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A drive to regime change through nonviolent economic warfare: The post-Mugabe era, 2017–2019

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Pages 82-102 | Published online: 02 Jul 2020


This article examines efforts made by the Movement for Democratic Change Alliance to bring about regime change through nonviolent economic warfare including its subsequent failure. The 30 July 2018 harmonised elections in Zimbabwe led to a victory by Emmerson Mnangagwa but it was disputed by Nelson Chamisa. Since August 2018, the political opposition led by Chamisa sought to make the country ungovernable by waging a nonviolent economic war nicknamed Kuzvidira jecha (pouring sand) against the Mnangagwa administration. This was punctuated by price hikes, fluctuation of the local currency, artificial food stuff price hikes and fuel shortages which caused serious challenges for most Zimbabweans. This was primarily intended to bring about regime change via public unrest against the Mnangagwa regime. On the contrary, the anticipated public uproar failed to foster regime change in Zimbabwe despite widespread adverse socio-economic effects. This led to the nonviolent participants resorting to violent tactics instead of adhering to nonviolence. Consequently, it was the failure to adhere to nonviolent principles by opposition advocates which forced the Mnangagwa regime to deploy its own instruments of violence in an effort to protect lives and property.

Notes on contributors

Mediel Hove is a Research Associate at the Durban University of Technology-South Africa and an Associate Professor of local and international conflicts, nonviolence, human and state security, peacebuilding and strategic studies in the History Department at the University of Zimbabwe. He has published several book reviews, thirty-seven journal articles, ten book chapters and two books, most recent of which is titled Infrastructures for peace in sub-Saharan Africa, ([email protected]).

Vincent Chenzi (Mr.) a Temporary–Full Time Lecturer at the University of Zimbabwe, Harare-Zimbabwe. His research interests entail: gender and conflict, conflict resolution and transformation. Some of his works are published in Conflict Studies Quarterly and Insight on Africa.


1 Burke, ‘Zimbabwe Election: Mnangagwa Narrowly Wins Presidential poll’.

2 Hove, and Ndawana,‘Regime-change Agenda’, 38.

3 Hove, ‘Why Nonviolent Movements Failed’, 70–1; Hove ‘Nonviolent Campaigns in Zimbabwe, 1999 to 2013’; Jones, ‘Freeze! Movement, Narrative and the Disciplining’, 338–51; Hove and Chingono, ‘National interests, 1–17.

4 Knapp, ‘The Proven Superiority of Nonviolent Resistance’.

5 Interview with Kundishora Zhou, MDC-Alliance member, Harare, 1 February 2019.

6 Bartkowski, ‘Recovering Nonviolent History’, 3.

7 Miller, ‘Sources of Power and Pillars of Support’, 29.

8 Sharp, Waging Nonviolent Struggle; Miller, ‘Nonviolent Struggle: An Effective Option in Disputes and Conflicts’, 15–26; Gárate and others, eds., Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns.

9 Gárate and others, eds., Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns.

10 H-Metro, ‘Winky D Speaks On Jecha’; Muponde, ‘MDC a Gang of Retrogressive Minds’ Muchemwa, Norman. ‘Economic sabotage will not be tolerated: President.’ Zimbabwe Situation, October 2, 2019. https://www.zimbabwesituation.com/news/economic-sabotage-will-not-be-tolerated-president/.

11 Interview with Wiseman Zimbudzana, Opposition supporter, Kambuzuma, 20 February 2019; H-Metro, ‘Winky D Speaks On Jecha’.

12 Interview with Kundishora Zhou; Interview with Wiseman Zimbudzana Opposition supporters, Kambuzuma, 20 February 2019; Interview with Dariel Chanakira, MDC-Alliance activist, Mount Pleasant, 8 February 2019.

13 McCarthy, The Class of Nonviolence, 9.

14 Simbi, ‘Zidera 2018 Amendments Act, What Does this Mean for Zimbabwe?’

15 Pongo, ‘MDC 16 August Demonstrations’; Manayiti, ‘August 1 Demos Stupid: Chamisa’; Herald Reporter, ‘UPDATED: MDC Violence’.

