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Research Article

Vietnam's strategic engagement in the South China Sea

Pages 41-57 | Published online: 09 Jun 2021


The rising tension between China and Vietnam with regard to the South China Sea has revised Hanoi's approach to its national defence policy. No longer benign and mute, it is taking an assertive stance and vocalising its opposition to the historical claims of Beijing. Hanoi is also becoming much more open to American presence in the South China Sea. This article examines the impact of geostrategic competition in the South China Sea on United States (US)–Vietnam and Indo-Vietnam bilateral relations, providing Hanoi an opportunity to challenge Beijing's illegal claims in the region.


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Apila Sangtam

Apila Sangtam is a PhD scholar in Centre for Indo-Pacific Studies, School of International Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Her area of research includes India-Vietnam relations, the US and the South China sea, FONOPs and its geostrategic significance, the US Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy, India's Act East Policy and its implication for Southeast Asia.

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