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Original Article

Domination in Cayley graphs: A surveyFootnote

Pages 27-40 | Received 01 May 2017, Accepted 22 Nov 2017, Published online: 10 Jun 2020


Let Ω be a symmetric generating set of a finite group Γ. Assume that (Γ,Ω) be such that Γ=Ω and Ω satisfies the two conditions C1: the identity element eΩ and C2: if aΩ, then a1Ω. Given (Γ,Ω) satisfying C1 and C2, define a Cayley graph G=Cay(Γ,Ω) with V(G)=Γ and E(G)= (x,y)a x,yΓ,aΩandy=xa . When Γ=Zn=Ω, it is called as circulant graph and denoted by Cir(n,Ω). In this paper, we give a survey about the results on dominating sets in Cayley graphs and circulant graphs.

1 Introduction

The concept of Cayley graph plays a vital role in dealing with certain optimization problems, especially routing problems in interconnection networks of a parallel computer. Parallel processing and super computing continue to exert great influence in the development of modern science and engineering. The network comprising of processors plays a vital role in facilitating the communication between processors in a computer system. Some of the popular interconnection schemes are rings, torus and hypercubes. Their popularity stems from the commercial availability of machines with these architectures. These three families of graphs – rings, torus and hypercube – share a common property of being a Cayley graph. Many important problems in networks have been modeled by Cayley graphs. Since Cayley graphs have the property of vertex transitivity, it is possible to implement routing and communication schemes at each node of the network. One of the principal issues concerning routing problems is identification of perfect dominating sets in Cayley graphs. This will help in identifying optimal substructures in order to facilitate the communication between processors.

Cayley graph is a discrete structure created out of groups, more specifically from a finite group Γ and its generating set Ω. A non-empty subset ΩΓ is called a generating set for Γ, denoted by Γ=Ω, if every element of Γ can be expressed as a product of elements in Ω. For a generating set Ω of Γ, we assume that

C1: The identity element eΩ and C2: If aΩ, then a1Ω.

The concept of domination in graphs appears as a natural model for facility location problems, and has many applications in design and analysis of communication networks, network routing and coding theory, among others [Citation1]. Another application of dominating sets is broadcasting in wormhole-routed networks. Dominating sets have many uses in design theory and efficient use in computer networks. They can be used to decide the placement of limited resources so that every node has access to the resources locally or through a neighboring node. A minimum dominating set provides this access to resources at minimum cost. The most efficient solution is one that avoids duplication of access to the resources. This more restricted version of minimum dominating set is called an independent perfect or efficient dominating set. For basic definitions and results concerning domination in graphs, one can refer to [Citation1]. In this paper, we make a survey of results connecting the domination in Cayley graphs, domination, connected domination, total domination and efficient domination on circulant graphs. Finally, we present results connecting subgroups of a group as efficient dominating sets in the corresponding Cayley graphs.

2 Domination in Cayley graphs

Even though Cayley graphs are extensively dealt in various literature, only few authors have worked on domination in Cayley graphs. To understand the concept of domination for Cayley graphs, one can refer to [2–6Citation[2]Citation[3]Citation[4]Citation[5]Citation[6]]. Lee [Citation6] has studied the efficient dominating sets in Cayley graphs using covering projections. He obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an efficient dominating set in a Cayley graph. As an application, he classified the hypercubes which admit efficient dominating sets. In this section, we present results related to domination in Cayley graphs.

Lemma 2.1

[Citation6, Lemma 1]


Let S1 and S2 be two independent perfect dominating sets of a graph G. Then S1 = S2 .


Let S1,,Sn be n independent perfect dominating sets of a graph G which are pairwise mutually disjoint. Then the subgraph H induced by S1Sn is an m-fold covering graph of the complete graph Kn, where m= Si for each i=1,2,,n.

Lemma 2.2

[Citation6, Lemma 2]

Let p:G˜G be a covering and let S be a perfect dominating set of G. Then p1(S) is a perfect dominating set of G˜. Moreover, if S is independent, then p1(S) is independent.

Theorem 2.3

[Citation6, Theorem 1]

Let G be a graph and let n be a natural number. Then G is a covering of the complete graph Kn if and only if G has a vertex partition S1,,Sn such that Si is an independent perfect dominating set for each i=1,2,,n.

Lemma 2.4

[Citation6, Lemma 3]

Let X= x1,,xn be a symmetric generating set for a group A and let S be an independent perfect dominating set of the Cayley graph Cay(A,X). Then


for each i=1,2,,n, xiS is an independent perfect dominating set of Cay(A,X), and


S,Sx1,,Sxn forms a vertex partition of Cay(A,X).

For a subset S of a group A, define S0=S 0 , where 0 is the identity element in A.

Theorem 2.5

[Citation6, Theorem 2]

Let X= x1,,xn be a symmetric generating set for a group A and let S be a normal subset of A. Then the following are equivalent.


S is an independent perfect dominating set of Cay(A,X).


There exists a covering p:Cay(A,X)K X +1 such that p1(v)=S for some vV(K X +1).


S = A X +1 and S[S+((X+X) 0 )]=.

Theorem 2.6

[Citation6, Corollary 2]

Let X= x1,,xn be a symmetric generating set for a group A and let S be a normal subgroup of A. Then the following are equivalent.


