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Original Article

Energy of a semigraphFootnote

, &
Pages 41-49 | Received 04 May 2017, Accepted 06 Jun 2018, Published online: 10 Jun 2020


Semigraph is a generalization of graph. We introduce the concept of energy in a semigraph in two ways, one, the matrix energy Em, as summation of singular values of the adjacency matrix of a semigraph, and the other, polynomial energy Ere, as energy of the characteristic polynomial of the adjacency matrix. We obtain some bounds for Em and show that Em is never a square root of an odd integer and Ere cannot be an odd integer. We investigate matrix energy of a partial semigraph and change in the matrix energy due to edge deletion.

1 Introduction

Let G be a graph of order n and let A be the adjacency matrix of G. The eigenvalues λ1,λ2,,λn of A are called eigenvalues of G. The energy of a graph is defined as the sum of the absolute values of its eigenvalues [Citation1] and it is an extensively studied quantity [Citation2,Citation3]. There are two generalizations of graph energy. Nikiforov [Citation4] generalized the concept of graph energy to that of the energy of any matrix. He defined the energy of a matrix M as the sum of the singular values of M. Another generalization of the graph energy is due to Mateljevic [Citation5] who defined the energy of an arbitrary polynomial such that Coulson integration formula remains valid.

Sampathkumar [Citation6] generalized the definition of a graph to a semigraph in the following way.

Definition 1

A semigraphG is an ordered pair of two sets V and X, where V is a non-empty set whose elements are called vertices of G and X is a set of n-tuples, called edges of G, of distinct vertices, for various n (n at least 2) satisfying the following conditions:


(SG1) — Any two edges have at most one vertex in common.


(SG2) — Two edges (u1,u2,,un) and (v1,v2,,vm) are considered to be equal if


m=n and


either ui=vi for i=1,2,,n; or ui=vn+1i, for i=1,2,,n.

Clearly the edge (u1,u2,,um) is same as (um,um1,,u1). For the edge e=(u1,u2,,un), u1 and un are called the end vertices of e and u2,u3,,un1 are called the middle vertices of e. A subedge of an edge e=(vi1,vi2,,vin) is a k-tuple e=(vij1,vij2,,vijk), where 1j1<j2<<jkn. We say that e is the subedge induced by the set of vertices vij1,vij2,,vijk . A partial edge of e is a (kj+1)-tuple e=(vij,vij+1,,vik), where 1j<kn. A semigraph G=(V,X) is a subsemigraph (partial semigraph) of a semigraph G=(V,X) if VV and the edges in G are the subedges (partial edges) of the edges in G.

Example 1

Consider a semigraph G=(V,X) in , where V= v1,v2, , v9 and X= (v1,v2,v3,v4),(v4,v5),(v1,v6,v5),(v4,v6,v7), (v5,v7),(v2,v6) , (v5,v9) . In G, vertices v1,v4,v5,v7, and v9 are the end vertices, v3 is a middle vertex, v2 and v6 are the middle-end vertices and v8 is an isolated vertex.

Fig. 1 Example of a semigraph.

The adjacency matrix of a semigraph is defined as follows [Citation7].

Definition 2

Let G(V,X) be a semigraph with vertex set V= 1,2,,m and edge set X= e1,e2,,en . The adjacency matrix of G(V,X) is an m×m matrix A(G)=[aij] defined as follows:


for every edge ei of X of cardinality, say k, let ei=(i1,i2,,ik) such that i1,i2,,ik are distinct vertices in V, for all irei;r=1,2,,k






All the remaining entries of A(G) are zero.

Example 2

For the semigraph G(V,X) given in , the adjacency matrix of G is

A matrix A is said to be semigraphical if there exists a semigraph G such that the adjacency matrix of G is A. The cardinality of an edge e is the number of vertices on that edge and is denoted by e . In [Citation8], the expanse of a semigraph G(V,X) is defined as E(G)=max e 1:eX . For the terms not defined here, the reader may refer to [Citation6Citation9Citation[10]Citation11].

