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Some properties of 2-absorbing primary ideals in latticesFootnote

Pages 18-26 | Received 11 May 2017, Accepted 11 Jan 2018, Published online: 10 Jun 2020


We introduce the concepts of a primary and a 2-absorbing primary ideal and the radical of an ideal in a lattice. We study some properties of these ideals. A characterization for the radical of an ideal to be a primary ideal is given. Also a characterization for an ideal I to be a 2-absorbing primary ideal is proved. Examples and counter examples are given wherever necessary.

1 Introduction

Badawi [Citation1] introduced the concept of a 2-absorbing ideal in a commutative ring. A proper ideal I of a commutative ring R is said to be a 2-absorbing ideal, if whenever a,b,cR, abcI, then either abI or acI or bcI. Payrovi and Babaei [Citation2] extended the concept of 2-absorbing ideals in commutative rings.

Badawi [Citation3] introduced 2-absorbing primary ideals in commutative rings. A proper ideal I of a commutative ring R is said to be a 2-absorbing primary ideal, if whenever a,b,cR, abcI, then either abI or acI or bcI. Mustafanasab and Darani [Citation4] extended the concepts of 2-absorbing primary and weakly 2-absorbing primary ideals in commutative rings.

Manjarekar and Bingi [Citation5] introduced 2-absorbing primary elements in multiplicative lattices. They defined, a proper element qL to be a 2-absorbing primary if for every a,b,cL,abcq implies either abq or bcq or caq.

Celikel et al. [Citation6,Citation7] introduced and studied ϕ-2-absorbing elements in multiplicative lattices. Let ϕ:LL be a function. A proper element q of L is said to be a ϕ-2-absorbing element of L if whenever a,b,cL with abcq and abcϕ(q) implies either abq or acq or bcq. Celikel et al. [Citation7] introduced ϕ-2-absorbing primary elements in multiplicative lattices as a generalization of ϕ-2-absorbing elements. Let ϕ:LL be a function. A proper element q of L is said to be a ϕ-2-absorbing primary element of L if whenever a,b,cL with abcq and abcϕ(q) implies either abq or acq or bcq.

Wasadikar and Gaikwad [Citation8] introduced the concept of a 2-absorbing ideal in a lattice. A proper ideal I of a lattice L is said to be a 2-absorbing ideal, if whenever a,b,cL, abcI, then either abI or acI or bcI.

In this paper we introduce the concepts of the radical of an ideal (denoted by I), the primary ideal and the 2-absorbing primary ideal in a lattice. It is shown that for an ideal I of a lattice L, I is a prime ideal of a lattice L if and only if I is a primary ideal of L. Similarly, it is shown that for an ideal I of a lattice L, I is a 2-absorbing ideal of a lattice L if and only if I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L. We prove that I1×L2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L=L1×L2 if and only if I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1, where I1 is a proper ideal of L1.

The undefined terms are from Gratzer [Citation9].

2 Preliminaries

We generalize the concepts of primary, 2-absorbing and 2-absorbing primary ideals from ring theory to lattices.

Definition 2.1

Let I be an ideal of a lattice L. We define the radical of I as the intersection of all prime ideals containing I and we denote it as I.

Remark 2.1

If there does not exist a prime ideal containing an ideal I in a lattice L then I=L.

Remark 2.2

In a distributive lattice L, an ideal I is the intersection of all prime ideals containing it see Gratzer [Citation9, p. 75] i.e. I=I.

However, this may or may not hold in a non distributive lattice.

Example 2.1

Consider the ideal I=(n] of the lattice shown in . The lattice is non distributive. We observe that I=I since I=(p](r]=(n].

short-legendFig. 1

The following example shows that II.

Example 2.2

Consider the ideal I=(l] of the lattice shown in . We observe that II since I=(q](r]=(o].

Definition 2.2

Let L be a lattice. A proper ideal I of L is called primary if a,bL and abI imply that either aI or bI.

Example 2.3

In the lattice L shown in , consider the ideal I=(m]. Then I=(p]. The ideal I is a primary ideal.

Consider the ideal I=(j] of a lattice shown in . Then I=(q](r]=(o]. The ideal I is not a primary ideal since fg=aI but neither fI nor gI. Also, neither fI nor gI.

