.1994, PA AA, Za, Bd. 177264.

54 Memo 29.11.1995, PA AA, Za, Bd. 177265.

55 Finnish embassy reports from Bonn to Helsinki 11.2.1991, 12.2.1991 and 27.2.1991, FFMA, 5C.

56 Carl Bildt, Hallänning, Svensk, Europé (Stockholm: Bonniers, 1991), 180, 183, 284.

57 Memos 6.5.1993; 3.6.1993; 11.6.1993 and 21.6.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 177263.

58 Juha-Matti Ritvanen, ‘”Non-alignment is a means, not an end in itself.” Finland and NATO, 1992–1997’, draft article in Juhana Aunesluoma, Una Bergmane, Tapio Juntunen, Carl Marklund and Kaarel Piirimäe (eds.), In search of a new order: Securities and insecurities in the Post-Cold War Baltic Sea Region, 1989/1991-2004 (Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, forthcoming 2024).

59 Memos 18.9.1991 and 19.9.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158578.

60 Spohr, Piirimäe, with or without Russia, 164.

61 Memo 18.9.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158578.

62 Memo 24.10.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158578.

63 Memo 25.10.1991, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158578.

64 Sarotte, Not One Inch, 126.

65 Memo 6.3.1992, PA AA, Za, Bd. 158671.

66 Memo 18.2.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 173632.

67 Memos 18.2.1993 and 23.2.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 173632.

68 Memo 23.4.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 173632.

69 Memos 18.2.1993 and 23.2.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 173632.

70 Bildt, Hallänning, Svensk, Europé, 281–2.

71 Memo 27.1.1992. PA AA, Za, Bd. 178334, and memo 10.6.1992. PA AA, Za, Bd. 178333.

72 Memos 18.2.1993 and 23.2.1993, PA AA, Za, Bd. 173632.

73 Half-year report 1.9.1992, PA AA, Za, Bd. 178330.

74 Statement by Dr. Paavo Väyrynen, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Opening Stage of the Fourth Follow-up Meeting of the CSCE 25.3.1992, available at the electronic document archive of Finnish foreign policy called Eilen: https://www.eilen.fi/fi/3012/?language=en (accessed 4.5.2022).

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Marjo Uutela

Marjo Uutela is a visiting researcher at the Department for Northern European Studies, Humboldt University of Berlin. She received her doctorate at the University of Helsinki in 2018. Her current research focuses on Nordic-German relations after the end of the Cold War.

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