In this paper, we define the polynomial energy Ere of a semigraph using the concept of energy of a polynomial. Also, we define the matrix energy Em of a semigraph using the singular values of its adjacency matrix. For the graphs, these two definitions coincide with the definition of graph energy. Bapat et al. [Citation12] proved that the energy of a graph is never an odd integer. This holds for our definition of Ere. It has been proved that the energy of a graph is never the square root of an odd integer [Citation13]. This holds for our definition of Em. In Section 2, we obtain some bounds for Em and prove that Em is never the square root of an odd integer and in Section 3, we prove that Ere is never an odd integer. In Section 4, we discuss the energy of partial semigraphs and change in the matrix energy due to edge deletion.

2 Matrix energy of a semigraph Em(G)

Nikiforov defined the energy of a general matrix (not necessarily square) as the summation of the singular values of that matrix.

Definition 3

Let A(G) be the adjacency matrix of a semigraph G. The matrix energy of a semigraph G, denoted by Em(G), is defined as the summation of the singular values of A(G).

We observe the following.


A(G)A(G) is a positive semidefinite matrix. So its eigenvalues λ1,λ2,, λn are non-negative and therefore the singular values of A(G) are non-negative real numbers. Thus, Em(G)0. In fact, Em(G)=0 if and only if the number of edges in G is zero.


If G1 is a semigraph obtained by relabeling of the vertices of G, then A(G1)A(G1) is obtained by interchanging the rows and the corresponding columns of A(G)A(G). Therefore the eigenvalues of A(G)A(G) and A(G1)A(G1) are same and thus the singular values of G and G1 are same. Hence the energy Em of a semigraph is well defined.

In [Citation14], we see that for a graph G with non-empty edge set, the energy E(G) of G is greater or equal to 2. For a semigraph G, we obtain a similar bound. First, we note that if e=(i1,i2,,ik) is an edge of a semigraph G, then the principal submatrix of A(G) induced by the rows and columns i1,i2,,ik is the adjacency matrix of the edge induced partial semigraph G1=e. Let σi(B),i=1,,n, denote the singular values of a matrix B.

Theorem 1

If G is a semigraph with nonempty edge set, then Em(G)2E(G).


If the expanse of a semigraph G is k, then there exists an edge eG(X) with cardinality k+1. The adjacency matrix A(e) is a principal submatrix of A(G) and each of the two nonzero singular values is greater than k. As, i=1nσi(A(e))i=1nσi(A(G)), the result follows.

In fact, the singular values of A(e) are kk+12 and k(k+1)(k+2)6, hence Em(G)kk+12+k(k+1)(k+2)6. □

From the fact that the adjacency matrix of a graph is a symmetric matrix, its singular values are same as eigenvalues. Thus for a graph G, its energy E(G) is same as Em(G).

Corollary 1

For a graph G with nonempty edge set, Em(G)=E(G)2.


The result follows as E(G)=1. □

If the cardinality of an edge e of a semigraph is denoted by ke+1, then clearly ke1. Now we have the following lemma.

Lemma 1

If A=A(G) is the adjacency matrix of a semigraph G on n vertices and μ1,μ2, ,μn are the eigenvalues of AA, then i=1nμi=2eX(12+22++ke2).


Corresponding to every edge e of cardinality ke+1, there is a sequence 1,2,,ke in the rows corresponding to the end vertices of that edge. So every edge contributes 2(12+22++ke2) to the trace of AA.

Thus, trace(AA)=2eX(12+22++ke2).

Hence, i=1nμi=2eX(12+22++ke2). □

The following result gives the bounds for Em(G).

Theorem 2

For a semigraph G on n vertices 2eX(12+22++ke2)Em(G)2neX(12+22++ke2).


Let μi,i=1,2,,n be the eigenvalues of AA and σi,i=1,2,,n be the singular values of A. Consider the two vectors (σ1,σ2,,σn) and (1,1,,1). By Cauchy–Schwarz’s inequality, we have

Thus, (1) Em(G)22neX(12+22++ke2)(1) and (2) Em(G)2=(i=1nσi)2i=1nσi2=2i=1nμi(2) The result follows from Eqs. (1),(2) and Lemma 1. □

As ke=1 for every edge of a graph, we have the following observation.