S is an independent perfect dominating set of Cay(A,X).


Cay(A,X) is an S-covering graph of the graph K X +1.


AS = X +1 and S(X+X)= 0 .

Theorem 2.7

[Citation6, Theorem 3]

Let n be a natural number. Then the following are equivalent.


The hypercube Qn has an independent perfect dominating set.


n=2m1 for a natural number m.


The hypercube Qn is a regular covering of the complete graph Kn+1.

Italo J. Dejter and Oriol Serra [Citation2] gave a constructing tool to produce E-chains of Cayley graphs. This tool is used to construct infinite families of E-chains of Cayley graphs on symmetric groups.

Lemma 2.8

[Citation2, Lemma 1]

Let A be a generating set of a finite group G such that s2=1 for each sA. Let uA be such that Au=A u generates a proper subgroup H of G of index A +1 in G. If U=HuHu is an E-set in Cay(H,Au), then the open neighborhood N(H) of H is an E-set in Cay(G,A). Moreover, there are inclusive maps ς(j) such that ς(j)(U),j=1,, A is a partition of the E-set N(H).

Further, Italo J. Dejter [Citation5] obtained a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an efficient open dominating set (1-perfect code) in Cartesian product of two cycles.

Theorem 2.9

[Citation5, Theorem 7]

There exists a toroidal graph Cm×Cn having a 1-perfect code partition if and only if m and n are multiples of 5.

Hamed Hatami and Pooya Hatami [Citation3] characterized the structure of perfect dominating sets in the simplest case Cay(Z2n+1n;U) where 2n+1 is a prime, U= ±e1,,±en is the set of generators of Z2n+1n and ei=(0,,1,,0) is the unit vector with 1 at the ith coordinate.

Theorem 2.10

[Citation3, Theorem 1]

Let 2n+1 be a prime and SCay(Z2n+1n,U) be a perfect dominating set. Then for every (x1,,xn)Z2n+1n and every i 1,,n , S(y1,,yn):yj=xjji =1.

Circulant graphs are Cayley graphs on the simplest of groups and thus may provide direction into Cayley graphs on other groups, particularly finite groups. Any finite vertex-transitive graph of prime order is a circulant graph and hence the study of vertex transitive graphs can gain from the study of circulant graphs. Nenad Obradovič, Joseph Peters, and Ružić [Citation7] studied the efficient domination in circulant graphs with two chord lengths. They have obtained necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an efficient dominating set in circulant graphs of degree 3 and 4. The following are some of the important results concerning domination in circulant graphs.

Theorem 2.11

[Citation7, Theorem 1]

Let G=Cir(n,S= s1,s2 ) be a connected 4-regular circulant graph. G admits efficient domination if and only if n=5.i,iN and s1±s2 0(mod5) and s1,s20(mod5).

Theorem 2.12

[Citation7, Theorem 2]

Let G=Cir(n,S= s1,s2(=n2) ) be a connected 3-regular circulant graph. G admits efficient domination if and only if n=8j+4 for some jN.

Jia Huang and Jun-Ming Xu [Citation4] have studied the relationship between the bondage number and the efficient dominating sets of vertex-transitive graphs. Further, they have proved that some Harary graphs admit efficient dominating sets. Let k<n. The Harary graph Hk,n is a graph of order n and connectivity k with minimum number of edges. Let s=k2 when k is even and s=k12 when k is odd. If k is even and A= 1,2,,s,ns,n(s1),,n1 , then the corresponding circulant graph Cir(n,A) is denoted by Hk,n0 [Citation4]. Similarly if k is odd, n is even and A= 1,2,,s,n2,ns,n(s1),,n1 , then Cir(n,A) is denoted by Hk,n1 [Citation4].

Lemma 2.13

[Citation4, Lemma 4.5]


Lemma 2.14

[Citation4, Lemma 4.7]

Let G=Hk,n1. Then G has an efficient dominating set if and only if n=(k+1)p for an odd p, and all efficient dominating sets in G have the form Di= vV(G):vi(modk+1) .

Lemma 2.15

[Citation4, Lemma 4.3]

Let G=Cir(n; 1,s ) with sn2. Then n5γ(G)n3, and G has an efficient dominating set if and only if 5 n and s±2(mod5). In addition, all efficient dominating sets in G have the form Di= vV(G):vi(mod5) .

Tamizh Chelvam and Mutharasu [Citation8] characterized some classes of circulant Harary graphs which admit efficient dominating sets and the same are presented below.

Lemma 2.16

[Citation8, Lemma 9]

If 3s+1 divides n, then γt(Hk,n0)=2n3s+1.

Theorem 2.17

[Citation8, Theorem 10]

The graph Hk,n0 has an efficient open dominating set if and only if k=2 and 4 divides n.

Lemma 2.18

[Citation8, Lemma 11]

If 4s+2 divides n, then γt(Hk,n1)=2n4s+2.

Theorem 2.19

[Citation8, Theorem 12]

The graph Hk,n1 has an efficient open dominating set if and only if 4s+2 divides n.