Definition 2.3

Let L be a lattice. A proper ideal I of L is called 2-absorbing if for a,b,cL, abcI then either abI or acI or bcI.

Example 2.4

Consider the lattice L shown in . Here the ideal (n] is a 2-absorbing ideal.

Consider the ideal I=(b] of a lattice shown in . The ideal I is not a 2-absorbing ideal since ijl=0I but neither ij=aI nor il=eI nor jl=dI.

Definition 2.4

Let L be a lattice. A proper ideal I of L is called a 2-absorbing primary if for a,b,cL, abcI then either abI or acI or bcI.

Example 2.5

In the lattice shown in , the ideal (f] is a 2-absorbing primary.

Consider the lattice of divisors of 30. Let I=(0]. Then I=(6](10](15]=(0]. However, 61015=0I, but neither 610=2I nor 615=3I nor 1015=5I. Hence I is not a 2-absorbing primary ideal.

3 Some properties of 2-absorbing primary ideals

The proofs of Lemma 3.1Lemma 3.23.3 are obvious.

Lemma 3.1

If I is a prime ideal of a lattice L, then I is a primary ideal of L.

Remark 3.1

The following example shows that the converse of Lemma 3.1 does not hold.

Example 3.1

Consider the lattice L shown in . For the ideal I=(m], I=(p] as (p] is the only prime ideal of L containing I. I is a primary ideal. However kl=eI but neither kI nor lI. Thus I is not a prime ideal.

Lemma 3.2

If I is a primary ideal of a lattice L, then I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.

Remark 3.2

The following example shows that the converse of Lemma 3.2 does not hold.

Example 3.2

Consider the ideal I=(l] of the lattice shown in . Thus I=(q](r]=(o]. Here I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal. We note that gh=0I. However, neither gI nor hI. Also, neither gI nor hI. Hence I is not a primary ideal of L.

Lemma 3.3

If I is a 2-absorbing ideal of a lattice L, then I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.

Remark 3.3

The following example shows that the converse of Lemma 3.3 does not hold.

Example 3.3

Consider the ideal I=(0] of the lattice shown in . Thus I=(p](q](r]=(i]. Here I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal. However ijl=0I, but neither ij=aI nor il=eI nor jl=dI. Hence I is not a 2-absorbing ideal of L.

The following lemma is from Wasadikar and Gaikwad [Citation8].

Lemma 3.4

Let P1 and P2 be two distinct prime ideals of a lattice L, then P1P2 is a 2-absorbing ideal of L.

Definition 3.1

Let I be an ideal of a lattice L. We define I as a P-primary ideal of L if P is the only prime ideal containing I.

Example 3.4

In the lattice shown in , the ideal (m] is a P-primary ideal, where P=(p] is the only prime ideal containing (m].

The following result is an analog of [Citation3, Theorem 2.4 (2)].

Theorem 3.1

Let L be a lattice. Suppose that I1 is a P1-primary ideal of L for some prime ideal P1 of L and I2 is a P2-primary ideal of L for some prime ideal P2 of L. Then I1I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.


Let I=I1I2. Then I=P1P2. Now suppose that xyzI for some x,y,zL, xzI and yzI. Then x,y,zI=P1P2. By Lemma 3.4, I=P1P2 is a 2-absorbing ideal of L. Since xz,yzI, we have xyI.

We show that xyI. Since xyIP1, we may assume that xP1. As xI and xyIP2, we conclude that xP2 and yP2. Since yP2 and yI, we have yP1.

If xI1 and yI2, then xyI and we are done. We may assume that xI1. Since I1 is a P1-primary ideal and xI1, we have yzP1. Since yP2 and yzP1, we have yzI, which is a contradiction. Thus xI1.

Since I2 is a P2-primary ideal of L and if yI2 then xzP2. Since xP1 and xzP1, we have xzI, which is a contradiction. Thus yI2. Hence xyI. □

Theorem 3.2

Let I be a proper ideal of a lattice L such that I is a prime ideal of L. Then I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.


Suppose that abcI for some a,b,cL and abI.

