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Understanding Australian soccer: from origins, to ethnic tensions to globalization

, &
Pages 773-793 | Published online: 01 Apr 2021


Academic scholarship on Australian soccer is now approaching its fifth decade. Whilst Australian soccer has moved and evolved, the scholarship on it has, largely, still focused on the themes of ethnicity. Undeniably, ethnicity still plays its part in the sport. Also, clearly, it was the dominant feature of soccer in Australia in the second half of the 20th century. However, the Australian soccer landscape changed considerably in the first decades of the 21st century following the intervention of the Federal Government in 2003. This paper, therefore, provides a thorough analysis and overview of the literature pertaining to the sport. In so doing it both highlights the depth of the ethnicity theme - something which originally gave soccer studies legitimacy in academia – whilst also encouraging the scholarship to open its lens to greater sophistication and diversity, including topic areas, methodology and theory. This will enable the story and state of Australian soccer to be presented in a more wholistic and comprehensive light.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.


1 Eime, Rochelle M., and Jack T. Harvey. “Sport participation across the lifespan: Australian trends and policy implications.” In Sport and Physical Activity across the Lifespan, pp. 23–43. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 2018; Spaaij, Ramón, Jean-Michel De Waele, Suzan Gibril, and Ekaterina Gloriozova. “Football and Politics: Between the Local and the Global.” In The Palgrave International Handbook of Football and Politics, pp. 3–17. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2018; Georgakis, Steve, and Simone Molloy. “From old soccer to new football? Expert accounts of transformations on the world game in Australia post-Crawford Report.” Soccer & Society 17, no. 1 (2016): 72–89.

2 Cashman, Richard I. Paradise of Sport: The Rise of Organised Sport in Australia. Oxford University Press, 1995.

3 Holt, Richard. Sport and the British: A Modern History. Oxford University Press, 1990.

4 Mangan, James Anthony. Athleticism in the Victorian and Edwardian public school: The emergence and consolidation of an educational ideology. Routledge, 1983; Mangan, James Anthony. The games ethic and imperialism: Aspects of the diffusion of an ideal. Routledge, 1981.

5 G. Sherington, Athleticism in the Antipodes. History of Education Review, 13, no.1 (1983): 17–29.

6 Blainey, Geoff, A Game of our Own: The Origins of Australian Football, Information Australia, Melbourne, 1990.

7 Phil Mosely, A Social History of Soccer in New South Wales, 1880–1957, PhD thesis, University of Sydney, 1987.

8 Grant, Sidney James, The History of Coalfields Soccer, The Author, Sydney, 1978; Grant, Sidney James, Jack Pollard’s Soccer Records, Jack Pollard, Sydney, 1974; Warren, Johnny, Know the Game: Australian Football, Kingfisher Books, Cheltenham, 1984; Warren, Johnny & Andre Dettre, Soccer: The Australian Way, Summit, Sydney, 1979; Warren, Johnny & Andrew Dettre, Soccer in Australia, Hamlyn, Sydney, 1974.

9 Stell, Marion, and Chris Salisbury. “‘It’s Bigger than the Olympics’: changing Australia through football and the 1974 FIFA World Cup.” Soccer & Society 16, no. 2-3 (2015): 245–258.

10 Ibid.

11 Hay 2017

12 Mosely, Philip A., A Social History of Soccer in New South Wales, 1880–1957, PhD thesis, University of Sydney, 1987.

13 Mosely, Philip, ‘Balkan Politics in Australian Soccer’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History, Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campbelltown, NSW, 1994, 33–43; Mosely, Philip, ‘European immigrants and soccer violence in New South Wales, 1949-1959’, Journal of Australian Studies, No. 40, March 1994, pp. 14–26; Mosely, Philip, ‘The Game: Early Soccer Scenery in New South Wales’ Sporting Traditions, May 1992, No. 2, pp. 135–151; Mosely, Philip, ‘Factory Football: Paternalism and Profits’, Sporting Traditions, November 1985, No. 1, pp. 25–36.