A different approach was made by Young Soo Kwon and Jaeun Lee [Citation9] in dealing the perfect dominating sets in Cayley graphs. They show that if a Cayley graph Cay(A,X) has a perfect dominating set S which is a normal subgroup of A and whose induced subgraph is F, then there exists an F-bundle projection p:Cay(A,X)Km for some positive integer m. As an application, they studied perfect dominating sets in the hypercube Qn. It is known that Qn is isomorphic to the Cayley graph Cay(Z2n,X), where X= e1,e2,,en .

Theorem 2.20

[Citation9, Theorem 7]

Let X= x1,,xn be a symmetric generating set for a group A and let S be a normal subgroup of A. Let SX= x,x+1,,xn and let B be the subgroup generated by SX. Let F= SB Cay(B,SX) be the disjoint union of SB copies of the Cayley graph Cay(B,SX). Now the following are equivalent.


S is an F-perfect dominating set of Cay(A,X).


There exists an F-bundle projection p:Cay(A,X)K such that p1(v)=S, where K is the complete graph on vertices v1,v2,,v.


AS = and S(X1)2= 1 , where 1 is the identity and X1= x1,x2,,x1 , and A2= aa a,aA for any subset A of A.

Let A be an abelian group and let S be a subgroup of A. For any symmetric generating set X= x1,,xn of A, let SX= x,x+1,,xn . Let B be the subgroup generated by SX and let X¯=XB= x¯1,,x¯1 . Now X¯ is a symmetric generating set for the quotient group AB. The following corollary comes from Theorem 2.20.

Corollary 2.21

[Citation9, Corollary 8]

Let X= x1,,xn be a symmetric generating set for an abelian group A and let S be a subgroup of A. Then the following are equivalent.


SB is an efficient dominating set of Cay(AB,X¯).


There exists a regular covering projection p:Cay(AB,X¯)K such that p1(v)=SB.


(AB)(SB) = AS = and SBX¯2= 1¯ , where 1¯ is the identity of AB.

The following theorem gives several necessary and sufficient conditions for a hypercube Qn to have a perfect total dominating set.

Theorem 2.22

[Citation9, Theorem 11]

For a positive integer n, the following are equivalent.


The hypercube Qn has a perfect total dominating set.


n=2m for a positive integer m.


The hypercube Qn is a 2nlog2n1K2-bundle over the complete graph Kn.


The hypercube Qn is a covering of the complete bipartite graph Kn,n.

Corollary 2.23

[Citation9, Corollary 12]

Let m and n be two positive integers such that nm+1 is a power of 2. Then the hypercube Qn is a 2nmlog2(nm+1) Qm-bundle over the complete graph Knm+1 and hence has a 2nmlog2(nm+1) Qm- perfect dominating set.

3 Efficient open domination in Cayley graphs

In this section, we present results in connection with bipartite Cayley graphs which admit efficient open dominating sets.

Lemma 3.1

[Citation8, Lemma 4]

Let X=x1,x2,,xn be a generating set of a group Γ and S be an efficient open dominating set of G=Cay(Γ,X). Then we have the following:


For each i with 1in, xiS is an efficient open dominating set in G.


Sx1,Sx2,,Sxn is a vertex partition of G.

Lemma 3.2

[Citation8, Lemma 5]

Let S1,S2,,Sn be pairwise disjoint efficient open dominating sets of a graph G and G˜ be the subgraph of G, induced by S1S2Sn. Let m= S1 2. If G˜ is bipartite, then there exists a m-fold covering projection from G˜ onto Kn,n.

From Lemmas 3.1 and 3.2, we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.3

[Citation8, Corollary 1]

Let G=Cay(Γ,X) be a bipartite Cayley graph with X=x1,x2,,xn and let S be an efficient open dominating set of G. If xiS=Sxi for each i=1,,n, then there exists a covering projection f:GKn,n such that Sxi=f1(yi,zi) for 1in, where V(Kn,n)=(Y,Z) with Y=y1,y2,,yn and Z=z1,z2,,zn.

Lemma 3.4

[Citation8, Lemma 6]

Let f:G˜G be a covering projection and S be an efficient open dominating set in G. Then f1(S) is an efficient open dominating set in G˜.

Theorem 3.5

[Citation8, Theorem 7]

A graph G is a covering graph of Kn,n if and only if G is bipartite and has a vertex partition S1,S2,,Sn such that Si is an efficient open dominating set in G for 1in.

Theorem 3.6

[Citation8, Theorem 8]

Let G=Cay(Γ,X) be a bipartite Cayley graph with X=x1,x2,,xn and let S be a normal subset of Γ (i.e., gS=Sg for all gΓ). Then the following are equivalent.


S is an efficient open dominating set of G.


There exists a covering projection f:GKn,n such that f1(yi,zi)=S for some 1in, where V(Kn,n)=(Y,Z) with Y=y1,y2,,yn and Z=z1,z2,,zn.


S = Γ n and S[S((XX)e)]=ϕ, where e is the identity of Γ.

Assume that k<n. Consider a graph of order n and connectivity k with minimum number of edges. If k is odd and n is even, let m=n21. If X= m(p1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(p1)) , then Gk,n denotes the circulant graph Cir(n,X).

Lemma 3.7

[Citation8, Lemma 13]


Theorem 3.8

[Citation8, Theorem 14]

The graph Gk,n has an efficient open dominating set if and only if k divides n.

