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Research Article

Hate Speech in Political Discourse in 2015-2021 as a Determinant of Poland’s Internal and External Security

Pages 111-131 | Published online: 24 Jun 2023


The main aim of this paper is to identify the anticipated political and social consequences for the security of Poland and its citizens due to the presence of hate speech in public discourse. A morphological method was used in the research. The paper consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion. Introduction outlines the research problem and presents elements of research methodology. The second part provides examples of hate speech against refugees, migrants, national minorities, people with different culture, skin color, religion, while the third part characterizes attitudes and behaviors expressed in hate speech against LGBT people. The fourth part characterizes examples of hate language used in the political debate taking place in Poland. The conclusion summarizes the research results obtained.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


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