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Orientable Zn-distance magic regular graphs



Hefetz, Mütze, and Schwartz conjectured that every connected undirected graph admits an antimagic orientation (Hefetz et al., 2010). In this paper we support the analogous question for distance magic labeling. Let Γ be an Abelian group of order n. A directed Γ-distance magic labeling of an oriented graph G=(V,A) of order n is a bijection l:VΓ with the property that there is a magic constant μΓ such that for every xV(G) w(x)=yN+(x)l(y)yN(x)l(y)=μ. In this paper we provide an infinite family of odd regular graphs possessing an orientable Zn-distance magic labeling. Our results refer to lexicographic product of graphs. We also present a family of odd regular graphs that are not orientable Zn-distance magic.

1 Introduction

Consider a simple graph G and a simple oriented graph G. We denote by V(G) the vertex set and by E(G) the edge set of G. For G we denote by V(G) the vertex set and by A(G) the arc set of G. We denote the order of G by |V(G)|. An arc xy is considered to be directed from x to y, moreover y is called the head and x is called the tail of the arc. For a vertex x, the set of head endpoints adjacent to x is denoted by N(x), and the set of tail endpoints adjacent to x is denoted by N+(x). For graph theory notations and terminology not described in this paper, the readers are referred to Citation[1].

In this paper we investigate distance magic labelings, which belong to a large family of magic-type labelings. Probably the best known problem in the area of magic and antimagic labelings is the antimagic conjecture by Hartsfield and Ringel Citation[2], which claims that the edges of every graph except K2 can be labeled by integers 1,2,,|E| so that the weight of each vertex is different. The conjecture is still open. Twenty years later Hefetz, Mütze, and Schwartz introduced the variation of antimagic labelings, i.e., antimagic labelings on directed graphs. Moreover, they conjectured that every connected undirected graph admits an antimagic orientation Citation[3]. The papers Citation[4–6] stated the analogous question for distance magic labeling, namely when a graph G of order n has a Zn-distance magic orientation.

Formally speaking, a directed Γ -distance magic labeling of an oriented graph G=(V,A) of order n is a bijection l:VΓ with the property that there is a magic constant μΓ such that for every xV(G) w(x)=yN+(x)l(y)yN(x)l(y)=μ,where the sum is taken in the group Γ, and instead of writing a+(b) we use a ab notation.

If for a graph G there exists an orientation G such that there is a directed Γ-distance magic labeling l for G, we say that G is orientable Γ -distance magic and the directed Γ-distance magic labeling l we call an orientable Γ -distance magic labeling.

Cichacz, Freyberg and Froncek proved the following theorems.

Theorem 1

Citation[4] Let G have order n2(mod4) and all vertices of odd degree. There does not exist an orientable Zn -distance magic labeling of G .

Theorem 2

Citation[4] The complete graph Kn is orientable Zn -distance magic if and only if n is odd.

Theorem 3

Citation[4] Let G=Kn1,n2,,nk be a complete k -partite graph such that 1n1n2nk and n=n1+n2++nk is odd. The graph G is orientable Zn -distance magic graph if n22 .

In this paper we consider two out of four standard graph products (see Citation[7]). The Cartesian product GH of graphs G and H is a graph such that the vertex set of GH is the Cartesian product V(G)×V(H) and any two vertices (g,h) and (g,h) are adjacent in GH if and only if either g=g and h is adjacent with h in H or h=h and g is adjacent with g in G.

The lexicographic product GH is a graph with the vertex set V(G)×V(H). Two vertices (g,h) and (g,h) are adjacent in GH if and only if either g is adjacent with g in G or g=g and h is adjacent to h in H. GH is also called the composition of graphs G and H and denoted by G[H] (see Citation[1]).

We will also discuss join graphs. We say that G is a join graph if G is the complete union of two graphs G1=(V1,E1) and G2=(V2,E2). In other words, V=V1V2 and E=E1E2{uv:uV1,vV2}. If G is the join graph of G1 and G2, we shall write G=G1+G2.

Freyberg and Keranen proved recently.

Theorem 4

Citation[6] If H is an orientable Zm -distance magic graph of order m and n2(mod4) , then the lexicographic product G=HKn¯ is orientable Zmn -distance magic.

So far there was known only one example of odd regular graph orientable Zn-distance magic Citation[4]. Note that by Theorems 2 and 4 for m odd and n2(mod4) the product KmKn¯Kn,n,,nm is orientable Zmn-distance magic. In Theorem 6 we give necessary and sufficient conditions for KmKn¯ being orientable Zmn-distance magic. As a consequence, we provide an infinite family of odd regular graphs possessing directed Zn-distance magic labeling. Moreover in Section 3 we will show one more example of a family of graphs that is orientable Zn-distance magic if and only if n2(mod4). In the last section we present some family of odd regular graphs that are not orientable Zn-distance magic. Before we proceed, we will need the following theorem.

Theorem 5

Citation[8] Let n=r1+r2++rq be a partition of the positive integer 2t , where ri2 for i=1,2,,q . Let A={t,(t1),,1,1,,(t1),t} . Then the set A can be partitioned into pairwise disjoint subsets A1,A2,,Aq such that for every 1iq , |Ai|=ri with aAia=0 .