A countable family of graphs G=Γ1Γ2ΓiΓi+1 is an E-chain if every Γi is an induced subgraph of Γi+1 and each Γi has an efficient dominating set Ci [Citation2]. Dejter et al. [Citation2] derived infinite families of E-chains in Cayley graphs constructed from symmetric groups. Using this, one can obtain an efficient dominating set for a Cayley graph of order (n+1)! from an efficient dominating set of a Cayley graph of order n!. The difference between n! and (n+1)! is large and one needs to find some tool to obtain efficient dominating sets in Cayley graphs of order t, where n!<t<(n+1)!. With this in mind, Tamizh Chelvam and Mutharasu [Citation8] constructed E-chains in circulant graphs using covering projections. Let n and p be positive integers with 1pn12. Let X=x1,x2,,xp,nxp,nxp1,,nx1Zn with gcd(x1,x2,,xp)=1. Note that X is a generating set of the group Zn.

Lemma 3.9

[Citation8, Lemma 15]

Let n,q2 and p1 be integers with 1pn12. Let X=x1,x2,,xp,nxp,nxp1,,nx1 and Y=x1,x2,,xp,nqxp,nqxp1,,nqx1. Then G˜=Cir(nq,Y) is a covering graph of G=Cir(n,X).

By Lemmas 2.2, 3.4 and 3.9, one can have the following theorem, which gives E-chains and EO-chains in circulant graphs.

Theorem 3.10

[Citation8, Theorem 16]

Let n,qi2 be integers for i=1,2, and S be an efficient open dominating set (or efficient dominating set) of Cir(n,X), where X=x1,x2,,xp,nxp,nxp1,,nx1. Suppose

Xi=x1,x2,,xp,nq1q2qixp,nq1q2qixp1,,nq1q2qix1 for i=1,2,. Then an EO-chain (or E-chain) for the graphs Cir(n,X), Cir(nq1,X1), Cir(nq1q2,X2),, is given by SS1S2S3, where S1,S2, are constructed as follows:


S1=fq11(S), where fq1:Cir(nq1,X1)Cir(n,X) is a covering projection and


Si=fqi1(Si1), where fqi:Cir(nq1q2qi,Xi)Cir(nq1q2qi1,Xi1) is a covering projection for each integer i2.

4 Domination in circulant graphs

Efficient dominating sets correspond to perfect 1-correcting codes in a network. It makes the study of dominating sets and efficient dominating sets in circulant graphs as an important one. To study about domination in circulant graphs, one may refer [Citation4,Citation7]. In [Citation4], Jia Huang and Jun-Ming Xu obtained the domination number for some classes of circulant graphs. Further, they identified some classes of circulant graphs which admits an efficient dominating set. In [Citation7], Nenad Obradovič, Joseph Peters, and Ružić studied the efficient dominating sets in circulant graphs with two chord lengths. In this section, we present results connecting domination, total domination, connected domination, perfect domination, independent domination and efficient domination numbers for some circulant graphs. The domination number depends on the elements in the generating set, and so it is very difficult to find an algorithm to obtain a γ-set for an arbitrary circulant graph. Finding the domination number for an arbitrary circulant graph is still an unsolved problem. Tamizh Chelvam, Rani and Mutharasu [Citation8Citation10Citation11Citation[12]Citation[13]Citation[14]Citation15] have obtained the domination number for some classes of circulant graphs. Further, they proved that the respective class of circulant graphs are 2-excellent. Unless otherwise specified, A stands for the generating set 1,2,,k,nk,n(k1),,n1 of Zn with 1kn12 and B stands for the generating set 1,3,,2k1,n(2k1),,n3,n1 with 1kn12 and (2k1)n(2k1) (to ensure that the elements of B are distinct). Tamizh Chelvam and Rani [Citation10] obtained the value of the domination number of Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . They identified a γ-set for Cir(n,A) and having identified a γ-set, they found certain other γ-sets in Cir(n,A) by using the inverse property of the underlying group. Among Cir(n,A), they characterized all 2-excellent circulant graphs. In [Citation11], they obtained γγ-minimum, domatic number, independent domatic number, perfect domatic number and an E-set in these classes of circulant graphs. Further, they identified some circulant graphs which are having the properties of γi-excellent, just excellent and domatically full.

Theorem 4.1

[Citation10, Theorem 2.1]

Let n(3) and k be positive integers such that 1kn12. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n2,n1 . Then γ(G)=n A +1.

Remark 4.2

[Citation10, Remark 2.5]

If n(3) is an even integer and A n2, then γ(Cir(n,A))=n A +1nn2+12nn+22. If n is odd and A n2, then γ(Cir(n,A))=n A +12.

Theorem 4.3

[Citation10, Theorem 2.9]

Let n(3) and k be positive integers such that 1kn12. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n2,n1 . Then the graph G=Cir(n,A) is excellent.

Theorem 4.4

[Citation10, Theorem 2.10]

Let n(3) and k be positive integers such that 1kn12. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n2,n1 . Suppose n=(2k+1)t+1 for some positive integer t, then G is 2-excellent.

