Figures & data

TABLE 1. Indicators of mental health events: alcohol consumption, depression, hopelessness and suicidal risk.

TABLE 2. Differences between sexes based on alcohol abuse, suicide risk and the variables of depression, hopelessness and anxiety.

TABLE 3. Differences between young people based on alcohol consumption and the variables of suicide risk, hopelessness, depression, and anxiety.

TABLE 4. Spearman's correlation coefficient (Rho) between alcohol abuse suicide risk and the variables of depression, hopelessness and anxiety.

TABLE 5. Goodness-of-fit statistics of the structural models for predicting risk and suicide attempt.

Figure 1. Structural equation model of suicide risk and the mediating role of alcohol consumption. Note: *p < 0.01; **p < 0.001.

Figure 1. Structural equation model of suicide risk and the mediating role of alcohol consumption. Note: *p < 0.01; **p < 0.001.

TABLE 6. Total direct and indirect standardized effects of the predictor variables on the response variables.