14 Mosely, Philip A., Ethnic Involvement in Australian Soccer: A History, 1950–1990, National Sports Research Centre, Australian Sports Commission, Canberra, 1995; Mosely, Philip A., Cashman, R., O’Hara, J. & Weatgherburn (eds), Sporting Immigrants, Walla Walla, Sydney, 1997; Mosely, Philip, ‘Soccer’, in Philip A. Mosely, Richard Cashman, John O’Hara & Hilary Weatherburn, eds, Sporting Immigrants, Walla Walla Press, Crows Nest, NSW, 1997, pp.1–30.

15 Adair, Daryl & Wray Vamplew, Sport in Australian History, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1997; Blainey, Geoff, A Game of our Own: The Origins of Australian Football, Information Australia, Melbourne, 1990; Booth, Douglas & Colin Tatz, One-Eyed: A View of Australian Sport, Allen and Unwin, St Leonards, NSW, 2000; Cashman, Richard, Paradise of Sport: The Rise of Organised Sport in Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 1995; Murray, Bill with Philip Mosely, ‘Soccer, in Wray Vamplew and Brian Stoddart, eds, Sport in Australia. A Social History, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1994, pp. 213–230.

16 Vamplew, Wray, ‘Violence in Australian Soccer: The Ethnic contribution’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History, Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campbelltown, NSW, 1994, 1–15; Vamplew, Wray, ‘Sports crowd disorder: An Australian survey’, in John O’Hara, ed., Crowd violence at Australian sport, ASSH Studies in Sports History, No. 7, Australian Society for Sports History, Campbelltown, 1992, 79–111; Adair, Daryl, and Vamplew, Wray, ‘Not So Far From the Madding Crowd: Spectator Violence in Britain and Australia. A Review Article’, Sporting Traditions, 7(1), 1990, 95–103.

17 Hay, Roy, ‘Violence by Players’, in Wray Vamplew et al. (eds) Oxford Companion to Australian Sport, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, Second Edition 1994, originally published, 1992, pp. 443–446; Hay, Roy, ‘A new look at soccer violence’, in Denis Hemphill, ed., All part of the game: Violence and Australian sport, Sydney, Walla Walla Press, 1998, 41–62; Warren, Ian & Roy Hay, ‘Order and disorder at sporting venues’, Denis Hemphill, ed., All part of the game: Violence and Australian sport, Sydney, Walla Walla Press, 1998, pp. 63–86; Hughson, John, ‘The Wogs are at it again’: The Media Reportage of Australian Soccer ‘Riots’, Football Studies, 4(1), 2001, 40–55; Lynch, Rob, ‘Disorder on the sidelines of Australian Sport”, Sporting Traditions, 8 (1) 1991, pp. 50–75.

18 O’Hara, John, (ed.), Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campelltown, 1994; Hay, Roy, ‘British Football, Wogball or the World Game?  Towards a social history of Victorian Soccer’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campelltown, 1994, 44–79; Mosely, Philip, ‘Balkan Politics in Australian Soccer’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History, Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campbelltown, NSW, 1994, 33–43; Vamplew, Wray, ‘Violence in Australian Soccer: The Ethnic contribution’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History, Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campbelltown, NSW, 1994, 1–15; Jones, Roy & Philip Moore, ‘He only has eyes for Poms’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History, Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campbelltown, NSW, 1994, 16–32.

19 Dettre, Andrew, Silver Jubilee of St. George-Budapest 1957-1982, The Club, Sydney 1982; West Woden Juventus SC, West Woden Juventus: 25 years of Soccer, The Club, Manuka, ACT, 1979; Nikolich, Peter, Beograd: White City Woodville 1949-1999, Beograd, Adelaide, 1999; Lustica, Bernard, From Hope to Glory: 40 Years of Croatia Deakin Soccer Club, Croatia Deakin, Canberra, 1999; Fisher, Rosalind & Peter Morrison, Hakoah Club Sydney 1938-1994, Hakoah Club, Bondi Junction, Sydney, 1994; Martin, Egilberto, Juve! Juve! Elabor Helena Nominees, Brooklyn, Victoria, 1990; Pospisil, Marijan, Croatia Sydney S.F.C. 1958-1988, The Club, Sydney, 1988.