Lemma 4.5

[Citation10, Lemma 2.7]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and =n A +1. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . If n=(2k+1)(1)+h, for some h with 1h2k, then D= 0,h,h+(2k+1),h+2(2k+1),,h+(2)(2k+1) is a γ-set for G.

Theorem 4.6

[Citation13, Theorem 2.5]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and =n2k+1. Let A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 and n=(1)(2k+1)+j with 1j2k. Then G=Cir(n,A) is 2-excellent if and only if j=1.

Lemma 4.7

[Citation16, Lemma 3.2.12]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then D+h is a γ-set for any positive integer h with 1hn1, whenever D is a γ-set of G.

Lemma 4.8

[Citation16, Lemma 3.2.13]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Suppose n=(2k+1)t+h for some positive integers t and h with 1h2k and =n A +1. Then D= 0,c+h,c+h+(2k+1),,c+h+(2)(2k+1) is a γ-set for G, where 1c2kh+1.

Lemma 4.9

[Citation16, Lemma 3.2.14]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . If 2k+1 divides n, then G is just excellent.

Lemma 4.10

[Citation16, Lemma 3.2.15]

Let n(3) be an even integer and k be such that 1kn12. Suppose D is a γ-set for G1=Cir(n,A1), where A1= 1,,k,nk,,n1 . Then D is a dominating set for G2=Cir(n,A2), where A2= 1,,k,nk,,n1,n2 .

The results given below identify independent and perfect domination numbers of Cir(n,A).

Theorem 4.11

[Citation11, Theorem 2.1]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and 2k+1 divides n. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then i(G)=γp(G)=n2k+1.

The above theorem gives a tool to identify an E- set in Cir(n,A) and the same provided by the corollary given below.

Corollary 4.12

[Citation11, Corollary 2.2]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and 2k+1 divides n. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 and D= 0,(2k+1),2(2k+1),,(n2k+11)(2k+1) . Then for each h with 1h2k, we have D+h is both an independent and perfect dominating set of G.

Corollary 4.13

[Citation11, Corollary 2.3]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and 2k+1 divides n. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then di(G)=dp(G)=2k+1.

Remark 4.14

[Citation11, Remark 2.4]

For any vertex v of G=Cir(n,A), N[v] = A +1. In view of Lemma 4.5 and Theorem 4.11, G has an efficient dominating set only when 2k+1 divides n.

Corollary 4.15

[Citation16, Corollary 3.4.6]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and 2k+1 divides n. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then G is domatically full.

Theorem 4.16

[Citation11, Theorem 2.5]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and 2k+1 does not divide n. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then i(G)=n2k+1.

Theorem 4.17

[Citation11, Theorem 2.8]

Let n(3) and k be positive integers such that 1kn12. Then ii(G)=γi(G)=γγ(G)=2n2k+1, where G=Cir(n,A) and A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 .

Lemma 4.18

[Citation16, Lemma 3.4.12]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then G is γγminimum.

I. Rani [Citation16] obtained the values of domination and independent domination numbers for the class of circulant graphs Cir(n,B), where B= 1,3,,2k1,n(2k1),,n3,n1 with 1kn12 and (2k1)n(2k1).

Theorem 4.19

[Citation16, Theorem 3.3.1]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and (2k1)n(2k1). Let G=Cir(n,B), where B= 1,3,,2k1,n(2k1),,n3,n1 . If 2k+1 divides n, then γ(G)=n2k+1.

Theorem 4.20

[Citation16, Theorem 3.4.13]

Let n(3) and k be integers such that 1kn12 and (2k1)n(2k1). Let G=Cir(n,B), where B= 1,3,,2k1,n(2k1),,n3,n1 . If 2k+1 divides n, then i(G)=γp(G)=n2k+1.

Note that the set D identified in Theorem 4.20 is an E-set in Cir(n,B).

5 Connected domination in circulants

In this section, we present results concerning the total, connected and restrained domination parameters for Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 .

Theorem 5.1

[Citation12, Theorem 2.1]

Suppose n(3) and k are integers with 1kn12. Assume that n=(t1)(3k+1)+h for some h with 1hk and t=n3k+1. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then γt(G)=2n3k+11.

Theorem 5.2

[Citation12, Theorem 2.2]

Let n(3), k be integers such that 1kn12 and 3k+1 divides n. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then γt(G)=2n3k+1.

Theorem 5.3

[Citation12, Theorem 2.3]

Suppose n(3) and k are integers with 1kn12. Assume that n=(t1)(3k+1)+h for some h with k+1h3k and t=n3k+1. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then γt(G)=2n3k+1.

Theorem 5.4

[Citation12, Theorem 2.4]

Let n(3) be an even integer and k be an integer such that 1kn22. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1,n2 . If 4k+2 does not divide n, then 2n4k+21γt(G)2n4k+2.

Lemma 5.5

[Citation12, Lemma 2.6]

Suppose n(3) and k are integers with 1kn12. Let A1= 1,n1 , A2= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then any γt-set of G1=Cir(n,A1), is a total dominating set of G2=Cir(n,A2).

We see the connected domination number of Cir(n,A) in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.6

[Citation12, Theorem 3.1]

Suppose n(3) and k are integers with 1kn12. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then γc(G)=n(2k+1)k+1.

