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Special Issue: The Geo-politics of Conflict in the Eastern Mediterranean

Infrastructure and geopolitics: China’s emerging presence in the eastern mediterranean

Pages 337-351 | Published online: 05 Jul 2016


China is building an economic presence in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Its involvement in major infrastructure projects is growing at a rapid pace and may have a significant impact on trade routes that traverse this strategically located region. This article outlines Chinese interests and activities in the Eastern Mediterranean and how these relate to geopolitical developments in the region. China’s most important infrastructure project in the region is the modernization and expansion of the container port of Piraeus, Greece, but other port and railway projects are also being developed.


1. Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and the Palestinian Territories/State of Palestine (the latter is not recognized by a number of states).

2. Egypt.

3. Greece, (the European part of) Turkey, Cyprus and Northern Cyprus (which is recognized as a state only by Turkey, and formally regarded as a part of Cyprus by all other states).

4. Hugo Duncan, ‘China “overtakes U.S. as the world's largest economy”: IMF says economy is now worth £11 trillion as America falls into second place for the first time since 1872’, Daily Mail, 8 October 2014, <http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2785766/China-overtakes-U-S-world-s-largest-economy-IMF-says-economy-worth-11-trillion-America-falls-second-place-time-1872.html> (accessed 23 October 2014).

5. Frans-Paul van der Putten, ‘Towards a Pacific community? The United States and regional leadership in East Asia’, Journal of Global Policy and Governance, 2(2), November 2013, pp. 223–232; and Frans-Paul van der Putten, ‘China’s regional security relations and interactions with the US: Trends, challenges and possible scenarios’, Peacebuilding.no, 6 December 2012, <http://www.peacebuilding.no/Regions/Asia/Publications/China-s-regional-security-relations-and-interaction-with-the-U.S.-trends-challenges-and-possible-scenarios> (accessed 31 October 2014).

6. Jiang Shixue, ‘Chinese investment in the EU: A win–win game. A view from China’, EPC Commentary, 25 February 2013.

7. Kit Gillet, ‘China cosying up to Eastern Europe’, Aljazeera.com, 26 November 2013, <http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2013/11/china-cozing-up-eastern-europe-2013112513118391613.html> (accessed 6 December 2013).

8. The five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, also known as EU3+3.

9. Kyunghee Park, ‘Maersk Line to dump Panama Canal for Suez as ships get bigger’, Bloomberg.com, 11 March 2013, <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-11/maersk-line-to-dump-panama-canal-for-suez-as-ships-get-bigger.html> and ‘Asian trading shifts make Suez, Panama canals less important’, BDLive.co.za, 9 September 2014, <http://www.bdlive.co.za/world/asia/2014/09/09/asian-trading-shifts-make-suez-panama-canals-less-important> (accessed 24 October 2014).

10. ‘Suez overtakes Panama Canal on key container route’, TradeWindsNews.com, 1 August 2014, <http://www.tradewindsnews.com/weekly/342068/Suez-overtakes-Panama-Canal-on-key-container-route#> (accessed 28 September 2014).

11. Christina Lin, ‘China’s New Silk Road to the Mediterranean: the Eurasian land bridge and return of Admiral Zheng He’, ISPSW Strategy Series 165, Berlin: ISPSW, Oct. 2011, <http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/special/silkroad/> (accessed 2 Nov. 2014).

12. Justyna Szczudlik-Tatar, ‘China’s New Silk Road diplomacy’, PISM policy paper 34/82, December 2013, <http://www.pism.pl/files/?id_plik=15818> (accessed 6 February 2014).

13. ‘China accelerates planning to re-connect Maritime Silk Road’, Xinhuanet.com, 16 April 2014, <http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2014-04/16/c_133267903.htm> (accessed 2 November 2014). On the Maritime Silk Road see Frans Paul van der Putten and Minke Meijnders, ‘China, Europe and the Maritime Silk road’, Clingendael report, The Hague, March 2015, p. 35, <http://www.clingendael.nl/publication/china-europe-and-maritime-silk-road?lang=nl> (accessed 1 October 2015).

14. Shannon Tiezzi, ‘China’s “New Silk Road” vision revealed’, The Diplomat, 9 May 2014, <http://thediplomat.com/2014/05/chinas-new-silk-road-vision-revealed/> (accessed 29 June 2014).