(a) Suppose that abI. Since I is a prime ideal of L, cI and so acI and bcI.

(b) Suppose that abI. As I is a prime ideal, we have either aI or bI. Hence acI or bcI. Thus I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L. □

Remark 3.4

However, the converse of Theorem 3.2 need not hold.

Example 3.5

Consider the ideal I=(l] of the lattice shown in . Thus I=(q](r]=(o]. Here I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal. However, gh=0I, but neither gI nor hI. Thus I is not a prime ideal of L.

Theorem 3.3

Let I be an ideal of a lattice L. Then I is a prime ideal of L if and only if I is a primary ideal of L.


Suppose that I is a prime ideal of L. If abI then either aI or bI. As I=I, either aI or bI. Hence I is a primary ideal of L.

Conversely, suppose that I is a primary ideal of L. Let abI. As I is a primary ideal, either aI or bI=I. Thus I is a prime ideal of L. □

Similarly, we can prove the following characterization for 2-absorbing and 2-absorbing primary ideals of a lattice L.

Theorem 3.4

Let I be an ideal of a lattice L. Then I is a 2-absorbing ideal of L if and only if I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.

Theorem 3.5

Let I be a 2-absorbing primary ideal of a lattice L and suppose that xyJI for some x,yL and some ideal J of L. If xyI, then xJI or yJI.


Let xyI. Suppose that xJI and yJI. Then there exist some j1 and some j2 in J such that xj1I and yj2I. As xyj1I, we have yj1I since I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal. Similarly, xyj2I implies xj2I.

Since xy(j1j2)I and xyI, we have either x(j1j2)I or y(j1j2)I. Suppose that x(j1j2)I. Therefore, (xj1)(xj2)x(j1j2)I and so (xj1)(xj2)I. Hence xj2I and xj1I, which is a contradiction.

Similarly, if y(j1j2)I then (yj1)(yj2)I. Hence yj1I and yj2I, which is a contradiction. Hence xJI or yJI. □

Remark 3.5

The converse of Theorem 3.5 does not hold.

Example 3.6

Consider the ideal I=(l] of the lattice shown in . Thus I=(o]. I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal. Consider the ideal J=(e]. Now, hiJ=JI, hJ=JI and iJ=JI, but hiI.

We give a characterization of a 2-absorbing primary ideal, which is an analog of [Citation3, Theorem 2.19].

Theorem 3.6

Let I be a proper ideal of a lattice L. Then I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal if and only if whenever I1I2I3I for some ideals I1,I2,I3 of L, then I1I2I or I1I3I or I2I3I.


Let I be an ideal of L such that if I1I2I3I for some ideals I1,I2,I3 of L then I1I2I or I1I3I or I2I3I or I1I3I or I2I3I. We show that I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L. Let abcI for a,b,cL. This implies that (a](b](c]I. Let I1=(a], I2=(b] and I3=(c]. By hypothesis, either I1I2I or I1I3I or I2I3I. Hence either abI or acI or bcI. Thus I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.

Conversely, suppose that I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal. Let I1I2I3I for some ideals I1,I2,I3 of L. Suppose that I1I2I. We show that I1I3I or I2I3I. Suppose that I1I3I and I2I3I. Then there exist q1I1 and q2I2 such that q1I3I and q2I3I. As q1q2I3I, we have q1q2I by Theorem 3.5. Since I1I2I, we have abI for some aI1, bI2. Since abI3I and abI, we have aI3I or bI3I by Theorem 3.5. We consider three cases.

Case 1: Suppose that aI3I but bI3I. Since q1bI3I and bI3I and q1I3I, we conclude that q1bI by Theorem 3.5. Since (aq1)bI3I and aI3I, but q1I3I, we conclude that (aq1)I3I. Since bI3I and (aq1)I3I, we conclude that (aq1)bI by Theorem 3.5. Since (ab)(q1b)(aq1)bI, we have (ab)(q1b)I. Thus q1bI and abI, a contradiction.

Case 2: Suppose that bI3I, but aI3I.