Lemma 5.7

[Citation12, Lemma 3.2]

Let n(4) be an even integer and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,n1,n2 . Then γc(G)n21.

Theorem 5.8

[Citation12, Theorem 3.3]

Let n(4) be an even integer and k be an integer such that 1kn12. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1,n2 . Then γc(G)2n2(2k+1)2k+2.

Lemma 5.9

[Citation12, Lemma 3.5]

Let n(4) be an even integer and k be an integer such that k=n24. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1,n2 . Then T= 0,n2 is both γt-set and γc-set of G.

We have the restrained domination number of Cir(n,A) in the following theorem.

Theorem 5.10

[Citation16, Theorem 4.4.1]

Suppose n,k are integers such that 2kn12 and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then γr(G)=n2k+1.

Theorem 5.11

[Citation16, Theorem 4.4.2]

Let n(3) be an integer and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,n1 . Suppose n=3t or 3t+1 for some positive integer t. Then γr(G)=n3.

Theorem 5.12

[Citation16, Theorem 4.4.3]

Let n(3) be an integer and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,n1 . Suppose n=3t+2 for some positive integer t. Then γr(G)=n3+1.

Theorem 5.13

[Citation16, Theorem 4.4.4]

Suppose n(3) and k are integers such that 1kn12 and G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 . Then 1γr(G)n3+1.

Theorem 5.14

[Citation16, Theorem 4.4.5]

Let n(3) be an even integer and k be an integer such that 1kn12. Let G1=Cir(n,A1), where A1= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 and G2=Cir(n,A2), where A2= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1,n2 . Any γr-set of G1 is a restrained dominating set of G2.

6 Domination in another class of circulants

In the previous section, we have presented results on domination parameters for the circulant graphs Cir(n,A), where A= 1,2,,k,nk,,n1 with 1kn2. This section focuses on the domination number, total domination number and connected domination number for circulant graphs with respect to the generating sets m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) when n is odd and m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) when n is even. Here, m and k are integers such that m=n12 and 1km.

Lemma 6.1

[Citation17, Lemma 3.2.1]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n2k+1 is odd, then γ(G)=n2k+1.

Corollary 6.2

[Citation17, Corollary 3.2.2]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 2k+1 divides n with 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then G has an efficient dominating set.

When n and n2k+1 are odd, it is proved that γ(G)=n2k+1. But it is not true in general when n2k+1 is even. The next lemma gives the value of the domination number when n2k+1 is even.

Lemma 6.3

[Citation17, Lemma 3.2.4]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) .


If =n2k+1 is even and mk=(21)(2k+1)+1, then γ(G)=n2k+1.


If =n2k+1 is even and mk=(21)(2k+1)+j, for some integer j with 2jk, then γ(G)n2k+1+1.

Using Lemmas 6.1 and 6.3, the following theorem is proved which gives lower and upper bounds for domination number.

Theorem 6.4

[Citation17, Theorem 3.2.5]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then n2k+1γ(G)n2k+1+1.

Lemma 6.5

[Citation17, Lemma 3.2.6]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n2k+2 is odd, then γ(G)=n2k+2.

Corollary 6.6

[Citation17, Corollary 3.2.7]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 2k+2 divides n with 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n2k+2 is odd, then G has an efficient dominating set.

Lemma 6.7

[Citation17, Lemma 3.2.8]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) .


If =n2k+2 is even and mk=(21)(2k+2)+1, then γ(G)=n2k+2.


If =n2k+2 is even and mk=(21)(2k+2)+j, for some integer j with 2jk+1, then γ(G)n2k+2+1.

Using Lemmas 6.5 and 6.7, the following result is arrived.

Theorem 6.8

[Citation17, Theorem 3.2.9]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then n2k+2γ(G)n2k+2+1.

7 Total and efficient open domination

In this section, we list the results on the total domination number and a corresponding minimum total dominating set for the class of circulant graphs Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) when n is odd and A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) when n is even. Note that certain circulant graphs in this class admit efficient open dominating sets.

Lemma 7.1

[Citation18, Lemma 2.1]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then γt(G)=n2k.

Corollary 7.2

[Citation17, Corollary 3.3.2]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 2k divides n with 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then G has an efficient open dominating set.

Lemma 7.3

[Citation18, Lemma 2.2]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then γt(G)=n2k+1.

Corollary 7.4

[Citation17, Corollary 3.3.5]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 2k+1 divides n with 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . Then G has an efficient open dominating set.

In Lemma 7.3, each interval (except I) contains exactly 2k+1 vertices and 1 I 2k+1. From this, one can find that the vertices 1,2,,(2k+1)j are dominated by both x(=m+k+2) and x+(1)(2k+1) and they are the only vertices dominated by two vertices in the γt-set Dt specified in Lemma 7.3.

Since the vertices of V(G) are group elements, Dt+y is a γt-set for all yV(G). This implies that G is total excellent. In particular, Dt=Dt+(nx)= 0,2k,2(2k),,(1)2k when n is odd and Dt=Dt+(nx)= 0,(2k+1),2(2k+1),,(1)(2k+1) when n is even, are also γt-sets of G=Cir(n,A) with respective to the generating sets A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) and A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) , respectively. Further, certain 2-total excellent circulant graphs are identified in the following results.