Corollary 2

If G is a graph on n vertices and m edges, then 2mE(G)2mn.

Theorem 3

For a semigraph G on n vertices, Em(G)22eX(12+22++ke2)+n(n1)Δ1n,where Δ=det(AA).


Let σi,i=1,,n, be the singular values of G. We have

(3) Em(G)2=i=1nσi2=i=1nσi2+21i<jnσiσj=trace(A(G)A(G))+ijσiσj(3)
As σi’s are non-negative numbers, so σiσj are n(n1) non-negative numbers.

Therefore, arithmetic mean of σiσj geometric mean of σiσj implies


Thus, (4) ijσiσjn(n1)Δ1n,(4) where Δ=det(AA). From Eqs. (3), (Equation4) and Lemma 1 the result follows. □

Corollary 3

If G is a graph on n vertices and m edges, then E(G)22m+n(n1)Δ1n.

For a matrix A=[aij], the norm A2 is defined as ijaij2. The following lemma can be seen in [Citation4].

Lemma 2

If A is any non-constant matrix and σ1,σ2,,σn are singular values of A, then (5) E(A)σ1+‖A‖22σ12σ2.(5)

Now, we obtain a lower bound for Em.

Theorem 4

If G is a semigraph on n vertices having largest singular value σ1 and second largest singular value σ2, then Em(G)σ1+2neX(12+22++ke2)σ12σ2.


By substituting A=A(G) and using Lemma 1 and, we get the result. □

Example 3

If G(V,X) is a path semigraph, V= 1,2,,n and X= e(1,2,,n) , then the nonzero singular values of G are σ1=(n1)n2 and σ2=(n1)n(n+1)6. The energy of G is Em=σ1+2neX(12+22++ke2)σ12σ2.Thus the bound given in Theorem 4 is attained.

Theorem 5

Em is never the square root of an odd integer.


As i=1nμi=trace(AA), we have i=1nμi=2t, where t=eX(12+22++ke2) is a positive integer. If σ1,σ2,,σn are the singular values of A, then (6) (σ1+σ2++σn)2=i=1nσi2+2i<jσiσj=2t+2i<jσiσj.(6)

Therefore, Em2=2(t+i<jσiσj). If (t+i<jσiσj) is an integer, then Em2 is an even integer. Thus Em is never the square root of an odd integer. □

3 Polynomial energy of a semigraph Ere

The energy Ere(ϕ) of a polynomial ϕ is defined as Ere(ϕ)= Re(zi) , where zi’s are the roots of ϕ (see [Citation5]). The eigenvalues of a semigraph are the zeros of the characteristic polynomial of its adjacency matrix.

Definition 4

Let G be a semigraph on n vertices with eigenvalues λ1,λ2,, λn. The polynomial energy of the semigraph G, denoted by Ere(G), is defined as Ere(G)=i=1n Re(λi) .

If a semigraph G is a graph, then Ere=Em=i=1n λi , where λi’s are the eigenvalues of G.

Let A and B be matrices of order m×n and p×q, respectively. The Krönecker product of A and B, denoted by AB, is the mp×nq block matrix [aijB]. We have the following lemma.

Lemma 3

If G1 and G2 are two semigraphs of orders m and n respectively, and A1 and A2 are the adjacency matrices of G1 and G2 with eigenvalues λ1,λ2,,λm and μ1,μ2,,μn respectively, then A=A1I1+I2A2 is a semigraphical matrix, where I1,I2 are the identity matrices of appropriate sizes. Further, λi+μj, where i=1,2,,m;j=1,2,,n are the eigenvalues of A.