2 Lexicographic products

Consider a graph G=KmKn¯. Let us denote independent sets of vertices by V1,V2,,Vm where Vi={v1i,v2i,,vni} for i{1,2,,m}. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for KmKn¯ being orientable Zmn-distance magic.

Theorem 6

A graph G=KmKn¯ is orientable Zmn -distance magic if and only if n1(mod2) or m2(mod4) for n2 . When n=1 , G is orientable Zmn -distance magic if and only if m is odd.


By Theorem 2 we can assume that n>1. If mn is odd, then we are done by Theorem 3. Moreover from Theorem 1 we can conclude that for n1(mod2) and m2(mod4) there does not exist an orientable Zmn-distance magic labeling for the graph G. We consider two cases:

Case 1: mn0(mod4).

Let A={mn2+1,mn2+2,,1,1,,mn22,mn21}=Zmn{0,mn2}.

If n=2, then let A1={0,mn2} and there exists a zero-sum partition A2,A3,,Am of the set A such that |Ai|=2 for every 2im by Theorem 5. Let q be the index of subset containing mn4.

If n>2, then by Theorem 5 there exists a partition of A into A1,A2,,Am such that |A1|=|A2|=n1, |Ai|=n for i=3,4,,m and aAia=0 for i=1,2,,m. Without loss of generality mn4Aq, where q1. Let A1=A1{mn2}, A2=A2{0}, Ai=Ai, where i=3,4,,m.

Note that in both situations aAia0(modmn) for i=2,3,,m. Label vertices from each set Vi by the elements of Ai with the restriction that l(v11)=mn2 and l(v1q)=mn4.

Let o(uv) be the orientation for the edge uv. For edges vi1vjq from E(G) we have (1) o(vi1vjq)=vi1vjq,i{1,2,,n},j=1vjqvi1,i{1,2,,n},j{2,3,,n}.(1) This way we obtained the edge orientation between V1 and Vq. For the remaining pairs of partition vertex sets Vk and Vl we demand all edges to be oriented the same from the kth set to the lth set or conversely. Let us check the weight of the vertex vi1 for i{1,,n}. Namely w(vi1)=k=2,kqm±vVkl(v)+l(v1q)j=2nl(vjq)=(m2)0+mn4(0mn4)=mn2. Consider now v1q and its weight w(v1q)=k=2,kqm±vVkl(v)i=1nl(vi1)=(m2)0mn2=mn2.Now we calculate w(viq) for i{2,,n}. w(viq)=k=2,kqm±vVkl(v)+j=1nl(vj1)=(m2)0+mn2=mn2.And finally we check w(vij), where i{1,,n} and j{2,,m},jq. Namely w(vij)=k=2,kj,qm±vVkl(v)±vV1l(v)±vVql(v)=(m2)0±mn2±0=mn2.Thus G is orientable Zmn-distance magic.

Case 2: m1(mod4) and n2(mod4).

For the set Vk we introduce the following orientation o(vikvjl)=vjlvikfor all l{km12,km12+1,,k1} (where operations are taken modulo m). For the remaining edges we have o(vikvjl)=vikvjl.

We say that Vl precedes Vk and Vk succeeds Vl if arcs between vertices of Vl and Vk have tails in Vl and heads in Vk. Define the labeling l such that l(vik)=(i1)+(k1)n, where i{1,2,,n} and k{1,2,,m}. It is easy to see that for each k{1,2,,m},i{1,2,,n} we have w(vik)=vVl:VlprecedesVkl(v)vVl:VlsucceedsVkl(v)=m12nd(modmn),where d is a constant difference between labels aijAj and aijAj where j=j+m+12(modm). Therefore d=nm+12. We obtain the magic constant μm12m+12n2(modmn). □

Observe that if G is an odd regular graph, then the lexicographic product GK¯2n+1 is also an odd regular graph. From Theorem 5 we obtain the following observation showing that there exist infinitely many odd regular graphs that are orientable Γ-distance magic for a cyclic group Γ.

Observation 1

The lexicographic product K4mK¯2n+1 has a Z4m(2n+1) -distance magic labeling for any m,n1 .

Note that the method presented above works also for other families of graphs, for instance for K1,4m+3K¯n. We just assign the label 4(m+1)n2 to some vertex in the center of the K1,4m+3K¯n and place 4(m+1)n4 in the other set. The orientation in K1,4m+3K¯n is similar to the general case.

3 Join graphs

Theorem 7

The join graph G=Pn1+K1 is orientable Zn -distance magic if and only if n2(mod4) .


Let v1,v2,,vn1 be consecutive vertices belonging to Pn1, and let vn be the remaining vertex of G.

First we prove that when n2(mod4) G is not orientable Zn-distance magic. We proceed by contradiction and assume that G is orientable Zn-distance magic. Let l be some orientable Zn-distance magic labeling of G and let μ be the magic constant. Because the group Zn has an even order, it makes sense to speak about parity. Observe that μ(mod2)w(vn)(mod2)(l(v1)++l(vn1))(mod2)zZnzl(vn)(mod2)(1+l(vn))(mod2). Therefore the parity of l(vn) is always opposite to the parity of μ.