Lemma 7.5

[Citation18, Lemma 3.1]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n=t(2k)+1 for some integer t>0, then G is 2-total excellent.

Theorem 7.6

[Citation18, Theorem 3.2]

Let n(3) be an odd integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n=t(2k)+j for some integers t(>0) and j with 1j2k, then G is 2-total excellent if and only if j=1.

Lemma 7.7

[Citation18, Lemma 3.3]

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n=t(2k+1)+1 for some integer t(>0), then G is 2-total excellent.

Theorem 7.8

[Citation18, Theorem 3.4])

Let n(3) be an even integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= m(k1),,m1,m,n2,nm,n(m1),,n(m(k1)) . If n=t(2k+1)+j for some integers t(>0) and j with 1j2k+1, then G is 2-total excellent if and only if j=1.

8 Domination in general circulants

In this section, we concentrate on upper bounds for the domination number, total domination number and connected domination number of an arbitrary circulant graph. Further, it is proved that the upper bound is reachable in certain cases. In those cases, the domatic number and independent domatic number are also obtained. Throughout this section, the generating set A of Zn is taken as A= a1,a2,,ak,nak,nak1,,na1 , where 1a1<a2<<akm, d1=a1, di=aiai1 for 2ik and d=1ikmax di .

Lemma 8.1

[Citation14, Lemma 2.1]

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= a1,a2,,ak,nak,nak1,,na1 . If d1=a1, di=aiai1 for 2ik and d=1ikmax di , then γ(G)dnd+2ak.

By taking d1=d2==dk=d, the following corollary is proved.

Corollary 8.2

[Citation17, Corollary 4.1.2]

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12and k,d be integers such that 1kdm. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . Then γ(G)dnd(1+2k).

Theorem 8.3

[Citation14, Theorem 2.3])

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12and k,d be integers such that 1kdm. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . If d(1+2k) divides n, then γ(G)=n1+2k. In this case, G has an efficient dominating set.

Lemma 8.4

[Citation14, Lemma 2.4]

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12and k,d be integers such that 1kdm. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . Suppose d(1+2k) divides n, then d(G)=di(G)=dp(G)=2k+1.

Lemma 8.5

[Citation14, Lemma 2.2]

Let n(3) be an integer, k,d be integers such that 1kdm=n12and =nd+2kd. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . Suppose n=(d+2kd)+j for some integer j with 1jd(1+2k). Then


γ(G)d(1)+j if 1jd1.


γ(G)d otherwise.

The results given below identify an upper bound for the total domination number and the connected domination number for a general circulant graph.

Theorem 8.6

[Citation14, Theorem 3.1]

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12 and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= a1,a2,,ak,nak,nak1,,na1 . If d1=a1, di=aiai1 for 2ik and d=1ikmax di , then γt(G)2dnd+3ak.

Corollary 8.7

[Citation17, Corollary 4.2.2]

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12and k,d be integers such that 1kdm. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . Then γt(G)2dnd(1+3k).

In the above corollary, if d=1, then we have γt(G)2n1+3k. Since Δ(G)=2k and from the nature of elements in A, any two adjacent vertices can dominate at most 3k+1 different vertices of G. Thus, γt(G)2n1+3k and so γt(G)=2n1+3k.

Lemma 8.8

[Citation14, Lemma 3.2]

Let (n3) be an integer, m=n12and k,d be integers such that 1kdm. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . Suppose n=(d+3kd)+j for some 1jd+3kd, where =nd+3kd, then


γt(G)2d(1)+j, if 1jd1;


γt(G)2d, otherwise.

Lemma 8.9

[Citation14, Lemma 3.3]

Let (n3) be an integer, m=n12and k,d be integers such that 1kdm. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= d,2d,,kd,nkd,n(k1)d,,nd . Suppose d(1+3k) divides n, then γt(G)=2n1+3k.

Lemma 8.10

[Citation14, Lemma 3.5]

Let n(3) be an integer, m=n12and k be an integer such that 1km. Let G=Cir(n,A), where A= 1,a2,,ak,nak,nak1,,na2,n1 . If d1=1, di=aiai1 for 2ik and d=1ikmax di , then γc(G)d(1+n(d+2ak)ak).

9 Efficient dominating sets in circulant graphs of large degree

In this section, results about wreath products of circulant graphs are presented and they identify infinitely many circulant graphs with efficient dominating sets whose elements need not be equally spaced in Zn. Kumar and MacGillivray [Citation19] proved that if a circulant graph of large degree has an efficient dominating set, then either its elements are equally spaced or the graph is the wreath product of a smaller circulant graph with an efficient dominating set and a complete graph.

The following statement about wreath products of circulant graphs was proved by Broere and Hattingh [Citation20]. For dZn, the symbol d denotes the subgroup of Zn generated by d. The wreath product of two graphs G and H is denoted by GH.

Theorem 9.1

[Citation20, Proposition 27]

If G=Cir(n,S) and H=Cir(m,T) are circulant graphs, then GH is isomorphic to F=Cir(mn,nT(sSnZm+s)). Further, the subgraph of F induced by choosing one representative from each coset of n is isomorphic to G, and the subgraph of F induced by any coset of nis isomorphic to H.