15. ‘Silk Road made great contributions to dialogue of civilizations: forum’, Xinhuanet.com, 28 September 2014, <http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/world/2014-09/28/c_127042636.htm> (accessed 2 November 2014).

16. CICA website, <http://www.s-cica.org/page.php?lang=1> (accessed 1 November 2014).

17. Richard Weitz, ‘China expands its multinational toolkit at CICA summit, China Brief, 14(15), 31 July 2014, p. 12.

18. Henry Sanderson and Xin Zhou, ‘China’s $50 billion Asia bank snubs Japan, India’, Bloomberg.com, 12 May 2014, <http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-05-11/china-s-50-billion-asia-bank-snubs-japan-india-in-power-push.html> (accessed 1 November 2014).

19. Carrie Cracie, ‘All aboard: China’s railway dream’, BBC.com, 15 July 2014, <http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-28289319> (accessed 25 October 2014).

20. F. William Engdahl, ‘Eurasian economic boom and geopolitics: China’s land bridge to Europe—The China-Turkey high speed railway’, Globalresearch.ca, 27 April 2012, <http://www.globalresearch.ca/eurasian-economic-boom-and-geopolitics-china-s-land-bridge-to-europe-the-china-turkey-high-speed-railway/30575> (accessed 25 October 2014).

21. ‘China-Europe railway relaunches’, Xinhuanet.com, 24 April 2014, <http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/china/2014-04/24/c_126426299.htm> (accessed 2 November 2014).

22. Companies like Hewlett-Packard make intensive use of trains to ship products from the factories in Central China to European markets, via Kazakhstan, Russia, Belarus and Poland: Keith Bradsher, ‘Hauling new treasure along the silk road’, New York Times, 20 July 2013, <http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/21/business/global/hauling-new-treasure-along-the-silk-road.html?pagewanted=all> (accessed 25 October 2014).

23. Alex Lennane, ‘Hewlett Packard–Cosco deal spurs optimism in Greek logistics’, TheLoadStar.co.uk, 7 November 2013, <http://theloadstar.co.uk/hewlett-packard-cosco-deal-spurs-optimism-in-greek-logistics/> (accessed 1 October 2015); and Nasos Mihalakas, ‘Chinese ‘Trojan Horse’: Investing in Greece, or invading Europe?’, ForeignPolicyBlogs.com, 15 January 2011, <http://foreignpolicyblogs.com/2011/01/15/chinese-%E2%80%98trojan-horse%E2%80%99-investing-in-greece-or-invading-europe-part-i/> (accessed 1 October 2015).

24. ‘Li expounds on China’s viewpoints in maritime affairs’, CCTV.com, 21 June 2014, <http://english.cntv.cn/2014/06/21/VIDE1403318042720954.shtml> (accessed 29 June 2014).

25. Ilian Tsagas, ‘Greece is China’s gateway to Europe’, PV Magazine, 23 June 2014, <http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/greece-is-chinas-gateway-to-europe_100015501/#axzz3649QBpDV> (accessed 29 June 2014).

26. Renee Maltezou, ‘Greece seeks role as China’s gateway to Europe’, Reuters.com, 20 June 2014, <http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/20/greece-china-assets-idUSL6N0P14DW20140620> (accessed 30 June 2014).

27. Sino–Turkish relations have in recent years been harmed by clashing views over Chinese rule over the Uyghur minority in Xinjiang.

28. ‘Chinese nationals to evacuate from warring Yemen’, ChinaDaily.com.cn, 31 July 2014, <http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-07/31/content_18223061.htm> and ‘Hundreds of Chinese evacuated from Libya amid growing violence’, ABC.net.au, 2 August 2014, <http://www.abc.net.au/news/2014-08-03/chinese-evacuated-from-libya-as-violence-escalates/5643780> (accessed 23 October 2014).

29. John Fox and François Godement, A Power Audit of EU–China Relations, ECFR, London, April 2009, p. 83, <http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2006-07/20/content_645417.htm> (accessed 23 October 2014).

30. The Greek government had also been in discussion with port operating companies, in particular Hutchison Whampoa: ‘Case Study: Piraeus Container Terminal’, <http://www.ppptransport.eu/wiki/index.php/Case_Studies:_Piraeus_Container_Terminal> (accessed 6 December 2013). Cosco Pacific is the world’s fifth largest container terminal operator, with a global market share of 9 per cent in terms of throughput: Cosco Pacific, Annual Report 2012, Cosco Pacific, Hong Kong, 2013, title page. The company is listed on the Hong Kong stock exchange and 53 per cent-owned by Cosco Group, China’s largest shipping firm.