Since aq2I3I and aI3I and q2I3I, we conclude that aq2I by Theorem 3.5. Since a(bq2)I3I and bI3I, but q2I3I, we conclude that (bq2)I3I. Since aI3I and (bq2)I3I, we conclude that a(bq2)I by Theorem 3.5. Since (ab)(aq2)a(bq2)I, we have (ab)(aq2)I. Thus aq2I and abI, a contradiction.

Case 3: aI3I and bI3I.

Since bI3I and q2I3I, we conclude that (bq2)I3I. Since q1(bq2)I3I and q1I3I and (bq2)I3I, we conclude that q1(bq2)I by Theorem 3.5. As (q1b)(q1q2)q1(bq2)I, we have (q1b)(q1q2)I. Hence bq1I. Since aI3I and q1I3I, we conclude that (aq1)I3I. Since (aq1)q2I3I and q2I3I and (aq1)I3I, we conclude that (aq1)q2I by Theorem 3.5. As (aq2)(q1q2)(aq1)q2I, we have (aq2)(q1q2)I. Hence aq2I. Now, since (aq1)(bq2)I3I and (aq1)I3I and (bq2)I3I, we conclude that (aq1)(bq2)I by Theorem 3.5. We conclude that abI, a contradiction. Hence I1I3I or I2I3I. □

Theorem 3.7

Let f:LL be a homomorphism of lattices. Then the following statements hold:


If P is a prime ideal of L, then f1(P) is a prime ideal of L.


If f is an isomorphism and P is a prime ideal of L, then f(P) is a prime ideal of L.


(1) Let abf1(P) for a,bL. Then f(ab)P. Hence f(a)f(b)P. This implies that either f(a)P or f(b)P. That is either af1(P) or bf1(P). Thus f1(P) is a prime ideal of L.

(2) Let abf(P) for a,bL. Then there exist some a,bL such that f(a)=a and f(b)=b. Thus f(a)f(b)=abf(P). Thus f(ab)f(P). Hence abP. As P is a prime ideal of L, either aP or bP. That is either f1(a)P or f1(b)P. Hence either af(P) or bf(P). Thus f(P) is a prime ideal of L. □

Theorem 3.8

Let f:LL be a homomorphism of lattices. Then the following statements hold:


If I is an ideal of L, then f1(I)=f1(I).


If f is an isomorphism and I is an ideal of L, then f(I)=f(I).


(1) Let Pi’s be all prime ideals of L containing I where iΛ. Then f1(I)=f1(Pi). Which implies that f1(I)=f1(Pi). As Pi’s are prime ideals of L, f1(Pi)’s are prime ideals of L, by Theorem 3.7 (1) and as IPi, we have f1(I)f1(Pi). Which implies that f1(Pi)=f1(I). Hence f1(I)=f1(I).

(2) Let Pi’s be all prime ideals of L containing I where iΛ. Then f(I)=f(Pi). This implies that f(I)=f(Pi). As Pi’s are prime ideals of L, f(Pi)’s are prime ideals of L, by Theorem 3.7 (2) and as IPi, we have f(I)f(Pi). Implies that f(Pi)=f(I). Hence f(I)=f(I). □

The following result is an analog of [Citation3, Theorem 2.20].

Theorem 3.9

Let f:LL be a homomorphism of lattices. Then the following statements hold:


If I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L, then f1(I) is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.


If f is an isomorphism and I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L, then f(I) is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.


(1) Let a,b,cL such that abcf1(I). Then f(abc)=f(a)f(b)f(c)I. As I is 2-absorbing primary ideal, we have either f(a)f(b)I or f(a)f(c)I or f(b)f(c)I. That is either abf1(I) or acf1(I) or bcf1(I). As f1(I)=f1(I), by Theorem 3.8 (1), abf1(I) or acf1(I) or bcf1(I). Thus f1(I) is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.

(2) Let a,b,cL and abcf(I). Then there exist a,b,cL such that f(a)=a, f(b)=b, f(c)=c and f(a)f(b)f(c)=abcf(I). That is f(a)f(b)f(c)f(I). Hence abcI. As I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal, we have either abI or acI or bcI. That is either f1(ab)I or f1(ac)I or f1(bc)I. Thus either abf(I) or acf(I) or bcf(I). As f(I)=f(I), by Theorem 3.8 (2) abf(I) or acf(I) or bcf(I). Hence f(I) is a 2-absorbing ideal of L. □

4 2-absorbing primary ideals in product lattices

In this section we prove some results on 2-absorbing primary ideals in product lattices. The notion of the product lattice is from Gratzer [Citation9, p. 27].