Proposition 9.2

[Citation19, Proposition 3.2]

Let G be a graph without isolated vertices and H be a graph with at least one vertex. Then GH has an efficient dominating set if and only if G has an efficient dominating set and γ(H)=1.

Theorem 9.3

[Citation19, Theorem 3.3]

The graph G=Cir(mn,S) is isomorphic to the wreath product of a circulant graph on n vertices and Km if and only if S 0 is a union of cosets of n.

Corollary 9.4

[Citation19, Corollary 3.4]

Let F=Cir(mn,T) and suppose T 0 is a union of cosets of n. Let S be any set of representatives of the cosets n+t, tTn. Then F has an efficient dominating set if and only if G=Cir(n,T) has an efficient dominating set.

The largest possible values of the degree of an n-vertex circulant graph, which is not complete and which might have an efficient dominating set, are n21 and n31. These graphs have domination number two and three, respectively. The above ideas are used to completely describe their efficient dominating sets.

We call a circulant graph reducible if it is a wreath product of a smaller circulant graph and a complete graph with at least two vertices; otherwise, we call it irreducible. By Theorem 9.3, Cir(n,S) is reducible if and only if S 0 is a union of cosets of d for some divisor d of n with d>1.

Proposition 9.5

[Citation19, Proposition 4.1]

Suppose that the reducible circulant graph Cir(n,S) has an efficient dominating set. If d is the smallest positive integer such that S 0 is a union of cosets of d, then d divides n, m=nd divides S +1 and Cir(n,S) is the wreath product of an irreducible circulant graph and Km.

Theorem 9.6

[Citation19, Theorem 4.2]

Suppose S =k1 and G=Cir(2k,S) has an efficient dominating set, D. Then either S 0 is a union of cosets of a nontrivial proper subgroup of Z2k, or D is a coset of k.

Corollary 9.7

[Citation19, Corollary 4.3]

Suppose that G=Cir(2k,S), where S =k1, has an efficient dominating set.


If G is irreducible, then every efficient dominating set is equally spaced. In particular, 0,k is an efficient dominating set.


If G is reducible, then there exist integers n and m such that m2 and G is the wreath product of the irreducible circulant graph Cir(2n,T), where T =n1, and Km. Further, Cir(2n,T) has an efficient dominating set.

Theorem 9.8

[Citation19, Theorem 4.4]

Suppose S =k1 and G=Cir(3k,S) has an efficient dominating set, D. Then either S 0 is a union of cosets of a nontrivial proper subgroup of Z3k, or D is a coset of k.

Corollary 9.9

[Citation19, Corollary 4.5]

Suppose that G=Cir(3k,S), where S =k1, has an efficient dominating set.


If G is irreducible, then every efficient dominating set is equally spaced. In particular, 0,k,2k is an efficient dominating set.


If G is reducible, then there exist integers n and m such that m2 and G is the wreath product of the irreducible circulant graph Cir(3n,T), where T =n1, and Km. Further, Cir(3n,T) has an efficient dominating set.

10 Subgroups as efficient dominating sets

As circulant graphs are constructed from the group Zn, there is a relationship between the substructures of the group Zn and that of the corresponding graph Cir(n,A). Trivially, every efficient dominating set of Cir(n,A) is a subset of the group Zn and so there is a possibility for an efficient dominating set of Cir(n,A) to be a subgroup of Zn. With this in mind, a necessary and sufficient condition was obtained by Tamizh Chelvam and Mutharasu [Citation15] for a subgroup of Zn to be an efficient dominating set of Cir(n,A) for some suitable generating set A of Zn.

Lemma 10.1

[Citation15, Lemma 3.1]

Let H be a proper subgroup of Zn such that n= H (2k+1) for some integer k1. Then there exists a generating set A of Zn such that H is an efficient dominating set for the circulant graph G=Cir(n,A).

Corollary 10.2

[Citation15, Corollary 3.2]

Let H be a proper subgroup of Zn such that n= H (2k+1) for some integer k1. Then there exists a generating set A of Zn such that for every xΓ, the co-set H+x is an efficient dominating set for the circulant graph G=Cir(n,A).

Lemma 10.3

[Citation15, Lemma 3.3]

Let H be a proper subgroup of Zn such that H is odd and n= H (2k+2) for some integer k1. Then there exists a generating set A of Zn such that H is an efficient dominating set for the circulant graph G=Cir(n,A).

By the above lemma and the property of vertex transitivity on circulant graphs, the following corollary was obtained.

Corollary 10.4

[Citation15, Corollary 3.4]

Let H be a proper subgroup of Zn such that H is odd and n= H (2k+2) for some integer k1. Then there exists a generating set A of Zn such that for every xΓ, the co-set H+x is an efficient dominating set for the circulant graph G=Cir(n,A).

Theorem 10.5

[Citation15, Theorem 3.6]

Let H be a proper subgroup of Zn. Then H(as well as H+x for any xZn) is an efficient dominating set in G=Cir(n,A) for some suitable generating set A of Zn if and only if either of the following is true.


n= H (2k+1) for some integer k1;


n= H (2k+2) for some integer k1 and H is odd.


Peer review under responsibility of Kalasalingam University.


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