20 Brabazon, T. (1998). What’s the story morning glory? Perth Glory and the imagining of Englishness. Sporting Traditions, 14, 53–66.

21 Ray Erskine, A History of Ipswich Soccer, Coalstars Soccer Club, Ipswich, April 1980; Fairs, Sid, ed., Corrimal Rangers: Soccer Centenary 1891–1991, The Club, Wollongong, 1991; Harlow, Denis, Cumberland United Soccer and Social Club: 50 Years 1943–1993, Cumberland United, Adelaide, 1993.

22 Hughson, John, ‘The Bad Blue Boys and “the magical recovery” of John Clarke’, in Gary Armstrong and Richard Giulianotti, eds, Entering the Field: Studies in World Football, Oxford, Berg, 1997, pp. 239–259; Hughson, John 1999, ‘A tale of two tribes: Expressive fandom in Australian soccer’s A-League’, Culture, Sport and Society, 2, Number 3, Autumn 1999, pp. 10–30; Hughson, John, ‘Australian soccer: “Ethnic or Aussie” – The search for image’, Current Affairs Bulletin, 10, March 1992, pp. 12–16; Hughson, John, ‘Football, folk dancing and fascism: diversity and difference in multicultural Australia, Australia and New Zealand Journal of Sociology, 33, 1997, pp. 167–186; Hughson, John, Soccer Support and Social Identity: Finding the ‘thirdspace’. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 33(4), 1998, 403–409.; Hughson, John, ‘The Boys are Back in Town: Soccer Support and the Social Reproduction of Masculinity’, Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 24(1), 2000, 8–23.

23 Crowe, Rory, 100 Years of Queensland Soccer, Queensland Soccer Federation, Sportslead, Brisbane, 1984; Harlow, Denis, History of Soccer in South Australia, 1902–2002, South Australian Soccer Federation, Adelaide, 2003; Kallinikios, John, Soccer Boom: The Transformation of Victorian Soccer Culture 1945-1963, Walla Walla, Sydney, 2007; Kreider, Richard, A Soccer Century: A chronicle of Western Australian Soccer from 1896 to 1996, Sports West Media, Perth, WA, 1996; Greenwood, Barrie, Soccer: West Australia 1960 to 2000, Perth Advertising Services, Perth, 2000; Hudson, Chris, A Century of Soccer, 1898–1998: A Tasmanian History, Peacock Publishers, Hobart, 1998.

24 Hallinan, Christopher J. & March L. Krotee, ‘Conceptions of Nationalism & Citizenship Among Non-Anglo Celtic Soccer Clubs in an Australian City’, Journal of Sport & Social Issues, 17(2), 1993, 125–133.

25 Dabscheck, Braham, ‘Assaults on Soccer’s Compensation System: Europe and Australia Compared’, (Review Article) Sporting Traditions, November 1996, No. 1, pp. 81–107; Dabscheck, Braham, ‘Australian Soccer’s Freedom of Association Dispute’, Sporting Traditions, 2000, No. 1, pp. 57–75; Dabscheck, Braham, ‘Early Attempts at Forming Soccer Player Unions in Australia’, Sporting Traditions, May 1994, No. 2, pp. 25–40; Hay, Roy, ‘Another abortive soccer players union’, ASSH Bulletin, 24, June 1996, 11–14.

26 Hay, Roy, ‘Black (Yellow or Green) Bastards: Soccer Refereeing in Australia: A much maligned profession’, Sporting Traditions, 15(2), May 1999, 19–36; Hay, Roy, ‘Soccer and social control in Scotland, 1873-1973,’ in Richard Cashman and Michael McKernan (eds) Sport: Money, Morality and the Media, Kensington, New South Wales University Press, 1981, pp. 223–247.