Let V1= u1,u2,,um and V2= v1,v2,,vn be the vertex sets of the semigraphs G1 and G2, respectively. Let V=V1×V2. Consider the semigraph G with vertex set V. e=((ui1,vi1),(ui2,vi2),,(uik,vik)) is an edge of G if and only if (ui1,ui2,,uik) is an edge of G1 and vi1=vi2==vik; or (vi1,vi2,,vik) is an edge of G2 and ui1=ui2==uik. G is called the product of the semigraphs G1 and G2, and is denoted by G1×G2. We observe that the adjacency matrix of G1×G2 is A1I+IA2. Hence the eigenvalues of G1×G2 are λi+μj, where i=1,2,,m;j=1,2,,n. □

The following lemma can be seen in [Citation9].

Lemma 4


If α is a zero of a monic polynomial with integer coefficients, then α is an integer.

Thus we have the following result.

Theorem 6

Ere(G) is never an odd integer.


Let A be the adjacency matrix of a semigraph G and λ1,λ2,,λn be the eigenvalues of G. Since the trace of A is zero, we have (7) i=1nλi=0.(7) Let Λ+ be the set of λi’s having positive real part, and Λ be the set of λi’s having negative real part.

If x+iy is an eigenvalue of G, then xiy is also an eigenvalue of G. Further, both x+iy,xiyΛ+ (or Λ). Therefore, Λ+λi and Λλi are real numbers and Λ+λi=Λ+Re(λi), Λλi=ΛRe(λi).

From Eq. (Equation7), we have Λ+λi+Λλi=0, that is, Λ+λi=Λλi.

Suppose Λ+= λ1,λ2,,λr . Therefore (8) Ere(G)=i=1n Re(λi) =2Λ+ Re(λi) =2i=1rRe(λi).(8) By Lemma 3, (λ1+λ2++λr) is an eigenvalue of the semigraph G×G××G (r times). Thus (λ1+λ2++λr) is a zero of a monic polynomial with integer coefficients. Therefore, if (λ1+λ2++λr) is a rational number then it is an integer. Hence the result follows from Eq. (Equation8). □

Not only Ere(G) is never an odd integer, but also every even integer is a polynomial energy of some semigraph as shown in the example below.

Example 4

Consider G(V,X), with vertex set V= 1,2,,k+1 and edge set X= e(1,2,,k+1) . The eigenvalues of G are k,k. Thus, Ere=2k.

4 Matrix energy Em and partial semigraphs

For a graph G, we know E(G)2. Now we obtain a similar bound for a semigraph. It is easy to observe that if e is an edge of G, then the adjacency matrix A(e) of the edge induced partial semigraph is a principal submatrix of A(G). For a semigraph G, let σi(G) denote the singular values of G.

Theorem 7

If G is a semigraph with expanse k, then Em(G)2k.


If expanse of G is k, then G contains an edge e of cardinality k+1. The adjacency matrix of e, the edge induced partial semigraph is A(e)=01k1k0000kk110.

The positive singular values of A(e),σi(A(e)) are greater than k. Since σi(A(e))i=1pσi(A(G)), we have 2kEm(G). □

Theorem 8

If G1 is a partial semigraph of G and C is a cut set consisting of only graphical edges such that G1 is a component of the semigraph obtained by deleting C from G, then Em(G1)Em(G).


Let G1 and G2 be the components obtained by deleting edges of C from G. As GC=G1G2, so A(G)=A(G1)XXA(G2), where X=A(C).

Therefore, σi(A(G1))σi(A(G)). Hence, Em(G1)Em(G). □

Corollary 4

If e is a bridge, then Em(Ge)Em(G).

If a bridge is deleted, the energy of a semigraph always decreases. But edge deletion does not always imply the same. In fact, Em(G) may increase or decrease if an edge is deleted from a semigraph. In the example given below, one edge deletion decreases Em(G), while when the other edge is deleted Em(G) increases.

Example 5

Consider the semigraph G=K85 with the vertex set V(G)= 1,2,3, 4,5,6,7,8 and the edge set X(G)= (1,2,3,4,5),(1,6),(2,6),(3,6),(4, 6),(5,6),(1,7),(2,7),(3,7),(4,7),(5,7),(1,8),(2,8),(3,8),(4,8),(5,8),(6,7),(6,8),(7,8) . The adjacency matrix of K85 is

Clearly the energy of Em(G)=17.37831.

