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The Politics of (No) Alternatives in Post-Milošević Serbia

Pages 243-259 | Published online: 12 May 2014


This paper argues that the progress of post-Milošević Serbia has been seriously affected by the presence of and continuous debates about the politics of alternatives. Such a trend has been closely associated with the divisions that characterize the representatives of the political elite expected to deal with and resolve crucial questions that will determine Serbia's future, and, more relevantly, will be capable of slowing down the country's progress towards membership in the European Union (EU). Aware of the negative aspects of such an approach, the Serbian leadership, elected in mid-2012, has tried to minimize the problematic presence of the politics of alternatives and pay greater attention to new rounds of political dialogue, economic agreements and societal contacts, hoping that they will be able to bring the opposing members of the country's elite closer and more ready to work towards some common goals. Accordingly, the paper examines the positions concerning cooperation with the Hague tribunal, Kosovo's status, Serbia's EU integration and the intensification of ties with Russia.


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[71] Farkas, op. cit., pp. 80–81.

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Notes on contributors

Branislav Radeljić

Branislav Radeljić is Senior Lecturer in International Politics at the School of Law and Social Sciences, University of East London. He is the author of Europe and the Collapse of Yugoslavia: The Role of Non-state Actors and European Diplomacy (I. B. Tauris, London, 2012), and editor of Europe and the Post-Yugoslav Space (Ashgate, Farnham, 2013) and Debating European Identity: Bright Ideas, Dim Prospects (Peter Lang, Oxford, 2014).

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