16 Mavaza, ‘Zanu-PF Needs to Act and Deliver’.

17 Interview with Kundishora Zhou, Harare, 1 February 2019.

18 Mushawatu, ‘Author Interrogates Operation Restore Legacy’.

19 Interview, Dariel Chanakira.

20 Simbi, ‘Zidera 2018 amendments Act’; The Zimbabwe Independent, ‘What Reforms in a Country Sliding Back to Stone Age?’

21 Hove and Chenzi, ‘Prophets of Doom’, 173–95.

22 Interview with Kundishora Zhou.

23 Mavaza, ‘Zanu-PF Needs to Act and Deliver’.

24 Mwananyanda, ‘Zimbabwe: One Year on’.

25 Ndlangisa, ‘Zim Expats Remember Mnangagwa’s Role in Gukurahundi Massacres’.

26 Ndlovu-Gatsheni, ‘Rethinking Chimurenga’, 1–26.

27 Solidarity Peace Trust, Zimbabwe:The 2018 Elections, 5.

28 Shaban, ‘Mnangagwa Wins Zimbabwe Presidential Polls’.

29 Simbi, ‘Zidera 2018 Amendments Act’.

30 Kunambura, ‘Bhora Musango: Numbers Don’t Lie’.

31 Interview with Wonderful Muzembe, Zanu pf youth committee member for Kuwadzana Constituency, Kuwadzana Extension, 25 February 2019; Interview, Similo Mafunga, Zanu pf supporter, Kambuzuma, 20 February 2019; Interview, Tinashe Maduza, former Member of Parliament for Kambuzuma Constituency, Kambuzuma, 20 February 2019.

32 Interview with Similo Mafunga; Interview with Tinashe Maduza.

33 Zimbabwe, Parliament: House of Assembly, Debates, Harare Government of Zimbabwe, 20 December 2018, vol. 45 no. 27; Interview with Tinashe Maduza; Zoom Zimbabwe, ‘Shops Increase Prices’.

34 Techzim, ‘Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube Finally Gives in’.

35 Interview with Brett Chintengo, Commuter Omnibus driver, Harare, 8 February 2019; Interview with Tapiwa Joseph, Copa Cabana taxi rank Marshal, 8 February 2019; Bhebhe, ‘SAD NEWS: #ShutdownZimbabwe Clashes Death Toll Rises’; Ndoro, ‘BREAKING NEWS: Mnangagwa Delivers Massive Bad News’.

36 Nyamukondiwa, ‘Prices Hikes Unjustified’; Mugabe, ‘Price Madness: Govt Intervenes’; Nyavaya, ‘Panic as Cement Disappears’.

37 Zimbabwe, Parliament: House of Assembly, Debates, Harare Government of Zimbabwe, 20 December 2018, vol. 45 no. 27; Interview, Blessing Takawira, shop keeper, Harare, 21 February 2019; Interview with Martin Chera, Vendor, Harare, 21 February 2019.

38 Interview with Blessing Takawira.

39 Interview with Brett Chintengo; Interview with Tapiwa Joseph.

40 Interview with Brett Chintengo; Interview with Lembo Kembo, bus driver, Harare, 8 February 2019; Interview with Tapiwa Joseph; Mashaya and Nyambayo, ‘Motorists Sleep in Fuel Queues’.

41 Burke, ‘Zimbabwe Civil Servants Protest’.

42 Runyanga, ‘Zimbabwe Economy and Politics: The scourge of greedy political business people'.

43 Burke, ‘Zimbabwe Election’.

44 Zwinoira, and Nkala, ‘Transport Costs Drive Fuel Prices’.

45 Ibid.

46 Chingarande, ‘Price Madness Continues’.

47 Langa, ‘Civil Servants Demand $3k Salary’.

48 Interview with Tinashe Maduza.

49 Burke, ‘Zanu-PF Warns’.

50 Simbi, ‘Zidera 2018 Amendments Act’.

51 Own Correspondent, '“Reform First, And Sanctions Will Be Removed”: Matthew Harrington Tells Mnangagwa'

52 Chenoweth and Stephan ‘Why Civil Resistance Works’, 8.

53 Hove, Nonviolent Campaigns in Zimbabwe, 69–76.

54 McCarthy, The Class of Nonviolence, 30–5.

55 Hove, Nonviolent Campaigns in Zimbabwe, 1999 to 2013, 35–7.

56 Ibid.

57 Hove and Ndawana, ‘Regime-change Agenda’, 32–50; Hove, ‘Post-Gaddafi Libya’, 1.

58 Hove, ‘Why Nonviolent Movements Failed in Zimbabwe’, 53–78.

59 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel A, Mount Pleasant, 7 March 2019; Zimbabwe, Parliament: House of Assembly, Debates; 29 January 2019.

60 Mwananyanda, ‘Zimbabwe: One year on’.

61 Ibid.

62 Hove and Ndawana, ‘Regional Mediation Strategy’, 63–84.

63 Alexander and Tendi, ‘A tale of Two Elections’, 111–29.

64 Razemba and Nemukuyu, ‘Three Killed in Violent Protests’.

65 Constitution of Zimbabwe, 34.

66 The Zimbabwean, ‘The Politics of the January 2019 Violence’.

67 Ibid.

68 Newzimbabwe, ‘Thabitha Khumalo Barred’.

69 Interview with Kundishora Zhou.

70 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel C, Mount Pleasant, 7 March 2019; Bhebhe, ‘SAD NEWS: #ShutdownZimbabwe Clashes Death Toll Rises’.