The proof of the following theorem is obvious.

Theorem 4.1

Let L=L1×L2, where L1 and L2 are lattices. Let Pi’s and Qj’s be ideals of L1 and L2 respectively, where iΛ1 and jΛ2. Then (Pi×Qj)=Pi×Qj.

Theorem 4.2

Let L=L1×L2, where each Li, (i=1,2) is a lattice with 1. Then the following hold:


If I1 is an ideal of L1, then I1×L2=I1×L2.


If I2 is an ideal of L2, then L1×I2=L1×I2.


(1) Let (a,b)I1×L2. Thus (a,b)iΛ(Pi×L2), where and Pi’s are all prime ideals of a lattice L1 containing I1. Thus aiΛPi, bL2. Thus aI1, bL2 and so (a,b)I1×L2.

If (a,b)I1×L2 then aI1, bL2. Thus aiΛPi, bL2 and so (a,b)iΛ(Pi×L2). i.e. (a,b)I1×L2. Hence I1×L2=I1×L2.

(2) Proof is similar to that of (1). □

The following characterization gives a relation between a 2-absorbing primary ideal of a product of two lattices and a 2-absorbing primary ideal of one of the lattice in this product.

Theorem 4.3

Let L=L1×L2, where L1 and L2 are lattices. Let I be a proper ideal of L1. Then I×L2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal if and only if I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1.


Suppose that I×L2 is a 2-absorbing ideal of L. Let abcI for a,b,cL1. Then (abc,x)I×L2 for xL2. As I×L2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L, either (ab,x)I×L2 or (ac,x)I×L2 or (bc,x)I×L2. Then either (ab,x)I×L2 or (ac,x)I×L2 or (bc,x)I×L2, by Theorem 4.2. Hence either abI or acI or bcI.

Conversely, suppose that I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1. Let (abc,x)I for a,b,cL1 and xL2. As I is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1, either (ab,x)I×L2 or (ac,x)I×L2 or (bc,x)I×L2. That is either (ab,x)I×L2 or (ac,x)I×L2 or (bc,x)I×L2, by Theorem 4.2. □

Theorem 4.4

Let L=L1×L2, where L1 and L2 are lattices. Let I1 and I2 be proper ideals of L1 and L2 respectively. If I=I1×I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L then I1 and I2 are 2-absorbing primary ideals of L1 and L2 respectively.


Let abcI1 for some a,b,cL1. Then (abc,x)I1×I2 for xI2. As I1×I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal, either (ab,x)I1×I2 or (ac,x)I1×I2 or (bc,x)I1×I2, that is either (ab,x)I1×I2 or (ac,x)I1×I2 or (bc,x)I1×I2, by Theorem 4.2. Hence abI1 or acI1 or bcI1. Thus I1 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1. Similarly, we can show that I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L2. □

Remark 4.1

The converse of Theorem 4.4 need not hold.

Example 4.1

Consider the lattices L1, L2 and L=L1×L2 as shown in . Consider the ideals I1= 0 , I2= 0 of the lattices L1 and L2 respectively. Thus I1×I2= (0,0) and I1×I2= (0,0) . The ideals I1 and I2 are 2-absorbing primary ideals of L1 and L2 respectively. But for (a,1)(1,0)(b,1)=(0,0)I1×I2, neither (a,1)(1,0)=(a,0)I1×I2 nor (a,1)(b,1)=(0,1)I1×I2 nor (1,0)(b,1)=(b,0)I1×I2. Thus I1×I2 is not a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.

short-legendFig. 2

Now we give a characterization of a 2-absorbing primary ideal in a product of two lattices, which is an analog of [Citation3, Theorem 2.23].

Theorem 4.5

Let L=L1×L2, where L1 and L2 are bounded lattices. Let J be a proper ideal of L. Then the following statements are equivalent:


J is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.


