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Robust equivariant non parametric regression estimators for functional ergodic data

, , &
Pages 3505-3521 | Received 27 Mar 2019, Accepted 09 Dec 2019, Published online: 03 Feb 2020


This article deals with the equivariant non parametric robust regression estimation for stationary ergodic processes valued in F×R, where F is a semi-metric space. We consider a new robust regression estimator when the scale parameter is unknown. The principal aim is to prove the almost complete convergence (with rate) for the proposed estimator. Unlike in standard multivariate cases, the gap between pointwise and uniform results is not immediate. So, suitable topological considerations are needed, implying changes in the rates of convergence which are quantified by entropy considerations.


The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and suggestions which improved substantially the quality of this article. The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University for funding this work through General Research Project under grant number (G.R.P-125-40).


The proof of Lemma 4.1 is very close to that of Lemma A.4. in Boente and Vahnovan (Citation2015).

According to (H1) and (H4), it is clear that if K(1)>C>0, (A1) xSF,0<C<C<,Cϕ(h)<EFi1[K1(x)]<Cϕ(h)(A1)

In the situation when K(1)=0, the combination of (H1) and (H5)(i) allows to get the same result. From now on, in order to simplify the notation, we set ϵ=lognn.

Proof of Theorem 4.2.

We consider the decomposition: (A2) λ̂(x,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))=1λ̂D(x)[λ̂N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))]+1λ̂D(x)[λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))]+[1λ̂D(x)]λ(x,a,ŝ(x))λ̂D(x)(A2) where λ̂D(x):=1nE[K(h1d(x,X1))]i=1nK(h1d(x,Xi)),λ¯D(x):=1nE[K(h1d(x,X1))]i=1nEFi1[K(h1d(x,Xi))],λ̂N(x,a,ŝ(x)):=1nE[K(h1d(x,X1))]i=1nK(h1d(x,Xi))ψx(Yiaŝ(x)),λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x)):=1nE[K(h1d(x,X1))]i=1nEFi1[K(h1d(x,Xi))ψx(Yiaŝ(x))]

Therefore, Theorem 4.2 is a consequence of the following intermediate results.

Lemma A.1.

Under hypotheses (H1) and (H4)-(H6), we have supxSF|λ̂D(x)1|=Oa.co.(ΓSF(log(n)/n)nϕ(h))

Corollary A.2.

Under the hypotheses of Lemma A.1, we have n=1P(infxSFλ̂D(x)<12)<

Lemma A.3.

Under the hypotheses (H1),(H2) and (H4)(H6), we have supxSF|λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|=O(hη1)

Lemma A.4.

Under the assumptions of Theorem 4.2, we have supxSF|λ̂N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))|=O(ΓSF(log(n)/n)nϕ(h))a.co

Proof of Lemma A.1.

Let x1,,xNϵ(SF) be an ϵ net for SF and for all xSF, one sets k(x)=argmink{1,,Nϵ(SF)}d(x,xk). One considers the following decomposition: supxSF|λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x)|supxSF|λ̂D(x)λ̂D(xk(x))|F1+supxSF|λ̂D(xk(x))λ¯D(xk(x))|F2+supxSF|λ¯D(xk(x))λ¯D(x)|F3

  • Let us study F1. By using (A1) and the boundness of K, one can write F1supxSF1ni=1n|1E[K1(x)]Ki(x)1E[K1(xk(x))]Ki(xk(x))|Cϕ(h)supxSF1ni=1n|Ki(x)Ki(xk(x))|IB(x,h)B(xk(x),h)(Xi)

Let us first consider the case K(1)=0. Because K is Lipschitz on [0,1] in this case, it comes F1supxSFCni=1nZiwithZi=ϵhϕ(h)IB(x,h)B(xk(x),h)(Xi) with, uniformly on x, Z1=O(ϵhϕ(h)),E[Z1]=O(ϵh)andVar(Z1)=O(ϵ2h2ϕ(h))

