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Research Article

Genetics, geography, and subspecies status of American mink in Florida, with an emphasis on Neogale vison evergladensis

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Article: 2330371 | Published online: 05 Apr 2024


Historical records of American mink (Neogale vison) in Florida suggest they occur in four populations, each currently recognized as a separate subspecies. The Everglades mink (N. v. evergladensis) is a state-listed threatened subspecies, and the Atlantic salt marsh mink (N. v. lutensis) and Gulf salt marsh mink (N. v. halilimnetes) are both Species of Greatest Conservation Need, but support for their taxonomic status is limited. We acquired 62 samples of mink for genetic analysis using mtDNA and microsatellite data with the objective of assessing the subspecies status of mink in Florida with an emphasis on evergladensis. We also compared historical and current range estimates of mink subspecies in Florida using museum specimens, public sightings, and detection records from scientific studies. All estimates of FST were significant when evergladensis was paired with other subspecies and both assignment tests and the Principal Coordinate Analysis separated evergladensis from other subspecies. The single mtDNA haplotype from evergladensis was not found elsewhere in Florida but was present in a subspecies outside of Florida (vulgivaga). Genetic diversity was lowest in evergladensis and highest for vulgivaga from Louisiana. We found support for lutensis as a separate taxonomic unit and assignment tests found some support for the genetic distinctiveness of halilimnetes. Sample sizes limited analyses in halilimnetes and prevented any conclusions about the subspecies status of mink in the Panhandle. Based on current range estimates, mink from evergladensis, lutensis, and halilimnetes are geographically isolated from one another and supports the genetic analysis. Using a more modern definition of subspecies that includes genetics, distribution, and ecology, we conclude that the data supports multiple subspecies of mink in Florida.


Several museum specimens were provided thanks to the University of Florida Board of Trustees – Florida Museum of Natural History Genetic Resources Repository. Thanks to Bill Kilpatrick for working on methods for DNA extraction from hair samples. Thanks to Mike Owen and staff at Fakahatchee Strand State Park for collecting road kill specimens.

Disclosure statement

No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).

Supplemental material

Supplemental material for this article can be accessed here: https://doi.org/10.1080/14772000.2024.2330371.

Data availability statement

The genetic data is available on request from the corresponding author. The locality data will have limited availability given the status of mink in Florida.

Associate Editor: Dr. Susan Tsang

Additional information


The project received funding for the analysis from Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

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