Either J=I1×L2 for some 2-absorbing primary ideal I1 of L1 or J=L1×I2 for some 2-absorbing primary ideal I2 of L2 or J=I1×I2 for some primary ideal I1 of L1 and some primary ideal I2 of L2.


(1)(2). Suppose that J is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L. Then J=I1×I2 for some ideal I1 of L1 and some ideal I2 of L2.

Case 1: If I2=L2 then I1L1. Thus J=I1×L2. Let abcI1 for some a,b,cL1. Then (abc,xyz)I1×L2, where x,y,zL2. As J is a 2-absorbing primary ideal, we have either (ab,xy)I1×L2 or (ac,xz)I1×L2 or (bc,yz)I1×L2. By Lemma 3.1, either (ab,xy)I1×L2 or (ac,xz)I1×L2 or (bc,yz)I1×L2. Thus I1 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1.

Case 2: If I1=L1 then I2L2. Thus J=L1×I2. Similarly, as in previous case, I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L2.

Case 3: Now if I1L1 and I2L2 then J=I1×I2. That is J=I1×I2. On the contrary, suppose that I1 is not a primary ideal of L1. Then there are a,bL1 such that abI1 but neither aI1 nor bI1. Let x=(a,1), y=(1,0) and c=(b,1). Then xyc=(ab,0)J but neither xy=(a,0)J nor xc=(ab,1)J nor yc=(b,0)J, which is a contradiction. Thus I1 is a primary ideal of L1. Suppose that I2 is not a primary ideal of L2. Then there exist d,eL2 such that deI2 but neither dI2 nor eI2. Let x=(1,d), y=(0,1) and c=(1,e). Then xyc=(0,de)J but neither xy=(0,d)J nor xc=(1,de)J nor yc=(0,e)J, which is a contradiction. Thus I2 is a primary ideal of L2.

(2)(1). Suppose that J=I1×L2 for some 2-absorbing primary ideal I1 of L1. Let (a1,b1)(a2,b2)(a3,b3)I1×L2. Then a1a2a3I1. As I1 is 2-absorbing primary ideal of L1, we have either a1a2I1 or a1a3I1 or a2a3I1. That is either (a1,b1)(a2,b2)I1×L2 or (a1,b1)(a3,b3)I1×L2 or (a2,b2)(a3,b3)I1×L2. Hence either (a1,b1)(a2,b2)I1×L2 or (a1,b1)(a3,b3)I1×L2 or (a2,b2)(a3,b3)I1×L2 by Theorem 4.2. Thus J=I1×L2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L. Similarly L1×I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L. Suppose that J=I1×I2 for some primary ideal I1 of L1 and some primary ideal I2 of L2. Then P=I1×L2 and Q=L1×I2 are primary ideals of L. Hence PQ=I1×I2. Thus J=I1×I2 is a 2-absorbing primary ideal, by Theorem 3.1. □

The following theorem is a generalization of Theorem 4.5, which is an analog of [Citation3, Theorem 2.24].

Theorem 4.6

Let L=L1×L2×Ln, where 2n<, and L1,L2,,Ln are lattices. Let J be a proper ideal of L. Then the following statements are equivalent.


J is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L.


Either J=t=1nIt such that for some k 1,2,,n , Ik is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of Lk, and It=Lt for every t 1,2,,n k or J=t=1nIt such that for some k,m 1,2,,n , Ik is a primary ideal of Lk, Im is a primary ideal of Lm, and ItLt for every t 1,2,,n k,m .


(1)(2) We prove this theorem by induction on n. Assume n=2. Then by Theorem 4.5, the result holds. Thus suppose that 3n< and assume that the result is valid when K=L1×L2Ln1. Now we prove the result when L=K×Ln. By Theorem 4.5, J is a 2-absorbing primary ideal of L if and only if either J=A×Ln for some 2-absorbing primary ideal A of K or J=K×An for some 2-absorbing primary ideal An of Ln or J=A×An for some primary ideal A of K and some primary ideal An of Ln. Now observe that a proper ideal B of K is a primary ideal of K if and only if B=t=1n1It such that for some k 1,2,,n1 , Ik is a primary ideal of Lk, and ItLt for every t 1,2,,n1 k,m . □


Peer review under responsibility of Kalasalingam University.


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