A standard inequality for sums of bounded random variables with (H5)(ii) allows to get F1=O(ϵh)+Oa.co(ϵhlognnϕ(h)) and it suffices to combine (H5)(i) and (H5)(ii) to get F1=Oa.co(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))

Now, let K(1)>C>0. In this situation K is Lipschitz on [0,1). One has to decompose F1 into three terms as follows: F1CsupxSF(F11+F12+F13) with F11=1nϕ(h)i=1n|Ki(x)Ki(xk(x))|IB(x,h)B(xk(x),h)(Xi),F12=1nϕ(h)i=1nKi(x)IB(x,h)B¯(xk(x),h)(Xi),F13=1nϕ(h)i=1nKi(xk(x))IB¯(x,h)B(xk(x),h)(Xi)

One can follow the same steps (i.e., case K(1)=0) for studying F11 and one gets the same result: F11=Oa.co.(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))

Following same ideas for studying F12, one can write F12Cni=1nWi with Wi=1ϕ(h)IB(x,h)B¯(xk(x)h)(Xi), and by using again (H5)(i) and the same inequality for sums of bounded random variables, we get F12=O(ϵϕ(h))+Oa.co(ϵlognnϕ(h)2)

Similarly, one can state the same rate of convergence for F13. To end the study of F1, it suffices to put together all the intermediate results and to use (H5)(ii) for getting F1=Oa.co(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))

  • Now, concerning F2, we have, for all η>0, P(F2>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))=P(maxk{1,,Nϵ(SF)}|λ̂D(xk)λ¯D(xk)|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))Nϵ(SF)maxk{1,,Nϵ(SF)}P(|λ̂D(xk)λ¯D(xk)|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h)).λ̂D(xk)λ¯D(xk)=1nE[K(d(x,X1)h)]i=1nΛki(xk)

with Λki(xk)=Ki(xk)EFi1[Ki(xk)]

Using the fact that Λki(xk) is a triangular array of martingale differences according to the σ-fields (Fi1)i to apply the inequality of Lemma 1 in Laïb and Louani (Citation2011). To do that, we must evaluate the quantity EFi1[Λkip(x)].

Indeed, under (H1) and (H4) we have, for p2 EFi1[Λkip(x)]<CEFi1[Λki2(x)]CEFi1[Ki2(x)]<CP(XiB(x,h)|Fi1)Cϕi(h)

Hence, P(|λ̂D(xk)λ¯D(xk)|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))=P(1n|i=1nΛki|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))2exp{Cη2ΓSF(ϵ)}

Thus, by using the fact that ΓSF(ϵ)=logNϵ(SF) and by choosing η such that Cη2=β, we have (A3) Nϵ(SF)maxk{1,,Nϵ(SF)}P(|λ̂D(xk)λ¯D(xk)|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))CNϵ(SF)1β(A3)

Because n=1Nϵ(SF)1β<, we obtain that F2=Oa.co(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h)).

  • For F3, it is clear that F3EFi1(supxSF|λ̂D(x)λ̂D(xk)|) and by following a similar proof to the one used for studying F1, it comes F3=Oa.co(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))

Proof of Corollary A.2.

It is easy to see that

infxSF|λ̂D(x)|12xSF such that 1λ̂D(x)12supxSF|1λ̂D(x)|12.

We deduce from Lemma A.1 that P(infxSF|λ̂D(x)|12)P(supxSF|1λ̂D(x)|12)

Consequently, n=1P(infxSF|λ̂D(x)|12)<

Proof of Lemma A.3.

One has |λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|=|1nE[K1(x)]EFi1[i=1nKi(x)ψx(Yiaŝ(x))]λ(x,a,ŝ(x))||1E[K1(x)]EFi1[K1(x)ψx(Y1aŝ(x))]λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|1E[K1(x)][EFi1[K1(x)|λ(X1,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|]]

Hence, we get xSF,|λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|1E[K1(x)][EFi1[K1(x)|λ(X1,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|]] Thus, with hypotheses (H1),(H2) and (A1) we have xSF,|λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ(x,a,ŝ(x))|C1E[K1(x)][EFi1K1(x)IB(x,h)(X1)dη1(X1,x)]Chη1 the proof of this lemma is then completed.