31. The investment in pier III involved €120 million and was financed through a 12-year bank loan with repayments starting in 2016: Keith Wallis, ‘Expansion at Greek container terminal’, South China Morning Post, 18 May 2012, <http://www.scmp.com/article/1001299/expansion-greek-container-terminal> (accessed 6 December 2013).

32. ‘Top 100 container ports 2013’, Containerization International, 2013, p. 4, <http://europe.nxtbook.com/nxteu/informa/ci_top100ports2013/#/6> (accessed 3 February 2014).

33. In return, Cosco would no longer have to pay the fees to the Piraeus Port Authority that had originally been agreed upon in 2009 until Greece’s GDP returns to the level it was before the start of the financial crisis. The European Commission in 2012 started an investigation concerning possible unlawful state aid. Port Technology, ‘Piraeus privatization moves closer with COSCO investment’, 3 September 2013, <http://www.porttechnology.org/news/piraeus_privatisation_moves_closer_with_cosco_investment> (accessed 30 November 2013); David Glass, ‘Piraeus privatization and the Cosco Pacific expansion deal’, 3 September 2013, <http://www.seatrade-global.com/news/asia/piraeus-privatisation-and-the-cosco-pacific-expansion-deal.html> (accessed 3 December 2013).

34. Cosco Pacific holds its 50 per cent share in PCDC through its subsidiary Cosco Ports (Greece) Sarl. The other 50 per cent of PCD is owned by Elgeka through its 50.01 per cent subsidiary Diakinisis Port (CY) Ltd; see Elgeka website, <http://www.elgeka.gr/page/default.asp?la=2&id=1887 and http://english.capital.gr/news.asp?id=1238219>, Capital.gr, 13 July 2011 (accessed 20 August 2013).

35. Interview with B. Wiegmans, Senior Researcher, TU Delft, Delft, 10 September 2013.

36. Interview with F. Voumvaki, Economist and Research Analyst, National Bank of Greece, Athens, 10 April 2013.

37. See ‘Piraeus container terminal to remain successful despite upcoming launch of Turkey’s Asyaport’, News Shipping, 16 September 2013, <http://shipping.seenews.com/news/piraeus-container-terminal-to-remain-successful-despite-upcoming-launch-of-turkeys-asyaport-378099> (accessed 3 December 2013); and Keith Wallis, ‘Expansion at Greek container terminal’, 18 May 2012, <http://www.scmp.com/article/1001299/expansion-greek-container-terminal> (accessed 3 December 2013). Evergreen previously used the terminal at Taranto, Italy, which it partly owns, and may decide to shift back to that port.

38. The Secretariat General of Communication, ‘Cultural review of 40 years of diplomatic relations’, June 2012, <http://www.minpress.gr/minpress/cultural_review_40_years_of_diplomatic_relations_june_2012-2.pdf> (accessed 1 October 2013).

39. Alain Salles, ‘Can A Chinese shipping conglomerate save Greece’s biggest port?’, Worldcrunch, 4 January 2013, <http://www.worldcrunch.com/business-finance/can-a-chinese-shipping-conglomerate-save-greece-039-s-biggest-port-/piraeus-athens-port-harbor-cosco-china-fret-cargo-crisis-chinese-economy-suez-canal-mediterranean-sea-strikes/c2s10544/#.Upp3dPJgV9A> (accessed 1 December 2013). Only seven regular employees are Chinese. See Pierre Rimbert, ‘The future of Greece and Europe: China lands in Greece’, Le Monde Diplomatique, 1 February 2013.

40. Rimbert, op. cit.

42. ANAmpa, ‘PM hails Cosco–HP–Trainose agreement as vote of confidence’, 1 March 2013, <http://www.amna.gr/english/ articleview.php?id=2478> (accessed 30 November 2013).

43. See <http://www.slideshare.net/jmceunipi/pythagoras-papadimitriouport-of-piraeuscreating-a-greek-transit-center> (accessed 27 September 2013). Interview with R. Kleijwegt, Director of Logistics Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), Hewlett-Packard, by telephone, 11 September 2013.

44. ‘China’s Giant Huawei invests in Greece’s Piraeus port’, MarineLink.com, 13 December 2013, <http://www.marinelink.com/news/invests-greeces-piraeus361990.aspx> (accessed 18 December 2013).