27 Hay, Roy, ‘Marmaras’s oyster or Seamonds’ baby?  The formation of the Victorian Soccer Federation, 1956-1964’, Sporting Traditions, 10, No 2, 1994, pp. 3–24; Hay, Roy, ‘British Football, Wogball or the World Game? Towards a social history of Victorian Soccer’, in John O’Hara, ed., Ethnicity and Soccer in Australia, ASSH Studies in Sports History Number 10, Australian Society for Sports History, Campelltown, 1994, 44–79; Hay, Roy, ‘Oral history, migration and soccer in Australia, 1880-2000’, in A James Hammerton  and Eric Richards , eds, Speaking to Immigrants: Oral Testimony and the History of Australian Migration, Visible Immigrants 6, History Program and Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies, Research School of Social Sciences, Australian National University, Canberra, 2002, 39–61; Hay, Roy, ‘Croatia: Community, conflict and culture: the role of soccer clubs in migrant identity’, in Michael Cronin and David Mayall, eds, Sporting nationalisms: Identity, ethnicity and assimilation, London, Frank Cass, 1998, 49–66; Hay, Roy, ‘Croatia: Community, conflict and culture: the role of soccer clubs in migrant identity’, in Michael Cronin and David Mayall, eds, Sporting nationalisms: Identity, ethnicity and assimilation, London, Frank Cass, 1998, pp. 49–66; Hay, Roy, ‘Croatia: Community, conflict and culture: the role of soccer clubs in migrant identity’, Journal of Immigrants and Minorities, 17(1), March 1998, 49–66; Hay, Roy, ‘The last night of the Poms: Australia as a post-colonial sporting society,’ in John Bale and Mike Cronin, eds, Sport and post-colonialism, Berg, Oxford, 2003, pp. 15–28.

28 Procter, Nicholas and Lynch, Rob 1995, “The Uses of soccer by Serbian Australians in the Expression of Cultural Identity,” in Clare Simpson and Bob Gidlow, eds, Proceedings of ANZALS Conference 1995, ANZALS, Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand, 182–188; Tkalcevic, Mato, Croats in Australia: An Information and Resource Guide, Victoria College Press, Burwood, Victoria, 1988; Unikoski, Rachel, Communal Endeavours: Migrant Organisations in Melbourne, Australian National University Press, Canberra, 1978; Georgakis, Steve, Sport and the Australian Greek, Standard Publishing, Rozelle, NSW, 2000; Georgakis, Steve, The Greek-Australian Sport Hall of Fame, Halkeas Press, Sydney, 2000.

29 Baumgartner, Leo, The Little Professor of Soccer, Marketing Productions, Bondi Junction, 1968; Farina, Frank with Bonita Mersiades, My World is Round: A Personal Playing History, Vox Peritus, Milton, Queensland, 1998; Johnston, Craig, Walk Alone, Collins Australia, Sydney, 1989; Moriarty, John, Saltwater Fella: An Inspiring True Story of Success against all Odds, Penguin, Melbourne, 2000; Lusetich, Robert, My Beloved Socceroos: The Frank Arok Story, ABC Books, Sydney, 1992; Mallett, Ashley, John Kosmina, Hutcheson Australia, Melbourne, 1983; Margo, Jill, Frank Lowy: Pushing the Limits, Harper Collins, Sydney, 2001; Perkins, Charles, A Bastard Like Me, Ure Smith, Sydney, 1975; Slater, Robbie, with Matthew Hall, The Hard Way, Harper Sports, Sydney, 1999; Wade, Paul with Kyle Patterson, Captain Socceroo: The Paul Wade story, Harper Sports, Sydney, 1995.