Proof of Lemma A.4.

This proof follows the same steps as the proof of Lemma A.1. For this, we keep these notations and we use the following decomposition: supxSF|λ̂N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))|supxSF|λ̂N(x,a,ŝ(x))λ̂N(xk(x),a,ŝ(x))|G1+supxSF|λ̂N(xk(x),a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(xk(x),a,ŝ(x))|G2+supxSF|λ¯N(xk(x),a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(x,a,ŝ(x))|G3

Condition (H1) and result (A1) allow to write directly, for G1 and G3: G1=supxSF1ni=1n|1E[K1(x)]Ki(x)ψx(Yiaŝ(x))1E[K1(xk(x))]Ki(xk(x))ψx(Yiaŝ(x))|supxSF1nϕ(h)i=1n|ψx(Yiaŝ(x))||Ki(x)Ki(xk(x))|IB(x,h)B(xk(x),h)(Xi)

Now, as for F1, one considers K(1)=0 (i.e., K Lipschitz on [0,1]) and one gets G1Cni=1nZi with Zi=ϵψx(Yiaŝ(x))hϕ(h)supxSFIB(x,h)B(xk(x),h).

The main difference with the study of F1 is that one uses here an inequality for unbounded variables. Note that one has E[ψxj(Yaŝ(x))]=E[E[ψxj(Yaŝ(x))|X]]=δ(x)dPX<C< which implies that E(|Z1|j)Cϵjhjϕ(h)j1

Now, (H5)(ii) allows to get (A4) G1=Oa.co(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))(A4)

If one considers the case K(1)>C>0 (i.e., K Lipschitz on [0,1)), one has to split G1 into three terms as for F1 and by using similar arguments, one can state the same rate of almost complete convergence. Similar steps allow to get (A5) G3=O(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))(A5)

For G2, similarly to the proof of Lemma A.1, we have, η>0, P(G2>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))=P(maxk{1,,Nϵ(SF)}|λ̂N(xk,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(xk,a,ŝ(x))|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))Nϵ(SF)maxk{1,,Nϵ(SF)}P(|λ̂N(xk,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(xk,a,ŝ(x))|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))

The rest of the proof is based on the application of the exponential inequality of Lemma 1 in Laïb and Louani (Citation2011) on the triangular array of martingale differences.

Indeed, let Λki=1E[K1(xk)](Ki(xk)ψx(Yiaŝ(x))EFi1[Ki(xk)ψx(Yiaŝ(x))])

For this, we must evaluate the quantity EFi1[Λkip]. The latter can be evaluated by using the same arguments as were invoked for proving Lemma 5 in Laïb and Louani (Citation2011), allowing us to write, under (H3), EFi1[Λkip]Cϕi(h)

Thus, we are now in a position to apply the aforementioned exponential inequality and we get: for all η>0 P(|λ̂N(xk,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(xk,a,ŝ(x))|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))=P(1n|i=1nΛki|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))2exp{Cη2ΓSF(ϵ)}

Thus, by using the fact that ΓSF(ϵ)=logNϵ(SF) and by choosing η such that Cη2=β, we have Nϵ(SF)maxk{1,,Nϵ(SF)}P(|λ̂N(xk,a,ŝ(x))λ¯N(xk,a,ŝ(x))|>ηΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))CNϵ(SF)1β

As n=1Nϵ(SF)1β<, we obtain that (A6) G2=Oa.co.(ΓSF(ϵ)nϕ(h))(A6)

Now, Lemma A.4 can be easily deduced from Equation(A4)Equation(A6).

Proof of Theorem 4.3.