45. E. Tsiliopoulos, ‘Samsung Interested in Piraeus as a Hub’, NewGreekTV.com, 29 January 2014, <http://www.newgreektv.com/index.php/greece/item/3061-samsung-interested-in-piraeus-as-a-hub> (accessed 2 February 2014).

46. Lennane, op. cit.

47. Lennane, op. cit.

48. ‘VAT exemption for big firms using Greece as transit hub’, Ekathimerini, 28 February 2013, <http://www.ekathimerini.com/4dcgi/_w_articles_wsite2_1_28/02/2013_485155> (accessed 1 March 2013).

49. Daniel Stroe, ‘Romania says high-speed train project ready by the end of the year’, Independent Balkan News Agency, 20 January 2014, <http://www.balkaneu.com/romania-high-speed-train-project-ready-year/> (accessed 26 October 2014).

50. ‘China invites Bulgaria to join high-speed Asia-Europe rail with Turkey’, Novinite.com, 28 October 2010, <http://www.novinite.com/articles/121602/China+Invites+Bulgaria+to+Join+High-Speed+Asia-Europe+Rail+with+Turkey> (accessed 1October 2015).

51. ‘Greek Government plans to privatize 12 ports and 29 airports’, Happensi Greece.com, 20 December 2011, <http://www.happensingreece.com/greek-government-plans-to-privatize-12-ports-and-29-airports/> (accessed 29 August 2013).

52. Cosco is also interested in the port of Thessaloniki; interview with F. Voumvaki.

53. ‘The Piraeus Port Authority (OLP) privatization’, NortonRoseFulbright.com, March 2014, <http://www.nortonrosefulbright.com/knowledge/publications/113743/the-piraeus-port-authority-olp-privatization> (accessed 24 October 2014).

54. Frans Paul van der Putten and Minke Meijnders, ‘China, Europe and the Maritime Silk Road’, Clingendael report, The Hague, March 2015, p. 35, <http://www.clingendael.nl/publication/china-europe-and-maritime-silk-road?lang=nl> (accessed 1 October 2015).

55. Kareem Fahim, ‘Egypt has ambition plan for Suez Canal expansion’, NYTimes.com, 6 August 2014, <http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/06/world/middleeast/egypt-has-ambitious-plan-for-suez-canal-expansion.html?_r=0> (accessed 24 October 2014).

56. ‘Dutch dredging firms win new Suez Canal mega contracts’, DutchNews.nl, 20 October 2014, <http://www.dutchnews.nl/news/archives/2014/10/boskalis_wins_suez_canal_mega-.php> (accessed 24 October 2014).

57. Jon Emont, ‘Will Bibi’s Chinese choo-choo train save Israel and transform the Middle East?’, Tablet, 16 June 2014, <http://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-news-and-politics/175373/red-med-link-china-israel?print=1> (accessed 24 October 2014).

58. Van der Putten and Meijders, op. cit., p. 15.

59. Cai Xiao and Zhao Yinan, ‘More talks “needed on high-speed raillink”’, ChinaDailyAsia.com, 5 July 2014, <http://www.chinadailyasia.com/nation/2014-07/05/content_15146780.html> (accessed 25 October 2014).

60. Lucas Lopez, ‘Infographic: China’s high speed rail vision’, SCMP.com, 1 October 2014, <http://www.scmp.com/infographics/article/1605236/infographic-chinas-high-speed-rail-vision> (accessed 25 October 2014).

61. Micha’el Tanchum, ‘Trilateral summit signals Turkey’s increasing role in South Caucasus collective security’, The Turkey Analyst, 28 May 2014, <http://www.turkeyanalyst.org/publications/turkey-analyst-articles/item/111-trilateral-summit-signals-turkeys-increasing-role-in-south-caucasus-collective-security.html> (accessed 25 October 2014).

62. John C.K. Daly, ‘Waiting for the “iron silk road” railway’, Silk Road Reporters, 28 May 2014, <http://www.silkroadreporters.com/2014/05/28/waiting-iron-silk-road-railway/> (accessed 25 October 2014).

63. ‘Turkey expects China’s investment in high speed railway project’, ShanghaiDaily.com, 3 April 2014, <http://www.shanghaidaily.com/article/article_xinhua.aspx?id=210280> (accessed 25 Oct.ober 2014).