30 Hughson, J. (1999). “The Boys in Blue and the Bad Blue Boys: A Case Study of Interactive Relations between the Police and Ethnic Youth in Western Sydney.” Australian Journal of Social Issues34(2), 167–182. Hughson, J. Soccer support and social identity: Finding the Thirdspace’. International review for the sociology of Sport33(4), 403–409; Hughes, A. Sport in the Australian Jewish community. Journal of Sport History26(2), 376–391; Kobe, D. Soccer in Australia: What’s Going Wrong?’. The Cyber-Journal of Sport Marketing3(1); Hughson, J. A tale of two tribes: Expressive fandom in Australian Soccer’s a‐league. Culture, Sport Society2(3), 10–30;

31 Hughson, J. (2001). ““The Wogs Are at it Again”: The Media Reportage of Australian Soccer “Riots”.” Football Studies4(1), 40–55.

32 Hay, R. (2001). ‘Those Bloody Croatians: Croatian Soccer Teams, Ethnicity and Violence in Australia, 1950-99’. Fear and Loathing in World Football, 77–90.

33 Danforth, Loring M. “Is the World Game an Ethnic Game or an Aussie Game? Narrating the Nation in Australian Soccer’, American Ethnologist, 28 (2), 2001, pp. 363–387.

34 Warren, Johnny with Andy Harper & Josh Whittington, Sheilas, Wogs and Poofters: An Incomplete Biography of Johnny Warren and Soccer in Australia, Random House, Sydney, 2002.

35 Mosely, Philip A., Cashman, R., O’Hara, J. & Weatgherburn (eds), Sporting Immigrants, Walla Walla, Sydney, 1997; Mosely, Philip, ‘Soccer’, in Philip A. Mosely, Richard Cashman, John O’Hara & Hilary Weatherburn, eds, Sporting Immigrants, Walla Walla Press, Crows Nest, NSW, 1997, p. 11.

36 These examples span the period from Mosely’s PhD until 2003 and are indicative rather than exhaustive. It must be also noticed that there are other publications, but they pale in number by comparison. They include papers on topics such as soccer in Gallipoli during the First World War and the earliest entries treating women in soccer.

39 Hay, 2006; 2016; Hay, Roy & Bill Murray, A History of Football in Australia: A Game of Two Halves, Hardie Grant, Melbourne, 2014.

40 Harper, Andy. “From Bastard Child to a Place in Australia’s Family; the Federal Government’s Role in Repositioning Australian Soccer as a Legitimate, Mainstream Sport: A Qualitative Study.” Sport in Society (2019): 1–19.

41 Kampmark, B. (2017). “Conflicting Traditions: The FIFA World Cup, Australia and Football Identities,” Sport in Society20(5-6), 612–626.

42 Kampmark, B. (2018). “Australian Soccer Rivalries: Diasporas, Violence and the Balkan Connection,” Soccer & Society19(5-6), 875–887.

43 Gorman, Joe. Death and Life of Australian Soccer. St. Lucia: Univ. of Queensland Press, 2017.

44 Butta, F. (2018). Reimagining Italian-Australian Identities through Soccer: Critical Notes on a History of Italian Soccer Clubs in Perth,” Coolabah, (24&25), 62–75.

45 Knijnik, J. “Imagining a Multicultural Community in an Everyday Football Carnival: Chants, Identity and Social Resistance on Western Sydney Terraces,” International Review for the Sociology of Sport53(4), 2018a, 471–489.

46 Knijnik, J. “Social Agency and Football Fandom: The Cultural Pedagogies of the Western Sydney Ultras,” Sport in Society, 21(6), 2018b, 946–959.

47 Spaaij, R., & Broerse, J. “Sport and the Politics of Belonging: The Experiences of Australian and Dutch Somalis.” In Places of Privilege (pp. 105–122). Amsterdam: Brill Sense, 2018.

48 James, K., & Walsh, R. “The Expropriation of Goodwill and Migrant Labour in the Transition to Australian Football’s A-League,” International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing18(5), 2018, 430–452.

