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Clinical Research

A social interaction model for war traumatization Self-processes and postwar recovery in Bosnia in subjects with PTSD and other psychological disorders

Un modelo de interacción social para sujetos que han sufrido traumas de guerra La ímagen de sí mismo y el proceso de recuperación en sujetos con trastorno de estrés postraumático y otros trastornos psicológicos con posterioridad a la guerra de Bosnia

Un modèle d'interaction sociale pour les traumatismes de guerre Image de soi et processus d'adaptation chez des sujets ayant développé un état de stress post-traumatique et d'autres troubles psychologiques en rapport avec la guerre en Bosnie

Pages 71-81 | Published online: 01 Apr 2022

Figures & data

table I War-related traumatic experience (WRTE) and postwar-related stress (PWRS) in children.

Table II Depression and losses in children. WRTE, war-related traumatic experience; PWRS, postwar-related stress.

Table III War events and displacements.

Table IV Vicarious traumatization and losses.

Figure 1. Level of symptoms for each of the nine types of symptoms by group, including comparison with a norma! German population, a group of psychiatric German inpatients, and three samples of Sarajevo stayers from 1998 (medical treatment, psychological treatment, and random sample).
Figure 1. Level of symptoms for each of the nine types of symptoms by group, including comparison with a norma! German population, a group of psychiatric German inpatients, and three samples of Sarajevo stayers from 1998 (medical treatment, psychological treatment, and random sample).
Figure 2. Alternative view of the general symptom profile of the groups in Figure 1.
Figure 2. Alternative view of the general symptom profile of the groups in Figure 1.
Figure 3. Percentage of respondents with the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by group.
Figure 3. Percentage of respondents with the diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by group.
Figure 4. Average symptom scores of trainees before and after training sessions during the war in Bosnia (October 1994).
Figure 4. Average symptom scores of trainees before and after training sessions during the war in Bosnia (October 1994).
Figure 5. Average symptom scores of trainees before and after training sessions during the war in Bosnia (September 1995).
Figure 5. Average symptom scores of trainees before and after training sessions during the war in Bosnia (September 1995).