64. Amy Qin, ‘China exports high-speed rail technology to Turkey’, NYTimes.com, 28 July 2014, <http://sinosphere.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/07/28/china-exports-high-speed-rail-technology-to-turkey/?php=true&_type=blogs&_r=0> and ‘Railway project speeds up China-Turkey economic ties’, English.People.cn, 28 July 2014, <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/n/2014/0728/c90883-8761370.html> (accessed 25 October 2014).

65. The China Railway Construction Corporation and the China National Machinery Import and Export Corporation, and Cengiz Construction and Ibrahim Cecen Ictas Construction respectively.

66. Vincent Wee, ‘Cosco Pacific in jv to buy into Turkey’s Kumport Terminal’, Seatrade Maritime News, 17 September 2015, <http://www.seatrade-maritime.com/news/asia/cosco-pacific-in-jv-to-buy-into-turkeys-kumport-terminal.html> (accessed 2 October 2015).

67. John C.K. Daly, ‘Was Russia’s Crimea annexation a move against China?’, Silk Road Reporters, 13 May 2014, <http://www.silkroadreporters.com/2014/05/13/russias-crimea-annexation-move-china/> (accessed 2 October 2015)

68. Wendy Laursen, ‘Georgia looks to China for port and trade’, Maritime Executive, 16 September 2015, <http://www.maritime-executive.com/article/georgia-looks-to-china-for-port-and-trade> (accessed 2 October 2015).

69. Andrew S. Erickson, ‘Learning by doing: PLAN operational innovations in the Gulf of Aden’, China Brief, 13(21), Jamestown Foundation, 24 October 2013, <http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=41527&tx_ttnews%5BbackPid%5D=25&cHash=232dd167e7c52b179c0c3092f9810171> (accessed 6 December 2013); and Susanne Kamerling and Frans Paul van der Putten, ‘An overseas naval presence without overseas bases: China’s counter-piracy operation in the Gulf of Aden’, Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 40 (4), pp. 119–146, <http://www.clingendael.nl/sites/default/files/Overseas%20naval%20presence%20without%20overseas%20bases.pdf> (accessed 4 February 2014).

70. Peter Apps, ‘China, Russia, raise Mediterranean naval focus’, Reuters.com, 24 January 2013, <http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/01/24/us-mediterranean-powers-idUSBRE90N0F920130124>; and Jonathan Holslag, ‘Naval visits accustom Mediterranean to new role’, Global Times, 1 August 2012, <http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/724645.shtml> (accessed 6 December 2013).

71. Andrew S. Erickson and Austin M. Strange, ‘China and the far seas’, The Diplomat, 10 January 2014, <http://thediplomat.com/2014/01/china-and-the-far-seas/1/> (accessed 28 January 2014).

72. Bill Collier, ‘Chinese naval base in the Mediterranean Sea?’, Freedomist.com, 17 July 2014, <http://freedomist.com/chinese-naval-base-in-the-mediterranean-sea/> (accessed 26 October 2014).

73. China Precision Machinery Import-Export Corp (CPMIEC).

74. Burak Ege Bedkil, ‘Allies intensify pressure on Turkey over China missile deal’, DefenseNews.com, 25 February 2014, <http://www.defensenews.com/article/20140225/DEFREG01/302250026/Allies-Intensify-Pressure-Turkey-Over-China-Missile-Deal> (accessed 2 November 2014).

75. Burak Ege Bedkil, ‘Turkey distancing itself from Chinese air defense system’, DefenseNews.com, 6 September 2014, <http://www.defensenews.com/article/20140906/DEFREG01/309060025/Turkey-Distancing-Itself-From-Chinese-Air-Defense-System> (accessed 2 November 2014).

76. Geert De Clercq, Charlie Zhu and Stephen Jewkes, ‘China State Grid quietly builds Mediterranean power network’, Reuters.com, 10 August 2014, <http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/08/10/utilities-mediterranean-china-idUKL6N0QB5NF20140810> (accessed 26 October 2014).

77. Elias Hazou, ‘China oil in talks to buy part of Aphrodite field’, Cyprus Mail, 19 June 2014, <http://cyprus-mail.com/2014/06/19/china-oil-in-talks-to-buy-part-of-aphrodite-field/> (accessed 26 October 2014).

78. US Energy Information Administration, ‘Eastern Mediterranean natural gas exploration focused on the Levant basin’, EIA.gov, 20 August 2013, <http://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.cfm?id=12611> (accessed 31 October 2014).

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