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Research Articles

The changing foreign policy dynamics of GCC States: a study through the lens of positive interdependence

Pages 32-47 | Published online: 12 Jun 2024


Foreign policy behaviour of the GCC members is changing. The countries are embracing discussion and diplomacy rather than focusing on contention and opposition. They are looking beyond traditional partners and are diversifying their support base within the region as well as outside while expressing interest in being part of multilateral institutions. GCC countries have recognised that securing economic interests is of paramount interest and political leverages and geo-political maneuverings are secondary in the changing world and to that end are engaging with the Asian, African and Latin American economies. Further the countries have understood the significance of non-traditional issues of energy, food, water and environment security along with waste management. The paper is an attempt to study this shift through the lens of positive interdependence. Embracing positive interdependence, the states focus on mutual dependence with an intention to achieve growth and prosperity and propagating one’s national interests without intending to sabotage the interests of the other party.

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No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author.


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