49 Ricatti, Francesco, and Matthew Klugman. "’Connected to Something’: Soccer and the Transnational Passions, Memories and Communities of Sydney’s Italian Migrants." The International Journal of the History of Sport 30, no. 5 (2013): 469–483, 469; Ricatti, Francesco, and Matthew Klugman. "Connected to Something’: Soccer and the Transnational Passions." The International Journal of the History of Sport 3: 99.

50 Mavroudis, Paul. "Against the Run of Play: The Emergence of Australian Soccer Literature." The International Journal of the History of Sport 30, no. 5 (2013): pp.486–87.

51 Ibid, 492.

52 Hay, Roy & Nick Guoth, ‘No Single Pattern: Australian Migrant Minorities and the Round Ball Code in Victoria,’ Soccer and Society, 10(6), 2009, p.832.

53 Ibid, p. 831

54 Syson, 2009, p. 136.

55 Ibid, p. 136.

56 Vamplew, Wray. “‘Wogball’: ethnicity and violence in Australian soccer.” In Games without Frontiers, pp. 207–223. Routledge, 2017, p.219.

57 Pajic, Zoran, ‘”A” Is for Australia: New Football’s Billionaires, Consumers and the “Asian Century”. How the A-League defines the new Australia’, Soccer and Society, 14(5), 2013, 734–750.

58 Stell, Marion, and Chris Salisbury. “‘It’s Bigger than the Olympics’: changing Australia through football and the 1974 FIFA World Cup.” Soccer & Society 16, no. 2-3 (2015): 245–258.

59 Rosenberg, Buck Clifford. “The Australian football wars: fan narratives of inter‐code and intra‐code conflict.” Soccer & Society 10, no. 2 (2009): 246.

60 Bahfen, Nasya. “‘Wogball’, or the World Game? Race and Soccer in Australian Journalism.” Asia Pacific Media Educator 26, no. 1 (2016): 17–30.

61 Syson, Ian. “Shadow of a Game: Locating Soccer in Australian Cultural Life.” Meanjin 68, no. 4 (2009): 143; Hay, Roy. “Football in Australia before Codification, 1820–1860.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 31, no. 9 (2014): 1047; Syson, Ian. “Waiting for Association football: incipient soccer in Australia, 1850–1880.” Soccer & Society 19, no. 1 (2018): 154; Hibbins, Gillian Mary. “The Cambridge connection: the origin of Australian rules football.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 6, no. 2 (1989): 172–192; Syson, Ian. The Game That Never Happened: The Vanishing History of Soccer in Australia. Sports and Editorial Services Australia, 2018.

62 Blainey, Geoffrey. A game of our own: The origins of Australian football. Black Inc., 2010; Hibbins, Gillian Mary. “The Cambridge connection: the origin of Australian rules football.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 6, no. 2 (1989): 172–192.

63 Hay, Roy. “Football in Australia before Codification, 1820–1860.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 31, no. 9 (2014): 1047.

64 Syson, Ian. “Waiting for Association football: incipient soccer in Australia, 1850–1880.” Soccer & Society 19, no. 1 (2018): 154.

65 Syson, Ian. “Shadow of a game: Locating soccer in Australian Cultural Life.” Meanjin 68, no. 4 (2009): 143; Hay, Roy. “Football in Australia before Codification, 1820–1860.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 31, no. 9 (2014): 1047; Syson, Ian. “Waiting for Association football: incipient soccer in Australia, 1850–1880.” Soccer & Society 19, no. 1 (2018): 154; Hibbins, Gillian Mary. “The Cambridge connection: the origin of Australian rules football.” The International Journal of the History of Sport 6, no. 2 (1989): 172–192; Syson, Ian. The Game That Never Happened: The Vanishing History of Soccer in Australia. Sports and Editorial Services Australia, 2018.