71 Ndlovu, ‘Rights Group Petition Switzerland President to ban Mnangagwa’.

72 Nyahasha, ‘President Mnangagwa Not Going To Davos’.

73 Studio 7, ‘Zimbabwe Opposition Announces Series of Protests’.

74 Ibid.

75 Mhlanga ‘Soldiers, Green Bombers Dressed in Police Uniform’.

76 Maphosa. ‘JUST IN: MDC Alliance Protests will be Violent’.

77 Ibid.

78 Dube, ‘Suspected State Security Agents’.

79 Ndlovu, ‘BREAKING: High Court Bans MDC Demonstration’.

80 Constitution of Zimbabwe.

81 Interview with a Rank and file Military personnel A; Interview with Intelligence Operative, Harare, 4 March 2019.

82 Sextillion is a number with 21 zeros. See: Chagonda, ‘The Response of the Working Class in Harare’.

83 Chitiyo, and Kibble, Zimbabwe’s International Re-engagement; Chagonda, ‘The Response of the Working Class in Harare’.

84 Pindula, ‘January 2019 Shutdown Zimbabwe Protests, 2019’.

85 Roberts, (ed.) Civilian Resistance as a National Defence, 285.

86 Worstall, ‘With 95% Unemployment Rate Robert Mugabe Insists Zimbabwe Is Not Fragile.’

87 Hove, ‘The Debates and Impact of Sanctions’, 72–84.

88 Hove ‘Why Nonviolent Movements Failed in Zimbabwe’, 70–1.

89 Interview, Albert Mukutirwa, Security Guard, Kambuzuma, 20 February 2019.

90 Zimbabwe, Parliament: House of Assembly, Debates, Harare Government of Zimbabwe, 29 January 2019, 45 no. 28.

91 Interview with a retired rank and file military personnel, hypertension patient, Kuwadzana Extension, 25 February 2019.

92 Gárate and others, eds., Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, 9.

93 Machivenyika and Masengedzero, MDC-A trained militant protestors.

94 Ibid.

95 Interview with Intelligence Operative; Mushava, Mnangagwa fires 17 top CIOs; Kunambura, ‘13 Permanent Secretaries Purged’; Zhangazha, ‘Tensions Escalate in Security Forces’; ZimLive, ‘Mnangagwa Purges Top Cops’.

96 Newzimbabwe, ‘US Interferes with Zimbabwe Judiciary’.

97 Interview with Kelvin Mutizwa, MDC-Alliance supporter, Mount Pleasant, 8 February 2019; Interview with Kundishora Zhou; Interview with Wiseman Zimbudzana; Interview with Dariel Chanakira; Interview with Oppenheimer Chiweshe, MDC-Alliance activist, Mount Pleasant, 8 February 2019.

98 McCarthy, The Class of Nonviolence, 9.

99 Chokodza, ‘MDC Alliance Demo in Pictures’.

100 Hove and Chenzi, ‘Terrorism’, 67–89.

101 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel A; Interview with a middle rank Military officer B, Kambuzuma, 8 February 2019; Interview with Intelligence Operative.

102 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel A.

103 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel C; Interview with Kundishora Zhou; Chidza, ‘Mthuli Ncube Fires Green Bombers’; Mpofu, ‘LATEST: Zanu PF Youth Leaders Arrested’; Vambe, ‘6 Zanu PF Youths Jailed’.

104 Herald Reporter, ‘UPDATED: MDC Violence Leaves Trail of Destruction’.

105 Gárate and others, eds., Handbook for Nonviolent Campaigns, 9.

106 Own Correspondent, We’ll pile pressure for dialogue.

107 Chirisa, ‘Chamisa vows to mobilise masses against ED’s government.

108 Thompson, ‘Nelson Chamisa retains Leadership’.

109 Ibid.

110 Hove, ‘Nonviolent Campaigns in Zimbabwe, 1999 to 2013’, 32.

111 Lantier, ‘French Army Receives Authorization to Shoot’.

112 Gregoire, ‘Turnbull Green Lights Use of Military to Crush Protests’.

113 Ibid.

114 Qin, ‘China Hits Back at U.S. Over Hong Kong Bill’.

115 Burke, ‘Zanu-PF waRns’.

116 Ndlovu-Gatsheni, ‘Rethinking Chimurenga and Gukurahundi’, 1–26; Simbi, ‘Zidera 2018 amendments Act’; Alexander and Tendi, ‘A Tale of Two Elections’, 111–29; Hove and Ndawana, ‘Regional Mediation Strategy’, 63–84.

117 Ruhanya, ‘Mnangagwa’s Norm-violating, Rogue Regime’.

118 Ngwenya, ‘Policy Consistency’.

119 Beardsworth, Cheeseman, and Tinhu, ‘Zimbabwe: The Coup that Never was’.

120 Kunambura, ‘Mnangagwa Presents New Coup-proofing Measures’.

121 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel C.

122 Ibid.

123 Ndlovu, ‘Army Murders and Rapes Citizens during Internet Shutdown’.

124 Interview with Benson Masoka, Retired Policeman, Warren Park, 28 February 2019.

125 Interview with a rank and file Military personnel C.

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