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The earliest record of bowerbirds (Passeriformes, Ptilonorhynchidae) from the Oligo-Miocene of northern Australia

Figures & data

Fig. 1. Sericuloides marynguyenae gen. et sp. nov. from the late Oligocene White Hunter Site, Riversleigh, Australia, compared with the extant Sericulus chrysocephalus. A, B, Sericuloides marynguyenae, holotype right carpometacarpus (QM F57971). C, D, Sericulus chrysocephalus, right carpometacarpus. E, G–J, Sericuloides marynguyenae, paratype left tarsometatarsus (QM F57972). F, K–N, Sericulus chrysocephalus, left tarsometatarsus. A, C, G, K, dorsal view, B, D, ventral view, E, F, proximal view, H, L, plantar view, I, M, medial view, J, K, lateral view. Scale bar = 2 mm. Abbreviations: b, bulge; cpl, crista plantaris lateralis; fcc, fovea carpalis caudalis; fdl, canal for M. flexor digitorum longus tendon; fhl, canal for M. flexor hallucis longus tendon; flv, fovea lig. ventralis; fp2, canal for M. flexor perforatus digiti II; fp3, fp4, canal for Mm. flexores perforati digiti III et IV tendons; fpp2, canal for M. flexor perforans et perforatus digiti II tendon; fpp3, canal for M. flexor perforans et perforatus digiti III tendon; mfdm, depression for attachment of M. flexor digiti minoris; ms, medial shaft surface; pc, proc. cranialis; si, spatium intermetacarpale; tmf, tub. m. fibularis; tmtc, tuberositas m. tibialis cranialis.

Fig. 1. Sericuloides marynguyenae gen. et sp. nov. from the late Oligocene White Hunter Site, Riversleigh, Australia, compared with the extant Sericulus chrysocephalus. A, B, Sericuloides marynguyenae, holotype right carpometacarpus (QM F57971). C, D, Sericulus chrysocephalus, right carpometacarpus. E, G–J, Sericuloides marynguyenae, paratype left tarsometatarsus (QM F57972). F, K–N, Sericulus chrysocephalus, left tarsometatarsus. A, C, G, K, dorsal view, B, D, ventral view, E, F, proximal view, H, L, plantar view, I, M, medial view, J, K, lateral view. Scale bar = 2 mm. Abbreviations: b, bulge; cpl, crista plantaris lateralis; fcc, fovea carpalis caudalis; fdl, canal for M. flexor digitorum longus tendon; fhl, canal for M. flexor hallucis longus tendon; flv, fovea lig. ventralis; fp2, canal for M. flexor perforatus digiti II; fp3, fp4, canal for Mm. flexores perforati digiti III et IV tendons; fpp2, canal for M. flexor perforans et perforatus digiti II tendon; fpp3, canal for M. flexor perforans et perforatus digiti III tendon; mfdm, depression for attachment of M. flexor digiti minoris; ms, medial shaft surface; pc, proc. cranialis; si, spatium intermetacarpale; tmf, tub. m. fibularis; tmtc, tuberositas m. tibialis cranialis.

Fig. 2. An indeterminate ptilonorhynchid from the early Miocene RSO Site, Riversleigh, Australia, compared with the extant Scenopoeetes dentirostris. A, B, Indeterminate ptilonorhynchid, distal end of left ulna (QM F57970). C, D, Scenopoeetes dentirostris, right ulna (mirrored). A, C, cranial view, B, D, caudal view. Scale bar = 2 mm. Abbreviations: dr, depressio radialis; it, incisura tendinosa; tc, tub. carpale.

Fig. 2. An indeterminate ptilonorhynchid from the early Miocene RSO Site, Riversleigh, Australia, compared with the extant Scenopoeetes dentirostris. A, B, Indeterminate ptilonorhynchid, distal end of left ulna (QM F57970). C, D, Scenopoeetes dentirostris, right ulna (mirrored). A, C, cranial view, B, D, caudal view. Scale bar = 2 mm. Abbreviations: dr, depressio radialis; it, incisura tendinosa; tc, tub. carpale.