66 Lock, Daniel, New Team Identification: Sydney FC, A Case Study, Ph.D. thesis, University of Technology, Sydney, 2009; Lock, Daniel, S. Darcy & T. Taylor, “Starting with a Clean Slate: An Analysis of Member Identification with a New Sports Team,” Sport Management Review, 12(1), 2009, 15–25; Lock, Daniel. “Fan Perspectives of Change in the A-League,” Soccer& Society, 10(1), 2009, 109–23.

67 Maynard, John, The Aboriginal Soccer Tribe: A History of Aboriginal Involvement with the World Game, Magabala Books, Broome, Western Australia, 2011; Maynard, John. “Football Barriers–Aboriginal under‐Representation and Disconnection from the ‘World Game’,” Soccer & Society 10, no. 1 (2009): 39–56; Knijnik, Jorge, Jane Hunter, and Les Vozzo. “Aboriginal Football in Australia: Race Relations and the Socio-Historical Meanings of the 2014 Borroloola Tour to the Brazil World Cup,” The International Journal of the History of Sport 34, no. 15 (2017): 1635–1654.

68 Brawley, Sean, “Second Rate Java Jaunters: Soccer Football, the Imaginary Grandstand, Cultural Diplomacy and Australia’s Asian Context,” Sport in Society, 15(4), 2012, 504–528; Hallinan, Chris, and Tom Heenan. “Australia, Asia and the New Football Opportunity,” Soccer & Society 14, no. 5 (2013): 751–767; Bairner, Alan. “Asia’s land down under: the socceroos and the 2015 Asian Cup.” Asia Pacific Journal of Sport and Social Science 4, no. 1 (2015): 1–6; Rowe, David. “Football, Diplomacy and Australia in the Asian century.” In Sport and diplomacy. Manchester University Press, 2018.

69 Roy Hay, ‘Ethnicity, Structure and Globalisation: An Argument about Association Football in Australia, 1958–2010,’ Sport in Society, 14(6), August 2011, 833.

70 Hay, Roy & Bill Murray, A History of Football in Australia: A Game of Two Halves, Hardie Grant, Melbourne, 2014; Hay, Roy & Heath McDonald, ‘A Victory for the fans? Melbourne’s new football club in historical perspective,’ Soccer and Society, 8(2/3), April/June 2007, 297–314; Hay, Roy & Ian Syson, The Story of Football in Victoria, Football Federation Victoria, Melbourne, 2009; Hay, Roy & Tony Joel, ‘Football’s World Cup and Its Fans—Reflections on National Styles: A Photo Essay on Germany 2006,’ Soccer and Society, 8(1), January 2007, 1–32; Hay, Roy, ““Our Wicked Foreign Game”: Why Has Association Football (soccer) Not Become the Main Code of Football in Australia?’ Soccer and Society, 7, no. 2–3, April-July 2006, 165–186; Hay, Roy, “A Tale of Two Footballs: The Origins of Association Football and Australian Rules Revisited,” Sport in Society, 13(6), August 2010, 952–969; Hay, Roy, “Ethnicity, Structure and Globalisation: An Argument about Association Football in Australia, 1958–2010,” Sport in Society, 14(6), August 2011, 833–850; Hay, Roy, “Fan Culture in Australian Football (Soccer): From Ethnic to Mainstream?,” in Matthew Nicholson, Bob Stewart and Rob Hess, eds, Football Fever: Moving the Goalposts, Maribyrnong Press, Melbourne, 2006, 91–105.

71 Hay, Roy. “The Codes Diverge: The Establishment of Victorian Football, Rugby and Soccer in Australia, 1860–1900,” Soccer & Society 19, no. 1 (2018): 59–74.

72 Mosely and Murray, 2014, 283.

73 Adair, D. “Australian Sport History: From the Founding Years to Today,” Sport in History, 29, no.3, (2009): 423.

74 Rowe, D., McKay, J., & Lawrence, G. “Out of the Shadows: The Critical Sociology of Sport in Australia, 1986 to 1996,” Sociology of Sport Journal14(4), (1997), 357.

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