If we delete any edge joining a vertex of a semigraphical edge (1,2, 3,4,5) and any of the vertices 6,7,8 , the energy Em(G) increases. Whereas if any edge between the vertices 6,7,8 or a partial/full edge (1,2,3,4,5) is deleted then the energy Em(G) decreases.

The following are some examples where energy increases. Em(G(1,6))=Em(G(5,6))=17.841059,Em(G(2,6))=17.939753, Em(G(3,6))=17.981907,Em(G(4,6))=17.939794.

If we delete any of the edges (4,5),(6,7),(8,7),Em(G) decreases. Em(G(4,5))=15.6333,Em(G(6,7))=16.67771,Em(G(8,7))=16.67771.

Now we find some partial semigraphs of a given semigraph G such that matrix energy of partial semigraph is necessarily less than or equal to the matrix energy of G. If B is a principal submatrix of a square matrix A, then Em(B)Em(A) (see [Citation14]). However not all the principal submatrices of A(G) are semigraphical. Also, every partial semigraph of G does not have adjacency matrix which is a principal submatrix of A(G).

Definition 5

Let X1 be a nonempty subset of the edges of a semigraph G(V,X) and V1 be the set of the vertices belonging to the edges in X1. The semigraph G1 with vertex set V1 and edge set X1 is called the edge induced partial semigraph of G, induced by X1. Further, this edge induced partial semigraph of G, induced by X1, is called the edge induced complete semigraph if every edge containing two or more vertices of V1 is in X1.

Example 6

Consider a semigraph G=(V,X) with V= 1,2,,8 , X= e1(1,2,3,4),e2(4,5),e3(1,6,5),e4(4,6,7),e5(5,7),e6(2,6),e7(5,8) . A semigraph G1(V1,X1) with V1= 1,5,6,8 and X1= e3(1,6,5),e7(5,8) is an edge induced complete semigraph of the semigraph G. But G2(V2,X2) with V2= 4,5,7 , X2= e2(4,5),e5(5,7) is not an edge induced complete semigraph of G, as G contains the edge e4(4,6,7) but G2 does not contain e4 even though the vertices 4,7V2.

Definition 6

Let X1 be a subset of X. Edge induced complete closure of X1 is the smallest subset Y of X containing X1 such that the edge induced partial semigraph of Y is an edge induced complete semigraph.

Edge induced complete closure of X1 is denoted by X1¯.

Algorithm to find edge induced complete closure:

Algorithm 1

Given: A nonempty subset X1 of (full) edges of a semigraph G, to find X1¯.


If X1= e , then X1¯=X1.


If X1 2, then let m0=X1,V0= set of vertices on the edges of m0. If u,vV0 such that u,v belong to an edge eX and em0, then add e to m0. m1=m0 eX:u,vV0 such that u,v are vertices of e and em0 .


In general mi+1=mi eX:u,vVi such that u,v belong to e and emi and Vi+1= set of vertices on the edges of mi+1. If mi+1=mi then mi+1=m0¯.


As G has finitely many edges, the above process halts. □

Lemma 5

If G1 is an edge induced complete semigraph of G, then A(G1) is a principal submatrix of A(G).


Proof is clear from the definition of edge induced complete semigraph. □

Theorem 9

If G1 is an edge induced complete semigraph of G, then Em(G1)Em(G).


The proof follows from Lemma 5. □

The above condition is sufficient, but not necessary for a partial semigraph G1 of G to have energy Em(G1)Em(G).

Example 7

Consider the semigraph G with V= 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 , X= e1(8,7,2,6),e2(1,2,3,4),e3(3,7),e4(2,5),e5(6,5) . The adjacency matrix of G is


Consider the edge induced partial semigraph G1=e1,e2 of G with Em(G1)=14.716249. Here G1 is not an edge induced complete semigraph of G and Em(G1)Em(G).


Peer review under responsibility of Kalasalingam University.


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