We use the fact that ψx is monotone w.r.t. the second component. We give the proof for the case of an increasing ψx(Yaσ), decreasing case being obtained by the same manner. For this consideration, we write, ϵ>0 nP[|θ̂(x)θ(x)|ϵ]nP[(|θ̂(x)θ(x)|1{|θ̂(x)θ(x)|δ})ϵ]+nP[(|θ̂(x)θ(x)|P{|θ̂(x)θ(x)|>δ})ϵ]

Because ψx(Yaσ) is increasing, it follows that, P((|θ̂(x)θ(x)|1{|θ̂(x)θ(x)|>δ0})ϵ)P(|θ̂(x)θ(x)|>δ0)P(|λ̂(x,θ(x)+δ,ŝ)λ(x,θ(x)+δ,ŝ)|λ(x,θ(x)+δ,ŝ)) +P(|λ̂(x,θ(x)δ,ŝ)λ(x,θ(x)δ,ŝ)|λ(x,θ(x)δ,ŝ)).

We have (θ̂(x)θ(x))1{|θ̂(x)θ(x)|δ}=λ(x,θ̂(x),ŝ)λ̂(x,θ̂(x),ŝ)λ(x,ξn,ŝ) where ξn is between θx̂ and θx. Therefore, all we have to prove, is to study the convergence rate of supa[θxδ,θx+δ]|λ(x,a,ŝ)λ̂(x,a,ŝ)| and to show that (A7) τ>0,n=1P(λ(x,ξn,ŝ)<τ)<(A7)

To do that, we write λ̂(x,a,ŝ)=Bn(x,a,ŝ)+Rn(x,a,ŝ)λ̂D(x)+Qn(x,a,ŝ)λ̂D(x) where Qn(x,a,ŝ):=(λ̂N(x,a,ŝ)λ¯N(x,a,ŝ))λ(x,a,ŝ)(λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x))Bn(x,a,ŝ):=λ¯N(x,a,ŝ)λ¯D(x)λ(x,a,ŝ),Rn(x,a,ŝ):=Bn(x,a,ŝ)(λ̂N(x,a,ŝ)λ¯N(x,a,ŝ))

Therefore, Theorem 4.3 is a consequence of the following intermediate results.

Lemma A.5.

Under Hypotheses (H1) and (H4), we have, λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x)=O(ΓSF(log(n)/n)nϕ(h))a.co

Corollary A.6.

Under Hypotheses of Lemma A.5, we have, C>0 n=1P(λ̂D(x)<C)<

Lemma A.7.

Under Hypotheses (H1),(H2) and (H4), supa[θ(x)δ,θ(x)+δ]|Bn(x,a,ŝ)|=O(hb1)

Lemma A.8.

Under Assumptions (H1),(H5)((i)(ii)) and (H4)(ii),(H6), θx̂ exists a.s. for all sufficiently large n and there exists ζ1>0 such that n1P{λ(x,ξn,ŝ)<ζ1}<

The proof of Lemma A.5 and Lemma A.7 are, respectively, very close to those of Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 in Laïb and Louani (Citation2011). Moreover, the proof of the first part of Lemma A.8 is similar to the Lemma 5 in Azzedine, Laksaci, and Ould-Said (Citation2008) and its second part is a direct consequence of the regularity assumption on λ(x,a,ŝ).

Proof of Corollary A.6.

It is clear that, under (H2), there exists 0<C<C< 0<C1nϕ(h)i=1nP(XiB(x,r)|Fi1)<λ¯D(x)<|λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x)|+λ̂D(x)

Hence, P(λ̂D(x)C2)P(Cnϕ(h)i=1nPFi1(XiB(x,r))<C2+|λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x)|)P(|Cnϕ(h)i=1nPFi1(XiB(x,r))|λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x)|C|>C2)

It is obvious that the previous Lemma and (H1)(iii) allows to get nP(|Cnϕ(h)i=1nP(XiB(x,r)|Fi1)|λ̂D(x)λ¯D(x)|C|>C2) which gives the result.

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