Since w(v1)(mod2)(l(vn)+l(v2))(mod2)(l(vn)+1)(mod2) we get l(v2)1(mod2). Moreover w(v3)(l(v2)+l(v4)+l(vn))(mod2) which implies l(v4)0(mod2), and in general l(vj)1(mod2) for j2(mod4), and l(vj)0(mod2) for j0(mod4). On the other hand w(vn1)(l(vn2)+l(vn))(mod2), so l(vn2)1(mod2), but n20(mod4). Contradiction. In other cases we show that G is orientable Zn-distance magic.

We set the following labeling. When n is odd we assign l(vi)=i for i=1,,n1 and l(vn)=0. Now we set orientation. o(vivi+1)=vivi+1and o(vivn)=vnvi,for i=1,,n2. And finally o(vn1vn)=vn1vn.

Observe that when i=2,,n2 we get w(vi)=i+1(i1)0=2. Next, w(v1)=20=2, w(vn1)=(n2)+0=2, and finally w(vn)=1+2++(n2)(n1)=1n+1=2. This way we obtain magic constant μ=2.

When n0(mod4) we change the orientation of two arcs: vnvn1 to vn1vn and vsvn to vnvs, where s=n41. We set the same labeling as in the previous case. Therefore w(vi), where i{1,,n1}{s}, can be calculated similarly. Next, w(vs)=s+1(s1)+0=2, and w(vn)=1+2++(s1)s+(s+1)++(n1)=1++(n1)2s=n22(n41)=2. And we get the magic labeling with μ=2. □

4 Prism graphs

In this section we present some odd regular graphs that are not orientable distance magic. The prism is a Cartesian product P2Cn.

Theorem 8

Let us consider a prism graph G of order 2n . There does not exist an orientable Z2n -distance magic labeling.


If |G|=|P2Cn|2(mod4) the thesis is fulfilled on the basis of Theorem 1. We are going to consider situation when |G|0(mod4). Suppose that there exists an oriented Z2n-distance magic labeling for a graph G. Since G is bipartite graph we can assume that it has partition sets U={u1,u2,,u2k} and W={w1,w2,,w2k}.

As in Section 3 since Z2n has an even order, it makes sense to speak about even and odd elements. Let us focus on the parity of the magic constant. There is no need to consider direction of edges because addition and subtraction modulo 2 give the same results. If we know the parity of three consecutive labels l(ui1), l(ui),l(ui+1), then we can say what is the parity of the element l(ui+2). The parity of the magic constant generated by three consecutive labels needs to be preserved, which means: (l(ui)+l(ui+1)+l(ui+2))(l(ui+1)+l(ui+2)+l(ui+3))(mod2)Therefore, l(ui)l(ui+3)(mod2) for any i{1,2,,2k}.

Hence knowing the parity of three initial labels one can establish parity of the remaining labels. We examine two possibilities, according to the cardinality of U.

Suppose first, that |U|0(mod3). One can check that l(x)l(y)(mod2) for any x,y from the same partition set. Thus, l(u)1+l(w)(mod2) for uU and wW. Because the graph is odd regular the parity of the magic constant depends on the partition set, a contradiction.

We assume now that |U|0(mod3), then we have to examine every three initial labels generating the rest of the sequence. For labels of the same parity we have contradiction that is compatible with the description above. If one of the three initial l(u1),l(u2),l(u3) is an even number and the rest are odd numbers then in the whole U component we have 13 of all even numbers and 23 of odd numbers. They generate even magic constant. On the other hand, in W component we have 13 of all odd numbers and 23 of all even numbers (the rest of remaining labels). This does not allow a labeling that generates even magic constant because vertices from W also should meet the rule of the same parity on every third element of the sequence. Therefore, there also should be 13 of all even numbers and 23 of odd numbers or all labels were even. That situation is not possible.

The case looks similar in the scheme with one odd number and two even numbers in initial three l(u1),l(u2),l(u3). Above consideration exhausts other possible cases and therefore proves the rightness of the formula. □

So far there was known only one example of a graph that is orientable Zn-distance magic Citation[4], in this paper we have introduced an infinite family of odd regular graphs possessing an orientable Zn-distance magic labeling. We have also provided a family of join graphs that are orientable Zn-distance magic. Moreover we presented a family of odd regular graphs that are not orientable Zn-distance magic. One may wonder whether there are more infinite families of lexicographic product of graphs being orientable Zn-distance magic. The same question could be posed for join graphs. We still have a little knowledge in this field. We hope our results and proof techniques will be useful in further research in graph labeling.


We would like to thank Sylwia Cichacz for her support, encouragement, assistance in proofreading this researchand delivering valuable tips and resources. We could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor. We are also very grateful to Dominika Datoń, Kinga Patera, Natalia Pondel, Maciej Gabryś and Przemysław Zietek from “Snark” Research Student Association for their help and involvement in initial phase of our analysis.


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